The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-14, Page 8=NOW iNini Murdoch iec Cameron Company's { Weekly Store News aummusionimillassoommil. 1`. Snap in, ercoats tes Au: Buckskin Moccasins. WeAre. sellinglota Of these itueltskin "Moceasins„ es. they are TU' *Lathing for the boys au, girls running, around the snow, and.they ale just tbO'eurrent, ',Ling to wear .witb snow- 41i0e40410.• • Pricea ;pin 1,000.25 and $1.50 ,naieorning size. Thur 6.4Y0 antjoitli 'Oita 1.91s Langsid4 „ -"Monday, Jae. it. BORA On Sunday, Jan, 1.0141 to Mt and Mr* Orr, * son. Mnt. 4halan Ross and dela hter Helen, of Oarlyale, Sask., are upending a few daps visiting trieeds around here. - Mr, and Mils. IL l'inuell entertained : breaking het anis 3u4t, above the wrist- a, 01001 load of the young .people hte T)whoerriehwitlebwegut i Sonntirltnt attySee b licco)14aid : tlirtnitielt.y eveinng. All report an eiceet en iI Bakes Church...on tire afternoon .nu! The aininal busineist Ineting ,i)f the, evemug of :"Monday, januarg 18th. it. congregative will be livid oh Monday, . ,egrte: -ion4ralv:-riictititeill'Insvd;illitlirid.::1U1Ii°4ail:),:koCapeni:d::'lef.1101;11:;?1,:teiiii;Gu_re:(_14... jaa. .CItil. ' 4 Plx* °Prclient441°4 °I 411(10::rilufixerlikYl.eirOeuniSt.UnS: ea,Y3eki:e.risaini'il,:`01,):. Lati;g:Urb'::::01:'841;1111dAeleg;°:::$9;te:18w3;arrrtIt::';h•We:8°:874:10:1'.rleintkte-41t,tdnad..-tttlihk:e. 3rde ' tiler -0 114,tmett PeagefliliV awalt it Ybs,"du-ctoul:lit:1:8;weth:Wrogai":"tt.h(:rfeht: dasqa her Mime here, Mrs W. E. Hall ut the good attenda,nee;The meeting On Thu - ripe old age of oinety.two. Mr* 11411.,...e9r.1 . Jan. 14th, is to be taken by Jennie Whoso maiden nanie was MArtila Qatt• Iter.4. frey, was born in 'Antrim. Countw. Ire- land', in 1823 Her paieuts, Thontaa and Sarah Ocklfrey, thrived to Derry COnnty. whou'she, was shout three • years eld,ancl there near the town of Balli%hy .she Spent her girlhood days. Shit ceine to Canada in she sounner of fortY-Leight, and lived for a short, time near Kenipt- Ville, then Moved to . Georgetown where she met and married her husband, Win, . J. Hall, WW1 predeceased beteighteen' years.They moVed to A,shaeld "Noi'‘ 3rd., 1858., making alroMe iti.this neigh- -bortood, where they have Once lived. M. Hall was the eldest of eleven child-, ren, and she is survived by 900 brother, Nryin. 0 ldfroy, Georgetown, and three SisterMra. 1108.S,:14‘10kniaNit; MM.: MC- 0,mn011, Gebrgqt00a:; and Mr. Broviro; Erin, Iler family of three sons, GodfreY, Mal.knis -Monday,. January lth Miss. Minnie Edws,rds is vting at hirisrol rresont, 3liesea Gertrude and Cora Coles re- turned to their Inman io Gortio Monday. While skating Satinday Miss Beta, Twanaley , bad the misfortune to 4 , ori.set SP004 Bargain at 89c. A special Coreet bargain was Offered us ,recently by &leading. Corset Menu faCturet, And we took We had " buy A quantity to vet the line at the price, but having,taken. it we paws' it on to our customers., Thiu" ,Corset is - copied from one of their leading P:,.00. models, is made of good weight white, coutil intrelark- averipge - bait, strong heavy tapered busts, foil • COmpiement of garters, sizes ruh. from t� 30 and the price is only a9c o of Worrten's Fine Shoes att Price. going:Ahem-mit nut sin& Women'S Vine Shoes have pi* . nut a. lot oddpairs and pima to clear At &low .price. They consist of lace and hirtton'styles in Yisii• Kid and 'Patent • pow, kathers.,;.: ‘me with, dull-)iid_tons;• calf top, ancl .cloth tetra,. The, „j4ees were .50. .$.00,, 3,00 and .$1.00, but'as we, .desire to cleat . them before stecWaking, Wn•plitee them on sale just half price lathe tot will be found higb,„ medium, andlo* heels', and , both long or Short *amps'. Every pair is a Snap,- " ' • • • " taknitock.at tire end. of this menth, and are now lau,sy puttint, the various depnrtpienta In order, and .clearing out odd lions: „Hnre is an v'ereOftt. offering that should dust Suit, about 25 men or big'boys. , ennsiSt. 25 Overcoats * different dying ,ara-prie.e'..4,.gOnd heavy' Tweeds. sizes $4„ 37,* $$$:''39y 46. .42, an 1 .14,0 Prices were 1-0' 44a si.P0, 04 Sale at $7.95; • , . tider=vv' e • • • There are indications that, trodeovieer in. going to be a •greettleal.highorini the 16 neaeloare, We, ?f eoursO$ refer to all lineamade of wool,..beeause the tiema,ricts or tire army have been so great that the pri-peaarnrapidly :rising, and so we "'irty:--4• Save tnoney. by holing and tilling all'your wants in Underwear without delay,, at present prices. Our stock is Still well assorted, and we kaveertot Yet advanced,. ar •single otiele _ ot o Ladies' : oats', a Price • Getting 'ready for stock taking We tad that we hie* carrying to large a stock of Ladiee'' and Misses!, Coate. so we have 'decided that We ifl placnilae-whole.19e on 'sale in , • two offerings,:, giving ef Out ,of third off regular prices on 0110, and tbe other to go at just half' price.. ,1•TeedIess to Say We are rosin,' moireir.' „and a lot 'Of' too these,offeringsi., , but the buyer gets ilia beria.t, and , • . • we would • rather 108a than, carry over. -4_ ES TAKE LW VES LOSS,ES:4A,V voiperate riohti,rsts, .0pritinucri in Spite • ' WeathetS;,-Okinii. Boom- Nigbnd PAY' ' A despatch from Boulogne asserts thut contirmatioris has' been Ohl nen, of the rnmora that' ,Gerntans. hat e evacuated -Lille and that' the, citY 15 now "virtually in the .positeselOu. .ot, the 'British. • The struggle in Alsace, centime8'. tri spite it th:e heavY *nine. There 4.3 InOtO than a twit.. . water in the Thomas and, William John, and' ,one trenehes. 'The Gerinans have alreadY, daughter. Marl, sorvive her, and are lost in killed and wounded 6,090 men, settled on and in the immediate vicinity according to reliable reports, and BO of the old homestead: Mrs, Hall was a ,fort, the great • French fortreez, is faithful and et naisteut *waiter of Dun- tilled with" priaonera, men. mostly gannon _Presbyterian . aural, and her 'cnity'learer-og--ngiOr140.,re..,---- - -- t-- , pastor, Bev', Mi. •GOWO.,, iand charge of At :Basil and Fell% 11 railea South - 1 the services , at ', the house_ and. grave, east of BelfOrt, ' the ,firIng. Pt heavy• Rehdivei foul a didono•.mhg attendcd gnus ls heard night and -tiny. The more de erate 4011Y the Germans the inrieral•werogra ErVir4....•.noci 4/.4.1100Pa .•aroliOd • gerattY; betOming, 'f4reeid. aNine4.0.,Neinisnseloi lOarti,aemlph, 6.0‘Vonne,-iiiii,,c4, eloGreo::•1,ii,a_vic.$ :Plonstruciod.•Tatit of .tieiiplit4s , towa;, Via. ,INIpakiatoa,. *.Eipavale;, a,oct, in. the meadows end 'IRreet. . _ i gr$, gob Beittm., The, firopiloy, ,„ or 7,,,i.:.us-kel,n,rD•ctlit.: tea:.,...,:ipl:i,,•titteictiot.ttz;11,4:: to" tii, lite-spp-pp.114ty i 'ext(itea ,0 feJnii?i .1411.1etc..*oavem601 , ,: , , , . . ..S.411;lbiell is nn* in tb.e.bandO nr" Pe , 7 •rT.9111ihe 4.--"Sene.-.,de.,-.;e1r:i.e.‘, Attn. t9's..v.tita, ,r-enerai Von 1-tenringen commending, the. Garman centre lost,2' eon In killed, . , .' .-'•o 1" z4"---x..77...7sid.-a.•:Jear.n.: ,2th.,..•,voa.rie..n.-•.-de,d•'a.,n.d.- - .,p,,, r.i. s.o.-.e- cw. a• ,,.,.1. e,.. .h7battle 4im3,oi:re,,„fwebtrnstsk:,et1:.ot ertheslesaurus on Friday alone. iectoirfE,6ndi,,thisilouity.iaiiTu8sie.he4.uae,Germp,counter, •daY ..att lrB1,Tbenentail) utiond' an NA ;-„4e,,mtt;believedtheirlsees2tlis tts ,e1nzeeidi,ma:lavoriihedoiou)iythatpq4 f feW aher4apctcw444lds hotFriciilbt,. " Eivoniiig:': ' .!, ." ' , : , . '-', :, - ..: :, ' ,Tho„fighting described intheofficial Mrir 1V:M ' ;TantieSO11;. ....Kiritall,; spent Conirauttianes . issued' by Vie, .FrOnell' the -Weekend With her SiSter„ Mrs, Johert ' , • ' . r„•;---' •-- -,:the'' neiehhotheod'ot Soiseona., writ At,. Atoies00,,: -. .,. -. ...' ' -1 • ' . ' . • ' ' .'' ' ' ' - ” 11W - - have ' ' . .g4/n6d War office Kenday. centres inOstlY. in ''• Miss Agnes WileY"-baeztettitned. beino •, ;:orrncda.at'.:bTolth nlarteessrecently, and it after eneeding the:past weOlc.Witb ,friel.Ads ;is, apparent, that :their purpose Is 40 . .,I-lipley. , . . . , ',. ', , , " . -, ' .strikairorthWar.i-and-napture the rail. 't, Ond-Mis . fingh, Il'er&siipon spent road Ilaetii„ whiell,' now • parallel the. . . .. , , . - .Gerinaa• trent' to the '' rear,..Ataotne pnints3headvance has been enni_etent fo'.bring :tb`,O;', ti'enetil, Ai -7901.3s -,)Vithin' .long ,artillery relige„: of the ,A0.41,. ,,,, Laurier Why bo .01,1 from, )3 ridity..evenioe• • at the, borne- of Dan. ...1.taet,eanor„,, , - ' ' ,, , ''. -,-- , •• , ..' '- .L.;?, .- -.111SS,..Mary.:11. ' MacXenzie. wasthe girosti of Mrs. • • ,',-,. ,sifi-ocotli,. -, 1..oite4-1; ' oi; ,s,4,i)f-ttkig,o, - • .., , ',• ., . 1 , ' ,, . . Margaret S,l'l..k'llr' '1.4—fo'tilh'ii*V:.1:41.,:''';'''.';'‘''41)..a.i.i1C0 e'0171eJ6,6)440',.. .Jamieson.lastAigh,t,,,,-,:....-.', '4:: ' -- ' . ' : 1 • .. ...-T'tle.:::,X4A.4-ile'-'114%.akktisrig;.irlat:''.11?ra:arl'iiaaHrti",)-. :6.,17:a.;iera, ::'°*;!a-tia."rli•a..6,....;t9..'-tifai.a.:'9,i'l41:t: b,.,e' fir.rlyqlatoeiiized,.vhie:.1.,i.v.teteri.:',Oli:re, .,.....,: 'Ptivp'.- Bar ttoiareee..,.."i3ictr ' , • ..',C90%°P4/49..AbfQ"6:4V-07%11164g11:1",118:Wiitii;Sik4,..:::.'15°Vil.:;'*': ;-:' .71.:11-.4*Ivt '11:31..iii..11.";...ca::a4.',1:0a.:.sisi;a ''41'''.1i*414:-.,11°'''..i'lln:' 80'11-11' i''114.n.- i ' , tt 4,. 0 t . -. Aiiattlen*in.ptiltowtna, ,. • Galicia .,- and ' it..turiga.9i ,t.b.n,Gerinan Itireesla,„00iitrat 11).Oland;•. ,prevented2 trorn.;.,,COntinning, ....:...s6ero:c.,,tiro. iiet.,,...4tiAolsriodnr:tintilit;I:30,0,,,,atio...6"1:el.w. their '0ifetlilve...•••1*bad weather.•-l,alt4 have ,WOree-roads,.3,:'.been_ ituietlyliiit, ..brially.'5ASSeMblini 0.4tent.mase" ot. 'Men,: given in;ritin gannet, op . Friday ,ef,'.,' last •toro-...iireat, drive on:, VinisOist ii: soon'‘i.eOlgs,...:-','.::, ,..,,,.......,,;, . -, . . - iii.,:':,.01:iitclittosi,.,Vipulil,,,perinit.....,..:-Vhat Morgan, paten has reOl'it:P4, r:11otne,..;,..01oMent- hae.•!new..,errivedi.And reports atier.n.eiterirlecl ImairieSs't ripao - Lew', from the fightingzoneS .„-',,'-taYttiaf,s....t.be, „. .. , , . . . don. , .' ,•.,".. • - • - • ..Kairret9s..Meit. • aro again. On the move, . ._ . _ .. , Dalton Mrs., EitWalr. , Oley and gfi,,4. t.tepall „t. ratrottinta,lithn. itt;:',,14.0grittiii4.0.t; '0,10.: :''.;,..),I.'11,1'.:, . .:,',14)." itiFE.,.,..0ii.,fyi,00,41:a.mcs.,.,1).014 -.§iittivto ' ,- l'iiiii; ,'inirelf,' ii, known ' in -.Petrograit,. ,Werein London last week . , ,1,410se,..d.e0,03,1621t:Ii104e 06 Tueway 01 :where it:e.l..ry .10 known that *0,,.'OraOt1 lat....wek., , . • ., --- • -----. -'-'''''r'''''''''''''4:iulte. Nichotts,;_the Russian. Cotrunan- . ._ ,.._ _ , . . ..'.",:Ire,derrili.of ,cose•.of,..the'•eldest arid ' the Tictow.,,,iilao- ottoili.ed.:b$,:Uatobal vito . . _ . , • , • . • ,,, ' , .4 r -40;f..-401,0Pt, - has ,' belair -cognilant Ot: 'Most highlyrespected "..of-otat, 'citizens . ktvidanhurg,,-tott ,hos„ ennally, quietly occatredon-Satutday•i4an, 9th, in Alie,' .aid .. fuily',,,ae.."iefficientlY, ',Wade . evey,.. person of .Mrs.:. Dairucl.. 'Dineen at , the 'prone:ration , to:Interfere, lwith ,rita'ono.,' advanced one of .,186:, years. • ••She ' leaves ,cess. The. result Ottiiiii. Juatiouvirtog ininitipiftt her loss two daughters .and on botli.'aideri Is expected to he'n new tont sons Joseph. 'Michaek Catherine battle that ' Wit-, as. each. .sticcealtee t • ' - genient neemei ' tO Agents .when,we- give you YE NS a better dea • „ We 'will furnishyou -with aI IORT.Y. (41,LO TAN!(.1110,de of 18 gauge galvanized iron and fflled with the -very best • American 011 for -. the sum of Eleven-b011oss: clKnow Coal_ • We have Cievehind‘Potied Wire at $215. per. cwt. 'We hAve Molasaine Meal , . ha,ve Sherwin•Williama Oi _ _ p V) per C°W.C., Cake $2.00. per cwt., • We have Scranton Coal--.4he Standard Anthracite .t. lugs ridge, Keep thii. in. /i4ind rospective Brides E SENTINEL can supply ou•with the daintiest kind of =imaiim... 4,6,.....•••••■•••■ '-',...mmi:ommoimmilft arid 11fis ' :Thomas 'bye, all of Ashtield4 /srea • ertiga . .....0. -.:-...•—•-..------.--"---'."•"--•----"'''''' St f pli'a- eerneterv Kingebruige re000- . • St...ffetens ' -' - 1 , . . .Lochall5h ' - to -morrow morning. T e,s3mo by oI , ,_ _r_the erneinunity, is, extended ,to the • be- .....-ToeschtycJan, 12,., V • '• . . „ Mour y, . .itn./.11_reaye one , • „ si. . Todd's, ' for their home in the far gest to -day In ape king of politics the reply to that 'cooks Mi0/1=',The remains will beinterred T_he Germa'm ,bee4 greatly Patrielr, ot DPtruiti and John, of Haw ecliPae ,thilawbefOre It. . • intoned dining the ' Mat ` Week or es-6wc.Trin.;-1-Z, A bahy-iiiMetl. frivik Bradford's this week, • „•••• Robert Hamilton.,setdla „to to the wo last week- , Iowa Xentiy,.21711olyrood; has, gone to visit relatives- in MiChWatr„ .,1)(1,, and M. Willie& Congrain visited With friends on the 2rid,ort 1Vednesday, few from. here spot e. PleMant time at Win...foluistorfu oh, W tinesday evening. The Social Cirole met at ,Thom Mc- • Donald's the 0A--Mcinday- evening. • • " • Str. and Mts. Wirt nobii and family, • of the, 4th Con., visited Afttobt. ou Sunday, , Bell hag retuthea' front the West. Woate..04 to see you back again, Billie. AVe are sorry to report the ilkoes of • Migg Phoebe coegrare. We hope for speedY, tec4410.- -"Mra-;-"Mfrliersont-als4,...P.Onald And dor.fon spebt,an everting it the libin-ri Of Gorge 11400.. • • t Aeliert,and Baker and Misses, , Bakst -OA Acliettsperatitiday.ireni_ng at Robert • !ilia. Andrew Hamilton and, Mrs. : Thomas Harris spent, Friday' afteeneon with Mrs,,,,Win Clonetam; What's the matter with,ttotpzokt vorthel late asleep or has %tot tot 'over his Xmas. (dinner yet.. , ,The hockey eliib frool Teeeivater, Pasi-44 down our line on Monday eveniNg on their way to play A gime With the A. few from tier° itternied the evab.- gt1L3tie meeting at Ithaleugh en Sunday - evening. The meetings, are expected to Ire over riti Tuesday. Niessi,s. Alex. Itaitis :locator,* Plefee, of the, Wolt, AO 'welting 'friend* arn! rehtiveshere, We hear they Het goipi; to take goinpany hack 1140 -"Mt. Rohinient, ef,X;ricardine, is visiting • Mr, and Mrs. Ilunter intend leaving Wm Sun SiATOTOT-What is Lanier? A *. b f tte d d ' interrogative wraild bo that- .14sairlor . , W. T. Miller, • of Wingharn, spent it num er tom around ere a ne few daya Around. the burg last week. th 1 1 t h I ' m d the lea,der,ot the Oppositi m in the Clau: r • . , - e me te ' t • Y 111 6 in ,'-- T q °A - P° aY ' d'a um- or common. too in speak' . - a i it se , . , . - 1.11,elen.e, iEveribodyskolos, but „father., ; • ,• • 0 ' • • ing of winter•apot ts.the reply' to that is • • • 0 .. '.• ,.. ,, , ........,_ ,,, * • glS8 Mary t1S1,g11 las gene to Kin that Lawler is a li.ttin burg. whieh has I ' Skating,is the order ot day St.'" night. . rmsgretational meeting of the St.Iielens 1 esao!ilndeilltiniweh•e'r.en Bli.eseF9e°,,t8 °- re41-414 t°E gptirntalt-t'sY( 'aitIt'tguttletrte,°f 1.1.7,0t-id-ai-riloolAt , Quite a rinnabtir attended the annttat . 1 ,Viresbyterian -chnrch- on Tuesday last .L------ , ..,,,_ "-'' ---'1-. - t -i a 1' ,rt4stiredly'beltsiolitionoCtli'e. rules Of y ateleol . • .. - .., . „,. , Stewart is:sintering •from oppendieitis; 6,4(14ette'llt4 dispute :Ilit8''.'1.4$.14' ',...e.;i6-1:i i• Wileteli thOlibleSa rit the yea.r,was trans- We are sorry _to report butt pain , . • , ii et rather is threatetied. . tnoughtuere were' grounos to o so, ;$0, 'The social and. entertainment in con, ' . We'll "go -on the thin ring" that Laurier misetion with the O. p, F. held last Fri- R. .1. McKenzie is rather indisposed is a neat skating centrc,:but, we'll "start raaktirght Ttrove-A-7ersrLsuacessfut, There. _!.theri'a• dOVs;"; suffering_ from .linnb4to. on triinItiOg",that; Kingsbtidge la Vetter, 1 wont a large crowd ana, ill -eketiied to i thiricanMatheson• is at preiiiit doing Yes, net Content -With -the ahreadarites'Of tendeythemselves.. . • , • ' hia chores. We hope that hi will be accoterneilation provided by the unaided able arid eibilarating of Winter spotts, taore - 01- rest. 'aiore , _ trained troops from Belginin )10-Ite, i'ea . „,,, , ., cen•my Joined ihem,,,,,',..art,01•_;01.7_t• 2.11c1. P.°''''t •"''Fu°6' :", ,.. ". - ....' „ ,, arid Christmas bells, where he was Join. • haw 'been btoutht -:(1)? atm the moat ' .Miss Margaret Currie left for ralneY "-ed by thebride,--Who, looking -than ' -4 eempletri ntrangementli- have been -on Yloriday to7-1einrii the _d_tesIfirnaking„ urn ''Inride for the atterept.- . ., - • e in, or Reception I vitations Prices arejust as low as any- where ranging from SO at $2. to. 50 at $550.. ,' Larger orders prop6rtionately. less. This includes double envelbpes to match. , Getyour Wedding S atiOnery froiii THE SENTINELand be satisfied. ( -fla'lly toissvisilt;r0:-1:::::11:itS'N'i.a.q7a.,fit•; !ails' ' . -' Edith tIowson left, on *dries-, -Monday, Jill laithh nee. ro , '., miss Phyllis• Tyloafttir,a isofVB1Selatinalgsv ann"r. L. 11'1\1,1 * Elgin,'sited fierM6oirorits week. All plf.. yvt;orret .gto see, ,.... Vies_itathOrIne U4C,iiilr.,,„„0-m1Aentilr9010,', Morris skean. ..t , has been a Visitor at- U. /A ,. ingaiLliLviearditotnitt:11.1")02‘nvt.rief._!rTullcee, ,lboornyieca,roif., Mr. and Mrs, James Downey, 2ndr eon., Bruce, Ives the scene of a very Pretty event on Wednesday Dee. 30th.,;, when their eldest daughter, Mary Victoria, was United in marriage to Mr, Alexan- der. Gilchrist. The cerembny was per- ferules:I • by Rev., E. A. De Mille, of Glainis, and the Wedding March t waS • played by Mr: Rigger; 'brother-in-law of , the bride. The groom, attended by • his: brother, Dougall Gilchrist, took hisi,lcwe in'the prrlor'nfider an arch of evergreens t betterin a abort tirne. . resoareea Nature -frit -that most, enjoy. Amber ley three Kingsbridgites, • Schteliman, an --•Atonday, Jan. 11. Irishman and a Swede ern ra ,e Th* t nen left: here for Clinton cm contraet. leaking peerless open-air rink. and got busy. It is true there Were vague doubts in, pessimistic and Anti - Sanguine -circles as to their ;ability to bring the proposition to the triutni4rant 'finish they breve ;ince aceomplisheri, developmenta..have, shown that their fears were.':• grout-X.6'as. tract of lowland was prepared and fl -Md - ed, The weather-In:in showed his in, tereSt in..the_enteririse' „ dealifigH„. 'but_ calm and frosty weather, and as it coil. (thence the. labitur htie been rtviirded agniticent glassy 1\he ilhunin- serice, it is has caused solo lbert astronoinere, wonder At • nousual appeatanee of What' they thought to be the `Nortlietri Lights") heralding the advent of 0. change in the weather. But don't like to -day's thaw ' W. T110,01i$0111148,returneci to Hrunii• ' Monday to be examined for the third 1-456' Bob,._... • ...- l Canadian contingent. They have All ) and -Lester drnYt.t0 town Sunday. 1.-heen accepted, Their names are: O., Some attractioa, ela I .... : Woods, II. Groves, '• W.'Knitting, .T. ,"...,...:},iish, .4erinie,,,Shiells •spentS_ iltidaY iLeonard, A, Thonias, A.- J. Taylor, 1.,*. , with Miss, Maggie cantirtell. , - . ' - - m 'Addrrfitaii,'W,'T.Tititton,---F;, ..-Seutirern,- Mr. andllis. Alex. Afebonald spent , A." Glration, W. Moore, T. Garton and thiday evening at Ala,,Oampliell's '," F. Wilson. They will ehtlftriehee pre- mis.4", tuict.stieeic3„i ,1904,1_c,tt„,_-limital,tdrill at (. rtonon--Mprl,a4, have returned to itineardine te learn,: P6a: ' . '-------7" •-' . , . dressmaking:" Mise BOA e4‘fr.Doriald, of Toronto, visited her couSin, Mrs. ,Albert Camp, 1)ell, lark, week. ,, . Peter Caunp4ill, Sr., has arrived lionte I from Hamilton, whore lie :;pent :t eouple I. Of weeks. with hPs ,r.ri, ;Cohn. ,- I 'ill jaopon nod lady' ftieird attended. l , the ball Friday -1°141A. Billie says there's I no girl like a 8eoteh ord after all. Mies U. Welsh; teie,her of S, S. No. 9, 1 Iras resumed her Auties, The pupils AM I alt progreosing and pleased with ber,1 r t to ,toind over ; all , their I' . '8 litietIntAth • ' We •WOUla gaaitlee Ow y000g Men of 1 i ntq.'isAA n& Con, grtrr. *pot chop to the vutetie .turd, til. **4 of opittittiog 4ott the iiiiiorie BLANKETS ," " 110BESI:• . MITTS 20 , BELLS or tent di'snotint. off on, these for balance of January Repairing prottiptly, dorte liAt .P R 1 N • Al.tE, DILLS A '110AORUPLE.MIJADER-- Itteigian 'Killed Sister And Herriirs.' r.e.n..4not; H I , One or the 'irthat .shocking ertmea- In the- history,-•of---Sentreal. ' novered teat Week if ytah ;tWO WO.' einfOr Of Robert 'Van' ‘1•400Yr: . *Oa, Or ti61,glaa. reserviiit who lett nbOtit three 'Weeks, ,age to light for bis native. land, and -her thtee'.ebildreti;;Slarthk Aged:eight yenta; Louise,. tve years of age, era t ged ten '-nietitlifli,-and the - 'suicide- ot the murderer, Jean Moen% - a brother of Mrs. van Looy,. who With them. •The dead :bodice. Of the,. Mother and, children'Were found In one 'bed in, their home, 3,13A Beau - dry Street, when the house . was en- tered by artidouti neighbors., The fear had been ottringled. • ' . Jean %bona. the 01001. Orbits, Slater - and her 14111.11Y0'.Was Keen leaving 'the. trtgedY ' rind Ito Shirt- Wirt elt.'t 'death' In 70a,e--. -tlerville. the entlin night Me 'identity was notrevealed until atter the nig: fettle nuadfrililit-Murderi,--7---7-- Success, M attract. , • .11-r-ar-id-It-fa:--Gire*--Kirld 'knee, hoe' moved into their new house in the., village. We welcome Mr, and "Ara Kidd amiing ' - :Ur. an& Mrs. Lester 'humbly; (nee Margaret McClure) of. 'Detroit -Mich-, spent their honeymoon with the fattei's `uncle, John N. McInnis, of 4NLv PRINT, 'THEM *10 ift trther_travelling shit of Alice -blue, en, , - tered leaning on the urn of 'her •father, • ret:, In Downey, prettily dressed in Alice blue Crepe. 'After the cererneey was prforui- ed -congratttlatibris were extended to • the newly tnarried couple,., the guest, numbering about,thirty, sat down* tO. a Sumptuous wedding dinner. The eVen- ing was ntade enjoyable to all by it ,grante of-mutlie and 'speeches Tha ruc groom's gift to the bride WAS a black fax _the. Come one, nnine 411 Quarterly services wifl bo , wete: Mr and Mrs. Henry Biggar, - INsr,isa4Ad,rma 0:goisti:emgiselreltialrftrie: ao\vxdiessrt:tie6et.,,, i•• z A .1 3gaopo:dharp ii pt rs(1.g saff, :eat collection- . inrcePp. ./ t 09 ti..1-bc' for e.T‘ t eitto6 db idress. at'ildn 8' atont,a0vfilslipe.or, :0.k ae, ' Peogram 0003111611e6 at* a gilts_td thc couple 4ptellialirarld-cost- 1. held on Fildo1 iivell‘ilg this0;17,:ek groomsman gold watch chain The " witli pearls and amethysts, and to the .„ in diot eck Aila dYitul e41 16es °fni trrel I net t evteeh' It4vMee' Slo irP e'6r. 1: 'CWt.ial'Sn'h'ee 6tesi of 3te :Al thisliaI:114 1 1.1 rone wivielie()6111130.6:eg'.66 ernullia.8bseenrtfr.oMme6litienrge7Atitehr:°end' farm, 211d. eon., Brace,....4 Ailey rralio.otli.t,eon-44.4reertoel4on-Satx9irett - the funeral of the late Mrs. Th2e. Met- .4,,dvocate. • "•"- - 4 lton, - vine R wer - thre4;:lo'NELL'in..antrdainlirtnibilcildrsi:ebrsleoSteoli! llo,•fetti and good wishes, tor t1vo • Weeks' vidit, among the bride's in iny friends in ' Toronto, Matmora, and other obits. On their teturn they will.reside o ths • efterimon. Deepest sympathis h ed the bereaved ones their ou Oiivet ' • Olivet W M. S. met on Tuesday' of> jA,ct„ week in the chureli. .1 • 'Nits, Elizabeth &Ott, of Arriberley, is f Siient StilidaY a Wm. Itateilten's. • 'rhos, MOON spent A few deri fast week with her daughter, Urs. S 31. tialdenby, Kincardine. , ghester' .aed itionfil %Ater %Vihiaote, have rettined to Albert 'after, epeeding the holiday4 ivIth the forreei vigeoteA )(!,, , lirliGattglvietirt‘*titen9-41'0011 mhMe-d.181:1:6'railericttiv';cssevTitliFli.4)6vilnini. 11101; 011 the 14th of Greetroek.' histeri Mrs NIT. K. Smith, Tinonto. MOGlittoon-logsvoll,-.A Ole Wed Norval claims to have kept all ttoi ding was Aolembized looday even, • New Year tesobitions tip to till! /wenn, II:Oerctirattt)thAlilr!",1091n4tIev:11;34tIlehtleMh6:°88:01/144t! tierNWtaV*IlminliedElflialtnol:d:bMolifsiYstilOr.ar:feit:gee'41141(1:01nWiaelitif: and ...Is. „gas -oat , t uttentiee ci helium t "1 ' cd ,to 0:Irtit% morxtuo:wolt:tg:nit 41dc:W.hieOfgre°: :47AYIeusavt,::.Ingl.111:1oaand.0 otau froi phemilatinston, of Xincardino, n. dding :dot il:188: 40::t yo.CF:lf*,;$1 1:0 inc:41:01:* (41 1:A:16it14.;°er:ir t'itit4e4; aai 111:1A .ri;t leYtUrt;t1 ht Ito 'fRi:t:::0Turnt :I:dal-dolt: en:1 iet• 4gt 1Wat'rul Idtt Dint 1:11° ,:dere t:v oneaf lut leU111. in:edb ton °11 1. • to WIt 0.0 Wok **Own tIO;Olti11 tbotv ItIng goktic •