The Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-04, Page 1r M r • 0 SHIPPING POTATOES. BAPTIST- CHURCH. THE LOCAL MARKET. . MANS: HAPPY RETURNS.rti New Adve lciemonts Mr. A. Cantelon shipped a carload 'The Pastor Will -Preach on Sunday Wheat 92e to 94c. Mr. W. Jackson, one at the most Five Bargains-�P. 1Ri .Gi..--4 of potatoes from Loodeshoro' yester-• next. His subjects will be : Morning, fiats $7e, to 39c. progressive and popular citizens of February 1 ' a +� br r S day to Hailesbury. He paid thirty The call of Abram , evening, ,Day- Peas 81c to 8$c. Clinton, is today celebrating the 51st Valenti es - W.. Cooper aCo.- 4 cents per bushel. id and Goliath. Barley 50c to 63e. anniversary of his birthday. Tly@ Klondyke Tabled Hodgens �8 The Ladles' Mission Circle will meet) Butter 20e to 21c. RE APPRECIATES IT. at the home of Mrs. James. Tuc)cer .on Eggs 230•to 24c. THE 13I CHIEF ILL. ew Spring Suitings--M. & C.-•-1 G C p uq �►+ Tuesday eventn ' next at 8 o'clock. Dress Goods Time --Couch *% Co. --4 ' In renewing his sub far a year in y Live Hags $0.50. ' ' y - nual Statement -Royal Bank -0 Chief W.(catle has. been confined to 39th tAn advance Mr. W. E. Graham of gar- A BUSINESS CHANGE•, his home through illness since Mon I.eavin Town sale--Plumsteel Bros -A tette, Mich., 'writes ; 'We eertainly� ti CIIALT,INGE, day evening and Sergeant Welsb bas g would not like to do without The Messrs, T. T. and Bert. Murphy, Who: Not being satisfied with the result to .combine his duties with those of "- �?afcl���� '�lti���a er���r ,. but �lar�� g "* News -Record which kceps us so well for the past ten months have been of the game of carpet balls of last the Chief s. $� field.• rindu¢rvare� pasted in the happenings of our old l conducting a butchering business, have Fxiday, night, we, the members MUST FIRST PAY Dk.k3TS, home .county, ai>id which reaches us so disposed of the same to Mr. Samuel of I. O. P„ challenge . the C. O, The Women's institute will hold its regularly," Castles who gets possession next -Mon F, to. another game to, be played on The, Centre Huron license commis- next meeting at the home of Miss L, day. They dial a large trade and only any night .that they may say,.. We acid stoners met last week and organized Cameron. Members are expected to The • - AT THE ALLE3i, q that there be a referee and scorer for with Mr. hoover as chairman and come prepared : t take •n the quality rip $ ° People of good` sold in consequence of Mr. Bort Mur, haying, made u his mind to spend P P , 4 to part i judgment and dillis a caw it c'�nvined. you Stanley township defeated Tucker- f p each rink, secretary, The hoard decided not to discussions on the''sutrjects 'Character that we are falx and square, " smith at the bowling ,alley .on Satur the next few months in tide West and make any transfers of license until Building" and "Milk, it's food value day afternoon last b fort his brother can not spare the THEY SELF WELL, first paid all loeil and it's dangers." ' 1' Y y pins, the the. holder has scores being as follows ; time from his growing, implement bus- During the past few weeks Mr,. W. -debts, Miss Ella May Burgess, who was at. iness to carry it on -alone, y g Tuckersmfth :--J, Hunter 274, : G, J. McFadden sold five Doherty organs DOCTOR OF SA(,RUD 'rHEbLoGY, one time a resident of this village, Turner 226, W. Swli�tiank 203, W. WQgD1V(EN QFFICERS. in the township: of Bentinck. This died in the House of Refuge on Tues - Grant 199,. A. Torrance 155--1057. speaks well for the ability of the The bvangelist Albert A. Walsh, M, day morning of this week. :-. g , The following are the officers of a growing Popularity , on of Mr. Edward 1t'alsh of the Mr. Pinkey of Berlin it 'the guest Stanley. C..1~ Dowding 292 J, In- l7 .gent and the rowii of A. s nes 250, W. Glenn 201, R. Pearson CamP W. 0, W. for the current term the organs, as they were all sold in London Road, has received the degree of bis wife's parents, ;1 i,; and Mrs. wnrvier and �pdician, .. G"lintsin 210, Taylor 1G�4--1117, as installed by P. C. C. Crich : - the same neighborhood„-- Durham of `'Oester of Sacred Theology” from Daniel Macdonald. On Friday last Goderich and" Ciiu-• Councillor Commander, 1I. B. Ker Chronicle, the Potomac University, Washington, Messrs. Robert. McMurray and D. Adjvisor Lieutenant, R. A. fell r�arisn. ton again tried conclusions in two _ C. Mr, Walsh is now carrying on C, Galbraith attended•,•., the annual ...`., gamys, the scores being as follows : Clerk, W. Cook C2ILIJBRATE 12th CLINTON. successful services at Wellington in ! Clerk T. Cottle g meeting of the South FIuxon County ---- , the state of Maine.' 1st game-Croderieh-Thompson 290, i ,The South Huron. County L. •p, L. L. O', L. at Exeter oil Tuesday. Escort R. Sweet 'PiT�iggins 317, Bates 297, McGaw 301- ' was, held in Exeter on -Tuesday With • Watchman Jas, Gook ro RED FACED AND JOLLY., I The Prof. Curtis' MecYfcine Co,, who INCORPORATED 1869 1211, Clinton -Graham 251, McTag- probably the largest attendance in Sentry, A. McCreary have• been giving ..concerts and selling gait 279, hoover 329, Ball 271 3 Z30, years. The different •eports were The following is an extract from a •their medicines during the past week 2nd--Goderich--Thsompsor! 263, Wig. Board of Managers, Ar. Ball, Dr.. considered very satisfactory. The dis- letter received by Mr. James FiLir, in the villa 0 left o ' Evans 'and• Jas, Fair, „ g , n Wednesday for gins. 312, Bates 335; McGaw 235--5145► cussion on 'Where shall we celebrate from .his old Goderich township friend, Brucefieid,. Clinton-- st • 318, McTaggart 326, The Camp unanimously voted the the 12th ?" vias brief and to the Mr. Robert >3eacoin, who is now tem , Mr. and Mrs. Wyllie Clerk an additional five dgllars to m Heard were int THE BOY41 09N.K. O -f Jaeoi'is 209, Potts 295--11.18•; • P point, and by a unanimous standing. Poraxily sojourning with friends in Clinton on. Tuesday. ow its appreciation of his excellent vote Cj31 tgn was chosen. The election Wichita, State of Kansas : 'AI ,am The Guild of. Trinity Paid -Up Capital ii;3,OW.O04. Reserve $4.800;000 Y. X. C..A, CONVENTION: work. y ihurch purpose Tatar Assets' - - - - - $$0,470,000 of officers resulted as follows feeling fine And (Tandy, better than 1 Riving a concert in the town hall on HEAD OFFICE. MONTRRAL. The annual county convention of. P13BIiIC SCH001: REPORT.. Master, W. Coursey, Lucan have felt for mouths, This air seems Friday evening, Feb. 14th. one .of the` Huron Young Men's, Christian Associa- The following is the ear Deputy' D. C: Galbraith, Bayfield to agree with me. The •people here features. of which will be a 1a en- tion meets in Wingham on Mond of x ' ' g r. p t of a pro Reo.-Secretary, .P• Cantelon, Clinton are a fine set, They are Haig and fat, titled, "The .Old Maid's Association." We draw your attention t0. the .annual and Tuesday. next, Delegates will be m ton examination held this •month Pin.+Secretary;, D.• S, Cook, Clintons reel -faced and . ?illy. I was today . in Don't forget the charity o a ion• g troduced .to the biggest g y ball and At entertained while in.Wiagha,ni if theyfin the 5th division of _the Public Treasurer, Adam Cantelon, Hnlines- gg t banker in the home ins the town hall on Friday,ev- statemcent of this Bank Which Is ub= notify Mr. L. C. Fleming„ Clintor�schooI. From Sr, 1I, to Jr. TIL, vitro State, the president of a three -nail- citingunder the auspices p es of the Vera -marks obtainable 680.: Harriet Can- ,Cha lain W, Lewis Crediton lien Bank. Give nl best respects to best club, lawery body welcome ad immediately; On Wednesday, follow- felon 548, Lloyd Rico 54a, Milton D. of C., G. Vanderburg, Porter's all m old chums in town." P e ' ing the convention, the county com- r Y mission 50 cents, Streets 632 Frank Penaebaker. 532 Hill t fished on page.5.. mittee will conduct its one -day finaur:Doreen Stephenson 527, Francis Rey' .Lecturers Ii 1VlcMurra a fi ld T , + Miss Annie, Sturgeon lust on Satur- cfal. campaign of the county: All the + , y, B y e , 0 IO ST. CIIGR,CH.. (lay for Berlin where she has' secured :. principal places in the county will .be nerds .5.,7, Gifford Beaton 520, Irene John Ford, Clinton, ONTARIO. A ' a position. Cole 510,, Norval -McLean 516, Foster Among those present from Clinton Rev. Geo: Btiggpn of Seaforth, who , Mrs. Green is visiting her t canvassed that day. A budget of $1,-� Copp 500 Sheldon Towns d 500 react ed • h- g dough er •800..is needed for the conduct of the work this' ear of which $360 is Cl*- Y on•it I. en Wilfred. Crich 49G, Mervin E11iott 486, were , D. S,. and Josh. Stook : John Noble, John •.Ford, . Peter _Cantelon, P t �viI such -acceptance in On= Mrs, Vansione of ,Gorrie it.present.' faire 'St. church 'last Sunda, y is 77 • Mr. James 1Vlarlts; tons share The work is going verylMargaret satisfactory in the - five organizations Bernie Hall 4$6,• Clinton Cook 486, Walker 448.: On trial Ar- Dat'id Barr, W, Steep and F, Cutler. MATCHES. Years old. IIe . -will be heard with • , who spent the asurc at any £attire. time those past few months U. er the parental y. roof left for his home Colorado of the county now, there being . over ld Glazier 488, Edwin Judd 432, Sloman 386 Eddi. HOCKEY at w�ll heard him. on Sunday. i Springs i the state Colorado oa 200 yousng men and. boys ;already rvho are members: Clinton did nobs . i 1,nivoille McDonald 3'69, Failed : Vera Trick 352, Clarence On Friday evening last the•' . South F.iid :team defeated the l;nitting sac- At the meeting of -the League on :of g I+ridgy, l st, Monday evening Rev, . A2r, Charles- the matter of financial support 'last I Pinch 333.--I,: Stevens, Teacher. ; tory by la 1:o 2. :. .. t;'orth gave an itttetesting grid instruc-) ----- --=- -.-- year and if ,every one will do :his. parts 'be'au WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. .. • South l��ndiers Knitters I ' tiV a address. Mr. C, Hawke pies'AN . Principal Hartley defi.ver Varna. it will easy matter to raise this amount. The committee have ap'- Al. Doherty, J: 'Lev The regular meeting of the ;,(Minton s T.. C>`reTg N6.' $iggins I will aii � address to • the League . on Monde ev- y At the meeting of the, township pointed• •eight local men as their rep- xesentatives who will wait upon the Branch of the, Woman s Itrstitatle 'was D. •Look A. Steep held at the Home of Mrs,. John John- W. Carlin D. en}lig next., , . council cin Monday. Mr. William Stn i Rev. « T.. Kerr conducted anniver- dill was people on Feb. 10th for their. stdscrip- � g Cousins stone, Rattenbury, street, 'on' `Thurs- W. Pinning W. Le in ton g P' .g ' „• appointed' assessor at a sa - Isary .sei�iccs in lrlisartburg last ary of sixty dollars, twenty lrsa than Sabbath, bora: Let everyone do his part to ltecp this, grand. work. going until it. day afternoon of last. week. There j T. Walker E. Britton was an unusually lirge.attendance,.l I;, Dunford, (Carat.) W: Kcnned'y(Captlj Evan clisi, �IcIlartl opened his , predecessor received. '; hri a were s y ' Y t } d revival five applicants, 1VIc • aezn 'r Q } + reaches every one of Huron's 16000.; oun men and bo s Y, g y about fort being Y g PxesenU including. --15 several visitors ten of whom became On. Saturda l Y ' afternoor>r. elle South s ,rvic , , os. e e in r Ie, aford last Sunda The , , Y' Baird Thomas Nicholson, Frank keys . ncthe't1 i "A number sand 'Winint' >Si'agdilt. The '• MEETING O> TOWN COUNCIL: members at' this,meeting. After the, EiWers goose -egged the forth Eliders, usual opening a cercises c:ne. of ' Ilie'; tare score, n a being 1 to 0. ntc1ti5ay( (ars council t t .ng feel arecl their assrci I -passed a bylaw empowering the treas- pairpose to lead better lives. Mr, Me- ' urer, to borrow ' There .were two divisions at Mon-�meliibers . gave a good. demonstration. .Solitlr Enders North I�.nders . Har $1,000 from t_h ,t -_ 1 d� is iL strung interesting speaker .ling Bank. The •auditors' r o t er Boning a fish." Tliis: was much Al. Dohcrt wio Wows -how to tell astory,well.' eW r was dap, night's meeting of ,tlie own coon i Y. Roy l� arrester Passed and the . treasrir��r's sureties ! enjoyed.. by all present;" Na doubt • W, Carlin W. Ttvitc TIc. opens serf }ccs in Ontario succi aece tett. cfl: The 'first. was .oar the question . of I church on�. Feb: 14 h. deputation th 1 their husbands will, reap` the. benefit 6. Kilt V. came hell petitidn -and e sa ary pard the clerk-treastcrer, Y . L. Graham a e fromthe..Babylori line. in rega'rd . REAAYMADE ORDERED : F by fraying boneless. fish served to. N. Cluff F: - i t For years he ,has been receiving :$350 �. Runiball �`nnn�r l o .a certain tall . rail fence ' whichl pp,,� 'r ut h in future. Mrs, Asjiley. of Londesboro' T. W lker ; i catis CLOTHING 111UL111J OU CarOQkS CLOTHING. b the' .committee recommended a.! L Greg � es the snow to -drift badly. The followed with a very, excellelat address' J. bevy lr. 'Coo]; Stanley ,TOWIlship (pet:tionwes. would -like` t se raise of $100. To this Councillors ' �s 1 on iiow 'to.� remote and. utilize ' the l re E. Duntord. Forrester fence substituted, wr Cooper, Holloway and Taylor object „ I - x R An adjourned mectiri of -the Dis- Institute. Many , valuable sugges- g . o e a ed, but the mayor, reeve and Council- tions were given and instances uoted'ST.'PAiJL''S G'HURCII. -O triet L, U. L. of Stanley was held in number from here attended , the •est - A fors Ford, Graham and. •Jackson, out; . q ' t'axna on Monday last tivhen the. fol- anniversary services in the the: , that should help the members to be j 1'lie Y. 1, • meetfn on Tuesda lowin orers were a oiitted ran church, I'dlsgreen, on' -Sunday..' ruled them.. The second disvision ap 'bettex .wives,..inotfiers and home-mak= g' Y $ Pp Special services are being held pointed Dr. Thompson _ to, attend the.. evening was of a religious nature, the ' • Master'; Wm, Ralliweli gin .the incetin f. the Association, for the ers as. well as housekeepers. Mrs, topic being "'I he period, of widenin • Deputy,Geo: Beatt Methodist. church this week,' �w g Q Ashley was listened to. tvftli the great- J influence in: the. life. of Christ." taken R-ec,-Secretary", Donald �P►revent}oar_ of Consumption, which will est fritexest from .start to fiti151r„ tnan •Y, Wald Galbraith be held in Toronto shortly.; Y (by. Mr., A, A. Hill On the evenin of Fin. -S cr(t r c a - _ expressing hg L. B .ala t wish thatY, c P w � ld a..Y e g won b the 16th- in ++ • The street .committee .recommended favored with; another of . her excellent i St: a Mock: Parliament Treasurer, J. W. Reid The ROyal s Distinction r r 1 -the. removal' of the telegraph pole at addresses in the near future. The f will be held for which there will he Chaplain, Rev, Mr.' 1•iinds9 U i tin( the postoMee, the, trimming of shade meeting was then closed after Which the . following caste Lecturer, R. *Murray. Gains All Along the 'Line --The Pro- trees to a uniform height, the remov- h , Speaker, Mr. John Ransford D. <of C., C; eo, Sterlin , l . fits . an'd -Business Loads Both : ��,�, the hostess served a dainty, luncheon;: g . SP al of unnecessary trees and that Mr.•'ten-1Prime Minister, 117x. J. McLeod Miss Clara; Richardson spent Tues Increase. The thanks of the meeting was i Attorney -Genera -1 Mr. IT; T. Rance day' at the home of Mr. L. Clarke. 'The Royal Bance is the one .institu- - .. H. Hili be given the contract for re- dered to Mrs, Ashley, for her very aiii,le I Postmaster '14Ir, A. A, H'il Mr. Matthew v moval of snow irom the walks at 35 address, also to Mrsy Johnston for . ' � 4 h � Bates of Goderich ti n all e on which has made increases i cents per hour for -one row, 50 cents Minister of Public Works, Mr, Hee- spent Monday, and 'luesday'renewing the essential items' . of a bank, state- P her kind entertainment, for Grigg. Mont. Its annual re Never in the history of rhe. business have we for two and 75 amts for three plows; gg old acquaimtances in this neighbor- port is distinctive shown such a large and well assorted stack of Suit The report _was adopted, WESLEY CHURCH, Minister. of. Education, 'Mr. Ciarenee hood. , in the fact that it' shows increased The cemetery committee asked for I Missionar anniversar services wer Copp Mr. and Mrs. B: Rathwi 11. Mr, 1� profits ; increased current loans a ings, consisting of the newest, shades and materials, I. y y el Wal -4 and power to plant more..trees.on the:easi� lietd, in Wesley church on Sunday last, Leader of Opposition, lvlr. John ter Rathwell.and his sisters, %isses increased deposits -last year durilidthet • . imported from the best and most reliable makers., side, of God's, Acre ; it was granted In the morning . the pastorpreached Hartley• Cora and Mabel sent last •Tuesda depression the Royal made ,what look g P i ++ Doing an extensive Western business 1n addition to ahem• from the• Parable of the Lev ` Only local topics will are, discussed:' evenin at the home of Mr, , ll' `Y ed like a good' times record but dur- a en. lie g Wa lam . our local trade, enables 'us to. carr one of the lar est The Thresher .Company bonds whfch spoke of t{iie work' of race in the'Mr. 'Hector Grigg •will introduce a bill Rothwell, ing the. year of failing bank profits it . are. now some weeks overdue will be huma heart d h i , dealing -.with waterworks, and they: Miss Ma ie C k ,. has made even further • advances: stacks in western Ontario. . Buying in large' quaniti- a d an the universal spread, ad' r gg lar a has returned I3< p i by the town, was the decision .ar- of the gospel -among. the nations of+ e e of the opposit.on one on Wom from visiting fr*ds•.fn• Hensall, :.. shows' the largest percentage of profit 7 . ties also enables us to. sell at_ much closer prices than rived, the necessary amount to be tak- ,the earth. In the eveninga platform 1 an Suffrage: The speech from the irTr, Jas: Barret has gone Home to of any bank thus far reporting, being P p g 19.1.2 per cent. Another 'most inter - most tailors, the Chistomer. getting a much larger as- en irolii .the surplus, In speaking to meeting was -held by Messrs, A. T, throne will be given by 112x. McLeod. Petrolia after spending a• week with• P I the question the xeeve said that to, Cooper and R. .Holmes; The choir T 'F.: C, his sister and• other . friends;. tie spent' esting feature of the, report is the sortment to choose from. foreclose the mortgage would cost rendered in good style missionary an- O: F. THE WINNERS, the past summer in Saskatchewan andi amount of business loans which now about $200 and the advice of the soli- thems, `and Misses Boles and Full sang The concluding games for the pen-� thinks it, is just the country for a stand -at $26,730,164 'compared with citor .was that there was no particu- very sweetly an appropriate • duet, Prof. nant in the, carpet ball competition j young man, $259662,931 a -year ago. An Increase The,new goads are now in stock,and* We Will be lar reason for -doing so at present. Brown of Exeter resided at the or were Ola ed on Thursda and Frida ( Mr. IVluldoon of Hartney, M4 R. is of nearly, a million dollars. pleased to show them if you. favor us. with an early With this Councillor. Taylor could gari and delighted the, congregation, evenings last, on the former evening here for the winter. After. visiting' Lost year when this item was as a ` not 'coincide. He would foreclose .the with his magnificent plapfltg• Tho' in Court Maple. Leaf hall and an Frig around his old' home in McXillop for general rule showing a tendency to de - call we can show our range at its best. mortgage And take over the property. large congregation remained for the da at the meeting lace of the. cline the ro ell an in- . p p y, g! y g p I some' time he came out last week to yal• bank reported Ae different municipal officers W6re'reeital and were unanimous in their F. in the Combe block, The firsts see his old friends, Mr. Morrison, and crease of nearly $3,000,000.. The loan W' No Trouble to 5hO Goods appointed as follows expressions of demonstration, both � game was won by the 1.0. F., both family. item is this years notable feature Clerk and Treasurer, D. L. 'Mac- for the Professor's playing and the rinks being up, but the C. O, F. tuxn- Miss XeC}inchey of Adelaide .is vis- just as in 1907, when deposits were Pherson, $450 and $7 for each quality and tone of the organ.. ed the tables at the next evening and iting friends here and in 11linton:shrinklug generally this institutioo ex - sidewalk bylaw drawn. The members of the 4worth F,ea-,won out by one. The "Indians" were Bast week three of Mr. Thomas liib>ted a substantial gain in the de- Chief; ete, etc., Jos. 11 VhaaVey;y$450.1 ue entertained the members of the inclined' to question the :Lccuraey of Rathwe}1's children were taken down Posits. The profit and loss ,account Nightwatchman, Etc,, Relit. ` alsh N'. M. C, A, on Monday wening. The the scoring and asked for another ser- with a severe attack„ of ptomaine compareld with last year as follows : W e have secured the services, of Mr. McIntyre Assessor, 'Thos. Cottle, $85. school room was well filled with , les which we understand, the C. 0. poisoning, but tinder the skilful care Profits ...............$746,775 $742,0$4 of Toronto, who i8 an up-to-date and. first-class Cut- Cemetery Superintendent, 0. Crich, young people.. The following program F's. do not feel disposed to play,: Mr. of Dr. Rogers they, are nearly all s 1,908 :1907 $375. was iven : + p g g Balance forward... 154,910 74,875 ter, and comes to its highly recommended b theEngineer,g Thomas Cottle was an rm artial ref rr lit a ain. .eree and Frank Evans and Tom Manu -i A number from here attended the g Y 0. Johnson, ices. Instrumental duct • Misses Ruby i leading tailors in Toronto and MontreAl, having held M. 11.. 0., Dr. Shaw, $30, Cook and Gladys Cantelon than the scorers, The contest through- funeral of the late J. C. Stoneman in 903,685 816,909 positions in both cities as ctltter, Poundkeeper, R. MenAell, fees, Address by R. Holmes. on 'British l out was interesting and was witness- Hensall last Tuesday. General sym- i Appropriated as follows,:- posThe officers and • members of the fire Columbia. ed by quite a large number of citizens. pathy is held with the friends of the Dividends ........,.$390;000 8901000 brigade are ti Instrumental duet, Messrs. U, E. The players and scorers were a$ loll- deceased who was respected and be- Officers' Pension Chief R, A. Downs 15. Fund ., 25,000 20,000 N. S.yMr.`IVlexntyreottended the International Chef' , � ball ane P. Andrews. awe . loved by alt. , ......... Chief, J. II, Kerr, $15. Address by John Bartley on Quebec. .Thursday On Thursday the funeral of the late Written off proul. 200,000 210,OC101 Cutters, Oanventlon In Toronto last week, , And els Engineer, S, Pratt, $60, Instrumental solo,. Miss Merle Moorei• 010. F, 1. 0, P. Mrs. Chas. Jinks togv place and was Transferred to now thoroughly posted ill- the latest Crgation8 ill Assistant James Howe $30. Reading, Miss Edna Turner, ,000 �, y p , g E. Finch A. ConfiEf largely attended, She leas been sof-� Reserve ............. 210. fashion for spring. Stoker, Jos. Ryder, $25, Aldd'ress by James Scott on the E. Munro J. Cdok feting from anaemia for over a year Bala'sice • forward 78,685 156,900 Lieut., J. Finch, $15. Maritime Provinces, 1, Dodd M. C. Kaufman and at last succumbed to • its fatal Secretary, 1.1, Glazier, $15. Instrumental solo, Miss Mary Chantf ill, Glazier ••-14 T, Graeifs --18, effects, leaving a •;husband' and little $903,685 $816,909• Treasurer, 1I. Bartliff, $15. heading, Miss M. Davis, AL C4raelis C. Oliver son one year old the day of the fun- The reserve fund now stands at; $4,- rt Flreme11-rL, paisley, %i. >t remlin, H. Instrumental solo, Miss Lena Ilolmeg J. P. Sheppard J. J. ;!Macdonald oral, father aind' brother", Mr. and Mrs. , 600,000 compared with '& capital of ci 1 S al` Dia ij'' +��+ 1l,sf McBrien, R. Welsh, W. McRae, W. ltea'ding, Miss P. Cunninghame. T. ll. Johnson W. 'Walker G.eo, Alair, besides two brothers and $3,000,000. The quick assets Are H Wheatley, N. Kennedy, J, J. Mac• Instrumental solo, Miss I. Uoloaw r J. Finch -•-.1:8 0. Crich ••-•20, four sisters, David, Station agent, � 52,03 of the public liabilities and' the donald, W. Marlow, E. Finch and Refreshments were then served Friday Locknow, Melvin of the Forest City cash reserves are 27.53 per cent. of L. Lawson, which brought a verb ctuloyabie entez» J. P. Sheppard C.• Oliver ,,. Business College, London, Mrs. MAk- these liabilities. It is worthy of nate - The following resolution was unan- tainment to a close. Josh Cook M. 0. KaufMan Ins of Detroit, Mich., Mrs, Webl er And that while 'there is 110 Government S H �j�` fin0usly adopted : That the elerik be Fellowship meeting next Sunday at. T, 15, Johnson A. Conlift Miss Dora of London, and Miss Ern- stipulatfon, in Canada fit regard to. M0� I A 0% fnstrueted to eorrespond with the Bell' 10 o'clock, J. Finch x•23 J. cook Y 12. ma at home, all of whom who reside at reserves;, the percentage in; this easo . Telephone 00. regarding living them Tjlie pastor will preach at 'both ser- 1. , Pinch T, tltuetis a distdnce were bonne before her death. Its considerably above the legal amount Stu,cc�co>i tcw�id ens lf,oa�• E. g clothing Start a franchise for the town at . & ststed vicos on Sunday; 1x40„ Itis ovef�ing r Mulrro 0. crir h Much sympathy is felt for the s��ingt ' required by the U. S. Government by _..... Price and a certain nuhtber of tree subject will be "'l'. a %Attire and ruin- W. 9, It. 1101MA W. Walker Ing friends in the loss of fiueh.a beau- Its east -bound and less effootive bank l>linnes. ,t5tty :of Ailgcla,'r All ire wlelcome. H. Gilaxier -15 J. J.Haedpnald ifltiful young lite, Ing Post..