The Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-04, Page 24.40141irg-- ACOURA.CY
1,114114•14 41411111041411444404441
Yon Too 1
I So pmanyr.people have
been I
n delighted with our
Talcum Powder that we
bave had some come back
.4 to tell us how nice it was. I
Violet Flesh and White 1
IThere is really nollnI
Tee r sTetleuymouma...t.
2 best.
2 .
Fisnermen, Regard TliNst as a Boon
to Makin—MX. Frank Banfield
Tells How They Cured His Back-
:Garnish, Fortune 13aY, 'Nfld., Nov. Is
(Special).—Among the 'fishermen 'here,
through .exPosuris to wet and cold'
are subject to those pains and aenee
Which come from diseased Kidneys,
Dodd's Kidney Pius are loelsed tiPofl
as a positive noon to mankind. TheY
are never tired a telling how. their
Backaches and. their Rheumatism van-
ish, before the great Kidney remedy.
Among many others Mr. Frank Ban -
field, after years of suffering nas found
relief in Pond's Kidney Pills, and here
is what he is felling Ins friends
"I find Dodd's Kidney Pills the best
medicine for Backache I Imere ever
used. I only used two !sexes and they
cured me a Backache I had hae for
five years. It started through a straia
'My father's back also bothered him,
and he got some relief from, one
gave him. They were too precious to
give hira more. All persons suffering
from Backache should use Dodd's 'Inide
ney pills,"
Why dot Dodd's Kidney. Pills eine
cked° ? Simply because Backache etery, where they were interred.
Kennedy, with Mayor Doherty in the
is Kidney . ache, and Dodd's Kidney Mrs. Johanna Hughes, the widow 01
Pills positively cure all Kidney, ache% sign a Petition
chair. The Mayor was authorized to
the late John Hughes, died oa Oet.
and ills. This has been proved in- being circulated by 21st , at the residence a her daugh-
the coun
' cil of the town of Niagara
f cases in Canada,. If you, ter, Mrs. Patrick Walsh, Seaforth, in
thousands- e
Falls praying the Legislature to
haven't used them yourself ask You'r amend tile law relating to Audit a the 78th year of her age. She was
neighbors. enunicipal accounts. In regard to pal born in Tipperary, Ireland, and. -came
ition a Moore and e,ome 60 to ; ShP this country when a young womant
lived for some time in Hamilton,
others to have William street -widen--
where she was marriedShe had tea
Pinta Skutre, a "Port Arthur Italian ed to the) old vsoolen 'nil' Property uyt .
is. in the hospital with bullet and taking the necessary land. from the chRdren of whom. six were boys and
knife wounds, and. refuses to tell hoW town park. Reeve Manning reported four girls: 4Five sons and three laugh
terA are living. The 'funeral took
he received them. He may die. • thet on looking up the registered
maps of the town he found that tie place on Wednesday Oct. 27th, from
St. James' enurch, Seaforth. 'Solemn
legal roadway was only its present
2 • Z
Manrg Chemist.. I
**eery.** ••••••••••4•*••••04:
3 Business:College ;
2 13.E0. SPOTTON, PRIN. j
•••• **a.* *•••••••• 041 **NO*
.. one year ago, . Mr.
George 'Wakeman was i
owning about $100 'per
year as farm laborer. Now
he is earning at the rate .
of $962 per year.
Six mouthy training •
at our Business College i
made the iiifference. Wes
it a good investment.? He .
thinks s o. His address 4
is New Osgoode, Sask. 2
Enter any time. indi-
vidual Instruction. 4-
Write for Particulars. •
Four Courses:
uron. County News .Gathered •
for News -Record Readers:
18 Ytin Age
From The News.Recoml of
November 4th, 1891.
Clinton, Nov. 4th, 1891.
Mr. D. Cantelon ships this week per
steamer at Sarnia, consigned. to 'Win-
nipeg, fifteen cars—twenty-four bun-
dred barrels—of apples.
. One day last week Cantelon Brqs.
shipped per G.T.R. 1100 lbs of prime
butter to tlie eastern markets. ,
Mr. Geo. Castles Jr, of Stanley
keeps rushing in every 'week loads of
splendid 64 lb. Democrat wheat to
Fair's null.
Town Parliaraeat net Monday night.
Present, members Steep, Armstrong;
McKenzie Doan, Plummer, Andrews,
•••••••11••••••••, Imo
On te 2ith Oct. Mrs. Catharine
lkfalona, wife of Mr. John Malone et
Beechwood, in the township of 51010 -
lop, died at her residence in her 76th
year, after a short illness. She was
the mother of 8 children of whom, 5
were boys and 3 girls, wno are all
living with the exception of one biol.
Two of her sons are priests of "the
Catholio Church, the Rev. Timothy
Malone, S. J., being pastor of the
American parish of Sault Ste. Marie,
and the Rev, James Malone, pastier sef
St. John's church, New Orleans. inhi;
1 Morris Township.
Palmerston, were here for Thanksgiv-
ing visiting relatives and friends.
. This week Harry Duncan arrived
home from a holiday trip to, the West
where he spent several months. Ile
had an enjoyable time but doesn't be- brocaded gown.
lieve he will say Good-bye to Isis: 109 They approached the clerk at the
acres on the 4th line yet a svMle. counter. The man registered. The
One day recently, Willie, the 16 ,WOmati waitedoby his side.
year old son of Fred. and Mrs. Brew-% "How .far away is Brooklyn ?" he
er, 3r4 line, underwent a. successful V.,‘ N.
operation for appendicitis and the pas "About thirty minutes 'by tlis etas-,
tient is making satisfactory progress. way "
- "And Iv, reach tbe Terse sub -
Mrs. Herb. Ceneingharn a.nil baby of
He Came for Pleasure,
. The private omnibus drove up in
front of a middle-class New York
hotel, and out of it stepped a tails
thin men, ecia,d. in a black .roadeloth
suit and a straw hat, 'and a woman
witb a demure eouatenance and a sills
can funeral took : place from the family I Sunday night, after a vigorous ba -
sesidence to St. James' church See- k/ for life extending over a wee
lc, urbs and see our cousins there in one
' N t I dolt slay 2--
forth, on Tuesday, •the 26th. Oe o er. John Douglasirepata
The large crowd in attendance testifie despite all that could be done to pre- "You can be landed within a range
ed to the great respect in which the serve life. He was 28 years of age of forty miles in an hour and a quar-
"How long does it talso to xeaeli
the Zoological gardens 1"
"You can make it. in three-quarters
of o,a hour "
deceased was held., Her son, the, Rev, ahd had enjoyed a large measure o
Timothy Malone, celebrated the Omer- good health. Deveased was unmarrie
'al mass, and accompanied the remains ed.
of his mother to St. Columban cern-
for which we *ill pay, the
Highest Market Price. Call at
our store next Morrish
Crooks oe at our Elevator.
—We keep on hand a full— .
—stock of Flour, Feed,-
We are agents for the Canada Car-
riage Company Buggies and Stan-
dard Wire Fence and Posts.
EXTENSIVE A.UCVON SALE OF width and consequently the council
Farm* Stock and Implements.— Mr, could not comply with prayer of peti-
Wallace Johneton lis• instructed the tioners, . s
undersigned to sell by Public Atte- •
tion on lot 3, &Able Line, Stanley,
On Wednesday, Nov. 10th, the fol-
lowing: Horses—driving horse 4
yrs. old, general purpose mare 3 George Grabam of Michigan, is at•
yrs. old, 2 heavy colts 1 yr. old, the old homeehere for a time.
1,, heavy colt this year's. Cattle -4 Mrs. G. P. Loth of Burnside, Mich.,
Cows supposed to be in calf, farrow is ,visiting her sisters, 1VIrs. Lindsay
cow, heifer rising 3, 4 steers rising and Mrs. Cole, 16th and llth conees-
3, 3 steers rising 2, 2 heifers rising, stens.
2, 3 spring calnes. Pigs—Thorough-I Yin and Ws, David •BeaCom took a
bred Berkshire sow with 9 .small, trip to the Nile on Nov. 5th. They
pigs, 5 weeks eld. About 60 nem.' are much pleased with the people of
Implements—Waggon, pair trucks, 'Egypt. .
Gladstone :buggy, road cart, cutt-
er, binder, mower, rake, seed drill, • Mr, Tbos. Churchill, 16th core, bas
cultivator,disk harrow, Let ot ii had a splendid new windmill erected.
harrows, toiler, .scuiller; pair bobs ,,,by Mr. J. Miller of Clinton., It will
sleighs, riding plow, Kaegatoo- be used as power to supply water ter
plow, horse power and cutting box stock and household purposes,- Next
in good -order, Clinton fanning mill, iyear he will likely. improve his barns
set of scales (2000 lbs.); hay rack by raising them and putting in stone
new, gavel box, pulper, 2 sets of foendations.
heavy team harness, set single hare Stanley L.O.L, No. 1.0.5 met at the
ness. There will also be offered, residence ol ex -reeve, Gabriel Elliott
heating stove, • tables, - chairs and of this township on the evening of
- other •houdehold eurniture, cream Nov. 5th: 'W. M., Wm. Ra.thwell• and
separator as good as new, ' Daisy 1 deputy R. Mellveeit were present, :the
churn, about 100 shocks of corn, a •former in the ehair. A large, number
quantity Of cern On O013, also • 00',of the brethren and others Were tMeS-
bus. potatoes,' set 'of lee ',links, 'ent and a good, oldfashioned social
chains, forks and other articles. too 1 and hospitable time was spent. iipart
numerous to mention. Everything from the good • things necessary for
must be sold as the proprietor is tne inner man roesic, readings and
giving up ' farming. -. Sete` at 11speeches coMprised the programme.
o'clock. Terms of sale : All sums of :Mrs. R. McIlyeen presided at the
$5and under ' cash ; over that organ. Miss Elliott and 1VIr, McCon-
amount 11 months' ceedit will be 1 nen assisted in the music and . Mr.
, given on fureishing- approved' .joint1Colwell gave a reading, Mine. host
notes. A discount of 5 per cent. 1 and Mrs. Elliott admirably sustain -
Per annum will be given for caste.-- cdtheir reputation 'for being "jolly
Wallace Johnston, preprictore Theisgood fellows" '
GetedrY, auctioneer.
will be at Holmes' Drug Store on
Friday, July 9th, and thereafter on
Wednesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13,
Nov. 17, Dec. 22. Hours from 9 a.
m. until 3.30 p. in. Glasses properly
fitted. Diseases Of the Eye,,• Ear,
Nose and Throat treated.
• •
• Has the reputation of being the •
• best praetical training school in
• Canada. Thorough courses have •
• produced results. Businessmen •
• sa,y our graduates are the best
and they apply to us for office •
• help. Our graduates succeed as
none others. Three departs
• ments - •
• ' 0
• 0
Enter at once. Write novv for •
• our free Catalogue. •
D. A. McLachlan II
• •
BUT IP ortntutri AND PAID
POR BEFORE 111/1Y 31st, A DIS-
11/1/41, DE ALLOWED.
Ordere lett at Davis Se, nov7141111'8
*Ili proMptlY attended to.
Goderich Tp., Nov. 4th, 1801.
W Stevenson
Paper hanger, All work dote guar-
anteed to give satiafaction. Prices
moderate.' Residence nearly opposite
Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83
. •
COer Apples
Srnall sound apples wanted
by the undersigned for
making cider. Highest
market price paid. Deliver
at Ford & McLeod's ware-
house at the Ga. R. tracks.
• *
flutter Tiles.
Mass of Requiem being sung by Rev.
G. R. nTorthgraves. Mrs. Hughes was
greatly respected, and the funeral sers
vice was very largely attended. The
interment took place in the Catholic
cemetery of St. Columba'',
Tragic almost in its suddennese did
the news come to us of. the death
of Mrs. (Dr.) Whitley, of appendi-
citis. It is not generally know e that
Mrs. Whitley was ill, but her indispo-
sition Rest developed a week
Sunday, Oct. 14th, but probably not
wishing to create unnecessary alarms
Dr. and Mrs. Whitley bore their an-
xiety . alone until about the middle of
last week, when Mr, and Mrs., Whit-
ley, were summoned, as well as Dr.
Whitley's mother from Londesboro,
Two (lectors were summoned from
Wingliam, and on. Priday, a specialist
from Toronto, Dr. Bruee,Smith, ace
compaided. by a trained nerse, came
up on the evening train on Friday;
1 1
t 11 th b st medica and surgica
. , but a e . be
availed nothing,. and Mrs. Whit -
Dungannon. ley passed away on Friday evening.
;It is barely four months ance 'Mrs.
B. J. Crawford, Charles Elliott and Whitley came to Gerrie a brine and
since her coming she had deeply ' lin-
J. 'Johnston left . last week for. the
hunting grounds. Mr. Johnston went .Pressed all by her quiet dignity and
with aparty of Clinton nimrods to manifest refinement, and it was . the
theinoose country back of Sudbury, concensus of opinion that Dr. Whitley,
while the others, reinforced by pan had made a wise choice in the selece
• M Wbi rle
"And how about the Statue of Lib-
erty and the Atiparium
."Boat leaves for the Statue every
half hour or so. Thirty minutes from
here' by subway."
The man turned to his wife
"You'll be Pretty tired, Sarah," he
said, "and I guess you had ,petter Set
down. find out the rest. ,
He took her over to a seat in the
lobby and came bade He leaned tore
ward confidentially,
ht ro,au, Herk.0:? far away is the nearest race-
het:,130Deo?Itzln,enons,t„ ' Park is less than an
"Any poker games going cn around
"Good, dance-halls—where you can
kick hp ?"
"Almost 'anywhere along Sixth Av-;
enue—two blocks away." ,
"You keep good Whiskey here ?"
"Eighty bran'ds. Down stairs—one
turn to right."
The stranger gave a side look at
the lady he had come with, wile was
gazing upward at the fancy soap ceile
ing. Then he leaned still farther fpr -
ton. p . • ""rld'ou sea," he. whispered, "it's this
had been • lousy , since her coming in
getting her hemp atttactinely arrang- *ay. • We've been married ten years,
and this is the first- tiane we could
More Than
intindierste te !aorta*,
hie *rut Ourative flower—eoretwe *awe
many and varied essospialsee, lietarline
diteresse of ills Wesel, ailonents tof
saoreech, trouhkre of the Wove and
'Many or the imeredients ere Just
what the* profession prescribe in tbe
ailments named, but the combinatiofl
and propottions are peculiar to thiu.
medicine and give It curative power
peculiar to itself.
Therefore, there is no real subiti-
tute for it. If urged to buy an? IVO -
*ration said to be "just as good" yoit
rimy be we n is interiorcosts lest,
to make, and yields the dealer a larger
Get it today of your 'druggist. 100
Doses One Dollar. Prepared only by
C. 1. Deed Co., Lowell. Masse le 0. .4'
Are you a News -Record sabsertber
We are sorry to inform our readers
ihat Mr Bert IllacEvoy, only silr-
viVing child of Mr. and Mrs. John
MacEvoy, Wolfe St. is very tow, and
if death snatches him from his sm.,
rowing parents, they will 'be childless.,
Mrs. Mason and son of Seaforth
nave retrieved to Trafalgar street.
Miss Ora Wilkinson, one of our pope
ular soloists, was :married in Septem-
ber to R. A. Briscoe, Galt's "Bar-
gain King," who is proprietor of
"The Little Giant," one of tlie large
est Ladies' and Gentlemens' Clothing
store of that place.
Miss Hattie Donogh spent Thanks-
giving Day and peeceding one out of,
Biekle of Goderich and R. Carrick. of
Whiteehurch, will hunt deer in Parry
Sound district, leaving tivilization at
Trout' Creek station. :
E. S. Caswell, son . of Rev. Jarnes
Caswell, a former pastor on the DUni
ganeon circuit, has resigned Ms posi-
tion- as manager in the Methodist
Book Room, Toronto,- to accept the
position' of assistant manager oe the
Teronto public library system.'
Cecil Treleaven' has been traesterred •
from the Watford breech of the Ster-
ling Bank to Auburn, where he •urill
have charge temporarily at least. The
resignation Of D. W. ,Ferguson, forme
erly in charge at Aubure, left the
position vacant:.
A. pretty wedding took Place Oetold'N
er 20th, at. the residence, of Mr. and.
Mrs. ...Tas. Gibson, Dungannon, when
their youngest daughter, Lottie, was
united in marriage to Wm. McConnell
of Kincardine, Rev: .Thos. Hicks, rec.-
ter of St. Paul's church, (officiating,
Chas. Hooper is home from Elami-
°toe Man., where he spent tile som-
Dr. Geddes' o! leicknow ' attended. the
funeral of his uncle here on Friday. .
Wm. Watson attended a Lenge of
Instruction, R. A. Chapter of Mason-
ry in Stratford on Monday week.
'Robt. Maguire has returned • trout
his trip west. He is Much impressed
with the country but 'thinks Alberta
is the best.
Mr. RintouPs threshing engine broke
through the bridge . on •the sideline
near John McLean's, falling eight feet:
The driver jumped, and we are glad'to
say, no damage was done; they get
the engine out all right.. ;
Citizens of 1Belgrave were very sorry
to hear of the death of W. J. lyieleue-
ney of Marnoch, on Sunday, night.
He•leaves a widow,' only danghter of
Win. Johnston, and a young child. '
There passed peacefully away a few
days ago David Geddes, in his 83rd
year, He was.born in Glasgow, 'Scot-
land, and immigrated to Canada witti
his parents 76 years ago, settling in
the •county of Lanark, where he lived
until he Married. He thee moved
west With two of his brothers, 57,
years ago, where he lived continuous-
ly until retiring to Belgrave. Mr.
Geddes was among the first pioneers
of Morris, settling on the 3rd line.
He has to cut his way ili through the
bush, where he took up 150 acres of
ed, and having gotten this practically break. away- Now, 'long about to-
accoro,plished, was dodhtless anticipat-
morrow or :next day I'in,, going to teed
ing .a period of influence and useful- her—see ?---end paint this old town
ness so well begun in her hem° town ted,
green and light blue. And say,
in Goderich; and for which ber inusice
bett?r give me a latch key, ! There
al talents so eminently fitted her but
may, be nights when I won't roll in un -
the grim reaper imuarted the lovely
home and ent down. its . fair mtil midnight"istresse-November Lippincott.
To Dr. Whitley the sympathy of .- the
'entire Community goes out ; words
are empty at such a time as. this,
and not for a longtime has the deep,
heartfeltsympathy of this village
been aroused as on this occasion.—
Gerrie Vidette.
A Three Days Vigil Re- ‘ -
I-United Lucknow Sisters
Detroit, Oct. 30.--Aftee 'a three -
days' vigil in the postoffice, where
she Waited in hope. of seeing her sis-
ter, Sarah, Miss Catherine, McKay
1WaS*. rewerded at 1 o'clock yesterday
when the runaway: girl put in her ap-
• pearance. • ..
Mr. Harvey Colosky left last. week -
The two girls rushed to each other.
for Blyth, having secured a job in
in a most affectionate Weiner 'right
Mr. L. Charlesworth's hardware store,. in front of a general 'delivery window
' Drs: Gunn of Clinton: and 'Campbell.
and later left the .building together,
of tewn performed an operation On A postoffice employee saw them a ides
Thursday on Miss Agnes Kaercher for minutes later on the street, :eating
runture. t . . ,
., from it box of candy together.
Mr, Jacob Salmi]. of Ayton, accom Miss Sarah McKay, • 20 years old,
panic& by his eldest son, 'visited his 'became weary of the quiet • life on.
brothers and old friends in townher parents' farm, near Lucknow,
'One of the largest -weddings of the Ont., and left there about five weeks
season was solemnized hi the Dash- ago. Her presence in Detroit be -
wood Evangelical church last week.
came known at home through letters
Nearly 350 people witnessed the Mar- , which tsho wrote to friends there. Her'
xiage of Mr. Thomas Klutn•pp of Cie- parents could not 'learn her, address,
iton to illiss Amilia Ehlers of Dash- however, and finally the elder sister,
wood, The ceremony was performed Miss Catherine came all the way Sreml
by Rev. A. D. Gischler of: Zurich. " 1Calurnet, Midi., to do. a little detec-
Mr. - R.W. -Williams . of the Mol-
tive work,
sons Bank staff of London, spent the
• 1 She learned that three letters awaits,
holiday with his parents.
ed • her sister at the general delivmy
Mrs. (Dr.). Wilson' visited her home windoW at the postoffice, and gaining
in Palmerston on Thanksgiving. - the consent of tne postoffice officials,
me. Misses Peffer. of Auburn Were
she stood in the corridor from early
parsonage guests at the lEvangelidal •'D morning until late at nights beginning
Wednesday. -
last week. . .
Grey Township. For the Season of LOng
R. McKay, who has been living in'
Logan for the past year intends mov-
ing back to his fare on the 1.4.t1i con. There are no lonely winter eveninge
rey, shortly. . in the homes where The Youth's Cone -
L. Frain represented Roe's League panion is a weekly visitor, and there
and Sabbath school at tee Provincial need idle hours. The variety of
Sunday School convention in •Toren- the paper's contents appeals to every
to.; member of the householn, and before
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Ed -lone isette is exhausted the next ia
ward Gatvin i laid: up with an at -waiting at the post -office; During the
tack of pneumonia. ) winter season The Companion prints
Mrs. Wm. Smith, Toronto, it former needy a hundred complete stories of
land, and made a good home for bie resident of the 16th con., was renew- considerable) length, besides the absor-
wife and family. Being an experting old friendships in. Grey, mbing serials, some 25 articles by men
axeman, his ,services were much •sough,t Last week Hartwell Speiran, 15th and women of renown, and about
after for a cornerman at log raisingseon., got back from a pleasure trip to twice as many short character and
humorous sketches as there are Win -
In religion he . Was a Presbyterian, the west
and in politics it Liberal. He was a G. It Sayers and wife of "'Irin to- ter nights. *Such an article as "Win -
Will Limburger Cheese Cure
Cancer ?
Denver, Col., Oct. 26th. ---Limburger
cheese is the principal ingredient of a
cancer mire is the • announcement ei
Philip Saudi, Jr., a local chemist.
Following the death of his 'mother
eleven years ago irone cancer, . Schuch
began an investigation of the geese
and growth of cancers, during evhicb,
he asserts; he discovered that the bas -
le geniis of cancer are similar to
man that had many, friends in both .ealitse were welcome visitorssat Chas ter Gardening" suggests an interest -
Having purchased a ineehine for political riarties. Thexe remain to Damns. The gentlemen are cousins. ing occupation which can be carried
applying Runner Tires, ,we wish to
say that we are 110W prepared to fin-
ish and put on such tires et reason--
ble rates'.
We else do all IsInds of Grinding,
hything from a pair of seissors to a
ircular sew. This week we Installed
machine for grinding horse dippers
Which does perfeet work.
We likeivise do all kinds of lathe
lork on short order arid at reason -
bit Wes. n
Illischineey repaired, Horsee shod.
Seeleg &W est
That's why it is sure to cure Cat-
arrh. You see it goes direct to the
source of the eliseese,—its healing
vapor repairs the damage caused by
catarrhal inflammation. "Catarrlio-
ozone" always cures because it goes
into those tiny cells and passages
that ordinary remedies can't reach,
goes eliere the disease actually is,
Impossible:for "Catarrnozone" to fail
as any doctor wifl tell you. Doit't
be misled into thinking there is any-
thing so good as Catarrhozorie,7use
it and emelt soon say good-bye to
those of . leprosy- . and consumptiou.
fIe spent seVeral months in the 'leper
eolony of ' Venezuela 'auditing the dis-
ease. Sehttch's 'cure consists' of • *a
thorough cleansing of the effected
parta with liquer of quicklime' and
fresh sweet 'Milk inequit1taEtSc and
then the apnlication ofpotatiees of
pulped. fresh.. Swiss • or limburger
cheese, • snoistene.d With glyeerige..
Althougb no test . of this has been
made, Schuch says ,that theorietically
the fore -tele should cure, mild eases of
Comparisons are interesting when
distancei of travel and time consum-
ed arelint, the balance. In a new •
country like Canada the advancement
of great transpartatioa syeteans
create some amazing differences from .
old conditions. A case in point—on:
the completion of the Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway through. to Prince .
Rupert, B, C., the time spent in.'
reaching the East 'from Alaska and
the great north-west coast will be re-
duced by days. In travelling from
Alaska to Chicago or the east by, the
G. T. P. route the passenger will be
able to take train at' :Prince Rupert
and be Id. Chicago on the same day
that the steanishin which he quitted
at !Prince Rupert arrives in Seattle,
saving of three days.
mourn his demise; six sons and two A car of sugar beets was shipped to on in Alaska with snow twentyfoot
daughters—David and Adam of Oran- 8exiin factory by Louis 3Iollieger, deep and without the cost of a dollen.
din, -North Dakota, IteSetrt on part of 10th con., last week, . .. It is well "worth while" to read, a
the homestead, William, John L. and. One day recently the question of paper so carefully and ably edited.
Dan., of rielgrave, asss, V, Vannor- apple picking was raised and; to prove Seed your subscription ($2-00) , at
mart Of Winghaass and Mrs, Wilson, that Grey folk are not behind in this once so as to receive free all thiseele::
Belgrave: . business TAW§ Hollinger picked a bar- sues of The Companion for Merl:- re.
rel from a tree in 10, minutes. The maining weeks of -1909, ase."'well. as
time -keeper was Wm. McNair. Tim Cprapanioa's "Verteettatel Calms
Monday w.eek Archie McNeil, eldest dar for 1910, lithograpW in thirteen,
Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
, A Woman with singed hair boarded
it street ear near the teethe Of the
dynamite outrage in Chatham town-
ship, And there is it suspicion that nepeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure wilt al -
silo may haVe been concerned itt it. ways cure my coughs and colds."
son of Lachlan McNeil.' 14th con., Was'
called •oevay from time very sudden-
ly and to ,the sad surprise oF the com-
colors and gad.
Compaeinn BaJ$i, Boston, Vase,
NOW Siatil iorf's Received -at this
RepeatIt:-.tuShilole. Cure will al
14#0 0anim nought and eolds,"1
Repeat it ;—"Shilon's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
James Robinson was p1 0J 4)u Dia
at Sudbury :ot the minder of the
legitimate :children of his daughters.
1 A. young student at Queens Univer-
sity, 'E. /I. Eardiman, cif Fort Wil -
Mani, was hurt in $,,,,s.cuffie arid ' had .
I to go to the hospital.
1 A railway laborer named Irvine wae
burnedto death in his boarding house)
at Quebec. Tt is supposed he set his bed •
on fire by smoking.
Never allows his horse -to 'CuOer poen.
..He always IISCS Nerviline which is
leprosy. • -noted for curb% stiffness, rheumatism,
'swellings: and strains. NerviIine is
I just as goon inside as. outside. • Pot
TI -IAT PALE; TIRED GIRL. ' cramps, colic, and internal pain it's a
She is in society, in business; at perfect marvel. In the geed racing
home, everywhere you see her, but stables N'ervilino is always used,—be-
always worn and fatigued. She hasn't . cause it makes better horses and
heard of Ferrozone or she would be smaller veterinary bills, Twenty-five.
perfectly; well. How quiokly it cents buys a large bottle of Nervilinet
strengthens—what an appetite it giv- try it.
es—what a glow it brings to eiallid 1
cheeks ! The nutriment Contained in `
Fereeeone puts strength into 'any -1 Mr. Jacob Y. Shantz died at Ber-
boki: Laughing eyes, rosy lips, height lin, Ont., in his 88th year.
quick movements all tell of the vital- Richard • Duesbury of Belleville tad
ity Ferrozene produces. Thousands Of half an acre of potatoes stolen frem
attractive happy womet use Ferro's his paten. '
zone—Why not lou.? A . box of fifty • The German Government has estab-
chocolate coated tablas costs aftY lislied a high school at Tsingtau,
cents at any drug store. China.
IIn Our lie
In our new premises we have one of
the most up-to-date ,Iewelery Stores
in the county. We ask you to call and
see our stock for we believe we can
please you both in quality and price of
W. R. Counter,
Jeweler and Engraver. Tanner of Marriage Monsen