The Clinton News-Record, 1909-10-28, Page 1inton News flee°
30tIt Tear
Whole Number. 1601
The News -Record will be sent to any address in Canada to the end of 1910 for one dollar. To the end of 1909 for 13 Gents.
.nodorited Zeautt
• Clan compare in
tractiveness with, the one
-wearing a necklace, a
looket and charm,
watch, iP4 brooch or other
article f:tf jewelery bought
at this store.
Vile *al gaste
oftur jeweleni
Is undeniable, It's
qUitlity V7f3 guarantee.
It's prtee we leave to your,
own good judgraent to
say if it be not reasonable.
1t. Ye1iqar
fewelar and Optician. - Clinton'
Reserve $5,850,000 •
Paid -Up Capital $4,650,000.
Total Assets ,
Joint Accounts may be opened in the names of two persons,
withdrawals her either party. This is a convenient form of account
for people living at a distance from the Bank. •
THE ROYAL BANK Pays Special Attention to the
Requirements of Farmers.
Wheat 950 to 97e.
Oats 340 to Mc.
Peas 130c to 830.
Barley 50c to 53c.
Butter 20e to 21c.
Eggs 23c to 24e.
Lie Hogs S7.50.
IA, meeting of tio *embers ot each
•of 'the level fraternal societies will lad
held in the C. O. F. hall on Tuesday
evening next to arrange: a schedule of
,earpet ball rnatches tor the season.
, Last winter's series was an interest.
:ing one from start to finish.
The "success is assured of the enterThe pastor's subject next Sunday
tainment to be held in the town hall toning will be, "Character Build-
The pastor will preach at both Ser-
vices next Sunday. The theme of the
Imorning discourse will be, "The Moral
O. etave," and the .5ubleet eaf the evei.
mg sermon "Selling the 13irthright,"
Everybody welcome.
Sherif! Parke has receivednotifica-
tion from the Attorney -General's De-
partment that the payment for grand
on Friday evening under the auspices in." In the evening Mr. Mason, the and petit jugors at the next assizes
of the Young Women's Guild of St. Y. M. C. A.. evangelist, will preach. will be $2.50 a day and thirteen cents
Paul's church, the reserve plan being young men are especially inviteda mile. The per diem allowance was
nearly,l,all sold a few days, ago.' • While The S. S. anniversary, in coanection increased one year ago from $2.00,,
Miss Rance's presentation , of the with this church will be held on the but the new mileage rate, an increase
"Sign of the Cross" will be the lea- 22nd of Nov. with Rev. Mr. Bartlett, from 10 cents, goes into effect for the
take, part including Ernest J. Seitz, preacher for the clay.
S. and E. L. secretary as the first time. --Walkerton Herald.
turq of the evening other artists , s,
pianist, Toronto, of whom one of the
city dailies says : "To hear the ABOUT WATERWORKS. ...,
young Canadian pianiste is to realize The main down .Albat street has Mr. Onslow Crich in a reminiscent
a pleasure not to be forgotten." been completed andwork has • now mood and he recalled the fall of 18s73
A BIG DA'Y'S...ENJOY1VIENT, commenced • on Ontario stmt. The when snow fell on the • 29th of Oct.
pipe from the power house to the core and sleighing continued until the
A large crowd turned out Thanks. ner of Albert and Rattenbury streets middle of the following March. 1Vir.
giving afternoon to see the •games at is ten inch, while up Ontario and Rag.; Crich was then but a wee boy but his
the parkTwo teams of boys repre-
Ian streets to the standpipe it recollection was made indellible by
senting the North and South played -eight inch.
The snow storm of last night put
the ,birth of a little sister, now Mrs.
an interesting 0 football match, the Ten hydrants have already been J. E. Ball of Tokeremith, on that
North finally winning after an exch."' set.
day of which record was made in the
between teams representing the town plaeing the steelier the standpipe and I '
have an engine and compressor at
•The Hunter Company are now busse fa,mily Bible,
' two goals to one. ,
I ing struggle by . .
The next affair was a baseball match
and the C. C. I. Though rathen cold. were, They expect to finish. by the
for ball both teams played" an excel- first of December.
lent game and the issue WAS in dougi$ i Contractor Cullen has secured the
until the last. man' yeis down inthe contract for the mains for the Exeter
ninth, the collegiate boys being d Il
dared winner a by a score of nine --e• waterworks system and the tinter
to Company the standPiP.
eight. The veteran Riley Johnstoni
pitched for the town while Tasker, thti DEATIL OF "JOHNNIE" SHIPLEY,,
regular twirla, held. down first: Rileyi
1 On Saturday; last "Johnnie" Ship.
received pretty good support but was ley, son of Mr. ' Thos. Shipley of
hit rather hard and. got all the worst
town cited in the laospital at Mooso.
of the umpiring. For the C,. 0.1. Jack'.
mis, Sask., after an illness at. ..two charmingly attired in pink musseline
Wiseman pitched a heady clever game
weeks of typhoid fever. His father, with all over lace, and whose gem_ come in handy this fall. The council
and a number of 'times when in a who had been telegraphed for, reach. away gown was of. mauve -colored was asked to pay fifty dollars for
tight corner strok out such sluggers
ed his bedside the day • before his damages sustained at the deviation on
the Varna road north .of the village
where ,the old roadway is shut oll be
a strong wire fence. They declined,
A quiet but pretty wedding took
plaee on Tuesday at the home of the
bride's parents, William street, when
Essie second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Wm. Fluker, became the bride of
Mr. R. J. Cameron of Lucknow, the
nuptial knot beieg tied by Rev. Dr.
.the day last and paid the Hill Clorripanet
Stewart. After the caemorty
bride led the way to the dining .room $380 tor steel for the Dinsdale bridge, Mr. and Mrs. George Benson of
where a dainty; wedding luncheon was and $75 to another company for cor. London were the guests of 'Mr, and
rugated pipe.. They now 'have on hand Mrs. F. •A. Edwards 'a few days the :
in readiness, The bride, who was:
Mr. Jas. Stevens fell upon his door
step last week and received suth
shaking up as kept him indoors tor
several days. •
Mrs. Geo. Trowhill returned last ev-
ening from very pleasant visit to
her daughter, Miss Lizzie Trowhill
at Dundee and. her son Geo. T. who.
is an operator on the Erie Railway
at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Geo. T. is
nursing a broken finger these days
as the result of s fall he sustained
Hullett .TownshIp.
New Advertisements
Strayed—D. A. Forrester -5
Auction Sale—W. Johnston -0
prize Money-. E. Greenslade -
Our Millinery—Miss Cantelon a Co. -4
Oa Wednesday forenoon Miss Maggie
Wild, one of thetinost popular youn4
ladies in this part of the county, ;vas
united in marriage to Mr. Frank Kee-
gan of Bayfield. The ceremony was
performed in St. Peter' church, Drys-
dale, hy the parish priest, Rev. Fettle'
er Loiselle, and at its conclusion the
happy couple drove to the home of
'Mr. and 'Mrs. George Medd and fem. the sister of the bride, Mrs. , George
ily Spent Thanksgiving at the home field,
owf where
LtohnedwonedRdionagd, dnineuarerBrucw;
OjohthneivifoeTdmcvesT.'s parents,: Mr. and Mra.1
• partaken ot and in the evening Mr.
and Mrs. Keegan returned to thieir
Mr. Thomas Blake spent the holi-
day's- at his home in this township. handeorne home on the Sauble Line,
Mr. Thorna.s and. Miss Lena, Handl- just a short distance south of Bay -
ton of Colborne spent an evening of field. We but voice the sentiments of
last week at the home of Mr. Wm.
Mr. Joe Carter and George Lawlor
the numerous friends of the contract-
ing parties in wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Keegan many • happy and prosperous
of Auburn wete in this vicinity last years.
week packing' apples. ' Mr, Kenny Moorhouse is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson spent Sun- friends at London this week.
day with Westfield friends. James Rouatt of London spent a
Flocks of wild geese have been seen few days the past week at his hen:wet
going south, which is the Opt of an
Mr, and Mrs.- John Tough were yrs: -
early vvinter, so the seemingly wise iting her sister, Mrs, Douglas 'of Hyde
park, the pat week.
Miss Nott of Clinton is *be guest
of Mrs. George Erwin this week, e.
'Miss Mamie Macdougall, who is at-
tending Normal• at Stratford, spent
Thanksgiving at ha honle here.
people say.
The township • council net on Satur4.
150 worth th's which will past week.
broadcloth •with large picture hat,
was the recipient of many handsome
and useful presents including china,
and death. The deceased, WhO WAS only
a.s Johnston, Alexander, 'rasker
• IVIanning ; his ,support was also good,
in hia ti1st year was much liked bY
the work of Carl Draper in left field
• his associates He was a live yOUllg table linen, entlerY and silverware,
being particularly noticeable, he mak- '
• Miss Jessie Fortner of London . is
the guest of her, uncle, Rev. Fettner,
at present. . •
Miss Annie Rojleinson of Egmandviller,
was the guest of Mrs. H. Little the
past week.
;business .man and having clerked for Mr. and Mrs. Cameron left on the however, -to recognize the claim, cou. Mrs. (Rev.) Carriere and Miss Laid-
ing a number of splendid catches.
• was Mr. JaCobs,, the clothier, here that evening train for Lueknow where they sidering that they had taken the nee -
NK' The Fair Co-Eds' Rooter Club
Th• e MCOLSON BA . . gentleman was glad to pentium) •
will •make • their home; bearing with essary ptecautions.
again very
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 • Rest 'Fund $3,30,p,00
Has 73 Branches In. Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
• in the world.
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate..
Clinton Bratich - C. E. Dowding, Manager
RcEL:rE Morrish 86 Crooks I CLOTHING
Our Overcoat stock is
the pride of our store. and
evety man's and boy's Ov-
ercoat is here. We mean
by that, that no matter
O what his Overcoat' liking
may be there's a coat here.
that 'vein
Fit Him to
The tnan or boy that passes this store on
Overcoats will miss the best
Overcoats in town.
"A Soiare Deal for Every Man,"
Successors to Hodgens Bros. Clothing Store
o nnie s ehgagernent When: he mov. them .the good wishes of numerous
miss, derive courage and nerve to g
make therm Wade bite the fray wtt4 DEATH OF ALEX. MACKENZIE.
renewed vigor and turn things again; .•
in their Wier. ' It was • also amusing At noon on Friday last, there pass- Germany. These shipments include excellent eermons. The choir gave
law of Grand Bend spent l'etesda '
the village with friends: ,' .
much in evidenoet rtrinforef • J h ' ! " .
ed by several litt e p ayme e ed to Bloosomin , two months ago. friends for a happy and prosperous
out of 'town a,s attractive as themsele
The remains reached Clintor$ on fruese future.'
Yes; and sitting on. specially prepared
day and yesterday the largely attend. •
seats close to' the first baae lino VERY FAVORABLE PROSPECTS.
d funeral teolc place, the services -bite
with their sweet childish feCes., aglow e
ing conducted by Rev:‘ Mi. Cesens. In discussing trade prospean in .gen-
evith pride ana enthueiasie, ' they
The pallbearers.. were t gd. Sly, L. '
chanted and -sang bdes and songs coin- er
Inetabers 'manning, 'W.. Nimens, .1t. Rumbell, A.
Posed • by the' more talented
of their,. nOble band. .It waa -wonder-1 Torrance and ' C. Levi. •
Much,•sympathy is telt for the sore-
ful• to eee the way in which the. nine
ly bereaved family, Mr. and Mrs..'
fine specimens. of college mauhood on
ja daughter three months almost to the improvem
ip ey oosing (lir se on yo g
the field would, when things looked
black, for them, with one glancn
• sereete before the passing of their only future proapeots good. We have just Methodist chach were held ' last Sun.:
ent and our agents report The anniversary . services el the
Brenem of London spent 6; few ' . .
the direction of that •bunch-ef thisoveek at the former'e heme. .
' coinpleted organ • shipments. to -Aus- day when the Revs, ,Messrs. <Tures of
tralia, South Africa., Now Zealand, Auburn in the afternoon., and Gilson:
Clifford ef Goderich spent Thanksgive •
Great Britain, Russian-Polana and ler of Zerich in the evening pfeached n t tl ' h ' th '1 -
. Mr. George Beddows has been. en-
° gaged by IWr. II.• Little as.stage driv.
to interested spectatore to sit , and ' ed peacouny away one of the oldest seVerel twe manual ,organs of Victer- geed seevien and Mr. Alden Jones
er on the afternoon :Mail,. •
watch that array •of loveliness • end and most respeeted citizens. of 'Clinton ian and Cathedral. styles. For thi London sang 'with apPreciative expres-
when ' some APolIo on the diamond Irt the person of Me, Alex. Mackenzie. , Canaxiiart trade our 'piano department sion . three splendia aolos. Mr. Jones
engaged as clerk with Mr.
y in •
Prize winners at Fair, see advt, on
page. five.
. The aunual meeting of the
Mrs. Goforth of Henan, China
says Society will be held in St. Andrew's,.
church on Friday evening of this
an excellent address on her and . her
Cousens. of Clinton
husband's_ work in that far-off field in week' • Rev' Mr.
will address the meeting. •
eral ,and those relating to Minton's the Presbyterian church on Monday
Mr. Thomas Burnside, who has been.
biggest industry in particular, Mr. D. evening, the Ilth inst. .
sailing on the lakes this season, has .
S. Cluft, general manager of the Doh- Mr. Penfound's sale on Nedheaday
erty Piano and Organ Company, said wasn't largely attended, but some been compelled encinit on account of
his health. He is stopping ' with Ids
to The News -Record yesterday : . • very good prices were received tor the
sister, Mr's. Eddie Reid. '
Our foreign trade shows ccinsidera,bhe cattle but the horses didn't sell welle
I Messrs.CleaveE d Jack'
Mr. Charles Eilber, • WhO• has been00
would make'a spectacular play to pick He was in his 75th year. i•s working overtime, while our eapa- is always •a great . favorite with al
• ' . • .
0 00 Bern on the London Read ee'ar city, doubled withln the last six. Kippen audience. The proceeds e. ere
iota .the fade tlia,t would light up the
, ,
quickest and from which would come Briicefield; where he passed his ' bey.. months, is still unable to supply the. in the neighborhood of seventy-tive wards during the past summerleft
for his home at ,Zurich an Saturday.
ilk demand. During the sumMer and fall dollars. ' ' ' I The anniversary services in connece
• the loudest squeal of ioY ; tar everY -hood, he received little aid [TOM e
schools of that time, yet sufficient in ‘,‘Doherty". pianos in carloads have! On Monday evening the annual .
, one of these charming burls, it is safe '
held on Sunday last, Myth a. an. and
tion, with the 1VIethodist church were
_. , a book -loving hoine to awaken a- love been hurried to customers particular- meeting of this branch of the 'Upper
to say, had one particular knight who
was doing his best to win a glance. throughout the West. The publio Pomade, Efible . Society was held when
0! evening, the preacher being Rev. T.
of poetry and learning which ' never 1Y
Steadman et' Corbett, a former pas -
of admiration from a certain pair at left him. ' • have been quick to see tb,e splendid the Rev. T. W. Cosens, the agent
'sparkling eyes. It is. a fine thing for
At ' t
nine ees yors oi age he .svnt to values, and the f av'o rabic • comparisons . the society was present and: delipered
the . morning he ' took his text, •
good clean sport to see ie ;many lade made at. the Canadian National. Ex- : an eXcellent address. -Mrs. Gould al.() I te'''' M • •
London and served the long • •
from 1 Cor. 13 :. 13 in which he ern -
from John 13 : 94 and in the eveninx
ies and girls so regularly in a.tten- elaPreri" hibition this year have resulted in a I told of the greatehelp the I Able kic el-
ja this , ticeship exabted, then gathered oxer- rush of orders. • • Examination will.: ety' has given them in their rnissiou-
dance at the varioirs games. phasized ' that Leve is the ‘-trite factor
town, as their presence always serves limo _at Scranton, Daroit and, other show that the preaent line of Tiohert ' • k ' f F th h th.
Doherty ary wor ar ormosa reug
gnu_ in the success in the Church of every
organs is not Suffering from the de -1 aid of the colporteurs, who are
Christien Both discours wer
to make make everybody act and play as
gentlemanly a game as possible.
The teams lined up as follows : •
In '1860 he, entered the employ of velopment of the - piano branch. . A ,ally a mest deVoted class of men..
quent and much enjOyed by the large:-
Thanks- congregations present. In the evening
Messrs. MeTaggart & Co.,. Clintonyarge market is being found 'for the' Mrs. A. Malurtrie spent .
teanufaaurers of fanning mills, re -
even of standing zoom there was none •
' ining with them until the dissolve demand
new seven octave Peerless while the giving With friends in Detroit.
'continues for the well known' Mrs. Cudmore of Exeter v'slsed her
and a number who wished to attend.
.0. C. I.—D. Stewart e. J. Wiseman
p., G. Mackenzie lb., ,B. Johnson 2b., till.e . .. •
Ion - ca -tile .firm, when he became a designs for church and parler use. ' son here last week, .
. b e had to turn aWay. •
R. East 31e, V. Mason s. se C. Dra.p- I
. Recognizing the importance of the 1 M
[member of the succeeding partnership 1 MrsTaylor, accompaniedy her
m _e 1 — •Western trade, 'WO- esteblished a branch' daughter, Mrs. S. Thomson Jr. and On the following evening 'a '
er 1.f., C. Rance c.f., C. East t.f. .
continued until the fir r t'r6,1
1b., E. Johnson p,, A. Alexander '21,14,
D.' Tesker toder bucsointees some fifteen years ago, with extensive warerooms and. retail: child, epent the holiday in Detroit:
spent. basement. It consisted of the
fowl supper was served. in the
League—T. Hawkins c.,
In 1866 • he married. Elizabeth I'ol- store at •Winnipeg which will be in 'Among the visitors who •
be season's delicacies, • served up in
L. Manning 31S., R. Rurnball s. s.„ WI.
w, lock of whese• companionship he was 'Charge of Mr. G. L,• Stanwood, well , Thanksgiving at home here may
the able manner • for which the ladi-
deprived three years ago. . and. favorably known to the trade out !mentioned : Miss Nora. Petty, a stu-
McEwen. 1.f., F. Forrester c.f., .
Kerr r. f..
On Thanksgiving everting seventy- For fifty years he was a resident . Europeanre rthentative dent • in the Macdonald Institute, es of this congregation are mated, and
there Our p 0 • •
who ever endeavered to promote the in Liverpool reports a revival in trade I Guelph, Miss Mabel Whiteman,
Cele bet of . people present. In short, it
a was much enjoyed by the large num-
five fine, happy, 'young Clintonians, ef the • eere- throughout Great Britain and large student in the Central Business
sociation, sat down to a chicken din- inunity, and though he sought neither sales have sustained his report. Sev- I lege, Stratford, . Miss Ida Dinsdale, was la maoY resPeas the "best ever."'
nearly all .members. of the •Boys' As- interests of all classes
in After the inner man had'.been thew -
position or publicity, . yet he neva heal carloads' are now en route while amanuensis with a leading firm
oughly satisfied an adjournment • was
spated himself where he felt his help others are in process for immediate London, Miss Violet Petrie, a stumdeinsts
ner in the Oddlellows hall as themade to the town hall where the
guests .of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson, I
was needed. He has •been a valued shipment. Doherty player pianos, I in the Normal schoel, London,
in the program was •carried out with • Rev.
member of the town council, library styles as exhibited at Torontp will he 1 Nellie McGregor, a student
Jr. The early part of the evening. •
was devoted to the bounteous repast, Mr. portner as chairmani The orehe,4
board, tboard of health and directorate ready for the trade by November 1st! Normal school, Stratford : Messrs.
the host and hostess assisted by Mrs.'tral music was much enjoyed, as were
of the horticultural society. ' 1 d eve 1 orders are already await-, John Ross and H. T. Johnston, stu-
W. Harland, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. C.
He was in politics a Liberal and in tng attention. , Factery equipment has' dents in the University, Toronto,.
C. Rance and Mrs. Greig looking Parer I
fully after the wants of the hungry religion a Presbyterian. For twenty- i been much improved by the. installa-
multitude . 'After evetything el the one years he was a ‘trustee. of Willis tion of a Tune Recording Clock and
way of eatables had disappeared the church and for many, years a Sunday Intercommunicating Factory Tele -
boys sat . and listened to instructive school teacher. phone system, while the:new Hydraultic
and humorous,. speeches from P ev. Wit. I -In hire we have lost a gentleman of
Jolliffe, Rev. Mr. Gunne, Dr, Shaw, . the old school, whose memory will be
Harry -Huston, Alf. Alexander, Mr. Most cherished by those who knew
Hartley and Mr.. Jackson./ Medals and. him best.
badges donated .by Mr. Jackson were 1 Ho leaves a son—James of Ablerdoen, , „
' S. , Hannah •
Veneer Press and Patent Rubbing
machine are being installed. These
will 'complete the equipment of a
most up-to-date and extensive piano I
and organ factory and will enable us I
t t. ' our re utation for high
then pinned 011. the manly breasts of Dakota ; two daughters
g11 de Instruments
the meatbers of the champion St. An- and. Nellie at •the home; a brother, -00 0
drew's Junior Ward League taseball4James of Dubeque, Iowa, and, two sis-
Team by Mrs.. Jackson.. After a tors, Jane at Wroxeter and Elizabeth
short' prayer the lads ;gave three heat; at Greensboro, N. C. •
ty cheers and a tiger "for their. heat ; The funeral on Tuesday afternoon
and hostess and dispersed to their WAS private attended by only the im-
honies. 1mediate relatives and a few old-time
• The boys of this town. are certainly friends to whom in his many years Of
fortunate in having a man of Mr. residence lie,re he had become deeply
Jacksen's stamp so interested in attached.
their ,welfare ;• as he seid in his speech His pastor, the Rev, Ds. Stewart,
—it is a' hobby of his and his desire conducted the services and Messrs. D.
and aim is to see and helpethem grow McCorvie, G. D. MeTaggart, W. Coat.
up into strong, clean upright mem, es, W. trydone, T.• Beacom and A.
and good sports in every sense of the Armstrong acted as bearers.
werd. He has the name and age of Among those from a distance who
everyone of ithe seventy -live present at attended the funeral were IVIr, David
the dinner written in his faintly 13ible Walker, Niagara Falls, a nephew
and as each comes of age he will look Mr. Angus Johnstone of Stratford, a
to see that SOSAO of the good work he very old friend; Mr. P. B. Whiting of
has given so much of his time to will llowinanville, a brother -in -111W.
aveiherte fruit. And, it is now certain. James Mackenzie of Aberdeen, South
ly up to the boys themselves, to show Dakota, the only sort of the deceased
their gratitude by doing everything in arriVed in time te attend the funeral
their power to justify Mr. Jackson's as also did Mr, James Mackenzie Of
expectations in the years to come. Dtibtfeetie, Iowa, his only brother.
Mr, Albert Seeley vas in Nt. Forest
a couple of days this Week on bud -
Mr. and Mrs. Doig spent Thanksgtvinge intendent, to whom much praise is from Toronto.
at the home of the latter's parents' due for the splendid way in which tire The News -Record gives the news of
in Toronto. • S. S. has been earried on during the tayfiehl and thee'Whole .countrysidei
Mr, Nixon Wash returned to his season, Songs were alarmingly ren- Nerval, son of Mr. Fred. Gemin-
school: at Washington on Monday aft derdd by the Misses Jenrtie hardt, broke his leg in a very simple
ter Spending the. holidays •at MS Hazel Archibald, Gladys Foster, aod way on Tuesday. He was rocking the
home here. Ile haS been doing alc- Della McgavinRecitationwere g I cradle what he tripped over a nutt
O cessful work in his school and has en by the Misses Ida Driscoll, Mar- with the result aforesaid.
been engaged for the third term at garet 1VIeLaughlin and Jean Archibald
an increase of salary. as well as by others of the S. S.
• 1Vfr. D. S. Clue, general manager of Much fun was created • by a dialogu.e
the Organ and Piano Corepany, re -1101d Heads on Young Heeds," 0mut
ceetly visited piano factories in three choruses by the children 0Were
Chicato and other American ities much appreciated. After the program
gathering up-to-date ideas for man-. taffy and pleasant chat were the eel
ufacturing and now contemplated , der of the evening.
• shortly paying a personal visit to Mr. Ressel Barrows is spending his
the firin's customers in Eastern Can- Alhanksgiving holidays with friends ' in
ada St, 1Viarys. \ A
A very successful concert and. tafty Steadman and Rev. Mr. Condell rec.=
party was held at Leadbury schoel tor ef Trinity church. The anniver.
house •last Friday evening by the •sary was throughout one of the liest
Union Sunday School.? In spiteeof the, yet anti the congregation is to be
inclement weather the attendance Was congratulated epon its succees.
so good that it was ' necessary for A Thanksgiving service will be held
t fid alt. in St A (Ire 's church next Sunday'
the solos of Miss Fortner of. London
and Mr. Bright of Seaforth. IVIrs,
Walter Wallis delighted all with her
excellent roitations, iShert addeessee
were • also 'delivered by Rev. Mr.
soli* of the young people o n se ri ve
in the gallery. The numbers on the evening.
program were contributed mainly py L. 0. L. N. 24 will give an at
the children and were therefore great- home and ball in the town hall on
enjoyed by the young ones as well as the evening of Nov. 5th.
their permits and friends. Very able Miss Flossie Stanbury came honie. •
speeches were made by Rev. Mr. Cars- from Toronto for Thanksgiving.
well and by Mr. Scarlett, the super- Miss" Nellie 13iggelt has returned:
Stanleti Township.
There was' a gathering of friends, at
Fetwick Stewart's of the eitle
eon. on Thanksgiving, among those'
present 'being Mrs. Annie 13earom, Mr.
and Mrs. S. 0. Rathwell and family
nrid Misses Myrtle Sperling and Cela
Rathwell, all of Clinton.