The Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-30, Page 5December. 30111, 1909 • 4• Pinion Now*- .1440,4 •1 dimigamealeatiteetWOO First and Only Utterance of Anti. Local Optionists. Powerful, Reasons WHY You Should VOTE AGAINST Local Option. Before the vote is teken oe the; question, the eaen Won of your remlers le requeated to the following presentation of the case from a easiness 10.ot:0PS/int. 1�,,TA.XATION. Iieder this head, Tithe following II the aesesetootit, endsitastee peid,",by theshotelegir""i year 190t -A ''• 'sessi 'Neese of hotel A .------...-. ssessd Busieess Tax Total Term, .....1.,••••••••• Rettenhierv Ow/. ai Graham Waverly Liquor Store *0200. 1500,, 7100. . 1775, 4200. • 1900, 4500, •• 1126, 2500. IOC 6•••• , 6302.11 143,46 176 77 156 8i 35,63 woo. aloe. ;win 050. 500. 2$2.5 25450. 6800, • 905,14 To this must be Added the stesonet received by the town for license fees this year, viz; 0941., making total receipte under license . $1816.14. • • The rights ar the wrongs of the license system ars not here being discussed. Wear, dwelling solely on the question of TAXATION, viewed from & purely business standpoint. What, therefore, wifl he the condition of things under Locat Option P Nobody will deny the entire loss of the feeknor of the liquor fit*? e,becense reseal Option puts them cletin out of business. Then it is reasonable to claim that the Waverly, Grahem and Commerciel Hotels will also he pot out of bust - inept. Likewise the value of the remaining hotels • will be exactly cut in half, Why ?• Simply beeeteteeunder license law, and a good guarantee of a continuance of the same the property above set down ni assessed for $25450, would he accepted by any capitelist ae* good security for a 'loin of $15000. Remove the license and bring in Local Option, and that same property is relegated to the level of ordinary dwelling liouses..•l It has no commercial value. Whyshould it have P Dees ler, Smith's house occupied bp himself and family on e. street, possess any greatas or less value than Mr. Brown's house next door similar in all respects. • to Ur. Smith's, except that Mr. arown•hinoself, family and a hoarder or hoarders occupy it? Take away a license and * hotel is nothing hot a dwelling tutus*, • that may or may- not take boarders. This is proven by the fact that directly it...Hoene* is withdrawn from any hotel, insurance ceases ; except on equivalent valuation to &dwelling houee. capital has no sentiment, -capital is 'cautious, capita"l is no enthusias- tic fanatic carried away on the wind at a popular fallacy, and capital can be relied upon as a wife guide to whet will occur if such and such is done. Thersfore--Pass Local Option and•the town ':of Clinton will lore at once $041, fees, shop taxes $38 26, the taxis of .the three ricaalier 'hotels $421.25, and one-half of the preeene property• ter, on the .two larger hotels, and the Whole of their buiinese tax amonuting to A &Inner nr a mod lose. of $1650 60 in revenue! Now, 1 mill eciusie en- proximateley $750, revenue. Therefore the „Ions of$1660. Revenue meane over 2 mills' taxation. Bi Bt thit !Tear our rate s 25 mills. Next Year We will need 2.6 mills swore for.waterworks, Making A total of k9 5 rains -or ,5 mills more than we are -Permitted by Ism to !evil The coneequence of which" condition is, that certain fixed charges meet he aid in fidl, suels as' interest, slaking .fend, etc., And this remaining • ites ot expenditures will'have to be dist down, suck as street itnprove-s mends, lightime street waterfall, aid to bands such • as White, Dyke,. Salvation Arm* etc. fernier shows, public eharitahle . penes, and otkera-iltette nue* seem- curtailment of rant sen4ler the alloys out lined financial con4itions; But we aro told.hy Loral Optima people, "coodrsaid by the opinion of an expert," booked up by lisebyers, mayors and others derellhig ire different ineolitiee... Bum *whose 'stnte- silents aud arguments reflect but little credit upon their ' reationing• powers, that all this talk about loes'ot rev.enee is sOnitenso. Aud• that . Local Option is suck a perfect measure, 'such a remedy for ell tbs. evils • flesh is heir tm, that...once .adopeed. presperite „flows ie spacese-tieet • deepest hofele are jumped at; and where "the deal, . rani _laid low its . thousands, the hisvalef husymachinery is beard"! One. rod feature of the whole mattlte tathati the austerity of theee men are sincere, though misguided. Mimeos, it is. perfectly *rue, thetletory we have beset told, of a hotel, :dosed by•Local,Option.ldiing bought up aud turned into a faetery: we can easily conceive inch a thing happenieg ANYWHERE 'BUT IN CLINTON' :What transparent folly, what cries ignorance it eitri;iii=r;17;titMt happen.inOwennouad and Wooten (A populous growing suburb ot a large and rapidly increasing city like Toronto) as indicative of what will happen in Clinton! The tyre. eihnitions.• are non comparable. Today we have. Biodgens' store. 'empty, and likely to be -the storett known as Jacob's, Neetemnbe's and Mr. Smith's empty and likely to be --representing 'au assessed 'value , of $2200; A - business ter aniesement of soy $3000-. large, well built foundry build: - Inge which I suppose.the Town would give to anybody outright ' who would utilise it to eploy lahoiu-. Ia ,tlite face of this, if Laical Option shutta up the Graham Roams, as it vrillif pissed -is ,a storekeeper seek- ing a site to start in husiaese going to pass hy the place, named and rush down to the Chatham Hottee .and. buy It? If Local :Optionists • would but teak ordinary common sense, one could listen to them with a certain amount Of patience, But such a proms* Of reasoning as they adopt only provokei i snide of.ridieule. We have to face today . this fact in Clinton -We have enough empty store's andefattories War without ruining revenue producing property known as hotels, t,!.1rpre, duce my: e. We are not like Owen Sound, st populous, thriving, . sen - port city, nor Mitch leee are w.e like Weston. We are *. "mail . inland • • town ofabout 2000 popolation. . We have no immediate. prospects Inc improvement. We have heavy taxatio,'. and from a financial stand- . point it behoves us like sensible men to Conserve carefully the. itEcente that we have, . . . • . 2nd -ENFORCEMENT,. Thi, is e, very essentia oint in connection eri-tri7Marre-iiTirialbri. It is eminently bad policy to place laws upon the Statute Book which will be broken with itnessuitY• Contempt for la* is as bed &tin kenees• or *one. It is claimed. by Local Optionists that the preaent license law is aystematically• trans. gi eased. Who is responsible? We have a police magistrate, a mayor, and two constables ? 'hallwit'have any more under Local Option ? If these officials cannot or did not see to it that the license laws were : forced, why should they enforce Local Option any hotter, or au well ? There is ne reason 10 expect • any different treatment .froin . thein under the onecondition than under the. other,' • • • erd-ICCOMMODA.TION, leichord.d-. the farosers wjl not er do ant borne to Local diriroan towns If that cannot help them, 'Pelves ; and instamtly Local Optioniste eryout that it is a libel on' the farmer to say in as any words, that he only comes totown to get . drunk! Nobody ever thought so or odd so, Suck atettinents ire on a Par with the ttlany intemperate speechee of prohibitionists, What is claimed by those opposing Local Option is this-Aliat farmers go where they are hest accommodated.' !Inder license.% farmer can reasonably ..count npon a good meal for 26 cants and good stabling. Under Local Option the meal will he 26 cents or 40, and probably no stabling, or at the beet very inferior provision under that head, It is eseential to our business prosperity that formers should come to *hop in Clinton. With poor or no stabling meals at 35 or 40 cents, and nothing to drink ( he. cause in spite of all'hysteria on the pert of Local Option there ate some farmers who do like a glees, and are neither afraid nor ashamed to look all the prohibitionists under Heeven in the few and :lay en ) le it likely A farmer will mine to Clinton under these coeditions if he ran drive to Seaforth or God°, ich laud get good stabling and a good meal foe 25e 7 4th -WT-TAT IS LOCArJ OPTION? Uedtir Leo.' Option Al bars are close-aNo ti at17,17.= jnjhaeeil arivtv heft -at ehn; a or hotels -with the one exception of drug stores provided it doetteee e'er- tificate be furnished by the purchaser. Anybodsetvantieg env ale, hol. ie drink must go elsewhere to get it, or haxe k tient in from m (her towu. Further Mere, it is a direct blow to peroonal liberty, 'Tosiess man can keep a bottle or a bartel or what he likes in his house. Under Local Option the very fact of aetioan havislg any qrientity over 2 gellotni world be evidence of its wrong use, and it would not lie neeeseary to prove A sole the existence of over two gallons in e tslailko conteetible proof of his having sold it illeotily 1 This is what prt,hibi- tieniote WI by the gentle name of Local Option ! In cemelosion, it would ha brie me flee if ell ritiee, towns end villages in the Province tvereetimilarly situeted. Then lin one piste would have any edvantrige over another, But it is merlifeetly isofeir to piece Clinton neraer tAdili tools netd- (eh" -t.lisqtbet.b on the ena'slile, and Goderich on the other, under lieenees F emit perforce result -to ritieenettifeet dideclvantages from * business etendpoint. Atillorie,,fh,forevilho is destratog xott., iNciteAsiNd TAXATION shoad VOTE'VOIR 1.400A1/40PTION. •• • The Clinton Morkd virshost $1,10 to 91.02 Peas ne les $70 Oitto 215c to 110e Bexley ac to- 56c Suttee 210 to 21e Sege 060 to Me Live hogs $7.75 For Mayor. Tour vete end influence respectfully eolielted for . .TAKE TA.YLOR for Mayor for I010. Per hueinees methods in Municipal if. fairs, Good veilss for every dollen , emelt. The towel's interests dot, Good motile we must here. Loweet taxation. sjousisterib with eflaciency. Clinton the Wisner torra le Laren Vouney. FOT the Reeveship. TO TEN ELECT1ORM,-Having been solicited by a haste nullifier of our rote - payers I hive decided to offer my ;elf for the Reg:1010p for 1210, and, nsost respectfully solicit your vote end ine Inatome. It elected I will do all in my power to guerd the town's intereste. Mines/rely your., W. G. 1114,YTH For COURCillor. Ti The Electors ese I heel intended to retire from the council this year as I leave acted ia the capacity of coun- cillor for three years, het, at the solieltatiou of many of say friends, E Lave coaseateil to otter myself ogees as a candidate and, if in your wisdom you see fit to elect. ase, I will endeavor to serve.yott to the best of ray ability,. I would like to see soi me needed m- provements merle in our streets, stud to this mid I would beerstry much is favor, of appointing a good men, one who understood it, pay him, and let him be respoosible for the work done, and it we have to pay 25 mills on the dollar. let III get value for the money expend- ed, I do not intend to do any personal canvassing, hut will do my best to serve you tf elected. Wishiug vou all a Happy and Prosperous New tear. Yours Truly. WM. GRAHAM an6=6•66660 At the request of a number of rate- payers I am a candidete for member of the Thw Counciland if elected wifl do all in my power to eerve the town's interests faithfully and web. Yotte vote and influence will he appreciated. Yours Rerpectfully, THOS. MASON Having been requested to allow my name to go before the electors for mem- bership in the Town Council, I have consented and herewith respectfully 'solicit your vote and influence, Tours faithfully, W. J. PAISLEY • • . . Your Yet. and 'Irluenise s ' ; is respetibrally requested for . • . ; A. T..COOPER . • for Coisecillei •s. • • . ' for 1210. ' . . 1 . , • • .• I have keels &resident's. afCliites for *MAY years. and ihe bowies. interests' : beisig es y interests:. I offerenY. serried* ,S.a. Pinellsolter of . the •esiissettlb .sIn - esY yessangoiders I Wes & ussieelser Of the • •Voluuteser Foie., and will appreisiatet- the volunteer vote and influence of re". fellow ratepayers on Mondsty next. • ' . roues trimly', ARTHUR, odor . Far -School Trustee.. . . . . . To the Eleetors of lit, John's Ward • Ladles and eentlemea--flavieg served es Public School Trustee for this ward for the past two years, I aite now ia the field fJe re-election to that office. Careful economy, consistent with the hese interests ot the school, is asy policy, in the carrying out of whicb we have had strong oppositiois. The same opposition is now at work to defeat us. We therefore. respectfully -solicit, your vote and influence in the coining election. 'Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperone New Year, Sincerely Yours, II. E. RORKE For Councillor, Goderich Tp. TO THE • ELECTORS -III health preventing rue from mashie a, personal. canvae, I am sending you this adver- tisement to request your vote and ie- tleeliee for councillor, for which I will be sincerely thankful. Wishing you the Compliments of the Season Lam, Yours Sincerely, JOHN TEO . , Marriages. CUDMORE WATTS At Willis church manse. by Rev'. Dr. Stew- art, on Dec. 21st, Minnie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mre. Menu Watts, to Ale. Oudrncire. °SLEIGH- WATTS --In Hamilton, on Dec. 12th, Theron, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William H. Watts, Clinton, to Alex. Goa. leigh of Trenton,.ItEID-CAMPBEL-At the memo', McKillop on the 16th inst. by Rev. D. Cerserele Deerid Reid, Of Hal lett, to ,Elizabeth Campbell, of McDOVGALL--CAMIDRON -- At the home of the bride's uncle, on Dec. 8th, Fiore Elansetoisniece of Mr. end tire, Isolate Sutberlisnd, of Kioloset Towaship, to John Mc - Douala also Of Kinlosti, . • HAWKINS -STEVENS -sz 4t Thed- toed; on Dee. 22nd, by Rev. E. 1. Edwards, Lois E., daughter of Mr. Robert Stevens of Clinton, to George Hawkins of Thedfotd, Births. kifeDONALD--In Goderielr, Dec. 15th, te Mr. and Mee. Bert McDonald, a daughter. IlLAIR-In Grater's+, Dec. 15th, to Mr. and Sire. G. Ir. Blair, *eon. Sett ATII-In Weighers), Dec. 18th, to Mr. end Nits. William tineath, de lighter, ALLIN.-At, the personage 'in • Quill Lake, tilitak., on Dec. 25th. to Rev, end Mrs. .&. 11 AIIm, a daughter. ' Deaths MeiNTOSH-lo WI tigtom, en Dee, tat s John Edwin MeIntosh, in hie 4801 yeer, Mara REG 0R5-. In Wirighisne. on Dee. 2lots W S, A.Iliert MecGregete sew vietee.8 menthe end 20 days. MANNERS -In Winghtim, on Dee, 10th. Susie 1118eMsith, wile nIGPO, C. Se mimeo, Aged 40ear 1 Month en PrrECIOLTS-to Goderich, n Ded 2:3rd, Verna, datighter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Presentee 131.011(1110FT-In East W4040644, Dee, 15th, WM. Beet:nett, aged Uy 6 The Palming or 40tin BrItton. At abeet neon on Christ:now Day, Nre joint 13rittoe, one Of the best• known and mime highly respeeted of the pioneers of the township cif IEullett, passed, into rot eternal. Ile Was born In Yorkshire England, in March Ise and whet !two yea of age his parents emigrated to thr: United States and for five years lived in the State of New York. They the moved to the township of Hull- ett awl took up lot seven on the eev- euth concession,- They were the riot etettlers on that line for that waa sixty years ago. Their lot was that of the hardy pioneers to whom thie country owes so much and after yeas ot patient industry .thee hewed out of the forest primeval a comfort- able home for themselves And family. In the fullness of time they •departed this life, and their sons the subject of this brief obituary, took up the bur- den where they laid it down. As the years passed along the eleaxing wid- ened and to the original one -hundred acres two -hundred more were added, and the farm became one ot the most valuable in the township, Mr. Britton shirked mine el ills responsibilities of citizenship. E'er twenty years he served in the town- ship councils, for several tome as reeve, and „finally, reached, what is with eo many men the culmination ot their municipal career -the warden's chair. Of Mr Britton it has always been said that he served the township and the county ably and well. He joined the Canadian Order' of Foresters when a Court was establish- ed at Londesbore, and later was a charter member of the Constance Court. He occupied tbe highest posi- tions ie the gift of the brethern and advanced the interests of Forestry whenever the. temortunity Presented itself. In school mat!, rs, too, Mr, Britton always lent a lisiping hand and for thirty years he was ernstee of 'section number three, For lmost as long and up to Ms death he was the sec.-, treasurer of the section. . In politics Mr. Britton was a• staunch Conservatiee and Inc wise coimeel was .appreciated in the. num- erous contests whih1 have been 'wag- ed in this empty in the past forty years. • • , He was On active rnemeer of the Constance Methodist church for many years end was oxie of the office - bearers. • TO -mourn the departure of her be- loved husband Mrs Britton survives, together with their., two sons and as many daughters: Edwin on•the home- stead; William on the adjoining ferme Mo. Edwin .Emmersonesnear Stotiff- ville, and Mrs. M. D. Weir Of Kinis- tieo, Sask., all of es vshora were pres- ent at 'the. funeral; which took place on Tuesday afternoon to • Constance' cemetery. . • To show their respect for the de- parted and their sympathy. for the bereaved family there -was a vary large attendance ofold friehds and relatives. The seryleeS at house and gr. wieside were cotidileted by Rey. H. E. Currie,: pestered, -the' Lonclesboro and Constance Methodist • ehueche,e, while thepallbearers ever. W.. Low- rie, W. Bunion-, J. Roger- son, R. Anderson and N. le Adams. .constance - A Happy New 'Year To Al Mrs. James Proctor has been with' her son in Los ion. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Taylor and children of Minto, Man., ate viei ag the former's mother, Mrs. D. Taylor, and others,' Mr. Fred-Millson of Forget, Man. is visiting his brother, Mr. D. Mill- . on r o as: ecu in very poor health of late, • ,s •• • • Dungannon. • Mr. Scott of 'Manitoba is visiting his sister, Mrs. Barber. Wesley Srailie and faintly earrived home from the west recently. , David Sproule is recovering from an. attack of peritonitis. . . Mr. and Mrs -James Cochrane of Winnipeg are visiting at the home of her father, Mr. James Agar, Miss Sarah Mallough lett last week for Goderich where shit will make her home for some titne. Mr, and Mrs. Adam. Thompson and baby of Reston, Man., are visiting relative% in the village and vicinity. /loss utherford • and Beeson, Case are home from Toronto 'University for the holidays. Miss Nina Kilpatrick leaves in the near future for Alberta where she will teach school. Whabatasing for tier.' A Milwaukee mart and Inc wife re. cently received a call from an 'old friend, whom, they had not seen for years. Just before ,the three sat down, to. a little supper in the Ger- man style, the wife seizing a favor- able opportuhity, whispered to her husband ; "We have only three bottles Of beer le the house-iust enough to. go around. Don't ask him to have more," "Very well," answered the husb- and, who chanced to be thinking • of something else at the time, Han aa hour later the 'host, to his wife's consternation, asked the guest to hair° more beer. The invitation was politely declined, but still the host did tot desist. A dozen titnes the caller was urged to drink; dozen times he firmly refused. . When he had departed the wife took her husband to task."What On earth made you persist so? Didn't tell you there Were only three bot. ties? Why did you insist upon his having snore beer, snore beer, more beer." ' "Mercy !" eXelai.Med the husband, "I forgot entirely." " hut" -continued tho Wife, "Why did you ammo I Was kicking you under the table ?" "My dear," blandly replied the husband, "you didli't klek me." -January Lippitteett'S. London ItOad,. )4 Ileppy New Year To All. Miss Nettie Kellingeon spent Xmas the, gueet Of her sister, Mrs. Willieee Stanbury. Miss Roselle Livertnore of Toronte is spending the holidays under the Parental roof. Mr. Ad. McCartney called on his many friends here during the past wok. Mrs. I. Dodd of Clinton called on friends here this week. " Mrs. Heron of, Toronto and Miss Falconer of London spent Chrietrnas with their brother Will. end retuned home on Monday evening. At the Tuekeremith nominations on Monday Mr. •Robert McKay was again elected reeve by acclamation. • This will be hie fourth' term. The old council are again in the fleld with three new aspirants, Tucker'szeith will rote ea Leila! Optioy next Monday. Me. John Avery, who has heen homesteading in Saskatchewan, ar- rived home on Christmas and will spend the winter with friends here. Mr. Willians Stanbury paid a bust - 'flees visit to Cargill during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Layton were Christmas guests of friends here, Goderich. A Happy New Year To All, Mr. 11, W. Ball, an old and well- known resident of Goderieh, died on Friday last aged seventy-one years. EIe was born in London, England, and came to this country with the Sixtieth Rifles at the time of the Fenian 'troubles. The regiment was statioeecl then at London, Ontario. Settling in Canada, as so many British soldiersAid, Mr. Ball took up 'Inc residence in Goderich, and for a long time conducted a restaurant on the west side of the square., Follow- ing this he was 4 member of the Star stall for About fifteen years, leaving this employment only a year or no ago, About a week ago Mr. Ball suffered 4 paralytic stroke frihrt which he never recovered. lie is sur- vived by sir daughters and two sons. These are Harry in Brandon ; Charles at East London ; Mrs. James Clark, Mrs, W. L. Horton, Mrs. G. W. Black Mrs, Cempbell and Miss Winnifred, Goderich, and Mrs. Clearihue, Frank, Alberta. The late Mr. Ball was a member of the Masonie Order, the Chosen Friends and Sons of England, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson spent Christmas and Sunday as the guests of the latter's mother (forinerly Mrs. Ward) at Elora. • ' Miss Irma Whitely • has seturned from Loretto Abbey, Toronto, as has the Misses Doty end Allen. The hockey club has `see& ie. w Sete- ized for the season. Master Napoleon Graven,spent Christmas Day with friends isi Strat- The Marines Social Club will soon he in full swing so thp members hare nearly all returned to their heines here. • • Manager As G. .Gernbles* of the Sterling Bank has been transferred to Winnipeg to be manager of krai‘ the Sterling is opening • there. Mr. and • Mrs. Gamble , are se; y popular with the residents of Goder- ich and regret is expressed at their departure ' n . • Miss Ella Collinson returned last. Week to “Gieeholme" frciin Lindsey. She was aceomparded' by Miss Nettie McCormick of Belleville. • • Miss Lillian, Macdonald returned from Toronto and her sister, Miss Tina; returned from: (Neboto atteed Christmastide at their home, Dun- donald. • ' Mrs. W. E. Kelly and her cousin, Miss Manson; left last week • to vis- it relatives in New York. . , • Mr. and Mrs. Alex. C Chrystal are now settled in their St. David street residence. Mrs.' Lewis Elliott has closed her residence On .St. David street for the winter and will be the guest of her daughter, Mos Alex, Chrystal. Miss day Elliott of Berlin mid Mrs. Archer and her little son, Chrystal, of Owen Sound are : the guests of ethleesdhaziedsays.Elliott end .• Chrystal for Miss Serimgeour was on duty at the 'postoffice the past two weeks. - About totes o'clock Christmas Day the house ore Wolfe street occupied by Mr e and Mrs. Youngblut :was discov- ered to he qn fire. ' The. family . had gone IC Auhern for the day and who- ever remained was preparing. a •dinner •for himself, and happening to • leaste the, •h'ouse for a few eninutes it took fire and was burned. ° ' Mrs. W. D. Tye, the 1Vlisses Elise Tye ef the Conservatory of Music, Ottawa, and sister, Edrie, and Mr. Reggie Tee or Trinity College,. Tbrone , to ab left on •Christinas Eve to spend Chrsitmas -at Haysviile with the Mother of Mail Clerk Tye. Miss Rutsou. and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Rutson left on Christmas Eve for, Kincardine to spend Christmas With Mr, and Mrs. Percy itteleolmson. We had. the pleasure of receiVing a Christmas Card hearing good:wishes from the clover writer end entertain,. er, Mies n, Pauline Johnson, who has taken up her residence at Van- couver 13 CS • The funeral of the late jae. Wilson took place Monday -week, under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters, The services at hoUse and graveside Were condeeted by the Revs. Anderton and Hami-I•ton. We ate glad to *learn from the Cal- gary Herald of the success • that hat attended Professor Geoffrey Elwood Holt since he located hi that city. The aggregate capes of the nine grain vessels now at the harbor is about one Million bushels. The com- bined value of 'grain and vessels is about,, twelve teillien dollars. Two services were held in St. Gear,: gees church on Christmas Day, at eight and eleven o'clock in the fore- -1n°°Iini• ee Masses Were eelebrated •• ilt St. Joseph's chitreli on ChristMes nornitte, At the North etreet Otero!' a beoel- tiful song service was rendered by the choir, PEoliUmiNA PROMPTLY RELIEVES A Case of Dreadful Suffering 'Which Had Continued For Months. " 44/eemme e 4 lefswehene ./rec.vsy Gives PiMr, "Wrear WoOdo Zrachr a "look Sage/ of Zersseessfors, ritarsonis. • kfft. Alell MAL iaLirN1116 WIXM, lite _safest weed, wise kas a pateltits latkosol. at Id let•eilerkk street, 1.4ann- woos*, visays,ajus coniemalio,, his bow a Meeker for 87 years wider the Itaillaielaaaal lks•Partsa•lat 0 Tesetese*Me Mt Arrites, eone,erning eis wife's ease, ess Misers t. s "My vrtfe was 'uterine Ur inelatisa from gastro-enteritis, and wise 'given ""rykeeired.111.dferraesItt.w3aathlaks il:41.ased. 10 *y retsina in her ease, and Tema truth- . l Jelly Mate tkat from tke Arab dose tier dread/el suffering steamed; end after -.., . taking ire betties she is permanently cured." . ' ' . * • OW doer Pertina make rub extra: . As a'remedy far stomach and bowel' ordinary cares ae &boys visited 7 disease, the fame of Perunaisundoubt- By simply arousing 112. f°rceil °f tadat7t of Nature to throw oft the clieeased action. :at iyn: de h, et; xnh ee dcoi emi nee gi aretahtee rthworld.an.. Perisna contains no magic and deem ''' Ai:rest roar'Y onset' like that above rti- not operate in any mysterious; way, but ferred to hey° found Partin°, of nntolir, 11 do. help Nature to coinbai disease, value when no other help seethed of any t. cue of the petient in some important and thus malty times: conies to the roil- avail.' • - ' . Mr. Doisald Robb, Jr., 15 „Wrights • Pe.etette ror Indigestion... e., lealifax, IsTo*aScotia, rneraber . . Thor* is always a time le tke eettrse Ar Independent Order of Isorresters,writese, of any disease where a littlelelp gotei e "While on, li, visit to Boston,.1 mast! great way. sealer; are beginning to dehave eaten something *hat didesot agree . jnist at the - . eeend, When ono Winne more would, de- WtthrklY at42maobl as aj.ertible Case Of ; lift will turn the scarce in favor of the and after using ,three bottles X was ' termini, the fate of the patient, a, little inolkeestion followed. e‘Permea was recommended to irteri PaPtle.rts is- entirely cared. . a bandy ractlicin. e lie have er therefore reconimend Peons to any i* the hatieshoid. , . one 'mitering with stomach trouble" alarm raa.tof ;fig: orriocattahrre whhrointleedsyys,teittat.r, ern. w,r,irfsitii..m;i advised . It helps many diseases by flip/eta: A Mr. Clime Brown, Rogersville, Tenn., • • me. to take Parana lotion is well. established all 'over the for indigestion and 'it cured me in a world:. • ' orime. - . ...Pfsk Your Vraisu'it for a. .Free Perana, Aria:aria for • .. Remember the date of Taube du ARE ' YOU . GOING. s'ou7rri OR Sons sleet to 01.hiten and if Your :.6.y.seto - .WE$71 THIS WINTER:. •• trouble you in any way, consult' them ' • ' • at OMinter'6 jewelery store ,an Wed -'1 Now ix the time th plats' Your trip nesday, January. twelfth. : to Calfornia, IlLeiica; Florida, .or the : 1.0,,Shiannndy.. ouuntkh, l'iggeOnnIsurlteg•athrdeningne7:rl.eokort tourist rates • LOST •OR • STOLEN.A SPOTTED, • • ' . black ant) grey, • foe:, keund, finder ree• . • =-:. e*-----sses • werded., Aeyenesiletaisting hien will • • .• e = - • be •peeseeeseee-se„ opisee.e, .• s TWO SMALL • doAL HEATING etovee for eala.esApply at The•Ntestee' • . ' :Record -Office. n. • , • . . . ANNUAL ME E. T. E.• Annual Meeting 'of lite members.. of 1 the Iteleillep Mutual Fire Insurance ' Company will be held in the Town Halt, Sealorth, on Friday, January twenty-first,. nineteen . huadred and ten,. At rine 'o'clock p.m. The bus!-. neSs will be the receiving Of the fin - andel statement, the directors' and auditors' reports, ' the electing of :three directors, and other. business • : Which may 'cothe before :the meeting. Tiles retiring„ directors are John G. Grieves, Winthrop; Jetties.Evens; Beechwood, mid John BennewelS, • Broadhagen; , all of ;. whom 'are ele- "gible ' for' re-election -John R. .Me- Lean,,Pres:dent ; Thos. Es Secreary. • • . • • • • • • ; 131 tgth The following candidates have filled out, their quell fication for the several offices in connection with the touniel- reirity and school board for the year 1011: - Reeve -Dr. W. J. Milne, Lux. Flill Council lors--Allen 134 inton, Thomas Cord, Jos. Carter., Jos. Citi, eV, 1.1. Elroy, Robert, Siater. • • There are four seats to he tilled, , School Trost ees-II, Robinson, -. Gia,rd n ier, , B. 'Fenian, George White. Three (Amor this number to he elected. Rev. W. Hartley was elected with - not oppesition to fill the place of r. Long who resigned. Rev. Walt sr McLean and wife, emir* ednt tbe home of Mr. Alex Eider. 'Ws. MeLean's father for the New Year's holidays. • The friends of Mrs. T. C. McElroy will be pleased to hear thee she is sup- posed to have gob a change for the better in health. She has been serious- ly ill for the past two weeks. Mr. Ireland, a business men of Owen Sound, is to address a meeting here on Wednesday night of this week on Local Option, as it has to do with beef. nese in that twat'. •Mr. Frank Carr and wife of Toronto are spending ti eir holidays in the vil- lage. A few of the many visitors: -Mr. and Mrs, H. Morris of Toronto have come' and gone. Mr. jos. Dodds of the sante place wits a few days with his inothsr, ties. 3 Ames Dodds, Mr. Genege Powel is re -parking ap- ples in his new plitee of otoring. Abe basement of the C.P.R. freight house. Mr. J. Brown is at Teeswater finish- ing up the evaporator aoples that he he his part interest in, this week. WANTED. Oh, STAPLETON SALT WORKS • T. Ma AI ..0,6.11.116 • NEIN YEAH'S Specials 4 lbsSeecied 25e • 5.•lbs 014 Raisins - 25• . 4. Ibs New .Seletted . • 25 • •3 lbs Cleaned Currants.25 1 lb Maed Peel —15. • 1 1 lb dates - 3 . • • lb •. Vigb 6 • LUXURIES:-- . • 'Oranges 1,enions • . Gandy . Nuts . . Layer Raising' • -Grapes BAnanas • ATT! -IE HUB GROCERY* ellb:Ailbelly eeseeiseseseeseekeseeelesememesmi& osemeeweetesseesmsesesseemel $ Mr. pre°. targe has addis. • ed a nice assortment .of ao Neckwear ver•st suitable $_ • for New:Year's its. $ • Agent kir British AMMICAti Cieetting and Dying. Co , Meares!, A ; GEO. W. BMGE t MERCHANT TAILOR. - a CLINTON