Clinton New Era, 1909-06-10, Page 8M.,
We want to sell this big stock, and sell it
,bquick, We
know it isa big undertaking, but we
elieve the people are appreciating the values we
are offering. You. save on everything you buy,
and you are getting good, honest merchandise
0 Cv 1 .1
me T IsZ re
co , to 'h 510.
Here's a New Lis-A,'which.. Is
Readyfor you to=day.
65c Dress Goods, 45c,
1000 yqr4s newest Dress. Goods, suitable for any.
time of the year. in ail coLgrs and R�qths, The very
best standard 60c, 05o and 75c qualitiesl, The ent!re 45a
lot on sale at per yard .... A .........................
Dress Huslinso 1.9c
500 yards fine Dress Muslingr in polora of
brown, tan, pink, sky, hello, etc., in a, 161; of the
season's very newest designs. Splendid. Value at
the regular price of 25c and 35o, setting whe� you
need them at ................. ... ....... 190
Fine New Dress Huslins., 10C.
You'll likely have to hurry to get these,. as they are ex-
ceptionally cheap.
600 yards Dress Muslins, in soing beautiful
little designs, suitable for dresses, dressiiig sacques,
etc. You'll be surprised when you see ttiem,
Per yard ............. .......... .......... 100
$iS and $041.5o'Rain Co*ats. at
For years we have enjoyed. a'.sple,ndid Rain
Coat business, and always.sold them RIGHT in
price. To—day we can sell you' Coats.for the price
of the cloth alone. Here are two good ones
15 only women's fine 'quality genuine English
Oravenette Rain Coats', tnade'in. six different
styles. Every one 'brand bleW. Regular $13.50,
$15 and',$16.5U, each, gale price .......... s. - -$7150
25 only Women's- English Oravenett6 Rsin
Coats, in seven pretty styles 3 4F 7,8 and full, length,
all good, servicable colors, . V��.cannocbuy better..
Coats anywhere at $10.00 each.. -.0n. sale while they,
last at ........ ............... ... $5200
Spring Coats at, $349 eachlP
We "Ve about a dozen little -Spring Coats, of .
which there is on one of a kind. Regul
. iAr $7.50,
each, If yc Wind your'size, buy theni. at, $3129�'
Great Reductions in
Cloth Skirt
We can give you a real good bargain in . A
Cloth Skirt. We have too' man
y kinds to. quote,
but if you -need-'an, -extra, Sklit)
, we, can
suit you. %
Great Reductions In lTnderskirts, Whitewcai., Lawh and
Silk Waists, Wrappers, Golf Coats,'etce.
35e and 40,e Ribbons, t9e.
Hqndreds,of yards of'wid6 Silk'Tgffeta Rib -
bobs, in every wanted shade. Just the thing for
hair bows, trimminge, etc. Regulai'.up, to 400. 9
Clearing at ....................... .......
Me Lisle Glovesq 21c,
150 pair Women's Lisle Gloves" i� blacki chain -
pain, cream. white and grey. Made with two dorne
fasteners. Clearing now at per pair .... ............ .216
]Everything such as Hosiery, Xid Gloves,
Summer Underwear, Corsets, etc., all, being:. Wd
at low prices..'
Four.Big Underskirt Ba- ,ain
All.thie -following Skirts are made. fro m good.
fine cotton, . and an extra -full.. E'veryone -is-., a re:-.
markable Bargain.
85e White Underskirtv, E abroldery trill for 69c
$1.50 White Underskirts, for .......................... ... 98C
$1.60 and $1.75 Fine White Skirts,
$1.1.75 Mot White.Underskirtgo for . .. . ........ $1,49
We are clearing all kinds of White'wear, some of
which we have only a few garments of a kind,
Staple Dry Go6dq allbehRg s6ld'at lowest
prices. -The.v inehide Print,4. IS
I _ki r _0 I 19 99
CottODS4 Pillow t3otx
tOU4, FIannelil, Flannelette, Linons ilf.all
kin4s, Sat
LOC41 Noticesif
THREE -HOUR -SALE this- Friday and
900=0.,gr and Bauarvlutw: 11110two
J gr
Used Dail, add No
y ightly
'04 ".1" Vol,t,,l dol0tu:
_y took advantage, of last wee s three-
ot In roltea f resO.
LOok Sightly)
DR. OVENS. 110114on, Surgeon, Ocu.
advertised Is marked down, to Wholesale
list. will
U�te a DIal 1 swt,, be at W. S. W
. , ru vs. On utle
economical tl�ying. Don't miss this chance
18th. Gloosea 1pr iperiv flXdVd"ey8,t1vu'6'1!
to save money if pou need any of the follow-
ing rticles. Salc prices strictly cash.
And, falling eyesight treateds
Priced Slightly
Allof which refers. to our HAMMOCKS,
OLINTON, ONT, . 3 UNU 10, 19M.
We know of no better outdoor comfort
AT ODDERICEL—Moudi*y, the fol-
during the� heited term. Supplying a 41
'Fin nton 14therals attended the
i Vit"Vourion AsaoclationatOoderich:
cool spot where to recline in pure and
Dra. Shaw, Guun %nd Agnew andMes-
see. W. Paisley, J. Smith, F. Jackson,
healthful, air. -Our prices are as low as is
J. W.' Irwin, ThoR, McKenzie, P. A.,
M044wen and W. H."Kerr,
in keeping with the quality, and our
HAVE YOU —There 4re still a num,
ber.6f subscribers to TsF. NEW 14nA
stock well assorted in color, length and
who. Imme not renewed their subscrip.
tionsforlOW. If you have overlooked
so kindly give the matter your
immediate uttention. Wawanb.every
subscriber to be paid. in advance fox
1910, Send in r neighbor's name
with your zenows, - I
% W10 D. Fair eo.
A. Moore and family left Clinton
Wedn--sd ' or Winnipeg, moving
their house old eff"ts also,wbere they
join Ale. Moore, who has a 'lucrative
situation there, and is. much taken, up
with the'country. Mi:q. Moore was
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. R. J,
Townsend, who goes to Nesbit, Map.,
whe:esie will visit lndeflni�e)y witti
dauguterf Mrs. Josiah White,
WILL 1JERAIN IN TOWN—Mr. J Ltttle'Locals
A GOOD $0 HOOL—The Fall Tiekin
Roberts wishes to statO that he wit
of Clinton Business College, which is a
link in 0ailada's Greatest chain Rf
remain in too�n With the intention of
rg"anteriag bus-nt�4s- on July 12th" should be
Hieh Grade Buqineas l8ebools, will
.nmence Aug. 80.- It will be"well for
e slogan.
ILLEGAL— t. ib has
Since April Is HA:vn The Now EnA. sent to. your
been ilWgal f6r anyone to throw sanip-
young people desiring advancement -to
investiRate closely the *success of its
les of patenr, medicine into doorways Summer home,
thattias beeu vyry com.! THE NEW BRA. is the paper that
graduates and learn the advantages of
being connected with this Chain. As
moll and to whict, objection has been goes. itito the homes. Advertisers
this College is aftlliated' with the
rais,�d from tiwe.toti&e. wake a note of that.
Spotto orrespon Once chools, stu�
dents 4 stu y at home Itogetberor
Rout THE yellow peril that. is causing
IMPROVEME NTS.'—Mrs. -b. _ the most worr�. at present is the dande.
ed Of Saglan St., is outwardly and
in a t an . then nis At College,
lion in the front yard.
in=dly improving ber
th !shy saving consid rable board
police magistrate, S. J, Andrews, is SuvEnAL weddings are Dii the pro-
Press. Goods..., or 37y2c
making life's walks easier, with'gravel gram for next week, Clinton sharing
and cement; at his. residence. in these important events.
In sting in thp interest oftheWomen's
Inl'tit,t, -willbe held in the 0. 0. 111.,
MOVING MONTH FOR M -INI13. ONE weeles -idvt. in the NEW BnA
TERS.— These days la: sold a cow for Mr. U Tynd&W It's
i1all, Clinton, Friday, (to-mOr"Ow)
a Le packing
a Methodist parsonage 'all over Oan� wonderful. how we do it but we d6.
atternoon. The meeting will be ad'
Ada. More Methodist pastors move at THE red'coats areaway At Camp,17at
dressed by, Mrs, Ashley, of Lnndes -
the end of this month tha,n� at any London,going by special train on Tues-
boro, a person poAsessedof evLpabilities,
Mae during -the next four years.. day. Clinton Co. went as the advance.
for-1audlitig Any subject, she mny
choose. -Other speaker� willalso give
LOOK FOR A BIG CfRO,'WD—Wor4' T111r Town Band an
optem-air,0pneert, Thu�sday evening of
addresses. We- are. pleased to holdup
this Association to ibe 'housewives, of
has been received in Clinton by the the . ir- first
L. 0. L,, that th&semi-aunual meeting i this week. This will be
appearance this spring.
towp, as one with whieWall. should be
Rffitiatod. Atteid the meeting Frida-y
of the South Perth Orangemen held at
Stratford last Saturday decided not to Taa Western :Fmr, Lo ndon, has
afternoon, at 2.30, , Prograiii will be as,
bg & dates
hold a celebration this * year but all go issued a ealender ann6upoin
follo ws: — - Mrs. J. Ch solo; Mile.
Asbte addrosss; M=Green and-
to Clinton to ocilobrate the 12th. i of the Fair, which will' e hold in
'Seotemb6r-from the I(Yth to 18th.
Reid. Aet; Miss Shipley,reoitation And
Mr. Downs, song.
A BUSINESS BAAMOXETEW WEsT Hurou F&ribers Bxcursion to
best business barometer for a town ib] the Model Farm,- Guelph. Friday of
POLWE, coTjRT.,� Thursday -eveii-��.
the advertising columus of its local this week. See rates and time card on
newspapers. Those seeking b
ing last one of our.,. diti Tiens w"s sum -
many miles furlher to trad
page 5 of last week's issue.
d. to ap
mouse pear before P M,Andrews
whll%ot�ey see, bargains -1 advertise d.
Tx-xE 6ifice formerly occupied by M�.
to, answer to -the- charge' of being'
than were none offered; honcebusiness
John Ranford, in the Molsons 13ank
drunk and disorderly.' A ' -fine of $5 00
is 41W&Ys better, in 66 town where mer. block bas�.been leased to Mrr.', H. -Ross,
..and coAs was impoied' which should
teridtn Wirleti. Monday tifternoon
chants advertise their wares thikn piano, akejit,.Who is no win -possession. -
they'do not. One good advertie-
the Policel Magistrate was called to tb P
where Trus week a J�h cre, vacant lot oppo�
F_?is of more benat tb it town than half site McKenzie',s factory, and owned by
A;illw,�y Scatlqn' to preside at a siniii-ir
Court. the �person intereeted - b I
sing .16
a dozen neL-VOUS business men as he Mr. J. W. jrwil,4 was sold*to J..St6v�
not only helps himself,- - but helps his enton. Thei pi ice..we understalid, was
would-be ti ir and a stranger in
competiOrs- who ate too sleepy And. $150.
town. A tine of $1.00 and cost's was
im Dosed in this case, together with a
slowto gnisp their opvortuhities.,
NEW 3j1RECToRy—A new.telepbone
ruling that he should the eaense
'of. Pith
TO NUIRT'S BAND, CONCERT.— directory had..been issued' by the Bell
I te the.prograin Telephone Co.' There
cleaning up. the distri uted
by him, In. future
The following wi of are now. 1372
Band Conceit to begiven
ca;sbg of this kind
viewill probn Wy. publish the narpes of
the,oitizbns. �eleghonesconnectedwiththoexchange,,
to -night. (Thursday.) I in t is town..
those interested as We do ;Pot. deem.
such'an itent I lne�vs` other% Ise.
. .
Mar6h,.UnitedEmpUe, Hughes . , -Tg-E Jund Sessions of, the Peace for
Wajtzes, D*ughter nf.LbVe, Bennet the county of Huroa opened on Tpes�
-0131 TUATIY.� From . the Fordwich
:Irwo Stbo, Florodora, Will Huff day There were no' criminal Cases
Record we take . the following no6loe
Medley Ovorture, A Milk N)7hitelllag, to C�me before. it, ro na grand. Jury
whieh. refers to the death of Mis. John-
Hartley's aunt, 'Mrs. Hartley attended
March, Independentia, R B'Hall
will be summoned.
'REPORTS sny at G.OWgaDd& flour'. is
'th81uneral, The ango1ofdeath visited
the home -of Mr. -14 Arinstrong on Mott -
Trombbue. Solo, "Grand AH4". the
athOf Nelson, W. G. Moffatt;
selling at $S.50 a wt. bread is 20 cents,
a loaf. -, and ed mear, 25q a pound.
day ab4')Ut noobAnd- took.the moth.
:6r; awar,� Mrs Armstrong waa.taken
March and'Tw.6 St6p,. The Gallant
!Who in.Utinton'..would like to start
P�yin g these'priceg P
ri I - I appen,
serioiislylll oiiF ic ay evening,
'dicitis . developed' and on -Siinday�all-
AlaCk Watebl;'Bill togs
Medle 'March and Two Sten,TheMo6n
WE occasionally receive*. unsigned.
hope dfrecovery-wasabitnd6ned.: She
Has His Eye :-,n Von Tilger
Kihkw tub, Kdebler
puications forpublicati6n. Kind.-
ly retue'mber we.cannot publish such
wai 65'years. ana 5 m6ntb-4 of age, The;
futik-al. �vas held on WednesdAy after.,
Two Step,
God Save the King-'
comthunicatibns. They uddst,be iignO
to show good faith.
Ji000. to F ord.wich cemetery.
was Conducted in TrWtv- church by
. . : I ..
. .
WEDNESDAY-thO grading machine
the i� -tor, Rev.� T. R - Fare. The fam.
Thdrecent edict -of Dei John Seath,
Was At work on James Street. It - cer-,
ily have the heartfelt sympsithy of the
superintendent of "Echication, calling
'ain' made 11h improvement that
entire community in th.eir severe lops
for- the utsd of the lettlir 'In" in such
woul& be rendered complete*if -the road
XHSTS� The w4mirig -.-sho'uld be re-
words as favor, honor And valor, has
in.'some sections, caused- uneasin&s
'o ula n6w -be grav61led.'.
TR . E Tuckersmith Council is ad . -
peated throughout the 6ountry against
the practice of � robbing birds' neets.
&m6nLy teachers And among pupils who
ties Ing to ' Write On the entrance
vertising for tenders for the oonstmo-
tion of the rural telephone line in that
Apart altogether from. the pjeasurle
they ar;.e �. cap%bl6 df. Affording bkthe
Oka, ination. Were the � omission of
the "u"In these words considered an
Townsbip,. There will. be, about - 100
miles of line and."230 phones,
begLutj of their pluin age a I nd their gift
of song, the birds have' a
error by the examiners, and the -papers
marked accordingly, -it might_ mean
, So3fv, persons have been 'rash enough
claim on man
for - protection and encouragement.
the is'based
pupils,, who
low percentage for many ns
will otherwise stand well -There see.t
to asid tbe.Coutici 16 putting sand
on the street from the, station to the
Claim on maiu'sself,iuterw
est. The birds are, among the best.
however, no, worry over,_tfie-l'
u" for it! an interview ttie other day,
r4ormandie be if it -is really
gravel. Cansdmebody�ahs ty er. P
friends that man had. They are. nat.
nee's rOtnedy Against a'plagi�e of de.
Dr Colquhoun, DeptityMinisterof Edd- THE, White Dike Band gave' their
structivo. 'insects.. The iser;vice they
catiolif said : "Those parents need not open air Concert oir the. Postolfice
worry. Letth�m wait 'for . an . 'ofil-dal lawn on Tuesday evening of this weeko br k6sping-Insect life in cheek
Is beyond calculation. Witbout the
announcement on . .. the matter. The
I as they play at a Garden Party in God.
birds life Nvould be rendered inWeiable
omissio 'a of the , '%W. inay be counted
I'st them in the next world but I
erich Township, Thursday evening.
by the uticheoked spread of�insects and.
U.11 bjhink it will in.this."
A- Num'13EF. of members of Clinton 0.
0; R Court attehiled,service affiondes.
...:SBAXORTR R�.kOPS.—Th,6: annual
THE -WHITE DYX9 Albbou h
boro last, Sabbath at the in..
vitition*of their bilethren at that place
race m6et of thb Seitforth Turf Club
will be held on, tboir excellent track in
little' over a. , year - old. t�e
Wi` byk, Band is nization
-te An 'orga
Rev. Mr. Sniall;'Of Blytb, Was �the
Seal'orth on June 15, 16 and 17. The
,association b4s.,arranged an excellent
of which the town may- well be proud..
16 now numbers twenty4w&membevs
$120 is th6meturn fair to Guelph ju�
progratu for each day. for which lib
Oral purses are being offeri�d. There-
and Its music is popular andup-to-date
It is open forout of -town enl7agements
Olinton-on Friday by the. Farmers.'
Rxcursionj good �S re.tnrn Saturday:�by,
will be two harfiessraces and one r qn.
ing rhee each day, � As an additional
and the Secretary, Me. Thos. Watts is
easy to find at his shop near the post.
regular train.' Train will leaye Clinton.
at ' a' in
Attraction they1have arranged for the
office. He will be'k dates
Tnp, Education Department announ.
attendarip6duritig the entire Tineet Of
thsit mbs't famo�s of %It harnass. horses,
atany;ime. Eversinceit-soiganha-
tion this Band has been known as'one
ces that the examinations.for pdss.%nd
honor matriculation, entrance to Nor.
The-Beli 2.02 1.4. The Bet will he On
exhibition each:d of tile' meet. and
that endeavors, to maintain a. high
moral standard. This aim, backed by
mal School And fawilty of education
and commercial -,specialists will begin.
ft the 16th will
0 On to create' a
-new Canadian half mile record. 'This
the fact that its leader aud . a large
proportion of its members a- e active
on June 28th.
S, 0 T I
tAv R K races next Tuesday Wed.
ill be rAie only op
W portunity thatmany
in this district will have of this
wovkerg in thevariods churches -of the
n eedAy. and Thursday. A special at.
�great bgrae, and none should miss the
OPP ortunityi, 'We might also -4ay that
town, should'eause its services to be
a'pecially sought by cht�rchei and their
traction is, the' B Whose
"d ' record is
yho will
9.02J, -N -give an exhibition with
the indications are that a large string,
various organfiations.- LastTburaday
night altbotigh hin�iaapped by the
-an 6ndeavor to establish a new half
mile record for Canada.
of-4orses will Attend the Seafotth.
tw, � bhey furnished
of their leadL
an open Air coneprt that'lef t no doubt
1613 ]PPIC19 PUR61TASE, , W. J.A.
OBITUARY -Wo are regrbttpd to
as to their ability to provide. first Class
-Macgregor,former proprietor.of the
cently purchased
I-eWffib`ftb-es-A-d-dbXEn of .84 INS Rion-
beloved wife of Williadi V. Brain-
1�11eldiclll: aged 20 years, which took
job ce in ghain.
the immons -Qffl--W in
Me" aegregor w , ill no doubtdo a good
in Clinton Hos6ital On Tuesday af ter.
2-, -,
evening,- Misses, Lottle 8thyth' ond
bnsi 9 in that towg,
no6n, Jun� Stbo while she was -under;
Elvivl3otts wero-invited to -spend the
going An', op�vation for the rp
.nlov)),l of
a turnor by which dhe,had been ailing'
e, vening At the iesidence of r.. and
Mrs. Thos, Shipley. Londoli Cad-, a6d
forsometime. She wAs a very, pktient.
sufferer, The young ladies and gentle.
While thelve4 aboilt. menty I -of their.
lady friends and Associates sur.
Central IlluginesS College,
men of thq Knittin Factory present.
pj%n them with th6ir sudden Appear-
Toront.00 ont.
ed the family wiW6 wreath of How.
Mee, 10movynotbeknowirtoalltbat
61?P. She leaves to mourn her lose her
A, husband,a mother-in-law, two bi�oth
these two young ladies, are About to
take thei� delmrture foe other parts of.
With Wbnty.tW6 Years experl ii to
10 1 Z
lbs eredifi this college Is. recog=
ors'and four sisters, a fathetand moth.
the worldi, and tb;i.t. their walks in life
t116 greatest urnalical tfidning, sohobj 1h
WaRtdra Ontaria.
er and other relatives. Her husband
And his loother, Mrs, Bramflpld Be
Are to be materially abatged, hetkcO
the visit, After readingn, suitable ad.
and family In town-, Mrs. H. A�,evh,rt",
dress, they were ench presented with
shortliand and Telogtaphy.
of Seaforth William and John and
An balf dozen silver dessert spoons.
Car elagqeti are tho latwsto out poutgeg
iftoat -011aptiettl OUr IbStrAletoril at-
Stisle Richalods In Peterl)CV6 ; Alta. T.
Atevengon in Port 116pri ; Adelat
ide in
oll enjoying the solemn evening. We,,
are extremely sorry to see these two
" t
I t I
Hlnghind, And a mother and father in
Totonto, The funeral took place this
Young ladies leave town', and, addition. I
W sorrow is heaped upon tie When we I
aft(�rtloon toOlinton cemetery, Rev, 0,
Is, that several others are soon to
the comes sunebinA
Address W. 11, SHAW, Preso
R.Ounneoffidatilig, Thiepallbearers
wera John RIc1h&rds# Win. Richards,
g( After cloud.
e 0 ids joy to know, that theyoubg
It )�lyljs
wid Gorratd Sts., Tor6ntef,
flener Abochart. Jameti P inch, Lock
Me 12 1 A&Y good smiso ill coming � to
Oreo, James Smithors.
Clinton to makethelt choice,
It E
We have. decidea to again repeat a
THREE -HOUR -SALE this- Friday and
Siturday, Fro*m TWO until FIVE o'dock*`
_y took advantage, of last wee s three-
hour -sale and Saved Mone.y. Every - article
advertised Is marked down, to Wholesale
prices. which meaus big savings and,
economical tl�ying. Don't miss this chance
to save money if pou need any of the follow-
ing rticles. Salc prices strictly cash.
Prildts for ............. ........... �,12jc
loc Prints for ................ I ......... .... 8c,
zScArt S;atteen for.;l .......... ............. i ..... 19c,
26c Art Satt6en foe ......... ......... .... !'..15c
x5c Art Satteen . W1 .......... ;.-12JC
112 ic. Wrapperette for ........... ............ ... 10C
i5c. Wrapperette for ...... ..................... 1.2JC
12J6 Factory Cotton for ........................... loc
ioc Factory Cotton for ........ ....... l ...... 8c
i5c.Whi.te Flannelette for ........... wo ........ 12C
2 c White Flannelette for ..........
X 2,
loc White Flanneiette for ...................... I 9C.
2.15c Wash Duck. fori.. ....... l; �.k.j ..... i.20C
I , 5c Wash Duck far ...... f.,# ........... 2JC
Table Linen for ............. ....... ........... 1-39c
60c Table Linen for... ..., .................. ...... 45C
�Sc,Table Linen for ...................
$1 Table Lihida for ...... ...... ........ 80C
.$1.25 Table.Lin.en for.,� ....... ............ $1
$r,5o Table -Linen for ................
15c Gin b4ms for ....... q .......... ......... 21-C
BaX.Com.bii"for ............................ 19c
x5c Back Combs,for ........ 121c
2 pdoers pins for ................. 5c
5c Pearl -Buttons for ......... 1 . . .... ...... 2 for.5c
ioc Pearl,Butt64$,for .......... 1-i ........... ... 8C
35c.and, 46c Hose,for.....;i .............. ...... 255.
Cotton Hbs' for ....... i ...... 25C
2 prs . e
ZLa*dies'Ve,9ts forl.� ........ ; .............. ..'......25c
Paper Collars fon ........ I ......... *_locl
$r.25, Parasols for ........................... i ... 98C.
$r.25 Umbrellas' -for' ................... 98c
2-4c Ribbons. f6r.4 ............. ! .............. I ...... I loc
2.5c Ribbons for ......... ................... ....... 15c�
5�oc,�:.60c* and 75C
Press. Goods..., or 37y2c
506 yards all7wool rey'Honie spun'
and Worste'd Dress Goods! in stripes�,and
checks. Just th&'thing' for 'a separat� skirt. oi.
mission school dresses�- goodi Wi q width..
Reg. 50q, 6oc and - 7r5c, t�ree" hours- -7kiday.
'will be 1 39-0
and: Saturday,, price' ....... I .................. ......
i5c, and 20c Embroidery, 9c
.11060 yards.Swiss Embroil -dry; � to
i hes w"idej with Insertion �to Match, very..
.8 nc
neat designs,. fine quality Lawn, Regular i 5.c
-price bd','.*�,...i. AC
and- 20C value, for. this sale, will
a n Skir.ts:, 98C
Women's good qualh-�- Black., Saitteen petti-m
coats, three rows of -frilling and dust frill itll
izes, r ular. price $ 1..251 sal.e. price .......
$,Loo S-atteen Skilr*ts. 79'c-
Women?s-.Blv�ck Satteen petticoats two rows
of friffmood heavy Satteen,. all. sizes' regular
price . ......... .........
pricel 00,.Sale ...... ........ 79c
$I.',2,5'Lawn Waists .98c
Women's white. Lawn waists dainO trimmed
with, la.6e and Lawn Insertion's several pretty
Nes, regular $1.25, sale price . ...........
styles all �i
12;'v' to.,18C Dr'e'ssr Muslins.9c,
Fancy Dress Muslins in all -the pop-
20 Pieces
ular colorings and designs, Out these -go regardless
of toss. Don't iniss seeing - this lot; regular
;1*15c anU-firc,,sale price.....
.25per, cent. off Ladies Coats,
For a hou�s on Friday and, Saturday, you can
have your choice of any Spring Coats or Water-
proof.Odat in our stock, Don't miss the chance,