The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-07, Page 14‘ 111"411TrIPPWRI"".."1"- Om. .4x -r 7-jr,rgrivir, rrAn 43.- vis OMR , $r„oo per year, ia nelvaitee; $1.25 otherwise • LaCIIAPELLE . WAteltntake;, -Jeweler and Optician • .. : •• MARKETS (Cerieeted Up to Wettiieeilliy noon) a' Whet,a„. .. Peas . ....'. . . . . , : 1 50 a Oats. ... ........ • • ' ••• " . • Barley - t ' ' . 60 ' 64. . • tr, • :Butter ,.: . .. , ..,... .... . 2,3 24 .-. . Eggs, -fresh— ., .-. • , .', - ... •• 35 .40 llogs ... . . ........ ; . : . :'. . : 71 • Mies Nr..Giebani lehome for a month from Chillicothe Ohio. •• • • Have you renavied for your.Sentinel for 19151 /f not, de it now. Will McCloskey, of.0nelph., spent the iYeelt;end with 1114, Miele, James Rum. rsfis MS•cPberenni of-reterborough„ • staent New 'Years' Day With her saint§ Miirchison.. • - • • W. E. TreleaVen Bros. ha* recetvndA fourth' order; n-014 Giaegoy.r,.•„'scatiamt> for .a 900 -hag let ot flour: • • 'Mrs: A. T. Davidson, and daughter,. Mae, of•Actoo, are • spending the meek :with friends in town. • . • , • Joseph Taylort of ,QA1t; :spent a •few days of.last. with, 16 brothel4Ote': Tayler,fsbuth of town. ' " • Dr. V*: Parker-,....OsteoPathic phc- iat,wi11 be at the Cain ItouseeLticknow,. , Wednesday el ernoons 24.94 I. Mr. Stuart Finlay, of Bruno, is visitinghis parents on, •110%, St. " He intends remaining for the'vvinter. • NV and Mrs Therafte Melvin,. of Cul- ross, were guests the past week of their daughter,. Mrs. John llelkRoal St. Mr Sam and Miss MixrchiSert, of Paramount; anent part ettlierecent,14 iday week with friends in Kinloss. Mr: and birs• Donald MacLean, of Amberley, were the guests of Mr. and tons *snit aleliNOW ONT. First League HockeyPosterci are out annotmeing the first NoitherrrLeagne:iieeltnY -game:of-the season for the (wean of TncgiclOt 12th; TOO pine will be played in Lorne Bulk' Ltteknovi.) between' Wiegham and' tolfektiew teen*? •• •Banliefif Vs..1)11e.e-class. , .lively "game of libekeylts played, - in the rinh on New Yearfe Day, between. 4110-bankeiri of Own and ••••a team •froaki..,• the- PresbYterian Ilible.:Class,- Victory went to. the latter .who.inaio.teined-.a. leart-througliOutilie game. At half time .theacete Was 4.•,,43: in faveof thit-Cilexs, andat the close this was increased to H- .5 McLeeu.•Jolittatou vraa•referee, • ., Notice of lileedug. • ." -A meeting'of the Patriotic '•_Leagife: is called for 'Friday evening, Jitm.'814i, at 6 .-Ocki41r.. Meathers-and alljgte,rested,• J.t. •earineatly re'quested•to attend. A-1» et- :ing-,Of..the.•exePtititie•of•tW"Leagne-•1..:I b,e..beid at 7,:30 *lode,' Same. Vverring.-. Both meetings la the •Cottneil ,Chaniher,', Town ROL .. • . , • Robert Johnston, Sec'y. 'Important' Liquor Cule • A 1,iquor case, ihat•is likely to prove bighiy interesting.to the•party or parties • involved coioes up before doch,_ a c•t n g a magistrate, to -day (ThUrsday). As the case has not yet heea heard facts cannot be given, • but we • understand that Constable Cameron son New Yeaes °Eve seized a quantity of whiskey'which was being rought into town evidently to help out In a New. Years' jollification. The charge of bring MsF mazgalan on. New year% rr.T a,ing•liquoratitn. local dntion territory is a +T. Mr find Mrs... Jos. Smith and Misses Margaret and Pearl Invin attended • the Panley-Davidson wedding in Clinton est week, . • Mr. 6,nd Mrs. LewieFauley ‘spent • few days with • friends in town before • returning to „their home at Wellman's Corners Ont.. •• •Mr.- A MVainero4 • and bride, (nee Tena McDonald, forrner`ly of Lueknew,). arrived frffin Winnipeg a teW days ago, Ulf are visiting friends in Lucknow add ; . Wheat bush • $ I 20 to $ . Oath, bush ° ' 52 to 55 Barley, hush. 68 to7S Pe, hush • ' 1 40 •t • i: 60 • Thiwthy, 1a..... -.„ , 21..30 to 22 00 • Mixed and 16 00 to 18.00 ' Baled Timothy No; l•-• 19. 00 to . 2000- , S.:twice heavy steers:. .. 3 00 to 8 25 „ 1,1bga off 7 75 La • CalVe'S.. 9 GO' to, 10 00, Spiing Lambs, - 6 .00 to 8 00 She.v, ewes, cwt 5•25 tie 6 50 Bub er, lb ' ' 30 to , 35 Eggs, doz OEto 65 •Potatdc,a, 60 to ' 70' • No we. are Oking , . you to try Our. • Patin ,Olive. SoLap. .and -Goods The by•la.w to repeal local option in. • TOeswitter, Was defeated on:Monday, the • vote In favor having fallen L4 Alba of a half, whereaaa three-fifthe Majority was necessary to carry repkil.• WHEAT:- WHEAT!! . Detnntid for tt:e 'flour at .tlig Luck.new Flour 11111 is Such that rreleave.0 dros„ Want all the wheat hi tile district. (.e.e. quOtationR at the Will before Mr. Donald McChatles, who lina been at Seinaas,„Sask , for the past two yea's,. is .visiting at, his .44:nue:here: .‘ Ile Iooks. as though fie had entirelY recO4red from hte;seliouS illness of last ..sumtiter. RObt., bitillOugh, brother of. 1).. Mal - lough, Of Wain,. was elected reeve 'of Teeswater,.()Il Monday. ,• fits ..,opponent was R. J. Mann, k merchant,who' has sered. the village a number of years oh the Scheel Board said the C.ohneil. serious one, and if proved, will involve a file of at 'least one hundred dollars, and .ectits‘,'betsidee the loss of the goods. • 4ANUARY 7th, iVILY ELECTION IN LUCI(NOI/V I3ig Vote ,Polled arid•Onod Board .Elected for 1915., . New Maw i1eatIs'4110011. For Reeve; j. Murdoch. Ir CortneillMs; RObtjoyn- ,. stoat, Dr, *Spendets.W.- E. lienderson, Dtitnin. Pigiireg in. Connection with Monday's election at•i• as. follows': • ,Itoe llateVe • • ., J. 0. , 173 : 131 k on CeigteiLton: *- . W. P,. Fari etSon,. •• R. Johnst ... -909 Jr. Spence , .157 A E. Durnin -• • •• W., 111;Treleasee:'.F: " 144 . W. Horn 126 • ,Lucknovriften arikreen. tiporta And -there.always, is in an electir n an element of,spert. ..IVera' game in whichthose' wjw enter strive far..ictory. This. •ac- counts foellie warmth of the election oa Monday, and never was a municipal election inore ieenly'contest- • ed.. ,The da Y was fine au;'l afiNik" ere 'out to win, sO thatevery.available vote. was getten out in goOdtitne. Whatevenatay hg been "in the,haek of the heads" of the plecters there was' like, ,aid as to tpiestionft. Of, public intere4 ,atid the, battle was fought out mainly OD personal issues.' -.The result 'should be entirelt- . satisfactory to the town, as the Connell Board for 1915 will consist of men well versed in practical affairs, who Will go Lo extreme neither in spending nor saving.• • IIURON.3914(NSIIIP ELECTJONS • . . .. . . . ,i.duitigh Wilkinson was returned to the reevesiiipof• the'township by accIaM• - afion, the eti7ctien•for depdtv reev.e and conncillors was keenly contested,. Wains; leY, with:headed the tied last y.enr as 'candidate fornonnelllor, this yeal. won over. eOsborne for'eleptity reeve .' The threecouncillors. are: Samuel Brown; Duncan •Campbell arid Alex- Fraser.__'... _ , , Early Mornieg. fire . . '.• ' . A. fire, which destroyed. a :small, barn • h ' .„ • . • • and stable on the Iiolyrood grvel just S. ...Qsborne.. _. north of the village,,pctrred. early at .,AleX..M... Wanisley ' .. Thursday mortaing. The barn -belonged' • • ., ' . The tigureS by subdivisions are as follOws.):•/ st. • To introdu4thenyoui: we give kOti value of 80 erits for,50 cents viz. a iratUge .of Face Cream or Shampoo -ea.Oh.' so cents and 2 • cakes ..of SOap*. at 1 5 cents each:. ee WindOvii Dika1.4 R. A. M.. SPENCE'S , to:Mrs. McNeil, and the leas was • partly . • 'covered by ins.urance. Besides.the.barn, Semuel,Brown . a number of fowl • and a Young 'horse ,D (Jampbehl • -"I ".. were.destroyed. The ,origie.of the. fire' Tiaser..'•• • is not _known, A fire alarm Nits' - W Hainilten .. .. . . . tethe' fire -brigade, but,it.:ava . on as • • • • certained thittithe building was tint:4de • the hiniita of Re protection, •nething:. coghl be done to stop the Vaze,ited building and ceetenta weig 'Burned': fo,' • the:ground.' . • .. • • " • • • Patdotic LfttIe We's • • "" - •Ar,eent isstio.of •The G.f.lerieh Signal had the.: fO ollwing: ”Twt, . ',girls: Vermv.attel aged,' eight. and thine years respoctivel,y,..Who,liVe ,on ('a1lL;4il,h.to iles . the • ,treatorer of' the local- rt lit the snin. nt$2..00„1.he • .other ;the' proce.e4W; • . b: ir .-eiforts tin 'bend E •the- noortiftlioacrwm: eli lid-ten:Made' a ti t ity. ot dainty ' hairpin:holders which they sold ••., to the. neiabh!lto and; thus- vaisedtalte Amid.* which they' d-,uatei to ther1ief frind" The girls referred to f,otteerly. lived in- tteknow•and wil 1 he well •replembereil' by Team, asttlin itSed to • appear • on the ,platforin. in reeitations,•ete. ,.• 40 ,‘ • 'lhe regula.i7 meeting of the Woman's., institticomill be' held • in the . areneil • Chamber of the Town Hall on Friday, .daniutry. 8th, "at 2:30 o'clock. The roll - call is to be ansWered by "Some: things music, etc. Visitors will be weleten.ed. There is alio. tb be a delegate speaker from the depart - meet, Miss 8, Campbell, of Toronto; .40 'speak to •ue on 7/1"6:26th at 2:30 o'cioek. • She conies tous with a 114 .receintnen- dation and front her hist of subjects "We May expecerlomething. very interesting and instructive. Keep date open. Would the ladies of Holyrood and St.. itelewbranclieaplease_accept,A 'speciaL invitation to this meeting. • _ , •• ... Locimisit " , • • •-' . -TuesdayJan. 5. • • . Our 1 ittle 'bitre, was,. as, nkual, -a very. ti-t-late-'thiring7Qhrist.teas-Week.,-As an .ekample Of the quantity ..of• ..dressed. poultry handled can ;_he • Sfiewri" by .411e 'amount:handled b J. A. McKendrieki Which amounted to.oVer.five torts'. ..,.Dan RON, of.. Hemlock • Oily-, . eaptured -first prize, for having the best • flock, . Of .• birds harAled by the abeve'...store • this Ms -flock consisted of .1.!')•yoting -turkeys Weighed OH2Ylbs., Soilte.'Ot buxia weighieg gt .ibs. each; •Sorne-flink;'. • , • \ • ' r • OUR 19.1.41' ew Fail SuitiDgs , Are all new patterns. . —parr and senthena. TE/VIPLE 'CLARK 1Viere1iant - — - Skates Shnri)ened All kinds of Woodvvor.king,, Horseshoeing° and-,Genibra Blacksm!thing 'Cr. 9STAARDEfi .1 1 Pine -River Jan al. •Miss M: Maines, o• f Kincardine, spent ,the holidays a.t W. 4.13ell's. !. .• ' 'John Stannera, of Teronto„ visited the Bernardo boys :ironed here op •Tneichi,i. _Albert tatter.,retriened on Tuesd. after -spendieg_?the......aolidaya. ill Owen Sound. •. • •. -d-HAiiiech iibuty• dramatis griTy7f from the lake show, with which t 'a• wall under his .barn next,; sumnier. • Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Strachan" and, • daughter Anna -who have been visiting friends around here, ;returned- to -their. home at lianova ou Rev. A. J. Langford, of Kincardine, CU -Aided -Mr: EibWli.liVli On Monday evaning. The meetings ate being 'held' eaclj. qvenink this week. tr. Hopper, of, Belgrave; wilt assist the latter part of the week. .Kintsbridge • • Volt` .E.PoTY-BtEv 1 ,3 4 6 • . „ ,,%•.• • 32-, 61 79 286 '63. 46 . 31 -9.4 $9 311 FOB: COut4C1i,r,,'0Rs ' ..... „ • 66 . 49 • 56 .41 . fl • 61 4-44 .... . .. • • 32 ;36 44 63' 34" 54. • 312 !. 91 • 51 • .80. 33t. '6,3 61 62_, .33f; • 46 92 •42 203 A.verrenjoyable time .4mi-spent-at- ;the home 'of ra. • Gather ine, McLennan -when the- -Avedding-roception • .of her danghter, Cluistemt, and „Mr.Willi:tilt- 1-11:1:11:t0, took place... The presents were narrierous and boautiftd. The night nail s )ent mairitg in .ditue ng., Whieh Centime- 11E-SLI?...211,.13- PEEVE OF Li.• CHURCH NEWS • . . STEWART WINS IPVASHFIELD gClieries Stewart wits •the succest't catidiclate for reeve in 'Ashfield. Winn over 'Bartley by a mei nay of 90.. • • The number of votes • pulled- Tot' id lt 'variouscandidates for reeve ind tor In the.township was as follows: Fon 118$111,. • • • • Stewart: •• - •394 3044 ati7 2.8*.: 237 21-1 AylEmPTEO, MURDER:, • COMMITTED. SUICIDE Tim Mr. McCoy Mentioned in the fol- lowing article, whieh we take from the Globe of Tnesday; will be recognized AS :.Mr 1,117-istee5yr,-1410-, for a tune, -;`Wes - In charge Of the Bank of Hamilton here: • Penticton, B. C., Jan. tinar chapter of an antonymous letterovrit. jog episcode came last night, when Elgin C. Meyers, formerly,. Secretary Of the Kettle Valley 'Railway (joinpapy here, fatally shot himself in his room above the O. P. it: depot. •• Meyers had faced a preliminary Arial some weeks ago .ori • ohm-pae of firing into . the: Aquatic CPA Building arid. wounding two MOO;It ;wee alleged that' Meyers had shot at his room -mate. J. 11. McCoy, :formerly Manager of the -tBank of liainiitonlere, and a. meiriber of the seondecnit,ingent, ear seree. inonths .anonyitleus letters . reflecting. on the character of ll'eCoy' had " heen sent to prominent residents, And klac; ards were posted tip thrpfighout district. Suspicion , pointed to Meyers as the -person responsible. Tne prelim- inary trial on the shooting boated him over for trial to.be held on •January 113. lir, McCoy has been in the training . camp at'Victoria, B 0., for some time •Bartley Fen Couxeitrne Richardson,-... Hackett. • . ... • Alton • . • .Johnston. . . . . ... •• :Davison,. , • rrir four. 'ffitit:tuttned conned were elected and for reeve Wiliconstattite 1915. ' : ,1•70 carididatee'f•ir With .Stewai the. • board f )c Bervie -Monday, Jam 4. -John Dagg gave a, pnrty oh !Wednes- day night. We are, sorry Ramie has so far to conie now. • Cheer up.. liot,oem,wennmin • Aillither of those uuusual events al - way a of interest esnectially• to „.those inimediately concerned was, held in the village on Jan. 2nd.', when the • fandIV .gathered itt.the home of Mr'. and Mra. -Stieetr-to-- eclebrate the • happy oceasion-,-.the fiftieth a.nni- rsiersary_of_their marriage; Mr. MrS., Einley,;froni.Peterboi•e, -else Mr.. and Mrs. Stuart Phalan:from Saskatoon, being present, :The .following adtheas to the bride and groom .was read: 'Whenwe remember. how few fa niiiies are so blessed.'br having their:4 .1••nts spared to them, so many years, we. have' -great reason to • be thankful-tto our Heavenly loather and trust that in ••hia .flivise providence you may- still be spared to.us 14 many. years. Theugh. our .family „circle is not complete to -day„ we feel that the dear Absent sisters are With us in'spirit and affection"- even the. •one who•has`gone before-- DeaTiaher and mother; -we aSk you to accept these two gold mounted- unabrella.„ a10 L(vo easy chairs, As .slight tokeus. of our ie. and. affection, not for their vatue,'%tl'ach, in no way repays the .tiebt of love we owe .you; alSo a purse of gold limn Finlay's mother, ...VII° is flhl able to .enjoy her mind health' at the ripe 'old - 'Age Of. 101," . • ' Verses composed • bg ! their daughter, Mrs. John Jamieson, Latuier. . • . -* to -day ' • , This' 'dear old courio e Wed,'" • , Now ye see the snowy locks Crowning each dear heatt. • Fifty years ego' they' started In the woods to• shape a home, .• • Comforts now surround them.feliing Of 'reward for labor done. ' •.*.Seyen children blest their union, • Of those six cloth' yet remain. All are here '.cept sister Minnie, •Wbo thvelIs ou tar pakata's ' • -Their eldest daug„bter; dearest Magiig, .Tliei•had'buried jkong ago; • But grandchilaten 'and. 'greet ▪ • children • • Yet are scattered to and -fro. • ' May Ged's blesSing still protect' thew .. . . , • „As they follow •H1,11. elle h. day,. • • THE LEAS t'I E,‘ -the Leagee's lir4f ' liV:e are pleased to have.our emincillo.. 1 And. for man,y years be spared 04 meeting ts conducted - :of the New Year wi - ' Alex. raw, for the eext.year.• , • ,, ., 'AS:briglit itglats upon o.tr way. , by the Christian Elide:IA/Or Onimuittee. We are:pleased to see-Wardie;hleviitt The topic," Whali was ' lie lank of .the oist. dis,.. aronnd again after his ill.nessr . PreSent Day. CluiStiann, ,was . .Ciissed: A very itnPressive reading was given, after which a :Visitor . from. our Canadian West gave a. short synopsis' of the work being done aiming the foriegn ,--elententsy---7-1111e • meeting. nexit -evening will be in.the hands of the Ails - s lot) ary . Com ittae. -friends. • • CARDS OF THANKS • 3. T, Eminerten was in. Clinton last week the gnef hiat P s paren ts. • Chnlik-H-euty,••futnisheciTanpici-orthe 'free ineWs ball at Kincardine last- Week-. Mr AMtllat •and":-IfissL-Ilerflik spending Afew weeks with their, I-ItirOn lit1.11,1).-The first meeting,of the subjett,, "A New aid Better Beginning", W • as a a ell chosen -one. 'Tite• leaders. -of el almosytill daylight,. ltureli'being Fe r\- ,the difft.rent commitieb$, atisfi L. Smith, el at 1Vole1eck,•itt which ,bour•the old Miss Com ; 'Mra Deeker. for the 'Social --Yearims-tlYing-AnfTATAI-111HAKV- Pletuitt.-1--(innt.. Niro, Mrearroll, '-Lookout .• Com.; wis es or •it a,IWY.-ac • r°5 eiotta and SMT;i7frii.on,-"trevotiottal.-Oom., N w Year 'was a decided success. The Nete Year -were- exchattgld;- Atli bride- -m.cle gave a sh;irt itddress oretire-subjectT -and ••gr.ocun reeeived many, for 8,11 dealing' with it 'in ' different ways. •-f-titnieharrpinese-aed-en'texsa•-• - &Insist • Compla Ain) ed a, solo.... by' Mx: Tadke)., Abet ..by• Donald A,..Mathelon and D ,s Murdoch .sou .returned to Toronto •University. tette by Jean Doliglivi, M. % 1.) Auntie; -. •• William D. •MeLeed lett Monday mem- I..tougias anti S. Burns, and.a raiding by tng to take charge of &school near 13trliii..1 Irving, a.1 of .which were sell'render Mr. and, Mrs. J Newton ithil daughter, ed. • Miss Norma Thompson reed, the the '.1ffisaita Christena, E.livaboth and Mlle. -reading. rhe mntxt ineetink' ri also-Rbderiek arid -Gm' by..the Finlaysinivisited it Mr. and. Mir+. Dun- yera;ry Cenimittee, "An Evening with R. can rinlaysdn's during Christmas. A. J..E Jimmies!! - • McLennan is home- from the wet. Peter 11,.• is netior the, par•• . ental roof. Alex Hamilton has arrived home from the West. MiiS peiit ChriStiniva ab home. "Arnold -and • Marain Cowan -are visiting at the home, :-.41onday, •of M'r. and, MM. , John° Cowan: .Muta AnthonyMeGlenn, of ilehnor.e, visikcl Isabel Dickson reatiened to her boil* in at •Tiverton after- tbiting friends 'in,- this. Dr. J. McCrae, of Sault St. Mr. and Mrs; John Moran spent part., vletnItY• • Marie, paid it littrrieevisit' to relatives in this vicinity. very pie:is:Int event °centred at the home of • Mr. ited Mrs., Nlurdeckkeicay, Wean! lay iniu•ri-. ing, December 30th.wrien their * 11. • of the holidays here. , • John Chisholm of Goderich,` visited P. Atistin's forNew tear's. Denis'Sullivan, of London, spent the, Weelt end visitieg friends here. , .:. • 19.4004.1ira_Trainnientt; it the' lova Waittliciwced V..6if and Us ' itvcry*Ounee of Sepoy is real flour, , rich in food value, uniform in quality • 6c.(110t,atid strength., Don't,' bother with "fteuebtentige-it•-bappeii5--to 1 ay from home. With it you eceatir arid (*neap), %intoteletAt ispoy uh it make, *b end the cuiietof can't nu LI TRI/WAVU141111,05, • dr. • • - AntberIey, MissBertha, Lindsay ••reffirned tt Smithvilleafter spending' the'. holidays heahome here,- • • .•Mr. and..Mrs. Pete XeDonalcL ente.7- tained their Kinloss friends: to. an .c.,)ice• :dine hop last week: - • ; ' Ottr-teactiet, Miss -Fair, -luts•-resttrned: -her duties after sPending: her.. holiclevs .with friends in Londoe. , • -' Ma it. ilildiedni4danghters,' and Vera; Are spending their eolith it with Mrs. A. Wester Walkerton., Frank liainton who has :been Si& is around again We greatly. Miss the ”ing of the anvil, Frank, when you're off duty . John Nesbitt has £aken T. J. Me• Itinney!s place in the chopping ,mill . . we expect,m toe splendid reports of tie Jacks,. ' ` • • T.' J. 'McKinney left on Sritiirday fie".7 Grielph where .he has scetird position as cheese'. instructdr an the agricultural ` Miss -43nith and Abner Scott,. mho have. been 'holidaying AS lilt their *here, have retarned to Otielpli Cob lee an with 'University reSpectively. -Monday, Jan. i.th, Fred:Re:is has;returneitto his. . , -in Dringannon. ' Peter Campbell is 'Visiting his'_eon, John, id Ifamiltou. „. - . Miss Marie 'Ilitston is visiting her Sig ter; Mrs. itobert isti A gne's Wilkie is Yisiting'her aunt, Mr&•Wm. Hardie, ilethel. • BoliN. Tuesday, e. fff, to \fr Mrs.. Wm, Brown, daughter. "0 . Hattie Ilentirson*, heigns Hos- -- A' All our tlinistmas Vigitin;Vhave dn parted afece their vacati inour midst.. guest" of Mini 1 itfail*ra, CitiVey.7`,- 7 , ',•--iC):.-F.ril Allit;ia,:14--airty'Vocknood • f -De • M.. and Mrs. Piitrick Dineen and .trioti The Marriage eerenirmy WA poi -, Gertrude 'Joye, of •• 1)etroit, were, NeW• ,New :Veer's. visitors. Mary and -Violet Austin, 'Lizzi3 and. Maurice Griffin of Godetich, spent the t week„end visiti g,here. • Sev'eral fx;in ere attendedthe balls held in Kintail hall on Monday Mid Pri- day,nighte of as week. An Ai Aline Was reported oll each ocettSioti: , ,,„ ' . es tur tov, J. ,fa. 1 ...rho and Jiiiigo formed - by Rik. J. S.' Hardie. in the, ures- eneo of II filly • intimate fii•nuls' of the -family-oitly:. The ler„ide, avt.a.nata__giveat away by her father, wore etea 411 stair! :WW1 arid Veltil trimming4,' and earried a „homptet of bridal 'reties 41101,alrild with valley oatihhon. Attol• the (;(irnmony the patty sat tiOwn to ci sumptuotiS dinner, which Wag CORN 1..i,eitss of d, of 13ettriit, tatlieri° Of the . , , , gtOoni. 'With tile best •wts,,As of molly . 'S'ttt/. t?..- ill Kin/this et Deo. is, ii11.4, friends' Mr. and Mii..Locirviood Wt..1.;,,t -,tu 11fr,•and Mtne ',Donald Stuartp IV t(ie.afterrierni train for Detroit, where GI plioWard • ' tlipy will make' their liOnte, •.' • xrtgle Copies 3 gemtp • f0Prpiarrnr, ▪ ".".4 • t,. • g..440R (LI , StOff y be triliink .now and :a eXarni • 014)4 Therefore. if you suf- . .fer with 4. slight eye. • trouh't have •it at- tended ti. at once. COME E I:1 E •. Yp..aoau i:eis,rote,161..oreu, optical depa:tmnt where evers-thiog is ' in readiness fiar high - gr ad e satisfaQtory optical -work.-- T.,ARISTRONG The : isfactory Joirvelei ad 0e.,ian EVERVBDDY'S COLUMth itJ1L MAR:E.-ET PRIOE'fok lterse_Hair, Old ittibbers And (looSeFeathertl.. Slendelson'a Inty Good Store. • CLOVERTt and ersigneu aro prepaFecl -to dm,. Avvor, •••1!!,a• date and, terms avidY 0"CitiliF,r1c,„ • Whitt:4.41=0i, •. 'Ph onei 5 Gil er 1.14:11. . C . -• XON..t.:1" TO LOAN.-oo morlga.gils ana • • • at rea.stmable* rates. •Pire Insuranec •"laith Stook ntid•IlIntual p'onipanies.. T v -of this' villa .ho `marked their- ballots for ine :on Monday last, and. to tbe snleard band of _work- ers who simpeeded in piecing -me at' the head Ot thepolls, 1 exteml mos: ain- cere thanki, anct--Aleepe'st , aporeciltion, And id the electors wno ioteu 1.4 Mr. McQuillan, 1 nay say that they voted for a gentleman, and though he .Lial -'1 were bpponenis,in this Coiile:it, W-: are stiVand trust, - always shall be, the best ef fite).nodus: °be' dieiltier. • emitiT _ .• ' .111:11,a3C11.• To the Eleciors efLueku ' • Ilyisli.to--thank-yoii...Nr did v•ote, polltd in my favor on .1...tr to •• o in.' dut it,. a: „lt 'laving tile best interesta-of %;t1,age iiiview, and Shall -do -thy, best to. irit • the •,Contidenee ..whieh' yen .- have ...„,;.tun iii;rne. • • .. • . • .. Yours. sieccrely, . 7 •, . . • ''• 1:10n. • , •• ear, . . dine ToWns p. containing I00 nitres vire er fikaate , bank ba:•,:i utraw shed.; ttriislati well With ont..-1,1"to water system, alizo neoair failing ste'seg •It • rear unit of fartii. Farm is in Ars' oi.:ws . State Of cultivation.. bei„pg euniplott 41- Alsorrots-11 add - watered. „i3ur partioniao. apply.t.,' 1. 4,040 Adith of tho .estatii of t • ' $1111111,11 l'iud'AV. It. IL No. 1,,.Sludt.' Oat.. ' . • • • .Auction SaIes • •-• , • A1tO11.1.: 1mt 6. Cuti.5. U.1'110- 4 Ill • • IVO Lot Salt. ftr,..110 C01111.1i41101/1g. t one lt.ebierr p..10. aretia itim.!ier of Irrit•sas, :Ind yong 6 months arc. 0'. • • per•een,. ol for urtob. Purvis...a.nr5 +et el) t • . Ja te$ altrnbY, N out 01,le•U-• • • , • lt,al• moo the Para, ntr'ttiti : ...se and Butter Co., Lad., be II ti•I om 1,44yoya4uti,17.111„, at o'clock p. n. • 4. Thu iini?nal inuetilig of the- 1;iik,kno‘sAtII- cultOlitiral rocilety •••", al.' lteld 10 • the ' • tuaber iff :h e Town. Huh. Litom k.w; Thort.aU.Y.. 21st'ila,v of .1ctuutirY. 111 Ao ' hour of ti u in the afterno • , J. E.....i.g;tbw, Sec.- et try., • _ • Notice:. . „ • . , Wrk, the Undersigned; wish , logs tur.salit; that dwiiig !to . tion$ of trade and tr... large stoctk. of log':•• Lo -'lath,' mills last. winter we have a .verr bite) .. • .mock_of lutub,Ir ta.ald. WO are nut in . need. of any " hjs wiritmc bat as v. t' do not ' dish , to seeany timber go to Vat have •tict'••a4, to take in a very- mall -meek, s that 11F4• . sells having 811.11 &Wit 00 .,+.•f••• it.t.." "St*: 130 taken -out;••Wri °putt '1•0 nay 111-51- Pril:e in 1:10.,0tig iiranti, I vv.!, would- „advise Lliusq havizttr 0.4„ ortviri„ : standing timber is/ May st0iutHog • tt:,. ao• •-: • ••'"•••b. • •,411 W. Worth Mini,. ttIvit:vy .11 tit, _fetetc.•_10_,.:_tertecr eerqueke.-.s haelY e-4 • .• -The LiieletRitir Tithro Oo. , . , , t Co. 111 Tiverton- , --Tuesday, len, 5. e4assed_w' are• • • • \ - -• • •• . 'The Week of prayer is being ebseci?ed - in the'•i,i-ic.itia-Chilirches. MI6. ...lantosh is visiting her,;” ,,e4tS„,.,51.r,-atid•Mrs. ' • • -To tile Electors of Lucknow: - • • mite this method ol thanking •tne electpis %of, LUckno a!' who pulled An. ti a soleddid vote in My: favor on Mei, lay, and I wish to. abaure them that,. tin . stant and -very best attention thrutie....;ut . the year. . , •lour obedient servant,- • ,. W. E ittxbr.ttAoic.- ' • Tiverton /Dung people have , Teri ring this year, and with goo4f •peets :k 'new building next year, , , o Smith'i• of (Admen; Sang tb• solo. Ile Will IN. -4t Let Me rail', very BY, epty. •• irk.t.h§ m.L'aothsi, ehitech oft Swat., ' . ,• • . • for h kw days at the boutLi ot ree. Mr. Brooks liv$d Tiverteu for ..sonto • kboitevelli'llaVOr . _ retnrned from. a trip' to Saginaw,. Mich.b. where tliey vent t* holidays will. their sooEdsvin and.his wife in their, bloat.' ful new home. Trom.i.o.roomoomeavor warm Niathinery Repaired , • We are now full operation le, ont new plant, and in better ore enc to repair Work in 't-vCrai Bring us your hro4sn. m'aelyinery. Your saws to be gummed, et. . . • Mr and MIS, A.. 1).'31cCosli. Pine. River, spent Sundaiat Petia. Campbell's. We are„Oad to •hitat Mrs Jchil Fer- guson recevei ing after het% seiions ill- •ness. Miss MaggioMeDonald• has ,rettirned 'home after" nit eetteinied Stay. at Dan. •Meath's. ' , 'MN} 1:itije 'Covirtney attended "the teMnU-i.Bc,Wir weiliiieg at Largail, last Wednesday. IA few frOurhere ritterided.the party at the home of John EininertAn, jr,, /Ake 5hore ott*N(38V ' t;• To the.Luckiiew Eleetors, ! wish to express he:titiest apprreid- • 'Lion of the *tea polled' in irty , . on Mentlay. • -As a new man in the • clouncil I--trust-Aiatniy-elforts-st-a..; itt all times be directed -so at to,- proviote hiacDONALti-TAYLOR , 14 We guarantee in every 'ease a prompt and, iirst 49lass job. , • . IMF ER1AL 'BAG HOLDER 1&' MACHINE CO.*. •"LIJCItNOW. •• Located rieitr,the station fiCAV. t 1 ours; very triffK A. E 1 bereliV pxbresS' my thanks 1.•„..the ,. electors. of Tneknow cone, retilrning me as eolincillor for. N., 01 Yours' A. M. Spence, M.11. • r "To the Eleetors . Lndieanint f-lent1c4men; • : , i• wish most a-J.111111.11y tO th oll those who so' kindly gase ine their Imp- ! yorto,in the eleetkon itt '!..loihitty, th. feby contributing to niy eleetipm • • Otlalt ,....,.EL:41LS ie,....1 arinotla.. c.c.., ...r..e.k`.').-• 'A, ,.litie.t, mo,.,..,,iding. vi,zt.I. ,,... ,S.t.tiiim.,7.,"' the home t. f Mr and Mrs. D.- A. V. -„or.,, ,t11.1sItiircii_, Mizli;lin. ontipeiaruiettrlilltals, cii4.11e. ive....ii3: tii'....i. ;Itl1/41:Lliliililti:;'' iag9:tt)i:3.l:`sinniti, se.:l,st,.1e.H,,nrt:ttas::-,M,,:av the oilleiliting eleigyniitn. • The iNj.clet.,. Will) wos kiVell All"4 by lifr f•tIlit I, ,.9 t' 11i4 tt AV t`11142 ("AMMO tri I.Pretich 0' 1) „ • velotli h. *1 .Mirttaty kit of nlick ‘ I , $,,,, •. During" thil -;.‘s;;,,•;,••,• of the . ..iircePr : ' • I Eva l'aylor; sioter of tilt .bridt. i,.--' ' "Because'''. .After a weddinut ,,f.1),,n, r 1\11‘.. tmd-grS, "Mel InualstReft,on t.10 ',U0,1t1 on a tip to'Floilta, .*1 , 1.