The Clinton News-Record, 1909-08-05, Page 6■ e V .Sevrral barns and stores in various Atoms of Ontario were struclre by light - sting And either damaged or destroyed lust week. Suspicions, are vntcrtain.d',tt Mark - Stay that the C. P. R. brakeman ,wltose body was iovna .on the rail- way track a few weds ago met with foul play. At the Police Constables' cooven- txt ar olu iv n was passed protest - lug against criticism of the sweat" box ainii th ref-iiegree methods. ILV4 r,mar,m,u rrm.�n1 - far — When troubled with sun- buru,blisters, insect stings, sore feet, or beat :rashes, apply tam-Buk ! Sutrprishig stow quickly it eases. the smarting -and stinngginmg I Cures acres on young bables due- to am-Buk its made from pure helill a, essences. No animal fats— no mineral poisons. Finest heeler I ;i wvtsts arxi Stores ecerywUm Japan as Impo,•tar. The prospect of, Japan becoming an importer of Canadian beef is by no'. means remote. Australia, is already buinding. up a profit,Yble market in that country for chilled and frozen tietf, despite an ocean trip of thirty- five hirty fx _ days duration; while the ocean journey fromom`Western Canada to 3ukohnnaisonly � i eighteen days. The Completion of the Grad Grand Trunk to 1!hiined Rupert can only intensity this .ehrZg- hi AlVeria's trade relations, r.•at.d promote the consolidation. of ,Can- -rdit s commercial interests, on .. the ' ° �'ac:ific- Twenty million. shootirg-stars fall rrpoa the earth's surfaca daily.. ' .HOW'S THIS:'? Ve after One. Hundred -Dollars - Rea: ivard for aoy case of Catarrh_ that cannot lite cured -by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY Co.; Toledo, O. 'We, the tiiulersigned; have.known F. _Y. Cheney for the last 15 years; 'and believe him perfectly honorable is all usiness transactions, and financially r ,&. . ati ns carry u i12 0 able: to ar y o t any o. o 3nade'dy his firm. fi }Z,aidin;, I{ippon eC+ D2a2 2n, . 1 ` bolesale Druggists, Toledo,, 0, Ila.11's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- pally actin, directly t pan he• bloodo d and muco•; s surfaces of the system. •Testinionials sent free.' Price, 75c. per 8:ottie Sold by all. drug;fists. Take, Hall's Family .Pills for constl Tation- NOMPEEKER EXCURSIONS 70 ®aaltah Saskatchewan, Alberta Spo" Trainslaan Toronto 2.00 p.m. on ANIL G. 20 MAY 4. 18 JUNE 1,16; 29 JULY 1% 27 AI1G. 10, 21 SEPT. 7, 21 stand clam ticker, from Ontario attttione td principal Northwe.t points at .. Low R4uND-TRIP RATES 0and return $32.00: &monton and iamm .ad to other points in proportion. Tickets . poli{ to ratuta with,a b0 lora from solar data. TOURIST SLEZ.PING CARS an, au exanriom. Comlortam a bertlu. (sill, equipped Wille beddiaz can be secured a(moderate rate* throush local agent. s Early application must be made ASK POR HOMEMIEERERS' rAMFHLRT oo ntakins tater and fuu wormadon. AnitaasareetC.P.R.AnentorteR.I«Thorapeo% Diet Par. Aat., Toronto, ORT OHM LUNE NO CHANGE OF CARS SV, JACKSON, AGENT, CLINTON. NONE ai ` THE POPULAR ROUTE . TO ALL PRINCIPAL TOURIST. R rSORTS ':.andudin; Muskoka, . Luke of Bays, -Temagami, Georgian flay, Magn:ta- ee -%vasa haver, Xa,wartha Lakes, Etc., iF'(3I:L .S1:7;4lMEI 51:RVICE NOME IN ItWPEXT , EXC'GRAION- 'PICKETS it -ON SALE. DAILY. c J A8XA- Y1VXOX_rACTCTC LVXPOSITION .9EATTLI. VEMY LOW ItATFS—PAST TIME Vitt ATTII,ACTIV9 ROUTES. DAILY ti':VTIL SEPT. 30th, 1009. 11W,TTJ t,N LIMIT OCT. 31st, 1000. Por tickets and' further inforina- e 'tion call oil I .3OH RA: ,�FOTtb, Cita Agent, i _A...01 PATTI,SCIN, Depot Aged:. Mtou News.-Recor4 SHAM FIGHT HUMORS. PLAYED NO FAYgRITM WORKED iiARD FOR -0ANADA. Annihilation fs Froquent, but Partin• How air Hibberter Gai1.d Down Lady Aberdwlen Has Earned licit Pro - loss on Canadian Fields of Battle. 'Kith His 1"athttr..in.La nr. sent Enthusiastic Wsicome. the opening of Niagara camp and the other eisseznblages of the ri.ilf. A large body of people, and some Her I::t pltency the Cautztess of AberJN�i i bas been lvarmly tvrlcarned tia that take place every June in var• ions parts of the pr+:vineti ca2r2e the members of Parliament. would bs glad to seer Sir Ilibbt�rt Tupper bacl. back t, Canada. humors of the shat tight. The mut- ter of deciding tiro victors in such an in public life, whether leading the Opposition or assisting Mr. Morden. During her stay in this Gauntry. Her L adyahip ma@e large impress upon the event and apportioning the slain is a Uesentment is cherished in very fest/ life of the Dominion. While not inci:f• matter of extreme difficulty. But two ; or three years ago the general quarters against this ex-AlimsWr, W110, both in Parliament and in the ferent to social .claims,. and, indeed warmly leading the young life of the' eruoffite<9 commanding became so exasizer;xt ei administration outsiidministration of his Depart- nation in its brisditer and more en - at the theoretical recl;leasuess of the ment, cared little v:hat enemies he gaging moments, Lady Aberdeen too]( various colonels who were charging wildly at impregnable positions that made. Perhaps he strained the 14- ter of the regulations occasionally ber,alr and her. position seriously, and conez ived it her duty, as the Vicereine he called of the battle ere it. wrist but he played no favorites. When of the Dominion and the first lady, in well begun and set the men at the Nfinister of Marine he ivas in high the ]treat Commonwealth, to set nn i r- plain business a marching ' c u_z n b 2 e f m h and a p g termarchtng, Asked his reasons for c' r t• li fa z s vo. t .n � o.,ti because, 4 J b c u ha_ z - e , n silted that the Parry fromthe east to e. x r le .o h t2 n t Others in the doing of P e thins which might be of value to the the peremptory order, the chief, who the west side of the harbor, leasthan people in the process of forming na- had- seen. some real fighting, replied a third of a mile of smooth water, tional institutions and character, that bad he not clone so every man must carry boats and life preservers, Her Excellency was gifted by na• on each side would have been in it Sir Hibbert married, a daughter of tura. She bad wonderful energy, .a short time theoretically dead, in ex -Chief Justice Macdonald of Nova strung and clear brain, large powers fact most of them didnot know they Scotia, .another of whose dtau titers is of organization and administration, were dead, and merely Otought they ttAe wife of Irev. Louis Jord n, for- coupled, at the same time, with wu- were• taking healthful exercise, merly pastor of St. James Square, manly grace and sweetness. The Some years ago a sham fight whic}i Presbyterftin. Church, Toronto. Soon things she put her hand to never went was not quite such a fiasco was held niter the younger, Tupper became beyond what seemed the natural scope at High Parti;, Toronto. One of, the Minister of Justice, Judge Macdonald of femininity, and, indeed, it was. al- eompanies of the Highlanders was at visited Ottawa and called upon his Iva,s said of Ludy Aberdeen that who- that tune, commanded by Major Cur- io ' ion -in-law. He found the latter bti.�y her she was advocating the moral tie, M.P., who now, resides in Col- • o ' in his afire,., but ventured to inter- rd social causes which the Women's ' s• d n - a lin" 3ingvoo The dttu Hess Jacl., .she u h2rn exit h r tof- h t a a tin o n p t:x a tr E a af- of n ' C i cz e u r l s .sed o presiding v r lid over a Po P g was then uaiversully.bnown, made a lectionate rotative. Sir Ribber re- . fashionable function, she was always brave sortie on his own account Sponse was to ask his frther-in-lt:w the woman through and through. against a heavily fortified ridge= !,ow he presumed to be abient from The first thing' Lady Aberdeen did' which the specifications declared was idqprovinc•4 without leave, after settled in Rideau Hall was a impregnable to frontal attack, it � I didn't think thet was neces- study the social conditions of the being left to the initiative of the. cf- iarv," saki the Chief Justice, people, fleets to devise a flanking operation. "I clot' said the Minister of Jus- She went in and out amongst them. The gallant Currie proceeded to lead. rice, and it is not recorded that there She was particularly struck with the his' men against,the guns under- a arts any less harmony in the family great distances of the country, with heavy fere of. blnk .cartridges in it circle thereafter than previously• the loneliness of settler.life, with the venture as reckless as the charge of --•-----• need for communication and human the six hundred at Sebastopol. Bud- A Forest Atlas. interest and companionship, lacking denly an aide carne -riding at bread:- The forestry branch of the Depart- which no natural advantage could be neck speed, and Shouted- tient of the Interior has recently is- heartily availed. of. ."Withdraw your men; the judges: ;ued the first sheets of a new "forest It was this which inspired Lady order you from the field." ttia.s," which will include plans of Aberdeen to start the Victorian Order "Why?" said the pantin(; officer ,v'hIch the surveys are now beim of .Nurses. who Kaci been rushing up hill at the ,arrie•i on. This alone would be a monument to head of the company, The "Legend" is now being, sent • the labors of Lady Aberdeen; but she "Becau.4e You are annihilated," wits alit: this designates the marks awed ''will perhaps be best remembered by the response, "No force oil earth to denott; naturAl features, the d;ife.r- the establishment of the Women's could capture such a position in such ent species of trees and the amounts Council. This organization was the a way." of timber that can be obtained per direct work of Lady Aberdeen.- The "I refuse to .be annibilateil," said. rcre from timbered areas, entries of idea involved is a parent council, with Currie,and proceeded with his various kinds (such as homesteads, . branches affiliated all over the coon - charge.. rincral lands, etc.) burns or brutes, try, The local council undertakes to, cuttings un1 sales, roads, trails, rail, work for social bettermen. It prods Thrice Blessed. :rays, cabals, flumes, telegraph nml the apathetic aldermen. It pleads for That all, the nine hundred :or 'so telephone lines,. buildings, etc, One public baths, for playgrounds for the Celestials doing laundry 'work -in To- of the smaller: forest* reserves =that ehildrert, for better housing of the mato were not coolies in. their own known as "rhe Pines," situated n,ert poor, for laws forbidding the sale of land wits oddly impressed. upon ..a Prince Albert, Sask,—has already liquor to children, for clean streets, young teaelier in- the Metropolitan been mapped, and the .map of the for da•:xS protecting Child life and labor Sunday School the other, afternoon. Riding Mountain Forest Reserve, in. -in a word, the organization airs to Trying to demonstrate the meaning Northwestern Manitoba, isnow in bring in social and economic better - of the word, "vtraation". to: her.Chf- preparation. As, surveys -of the forest Ment without trenching upon the nese 'class -ehe indicated with a, rod reserves andother forested districts avowed work.of men in tho civic do- -and glance •a bright little ]ad sitting etre completed, maps of .these will bemain, at the opposite side of the study table prepAred and added to , the atlas., '• Into these movements Lady Aber - and asked:; It is boped'that the general scheme •deen threw herself with characteristic "Now Lee Ling, for instance, was of indicating infortnation, . such as energy. She rallied around her the he. a laundryman in China?" the different colors for :stands ofAim. most influential ladies in' the . Domin- Fbo scorn showed itself .in the 'ber of various densities, anti the oth-` ion. .Her .magnetism carried all be - straightened shoulders and indignzint er special.,signs adopted by the forest fore it. It was instantly recognized tone accompanying the reply of her service. of -the Dominion miry ba put that she was, a strong intellectual pupils: into general use throughout. Canada, force; but lest those who object to "I.ee Ling?.. No l Lee Ling got three so that forest maps may be. uniform strong-minded women should take of. 1" in plan and may be. easily compared. fence,• she 'beamed upon such with Which being -interpreted meant that such radiance and sweetness that Lee .Ling's .father was it man of con- Non. Or. Moptaguees Oratory. hostility .wits. disarmed. siderable'wealth.in China, end could afford thio luxury of .three wives. The 'rho Though Hon; Dr; Montague, once silver-tongued orator of Ontario, Her, •Lady..ship,.made powerful.a.tt- cdressesion: the platform, speaking with laws of the'Japanese Empire are very strict. regarding plural marriages; and ,ii se}dom' lieard in his native I'mid, he occasionally is herd at gatherings great a oquence and with such power anti spontaneity as inspired. the fre= insist that citizens must .zrhow them- in across the' line whither he qu .nt remark that Lady Aberdeen was lel s tat 1 addition• 1 esu selves able to s d i e a .citicw t t: •<,•ls i i2rsni of hes no's: � Onl , form •. . e 1 for statesmanship. pence. before taking, unto themselve$ than wife. M-endarir;s are : recently h p delighted a rew)k-formo 1. She did not require note's,, and seem- ed tb be indifferent to preparation; but more' one h'r e .allowed thirteen.. t en. organization of expatriated C tiiadiany in I:uuiavifle, l�entuckS, it•ho huge �, v m 0 Shp IL, ..OIIEd t cogently, ur ed liar cause. Y , ., a W, L. M::Kin 's QuickJum g Q p• • •, formed a Maple Leaf Club, «i;.h tiiw` graceful utterances that used to tiiiz2 with sweet, persuasion, ..and all. over the Dominion numbered her adherents. . „ In cies 'n u't Iii desk a. f.w days ni g o s d S votes for tact Government in the hi h ca t .uses- mention e ed b thousands. Y n ago an official. at: the` Pailiarrient `p,0my disys of the Conserv tivN'p:erty Buildings in Queen's `.Park, Toronto, H^ touched on many themes,.nrd ci,,, The Canadian- Northern. - was surprised to come across a pap' -'z "of his quips on the.subject or the sxif= The Canadian Northern Railway* has, which proved. to be aril apphe.atlora frvgett,& was not half bad. He said: filed its amalgamation agreement with made "some eleven 'years ago by Wm: "The suffri:gettes have paraded Lon- the ldmonton, Yukon and Pacifi'e Lyon'Mackenzie Bing for a:subordin- don - in the daytime• with lanterns. Raalway,`and.gives .notice that appli Bete position tinder. the Ontario 00v Di]itret e -s. in his: time paraded the cation ivill be made to: the Canadian ernment. streets in the davtime with a lantern. _Railway Commission .:this . week. for Vii'. L. 145: Icing didn't get the jot) he 'ofireiatl ile'.was looking for a " approval. of agre..ements -amalgamating was after; btrf. the who eagle -man .with -the. Canadian Northern, the Al - 1 P'Rail'way'+ Midland Railway, and the Sas- the aiviftress with which' that gentle- One+ can imegine the talk thpre kTatchewan Northwestern Railway. man hits since conte to the front. H, I . and South ',:Coast Railway annourac- l,ncler its charter "The Saskatchewan Mr. Bing. got the jolt he .was then af- , eel that it' would 'undertake to plow; Northernwestern'' will.. consist of a ter' he might not have become r,iini�- hoe ..anti reed tin ' faring alon its line, from ' . (,raven, on the Craven ter of Labor in the Laitrfer Cabinet; route;•incl 'sJso .digya well and bulla brunch of the Qu'Appelle, long Lake In the. me zntinie maizy .of' the ofii. it housefor 'fie farmer; Yet this is and ,Saskatoon , line to a point on Mal* to -whom,Mackenzie Bing would ivha.t the 'ranadiah Pacifle has re- Prince Albert branch•near Prince Al ­ have. looked up had ,'• he got his jolt .Gently heap d trig without any flourish, •bert; a line connecting the Long Lake • ,, m6 ,-eleven. s s err a o are till mr.rel civil Y rely Y r e .a of t amp is settlers .locating o , R� ii•` , ail "with' h . the S ski a toon-Cal ar Y g 3 Servants on flan s41 sties :ui2der' tLc' •Government, ,fbr its irrigation bla:lc near C.rlgary, . branch of the ..'Canadian Northern Provincial The quicker' the . iand is develolicd •Railway; a line south of the main line the sooner -w ties the' iratdic, so that of the Canadian Pacific Railway from French Flag Is Dropped the ra111vay which itself turns` Ma'ryfteld on ,thej Alanitoba' botildary. The feast of Corpus Christi, the ,thns farmer ;is by no means wasting time. westivard towards Lethbridge- 'for most important of the, Roman.•Catho- . Rapid .as has been the devolpment of which further connection, a Dominimi lie Church in Montreal'rvediltly. was Canada in.the last ten Sears, no.rarea charter has been obtained;'a cut-off chitifly� reniarkia.ble for the Aotol: Gib,.. hit,; been settle,l snore. quick] th;in..from this line to .the Roche Ferre cu.l- sence of the Frenoh tri -color flag in southern Albeitii, once the C.P.R. fields,. and a line.•runnhig in o nevth rile monster procession, which for -a :et to worlr to; 'fid. it.Y-Stardurd. cf ive'aerly direction' froth .tiortit $,tilo• hundred years. has Occupied a .very ' Empire. 1 ford. conspicuous plate? in this .splendid re- ligious demonstration of french Can- Wilino, Off' Indians. A Match For the' King. tida.. Of late years'the. anti-Catholic.. At the Synod of the Diocese of Sas.: Once when the King was miles out itttitude. of the French.. Government lutehewan recentlVenerable Arch- j 9 ori the prairie, daring his Canadian - has been conducive to the, abandon- deacon McKay, in charge of Indian travels, lie •produced a cigar, and. mont of the,old national flag; first-hy i�ork in 'the diocese, said he wished his companions followed his example; the church, and secondly; by tkae poo- to •correct the ]nipression. that Tn• `'A• match; .please.," said IXis Royal n1e, in the cities of the Province of CZuebec, titans iverQ '(lying out Tri, reality Irl- Highness.,. ,A match! There was.. but 'the There were a good many. ofthea ciui,s were incrryasirg. except `among prairie bands, that bad. .to chazlge ore match between whole party. 'The position was tragic, for the wind n- Bred heart religious flags, and nun- dreds' of school children carried mina- from .the dp�n tdr,. in good leather.• trnta' find fresh buffalo meat, io cheap , was tearing: over the prairie. In or- der to decide who should attempt to ' tare British . flags as. they . marched cotton tents on the reserve, wherr- l#eep the solitary. match alight in the along. insuffici-nt rationi were drrled :out to wind lots were. drawn With blades of Finest Peal In Canada. tnNrn..In Aue t'irne the Indians would disappear, as diel the Saxons, Alines grass, The (lire responsibility .fell upon the Bing. He lay on 'the•ground, The congregation of Christ Church ' and Normans in Rrigland. One third iind his companions gathered round at Petrolia has been delighted at a of the •Indicans -in the west belongeft him' with outstretched coats as shel- munificent gift made by J. L.Engle-. to the' Anglican Churoli, due to the ter, The.'match was lighted., so were hurt,. chairman of the Temiskaming church opt•ning the first mission at I'll the cigars._ Never before or'since and Northern Ontario Ttailway Com-. Pas in 1840. has the -Bing felt ,so •nervous --its when• - mission, of the finest peal. of belle — he struck that .match in the vast in Canada, not excepting.- Toronto Not, What He Wanted. prairie mules away.from any town or, •and Montreal. The gift includes a hnnie for the bells; which will be, e A ,,cotsman' walked into a Montreal village. added to. the present tower, and a bookshop and, r,s the rssistailt thought, risked for Robert Burns. On. 0 i! SiAfalo for Alborta .Dark. new porch and steps for the church. The gift is in snaps for o£ the church. b'Ang told this the proprihtor of the The matt precious cargo of, live Mrs, in em .:filled-' a high shop himself got down three or four stock ever carried in western Canada .1+;ngis place in the hearts of the congrega- editions of•the poet anti took them to. arrived a few dad's ago at Wainwright, tiara. the waiting Scotsman. The a+utitomer, �11ta„ in the. torn) of g-1 buffaloes however, shook his head hopelessly, originally from the Pablo herd in Amazing Gratitude. and said, "It's nae'Rab^rt Burris I 'brit Montana, but now transferred front An amusing story is told by one t2slcit Parr rubber bands!" , AL, Island Park at Lamont to Duf- falo Park at this point: Two c'.led in of the captains of a team• of collectors for the Montreal Y.M,C.A. fund. He The taildermist makes an Izonorable route. <• and a friend called on one of Mont - living at' Askin game.—Phitadelphla , real's- wealthiest merchants, who re- Arm ceived them very warmly, and re- . counted all that the Y.M.C.A, had... `"' `� done -for him. He concluded: "Yea, • gentlemen all thin I have and pll that I am0T owe to the t,i,M.C.A. Pitt me down for $5." 'the Need for Woman servants. Mr. Arnold Haultain of Toronto urges the emigration autborities of. Great Dritafn ' and the inzmigrt.tion vi oncies in Canada to work together with a view to furnishing Canadian, )-,d cspcially Or.tario, homes with tin Mi(tluate supply of domestic 'ser• tants. 1$e lack of femme help In t7•: l war ,. is a eerfoua problem in To. • mlo and other Canadian eitios. ',•inrimen (ley not fill the bill. Therz t�- mvd oper:ings for hundreds of 'Lo"I,;o tlonzestfcs, Repeat it :- "Shiloh's Cure will al, WAYS carte my 00119129 and colds." , August 3th, 1949 The News -Record � O ADVERTISERS we can guarantee the :most saddhetory results 4) h.,0 causd THn NEws-RECORD is •react: and appreciated by the business mets, mechanics, artin as and farmers and their families in Hurou County, one of the most fertile and thickly populated agricultural districts in Ontario, P.-_ i Rates., on Ap. P1 1*cation Our.. Job. Department,'. Is thoroughly equipped with niodon Machinery capable 'of evturning out first-class. work. Ogr'assortinent of xpW TYPE in ' �Ila'des man. of !a c y latest and most fashionable designs for the . finest kind of work. We' do work . as cheap as any office in. r Ontario. Try us with your next order and cat e� the anxiety of sendln, away .and waiting , perhaps some time when you are . in a hurt ` . y a a. ou Ver esPlaI Uf Calling Cards,. -`Wedding Invitations, Invitations of.all kinds -Envelo es Letter and Note Head's Bill Headsi Statements Business .Cards +� Sporting Bilis, Dodgers,,. Circulars, PoIders. Pamphlets, Display 'Cards, Programs, Etre* .. Will be sent to any address iti Canada from now to January Ist, ,1910, for 25C i ditor and 9roprleior ' e C� 'Clinton, �- a+ A e '1* A