The Clinton News-Record, 1909-09-23, Page 3September 23rd, 1909
The Partner Who Cot Rich.
A TOrento man Was drivike through
the country with A rnailearrier, when,
the latter, pointieg with his worn
and over-worked whip 'towards a
brick house 414 large been, said:
'The man that lives in there has got
eieli by growing whetever eells cheapg'
est, and not growing whit sells dear-
This statement calls for some ex-
plainieg, but it was learned that what
the meil-carrier meaut to say wee
'that the farmer in question did not
rim with the erowd. It oats fetched'
high price one year nearly every;
termer in the township would put in
a much larger acreage of oats the
next spring, but this one would sow
less than usual, If potatoes broueltt
poor price one year, this termer
would reason that as many would put
en fewer potatoes then usual, it would
be good business on his part to grow
lots of them. Or, as the mall-carrien
Rut it ."just. when everybody else
quits growing hogs, he etarts, and
this year he has drove f 'em to
This man's contrariness used to
amuse his neighbots, het as time
went on they began to follow his
lead. One of the aims of 'the Denert-
Cliatoo News -Record
Startling Contrasts Presented
lest seseion of Parliamset Mr. Lemi-
eux stated that uegotiatiene weee
proeeediug finely for the construction
of ent all red cable service. Indeed it
meat of Agriculture for some years Two strikine contrasts have been the teen Jet the facts as Stated., to have had his heart set Upon bringing about
eoon became evident that Me. Lemieux
Pant has been, to gather and distribiuto presenta ilt two recta issues cli The passed from ttwi
he st rigid Puritea" cheaper cable service betwern th
correct nformation n regard to cropSun.. e
liem to a condition of coMParative litotheriand and the overseas Donn -
and to prospective supply and demand.' In one a description was attempted neglect of those things IANh were ions. .AboUt the time that the House
Left to themselves, the great body of of the religious fervor a the early placed above all others by the men prorogued it Ives fens, out unofficiallys
agriculturalist have a tendency to days in North Ontario, when, from a and women who are now sle in eh i
ovetproduce that of which there ha'
.been. a, shortage, and then cause a
'shortage of that of which there has
been over-produetion. Tie, spread of
infermation from each centres as the
Guelph College, and the Department
in Toronto, is doing much. to unify
effort, and experience is teaching tar-
-niers not to be dependent on one or
two products, but to have several
sources of income, No greater work
has been done in a generation than
that which is aiming to pertect agri-
Ontario does not melte much. noise
as compared with the great Western
wheat country, but •yet the agricul-
tural products of this Province as
compared with the combined output 01
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta,
represents $1,..50 for every $1. those
Provinces yield, Of course ihey are
young yet, with great vacant places.
But so is Ontario young, with great
Possibilities or growth, — l'OrOnt0
Stet.. '
American Consumeirs Are Paging
$125,000,000 more for Eggs
Than Ten Years Ago.
that Mr. Lemieux was going to Ene-
distance of thirty miles, people drove lest sleep under the shade* of the land to confer with the Imperial Gov -
in lumber waggons to attend services plaee of worship built hy the labor of tumult end to .put the finishing
in the old stone church at Beaverton* their bands. What -of the future -7e toueeee upon this greet work which
In the other the statement was made! What is to be the outcome of thee!we were assured was nearing coraple-
that there is to -day at Manilla, not tendency se obstrustvely peesented, ? lition. But as the summer Advanced,
very far from Beaverton, a library This, is, perhaps, scarcely a subieet,Mr. LemieUx remained stationary., ,One
. a '
containing 4,000 volumes, many Ot fOX a lay journal to deal with ex- excuse after another was put forth to
them dealing 'with religious subjects, haustively but it is one to which account for his not go:eg to Enelend.
and that only seven of the everks on set•ious attention should certainly be :At lest, Mr. P. D. Ross made a pub -
religion were ta'Irce out by :subscribers riven by some one. It the old reor-
lie cherge in the Ottawa Even:nQdur
dering the whole of last year. ings are lost will safer Inoorinies he, nal to the elect that the. "all red"
g e
Here is a, situation calling* for seri-i found instead ? Or ere we likely to cable protect Was beine blocked by the
otts thought, he one generetioxi a, ty- drift like a ship at sea, Without roil- i Canadian Government and that Mr.
pical Ontario conunitnity Wine, on der or compass 7—Weekly Sun. 'Lemieux had been snuffed and oVereule
'eel by the majority of his colleague'''
including Hon, ABAylesworth Dead .
Sir Richard Cartwright.
The gist of this publication was
wired to hlr. Lemieux at Murray 130,y
by the correepondent of the, Toronto
Mail and Empire end he was 'netted
to file e renly with the assurance ithaX
. whatever he telegraphed would be Pate
lishod verbatim. Ile made no state -
could Do Better Work Then the foreign rnissienary. There Were at or Conservative press and tbe alleged
, , o e Liberal
Educated Classes. Aries in Japan, hut there sho,uld! be Montreal and Ottawa, although in -
spired by the Government did net
Toronto, Sept. 18.tb.--elf japan is!
over to be evangelized it must be by said Mr, Preston,
"And there would have been 12,000,"
"had. the Churches friends contented. 'themselves each
take piece': Mr. Lemieux and his
ratty.° Christian workers " was ths as- not shOWIL lack of wisdom and lud,g- saying that Sir Joseph Ward, ;Premier
sertion .91 Mr. ..P. R. 'Preston, Oan- 'mt."
Preston i of New Zealand, would soon he here
adian Trade Commissioner to Holland I Mr. made the ,suegmtion and that then the whole matter would
and formerly canadian • Trade Coral that the majority of the foreien wise be talccei up, fully dismased and flnellir
missioner to Japan. , sionaries at preeent IA Japan be disposed of.
I withdrawn and native workers substi- ,
Mr. Preston was speaking to an au- tuted, It would pay These gentlemen must have thought
at the time that Sir 'Joseph would
the Chueches to
. dicree in the school room of Parkelele jay aside $50,0e0 to send a conimis-
An article which . appeared in the 75c and 97e, respectively. ' Mess pork, Presbyterieti church. His sublect was stoner to Jamie for one year to in- go directly from New York to Van
.Journal of Commerce of August 6th which sold at $11e75, and mess beef at "Japan and Its Problems." Hie 01)- vestigate'conditions there. Red tape c'llverf without • stopping in ihastern
upon "The Cost of Living" has caus- $11 in 1896, sold at $17 and $14.50, senvatiens brought hint to the conelue aria a and they must have Leen (115 -
cd offieialtsni were at . present weigh-, r
ed a good deal of attention to be di- respectively, in 1908, and at $22 and sion, he said,. that Protestant mission- ing down the efforts. ',of eho'se who concerted when he suddenly appeared
rected towards the fact then develop- $14,00 respectively in Junetiast An-' ary el ort in Japan had been a fail- were trying to evangelize the domain at Montreal and then descended i iilloit
ed, that the *emcee' products are in other farm staple. high'gradei washett inn. ,Ottawa. . At any rate the eromiseil
of the Mikado.
'Do Natives Make the Best Mls-•
sionarles ?
Mr. W. T. It. Preston Thinhs They much more effective work than the ment however, either t
Foreign Missienery Among Prhsent about 1,200 Japanese mission- interviews with him, scnt oat team
which sol'd at 21e in 189d, I Because of the diffleulties enreiunter- On the conclusien of the address,
place and it is to be .daubted -wheeler
the main the cause for the present wool,
conference or discasion did net t+eite
expensiveness of keeping house upon brought 40c in June last. Cotton in ed in mastering the Japenese Ian- with its lantern illuetrations, the
this continent. The New York ' Sun, 1896 sold for seven cents and the Premier of New Zealani end the
guage, said the speaker, he under- meeting passed, vote ot thanks to
for instanoe, shows from, official re- 1909 at 13c." '
ports that the "mean farm price of 'stood that only one missionary le the, Mr. Preston. •His Honor the Lieuten-
e peeods,taluadostzeern-GeeenntereneelesoldeereinnIdatheexclii:rn:
.eggrthroughout the country in 109 On the other hand as a New York EmPire el Japan was caul)* of, de-lant-Governor, who presided,
suggest" rn-er s stay in Ottawa. Sir Joseph ere
was 11.15 cents a dozen and in 108
e Paper aptly . points out, considering littering a serrnon in Japanese as good ed that it might be well for theePres-
!rived, one night at 11.15 n in with
18.3 cents a dozen, At those rates the relative increases in cost of mane as an audiencesof educated Japanese ,,byterian church to hear further from . a- -- . ie • •
ufactured edicts : "Taking*le basis wou-l& expect. For this reason the ;1Vir. Preston as to the prosecution oi .
his familn went to Sir Sandford Flom -
the farm value el this estimated aver-' e. ..
age would be $195,000,000 for 413Q9 • •
of the metal schedule pig • •iron, educated Japanase convert could dol the work in Japan. ' I
.ing's house for the night. The next
•• 1%% sci ch at $19.25 a ton in 1889,
and $320,000,000 fee 1908, an increasescad in June of this yter at tlil.50:
of $125,000,000, or nearly 65 Per The latter figure is el a Eoe higher
cent. The difference iii retail prices ..than the pig iron monations .. of
is probably considerably more ...than e
1096. Steel rails +sold in 1:J08 et 420
that This means that for the same a ton and in 1909 at lean ; in 189e,
quantity of eggs the Aaneriean eon- at .$28. \Viro. nails selling at two,
sumers are paying today about $1e5,- cents thie year and last year sold In its last fiscal
000,000 more than they paid. ten . . .
el day he spent at the Russel tiouee and
,in Walking about the streets Of • Ote
• . • . I eiwa only .taking time. to, make a' 'kid
call upon Sir Wilfrid . Laurier• whIcli
Labor's .Share of C.1331 .Earnitigs.
1 he explained was a matter of eersonal
. • . . .
. •courtesy.. Thee eecneng Sir Seedier&
. . • Fleming give e big dinner to which a
le 6. Refined sew -
year the gross ear-, increase in labor' :share -his been iiic
. . . . • t,erel; crowd
4t a-nivasthiantvti6tresd et ds. t'atte"s,•Ateret
years( ago." . g . "An increase of • —
tbe wholesele price a whioli .dispussed. As seen 'ae h3 ,breehfasted
. was nines of the Cariadian Pacific Rail:I very great. As has already, been :eree
65 per cent. in railway rates would .
4.35 cents in 1896, was 4.30 in 1908 Way Company amounted to $7e,313, e the,,weeking expellees.* in • thee -the next morni)g, Sir Joseph left Ote
almost precipitate O revolution., Such and 3.7a in. June of this year. ' The •
321, • This is ahnost *egactly five mil- ' year just completed were $53,e57,748,taw. for Niagara where he kill& -time
.an increase in the price of barbed
wire or nein: or shovels 'would lead wholesele markee quotation on 'um- lion dollars more than the guise meal , ae compared with $14745,82$ le 1001. let a: couple of days and proceed -I
ber in 1899 was $15: a thoueand • in .ings of 1908, and ' exceeds : those of , Thetis, the total ,voliime, of the Work- ed hemeifted, He was at eel= pains
to wide -spread demand for instant 1:908 $26. and in 1909 $21, ,thieed '1007 bYateto everelsody that h
: ,e, did not
upwards of four:million. .dol-ing expenses has been almost exactly to st
-control and regulation by federal peteoleien the product' at: the. oie lees. In the ftret year of the • decade , trebied suttee 1901: The greet' pros- diseuss any °Melee matteref veith the
authorite. The average .price of sugae• trust was quoted in 1908 at 10.90 which will -he completed in 1910 the perity of the C. P. R. has been as good. Canadian Governnicnt, He was also
said to be a trust product; : :was Dente and in .: ' june, 1909, at e0,65 groes earnings einounteh to $30,855,- for the labor employed in its opera- outthehen. it saying that the hell rod"
.04924 cent O riounh . in 1899. .•and oeets. Th6 pried .Of : tin pletes quoted 203. In every y'ear with the excep- ;Liott as for the capital which e ren- cable project was being blocked by In -
.04940 in 1908.• The mean farm •price at 3.75 cents• a: pound in 1896 rOse to thin. of 1.968 the care:hags have ad- dered its operation possible. In • fact, ffuences in England: or Canecla or r lath'
of eggs, not a tiust product, wes .4 cents A poetic' in 1908 Anil fell this eancee by great etrides. The record while investors were furnishing more but that Australia and New Zealani
• .11.15 cents a dozen in 1899 And 18.3.
. year 'tee 3 64 cents" • . were . eager and .willing. to assume
I.s. One of which the company and . the end more capital to enablegits system
-in 1908. For their eggs and for theie' • • • ' • ' • ' '
sugar the. people now spend about the ' 'Says the • Econoinint : „ri it touia.countt, may. well be proud. . • Ito he estended and improved, labor's their share of the burdete. It is. net -
same total .number of •dellers. The he shown . that any line. of Menefee- 1 But • , ' • • ' prOportioe et the gross earnings went iceable that since .Sir Joseph'sedepar-
tureh.conamodities .however high . the : if the gross . eatninge nave been in increasing in advance. of reproduce turd there has . been no pretense on the
oo the ascending .. , scale, so have the tive returns on the new capitel. And
tl part of Mr, Leteieux that the : propels -
American tonsumers now have .te pey,
rates of duty .theinon may be had
about $3e, 000,000 e . year more for'
-their pork, lard and bacon than • they 1 wiorkhing • expenees. In the progress while the company's employes are ed conference took place. . •
edveiwed hi price •apy . time enti
did a few years age. To that may to. st e latter there was no interr
ing the 'paat year, two, years' or since uli- having their, aggregate evages leicrease 1 Malty people hi Canada take but a
be added $125,000,000 A year for eggs- 1896. in anything like the:Mora-aim tote, even .in the •period :. ef trade : re- ea- at the. rate . of :frOm. three to eight Ian:gent interest • in. the 'protect of a
:and abeut $90,000,000 for pOtatoes..,, rat/9 •SlkOrri.7by, -the inereeses ine , the •ac ion. throughout .,1908:. . Ie :: :tile. mihicafi dollars a:year, the country- asl State owned 'cable between the earl -
We should find ht difficult, however, cot 0! food peoducts from the - A im„
, . : th.i: company's year 1909 'the working ee- A whole is receiving _ incalculable. ous Parts of the: Etepire. The ordina-
te follow the writer's argement wham s s amounted to . $53,357,'r48., as benefit' from the service rendered ' by ary men never sends .cereeeiVes . ' a
erican farm:there would be such aii ""-e
, he asks : "Dom it cost a hen .05 . per upheaval of protest :egainst the pro- against n9;591,801 in 1908, and • as a: teanscootineetal systein Whose em- Cablegram ' and It is inreaterial - to
, against $4,6 914 218 in 1907 • in 1901 eie cv •'
•cent . more to lay an egg to -day than .tective system thee it Would he sweht . . ' ' • • • ' , .n . is constantly imprOving. • him whether the cable tolls are a
' '
it did ten years ago 7 Unless it can off the eaeth."' . . ,the first year. of the :decade, . the Neither labor ..nor the general pub- 'penny a word ot a •dollap a,.. word.
.. All 'th working expenses • weee ' $18,745,828. lig can begrudge the C.P.R. the great Even 'the newspapere . are not to keen
be shown that the industry has been .
...rough the debates imon . the T. •
hue the working eipenses, in 1901 prosperity it is enjoying, for its divie for, it as they .let en -to be, The
materially affected • by iecrease& cost late revision of the United • States were not quite el per ,cent, of thedeeds to both are most liberal.. The Australian 'papers -today patronize the
of raw' Materials orincreased wages. tariff. ihe idea hia,s kept ta the fore gross earnings, and en 19.09 they were stockholders .are well entitled to . the private eeble companies itt preferense
no other inference is open, save that that the fullest . protection must' • be '
the American consumer is the victim afforded the . 'agricultural interests not quite 70 per cent,. This is the annual distribetion they receive. eAt to the. State earned line e Our Governa
, ratio by which labor's share . of the a time when suchlarks dinleursernents Iment ig called upon at every session
-•of tapacity on the part of those who Wehave heard the same, argument geese earnings has inereaeed—it gets are being' made to Canadian work- of Parliamentto mike good the defies
ieannot be collectively denounced as a "ad nauseant" in Canada also. . It is .e" persett. more of the gross earnings) ingmen• by the country's leading rail- it by operating the line between Cane
"predatory class,' although their timethat full consideration was. giy- than it did in 1901. But es the groan way, It is tinseesonable to advocate ada and. Australiae We seldom see an
'greed' in no way differfrom that en to the feet that the r pekes • of
sof trust Magnates." • earnings have swollen to h magettude. the employe -wet of Asiatic coolie' lab-• item of Australian neve or New hese.-
„ 'farm products are already at a -
. .. . .
Pre' alinost eaectIy two andaa half times or to build sectioes of . the Grand land in a Canadian Paper and few of
The American Econoinist also: un- inistereusig high .1eVel and that • the • ' 4' ' '
dertakes to deal with this eubject, ils present alarmingly high cost 'ot live
lustrating it as follows : "Take the ing is . due to the prices paid for
•case of corn, wheat, wbeat flour,, cat- manufactured article's. When proeec-
Ile, pork, beef, etc., and it is shown tion. increaseg the cost of living , by
that the advances in prices rangedaddingto the prate of a. singleeclas
from 50 to 100 per cent. since :18e6, in the community at the expense of
compared with the prices Of the pre -'all others, it is time to cell a halt,.
sent time. Corn sold in 1e96 at 480 and •see that fair play all round is
.a bushel and wheat at 7ec, whereas in Made the rule.--Caeadian Journal e of
1908 the prices of these staples Wine Commerce.,
• .
what they were in 1001, the/ absolute Trunk Pacific. us could name a single provincial pre-
• mier in Australia,
But it is manifestle unfair for the
Laurier Goveriament to appeal to one
Is Gambling on Ihe Increase In
The hlowinee 'ille Statesmen, in ree and thiii the victim isein a fair way
leering to xecent arrests in: Oshawa oh to utter ruin.
a charge -of gambling, intimates that Vigorous aetioe, such as • has been
the gambling evil has Prevailed to an taakin• at Oshawa, would do •much to
alarming ettent of late in. th3 town clear up the moral atmosphere of a
in which the arrests have been made. good any places, and might, ov eaus-
It is to he feared Oshawe is tiot the ing others than these directly intereet-
onaly. Ontario , town in, which this evil Ed to reflect and gee where they are
exists. There is teason to ielleve thet drifting, be the reverie of prevent:a;
nearly all towns inethe Province are many moral wrecks in future.
more or lest aftlicteEl in the same way..
And it is a great evil—a very great
evil. There is no practim more ether.
ly demoralizing than that of playing
cards tor stakes. Tbe game is. always
played at night, atih the fascinating
• •of the play causes time to be oforgote
ten so that hoOns which should be Ws
en to sleep are spent in that which
httihenies leaves the 'blood fevered end nerves une
strung. Such practices cannot go • on
for long without teidertnining the con-
stitution, no matter how strong the
same rna,Y he.
NOr is this all. The moral alture
is demorelized by the creation false
ideas of value. Where the stakes ha.
tome at all heavy--alid in but few
eases are they kept 'within anythieg
Itke moderate limits --the rapid &env
of piles of tont front eine to another
taitSes eartfngs wagon or salary to
80011 80 eompatison. that a
elistaete fot honest labor as a meant
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy the
' best and Surest.
"It Affords me pleasure to state
that I consider the preperatioe irtiowe
; a Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera • and
Diarrhoea Reinecl'y the heest and ettrest
of good results of any 1 have ever
sod in my family,” saysIler-
• ingtoe of Mount Aerial, Ity.• This is
he universal verdict of ail who use
his remedy. It eureg are eo prempt
nd effectual that people tahe pleas.
re in recommending, it. For sale by
all druggists.
A Chineerian at Chicago was fined
$50 for oilerine; a lady the, ehelter of
hi a umbrella during a railistorm.
Itspeet it :—"Shiloh's Cure will a1.
ot ma' :n a livelihood is develood, ways tore my toughs and CMS St
There Has Been No Breach of sectionl of the people by shouting for
an halred" cable and to appeal to
• Faith • another •sectioe by quietly assurine
them that it will terser come into
operation, Sir Joseph Ward poluthd
out, in his interview, that all schemes
lof Imperial defence mid the. liko were
Somebody ought to send, the Loiidon"sets at rest the newspaper opinion futile, unless the people inhaeeting the
Economist a marked copy of the re si that the granting .. of the concessions scattered colonies of Britain eame to
port . of the Niagara Fails Park Conn 'already made hes exha.usted, tbe
development at Niagara
fiod l now eech other and to. take an in-
ivhich contains: the terms of the frate,:e- ei
missioners • for 1902. -3e -the report ler power
:Palls and that munieihalittef an .
eeriest an the affairs of each °thee.
eh s.could only be brought about, he
tn nacre of ower wil f r 1 t`
1 : seed, by a cheap cable service and es-
chise now =trailed •by the Elactri-!be at the mere; of a polssib°le Lintel Peeially by h. Very cheep press rate.
cal Bevelophnent Company. The- Lon- lotion of ehe licensed companies," . 1 The really important work or Par-
• don Economist has got it into its 1 ft is fait to .assume that the per- 'lament is transacted in Committee of‘.
head that the • Ontario Government s°°' !At° obtained the franchise now Supply. That Committee is supposed
agreed not to go into a system of !meet eggipeey were fa.miliar with
Develop- to consist of the whole House but as
possessed by the Eleetrical
municipal transmission of power from Ithe contents of the nubile report, in a rube very few members attend to
Niagara Falls. The report proves I this work which is iooked upon as the
contrary. • . the ,which the teems of the franchise wete
Prineed. This same report drudgery of the session. la Supply,
them and informed the pienlie that the talates
Informed the House considers one"by one the re-
misgion was in 1002-3 in full pro municipalities and the Cintatio Gota ead the Supply 13111
presented by the •Governenent
The movement for municipai trans -
and its advocateg bad approached the
goestl ernment were at work upon a scheme oftmen appropris
GovernMent for assistanet. The Gov- of municipal tranemiesion—the work oting $100.000,000 mest go thEough
erriment asked the park commissioners Power COttnliSsiOn. 'Yet the Econo- this Conitnittee. The Governmrtit, sup i
to inquire whether' there how entrusted to the II d M t ' Porters pay no attentiee 1 o the pro
y roe . cc rie
available for a nalnielpal plant, Thc, ilydro-Ialeetrie Power Commissioit ja imtergbe: ),)tellerreegrteottierethatrOlittile 40npa-
c e e ti i n g s beyond havine a; heedful et
was Power mist says that the work of the
park commissioners obtaieed a report a breach of faith with the Electrical Position members do hot make it
from 'their engineer, Randolph Ishato, Development Company. — Toronto
C. Id, Mr, Isharete report, they said, Str. tbeiretatsiness to criticise the estimat.
OS oral familiarize themselves with
the egiunditures of the Government.
(Continued on page six.)
Our Ottawa Letter.,
Ottawa, Selits lithe 1900.
ihoeeth Ward, Premier el New
he:Meade pante) through Ottawa, on
hig return .hoine from the Imperial nei,
fettle Ctliterinee. Ile came re I ',gene
without any fuss or fatilt /8, toits4 en-
tertained oily by $ir elentlford Flout-
ing, who .gave a dintm in his hmor
which was attended by Anthaesador
1 tyce and Filt ttilfrid Laurier. There
rtascat to .belleve that the 1) ninlon
Government did not urge Sir Joteph
Ward to protract his stay at the
Capital. Ile ould have spent severat
days here and still have taught his
steamer at Vanneuver ; but he was
ehtetvd enough to see that his tees-
cnee might be etribarrasetne, to Penne
ntemberg of the Geormientiet end es-
pecially to Postinaster-Gtneral Lenti-
It will be reirieneheted that at trio ing otly "Vatarrhozoal."
SELL, YOUR cor,n von $1 't
You surely won't stop at a dollar
bill to auto that horrid, snifielleg
eold 7 Go to the druggist and got
t‘Catarrhozont" and your cold will be
a thing of the past. There is %most
wrteliery in the swift way- Catetrho-
zotie kills colds. Buf when you out-
sider the penetrating, healing sine ati.
tiseptie qualities of Catarrtmeone per.
hapg it's not to wongerful. Sedately
there is no remedy half to protrot fed
coldsd eatarrlt as.e,
Refuse a subetitute tied insist tin have
tvis or its. el
uel saved
Don't allow a few extra dollars to pre-
vent you from taking the perfect -cook.
ing, sure -baking, easily -regulated Pan.
dora in place of a cheaper stove. In a
season or two Pandora will pay the
difference in the fuel it will save—and
it will keep on Saving until it has paid -
t. ao oritself.
raap e alai flue construction makes
feel do davor duty. Wide' lire hex * an-
other ea -er-Faiomizer. 'Vire sail 717a heilis
'ta—irkerfire----n a Figroven, thus saving stilt
1117---n feel.. Fortner eeenomizing features
Torbe explained by the eleCiarer Agent.
Harland Bros.,
Your savings are the safeguard
of your future. You want to
place them where there is no
chance whatever of losing them.
You can do that by depositing
them with this Company, or by
taking out n Debenture for $100
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' Loan & Savings Co., London Ont..'
The Weekly Mail and Empire
Fairnlg Merck! and Week/y Star
ana The Clinton News -Record
From now until the end of 1909
— –the two together --
'We offer with a view to extending our field of Feeders end 'providing att
easy way hy vehieh anyone who is not Rhombi a siihscii1;er to either paper
may become acquainted with them, and at the lowest possible cost.
Address orders to The News -Record Clinton Ont
The Nenrsu eeord Chiba
bing List for 1909.
Muoh good reading for little money.
The News -Record and Weekly Mail and Empire, one y'ear.Weekly Star •, .. $1.60
Weekly Glohe
remilyaerald ''''''''
Weekly Witness e • ilf It• • • •• 1.75
SOO •404004* 142
"• Free Press ••••••4•,•.Y46 • k 1,75
4.4 aYOrid
Parinet*s Advocate and "if Y1166644. 14
Home Magazine 2.25
Daily News, Toronto 2.30
Star • " ''''' 44 4 4 • •a4 64. •116 •••
Oda 10111/0
•16 iflf,1141,1.0.4....... """ 4,25
" '.."41/141i tio*“. lie.
SINT°011rd• day 4**4144.6.44.664•6•4+**
Night " 4414414664 .. a ... 4.464,4,64 2.5a
PI'Ve Prie88, 1.1011d0U4 . 411'14••• v********* 4 2 25
levee Press, Evening Editiett •275
4••'•4•••44.:•**441144•4 L'75
lt what you want Is not in this list, we ean supply
it at less than it would oot you by -seliding direet.
• Li remitting, please do so by Express Order, Postal
Note or registered letter and address.
THI N WS.RECOM rn Clinton