The Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-28, Page 7• RAILWAY
OctoINti *8th, iftff
. ).44 D• •NOTAGOART
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ating purposes. Best prices
pa 41.
ASJele. WWW. W.W ..* WWW wwW, W.I.
e- H. T. RANCE.,- ,
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Office and residence : 2 doors west of
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(Sueceesor to Dr. Hohnes,r
Specialist in Crown and Bridge
Graduate of the Royal College of
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graduate of University of Toronto
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Traln will attire at* and depart
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BUFFALO AND GODERIOli DIY« gent 7.36 a. trt.
3.07 P.M.
6.15 p.
11.07 a. In.
1.25 pm.
.4.40 1 P•ru‘
11 11.28 p. trt.
k 1310300 DIY.
7.60 a. M.
4.23 ta. ht.
11.00 ft. 111.
0.36 p. m.
11 it I
11 44*
Goitg ,Ntist
•11 it
11 11 't
fining North
14 *1
CIWoo No &coy&
She Seemed to reSlize. bia raennIng
with surprise. as one venose thougitts;
• have strayed afar recalled to an Int-
eeeetive world.
"Oh, del I forget/ Tell itim. ptease,
to drive to No. le VP:Admit street,
Constraiut hung like a curtala be-
tween the two, a silence which •tbe
young men forbore to moderate, dud.
Ing more (height than be had cured (or
dared) mitten to in contemplation of
the pure girlish wale so close to MM.
She seemed quite unaware of him,
Jost in thought. ittrge eyes sober, lips
serious that were fashioned for laugh-
ter, round little cein Orin whit some
occult resolution. It was not hard to
fspacy her nerves keyed to a high pitch'
of courage aud determination nor easy
to geese for what reason. Watchieg
always. keenly sensitive to the beauty
of each salient .1111e betrayed by the
flying lights, Kirkwood's own con-
sciousness lost itself In a profitless,
even a perilous, labyrinth or conjecture.
The pan stopped. Both occupants
came to their senses with a little start,
The gin leaned out over the apron,
recognized the house she SOUght In one
swift, glatice, testified td the recogni-
tion with a hushed exclamation and
began to nrrange her skirts. Kirk-
wood, unheeding her faint hearted pro-
tests, jumped' out, Interposing his cane
between her skirts nnd the wheel.Si-
multaneously he received a vivid Men-
tal' photogreph .0 the locality.
Treenail street mieved to be one of
those leywaya short - Week in length
which. hemmed in on all aides by a
meaner purlieu, have (even in Blooms.
bur') escaped the sordid commercial
eye of the 'keeper of furnished lodg-
lugs, retaining jealously something of
the old time dignity and rpservc that
were their pride In thCAttYla before so-
ciety swarmed 'upon Alayfair and Bel-
gravia, •
Its houses loomed tall, with man
windows, mostly lightless. materially
aggravnting that air of isolate, cold
dignity whirl) distiegulshes the Eng-
lishman's castle. Here and there stood
one less bedraggled than its neighbors;
though all, without exception, . spoke
assertively of respectability- dowu 'at
the lace'. but , tighting tenaciously for
• existence: Some, vanguard, of that
Imminent day when the. boarding
' house , should reign supreme, were
with elm mefaced air placards a estate
agents advertising theer sesceptibility
to sale or lease...10 the company Of the
latter was No. 9..
' The ,Americap noted the Ore/stn.'
strince subconsciously at a moment
when Miss Calendar's band,' small as a
.child`s, warm and 'compact in its white
dove. Itly in his own. Aud then she
Was on the skie'vvalls., her faceute.
turned • to leis, 'vivacious with excite-
ment.. ' . • . -
"You Mire been so kind," she told
him warmly. "that one hardly knows
how to thank you. Mr, Kirkwood."
hove ,done nothing -nothing at ,
all," he mumbeed, disturbed by a slide
den unreasoning alarm for her
She passed.. eteckly to the shelter of
tbe pillared Porde°. He followed
clunislly. Onethe doorstep she turned,
offering her heed. He took And re-
`trtine0 it. . •• ' •
"Coed night." she stO.
"nu to• understand that I'm els-
enlised. then?" be statemered,ruefully.
She evaded his eyes. "1--ilanne you.
I have no furtlir need"- • •
"You are quite sure? Won't you be-
lieve me at your service?" •
She laughed upensily. "I'm all eight
now.". •
"I can no nothing more -sure?" .
"'Nothing. But you -yon .nmee me
alniost sorry I can't impose still fur-
ther. upon your good nature."
"Please don't hesitate."
"Aren't You very persistent, •Mr.
•Kirkwciedr Her fingers moved In his.
Burning with the reproof, be release.d.
"(Mod night.," me erne.
them and turned to her sio woebegone
a countenance ehitt sbe repented of her
severity. epon't worry about Me,
please. 1 nul tnily safe now; Some
day t hope to bo able to thank you
adequately. Good night."
Her pass key grated In the lock.
Opening the door disclosed a dark
and uninviting mitre' hall, through
which thefts fireathed an air heavy
with the dank and dusty odor of un.
tenanted room* Hesitating on the
threshold, over her etherilder the girl
stuffed kindle upon her Commandeered
etaitsilre and etepped
Ite 11 tted bis bat tostotnetically. The
door closed *tth en etheing shun. He
turned to the Wafting cab, funsbling
ter chant*
CopVrtilins• 1000, bir the Robbe.tolerrill• Co.
.411 *elk" be told the cabby.
Ing hirnItff.
The? hansom swept away to a tune
of hifinfuering hoofs, and quiet rested
'anon the street ass Kirkwood 'turned
the nearest corner In an unplensaut
temper, puzzled and diseontente& it
seomedhardly fair that he should
have been dragged Into so premising,,
an adeenture by his eere (so to put 10
onlY te he thus summarily ended upon
to write "Finis" beneath the incident.
Ho rounded the corner and walked
halfway to the nest street, musing to
an abrupt and rebelltons pause by tbe
entrance to a Covered I/ Ile)? WM', '61' two
minds, as to his proper course of ac-,
In the background of his thoughts
No. 9 Treenail street reueed its live
story facade, Meister end' forbidding.
He reminded himself' -ot lts unl)ght.
ed windows, of its sign Be Let,"
of the eillurta of- desolation that
bee saluted him when the door swung
wide., A deserted house. and the girl
alone in it -was it right for him' to '
leave her so?
r[REcovered alleyway gave upon
entadrantenewte or so declared
• n. notice painted on the dead
wall of the passage, ' . •
Overhead, complaining as it swayed
In the wind, hung the emirehed and.
weather worn signboard or the Flog-
in-the.e1oune pettlie bouse. wherefrem
escaped rfounde ot 'such revelry be
night as is iudulged lube the Britiali
workingman in hours oe ease. At the
curb ip front of the house of entertain-
ment. dejected animals drooping bee
ti'eeti their shafte..two hansoms stood
In waiting until such time -as the lords
of their destinies should see-fiteto sal-
ly forth and Inflict themselves epee a
cab. hungrypopulace. As Kirltwood
turned n third vehicle rumbled up put
of the mews.
-Per beriveen hie euriesltn about and
his concern 'rot the girt was beIng
,led back to. No. 9 by the nose, us -It
were. hardly willingly at best. . Pro-
foundly stupefied by the contemp
'of ele peen • temerity,' he yet returned
unfaltering. He reho had for, so meguper-
f • bis plumed 'himself neon hts strict:s
vise:al of his personal affairs mad
le . steadfast Mieensciouiness• o
• neighbor's' litisinese now found hi
In the very art of pushing in .svitere be
n ad-
was not ,wanted. as he had bee
vised In well nigh- si Many:word•
• •
He terned tin. Treenail street
the manner of one out for -a leisurely
• •
• evening stroll.' Simultaneously from
'the farther corner another pedestrian '
debeeched into ..the. tborouglifare-a
more moving shadow .at that distance,
brOther to' blacker shadows that skulk-,
ed the fencetl. areas and entirely
entries. of diet ,poorly lighted block.
The lush Was something beyond- be-
lief' weep .one remembered tbe near-
ness of'. blatant Totteuham Court 'roads'
*Kirkwood conceived a wholly sense*
less curiosity about the other wayfar.
r.; -The. man • was walking eraptelly,
.heels ringing with uncouth 'loudness
cane tapping the flagging at brief in.
,tereels.. • Both sounds ceaSed.abreptly
as their cense -turned' in beneath rine
, Of the porticties, In the elm:Made tied
:unnatural ',quiet that followed :
wood; stepping more lightly,. eriecied
that another shadovi'.followed the first
noiselessly; and with furtive stealth.
Could . It be No. 9' into which tbe'
had passed? :The Anierleati's heart
beat a livelier tempo 'at -the suggestion.
lend not been.No. te-le was still
.too far aweyeeo tell -it Was eeettenly
•Oue • of the derellings.edinceet there-
unto. 'The improbable possibility .(but
Why impeobiblet) that the del was
, being Joined 'lay- her fatheror by
friends annoyedhim with 'illegitat in-
tensity, . • . • • .
Approaching No. -9 with laggard feet.,
he manufactured a , desire- to tight' a,
cigarette- as a cover for hie, design were
eho spied upon • by unsuspected eyes.
Cape under ' Arm, banes cupped .te,
shield a' .vesta's .flanie, he stopped dee
'rectly before the portico, timing 885
eyes askanee to the shadewed. 'door-
way, and made a discovery -sufficiently
startling -to hold him spellbound and
ineidentally to scotch his gloves before
he thought to•drop tee match. '
The door of No. 9 steod ajar, a blath
interval an itich or so in width show-
ing between its .edge and -the jumb.
Suspicion and alarm. set his wits
a -tingle. -Mote distinctly he. recalled
the- jarring ibang. accotnpauled by the
Metallic click of :the latch.' when the
gin had ahuteheraelf hi -and film out.
Now, some -person .or .persons had foe
lowed nese neglecting the 'most obvious
precaution' of a householder. A.nd
Why? Why" but because the ititrudere
did not wish the soend of elesieg to he
audible to her -or thotse-withinf.
Be reminded hineeelf that it Was all
none of his affair. decided .to peso ots
and go his why in peace and, int.
oultdeely evinging about, marched
strteght away for the unclosed door.
• "018 'ard. griever!" . •
• Kirkwead, Milted on the ery, Miter -
Ing in indecision. Should he take the
.plunge or withdraVe Synchrenouely
be was tonseious that a mates figute
bad detached !Melt from the -shadows
beneaththe neareet portico- and was
drawing nearer. With every indlcatiots
of haste to intercept hint.
"'Ere now, gurner. yet mykin', a
raistyke You don't live 'ere."
• "How do ems knowl" .demanded
leiritWood• crisply. tightening his grip
On his stiele
Wee tiles the eeeend ishridow he had
eettned to see -the colifedertite of him
who had entered' No. 9, a 'sentry to
feeetittell Interruptlen? 50, the 114,,
kite letked diseretion, though hie de-
ternilnatiort dint the Americtie shined
not interfere wns undeniable. It was
*Atli nn ugly and trtictilent manner, if
more wittily, thnt the man dosed In.
"I knows. Yen clear bout �r° -
Xie Ming mit 0 hand with the Planetv
design or gretaphije Kirktened by
the enthir:,....yheAttyntiffted 'his Istlek,
, detleetlftg the *rut awl lueontlisently
landed his other fist foreibly no the
fellow's uhe$t, Tufo i»ei Vet,IPll Welt.
cursilug. Before be voted ref:over Kirk
wood calmly erossed the thresbota.
elosed the 4001' put Ills shoulder
to it, • In another Institut, rumbling to
the darkuess. he found the bolts and
drove them home.
Anel It west done, the transformation
aceomplisitedUls inailllity to refrain
front, Interfering had eneominissed •Iihs
downfall, had elianged a peaceable and
• law abiding alien within lit% bib •tibortt.i
into a imaybody, a trespasser, a mis-
demeanant, a -yes, for all he knew to
the contrary, lit the estimation of the
maw. g burglnr, prime eunditiate for a
convict's stripes...,
"The devil:" he whispered. "What
an ass, what an utter ass, 1 arn1"
Behind him the knob was rattled
urgently to an accompanimeut of feet
shuffling on the stone, and Itninediate-
ly, if he were to make a logical deduc-
tion from the rasping and scraping
sound within the' door casing, the bell
pull was violently Agitated, without,
however, .edtteing any response from
the bell Welt wherever that might
be situate, .after which, as If in de
spelt the outsider again rattled and
jerked the lamb.
Be his. atettIS What it might. whether
servant of the household, its caretaker
00. it night watchman, theman tves
palpnbly determined, both to get Mw -
self In and Kirkwood out end yet,
curious to consider, determined to gain
his end without tittrecting undue at-
tention'. Kirkwood had expected to
hear the kndoltmee• thunder as ecten 'is
. the bell fulled, to give' tongue, but It
did not. sound. although there Was a
knocker: Kirkwood himself hadre-
marked ehat 'antiquated •and rusty bit
0 ironmongery affixed to the middle
panel of the door. And it made' bin)
;eel' suro that sometbitee surreptitlogs
• and lawless was lit process Within
those walls; that the confederate with-
out, having fallee .to preveut a stian-
ger from entering, left uneMployed •a -
means se, certain sure to rouse thp.oe-
cupants. • • ,
But his inferential analysts of this
phase of the proceedings was summa-
rily abrupted by that identieal elann.
In a trice the bouse was .filled wlth
flying ecitees, - wakened to sonorous
riot by the rash and clamor of the '
knocker,' and Kirkwood ,fieded - fully
two yards away, his heart hammering
wildlyeets nerves A -jingle, much as li
the resounding'blows lind lauded Mimi
his own person rather. than -op stout
oaken pieniclog. • -•
,• Ere he had. time: to wonder the rack-
et ceased, and from the- street filtered
:voices in '.altercation. Listening, Berk.
wood's pulses quickenedand he laugh-
ed uncertainly for pure relief, retreat-.
ing to the door and•putting-ati ear to a
crack.' ' . • • .
The itecents .of one speaker were,
new In -his hearing, stern, crisp, quick •
With te spirit -of authority which ani-
mates that, west austere and diguilled
litsib 'of the ieW to be eneountered the
world over e London 'bobby; .
'Now e then, my ena.n...•What do you
. -
'wane there? .Come e now speak ur
eine step out into the light Wheree CAD •
etee you." • I • • • ,
. •
The response Come in the sniffling:
'snarl o' the London tueer-doetvell, the
tinemployable rogue whose chief oce
• eupation seems to be •tomarch in the
ranks of: the unemployed on the ores,
sion of Its amnia"! demonstrations,• "Le' me alone, carntcher? A.WM
Ite no 'arm, officer."' ,•
"Didn't -you hear me.:?' Step out here
Ah, that's better No berm, eh? Per
haps explien 'how • there's tic
harm brktilen' intti unoccupied %fuses?
"Oorbiliny. *ow wes • I to. knowl
'Ere?s a toff 'ands me sixpence 'fel
hopenin' 'is cab doer todye, sezee
`ely niane 'e sez, 'ye've . got a. eenest
'fyce. W'y ,doncher worker, eezee
• ''Ow can I?' sez 1. 'Ere 'm 1 bout .0
a' Job these sli, 'meatus, lookine fei
"Worti- every dye- an' carn't find it.
Sezee, 'Conte an' seeme this hevenin
at me Aimee nolue, Prognell etretee
sea an'"- •,.• .•
"That'll do for now. YOU borrow a
pencil and' paper and write it dowei
and I'll read it.veherr I've got moil,
tfine. 1 tweet heard the like of it
This '<fuse hasn't been lived In these
two, eenre. esioee 00, and don't let me
find you round 'ere egnin. Alarch..1 say!'
• There was more of lee -more whining'
explanations nrtfully tinctured '
abuse, more terse commands to -de
part, the whole concluding- with sertip
Ing footsteps, diminuendo, and an-
other perfunetory rattle of the knot '
es the hobby. having shooed the Mita
tiee evildoer off, nesured himself that
no damage had actually twee done
nen he too,. departed. satisfied and
Self righteous, leaving n bedly fright
toned but. "ors grateful aulateur edit)
Mai to putsue .his self oppointed (seem
of crime.
Re had no ehole other than to con
tinue. in point ot fnet, if bad beer
Insanity just then to back out..aud rut
the risk of upprehansion at the tomtit
ef that ubiquitous- bobby, who, for al
he kite% neght be lurking not a (loner
yards (Witold, innelifut for just suct
a sequel. SOIL le.irineood. hesittifee
with the best of exeumes. Reassuring
as he bad fistula the seittinel's extem.
portzed yarn, proof positive that thi
fellow bad lutd no mere tight to pre
Whit n trespass then Kirkwood
eontinit one, at the same' time he feline'
himself pardonably a prey to emotion;
or the utmost eonsternation and alarm
he feared to elate the hobo he had
-no wsirmni whatever to assume that
he would be pertnitted to rernalu molly
minutes unharmed within. its walls 01
The elltelee Of it cliseottated him be
yeed triettstire. It was, in a word, 811.
Refer* him ria he lingered at tht
door, vaguely dlecloted by a Won
lentination penetrnting n dusty and
,bastrimed fanlight, St -broad MI'
'stretched indefinitely toward tins rear
of the butkling. toelwe itsolf lu Week
neva befood the foot of * �igbL ol
*airs. Save for a few articles of fur-
nItre-a hall table, ste umbrella stead,
• telt dumb eh** thinked -by high
heeked chaire-it was empty. Other
than KirkWeotra own restrained roe
Oration. not it sound throughout the
house ativeetised Ins lahsibititlen, *at
a board creaked beneath tbe prewar*
of 'a foot, not a mouse rustled le tb*
wainscoting or beneath the tioore, asot
hreeth of air etirred taghtag In Ow
And yet a tree:leaden* raeket hod
been raised at the frost door within,
the sixty Sheontle past. And yet with-
in twenty Ininutee two persona et
lest bad preetsled ICirkwood luto the
building, find they not beard? The
speeulation seetned rklleulotts. or had
they heard and, (dunned, been toe ef-
fectually hobbled by the cone of their
nefarious designs to dare reseed them-
selves, to investigate the muse of that
thunderous summon*? Or were they,
perbaps. n ware of Kirkwood's en-
trance and lying hidden in grime dark
corner to ambush him as he passed,
True. that WW1 hardly like the girl.
True, on the other hand, It was possi-
ble that she had stolen away while
Kirkwood was !tonging in irresolution
by the passage to Quadrant mews.
Again. the space of time between Kirk.
wood' e clIstulseal and his return had
been .eseeedingly brief, Whatever her
errand, she could hardly have fulfilled
It Anti escaped. At tbat moment �e
might be in the power and at the mer-
cy of elm who bad followed her, pro-
vicled he were not friendly. And bi
thet case what torment and what peril
might not be hers:
Spurred by solicitude. the young man
put personal apprehensions In bis pocIt.
et and forgot them ceutiously pieking
his way through the gloom to the foot
of the stairs. Slowly be began to as-
cend, n hand following the belusters,
the other with his cane exploring the
obscurity before him. On the steps a
carpet, thlek and heevy. muffled his
footfalls, Ile tnoved noiselessly. To-
ward the top the staircase eurved, and
presentee a foot that groped for a
higher level failed to lind Itt Again tie
halted, acutely diettrustfUL
Nothing happened. '
• He went on, guided by the balms -
trade, pressing three doors, all open,,
through which the undefined proper'
. dons of s dreWing room and boudoir
were barely suggested In it ghostly
dusk. By each he paused, listening.
hearing nothing.
His foot struck with ft deadened thud
l,Strainst the bottom step of the second
flight. and his ntilses .fluttered wildly
for a moment. Two minutes -three -
he waited in suspense. From above
came no sound. He went on, as bee.
fore, save that twice a sten yielded,
complaining, to his weight, .
Again the raised foot found no leyel
higber than, its .fellows. Hestopped
and • held his breath, oppressed by a
conviction' that some one 4V11E1 near
him. confirmation of this none star-
tlingly -an eerie whisper In the night,
so cloke to Min Met be fended he
could feel the disturbed air fanning
hiS face. .
.."ts it .yott, Eccles?",
Be had no answer ready. The voice
was masculine; it he analyzed it eor-
• rcet ly. Dumb • and. stupid. he stood
poised upon the point of pante..
"Bede% is It yew? .
" • .•
. ,
The ..whiSper, wnit •both -shrill and
shaky. AR It ()eased Kirkevocid • wax
half blended by a tiash of light strik-
ing h Ini squarely la • the -eyee. enrolee- e
aurlcd bor111y upon him ulth 8U:oli52-mu
orce and poesIon.•
tartly he 1) hvanit Weil: a pace, to the
first step from the top: , Instalitane-,
ousle.the light Wei eclipsed. .
."Halt. or -or 1 fire!" .
By now he realized that he had been
scrutinized by the aid of an electric
hand .intnp.- The. tretneloue whisper
fold him something . else -that the
speaker' suffered front nerves as high
strUng at; his own. Tbe knowledge
gave him inspiration He cried at a
rennin.. In a guarded voiee. "Hands
and stritek out muerte* meth his
stlek. Its ferrule ituniuged upon sotnee
thing soft, but heavy Simulteneotesly
he been] a low, frighteued ere. the
eane was swept estate a blow landed
glancingly tut hie shoulder, and 84' wan
cnrried fnirly off his feet by the 'weight
of n man hurled- bodller upon hint with
staggering foree and pas/Aloft Reeling,
he wise borne bat* and down a etep or
two end then, choking on an oath,
dropped his cane and with one hand
tatted the balusters, while the other
tore leetfectually at wrists of hands
tette eh -itched his throat. So, for n
space, the two hung, panting. and
Then, endeavoring to swing his shout -
tiers over against the wall, Kirkwood
released his grip on the hand rail and
stumbled on the stairs, throwing his
antagonist out of balance. The latter
plunged downward, dragging Kirk -
Wood erite .hlm. Clewing, kicking,
grappling, they went to the bottom,
Jolted violently by eneh step, but long
before the !not Wes reeehed Kirkwood's
thront as tree.
Throwing hirreikif off, he got to his
foot And grasped the Wittig for flue.
port.' then waited, mutat trying to.
get. Ialoi bettringa, Hinotelt painfully
Woken and Widget*. he shrewdly ear.
Wood • at hh ltommilant fared as
ill. If beet W41,44). And. Inpoint of fart,
the ASA ley Tern; neither move nor
MOO& stili AS death, at the Ameritnin'Ill
4M sone more 'silence had folded ItS
wits. over No. 9 Krognall ;street,
Mere stollseions ot that terrifying.
seeteeisiees presentee between him tears
able Ise- dfeelogssials it by power Ot
shook he enderod Interminable Winutee
ot twestsiel‘sg horror, In a 'Mesta dam,
benne* he thought of bite Metebnox.
llosteadietely he found It aud struck a
light. As the wood eaugbt and the
bright wail name leaped in the pent
- str /*wed forward over the body.
Isreethiesely drending what be must
P80- en TOY quiet, head upon the
toot,. team end hips an the stairs. One
arns had fallen over his face.
'1whrtite"Pelend dtelnillernte.'arshen whaonmdeng'sle-a
• chin was smooth and round, ids lips
tnin 414d petulant, Beneath bis top -
poet evening dress clothed a short and
Wender figure, Nothing whatever or
his appeantnee suggested the burly
radian, the midnight marauder, fle
*teemed little more then a boy old
onongh to dress for dinner in his at.
tirade there wns something pitifully
eugeeeelve of a benten 08118 thrown
into earner.
-Coaecienee etnitten and amazed Kirk -
Weed stared on until, without warn-
ing. the match tilekered and went out.
Then, streightening un with 'an ex-
clamation at once of anntrynnce "and
concern, he rattled the bot. it made
00 sotand-was emptyla disgust he
swore It was the, devil's own tuck that
Le should rUti out of vestas at is time
so erltiettl, He could not even' say
whether the fellow was dead. uncoil-.
scions or simply shanening. Ile bad
woe him of his looks, ond ta be abler
to identify him might save a deal or-
trounie at -mine future time since be'
Kirktrood. seemed so little able to dis-
engage iihnself from the clutches of •
this insane' adventure'. And the
what and become of her? How could
he continue to source' for her, without
lights er guide. through alt those silent
rooms. whose :walls might metope 0.
.hundred hidden dangers in that house -
Of mystery? •
But be debated only briefly.Ills.
blood was young, end it Ives -hot It
was quite plain to him that he could
not withdraw and retain his self te-
spect if the girt was 'there to be
found, Most assuredly he must find
her.' The hand lamp that bad dazzled,
-him at the head of the stairs should
be his aid. now that tie thought -�f It -
1186 provided be was able to tind it.:
• in the scramble on'the stairs be bad' .
lost...his hat. but he remembered that
the veeta's short Oven light had -dis-
covered this on the floor. beyond • tits
.umn's body. 'Carefully stepping across
the latter, be recovered els. betidgeite
and them: kneeling, listened With 'an
ear close 10 18*' feiloVs face,.. A softly
regular bent. of breathing reassured
,Half rising...he- caught tbe body •
beneath the env its, 111114 and drag-
ging it off the staircase. and knelt
'again-, to feel : -of oftenpocket in the,
mae's clothing, partly 83. an obvious
precaution. to relleva.him a his ad-,
veetined revolver egainst an untenelf •
• wakening,- partly la see If he had the
lamp' about him. -., . ' •
.,The search 'Waved fruitless.. 'Kirk-
wood suspected that the weapon. !Ike
. his own, had existed only ln. bis. vic-
tim's ready imagination.% As for the
lamp, in the net of risihg he Struck it.
• with his foot and 'picked it up. .
It felt like a metal tithe a coupleette
inchee in diameter, a foot or so he
length; passably . heavy. He tumbled
with' it linpatiently. "However the.
dickens," be wondered audibly, "does -
the. infernal Maclaine work?" As • it
happened, tbe thing worked with
concerting abreptnese as hie untraieed
'fingers fell hapchneee on .the .spring.
A 'sudden, glere amen smote him. In
the race, and at the sonic. Instant. from,
a point not a yard, avrey'i apparently.
an fnatileniate- cry rang out upon tbe
$ montb,. he stepped-Hback. •
lowering the lamp, which lovishly
Went out,. and lifting a .protecting. fore-
arm. . • . •
. "Who's thatrele deManded harshly.
• . A 'strangled sob of terror answered
bins, 131urrecl -by h swift nigh Of skirts,
and n breath his shattered nerven'
quieted and a glimmer of eonanoe
sense penetrated the murk anger and
fear had bred en his brain. Fie ander- ,
stood and. stepped forward, catching:
blindly at thedaritness with • onger
. hands.
"Miss Calendar"' be cried guardedly.
"Miss'. Calendar, it is 1, -Philip Kirke
wood!" " ••
-There,*was it second sole'of another
caliber than the that. Timid fingers!
brushed his. ned a handeewarm and
fragileclosed upon hls own in a pas-
sion of relief and gratitude.
• "Ole 1 MR so g -glad!" It wits mi.,
othy Calendar's yoke,beyond mistake.
"I -I didn't know what t -to t-thinke
Schen the light struek your Mee I was
sure it WaS you, but . when . I called.
you ttnswered M a voice sostrange-
Sot like yours at all. Ten me." she..
Des- Germany Want War.
Berlin, Oct. 9. -Count Reventlow,
after reeding extracts of epeeehes
made in the Crated States by Lord
Northcliffe, Moberly Bell and Admiral.
Lord Charles Beresford, iti whihi
they eepressed the haus( that war be-
tween Great Hritain and Germany,'
wasinevitable, said:
"War is certain if England declares!'
it. Otherwise it is not at alI certain -
On the contrary, GeIrmany Will do
everethiri.g to avoid it." Count Ree
ventlow is a' retired naval ofleer ot
"The tree power standard may be
logical 0 the two enmities are here
in Europe, close together, but it faile,
of effieieney if, for esaMplo, one ene-,
my is here and the other ,in the.
"That raises for England the guns -
tion of Indian and japan. Who knows;
but that ,the 'United States might riot.
some day be taken into nonsidsratiout
in some eomplex international diffichle
tyf to this eennection let nie say t
believe that many oratorionl English.,
men sometimes say Germany Whets)
they mean the Milted States."