The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-07, Page 3--r p-•••-•,*- ' v ItOTAL RANI 1 kiTiltONOBS'1, 81`...#31 Opph. on 'hand reaches rccoif %Vet of: 17,03.% anct. iltitIld; assets. tOtal• 415.16% of ilabilitico to. public. Bank writ00*•#.1f italf u million 411. of InVontrtWrite., 3kirP116111I0 ander- exeoptlermi trade ;corldittoni The tVeat Care Which 'butt Peen 2,COPOIS,pfl this year „by the larger hanks of Canada In maintaining* th(41(.1' I •li(1V(,S1fl thet strengeSt 100661bio Po' andin, tbiS wty being able ,to .getrd• aLcainst. anY developments that might'arlse 111 thO comitry, Is strilting- illuetrateti by the showing ntatle by the Rhy_al Bank of Canada in its RD,- -titig1 statement for the, fiscal year ' A close study of the general state- • menf.• of assets' and. liabilities would , Seem to Indicate that the mII. S. li0I1r; EDSON L. PEASE anagement $2,901,262.25 i has given Its every eopSideration , I t President. Gen; Man. wardskeeping the bank strong. beth Montreal, 18th Decenater,-.1614. 111 ca8.4 nj ni nic dLto lHplId aaact's,* ThIS animal meeting df the vach 0-petici hoist; rendered advisable 401d:ere will ger,y ,sinee •Lister dieceeered nn -the Value of valpoination. by the • very unusual. conditions. be held in Montreal, On Thursdax,, January 14 'next, •.and khe brbugh,t about in Canada by the OUt., , tweak of the European. war. In order re6ume of the prestdent,nkt. S. ileit, Is , to !paints:tin Such.a positiRk even op_ 4140 et eltreed4 t forward. teiNvith 'considerable pbrtunitie,s for profits were apattrently leireeea 14 ttii;knelal arra Illielees ,Ignored to some extent, but aka resillt' • the statement, as a,whale, poihaps ' -7 • , the stronkest ever issued by ' TRAPS FOR .6F-Fiegfts. , Rank and at the present lime this , holders,. as it is reteSsurhrg Me- Pub -i (kr!nitY fig" P ting lle.terteraily. linder'the oondigorie ;it ,...4Ptlq! lre,IPing -the DdrolOon_ through, pi oce mite 'Situation, • • ° -New Renrcl of Cash on Hand Proilts tor . the year, after deduetio;Char,gen.:•, • of DIeniagentont,and • alt other expenson,. ac- Cru!d Interest 'on, iu • for,.all had .and doubt -1 posits,,'• tull 'pro:aft:del tul ilehtsitml rebate Q 7 interest on numaturea bills •", 1.8_80,144167 _ 42.001,262,25 Auurepriated as toliows: "Pivitlends`.Nos,, 106. 108,..eand 109, at 13- per eglitNier annata 0,387,20.0Q Transferred to ::OtlIcers' ,Pensien Vend ..... 100,000.00 Writteno ff Tian h • • Premises 'Account, 250,000.06 Contribution - ' °tie, Funds 60,000.00 Peprkiatior. Inveik.. nrentS-- ", Bala. -nee- of Profit- -end LoSe carried forward, 014,062.25 NEW,METHOOSIIISORaERyfAtivotiqabountisapluied of the bod,y • .• o inrt ' ilip.t4TROP:et Below the Chest • 111EATillENT or iy0 UM/ RD•ES ▪ '/". 81411 tilt° it be gTanted that . the best of what isikn'O4n, io mod - TOE PRENENT WAR, * ern 'surgery is being U? U2 .tha treat,rnen•t of the wounded in this Fewer Aulviantions and Illospito! •Giingtetie ri,thuowu, • The great Eurepeanavar has Seen. the aPplication 7of new' Inethvis military 8.113141'V it3 s•aid. that aintitig the Freneh troopss thetfe liaNe neon Very few eases o•f infeet- ed 'wouncts.L. The percentage. 9f rev ..ceVerjee. heiteebee4 Si19.1"i4inglY and relatively feet linitre have been v •00 1:pa iVo.man Suffers 1'i1 Ji .Chroalo nat./oat). There TrOtible Ahead, • Cenetantiy on tleeir feet, attendirla to the WaNtS, -of a large Anil exacting :Iwiair.. ,k,or exataple, the greatest,' v ng surgeort 01 th,, , ramilY, women often break (10 '1 tyith. Carrel, is now in eharge of . Div. ei In th , -`7 4.14Y1 •411020s nervoneeexhaustion the Frength division hoilitals. farm ft t"re14-114et°1.1'6°° "(1. " 4 vie prevention. oi that .. w Ire )vealt, r...ling women, dr*agged kno•Wn As s=eaum 4.11. ) are to 21, Win tortUrIng 'backache 'and fuerrulnre:sr,lyNyzIoe:avabt, topr:let:iicitt'vlieevw:i:'ili itLe.41.,ieelleylrfso.s;Itit:t'evbrileinePluiells4:318;td'unvu.troal,.alf etaie'tsi livee.doring the present :war. ...Vac- . The .40 gleess i ' ' * elnekion against typhoid will 42- enoien:Inpaeraei:iiclea.enTi'crur:eYsia:1):te:1481:selevdiee..:k"alituageeyira eomplish much; but even bettor as _pri;.4r-P-,r-alletive,..„ t.f.)1Yre ..,(bgeo'itilitin,as-0eatate.1441,,seeuileed•i__eilar, trgeneeseviremtabewhereastlfigtag,b,doeir-poeft-pcf.01I,einseeeaili•, e•••"'" of the treitble. th'-aithiR water- The•ari.l_ of 04.09." To give vitality -and power to the amputated. The "rnethe.tie ttaPloYed tors wilr see. t•o that. n Ile. treatineat of the wounded ;awe fee,es ehe.e.eis tbatItirtihsty.ernamene Itnivdonre!St.?otafrleeepdtheied:tboiofohde bladderopois aann:, ure new; within the last, few Yeir"."e on the march will noferefrein On oc,-r.Probablx, there fa no remedy so Sue - end they represent the greatest, 44 ettt.,,i.tnis from at:inking water Idler.. cesSful•-ae, Dr. IIainitton's Pitt. For yanee-„in. operative end clinical Sur- ever they happen to And it;, hence 411, *ontaa s .irregOlarities their • merit is well knOwn. Because of their mild, seething. and • • "A '. z." • .4. healing effect, Dailiternitton's Pills 'are safe, and efe, re,comniended tor _girls and women of all age% gs .,eants per box: at -all dealers. Refuse any sub- Stihite fe.f"Or.4fiamilteleti'tills• of Man- drake and Butternut:: , GERMAN PRAISES FOR ALL CB. , PritfsP. Are the Toirgliest. yeti Bravest' F.P.e They Have Met.' Evidence of the reaction ol'German should. fie • as satisfactory. to share- ••-ena ,les. the •banketo 'Play a •Prointtient' • d • . ThO, Part of the: geutiral _statement which is of particular interest 'is per that whieb, ehows po- . , salon .and the liquid assets:, At the end of the ilseal year the emeuat of , • ' cash -on hand readied the' new- high levet ef $27.083..865., which is et• quisa ent- (o, ,such an.. ample- percentage as tea I7.93%' of liabilities -to the Pnblict da ievealed the pringiples of anti- sepsis. • ' a • "Eve n so ,sho:rt a time ago as ur- ine; ,the Spanish-Anteriean, will" it ras etistoleary;;, , te,,,,wash wOunds w‘ith,..sortri ai:itt water before' apply- ing a:dressing. Thesurgeone in the Fren,ph and German armies to -day do nothing of tree kind; Nvetite's Dre. • .. !keen life-fp.,..304.-.;" , ,..,, , ' . ,., , litutert.., Bine,' stirgeon \bge, , peral`, irit Imin;nso'c public interest is til,Wii3."'s.' ehe thilted States•litibli2 c alth ,ser - aroused "alien the names of Britishvice' in the. Yetrth's Companion. ofaeers are associated with bribery. I.Theyi-,c1.,,o inot, wash woundsdt ait isolils. Hundreds of atteinpts :are made -to nsteac ,. tie mi Fta. ry oc Or .) inicliice nTell W110' hOlti bigIT-1'ank liv 1 • • l' '41 b 13 t ,,,., „UPS. Wild of steal ize a sol en 'betray •flieir country; and. before . • • P.)re.e143-2 dips ti..4t1 cotton with hts ecre•t Service was brought to such a bottle that centains. a, mixture o, a, fine are, as it is to -day, attempts iodine and benzine, and gently were still 'More numerous. „ dabs it Over . the ,lacerated parte - bile he, arae.goeeenareae_celleeee,„ Probingi , s -avoided. - Iodine is •ncw" r '' he late -Sir lienry Smith one recognized as the . beet" germ lelller •- 13.83(X., -amincreaee of °Vet' $6,006,- " viVe wateeathe letter did t e grease U e s in.. • . 11 • tiff the To finieh sttaracaete8. This account compares. with .$21,466,-. in existence. --I3enzine is a fir received a... myeterrous letter" offeri g *121 000 in. return . for "a cleaner; as it evaporates it 209, last,,year, which was. equivalent to 4. „ • • . •• s, ser , l• 000.. Including the Ras,11 on -baud, the liquid 'assets `amount to 171,244;677, N:01 -1 -Ch equivalent to as much - as' 46.16% of ;liabilities to , The • principal necounts in this •department thelefe. no es of other 13an ts, $2,525,- 201; ejiequee on •other hauls, 0,752,- .4.85;. balance. due by banks and bank- ' lag. Correspondents elsewhere than in Chnuda, .` $3,144,502; E.:minion • ' and Previncial„ciciVernment securities riot .-eeeding- market yanie, $1,168,588; .' Canadian Munkipal ,seCurities and British, foreign -and • colonial public securities, otherthan . ' . 418F0,,062:' railway. and other . bong • ' debentunes- and stocks, not exceeding market value„ $1.3,557.;741; call loans P $8,574;05.8; -call and short . •loans 'elsewhere th.kin In Canada,' 170,1480,847. - •• Indication Of ',Contraction, In• Trade. With the" falling -eft 1.3Lgeneral. bust, • •nnsetn the country, the current loans , ha.- e natura.ily shown a slighecontrac. • tion, these Amounting to $84,585,972, as Compared Wifh. $86,989439.0.at tiro, • end -•of ,the. previous :year- and other eurrent • leaps -and discotints elsewhere • then -in. 'Canada, •$16,002,488, IS com- •• rased w itli -$15,561,5a4,"--••.- • • .Grow,th During ,Year. Eiron'und r.the unutec&Mtad „cow Illtians t tat brevetted; the .progress of jhe „bank, „as Indicate.dilly.. increa,ied • _deposits, .was 'mogt•_„satisfactory.-- Ile- .. posits not.bearipg..interest at the end ' Cf. the year •-totalled .$21,224,129, as. conipared with '$36;2,76.,871, at theend of the .previous year,- while. depOsita :hearingintereit reached a ee* high • leVel at $1q4',827,078, as compared with •$19,900,790. The total depOsita aggre; • gated $136,051,208,'. as • against , 177,622-, a 'decrease of •approximately $2,060,000, It . will. be • remembered, .Thowever, that. during thee -year. the • • Bat*repaid the deposit of , die 4:k -•-berta Ordit-NViterWSYS • amounting. to $7,000,040, and •alloWing • for this, the ordinary eposits %during. the year*, showed. an increaSe. of, •• :$5,660,000. • • • •. " • •• 'Large' Aniounta. Written Off. not describe. • • , the cleaning and leave •the wound in • Sir • Henry telik notice of thea erm free reitelt.kr-the. etannthaica,tioia. MT in a•TeW days application of the..steriJ•izet1 Aress- came another letter increasing the ing,• the . surgeon uses a 'mixture of retn. 22400,- andacovartly :Rug-. one-third- iodiee'aiidetwei-thirds-al- g.esting •that the governor Might. eebei •• ' • • • e • . . • • ' turh•a blind eye_on the landing of men and • weapons behind the Sock. Next, a notable ,sheik, Wazir Ma- In the present conflict -nothing is• hemet Ali; called and -„offered heard of . ''hoepital gangrene. ' 000, finally • 23,010, fin•-• the favor flappily. this ',worst hontor of •,war mentioned. .•••• , .• • Rising ..abrnittly •facini hie. seat the has now heen•-eloree,.-aivey with. A l governora., a, big, • powerful, memo few years,. ago hoSpital gangrene eek the...sheik.' hy,. the. ehoulderS;... • was . a mystery. ; no .• one ,knew twested.bliin • round,- ran him t� the %Vilellice-it cane (n.'''.11°Nwitv."'S 6°1* „. deer,. and sent him sprawling dean* a flight of eteps. re' Some years •ago a Captain' Grant was despatched on 41, diplomatic mission• to &little State beyond:the northewest•frontier of India.. Fleet there was an 'attempt upon his life, 'but Grant managed -to .convey the • municated. •-Toalak we know that l,he malady. is attributable to a spe- •ci-fi.c gerni,and thatin former times when; ignorance regardingit it,•, was .sprea.d chiella by the deeters and nurses -in-' the Military liespitals, as - they., eve,nit 'from°, pa, - tient -to patie041-res.sing the wounds: idea to ,the 'native. ruler, eche knew. with bare,. germ-carryang hands. ., spheres, but Under •tite proper 6.m, •nO law except fear, tha,t. there was .F...verything•p.ossible •,-ia done with di•tioes they freeze, -and we have. an extensiv-e-British fOrte in the' instruments, If the • wound is a, cut, heil.Stonei, which in,ay be called shot ba;dkgro.unci: .• , •• • • - ----fore.epse with seTratett. edges for glade of . Afterwards he. ,aeare, : visited by : a' .graspint is 'employed, after the . In •thc• neaking_'of-shot,.puet lead, distinguished envoy-4-4,11e•.••raler, Wound as.. been cleaned, draw''•.ie..melted 4,nd mixEd with a,' '`,teene who offered the 'equivalent of R500 the live -tegetber. Then .the •• lips. per". athaite:eonsisrbs mainly of tan,* 'If -Grant would -settle tilie Matter in are- sewn, together with 4..nepaie and perforated handin"ae6afa-4riee-With the ruler's that has been .eterilized •boiling 'pan Or''Dieve. . The perforations varY wishes.,.. 'Gradually , the offer in , water. occOrding .to the. size of -Shot to 'he ,ea,..e •to 1,500 in mo.n,ey, the best • " lloiled .4.14.oking wv.ter likewise satiafactbry preventive of ehol- era,* n1010411 When an epidemi_c d diet disease has *tees „fairy startetit' raw .fruit and 'raw vrta.Ple's must :be evened. TyDletee. whial used: to be called. °env fever, one of Die greet.deeteoyers ermies ,form- er dey,S, spreittl'a as:Ives' reCeasiq4 discOvered,';Nr THE BEST BIEDICINg. FOlt. LITTLE ONES Baby's 0-wre Tablets are the best medicine for little ones. They are guarantee& by a government aria,- lyst to be absolutely eata.and•never fail to cure_ constipation, colic; Colds and, feeera by regulating the stomach and bowels. Coneeraing theni ,Mrs. S. Shannon Urney• • N officers and soldiers" fighting • at the front against the tendency to belittle the fighting qualities • of the -enemy continue to accumulate in.Berlin,, • Soldiere lettere' and 'returning:0V diers speak in _terms of' high ape - dation of the military Prowess 'and soldierfy qualities op their opponents, and -among several hundred tanned with whene the cOrrespendent of the Assodated Press. has talked in his via - 'its to hoSpitals the last fortnight, n� one was found Nvhc, refused to etedit ..S..,,, writee: • "1 have -used Baby's, the enemy in. , general - Russian 'CiVii..-"TabletS • f41,T, my • two•,children French' and Belgian and English with and think they are them."' The Tablets - are ' -.Distinctions are. drawn, it Is true, Skill. • , -: _ or -Ws fieed.• I . would not ,he without I DA whatelittie bravery, and 'military_ seed. ily the •Briti,sh being generally reckoned • Cents a box from The Dr' WAY . 1 iems . as the teughtetapponents on the weet Medicine:dealers. or by mail at-25• Medicine (...W., Brockville, Ont. , Doily. The•-•Germens had a high opinion ...7.....e_e,„.e soldier before this. war began. •• The of the fighting qualities' of the French. - if 0°W. SHOT .1$ MADE. , fighting Which -accured on, the marcb. from. the •Belgian • frontier - to . the . 'Marne and Paris,. tended to lesson • Rotten Lead Ts.. 1),)taped Feem n. .thein respett 'for touglipess of French _Nigh Point idle 't Water 'Titulti; '' .. moral fibre,'but the last two months have' Changed- that -.again, and std- . . , . The Manufacture* o shot, deserib- 4diers" letters reflect hiehased •respect -cd by.' Air.. 0. 0, Hop, -40 Forest .'for, 'them. .The_reeent -fightin-g. of -the- Sanpde. rSpotered„ rpeaqnu,iraesta'anlihig 2., i . tower,u . e , : ‘ie ni n a r.,t of \the Ele4,ian -army in Flatl- and "teinper•e,d" lead•. . ,, .. ,, ders also has greatly raised the .0er- Shot is made' by. dripping nneien, man estimation of the 'Belgian soldier; lead from a, high point to. the earth. whe, in the general ,army opinion, had Ilhe• lead- forms into glio.btples just, .not greatly distinguished himself at the' 'raindrops do • wberi. they as- interyening- field engagements. • - Mem...Namur and, Antwerp, ,and. the . y, fan , As, to the, British, field post lett? from. the clouds. • Ordinarily we do continue- to bear out the stat p( t . . , ., . not realize that 'raindrops are little from a German expert is to th 1/ro- bust lighting Qualities. 'One tile latest of these letteTs, printe in the. Cologne Gaiette Contain; thb follow- ing .strilting. pasiage: People at_home appear • ,have wrong- notilas. about ,thel- lighting qualities...et..the .enemy.' . Te 'English are. the Joughest, and bra est foe We have. to meet.. Every io" ual man keeps on. shboting .co011y se.. long as. . - - . he is not taken proiener, and these •trained' •veterns s ot well. • When we storm a pos run *ben. We el se in with Our. shouts- '.egyn,.the French will ef •'Inirrall,'• iebut the. English stick tenaciously to their entrenehtneeta to • • 4. : • maae: • . • - hoese •.the distriet; and five iwii,es Suppose ,that the leg hone°, • has' A temper' is mixed' with the lead tie be. seleeted. by' the. young.officer :been breTken by a. fragment lef a. in order .to make the• globules' form •Iiimselr: Grant did not aCeept the shelt• lien such' a thing ;happe.na ,when the lead falls. •.If. 'pare 1. 1 (dela, ••• Sit Robert Halt the famous ad- a e • • g• eg, Of little ars, instead of reund shot •D n ' :• 4 • i I I ai ay y • publication of Austria, pays ' • • ed in the Spanish war, the Surgeon, were us•ed; it would fall. in thef • atter al tl • •ef II • • he - • l • •- tninistrator, when in•- ee -washed 'it , 'with eeap and „water._ In Or er 'that the. globillee ette he last." a rcs rneeze lung; t leiniiltaea n • g single instant. 11111,E NA/SEWS ID.411.'ESt lliTilltiTr31:, • Gott, -.dear • GliAt,, Attention • • •• Iblease; • •• 'irour.barthor.. Vilbeines'ltere, Und 1.1,as a word 'or. UPC). tO Indo your ht:vate ear; , • ..Sk) (141'4 away all tt445,18 220W- , 17nd . , For .vat I say coneerftit&Me-cauch,... •• noci•Iiiterinany. - • • You know, 'clear -gott, X. vas you u'n.fr•frou,i mein heur 'of-hirth: I-,quietler let Yon rule in Tleffen,,,,,. Vile ruled here on earth, yen I toldt mein soldiers • .01 byegone battle. daye.-.*- I gladly pi=1*.*,-,elyit. T1.'44 .ball -gave yonoiliraise.-: • In every ,wi.ty Ltried to pro.ve Mein heart to yea aaa true, , Und claiined:• .honerit• „ _In gl.,ellaartedeeds (tat ve • Yoitni eskotl,1•tio.rlt•nbdaf oar hseeiat,e,r2. frien4t • Dan ICaiser atriaber two, De Lod Sherman,y: Se vat I .say,*dear .06tt, ells., • Pat, ve should still he kiendtee, Und you should, help to Send, my, . TO Meet fleiebitter ends., '•• yrna, clear OKitt• nie,a45 r , I'll'nothing ask' again, triad eacei and I bardeers be For eVermore, Amen: • , PALIjsten.,_Ciott.,,:: .musf.„betniighty. • ; , • quick ' , Your help .to me vou sea:d Or• else haf to .stpprattaek nd :only blay. defend, '..„4„ -S... tr. fou r -an-clItwe•n_tv hours1.--gif • To, snake de Allies eilne._ • • Unel put •,me ifife joie mein blect--"- • De 'middle of de Sun. If 3-ou de die, XII o t : rui tell de Voil ot_f t? . , Rut if you don't. set. '/ u s t fink _ is •anehostil Den var at ohee leclare, .Und in mein anger rise Und 'send ,men Zep `lin ships wage A fight, p in de/skies. / ulti oNv. dear Gott, Is von of m Mieelinind ..1.)e " vorld.off de ifloor.- Because ,Vou va,Sa Mein . barin e r. An 7xtra chance isgiffen 'So he p at.voncT., or be ./Oe Emperor of Heffen. -Van De Todd in Canadian Magazine. • Do LOIla Bi'eaths bit?! Delicately flavoured-. (once*. trated, • Walr Vi.(0,1t.R.V. boos -your 1/4riely, And „I'Pilitgri?eik for - "Clatles".. .14FAIIMS•FON SAL.E. . , . R. W. oawsoti, 'ninety peibinput • Toronto., • ..• IT.ti' YOU *Alit TO if tia".• SPt,14 Fruit, Stock, Brain" .or. Dairy :Form, • • write IL W. Daw600, BraMpton, or,„,a Col- borne St:r'rcralan. ' . • • ' U. W. ne.Winel,•• Oetbartte 31 Tovajto -• MISCELLANEOUS. ANOilL Toit0tts4' ETC.t. internst .and etternal„cure41 with. put pain by oar home Areatment. Writ* O s ilt,I4:.ro ton late pr. Reltn4t.e. O,. L11teit, Colltuelyoed.. Ont. achlnery For Sale -•...- ••• • • Eniine, Shafting. •kieltin.g. pulleyS, .ct.e..;!--frorn '-large:,•Xactorcy.,••fat,. ''..sale',. ,Wheelpek engine, ekI by 42. coMplete . .With Cy: tinder f rame, flywheel; bear - „jugs, • eta... all in inod condition. .$hafting: from oiliehyancli -to three. 'inches:, •, pulleys t ii•ty inch•es, - to., , m -fift-yeinehexe-he in.g--:six------inches'..'60:1-7*- • twelve inches.e./..Vill • se.1) entire or • '•' in part, • • •-•; • • • -' ••• - • •• .N.0 IfE.A.StiNA 81.6 •. )1. 012.',..EER RETU.SE1). . e;-.., . • ., „ - • . _ .•,_ -..S..- Frank -Wilacti...&• Sense • -- - ' 13 Adelaide -Street” est,- Terente.• • • • . - r • Seeing ' Udder Water. . . It is. undoubtecily true that; . iin;• • • der ceitain can -editions, it is posei'ale.., from a• gOi54, ar?1: itude to per•ceive oh:••• jets at a certp.in 4.141 '1 b1.4..rw- .; • surface, het 'this isanairilk the Ita.S.3- With Cahn, vicar Water, with -a...fa- vorable ' In, • the. cheppy gray: " waterS- abelsed .reuate.Beitiea• ••„ .coaete,.a. submarine would- rarely •be detected.. more • espeeially 'as. the. eiew from the Inlet's aid abserver;s Sett* • ie.. ill' naa jarite: of elr,Pe..3, niast elefectiN'e •ee„ the present time, • and the fierce .slip strewn _from propeller.•reaelving” in Ircnt(ddil.:ect , • to the high; .spird of travel; render the • • use geggles iainerative.. But, in the opinion Of aawriter in he Landon -Daily 'Felegrajie, minor chfficul tit s .s•ncit • as theseep9S; no dptrbt will, by -overcome tn.thrif.,,, , and 'experience alone can e,haw'rt PAN•GEFICY.S PLEURISY ALWAYS how BEGINS THIS WAY. far the a.et(1,4-..ale AN s-erve. as ' - • a protection, agai.n.st !eibina4aes• ° • ' Speed.leit Cure is Nerviline.. .Ouch, that stab -like pain in the side is like a hot knife blade in tlie ribs! Probably' got over -heated -cooled tpra faSt-enew there is eongestiote ness, such soreness you can't draw a long breath. ' . This is the beginning Of. Pleurisy. eurisy s far too serious to ne.7,1ect . , • China 3t morning woke to find •a procession Now • the. Military., siirgeon 'Merely• have plenty of , time to. for. of bearers, and . carts .. before his:disinfects the wound...with ail:iodine, lead must failealong...dis elNeellinge-W•ith---a-eae-ae-,- ,,ii•Ticis;- vases, mixture • in: the 'manner already' "de- . 'so • towers are.: bailn.,-• r,eden .e.hairs,.. and•-vehiehl•es to the ...seril)e(L • lie` ..1e.m°‘'es any 'frag••• • used to be e;..4S. ' iund of •abont Ci 000 'in '.Vnglieh ...Ments of • bone:, ee•fereign. matter, .ed.i!nedt.of•Neztr.• refinee. •• All. this • finery : had been• -sets tile, .leg; . in order:that the'brok.. - , .. _.,., , • . .. dumped down -without- any .prelitni- en part's...leafy unite, &milks •a• stela' e'al and • nary - negoturt lona; by the orde re -of • iliz uv s Nn • 'The profit. and loss aceount indjeates ,a.zieanda,rin, who wanted some Tittle te"' Mar owing -Ur -the exceptional •con:. She-Maoniirige i -i the aim e.bf quicker and t14, results ineonwar- °f the" tower• and the globule • eitione, the management has deernecl liezzl'ed Cestoms <Ines overlooked. abl it advisable to follow .a very conseri,a- • Sir Robert, More, amesect. than an. '1. tiye ppliey,in, its valuation of invest, gry; bendled the whole lob hack. tre ' ,ments, and this year has made a Different treatment . was meted Theasuegeon dues' note-amputate•ern- ten' I , eipeeial reservation on this ii.a.ewret 441„._ont_ , ' "'well"' hY• '41'1. All 3 -11 ---the• 'leis he is Absoilit.ely conetelled to fei 4,a04.000. , . . . Tits: •profits for the year amounted navy gamed Vatter eBareatt, wilio ,do so, and even tlien he cuts off as .. in $1;886,142,. equivalent to 16.30% on made the acquaintapee of a eliarria• little as he. can. • It a man's' hand ...eaten •the Paid up capital As the balance ing and •enial etran - t • P1 - • • , . . 3 is of prefit and, .loss at the end of the mouth:they hadeonfidentialehats, ,„.oe •z..:•-•pretiona•Year• amounted to $1;016,11-3,- -and theastranger-th rev,- Out :ifiyi.ps 46 the total anieunt available. for distri- sav which the 'eteaaghtforwerd Mind of le hution; with the-grotits added, amount- the etolor. fa4led • to. understand.. r ed "to $2,901,262: Of. this =mint Finally,' feeding sure of Ilia man, the. be cilvidillicla accounted , for $1,387,200; tempter offered Barrett a. bribe of gen ft'. 1100,000 war transferred eto ofileere* r"1. _pension fund; . $250,000, written„ off X500 .for • the theft of a sign& -eo e PI • a. . pain reliever •willfix' you up .tiap . • • • • e , ;the aebigh tribute to the Servian, Belgian Vigorous rillping.. \rich Nerviline. This 10,..teto&i,NI,a..e.o.rds and.: Russian _troeps. • The Servians ti.osty. old as.tw,o lit il are.'"Called" brayire,' liiii-deelaration is .made , . . gestion.-. make. you. well•just. lie it did in no tin -lei -Win take away the con. re rarely over erre h'cle • gians for Standing ;with England and •Ia.--... -annilunition. 'Credit Is given the Bel - Who says: -"In 'running t� catch .a 4eve, tnore, but In' I Mr. Samuel ,St. Johns; of, Stamford, The. perfor ted pan into whieh y est.. 4.. iiii- 'France "when they mast have realized., train lest 'week 1 became rpuCli bver• native. 'The aperaden .iS much ed ,dreseing and leaves the rest • .. molten. le.atl,is • ,,:iii red is at alie, the. ably lost' The . press is critized, fpr .. . that. their own cause was irredoem-. i,and rode that way in order to get• ; cooled. off. •In an hour my ode was so fileated. I put up the.. train winciow - ••• • lead fall throngh the 'perforat.sion°1 "top: its attacks on. the 'Reissiarle, saying -..full. of•pain and my breathing hurt so Y .quicker. " . . • . . bite; tanks '-ater at the bottom Of . 1.117 are brave 'and capable. • - 4. . `he military. attigeeti te-day i.e. eea• *the, to.wer. i e water coals them • mply reluctant , to ampt4te. and a 80 • • Woman to the,Resenr, Quick -est relief Mibard'▪ s Liniment CUrce Diphtheria. Soff " (;41111t.'S .sa-s. I gaoler. rbeau- tiiulul ever- ...time he eees.me."*' "If titat •the.et-ase you eaglit. to •make 'him ,call ,teece a dee.," came the - YOUR OWN DRUGGISTWILL TELL 'TOL ' MurIneEye Remgdy limited. Weak. Watem E3 es and (41.anniati 41 1..yelith.: No Smarting...4 .1001. Eye Comfort ' rite for, Book of,ehenEy4. • byraall.Free; MurtneEressureas. Chlim0, reply. • . , ."7"-•": . I: gelid .floor.. • .. . , as. they . would if they ern-Lfrorn:41-at- L(.2141-0.4tii-n.natiNe oteth's p 'ace , . 1 ' • able" end L quickly get relief. Nervi - penetrating effect was-. soon notice-. --- . '13 In the water the shot go to . • , • • tesident. ' • • - liSlied a traveller in Alabarna of a, fine I. eonsider saYed, Incfroth' a Seii. I dryers. After drying the pee- ' ' • , .. _ crushed and even the .little fin- feet shoboare Separated from.t.h i reply. • , "Arn I •evhat ll''. w4g:70.i pfizzi.ea- oils .ilin6ss.,, . • - . . • . , L. • ". . .•, . . • Any sort of a cold scan be., quickly: • breken up with.. Nervillite .Which. is a : can be saved, it is Well.. ',% 01 ,per,fect we/tepee of glas$ ea.ei e 111',: "I say are yon a native tfirel`'. mervel for reducing inflaminatton,for ! es In- . „ i age inagietieh as it can* „hold•:...elined* examo, se, that - • th 111,6 atiiing. The eoldier'e 'leg leaa,k •When poured 9. at Won° end of the g ° C E t, : While the min ,wes -still hesitat•• relieving congestion' in the throat and: other end. At in • ver his ;answer, his wife came. chest, for curing stitele. fp the side, ! frightfulbr ' injured, yet the sur- ta.ble, 'will roll/ the \. e are two .., n will not cat.; it off except es the itiethor eald.o. the • • .. . . to the, door. ' re soot i ng 0.1 i • lumbago, neuralgia. seiatiea .or rheitin- : ..'.A.in't on got no ';sense, Bill I" atism. .Nothing mo I i ... A Las,t:•Ilesort. . -: . .. -shot -roll ow and .with difficulty, gutters,. side' by •de . Th .f q' she exclaimed, "The genl'inan aowerftil. The'. 50c, large. fainily. size! ., is. the most economical, Small trial ! be_,,,,vlatire:413,,sc. thaiptih, have:not enough Moe Means was yo' livin' he 1.11 *heti yo• e : igh_et..t.liarr: do so,. niti-litinn. earrY- -there beyond the --Y-0 ' bw, az ,o, leremeeeee01,..e .sizei 25c., at dealers ave.rywh One foe a wheree 1. • • ev•-•-•- - = --- •.ile to 'take 'mire 'Of W4? tct r n, - •egin vim' heah. Now ansiver • * . ,•first;au r.-' • The ' perfectly round the genit it '' - • : If, iiii"Wr :applYing, of course; :The Seheol• Board... ereeesee7 teeatmeiffeaeitleatenfla •sOot'''' 94' "tlratli-el' "tit ..0.61-7--t-Trti . 'Whe- ,`theY reach the' feat of the -fa- • • tiCletensing•nnd.suitable diem- iefe they jump nimbly acrosii the • • •t. mueh that I thought rhad ptiumcfnia.• I al -ways eerey Nerviline ine grip. and at destination • rubbed thy Side ortarg-hly---three--thnes.. -The • ' • to. tat •a .st4,!ne 1,I) ma. e • for , himself. ekela need : • ." aith, that's' good: • ‘Su -re. an' a steine..eoffin ." peOple, are . w i 1 ' t ake trlinost any 4tler thing except bonnier's. 1„iniinent Cures Distemper. • • -7-7-•••: ' . , Irisimian. hearing of a friend . . ' bank premises' 'account; $50,000., -9 -•tribtfted. to Vatriotic_finide;:__$500,000k ISztheilLtihe7.1)-tnejacket-irrasitea_the... --.---.4-ino-iv-etr7Tur idepreelatter:in--: -twv-e-sf7.'"iitiiii;fien-,7-Ve 'Set about the roati and it al _•_ _meats._ This left haled:ea to beeearriad puninielled -itinvunmereift111Y: 13 ar- itge forwaid to profit and loss aecount _at la _a 1.1111. -m --._for assoultyhat -the. ( r •• 1 i ..."....the'.end ...afethe ...veer a.$614•962 •. - • • The statement Assets inci .1)he-ell-mtLe-wa's^011.6ffiilled, -Tee; . His object is to, give nature fi' st gutter and kind in the second, Pu nee to a,ccom h all that itt hilitles, and the Profit and . Loss ac- a,tely when the magistrate heard the ing r , . cOunt, •are as follows: • • cha it‘ssete.. . p s10 •tan do. When -aanputationrhas lite,polisibeiFtry rolling in •umb' o "res 'Atter separatioe, th e•Perfect eh t ny of 'e,orns ole feau-' at,nam's Corn 'Et tits and warts in on 4. tor, . Our:ea.' e0111 . . . ,; ; 12,995,483 . What I ,Know. • • - • .gn wor -men. lien put t man . age .11efuse enbotitutee, 25,e. per, bottle at, .all Dom, notes - I know...tb.at (la _Avila 'betty ..tioits.. 'with the hetp 6-f•. the' •seieta-. the.. . 12,688,311 • • dealers . of recovery under modern enndi.- .for.,sihipment, or send them direct •Fruit gold reg. .....'....a. Notes and cheques. - ..t. • Govt. depoilit . other banka ., ' • Due by _other 'banks. .., Goy rnment. securitiee ;. el Man Opal sec., ete. Bora s'•.debts;'-eith.--..:.--,..,--, • (-All loans. in Canada .8,574,058 • $25;683,8,5 come again. . Id Ore, vi ma e c met o sr.° reatment now un- to e loaded Inky •• •Ether *Was- fil.-e 3' -ears' 7S -'her it the beet day in Which I have ever ilerstood, is certainly more than • Oa pc -0 • ' 6 't Went to SCh001 for the fir01(1 St tittle. 2, , I know .that hapPitiess is a twice as good as lead. to.be. • " savages ensigniee.ane. "IrOw d •like v nu- teacher . • :thing winthin, and it 18 arlWaY'S in The number of Men watind.ed • • , o _ von , .57400 .the world and very, near to me. I I.s it - not posSible that we .Who • • 7-, the bettlei on the present ever "I'Appei • • 'asked. her mother. IN ell, • 8,277,691 . „. 3,148,854 lave u , o search for le, enormous, bue the percentage ot ave .neyer ventured far from oUr 1110111na. rf don't thank the teacher g and that as soma aseI begin to leene home may under-estiniate the intel-; knoive verNem e , . 1,158,56 deaths is said eto be remarkable, ligenee and hi 'lin CaPeleitY_a ,thase. -dear r -- 1,126,062 it out have it. Alsol 1 know tnateetemeeeeeetpaaea vL•itotirSE., 171nriY 11;1 she "WI); _not., ray ii,rfeat tribes of stiveges 'Who are 1)tit• questions :alVl the timekir'ep • 13,55'1.741...1M siTon be''' • 0 w mg to :the ;.triproved inetlieds ()f a name to us. se'ientist, leeturing call loans out Canada ... ' v. fact That- modern rillehulle te inflict was one of rt . s fe• ti . -gin to give- it „away it ecimes haek (surgical treatm4int and 'also to 'the 6,080.847 d•oubled-andemore-rto IOC 1._knoN d *- this, I know that work in a stimu- : 141qUid assets . Cur. loans in Canada Cur, Mans Canada ' overdue, -debts . .. --recently •in London, •al'a,ted thlit-„he Minard's Liniment, Cures Colds; ,Etc. • - , $71,2444;t8 s, ant tat t keeps the wOrld allor ' and el'ean'et• WOUndE •,14,iormsye44 to To;•t.'eS StraitS, and in Teacher • A train • leave.e.'TAndon • .• 84,585.,973, alive and mov,ing. • I know that the thrin• the bullets .of former days, • carrying out inveetigatiOna <Herm,- . . -15,002,488. people who work *with love in their ..The bullet in use to da although em red that the head Measureent, or " • .-568"1" h ersn arts, I. int • t i 1 e c., nsonhi .three -tenths if an inch, hes'. eranial erlakity, of -the nal•ivesewea . . Real efttate ...;. .... flank prinitises ' . . . . other assets , -bri--- 1() the )u c: , , .ircutnifou . ..... . . •lirmend depoilts aavinge dep. Doe °flier biialfse Bills pay ... . Acrepiane s ...... $171,401,837 a ro the real ,doe.rs aad benefactor', great Ttenetrating'pe7wer, It leaves Stigit about the. that...Of ,.t..he . 600,60e, 4,f mankind.. knew time /tan bc, the irnizzle •of the. rifle at a speed a average: Univereity iniflergraditate. 5,861,180. deer -and a b.eriefactor. I knew that Ileitrle' half a 'mile a second. '''.4114 111 tile' ilit,erhfr of Borneo the seien- ...,..1,541,636 life is eenetly What I make it y ea,silg .. p4se;i Omagh the.,th•ickest tiefiz nilearth4'd a SaVage 'tribe Who' e•--e----e ,--e- know that !other:. neopT,e 'and other part' of it .iran. • It does very Hale live in llousesa hundred yards 10;4, IPP' 413.Nel.r... 4,11.11......infilthila,n. _my., are,,,4•414.1..:ita4ing,ant-t-Sia:titailiee.a..-....lecitirdritir---Piirget(1- On---trw'e-.ntp'-te:i(•tr:*"p••"-i'-i,1,OT•'z';•"'&'.'i',ith-- .L-t-A-t.in'-tt-'".:lW;-•- wi•yi I, '.4 -411.1r -a44-4.1•4,71.,, it.. 1 kietre •*elean edge A, W-Ii•ielt 4 R inivel-aleke -like -4,ehhaieglii, ch(ehrrsti-dto-r---or ki r-c-atth,e-.4.ZIlrinithly-ii..1-1;111 tlt-irftel... 1914. • (het .1 ant. young if Is live ,youtlii le ly to catch and hold germs. ' -- . .. Of the joint tenants, The nature of - $ 12,695,255 know' that I am Ititppy'.if.I live- hap- ' 'In: the present .e.onflier A .-11,8t . 11 224 • * 1%, , _retiess , 1 kpow that 1 'are, ' wor.tli, ...-, 4. these lat tee. dwellings. indisputably amount of 'suffering for \ tile woutto- shows teat 'ale That,ives 1,04,e u, keell , • iO4,827.,°78 while if I' attortipt and accomplish., e,d. IF, prevetitekt by the use of an „ - • •45361141, ---41. ..).1- thirige. I Icnow that aesdlotips," espCcially' -Wilier? 4)Pora• ' setise of the ltygienic,i ,a nd t,hei r4 '40- • dat filt.0..e.dlirse .e,xliloys the true 1 , , ...._ iny best at all finites and'undcr 'likely that; ple'. rrene4 and. Ger- * - • ' • • .44--.....— . -'• ,r("1 pub: Nab. ,, a ,, , $154,319,272 every c•ircitnistance.-.-.40erge Itat-. ' ' To , the shareholders: •• ', thew Adarne. , . 'Maas in their field And baSe•lbo.SPit- At, a croisded. 'colleen to hear Plailani eapriar130660,000 • .-:'......-,-.44........-.--a ELIE are tis•ing, ollen 'amputations' Patti 11 yining. lady Vas lookinit Mr have to be made, Such special 'pain' 4,1,* seat,. uia,it a ati./ib you vr‘,Itut". 1110 gi`eal9st thing 1 c" ev" do is tionslhave to be performed i 1 81, 7 8 'of brotherhood. • 'fleittir.v9 14560,000 " 614,062 tr pay ° 360,710 $1.74,464,064 •LOSS Account. A 10141 . *Rh' VI a OA ft< .5)119.511 • • Two deacons once dtsputing 'about'a proposed ne* 'burying round, t4inarked : "I'll never be buried in that ground as,long as 1 live,"• "What an obstinate tian 1" id the other,' ."11 my life iS Vat - ed, 1 will!" deadeners as novocanie and scopo- lamine, !whielt are injected into the spinal canal, they llave the• 11d- van.t4o t,liat 'they do not, leave a, 1101111eSS for many howl% after the operation. They are iitilited, 13.4)wever, only in taSta r`vhere ()per.' this 2 ' Atka the Irish usher. "Yes, a, seat, please.""tidade • miss," 'said Pat, "I ohould be olad t41. give you a, sate, but tire empty ones are all fun." vimobikiimo#* .Ontin Nelatoretbe supeemtendefit ' evaa-was the sehool, - • "Who wrotellandet r ae.iked. • A ve ry, f rig htened litt e boy rose and said: • . ,.T.1 , eperintend.en t• was • :" at te re ward:aelating the,incident •to - the -members -of --the• sehee _ at . • "Haw. hew," 'guffawed tone, " . -bet the- litele.•rascal. did. ell- the ., ., wee,' ' ---•••••• - WHAT. IS YOUR- - MIRROR'S STORY? ' OU..can't have a • • beautiful , complexion for the 'asking. • -TAKE NOTICE. W pubtsb ?Ample, steaaair •reetanen. fatenot pre4,44' 'agents' interv;ewt., from , ta..a..,•elling thirty miles an hour. •It. , ,....„„ ',N nu ,es 4101 . From ell ove ',A,' . ' I i,. followed thirty liihittes' later hr.' itTNARD'A LINIMINN'T," the tperaen, t.tey tiv...'re t'44' i he tnet. to' of, 'Honi.,eholrr Xelne4ii,:, di train, iravellin •eixt — 'l ' b't • (i`f . ,MINant) :4 LaNniiiNT- co% :urn. hour. :At what hoint Will the . , . 5maid.-t18:m inn into ilte first .1 11 oy . .. • -At the hind end of the reer car. • ... M,hards•Lifilteent .044 Elyit n Cool& ISM 'E • - A eustom eonemonly 4,1esarNi7irre .C.ouples ainc,i1g • 1"1 ancient Tenons wits drinkinft • trihe 1101a0 floth honey ,dikring the•i ikrst, • thirty after. ip"arrijige. The uso...of t•htwo ,.,rd,• ; ItEekr 'AMOS toCle.sig'ilatii, the peri,.41! Of lime, one numeh, that the p.4, the 1‘ JIlO continued. In no 4•111.:1' respketi was, the mik4,0ti 54uprit4yd to hrtyp significance i the mat r. though the •euAtoht of • drjtikirig partienlar kind of .wine WAS ' long ago abando,ned, the , word • honey- moon its survived in a different sense. •It, is now applied' to the period. after marriage, long, :or .sho'rt, genefally •de% oted to a (rip 15. away from home.' • v T444ein,a, 'COLO CilEAM --use— re rIyw11tterriove blemishes, and make the'skin amoothi. clear, ahd Vaseline, Cold Cream cantains no animal -or * etable fats. It is sterilized, n the making and delicately Perfutrfed,'", . IN full size ,iar_of:VaOline_ Cold Cream,vvill 'be Semi to you direct on receipt ar the prite-- 1 5c. . Lifuttand'oepartment stores every.wherc sell the various "Vageltive- preparations. Write fee free, diestread 'Mate . line" beeklet tellins•all about the:a • 1. 7 • 6I7-1E$Eil1i,o1101-1 l'sd; et), • 'cu...4m.1,0.d, • 1880 CHAS(' AVE. 11/440telitEet 1 • • 1 • 11 • •-•-,4 ••••4 ‘11,, 9 r