The Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-22, Page 8OF" cutoo X11 April SXad, l000q 40jw• De�ornte Vnnn AT4 /J_ ff2'., wwww I . V We 7 G t �c ntec ]Burton & Spence R.. With pretty aud cheer, By Ram Herbert Duff 40>T1rRIG#iT„ 10Re ll4Y Al`?tER1C/RN PR853 ,ASSQCIA?tON. . ful paper, We think we can � • - » (show you the beauty Yf a ..Bankrupt_ i''$ello, Mr,. Business. Man I Ai 'And how s. trade l: tasteful stock of artistic wall `clmprovtng..�' _ . c � glad to hear it. Oh, we'll have things moving 'nicely papers. The patterns should pretty., soon, Everybody's optimistic down our way. Got nearly h hast week we attended the bankrupt sale of Burton Spence, yVhplesale Dry Cioods Co., >P Y please'you, tits have leased an hour yet in town—want to catch that 4,29 out of here, If F y' P ' minutes and talk over, all. but a very few others and of Toronto, and picked up several big drives in staple lines which we are patting on sale this : you. re not busy, sit down a few th»gs ' a Mail order houses, bothering any while the present stock lasts week and following flays at big savings to the patrons .of this. store, ;Come early and often, Yplm fryes; they're. cutting quite a holee in our trade, 'Thought that , • there is a positive rice ad- �woti't get another chance like this every day. Read the following ist then come atiO, see the ;dull spell would fix them, but it didn't here in -our town. Never P price ` believed they were getting so much business till I was shown thee vantage for you, values. fie of goods'`fro n them that arrived on this morning's freight. Some of our best peogle buying -there too. Really I cannot un- derstand why any -one should send away and wait several weeks Wo Do FAIR C 0 r toe Factory. Cotton 8%c 12%c Toweling,10c Traveller's Samples 'for goods he can buy just as cheaply right here in town: "Got any soap clubs here ?c" ` ` Often Cheapest --Always the Best 10 pieces of Factory Cotton, Pure Linen Roller Toweling, Ladies" (;oats "Yes; there are several, and it does bead all how those prem; : wide width, heavy quality, round crash, good weight,, wide widths,to thread, good clean cloth, the best regular 121c sale price c Four only left, very newest hough one was getting something for troth .;_ we ever put over our counter at 1 styles in blue and green only, size. i I .can sell the whole assortment far 10c, sale price. .082 38 and 38 only, at HALF PRICK ums take. Looks as t half their list � rice a IP Of e. but he pays for a price and premiums. Buy them separate and get what you want. Each of these clubs takes from ,$100 to $300`• i worth of business from our town etrery year. "And then there's Near City—only twelve miles away, and the fare is 60 cents, Many of our people go there to buy clothing, mil- linery and the like, Often they. pay more than in their home• 12ic. Glass Toweling 10c 20c Art Sateen 18e aids plain white Glass very new patterns of Art Sateens, $t.25 Black Sateen 100 Cloth with red border, it inches y pretty designs and'colorings, wide, splendid wearing quality,: one eyard wide, regular 20c sale ■' /l Petticoats 98c regular 12ie sale price ■ 1 o pr■i• One dozen. only, Black Sateen Petticoats, two rows of frilling, New Prints 9c and dust frill, fine quality sateen, town. We. merchants had been charging u the bulk of our lost 50C'Shlc8 28C, all sizes, regular $1.25, sale price .98 g p Miss Sadie Sanderson is visiting Godo pieces New Spring Prints in Trade to the mail -order houses, but found upon investigation- that erich friends. all the new colorings, English 5 pieces Shot Taffeta Silk, 23 ` With our trade leaking make, fast colors. Get first choice inches wide, in navy blue, sky, red a large part is going to Near fifty instead.. Mrs.. W. East is laid up .with an at- of these,. they won't last long, pink and pearl grey, splendid $10 Spring. ('iUat8 $fi out in every conceivable way it seems up to us to take what's left. :tack of tieumonia. sale price .0 9 wearing qualities, regular 50c sale _ "Do you have any trouble with `leftover' goods?, p price ■ 2 $ co Ladies New Spring Coats, made Mr, R. S. Nicholson of Belgrave was p g "Xe$; we lose. a'lot that way. In sibnj ler business goes on in town, on Driday last. 35c Towdis 25C of good quality striped covert '�'°" a vacation. Most days of the week Arepretty slow, too, .except Sat- Mr. Wallace. Harte, Seaforth was a $10clom fawn, all sizes, regular 7."'o 0 urday, and that's hustle,, hustle; hustle,. all day long. I wish we .,, Clinton visitor on Sunday. Pure Linen Towels, good width 50 and 60c Dress' al • $10 s e price ■ might shift some of,f his days bus tress o the others.. °` "'" "- Mr. T. Jackson Sr. has beeii safferIng and length, hemmed, regular 35c , "Mr. Business Man, I've a'solution to all of your•problems. I this week from a severe attack of sale price '�� Goods 356 can tell you what will hold your trade at home, what will m.oIF1 grippe i ; 10 feces light a weed $8 Spring Coats $6y slow sellers and remainders, what will make business for you in t Mr. J, Ferguson McRae of Toronto 12./6 Sateen8 lOe g grey T • will the new 'and better goods. It's no Co - -was thq ..guest of Dr, Shaw this Dress Goods in stripes and checks. • Ladies fawn and black,. hip or dull seasons, what will g Black, red, sky,pink, yellow, several very pretty designs aud Q G three-quarter length Serino Coats licated mystery or trick of magic=jitat plain ADVERTISING. Week. white, green, brown and ourple shades; regular 50c rale price ■ V iJ beautifully made and trimmest, P ,'I know oµ ll say y Mr, Norman Henderson,.. Seaforth, regular $8 for 5■00 y ou've tried it without success or that a eo Sateena, 27 inches wide,; regular titor failed tormake.it payor something else;, was the guest •.of;Miss B. MdEwen 121c sale .10 but it resolves itself over .Sunday. price. into this --if yon advertise RIGILT, it will PAY you; if'you do so in Miss.. Kate McCo.urt . left on Tuesday, $1.50 Black Valle $1 the WRONG way., it will FAIL. Advertising is no :child s play --it's to resume her duties. a. s teacher. in 3SC Cashmere H6se .2.'�C One piece only,. Black Silk $5 Spring Coats $4, a seienbe. A person of "average ability can write good copy. Parkhill. Ladies Black Cashmere Hose, Voile, vex fine quality. This is "And now I must be. oin " but I'll be back next week and. every Mr. Emmerson Mitchell' is visiting. at �' q y' Ladies and Misses New Soring g g, g seamless feet, splendid wearing • a rare snap to get a .good dress, Costa in fawn. and black, hip.and week for several months, and I intend to have a little chat with •don't miss it 'regular $1.50 sale the home of 'his sister, Mrs. Thom- qualities, sizes $, 8. fl, 9 and T0, .., g I 0 O throe,quarter len th, all sizes, re- - 3*oh .each time. I shall. first show you how advertisuig will SOLVE �y p n ,�j ale price 4.9 0. as Kyle, Kippen. g 2 " ' e re ular 35c and 40c sale rice . oris ■ guise $5 s ' your problems, and then.:VM going to tell .you how to advertise Mr. and, Mrs H. G. Smith of .Grand SUCCESSFIILLY." Bend were the guests• of Mr. and M i _ .. .. z•s. J. Roberts: _ Mr. W. T. Dockrill, travelling pas- senger agent. of the C. P. R., .was in town on Friday; Mrs; Ed, Saville; 'who has. f bpcn on. the ` sick list.. for the ,past .couple of weeks, is improving: Mr,, and Mrs: Edward Johnstone of Stanley were guests, of, Mr. watt'. Mrs. Tuesday,.3righteix • =' • Mr,• Jas. Gemmel of !near >Jgmondvillel. / ® ® AV called ,on•Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simp= son one day this week, czel V .?'ON Messrs W: ,Do0s, Jas. Smith, In- _• �,-�,:�•• D. tris and Charlie Moore. left on Tues- day, afte'rrioon for the West, Mr. Eddie Shepherd, ..formerly of : -- -- - • Hodgens, .Bros, staff, has taken ' a . - The Citi Denai (mental Stores do p position with Tozer o Brown, Wesley Walker Sunda Y Mt, • and Mrs. W :9 Y ,A ����na� Or {: . ��d. ed.at the parental home•.of the lat-. l\Ot HQiltd.,a)(nla)ln Town ter Mr. A.' W: 'Sloan's, Blyth. J . Mrs.. William Fluker left on. Tuesday n Vl`lla a Reads Side -w' morning fox. Chicago to - visit her And The use of paint i's an economy. It protects and g g s beautifies. I m 1 son; and also'.friends' in Kankakee. A :Mrs. T. R,..Walker'is leaving. Clinton, the , It makes buildings, � Iasfi longer � -. ' - g. O ger:.and look . Mrs, James Petrie and,..her daughter, - better. , . Walks,' ,SCT_ 41S .4r . assns fdr alis above coni ail. � has been transferred But be sure and get the right :kind of paimt Miss.Etta, of the London Roadnear .P 3 , or varnish for Our. purpose. Kippers were in Clinton on •Tuesday; , t0 .m@. y p rp Ask your dealer for Churches. a Mrs, J. 'Robertson returned , to her TriOSe de, ling cement for early work do Well �■/ home in Moncrieff last week. after : to leave . orders .with me at , once so that a Supply �'I /�,i�� spending some time with Clinton — j may berocured. �,. .. .. ds. , . .. : `` friers y ... p. P�'AMTS'ANLOA 0A0St)&$ Miss Sprovie, W. C. T. U. missionar'y;. These commandments were not still it is .against our tiles to donate - ., county. churches,. ••:-•w • a �* was while in town Saturday. ,and written on •stone b Moses - says, an money. for :build'in co �•• S. • J. ANDREWS ' y , Y y g ._ Made,ln Canada 7%/EJO�ANWNIZI NW& Monireal,TOF011toirinni g Sunday: the guest of Mrs, W. S. exchange, bot, they are thorn tebly � r _ Fi. You shall buy your tools from Harland. o v� w �► �r r� �� �•���� �►. vim► of .. understood and ;frequently bumped .._......I us' and lie your own mechanic in order• Mr. and,Mrs. Samuel Kerr :of the into. by anyone who deals with the t - o. drive!'. the mechanic -from your Nile '— week sash y the .g, eats of their. Pastst h catalogue .mail order concern: - g vicinity, for we: wish' it' so.: ..• , . , N����Nf�N�ON�pN��Ne�N���NNNNNNN/N�NN tet, Mrs. D. S ­' Cook. 1. You: should sell your farm pro- , .. 11Tx. W. Glenn Campbell took Bart in ducts for cash,. wherever' you _can,, but I 7t• You willindica your neighbor to �►ft►w•��7^►•w1��•��y'�•'r�•'`'�•"v'�'�'�'�''�'4'0' J. B. Hoover Nelson Ball a - concert in. Wingham on Monday, cot .tous, we do not fsuy� fxom'you. buy everything- from us, as: we have nigOit, . rendering organ selections in room: for more money. the Methodist church. 2. You shall believe our stwte- ® 8.. You shall, often look at- the _ Messrsr Chas. and John Rodger of .'mezwts and buy aTl you needy from us, L beautiful pictures .in our. catalogue 'so Sh Westfield were the . guests of . Mr. because we want to be good_ : o S oil +•,, and Mrs. William Fluker a few your wishes will increase, and you o� , although we are not acquainted with $ S C. Rath•well' Shoes• C Hoare Mus! days of the past week.. will send: in a big ord'er,�although you ' f Messrs. A. Whiteside, D. H.. White, yon, -are not in. immediate need of, goods fr. VV, Paxlmer, ands p. ll. Buchanan 3.. You shall send in the ;noncy' 'otherwise you might have some left . a of Hensall were in 'town. on - Mon, in advance to give us a .chance to g !to, buy necessary. goods for your local FaS.hion Favorites New day and Mrs: Cook and Mr. A. W. get the goods from the ,factory "with dealer: • - Vie Iiemphill of the same place :,were.l>,erc your mane meanwhile you will have d y ; y , •. Victor Reco-rd Ri ; - 9,. You shall Have. the mechanics for Ladies' �r on Tuesday; all on business, to •wait patiently a few we•,Ls ,because , C Mrs. Geo. Oakes • former; of town that is our business method. that repair the goods. you- bay from. us � Chicago, ' y the !hill, so that you can send the Tan BBl>,tehers at •• • $3•� I have -just l'eG81Ve ia,- but now of was called to h you should buy our Church bpo14 r 4 ea tl6gr, y :y money from his labor to us for new ' Tan Bluchers at 3.00 lar e a sortmett � of tie 1 Exeter last week by the death of bells and interior church inti tires y an Oxfords at 3.� g goods otherwise he will notice our : T I ,her father, 'Thos: Gregory. Mrs, ' Tan Oxfo ds. at M ?: Victor Disk Records co g from us and.forward the monky, in influence. I Vl A good horse is worthy of a fine saddle—so p '' Chocolate Oxfords 1.55 • • "" Oakes called upon relatives here .on 'advance, - for that is tiur bi+sines � Chocolate Oxfords •• 1.75 slstil]g' Of ` a good picture. demands 'a good mount. Let. Wedno§da before lcavin again .for b elxeve us in refer - g p $ y_ g g method. 10:. You shall,. a p Band Selections f every nook and corner of your home be beauti- her. home• encs to your local merchants. • Mr. John Cooper, who as assisting 5. You shall collcet fro -n the bus- 0 Male quartettes fied. Bring around your paintings and etch- p ' �' , _ in Mr. (deo. W. Barge's store has ;tress men in our vicinity as much 11. You shall; in case of accident, � Duets and Ings and we will convert them into i g y e returned to the homestead in ood- money as you can for the benefit of'sickness, or need, apply 'to local deal• Mens Stylish Shoes Solos : erich township. Johnny has not your churches. 'Although we get ors for aid and credit as we do not . "Johnny" g I � Pat. Bluchers - $1.50 and $.x.00 "x"xxC'63✓i 1f7�'x""S� S�P4'JCS,• yet recovered his old state of health more mons from you than the do know ou. y y y y Tan Bluchers 4,00 and 4.50 Now Victor Gramophones no matter how costly or simple its fittings. and found . the confinement rather Ox -bloods 4:00 and 5.00 Our extensive stock -of specially selected picture • too much for him. __ -- _ N and ' • - Columbia Phonographs Mr, Claude Fisher of Winnie was CllOillding"5 Cannot fall t0 give permanent please iit town Monday—the previous day N��oNo��NNN� eN �eNo �N,+►�oe��eoNoo�~i�� AT Cali and talk it Over if ure. he spent with relatives•at 13e1imiliex MILLINERY �hasin _ —and lett the same afternoon to re � ��, C. RA TSI W�LL'rS' You think of p g' � ulc. A turn to the West, The big real es- tate operations in which he has L STVRE. NE •• Sf10E STORE C. �"�O%�RE been engaged for the past few OPPOSITI� MOLSOIV•S BANK)' do all yt :�_.. years' do ns?t appear to disagree/ 7 f ) with him, - THE PLACE WHERE YOUR QbILpR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY 14Zr, h3. 12, Ross of Toronto and. 'Nei:, �+r�.r�►r�►v+r�e r►�N�N���r��►4��o�N+►N�+�oNNs��.`ia��Ni��►��s�ww A, J. Holloway of town 110 oars- �x� r � UX�e Saflsf8CtIOh � � _.. . . vassing the farmers of the district 1'1' in behalf of the Canadian F11% Mills - Milis Limited which is financed ►kvy a big English Syndicate. The corn. , \ 111YSS CA►NTELCfI�t � CO- T�7 r piny treat flax by a new process ` a S '� jC Advertise �.+ •Le .. Advertising 111 The News*Dacord •BI<`l.ilgs by wlliclI it is claimed they can get r +tr -� � y results in twenty-four hours whieli ' '�. Speh1�1 display for Saturday, are only obtained at present, in a Xews-R' ecoid. Good I oult5o couple of months. �r�r i �t•�e�������r�►�� � N`eNir 1�N� 1�� 1No 13 k M I