The Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-04, Page 22 AorimiT'ii'— ".ACCUiiiAOY•- . ... Th 0, a I I .�.•r, . . Is ffe,ults I are obtained from feeding horses and •cattle when the is, an appetizing tonic .given ale" with the l egular foot, ke e any ani- b� and . To r g P alai. rota coudition,feeii . p DQnglas St"k Aviv, o . A Prt11 Paii iter I;f Cents Dozens of the best Z Farmers use it. Do You? I - I 11010110000010000011 •1. LY BX ON 7+0 S R. 1N -HOLIES _ Mani g Chemist. —RELIABIL ITY — EXPERIENCE DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST,. will be at Holmes' Drug • Store, Clinton, on Fridays, hours 11 to 4 p. m. Jan. 29,, Feb. 26, . Mar.. 26, J 18 Glasses VOQD WANTED. TENDED iNIW, be l:eo�ilAR *btI up •tar +Jfia. SIXt for SI! eAxda of �aod Mriple wood, !1 itl0oit- - . .., '". .,,�*"" as long, delivered. a,t. Public ttohoad,' Hur on, C ounto'w'w New.�.,/ M+tslk prwierifrrr solve of tllgNll io,Iredi. 'Clinton. -»John t;luruaiaSbAm, SeOre- tary. earseparilla-•-For 11 t bw of the -,--„.. _ , .. blvod� st ,1, kidnoyir and liver, rENDERS WANTED.— TENAERS for NewswoRecord Readers yellxx i ock, genii p, w ld fir errry will be received: by the Caunch of the Township of Iyullett up to Mon bark, mandrake, dandelion, Juniper w berries, plpsiesewa, etc. day, Feb. 8th, at 3 p• m., for sup- plyini the fallowing •tivantities of '-^-^^��•� _ Ths cotnbinatton and proportions biodutIles as teacher. after an illness. of .. are our own formula and .give• power Rock Elm plank 16 feet loo and l No Chance For Spirits Now. eyond the reach of any other , g to .cure lr nearly t•voweeke rvfth the. prevalent INSECTS . AS BLUFFER i 2 j5 inches thick, to be delivered on p Jude Landry, of the Supreme prescription. There is no real Rub- disease, la grippe. i g I ,or before May 1st at the following Court of New Brunswick, and leader, stitute for• it, If urged to buy any - - __ - s Acadian i "Just teaBrunswick A ad be as ood. A me tin w n e u the New a i sal to s places: 100p, feet at Hugh. I3: Hill's,0i meeting .ill be Rive •her . o of aprepay .ton d J . . 1000 feet at J. Bsarr's; 1000 feet at19 AllMonday. l0thinst„ In connection with MANY HAVE 'LITTLE TRICKS FOR. said to hold a tentative belief in splr- you may be sure it is inferior,, costs. the Foresters, After supper there itualiism, ghosts; etc, less to make, and yields the dealer a R. Clark's 100 feet at Geo. Car-` SSLF-DEFENCE. heir's. The lowest or tender will be an interesting program carded � Such a reputation hardly consists � larger profit, any out. A good time is expected, with that of one of the heat weighers not necessarilyAccepted.—James From The News -Record o -•- p and sifters of facts that ever held :i Get it today of your' druggist, 100 �, •' Campbell, Clerk., Clerk's Office, Mien Horne, daughter of Rev, Mr. One Cater filar Gets Awa by Pisguis- judicial Doses One Dollar. Prepared only b;Av February 5th, 1880, Karoo of ibis place, was fanned In need- P Y position. But tyhatever his I a Jan. 16th, 1909. 60-3 lock's bo d n the #"..A.tilt The ing. Itself as an Ant and .Another personal- belief the judge does not C• I• Hood Co.., Lowell, Massa>, i7. S. A. LEARN DRESSMAKING IN TWO Weeks.—I teach. everything from the plainest shirt. waist to the most elaborate toilette,di 'rt _ abo ate_including chi n n g waists, sleeves, coats. skirts, wrap. pers, childrens dresses, collars etc. spend months a dressmaking Why ape nio_ h t a shop where you •will only learn how to baste, overcast,seW.on hooks and eyes, all the Tittle things you al' - ready knew before you went there .and at the end of 6 months you will know no more how to Cut out a dress than you did 'the first day you went there, when I can teach you all about the cutting and fitting, in. two weeks. Charge for full course is only $10, including a ►gest fitting, system in use. A few days trial are given free of charge and if students find it , not all I advertise it to be they have privilege to stop as there is no pay in advance. I will • teach at Clinton from February 17th to March 2nd. All wishing to u s o scorn discussion on this fascinating �� Dad L _ happy couple left for Montreal and Passes as a Scorpion d .y ¢. Clinton, Feb, 5th,18fl0 then to return to their home at Glenal- Le s Is Saved 'by His Awful Limbs subject, He recently asked a com- I P • ' lin. May they have an enjoyable and B patriot named Belliveau if the latter Councillor Cooper re still 4n the sick profitable life. --Bee-Files. Are Also Fourflushers l),lieved In ghosts. list. P "I used to," said M. Belliveau. Mrs, Agnew is recovering from an in Their Appearance, "When I wes a boy IVink they come %ttaek of inflammation of the lungs. ; -FR, M THE WEPT 0 al Afanner was brow ht before Ma is- ,_-u , A penniless man who struts about back from the grave, and when I wut g S n e in But a leses is. Bi trate Steep the other day for using Repeat it Shfloh s Cure will al- ole think a young man pe p. P profane langua a nn the Market ways cure my coughs .and colds." yin fine clothes, making.pe p ro�vadays, you see, the doctors, wit'? Mr. R. Brunsdon of Hartney, Alan., g he is a man of money and position, then:. physic and their drugs, the} damage. aid the a 1 and oto fir i urr t Square. c s g n renewing his sub for the c en Mrs. Couch is on sick list. - is practicing elle art of bluff. Bluff,, make a man so darn dead he cant r g s Mr. W. G. $with was last week re- , to be explicit, is the art of making oet up. " I year says "We are having the cold covering from Is grippe. He had a much out of little, of causing people est weather w.e have had for ten _ . _ . r- ax The thermometer ha re 's e relapse- but is now out of danger. to think your brains or your position '�� Eye ss gK t R Messrs. A, and H, W. Cook and B. 0. much greater than they really are., Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Curt, will al- ed from 211 to ;56 degrees below, zero." Cole have, the contract of erecting the Mr. Robert King, Viola Bale, Man. ,. g t , additions to the 'Commercial Hotel One would have thought that an ar. ways ;cure my Coughs and �c.l.,. and have things well under way. lake this belonged to human beings, "We .are .always glad to get The Mr. Geo. Hanley, or., has the honor because_ it requires some intelligence —' - - News. -Record which keeps us gostedl'latl of being chaplain of no less. than six to bluff successfully• Yet many mein- ONE BAD MISTAKE. the happenings of the old home coun- - Orange i,odaee, from the primary' to hers of the insect world- are lust as ty," ' the county in the orange, and black, smart and effective at bluff as men. Mr. L.' Howson, president of the Thislis an honor that few, if any, ex. CHILDREN Take cater illara. Now, a caterpil- . Is Frequently Made by the Wisest of , ,• ce t that Bre. Hanley can claim; He .. P Farmers and Merchants. Banka,, iRoll.Wi. EP BBURlar is one of the most defenceless cies- Clinton People. North Dakota, expressed -his pleasures is also an officer in the Grand Black tures in creation. As a general rule Ohapter of British'Ameriea. . for there are a. few exceptions it It's a serious mistake to neglect lin perusing The- People's`' Paper and The citizens ball nn Friday evening cannot bite, or kick, or .strike, or . I added I thought I would take a run • promises to be a rand success. The backache. Backache is the first sym-_ p g NEOTO 0 ITH sting, But its enemies are so numer- Atom of kidney ills, Fatal eomplicar down this winter .to the old town stewards are. W. W. Farran, D. A. oua that it is compelled to resort to Forrester. R. Logan, W. Jackson, J. P. • of self-defence, and, as it tions may follow, Booth's Kidney but could not get away. some trick # Tindale, F. Shearer, Dr. J, Reeve, H. ce bluff. Pills act quickly to overcome kidney I Mr. A. 'H. Plummer of Pretoria, A ail 23 Ma 21. une. T. Rance, F. K -Ile, W. Robertson; J. has no weapons, it practices s • Man. writes 11 a alwa s look for - April y ' learn he sur© to see me at, Hotel (Front the Mail, Milestone, $ask... The caterpillar of the Lobster Moth Ells, :do not delay until 'too late, it y properly fitted, Diseases of the eye, u Fair. L. Kennedy, J. A. Jackson, W. ( ) leads a life of incessant bluff. While may mean Diabetes, Birlght; Disease. ward to the • cooling of The News- ear nose and throat treated. - Normandie on Tuesday, February ,Harland and T, Rance, �� - The Dead very tin it look Fust like an ant. Record and we would not like to, do - ' 16th, between 10 and 5 o'clock,-- R. weights.— „ ry y 1 Read what a Clinton resident says. wvthout it.. I am following "Nineteen.. How is this for -light" wet hta. : . That funny brown thing with the David Tiplad " -- Miss L. Paul 61-2 Three gentlemen from a hoarding lilts, F. P, Engle. y. of Rat..enbury St•+ Years Ago" with much interest"'. house in town were. weighed on But- awful laws and .straggly long O+legs Clinton Ont. "For a number of years g chem Couch's scales on Saturday morn-. Leonard Engle, aged 8 -years, cant possibly be a caterpillar, 'is I had suffered with occasional spells ' I HAVE THE SAMPSON BRAND Ing, and the beans. turned . at an aver- what its enemies think . they pass - of Cement for sale,. in Targe and age of over 240 pounds. "The total Alta Engle, aged 8 years. It .by, lumbago ac my ba This — OLE C of lu toss back. small quantities. There is no� bet- Loose leaf ledger, bill�and weiobt was 745 pounds. Clinton has Later on in life, when it. is too big' would frequently be very painful aid , CORN FOR SA)vE; WH RACE ter make of cement on Ili+b market (�e1e1]]� aharire. cards Stem, Lana some ,heavy weight men, and this ClotealEngle. aged 4 years; . to pretend. to be an ant any linger, leave me unable to sit comfortable in ked or chopped.—J, & N. Fair. all modern devices known should he a reit good index as to i taken to. sitting on leaves with its y I . Office opposite G. T. R. passenger .tfq to buatneassoienoe are pretty, q William Engle taKea I year, any position. It would also greatly station. Telephone connection, or Machine. at •disposal of our• the quality of beef sold by our but- _ hideous brown .head and it bulging weaken my baclt and trove .me 'unable . Students. Consequent-. chers, _ . __ tail, stuck upright over its back, pl d orders may be left at Harland Bros. 1y business houses of, leading Canadian anti its front legs projected forward in to lift or stoop. The urine would APPLICATIONS FOR .OFFICE. -- hardware store. if more convenient: American cities are. calling loudly for our Homer, badly.burned about face and such an attitude of menace that 'spid- become highly colored and of a. dis- Applications addressed to the un graduates, 1 I ON. CLINTON. individual Instruction; hands. ers and ichneumons dare not venture agreeable , odor. I had tried different. dersigned and marked "Applications: . . JAMES HAM L N tut tion; Enteranytlay;'. . Varna, Feb. 5.th, 1890: � near, remedies but did not find very, good for Office" will be received up to Mail Courses. . .A tragedy horrible in. all , its, details "That must be 'a -dragon," they 9ensipostalt4r_vartioularS, a , re�siiltr; until, on advice' of our drug i2 o'clock noon on' A7ond'ay, Feb- Mr. J. R. Balfour, principal of the occured about seventeen _ miles north would. say,. if they ,could speak. `If I ist {VIr._ 'Holmes, I dried Booth'S Kid- - rusty 1st for the following, positions,: school here. was laid up last week for east of town Tuesday night, when .in go: near .it,, it will -surely -tear me to. r NEW MEAT- MART:—HAVING PUR; con le of days with influenza. the absence of her husband F. P. feces; ' . Y01 if they had the . sei}se noy Pills wh2ch soon convinced me of Clerk, Treasurer, Chief, . Constable, chased the butchering business car- . CjONTON y Engle, p g ord was received here on Saturday B ', who has been residing on .the to look a. little. more closely, they their wonderful curatkve merits. The Etc,, Night Watchman, • Cemetery rigid on for some time by the BUSINESS; COLLEGE: b�p telegrani of the death at Marlette„ farm rn p G. Eagleson. s,nd, who was would discover that it was a defence- strengthened and the urine' cleared to I Superintendent, Assessor, Engineer, Colclou h B r o s.. we respectfully, - hich: of Willie; the youngest eon of I in tovrn purchasing supplies, the.house 1 g y Y • g less- caterpillar capable. only of wrig- lumbago soon had gone, MY' back Fire Department,Assistant• 'slid : ' solicit a share of the patronage. of GED, SPOTTON,, PAINCIFAL. ` Mr. John Robinson, a former resident caught fire and despite the heroic ef- . gling when attacked, its natltial color:. I use Boo Kid- ) . Stokes. -D. L1 Macpherson, Clerk. of this village. Mr. Robinson a many forte of the mother and a 16 year old i the public which we ho to. merit friends here will be coir to hear of iiia R The. caterpillar of the Common Puss I ne Pills occasional) and find the i l pe son Homer was burned to the round y y y g - sad bereavement. Moth is another master,of of the art of by keepin the. best of meats :and y and the mother and four were keep mm in fhb best of cohditiori. I i. at reasonable rices. Give. its a Mr. Thomas Boles . has traded his 7iterallq cremati-d . in.:the burning build- bluff. • VGhen born It looks like a tiny P Our s News, (� y A� farm on the Ba field Road containing. ►I • scorpion, and no respectable spider will gill ly d Ce moot s a k ttoo highly - CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS Ball. hap it; next. to The N w y, g of .ichneumon attempts to attack it; I n, Pills ala an p l; y A simple: and effective remedy for , Reool�d Office.—T. T. &Bert Murphy CENTRAL �RL ' S9 acres; fol• one in Deleware township1. p y . The family had all :retired for 'the. As it grows bigger, it develops a violet of their ' morits. Sold by. Dealers.' SORE THROATS AND couaHS i owned by Rev. J. A. McDonnell of , farm contains 130 night and about teu:o clock Mrs. Engle saddle do17n its back, and a decors Price,50.oents. Ther R. T. Booth Co., They combine the germloidal value or cresoiene . this villager' : The ernelled' stooks and the eldest coo T3am tion round its face something like. .a ,with the soothing pioperties of slippery elm and neo- STFEATEORD. UNT. acres+' 'Mr. McOcinnell.receives $1,350 , Ltd ., •Fort'Erle•, Ont., _ Sole .Canadian .rice, Your drugeisi or from us, 10c in stamps CEMDNT � FOR SALE.—I AM dash in.excbange. The req. gentlematr Ler meet down -stairs to find out the monks cowl. Out of. its tif1A proceed Agents, Lsiiuurc, Mn. oo., Limited, Agents, Montreu. 4oz Agent for Clinton and district for This' school stands in..the fore- g. opera- cause and returned savior, everything two long horns. When app q y intends to commence farmin , 6^e was -all ;right. Abont eleven o'clock . an. enemy or touched by human _ _ front as the largest : and : best .tions in .tkie sprkng. — the National .Portland Cement Co., the mother woke to find the place'full. hands; it -instantly -sits bolt upright;1. ; makers of the best .emnont in the practical training school in West of sttioke and dhe went downetxirs, turns its dreadful- face on its market. This. is the only cement ern Ontario:` We have' • three . de- . calling to Homer to follow. By this tormentor and shoots out of the top I . . . used by the corporation of . Clinton. partments :.. . . . Summerhill, Feb. 5th, 1390 time the fire hod gained considerahl.e of each horn a waving scarlet, sting- . .. . in the construction of .sidewalks, etc, • COMMERCIAL, S,90RTHAND .' . headway. on the .paper- and calling; ,like thread . —Mrs. T. R. Walker. 21:.:. TELEGRAPITYr La grippe is still amongst us but is around the pipe.. They then tried to . As a- rule, -the enemy retreats in drawin it mild, putout the flames, but finding it im- ,great• fright., believing it .is • about to All depaxtme,nts are in charge of llfra.. rainger and Mri;. -J: Manning possible, •the mother exclaimed, "the' be pou•need' iiponl bitten. rod stung ' 1. . .. . _._......._�, experienced instructors and. ' the have returned from nisiting•frfends in house is on fire ;:get the dhildren out, to death: Yet in sobhr .truth the art= . Colborne.: and rushed upstairs, followed by • the i bluf#. Its - • PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING AND courses are tllorou'gh.and practical.' #ul caterpillar :is .prActac ng . undersigned is Our. 'graduates ' 'secure' good osi- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller have re lad: She got as far as the Boor above terrible face is a false alarm, for it . Repairing.—Theg . d :fano Students g p turncd from visiting numerous friends and fell, overcome by the stroke, while , can.not bite or. strike hard enough to , prepared to do all kinds p tions. Studs t are entering every in and .around. Belgrave and Wing- . the boy. cotild not, get;urther tbittithde inflict a wound.; and tile' two' sting= , and organ tuning and repairing; and week. Write for. our free :catailo- ham. ' to of the stags. Horner thea rushe -.like scarlet .threads wave' about in the �' . befit a mat: of practical experience ue at once. Mr. Wm, J. •M•eBrieu bad a woodbee back out of doors for fresh 'air and.. aft without ejecting.spy poison. g g oo'.Wednesdayy the 27th ult., and got a throwing a blanket ,over his head roads is able to guarantee uatisfactaon. the long-legged spider—which; by . .. . . large quantity of mood cut. three vain attempts to reaEh leis' .moth, . oing �u Orders may, be left at V. R pp �y the bye, 1s no spider: at all -is another y' $ ,)hat Ufi : daehlan : • Mr, Chris, . Beacom gave his. foot er and the children who were lying un» th t .relies ;on . Holmes' drug store,—Ed. J. IHow t defenceless creature a g qulte.a gasb, with the axe wbile.en- conscious upstairs.: tie then,rettiened p, all the bluff. is in t1s.in . . . ' I and Ciintoa. PRINCIPALS ga ed in .:; litting a •winding block. outside and breaking the. windt?ws in "bluff. In this cos . Its ugly .legis._ - Considered as ''legs, I I I . . I . T1i8is will lay hir7a up %r some time. the upper storey, tried with the ,tid of • . Mr. John Ednieston is offering his A ladder, to reach.thein. Iiia attempts. they are wean.' ungainly liniba, easily, . . house and lot at a very- low figure- I in .this direction .were also frustrated broken, - and frequently in the crew- of B A•GRE NTSICHOOL understand he wishes to •move to by the dense clouds of smoke that B e.ss.. ... ture's wp, . .. I 'it tries. to crawl trsendsin the vicinity o1 Toronto.. were issuing.frorii the house. • hatch- through crevices. . NEW FIRM h[r.. Frank Silty wase visiting his' •ing up. an overcoat and .clad' only in ' Btit ail the woild is afraid of those . Great. in Reputatiotr, Results, • In - brother, G. 't . part of last week. He : that he then ran.quarter of a mile aver le Curls and boys run r.way from fluence and Thoroughness ! Now is left on - SatnrdAk, the 1st inst., for the frozen:groiind to. J. Howard's place them, - and every insect thinks that it . OF G RAIN DEALERS the time to enter the populaI.r Manitoba, to take .the its teach• and taking a horse from the stable rode must began uncommonly ferocious and . . er in a school near Winnipeg.; We to WrA. Johneton's, � another mile, terrible spider• to have such fright#UI. 6 ., already said • . SALE* . 4=OTT wish him success. where he gave the alarm, ,Yr, How.. .limbs: Yet, as hove a, y . The undersigned have secured the Mrs. Nelson Bingham and children ard; who had been spending the night not merely is it defenceless, but it is ' warehouse) formerly occupied '+ by a who were visiting friends in Michigan at .Johnston s,. event . iwtnediately: to not even. a spider. . �. for a -month, returned on- Friday, the. the scene of the fire and to arouse .the In a similar. way bee -flies play the. __ Mr.. W. G: Perrin and arta on .'th'o ON 24th.ult, ,neighbors. B this time.the root had • market Ior all kinds of grain for TA .ONTo. T. . g Y fool yvith their many faces. Silly little which the will a the hi hest fallen in, and. Mr, Johnston, realizing' •lies obey. are, if you only. understand y pay g.. that nothing.could be saved, hurriedly them properly. They don't -avoid be - and prepare . for •profitable employ= . drove to town to break the. terrible possible price. • ' ing snapped up by birds "and spiders �J a i0 -wear . Sui"ts 14 ment. Our graduates readily. obtain GoderieWidwuship, Feb; 5th, 18410 news to` the husband: In the mean• We putting Our Deady- . ^ good, positions. Our Handsome Cata- time the nei hbors had arrived an the some of them wear yellow coats just Q R AN CORN AND g N1rs: John T: Anderson of the Bap- g -,like ' wasps, . and others wear: brown . to ue is free., 4Vxite for, une to -da scene of the conflagration, but noth- coats lust like bees. g Y•' field line is ill with inflammationof the Gown to the lowest notch, and it will a Ou 't0 SHORTS students admitted. at any, ti2ne. Col- lungs:. We hope ..for her, speedy re ing.could:bedone; as the building was "If I dare to tackle that dreadful - . . already a smouldering hes of embers. . cover y 8 . P creature, I shall be stabbed to death," pay y ;. lege oipefi the entire year. Y• That the.unfortunats victims suffered We will keep on ` hand at our. Two young ladies were gathering says the timid little spider, who fs too . ' missionary money recently, and ever little or none is certain. a they would small to tackle wasps, but would read- btal ahead .for spring. warehousa a supply of Bran, Corn W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. y he urekiy rendered unconscious and . ' 1'amily,they:visited *ereafflicted with q fly overcome the. bee -fly if only he and Shorts. -Grain taken in ex-• Corner' Yonge and Alexander streets. la grippe or some other ailment, ' the boy Horner heard no. outcries, All could• .recognize 'it. I 'wish there change.. . . ' Mr. J. Q. Steep and family are at that was left of the five victims of -the were fewer wasps about. and more eh? P y M S regular $'T,50 Suits for $5.00. ' present suffering from the prevalent ,terrible fire thin could he found among {lies," says the: little torn -tit from his • epidemic. • • . the debris were a few charred remains. etch on a tree , ;as he surveys a gar it « Korner. aged 16, the only surviver of P l v.00 '7.60 (� eod Mr, Archer and family, new comers, the six inmates, teas badl burned den buzMng .with. bee -flies all pre- .ar a WINTER—are now comfortably settled- on the y tending to be what he does not eat. tc • ' ' 9 • . Symonds farm, about the lace and hands and is suffer- l 12 oo • ,' y .ing Many moths and butterflies deceive . ing from nervous shock. Mr. Engle I- " `� I . .SESSION .had but•afew .nionths ago come here their enemics by' pretending but, be i from big homestead nestr Battleford Withered weaves or .flowers, but, of . Rullett, Feb. 5th, 1800 and finding the climate more suited to course, a large number of i -of bare 15 a.a� i"✓.00: y+ Opens January 4th in all departr- • .. • the health of his wife, ' had decided to quite destitute of the art of bh ff. _ O 1. d e � +. _ N Ah BU•SI- Another pioneer has assed to his p. . `V 0u1 meats of the CENTRAL p stop and was, in the absence iii Mr Perha g the.most, prominent of t esb - NESS COLLECTS Yon a .and silent'reward. Mr. Hugh .UcBrfen Engles�n, who was visiting at Bayfield, ' is the house -fly, who may be describ- + g died at his residence' on the 13th eon., Ontario, occupying his house, The i ed as .the very pattern of foolish hon- .4CjQ� Gerrard . Streets, Toronto: Our on Friday lost, The deceased emigrat- greatest sympathy is felt for the aur- ! esty. ,. Boys'. and Three-piece Suit oal 1 \ ow Catalogue explains our superi- Pd to this country Froin Ireland about vivors and the nt+igbtiorbood is ex= One honest insect makes another.s • ority in Equipment, Staff, 40 years ago: and settled on the 10th pressing its•feeling in practical .efforts dinner, is the rule in. thb; insect . • A2ethods and .Results. You con., Gode•r ieh township. Some 20 ,tor the comfort of the stricken father .worlds and in eon, of his brat- d - i years after he sold the homestead and and son, its all their worldly posses- ' en -impudence and his ignorance of Regulai $2,50 Suits for. $1.50 i I Place our order for are invited to write for it 1f removed. to Missouri, returning in a , g binff the common house -fly is more y your g cions including aconsiderable amount cc cc supply of coal with fife Under- interested - in the kind of school short i line and settling on lot 6, 13th of cash, were in the building at the widely (,,',light and devoured by spid- 75 2.50 work - which brings best success. eon., Hullett. Mrs. McBrien died about time of the fire, ' evq, waaps, and birds than almost any signed and thus secure the low- Address W. H. SHAW, Pneslfttr 10 years ago, and some time afterwards other insect, it • 6G the deceased married a second time. 'Bluff is a useful art, Mind yon, ,it 5.00 '�' bo est price and prompt delivery. _ Ilia wife, nine children and two bro. • 6 is Office opposite Grand Trunk there still survive him—five sone at BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, iii not' hypocrisy or harmful m from t Ripley, two in Hallett. one in Oregon, bluff. It is simply a means of self- '7.50 5,00 passenger station. Telephone protoction against the slings and ar- CANTED Farmers Attention Mtii. Wru. Patterson in Hullett, -Mrs, Paris -is Fu11 of Them .and Nearly All' r+Yws of tl1r� coxld, an,cl only b^teats tc 1.0,00 `� i�7r50 connection. Carr in Colborne and two. single dau' Use Parisian Sage. havnif'nl Avlleti mixed un .with vanity . i —_ . _ _ FOR A T+'IRS'1'-CLASS JOB ghters, atid his brotliprs, Willbut, and — lames. The deceased was a lffe•Iorig r,tA wilful deception, which are quite - GO TO THE NEW DOUBLE ', In the bitty show at the metropol-, aifferrnt thint's. Gonservativp in politics Arid an Epieco- , •. PROCESS CHOPPINF MILS., palian in religion, lie was a good is two years ago Gold' Medals were J. Ham!! t0 NT T 'TO THE CLINTON LLE01 neighbor, kind husband and loving awarded to five different women, it ia` best to profit by the madness of r� TRIC LIGHT STATION, father. atl_ t.--L'll!irt. cad Pants, Vest.. & Ft rnishing , WE USE THE COMBINATION BOOM PROCESS EVERY THING GROUND TWICE OVER, CAPACITY. THIRTY IIA:GS PER HOUR.. RUNNING 'EVERY DAY AND CHOPPING, HONE WHILE" YOU, WAIT, WE,ALSO ROLL OATS, 'GRIND FLAX AND MAXE-•WHEAT AND CORN MEAL, • LET US GRIND YOUR NLX.T GRIST` AND NOTE 't`>IE liIP- PERENCE. WE TRY' TO Ar.- COMMODATO OUR CUSTOMERS AS PAR AS POSSIBLE, . JONATHAN BROWN 00A11 l... ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $1 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED' AND PAID' F'OR BEFORE NTA Y 31st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENT.' A TON, 'wTLL >31 ALLOWED. nrilorii left at DAVIN & RAWl4hd16 will be tironiptly .attolided to, .` !''.. FlY"�rtii1 I- 13enmiller, Fah. 5th. 1890 Miss Williams, the great evangolistio woman, delivered an interesting ser. anon here a couple of Sundays ago to a To the most beautiful woman be-, . -�' - tween 20 and 25r, between 25 acid 30,;'-. 4Cina. Edward as a Collector: between 30 and 35 i between 36 and lain;; 7,;(i.wpr.ri•is very fond of colledt- 40 and' between 4.0 and' 45, it•,ir various things, awl he is said to I hive Jlio fin.nst privi't0 rollc.tHMI of A society reporter who interviewed fruits. in 1,110 world• ATnnv of diose, all five women in the interest of his 1vt,r^ ,oro—vis. and nun 0f t11p finest , . • - at Clearing Sale Prices. . "' - . goodly number present. Revival meetings Are now being Car• Pied on in the Gorman ellurch. under the care of Rev. Mr. Murdock. and it papers, reported that all of them had r,f dint', P.11 was n gift fr0yrt Ding Ln') - utifu hair, and that each of -the five wild of the Tlelgians. But. nrob+ibly biro I ai , itis IVfaiest,y's most remarkable collet.- enthusiastically attributed her luxuri His . C►have Is , i the wish if many friends that they , r.onsists of the . programs of all ant hair to Parisian Sage, th.er,trea and oi)erP,c at �vhieh he Ih,,,a: E6. a good reaping. flit formanyyears Miss Cragip, Malstarit teaeber in the bean pr^sent post. W, S. R, Holmes • sells Parisian 'Th( -.4o numb^r some hundrods, and . Public school here, wile Called upon tt sou le of weeks ago to i,ttend the fnri tea 1pof o rein t dep[trted Sage for 50 cents a -large bottle. He g g form rine of wile most ittt++resiing. re- guarantees It, to cure dandruff in twd conic of t11e theatre in existence. Par- T n�+� . 1 Ver a ,cloak t ve, who thln.lifel, in f#clderieli. We are ploagod ter learn tilat Mr. weeks • to stop falling h E'dwatd used to collect i p g air and itch- merry; icing � y • thentrienl posters, but latterly be )tad iii of the scalp. It makes an tyoni m , Elliott, principal of the Pubtio ttcharit tins hair beautitui, ;sofa and iuituri. given them uti. . .. ............... . .....- bele, to hgain r<hlia 'to tdlte charge of Ant, , D �i % I - - � . � _. A. ------- - -r