The Clinton News-Record, 1909-07-01, Page 1M Clinton Nevus-I�e�orc�.The WESLEY 'CHURCH. �A 1 OA 11, PV;3TA1A�'1'e1it. ;TZAu,klt;1V3 WANT)i4). Rev. IV. J. .Iolliffe will preach neat For the cogvenience of ih: patrons ! There will be a num Sir of chandos Sunday. In the morning his sul,ject .of the office, especially those who live of teachers this term and no houbt SCHOOL CHILDREN, 1 will be : "Obedience necessary to in the country, 'Postmaster Scott in future midsummer will ;,p the great Knowledge." Eveniulg : "'The Mighty will keep, the wicket open for the de- engaging period. On page live of this Goof despiseth not any." livery of matl each Saturday evening issue of The News -Record alone five THE LOCAL MARKET, until 8.30. Our postmaster is o. k, school boards are advertising. HUGE SUCCISS1 , THE BAPTIST CHURCH. WILL ATTEND CHURCH, Wheat $1,35. Oats 500 to 51c. The pastor will preach next Sun- The members of Court Maple Leaf Peas 800 to 82c, clay and has chosen for his subject, in will attend diviga service in the Bap- Friday, afternoon last was generally with • chapeau • to match, played 1St Barley 52c to 55c, the morning, "The believer's happy tist church. next Suoday evening, the observed as a local half holiday on base in real professional style and Butter 15c to 16e. position in Christ," In the eviening brethern to leave their court room at the occasion, of the 3rd annual School so enamoured any of the gallant Has Eggs 17C to 1.80• the local Court of Canadian Order of 0.4.5. As Court Maple Leaf has a Scholars' Sports which took place in Beens, when they reached ist, that Live Hogs $7.60. Foresters will attend. the service and big and vigorous membership there Recreation Park, they could not be dragged from her the pastor will preach an appropriate will no doubt be a large turn out to 1 Though the weather was rather side, to which was greatly due their A BIRTHDAY PARTY. sermon. Special music will be ren- hear Rev. Mr. Charlesworth who is threatening in the morning, it cleared defeat., red by the choir. noted for hr's practical, meaty sermons, Master Harry Munroe, son of Mr. �• ! up beautifully by noon and at 2 Miss Warren Finch looked sweet and! g The Lords Supper will be observed , I , and Mrs. Ed. Munroe, ave a, birth- of IN BLYTIi TO -MORROW.. - o clock the procession started from graceful at 2nd in her white liberty day party on Saturday le evening ends belt ter the morning service. The following ,eked team of juniors (the school for the grounds in the fol- satin with front panel and embroider - when a number of h•s little P- A HANDSOME COMMUNION SET'. g p� 1 lowing order : The Citizens band, fol- ed zouave coat. ed him to cele%xate, the passing, of 4n-. will play ball in Blyth to -morrow : lowed by school trustees and Prinl Short stop was attended to by Miss Clarence Kilt other milestone. The host and his There has been. on exhibition in the Billy Carling, y, Russell Hartley ; then. the four, junior. Ward Bert Fremlin, ,who was • a picture 'fn a `t guests had such a merry titne that window of Mr. A. `J, Grigg, jeweler, Harland, Billy Twitchell, Ross For -'baseball teams in their natty new semi -Empire gown of champagne chuf- they_ ' would like to have the anniver- for some days past a very chaste and I rester, Harry Cousf? is, Jacl.: IVisematn, (uniforms ; the Fife and Drum band fon sill., sar come oftener. handsome communion service. of six Al. Doherty and Larry CTreig. Tho.next. made themselves heard and were Y pieces consisting of one flagon, two battery will be Kilty and Carlin,. closely followed by a Ilne 'of school ' The, playing at 3rd of %iss Glen THE NEW PASTOR. chalices, two plates and one tray Mr. Will. Harland will manage the children that if seen by l.x.-President• Cook,' attired in white organdie with Rev. T. W. Cosens and Tamil are whigh is being ,presented to the Auburn team. Roosevelt would about make him re- y e Baptist church by AIr. James IY.1 Inounce his allegiance to the Lr. S. Th'$ expected to arrive this evening from Lansing, of Michigan as a' memorial of ,A RUNAWAY, "b ++' g g � IVlrftc Dyke band brought up the . Xour Own Uncle. TQran Wallaceburg and Mr. Cosens will at , once enter upon his pastorate of this his late .father, mother and brother. on Monday morning when Mr. D. rear of the line which `ras in arshahed The church is to be congratulated on Prior was waterinx his horse on •trio by boys on horse back; cleverly got- O ario street church. His labors in the possession under such pleasing cru- hten , n t • s Indians. •. previous fields Have .borne ;good re- p g side of the road it became frig ed, to up a ,� ,•�, .,�<,;�..,,,,,,+., f ,�,,, cumstances of such a►beautiful service,' and started' off• In Q to, awlw 4 The Park which had been fixed up THE ROYAL 04N*K �OF C4N90A suits and he comes to Clinton with (trying the re utatfon of bcin ati ex0ellent short turn it t pset the wagon which with tents, benches, etc., could hardly p. g WILLIS CHURCH; h [frightened the orse still more and it accommodate. the crowd of happy all around pastor and especially strongf g Paid-UpCapital 4,850,000. Reserve $5,350,000 in the pulpit.. The congregation are • Rev, .Dr. Stewart on Sunday last,began to run, •but at last was caught children, fond parents. and relatives. {„ •< p $ p p - 53 Q110,000 prepared to receive him and Mrs, concluded hiS 31st year as pastor of ;in Cunninghanic's barn. The wagon Everybody. wore a smile; for from Total Assets p p Willis church and a number of the was ver ► adl lama ed and the liorsc 30 to 8 the most amusia program 6 Cosens most cordially. I Y b Y K 2, g p g +} congregation,. who have been lis received many scratches from running of sports .ever seen in this vicinity Joint Accounts may be p ened in the names of two persons, HE C. I. TEACHING STAFF. i to him for cars sa ' •n a barb wire fence.. Fortiun•titel run ff. Every child of a prize pp `� ` f account T .ten ng years, y l into b b Y ,was o y g p withdrawals h either party. This is a cnnvenlarit. form o child ' y 1? Y they never heard him preach � witll no person was hurt, of some' kind and every chi was foi• people living at a distance ftom the Bank.. Four of. the five members of the ,eater ower. #•Iis theme was . a ' g p 'perfectly happy, indeed Santa Claus :N��•.., Collegiate . Institute ' teachin- staff BANK Pap S eeial Attention to the !patriotic one with ' which he dealt in will ha�o to extend himself ' this year THE ROYAL y P have been re-engaged ,at the following {� the tersely e'loquent., way Ear which Personals. or Xmas will be aback number to Requirements of FOmers• salaries : hes ,wide! known; His two months q y .the : children of town when compared — A. `P.. Gundry, Principal and Sciences holidays begin this wools and during iVTr, Nixon ICelsh teacher,' has return=' <' ---- . y . g • g . , to this annual event. $1500. his absence his pulpit will Be occupied oil from II'asirinaton for the Aolidays> iVlr, .Tom Jackson; "The Daddy of CLINTON BRANCH --R. E. ZYIANNING, MANAGER J 'IV: Treleaven, Classics, $1200. b Rev: Mr: Symington,. a • ztudent. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson Jr. and y' -Them All, certainly deserves a great Miss. F. R. Delinage, :1latbematics; from Knot College.' .. and family. are pL^nfclting in Bay-- deal of credit for the tivay lie has , $11000. ' ( field today. conceived and made this clay a sue- r "' 1� NARROW ESCAPE: Bir, and Mrs..Perc Couch. returned E. E - Bali Moderns and - 1arg.ish,. , Y cessful fixture. From' first to last h $1p00, Miss Jennie 1\iarshall' and- hrr .Iron ,their Honeymoon trill, Monday was the centre of attraction.. 'The Miss Moir Commercial specialist, brother John bit Godsrieh township evening and tile -.numerous friei ds • Iia piest - child was tole. on'c . nearest Aresigned to acce t a os tion on had a. narrow escape from •mectin i' have been thronging in to tender him -and they all tried to be the The MOLSONS ..BANK has P p p g Y - the Napanze Collegiate stat! .ata .sal- with a serious accident_ on Saturday ( their: warmest good. �vislies• ' 'nearest,' He . did all sorts ' of amusing. INCORPORATED .1865. ar of $1000. evening., ,last: The Iiad driven into Dr: Clark . who .has for some time Capital Paid up - $3_,50.0,000 Rest Fund r $3,500,000 y I g Y stunts, ' .scrambled coplrers, bananas Mi'. Thos. JaC1fS011 Jr. A TOWN CLOCK,. town and while * passing. over' the been assistant to Dr.,Gunn, left . on and peanuts, in fact ..had thein, so crossing at M. & Ws caner . their l Friday last. for , his old lionic in• thorou hl excited' and ha that ff Has 65 Branches in Canada l g g y happy fie For some time, list. a number of Horse ,became frightened, slipped and- Pontypool where He: intends to cn- the Pled. Piper of Hamelin had ah - and Agents and Correspondents in all,the`prfncipal c t s p fell suddenI Miss :.Marshall was I ga e. in the practice of :medicine. a white hat to match and. carrying in t he world. Ci,tixens <havt+ been discussing. `the plat Y g . peared tiff .the .scene he would h ce •• Y g ' a in a clock on ilio ostol?ice tower. f thrown ..between rho .wheel and the Mr• .rind Airs. Alex. Fisher of. Toronto" had to 'go Tway, baclt and sit clown... Shower boquet of American ,Beauties, A GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. g p ivas react admired and't e co The Clock which it is. proposed • to buggy box and rather badly .Braised. will rxe.guests of ilTr. 'and' Airs. C,I The races, .pillow fights, baseball �• Y 11 Y tvagt •urhe clock would cost about o. It Just how serious the injuries might C. Rance this week:. Mrs, matches,. etc., which were all.:keenly in whioli ,sole drlpedl herself c+n the p have been had ` not some men cair i't ' -(Dr. Belden and part of the neck of any.- gentlemen .players who SAVINGS. BANK DEPARTMENT would strike the quarters, the halves g Y contested; came to ,in end about 0.30 , h urs d e illuminated at the'horse:'it is'. pot'pI'easant to con-. same city will ,visit at f�Ir, :Is after.whidi ever Body had something .leached third 'nearly broke un the ' , and the' hours an b i .I , . y . AT ALL BRANCHES. Aemplate. John was thrown over the Jackson's. game as the batters persisted in run- iifgirt: to cat, .that• is the children who had pan to her station instead of to first Interest allowed at Highest Current Rated dashboard but .not much hurt, Mr.. T. C. McEIe`0 of Blyth was in g- , Such a clock 'should be seen from Y Y their lunch supplied and the older all arts of the town y I town today -on Iris.way to Goderie;y folks. -wife were lucky or thougl_,t1ul Messrs_. Shaw, Dowding, IftGarvar, Parts , particalarl if ST.' PAUL'S CIIURCIL illuminated, anal in. order that ittmiglrt' to attend the wedding;.of Dr. White enough to bring sotneth;ng for them- Agnew,, Harland, .Forrester and John - Clinton branch, C. E. Dowding; Manager I I of Gerrie farmer] of Londes- son were some of the entlemcrt who be it is necessary. that the tower be I The shortened form tcf.Evenfng Pray- Y y selves. After tea the Citizens bane! g or will: he used in St. Paul's `church boro, to Miss 1llcVettie, fail titer of .. so nobly'offered themselves*, s a sac- first` raised about twenty 'feet•:: This rendered some splendid music, while. - Mr.'W.:itTcV•ettic. d-rlfice before this .array of beauty and ---- one item' in the expenditure w'ould,durung.tlte naontlts of Ji ly and rUci+g. I_, on a .std a built in front. of the fan ! Miss Olive. Cooper is c>`pccted ho►nc , i , g `talent and Though' it. s feared sande ' naturall devolve. ,upon thr- Govern- ust, During, those months the Sunday stand 14x, .Fred iVlutch :and h s ,. ttvn Y 1 from Don on : Thursday and on Mon divorce, cases may result they, al'1''ad- • -•hent wh ch, doubtless, would only b0 ,S.ehool will be held at !1:30 a. m, in clever sons, t !Tasters VI i11fC incl READYMADE . QRDERI~D : y da ' next -leaves Tot .London Ln; mit. it was pr,etti near: worth while.; too glad to .assume it: stead . of 2:30 p... in. as .IteretGGir.e. Y ' , Frankie, assisted .by y.Our Own L'n le �y�l �r n • , .. land to visit her brother; .lir. 1.. n- After; the game, whi h ended. 4 to �Orr1Sh •(7V Cl OO�S ' CLOTHING Thief rinsing of �90C1 for an tiluminair • The ice cream social wh►clt tt,ts_:given. s � , • Tom, , g<titc an excellent' vaudeville e CLOTHING 1 c cI ek . without an ": addition to rho under the- ' - auspices ,of the young _Zx• Cooper, -. who is .manager for tertpinmont;: ' whidi was very much (1 in ,favor of the perfect ladies ail, c Y o y. inunici'al taxation would scorn quite People's Guild .on Monday . eveniat , .•Great Britain of til Into -Sharp appreciated by the. large tuclieiicc, the two teams repaired to the paZil" p Razor .Company' lion where to<a was served. Miss -Nail an undertaking but it ni'eti pelt noses- was well attended and tlarr officers, re Darkness only put ori end to the. fun Graelfs who looked bewitching in a sarily be so, difficult after all. -Port..good returns. Miss Beatrice 'Greene, leaves on Thursi an!d everybody.. went home Ured but ' g , l It.has been: s' ested tha, a dram- The' officers. of� the Guild,, which was day fora two-motwths' visit .to re- happy after a great .dty.. lingerie dress of, pale elephant s lgg t latives fit Birmin ham and other • , breath, assisted try the Misses Alex.Specia atie company- 'be formed to present ..but .recently organized, Fare : Presi � i The `first } asebail game of the aI,- t, - some such la : as Richelieu; doff more I dent, Mrs., A. A. IIi11• Vice, Miss !farts of England, On Vridly she McIntyre and Garnet Cornish, ..whose ,• 'play ternoon was a Jutnor ''League match olvxis were of the latest shades of than one if required during. nest ' win- Dunford.' Secretary 1lis Dev- . gails from Okrebec by the C. P. R.. ',. + Y, - between the Cubs' and Pirates -which g • ter. There is an: abundance o'. local!erfll ; Treasurer; .lYliss Ruby Kiltg, steamship, the: Empress oh Irelon•l. `vas won b the 'latter' score, 10' to breed rhubarb, poured, and the way. f` ,? v e Rev. Mn Greene will accompany Y (til the men -folk ,clustcre.d :around `them SalalalftsFy •..•., talent to put it on and do: It proper- 15: -Battery for winners I,et'y and Hall, 1, rx C VISITING 141EbIC05, ner as far as. `Toronto.. testified -to their_ great charm and a ly. for Pirates.. Kilty and. Forrester, bill-. s i popularity. Illr E. J. Howard, rimier: whose. di-" Dr. `J: A. Robertson, of atratford, giro Dx. -Shaw. - I The only regrettable feature of : the rection Richard. III was given . last who was accompanied by Dr. Bray of pirates—IIT. Hall c., J., Levy p., Ij. the: 1 f, match was the iisohbng of a un- ' season,'has Very kindly consented to Toronto and Dr. -Frame -of .:;tratford, Greig lb., G. McTaggart !)Ili. W. lite!; rim' i,re Mr, Alfred Al=xa{ilderx ' or �he'.. or anize and direct the new Company. arrived in .town on Thursday ' iii ht of T ! , Y P ' l; Y g THE. COU NCI l WILL AC iManagban 3b., A. Cousins s.s.; 1i. who was set upon by tA^ excited Which is of itself a the ghat tlii �last..weelc,. They had fnteiulecl remain- 'FIill 1.f,, W. Web c -f., A. Ratli}vell ladies after Makin a bad decision incl tici I+� presentation of wllatevei play may bei ing only a few hours next a. in. . but. r.f. lilcl to be rescuedandescorted:. from ►;�; �,', decided upon will afford tis all, a gen-iMessrs. W. Jackson, J: Fair, -C. L• ON WATERWORKS TEN-.CGBs -it. Forrester c., C.. Kiley p., the, rounds b the police. "`+`!`'ti•' Boys. trine ,treat. Dowding, D A. Forrester and-. Dr. i g Y P All '�andg up for;. the clods Shaw itoolt them. :in hand and ave. W. Twitchell- lb., •R; 'Harland 3b.; ' C. I . The winners 'of races, baseball gam - tip g T0.111-CHT11 Beacom 3b:, H. Harland 5•s,, W. es, .etc.'were.as follows.: A SUCCESSFUL P.ASTORATI. them such a good' time. that they re .BIBS +.Cook Lf., Roy Forrester c.f:, )I. Kill. - We 'mained until evening. Dr:': frobiertson I !hiss K-err's Scholars. af�'e alwa shave something., g . • y �' Large congregations assemraled in with his ; bits ` auto car -headed Tenders for the construction of the iy r.f. . . special for the : boS s. Never g , " , waterworks s stern began to. our fit The sccanci game_ .vas an exhiblition Girls' raOe=Cora. Jervis, I'carl r the Ont. St. church on Sunday last, the school childrens parade . to the y g p g , Carrick ' Dorothy Barge. /� better. than at. the present time, � both •a. m, and evening; �'to •listen . to ;rail.-in'tlre afternoon and they express on. �M6nds,y and.' yesterdayevenin no'. match between the Grants" and 'Ti t rs , Y 1 r the farewell of the pastor, the Rev, ed their pleased snrpriso at the : Size 'than 48 habeen rrccived• fcir;the which suis won by the .Giants, score'Rahwellt�Clt�tr/eli!'ulfCooper, Jerry" ll, W. E. -Kerr. During, his discourses he of the procession and the Hearty and i different . sub -divisions ;ts, lollaws i ! 12 to 10. Battery for Giants :Can nen t � all ,Schaols. First Reader - Come in. and See mado references to the .,substaiAlat nianimotis way in which. the citizens Pipe layiog, .7, and Carling, for Tigers Dolieity and p growth of the church and. paid a` warm co-operated to make the evant a meal- Pipe laying,, 7 I Rumt,,all, uanpire 'Soto Hawkins.. Each ( Part 11. tribute to the people among whom he. orable one:. .Steel water. tower an,l concrete winning team, got a bat and ball.' Girls' race=Fanny Hellyari .Cleta:. Them.. � The youngsters layed snappy ball and Dunford Dorothy Rattenbury. has labored for four years. THE LOCAL TEAM WON •J]ASILIY. foundation 11, , a[Lloa Brand" During Mr. Kerr's term about $15,- Iron pipes and special castings, '5, !tiro large. crowdofspectators .greatly goys' race -Alert. i1Knr ir, (}rvil 14iuri 000 ha's been raised for church Pur, 1n a rather one sided League game - Fire hydrants, Sprin.tling crakes, cn eyed 'the'gam phy, Wilbur Welsh. poses.: played Thursday' ,afternoon last Olin- etc., 7: I Gia — ltng c,, W. Tinning Boys hoop race—Lo::1,3 Perdue, Cecil pts 4V: (ar 225 Pars Bolls' ]Denim Knickers i y g , ton defeated Blyth by a scoYe of 13 Gas engines and Pumping machinery, p,, N. Cluff 1b., F. 0. Ford 'lb., 'A. i� I In 1405 the missonar offerin s Cooper: Sellingat: t9C were' $230; whends this ear ibe were ..Steep 3b., M. Cool{ .s.s., L. lJ�aoi: l,f,, y Y' to . 2. The Blyth team ofd not play 8, Second l2e.tdr, $5'00, showing an increase each .year. up to' its accustomed good form Suction gas producers, 5. F. A. Ford c.f., E. Dunford r.f. ;Girls' race—N, Cook, Chrt'IettOf We cleared out this number of. Odd Knickers l Il hen he became pastor the lnernbCr- while •ilio home boys showed real Receiving basin, : I Tigers -F. Ruin,Bali e., A. I)olierty I Sheeley, Jcnni,. Baines. this week—more than we thought we wanted, but ° ship was 350 ; now it is 475. class and -are well worthy the suP' There Were, only: three tenders re- p., N. Holtzhatiet ib., G. Holtzhtxuer Boys, race—Buel Higgins, Glen g In addition, to alterations on the I port of the townspeople. Monteith, ccived from local parties, the otli,�rs 2b., C. Marland 3b',, 1 , Graham • s,s., Garter, Elmo Doheny. when we heard the price we knew. we. could Bell this (church, which cost several thousand the new pitcher, certainly made good, 'coming from Toronto, Niagara Falls, L. tynik:ns 11, L. Greatis c.f,, II•' Girls' shoe race -Leona Nedigcr, many, if we passed them along to a small'advance. idollars, a shed has been erected at an only four hits were made off him,. and ,St, Catharines, Welland,. Huntsville, Walker r:f, !Jennie Baines. Not one pair worth less than 25c, and a lot worth expenditure of $14001 These improve -his batting average was perfect, lill Guelph, Kincardia0 and Sarnia. I The event par exce,;ienee of the al + a Iments have 'all been aid for. double single and two p Boys saClt race -Fred. Chimes 50e. Just the thing to start.tl7e holiday,., at 19c. p • -ling a triple, g The tenders as revised by ilio cam- ternoon was a baseball game between Elmo Doherty. During the term there were 2G mar bases on balls, and scoring four runs mittee and ElApincer C'hipman•lind up- trine belles of Clinton, society and , a Children's FancU Suits—$5 ones at 3.50 riages, 101 chrrstenln& and 48 deaths; out of live times up: McEwan and on which, it is expected the council team composed of stars of by -goer itis Third Treader, raCC These figures will shote to some ex- Manning. did great wort. in the: out-, ill act at a.special meeting to. days, The maidens were led on 11,13! —Celia Beacom, V':iilet These ale expensive, but they are so good. (arid tent how successful Mr. Kerr's pas, field anti Harry Twitchell, a recruit !ni 'ht are as follows : field by their most inefficient shaper- Argent, Irene Gould, to buy OOfI cods that. we want to clear torat,e has been, tt result which has from the town League, Who played, g � 0 !one, Miss Amos Castled whose. wil-I Wilkin, race -••Mervin Elliott, Lloyd it pays y a . about to aver large Pie La in s 771 been brought y g his first game ell, .the `town team, p • Y � w Lowy figaro was displayed to. .great II rutin, Clarence 1Vlanaghan. them out at $3.50. We have no thought of profit— ! Primp (louse 4.i ru - � p extent by his tactful -and strenuous looks to be a find, Water Tower 6000 advantage by a Beautiful sheath gown! goys' wheelbarrow riticc--1larttey . we want to clear out the whole lot of these food suits labors, Clinton Runs 18300 lot Itrfrest• design and shade, ller hat, Managhan and Ilddie. Macdonald', 1'4"i1 -- at the rice of cheap ones. A large number of the members of V. Johnson lb. ,� 2 VaryPipe154 though modest in every way, was the lie Doherty and Clarence Finch. p p the• congregation gathered, iv the "Ice- A,, Alexander 2b. 2 Valves, hydrants, etc 2. � latest creation from 1'ariv and will be: Girls' threat-the-nredlo race—Allnt� '', $5 and $6. lay L. Manning C.I. � ] Machinery 72.80 Y5 BOYS 3 -PIECE, S[.lTl'S--�wo>'th I£ tore rtlont Of the church on !triol g Reservoir 14ri;i I, . y , ,. ` J F'ourtll Reader.gart, J evtnin chert Mi, Kort was presented T, Hawkins e. 1 5 it tot a smson to came we have your size When yott call Sou may have Monteith 4 ills envy and despairs ht f tvthcnbrl- Girls; a -Y Judd, Margaret & C a with solid aid waren. incl chain yH -i one at $3.9 I g r W. o p $1(,,405 I Miss Norm Lgevy ca tlr,g or g i#u 1 ec i.tilu Howe, + Lena , oi, 5. purehtsed from Mr. Ii Ii, Tftllyar, TI, Twitchell ss.' 0' s , • — e ,. ljewAler,, accompanf,ed ley cal ad- J. Doherty 3b. 1 Adel to th;s cost ,of let hostoproitecctor and Mitt, way iiaBoysn raeoL tdic Nickle, Ildgax We are laying out for the boys to start their holidays dress read by Mr. C. holland. L, Kerr r.f. I ... Deep Wells with d'er4 f r g. everything they need: Shirts, Sweaters. The presentation was made by At. McEwaft 1.f.. 1 ricks,. etc. $. x000 fa picture of girlish sweetness and Pattison, Laurence a -lay Bathing Suits, Caps, etc. �i<Tr. Dario Tiplady, Addresses " Btytii Ituns Engin^erring, Etc, 3000 grace, v I Girls' rgg. race --Daisy Copp, sena were delivered by Rev. Mr. Carter U Miss lilondv C tlok, though hampered Holmes. Boys—We want our trade and we Will give you siA square Deal," d Messrs. ,las, Stevensr t $53,4A5 by "1tCr hunch beets, Bitched a itatlst Boys' three-legged race- -John Ytalt Y Y Newcombe, an D. Summe s --� and A. Hooper, all roterfing to the Simms 1 There itis already been an expendi-�effrctive game evTn though the Ian- and Laurence Greig, Carl I�,6st and _..._. ttlshiing glances she east at tilt sus'y Lel ar Pattison, harmonious rtlat%ons which had exist+ Iluchanatl i 0 turf tlf $2500 far WON anti engineer-iK g ed between pastor and people, It. Summers 0 ing which will be so ntuell mtlney!ceptit:tee hatters diel more damage Cdlleiytat0 Lower Scllacl�-l�brills i. MOR ISH CROOKS than thr balls silo did1l t put ("Cr tho incl' St11 Class. • � On Thursday afternoon 1VIr. arui McCarter tl . t1>,ro'tvti away should allythfng prevent+ ! BOYS' sack raCr.�T':d .�tr Pa.ttison Successor, to iloAgrens Bros. Clothing Storo. Mrs. ' Kerr ,tinct family leave for negley 0 the council from going forward with plate. y g ► ' 0 'Premlin, w4ftring x Laurence Greig, Carl East, r _ _ ....._ .. ,._... _ . _... _,-......_ _._. _..-.... ItidgCtown bearing with here tiro combs , rift` work, T1Mis amount is ittiln�led in I Miss ITartl�dellene princess gown Continued on prigs J. I good wisbes of the community, fy y 'rarnnllt! � t1rC total given allot -e. pale crepe p , u