Clinton New Era, 1909-02-18, Page 8?W- r I- -"- --- I I "-R.WTV- - ­Vqw-­ � Jr7Tqr­F,i4r­Wqr--T -T"15 , -7 I r7l I I � I 1, i Feb. 104 1$0 li k .0 _ - 100- 0 0,00s e""_ ��L�­�� �� -� �� _. � �4 lzw..L�_�_,!04 I �1� _ - � 1111f, - - - � _7 - _7 � - ., � 7 -, . '' ., . � �. � ­ ­ I I . .11 . I � 4 . - - I V . I' A, T. DEAT _ H9S DOOR , - �,­," : _ . .. . ­ 1. " . I I 0 1 � I . 4 I . i. * ; ft. clors, bail to olve ber Morpifte i , . . to ease tke PaIn . - , . I . . I-— � .. I I I I Five b9xes 01 "Frult-&-tiVes"' Cared . Itier I k, AxTrnrumz, ONT., only when I hAd taken k . Oct. A, 100?. I . nearly two boxes that I ­ For seven years I , commenced to experlenco� 'A suitered with what phy- . . � relief, XkePtupthetre4t. � I sicians called a "Water � J I ment. however, and Tuiuoel. I would get I I I I after taking five boxes � �� so bad at times that � . .- . I was cured, and � I '. k I'cQuJd hilrdly I - wbeuIA"P,Pe4rod*a endure the piln. I 11 .,_ ., il. 11 .."i : .�, the street my could neither sit, "... 11 t Wendsvilid, "The . stand, nor lie .. dead has come to . dolyll, llypoder- �� .. � . life," Amd this mics of T%Jurphill "I ,� I seemed literally had to lie glvell i ca . certihily was at i ,lie ,;ill 11� � death's door. .But Mile'?, 11:e�, .!1141 . . the pain. Ainny -A ��, now I can work '�.I��, 11 -, �,�,* physiclans treat,. el 1- ,:, " almost as W4011 AS ed me, but illy .. 7111.1 41 ever I could, And . .. � ,.0 , I - , I 11, :. . cure scome-1 ,� I go camping and ,, . I .. . . t . hopeless, wid 11 :� 1.1�1' L : , , -� ; berry-pldl�ing with , - 0 . friends hourly ._ 1, . the girls. - ' . . .. . . ., K ". I will W glad ir you , 4��, : I I .. :, pected illy deal t X '. . - . was duringone o - :1. . . gone 0 � 11 will publish this . very bad ", ella t I t a , . testimon40, if it will I. family friend b'.011ght "t , further the interests of � box of "Fruit-a-tives " to ,. it Fruit-a-tives." They . the house. After much I sbould. be in every' houseii ' . persuasion I commenced t9 take hold. Yours very truly, I theip, but I was so b�d that It was Xns, �AMES RENWICK, . I I Through the whole cou .. -1 , ntjy arouncl :Onterprise, Ont.;, people are ' talktng sbout this wonderful cure. . By their marvellous ai�tion op the - Kidneys, s.'Fridt-a-tives, I cure(! Mrs. Fenwilel, whell the doctors said she 11 . . could not Ile 9perated oil and w,ks doomed to die. . I . O.W . "Fruit-a-tives, I cured Mrs. Fenwick when all else failed. Try them I for your trquble. 25C. and 5be. a box, at (leslers or, sent. postpaid on seceipt of price. Fruit-a-tives �iuiittd, Ottawa. I . . . . . . - _� --. - . �a - - .- - �� : . . , , � _� _ , - _�_ . . , . . 11 . . Implements 16r sale.' LOSS OF THE "STO111K." I % . - . I - . - !1he undersig,eil offei-si -the following tinvie- . �. . mente:-I V&rrel 14)mraotor and exts- sion red. She Was Fainoos Among' Mairiners as wood one season; I single Plow; I Baxley Pork; a QU;Ant Old Craft.' � oross-out Saw: 3 hand SSVB; I Apple Press. . � Jonereason; I Sulkey Rake and many other . The news, of the total logs of the . I ales tnn numerousto mention. Applyto 41 MRS. ROUTLEDGE. Ragla,u St. Clinton Hudson Bay-Company'a famoils sail- -------. . I . I I ing ship, "Stork ' " ajew -week's ago, I . _. - � . on Lislybo' Shoals, HudsQ.n Bay, has � - _000-000-6 uttuboully little grief amohg,the . share- holders .and the factors afid other of- � , SAYS TIRS LS BIST ficer- of the, bompany in the Northo I.. (D . west, whose. , salaries depend very � I . -much on i4e value of the, cargo 91 furs . - . J1_____ . she was carrying to London, England. A - �__. 1106 we ." In go beat According to Hudson Bay Co,'s of - mi % el� WA pw* the ficial reports at the:time of thewreck cd? priatsi in a recent in** the the "Stork" bad on board a cafgo of S �AYS T'l FA t 61 � prist4 1 �7 ? 0 : I * folli I W g t -furs valued it 'about $130,000;- the M � ' FluidEirtractDasidellononeounce; - -annual catch of t6e previous year, I - ' 'tl . . I Compound Salstone, one ounce ; and which it is fearerd is totally loss. 'a a Cc s agent at Moose:Factory, H.B., Compound 8:yrupSar#&p&rl11&# fear reports the crew all saved and the � winew . I O41110" . ? Sh n n captain on. his way -to London in " d Make won and use in t4aspoonful *the crew marched se ft . is . another shi doses after each meal and at bedtime. . . p� while . I � leisurely overlancl. frorA Moose Fac-. . . A well-known physician states that -tory to Montre6l' o - n snoivsboes, The .1 these we harstiless vegetable ingre- .1 sailors on the Hudson Bay Oo.'s,ships dients, which can be obtained from are, as. -a -rule, reciliAed from the � any good preseriptim pharmacy. , Orkneys voung1ads. The ca� and enter whezi' This mixture will clean the blood a or their 1 of all impurities. In *t a few days splendid abilities as $eamen. . �. the skin'begins to clear of sores,"boils . The "Stork" has �robably the'most and pimples. It pute vigqr and energy into run-down debilitated . .reinarkable. record of . any ,modern fl, " shi . men and women. For many years . sai ing .p. -At Lloyd's she was Sarsaparilla alone has been coo sidered kno*n among the marine'insurance . a ood blood medicine. But while - sixelilative brol,ers and others' as th.e. it tuilt up and made now blood the "Sp6c,tre SLbip," :In the course of impurities remained within Q the nearly thirty j�ais'. servi'66 the stout. I . . . good accomplished was only torn r. . IL Old. ship hai.been tEe cause of many. . ary. Sarsaparilla, however, Men I ig incidents at' Lloyd's. -Per-' I used in combination with Compound ox ci;t i I * -achi'everneht I hap her, m6st - notable - Watone and Extract Dandelion, f -VJ�aS L last year_ when she had an'un.' I works woriders. This combinatiou , usually l6g6 cai-g*o. of valuable furs, . puts the kidneys to work to f1her I and sift out the waste matter, uria , .and was mady montlis overdtle. ' ' � acid, and other impurities that cause . .According to -Lloyd's thq reinsur-. disease. It makes now blood and ance �rates jumped. seventy-five gAl- relieves rheumatism and lame back .mas per,cent., and just., after thio� and bladder troubles. sudden rise -the veKkeil was reported C' .. as ptissing,,if . p` tfi - e.- Ch winel., Irisur�' ' � _#+6*"*"***" - I .ance. speculdtors were badly bit, as , . 1. . __i. &� .. . -- the ra-tes ut.. unue, w 1. Gown, Dtl I .again for several weeks n6thinj -was . . I - - -_ I seen or heard.of hdr A aii�. port albng . -the English.or Prepeh'coast. � ' - ' 1. � __ ... - 11 . . ; The ­pally�s officials . made...en- '1,;nd,. 'found- . �'. .. 11 I.... - '7 . - - quirit's off Land's and that the look bad�siglited,through " vt4,-,-� - . � - _�.' -out .. � � � 1.11 .. V ..1. ..... . ... . the blinding drift a vessel answering. . . .- . . ** .the description 6f the - mysterious. , I I S - , , , , , , , , "$tork." having on liek-btows the let - I BEFORE AND AFTER TRkATMdNT. . terg ' -"St--R-.". Still. the ­'Yspectre�j Canadian !-'retterin(3 did. not reap�eAr in the Channel. The. *ber of publications, and also in the . itumber of writers. insurance rates'jumped up once'more Is an a bsolute, certain cure for Eczema, Acne . =Jeuvr, Pinisles, Blackhe ids, Rfugworm, It, _bj Sail 11cad, ticning Piles, Ulcers, and the. "scare". gave large holders of Hudson Bay stock a very.bad. . ; s, and a, .;Ore cutaneous and facial blemishes. i -money' was lost on all 'sides,. tw st, and thoroughly and successfully tested7 Obutibr% of so called incurable cas,�s. - e'kcdpt Lloyd%'who sedmed .to ,feel. It Is ei.CrIely.unlike. auK other irregaration, mixture ci ointment thAt as been soi or iio greaf anxiety over ,the safety of,. "Stork." pro. scribed. , the much400ked-for A few - . A few a - will convince that is lins d . days, following the sharp, aaiite pan�' "Stork'! .rr.y;)Hcations wo. r medical vietue and intrinsic merit. It is made in Cunada. A good honest Cana- of the shareholders, the I dahii; ly sailed into the Channel with a fair. . than preparatioiz. . I . 4 Price one box Fifty Ce�nts, or five hoxes Two wind, and .. A�as again re ort6d!'from p I Dollarsi. . - I . Mailed tb any address on receipt of.price. � Sold and recommended by all leading Drug. . . . Laiid's End, * . - , . ar Some four� or five ye : s ago thei gists i,2 Canada. . I Pamphlet free to any address. � . Manufactured and Bold by the sole p 'Pr�'-- �'Storkl' arrivo-d in - - d6ck - twelv6 . . . . -months behind time, baving-got . jam-, . tom I The mo in -the ice in James' Bdy through . � Tetterspe CheimIcal Coo, - sailing from' Moose -Factory tob.late.. . . Winftors Ontario. . 'Sold in Clinton by W. S. R. All �hope 'of - eve'r � seeing her. lagain. . -was abandondd, andr the re -insurance Holmes; J. E. Hovey, W. A, rates rose to ninety� guineas pei� cent., McConnell, druggists. a On the whole . the Hudson Bay Co. r have been , Veri lucky in. the. safe: . landing of their fur cargoes in -their - l� I . -77 . L *enturies of existence. ' . ." IF - ., - . 180 YEAVi.af .. . . . . r . . . - _ . -1. . EXPERIENCE I Sch661 Hard -on. Children. , , . . Dr. Shea -rd "of $11e. Toronto Health -� "PickwitWIP brought Charles Dickens I Depdrtment' is a -bellover. in short - needed, and it is just the school hours. for.. childien.. 'In' 0, TO.' -, Without Too M-4ch Parade, . cent address he sam that it ;was a. I crime to, detain thein after 'regular � scho6l. hours, or worry their tired .1 . TRAbE MARKS. , brains -with home work.. They should , DESf(3fqq � not be%-rent'red to. reach school ' iA COPYRIGHTS &C. jkm�onp sendlng,n sifacli and des'brIpflob may timakir ascertain onr opinion �Irco wliettier an _.m the morning befate,.9.45, the recess should bq twice as long as at present.. invention ia pro Oribly paten table. UOIntntinlea, tionsstrict�iconodcnt n HANDBOOK onpatentm . The rio'on adjourninent should afford, ' a]. I gentfrec. Idest agency for Accurinvatents. . ratents taken tbrongh munn & ample time for a JeWirely dinner. C o. receive opeciat no ke, without ebarge, in Clio There should be, sev6rttl �veeks' vaea- editors of the morning newspapers with a suggestion He wished to give � tion at Christmas. , School. should . i i mtricak, ei'me, immediately hot weather b6gan A handsome y Illustrated weekI3�, Largest air. arp.( not resume until- the end of the eulation of any scientifie journal. worms tot VAnad&, *3.75 a year. postage prepaid, solaby , su"' er. ' or iildren under 14 years '� O' 1 ill 330w8dettiers. . of I' 0 thti , 'I i �hy 8 101i well-boing is of Fy I -10roadway, NOW MUNN 9 CO." yort i lie ter p ub _ importance than 0i vtha, / l3ranCh OffiliA. F52Z V St., War' 11in. D. Q ��� . ", ra �5 i I iltro 0J.v ellIture . . .-.. I . -, 6 , 1. ,-,--- - _ -1 1 . . .. . . 11 I � 1�1 Wi . r I / � 1� I ?", . Tap. OUNTO-W Nzvi xa* I1!1W.017__­__1____ 0" 11 . I WWqFP%WP7�w--W'W' " I I ., I # . I . . I I 7 . ' 1� � -1____ I—— __ I - _.._;",i i "'i i+q _____ _1_____-1 , -.,IF- 11 - . I ­­ - � . . -1 .. . - . W;�.; .i ­­­, i. "m ; - i -I � ;;_iw� - .. "'i PAY -FOR NOVEL VWRITM I I . I .� -1 I :0001t WEST, UL1580 ,'MA I ­ � I , . � � BlissCarMan, you'd better cos! I " Af'e "After taking three r Modcrn Auihors Do Not Oat Mt,ch 1westoo, � you say you tired of t , t lint you do. , ' Ire e - 'o 0 bottles of yotw,�ronde&l W ' ' , . Mors, Than the Old One,, Old. I I . I The streets yott',w4lk. and the aongs m medlelne, Qyr baby w4s � Novel-wfiting as a trade has not U sing 'soul,'4 r entl ely �0 entirely well and needed . tm shown any material financial improve. � , A171do your in U004r Of a dry shampoo. I" , no more medicine. At.six.. -11 0 M re went lo the last fifty yeara, The eA. . ormous increase in the uJimber of I I , teen months of age,, she � readers has been counterbalanced by YQWvo said that .you ache for elbow- I weighe4 thirty pounds. e I ghe4 �1 , the eztraordivaq increase in the n - room. , . I I For a look at the stars at least; Sh ha ShoWdcriedelghtmoilths, e n( . *ber of publications, and also in the . itumber of writers. You'.ve said you're tired of the poppy- night and day, and nothing Thackeray, for example, received cock - And pink tea air of the cast. I . di ' .4 her good until -we tried `,-MRS. about fifty guineas a part for the per - lodical issue of "Vanity Fair�" It . . Scott'sEmulsion. . . � appeare4 in niue*en numbers, one of Come out where the plains go rolling , E, . C. $MITHi Villa Rica, -7 them being a double part, so that west Frbm the lakes to the Rockies' ' G4. I altogether this issue brought him 1,000 guineas. Nowadays, though. Mr. peaks� , Where the soul of the wh,Qatlaud eings � 11 Kipling received $9,1i3OW for the serial ghts of "Kim," few , writers receive ato dusk, � , And the voke of the prairie speaks. . �. as much as Thackeray, although it . must be remembered that his publish- Come out whera there's sou.17 to, be I ' I I I . e held the"britire copyright for a cer- r I . tairl short number of years. . .; 0 . For "IEsmond" Thackeray had 1,200 I I Tgagain, err"ef Youth -and To -day rejoice; You jaeed the wine of the West in sil , 19MU-1 On guineas, and "The Newcomes" yield, Pd about $20,0W,"While his editorial YOU- . , And the West,* it needs a voice. John I I . 4 � . prob ably saved this child's . connection with the "Cornhill!' is said - . to have been worth $20,000 a year -a. - . Arbuthnott. , in. January Canada, West, - . " * life. Four oir� doct , ad been � , an 4i. , come that will certainly compare , � with that of the editors of any twen- . . � tried. ScowT's -D,iuL�iox tietb-cetituiy monthly publication. M -seemed to. be just the thing . -� "PickwitWIP brought Charles Dickens I . I � . How Late H., 0, Har�mond Gave - needed, and it is just the $12,500 and.a share in the ,copyright ,, after five.years, "Nicholas Nickleby". -, Without Too M-4ch Parade, . thing needed by thousandss . was worth' $22,500, and "Urnaby , Rudge" $15'006- for the copyright ti.11 . . A charaoteristic action of the late of other childrers. It's so . easily digested, so pure and , six mouths'after publication, It is interesting, in the Mr. Hammond occurred some two'or 1 � three 'years &go when.he first actively * . harmless, yet =st powerful , view of 300,000 copies sold of "The Master I I took ilp the cause of the Free Hospital i in building up thc.'most deli. Cbfistian," the 100,000 of "The -Eq ter - - "Richard for Consumptives. Subscriptions were J . . � , � not 6oming in very fast, and one Sun- I --. . 'cate 6il4 or a4ult... But lie nal City/� the 500,000 of � Carvel," and the $0,000 of. "The His- " day night he- pild a Visit to the city ! sure togetScoT-ils EmuLs!oN, � tory of Sir Richard Oalmady," to note editors of the morning newspapers with a suggestion He wished to give � I - I there are s3 many NvorthlesS .. . ' � I that tile original sale of !'Great Ex - � I ' P-etations" was 30,000. copies, $10,ODO to the fuiid'for the hospital, and harinful imitaticas. - I In fouryeera Gi6oige Eliot received . but at the s4lnL, time he wished' to . conceal the fact that lie was doing so . . ,- . . Ali, rRUGGISTS l *8,990 front "Adam. BWe/' but "Ro- anola" brotip.,lit bdr $35,000 Vern the - I because "he tbougbt it would arouse more public attention and. stimulate . . . A full qopy of MM *Gmitlx s letter as4 * I "Corribill," r,nd "Middleindreh" was, ' on'the wl)i)f,,, even more profitable, , I subscriptions in a greater degree it �it a-i-earad th-f,:- le, er n-1- ; 332say otbersof sstwilarnature, tostother . with someof our valuable literajure rei - gardins abildren will be ran# ucon rD. the Amoricfm 'edition alone -being worth $6;0,')O to the authoress. Charles 5 � � . I . . . .. I persons had subscribed the wpm in celpt of5rour addrao*, niontionraq; this . Realle reci,lved $15.0 for. !'Peg Woffing-, ' . . I . . I � .1 . . I .1 - - various amounts. .Re had therefore : po" . ton." -for th,1 .was at the .beginning !!!!!nM.!!" _�_ �- _._,.___Z�___._ .- 1. . . - ­ ... ­ �­_, ­ . . . . . I - I I I . � I. . figured out a list of subscriptions . . SCOTT& DOWIM I . . . of his barper, and ."Griffit4 Oaunt7, I I . . . I I I . . . I . . I ranging from $10 to $1,000 ding . 126 Wollihorton Ski. W. Toronto . Or, Jealousy," attained to $7 60 11111111111KN= . 1-1.!. I I sornettiffig like' 11,T.S. $15"' ' firsea - . . . . � . I . . .,Anthony � Trollope, � a very s"djand I I . ' . . - .. 11 I I * . * I I ,", thizer $500," d ymps. � .0 I I -an so on. - He offered 1I.- I - . I persistent writer, made from his - IN W% . . . . - � I M 0 my . . to pay for the insertion of this listA . . . I . books a gross sum of $350,00%. or some . N 0 Im I I I . � it necessary, but only.one newspaper, . � $10,000' a year, "Thi Claverings" VAR] CO 0 E'LE C %W . E. � .., . I . "d'thht one very faii-fibm beift-tIld ..W06. I. ....T. I ... ... brought $14,6N, 1.rbe small 11ouse I . Ifffitt... . , , . L I - L poorest in Toronto, would accept hij . . HING HE Pit 'it Allington" $15,000, and, "Can You 19' NO NAMES US] 4 CONSENT. I . . _ = 'Thui4 the public read . of � the - . ' , . . , I I . . I . Forgive Her?" *$17,5w. , . . * - " I I I I . . . ucess of funds to the philan- . 4441mll �0 . -Confined 'to .His Home .foe.Weeks, . L�C4aj�es - Kingsley sold "Alton . � I I . I . . I thropic institution and never for one . lancy, Has a Keen Eye For eke for $750 L *.to Messrs. Chapman , � . . . .. . . I . .,Discrepancies InOfficialAccounts. _ I'llea,vy work, severe'straining and evil habits In youth brought on a I I I . , 53 *-Mewmi. Routledge moment suspected that the �supposed- afid Hall 14 185 double varloocele. When I worked hard �be aching. would become I . ly numerous donations were in reality "Jim" Clancy, once well, -known as gave BulNyrer Lytton $100 000 for. a ten severe and I was often laid up for & week at a time. My famil � . . . physician told me an. operation was my only linfe-bu � I dreaded 11 . . one modest man's contribittions to get a financlat critic, of the,Ont4rio, bud- years'* eop�riqht of the..Zeap edition . I tried several specialists,, b - ut soon fouild out al th wanted was my - I . . . 9. . I I get'in the'days when budgets repr , d at the .end, qf that . money. I commenced to look upon all doctors asl tic better than the fund goin e- of his novels,* an , it . . . "' -' -the =, paid, $25,000 for another I ,?U rogues. One day my boas asked me why I was off',Work so much,and .. . . The mannexin,*hich he iook hold , sented the financial ability of they I I told him my condition. He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & . .of the� ,E,i F, Clarke memorial' furid Liberal part�, has-. been for -many of five years,', and ma4e a. corim . . , Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew .. . . and pushed it through to an adequate tract on the samo terms- at the end 11 quare and skillful. I h . moons auditor df. the provinetal ae. ,he .et -.1-d got Tax Xr,w XxTaoD . figure is also .a'matter of record, and countq. Mr.-Ulancy has* be6n xt-xiaibW of the second period, . - 'My, W11.11r.011TS, My progress was We .,,,'h o'i" and during the first .. . A I 'L . . 1. I. .. � month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. . Ilowever,, I cow. owing.* to hip great, popularity it -be* to satisfy the Llongings of. his critibal . . . tinned treatment; for,three months I nker and w L . I? came truly noh-*partizan in its. ch4r- soul Nvith the- discovery of'' ,wrong- I � "MriTruth",as Santa Claus. - .. . i . complete cure. I could only earn 8 2. week in a machine shop be- . 11 .. . . I . I . I i -�' . . acter. - I ­ I fore treatment, now I am earning, $21 and never jose a day . I ,F I wish I . . I . doing in tiny ihape or,form. As time any,11,oir less children- in LoAdoxi - all'sufferers knew. of your value 16 treatme.nt. , �ed* I . L - . I . pames his s4ru.tiny grows keener and, g) , pi�s and elsewhere know ....... . I . . . . . .� EMNRY0,LOWST..� . . I I . . . . ....... ... � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ng., S , , 1'�, ,Xr! u - . I . . .Electric Smelti a - - keener, perhaps,. in thb conscientiou Va� . ss*l by -another ia L .." . I � . L UCCeSS ,a .r t , - --- BEEN' DISEASED? .. . .... . _r: Eugene Maari4l, dir6ctor' of " hope of J ustifying what might appear -viz., "Mr.- Truth " the editor. of . HAS YOUR...BLOOD . . . � 1. . . . � I . . . I . . mines, -hds returned Ao Ottawa from as. An *- aimless' existence should no - Tmth,. who, on Christmas Eve, - pre- L .� BLOOD POISONS are.the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They saptlie very ' . '. � -Dunparfvet, Sweden thoroughly con-_errar b'e' found.- From" dollars the -sentS L them With either' 6 toy or a. . life bloodof the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause flarlons. L . I , . � vinced that the - process of electric 1i critical screen , has been narrowed'. pretty doll, and in many cases a'abin. complications. Beware of XercuM It only suppresses the symptoms- our NAW . . . . I .. . . � . I L ' . smelting is a complete. success, and ter- I doN�fi . to cents, ,and when evert this . L ing new sixpence also, -just to, ,crown I have t broken . . "I . i . ports'L.to the Government that -the failed to -app4ease the critical instinct the youngsters'. joy, 'For 'many years tally, physl� I . .­ , enormous supplies of ir94.ores in. both .a. friend' who apprpeiatdd tho situa- 11,000 sixpences were, annually con-- o heed the . . I .. 0 1 . . � . I I . I Ontario and Quebec canlbd'�iofitably., tion relfiarked: " ' . I tributed to the Truth fund by' afi. I . Has. * '� L . . I � . developed.. by - means of - the magnifi- 0 . 1 ' anonymoud donor,,who after hLiS death .. � "It. is a pity 'the're is 'not-, a ,c in of - " D I � .. I cent water powers with which those. - a. %maller, denomination." . . . .-4vas.. discovered to be Sir Francis Tress ConsUlt&tlon . . L . . .1 I .. - . . . I .+41,ir - 0 no . provinces are. endowed.: ' . Windsor. A. -large' rocking. Fie.i. No matter iv as treati, (gi 00 of Cbsirse. . I . BarLry, - of I luit wr to for n one .01i n � I I I The: departmepts groan .'Under the horse or. s. swinging ii�otor-car for gen. Books Free-'31legolde,1310 r, rated)onD' .. esofueb. " , . . . . I I He also investigated powp'i. develoP� burden --of un,,ii'ccssa.ry..Ial)or:irn�osed - .. N . . . L . I 1. - . , ment from gas producer engines L and eral use- finds a pormarient position - 'O NAMES'USED WtrHOUT WRffTEN CbNSENT; PRIVATE.. No names . . I . ' . . . uporr- them by an auditor who is. sup- ,. on hotes.or envelopes. Everything confid6niial. - Question list au4 cost of Tro"out . I 11, � I . ' _ , I qs a result a ,number of exp . eriments posed to �xprcise his discretion, but in some of the hospitals, whilst "Mr. TREE FOR. HOME TPEATNENT. . I - .., . . . . . . I ... � . I .. . M ' connection with Buell engines will . and Airs , Truth'? -Mr. Horace Voules,.. I . - . . - . . . . . � . . . . . . j be-conductedin ttawa. . . who 'keeps it .locked ,up: -with moth- editor of -Mr. Labouch6.e's .Jamous ' L . I I � . . . . � � . We -k-y flyir v, . ne . � balls iiristead.' ., . L "P. ': . . . L A model plant b'bei.ng built. in the . ', e 1 afid4his'*ifc--pai . -me .. . . '� . . 0 , An-; account ,came in in which a' ranch t 1;:v� k%% KEN ` KENNEDY. .� . - lsits,�� 1) '* EDY& I southern- part of that city� and the.. - .. 6'Ahe children's delight. The . . . . . I I I I " i ne',vapaper appeared,. price. one cent.` gifts tire distributed from the ,'!Truth's . . , -Michigan.. and -.Griswold St, Detroit,. Mich. .i ... L.. , .1 I., LL I inael:i nery is now eh. routa -from. Eu,-�' It was not properly checked 'And was ., . Cor. . 9 � . . .. .. . . I . . � . . * . I I � . . � rope. . � � . I . . I Doll and Toy Show" fund, now in its . I . 1 ... . . sent bacl� for . a, proper vou6her� Not ' ., - rity-ir -r, 6. ' 1, . . I . . . I I . . The D.uhnarfvet woiks have invent- . t- twe ;iMh yea ud *hicli,. roin . I 10100!� I - . . . . .1. .ed a.steel furnace in whicli.a three- until the official Ji stamp of the &par smalf.baginn'ings.,' so.if very i large. pro- . . � � . . . . . . � . . L . . . . . . . phased. current and; two .-electrodoes, ftlebt went on: .' Goods received value portiorif In -the early -.years Mr, La- . . � �. L - . I .1 - . . I � .. ar I e used, the bottom of the " I . urnace certified corre*at," c6uld that one. cent -bouchefe'�distributcd a few -toys Con- 7 . . �. ­ - , �. I - L . . . ...: :,he L third .electrode. - Tho", me . ary: records: 11 �, tribiited by hi� readers, but so jr6at. . . I � � . . . . L. . . . . I . .. . L I . I . I Ifurn0hing , . ,go..oft. the Parli * a fi't . � ' . ' I L L - I 1. 1. '. L . I spem-al advaiitakd- of this is that th V L Anotho.rL regulation.-has'.been pro-. wig th#. 'it bec,lAne. A" . . . . . . I the, Aeuland - - '. . . . ' ' I thre "-base. current , produces ,a rota- " m ' ul gated by 1%1:i& I an special- Christmas feature'6f hi§itpa'. I.. i .. . . . L.. I I I . 1. . 1. .: . I t, ..,of'.the bath. in, a vertical plane, official tr&vebi. oii'Cl'T't2" orWa'1es31t;re'6t �'per. Upwards'of 200 London hosp a� . L I - . - - . . � . .:. I � .. � � thus bringing new material continual- (lay h6.'mu%t dem�ah.d'a receipt. for the ,'and Poor Lai,i.iniititutionii are on the' L . I . .1. . . I L . . . , h.,int6 th�. . L . . WE WANT 10 HAND YOU OqR .. ' I . f � slag line for purification. ,fare and -turn it -into the. auditor, ..nbw. list, w.bilst the' total nuinbeir of- . � . . .. ­ � I � . 1, . � I . . . I . 11 I . . Dr. Maanel.also conducted. important - Likewise when he.tips'.the-Xullmah .toyi W be'sdnt out amounts to over . I ' . . I 1. I .. . . I ­ ' ­ I. , 1� . .. - �. . . I . -mew' Or r__�o . . . I � I . ._ %X ysi e -r" te aL-ge(a_114s_4hoe_,;, slimed. , " 80000 ..,Nb fewer than I 7,000 - d6lls,-. - . .INTEMTING , *.' - . , .. I . . . MAIM * linq I'llim I Line e � - . . ­'. I L., I . ­ ... ; I. . I I . .. . . Eftan W11 L . I ' diietion processes. .1 ­ . : ., - One o.. had to go ,on ,an un- - 4,600 *of which have been specially I . . I , . I . . I ... . . 'L L . I . .. � . . . I L � . I I , I . L � seed in com�etition, was -digtiibut- I - C A 1 1 - I ,_ . .. certain' expediti6n,, the itinerary of dre I . . I 'Laymen's Program, . . Which -Was. undetermiiiedi happeiied' ed -last Christinus., , .. . . V WEE I' T! 0 0_*X I . I L" ' . I . . . kL , - I . . I . . . . . . 4� L . ,.%i I I L. "I I . , to return over part of the way lie liad ... . I I . . .. - � . . . . . . .. . I L . I . . .1. ... - The.Laymen's Missionary Movement , . . L , .. I . I � . � . , I . gone 'The auditor.' determined that I I A Grand Old -Man.' . : _0L�aJjfy1nk Yourself � : fo . j1L, _ r - r . . � . I . . .has* just announced the program L r A�oul 'r . I I.. � �.. . i Llor ' 11 . , ... '. . I _ .1 . . . r. .- r �', . .the man should have taken' -a ietu'r-n teda',' 'supplied., 5,49,064; ' meals, . . I .. !.-. � I �. " - .. L . . the National Missionary Congress to . .. � -1 . . � L . . L be held ii):1-orobto' March 31 to April ticket and. jsaved: 36 cents" Had be 0;557-,251 � - That, , in L brief, iis a twelve S.licee'sSU Career. . .. . . . 1. r L. .L L . . . ... . 4.. It opens .with Wineeting for clergy-. �. taken the. return 'L ticket and had to . moriths�' record. of the work ofr'the- Sal- . - ., L . .. . 1 . . -1111 I . � . . .. . . . I . . .. men and theological students; to be tbe other way As nfight, have been vation Aimy.raiiiongst the imbinerged, , . Toloarn 'the follY of entering ­bUPIne3a . .1 ... 'L I ': . I I L . . I . I addi6ssed -by gobert Spneer of New 'he I I "business education" .. � uk � . . I . t case he would have .had -to-. pay., .starving;. vicious, and 'criminal ' I le�' r wi't�d,,t a r ­ ,; . nd the man whd,has made I T, 1,4,1. . . . . York, and otbet leaders. and th*6* regu- the differen6er out of b1s own pocket, classes; a � A p � I I � '. lay sessions of the congress begin with as.hq.was compelled tor CIO under Mr.L it L possible is nearing his eightieth - - . t.ead. our Fre� CataWU6. . 11 ! &­. L X, . . A : . I . . tK,, r*, - . _ 1. With r VKhy dwirable to securo %U51;463 J1JCR4' , .. " . . ­ � Un evening meeting and an , address Mancy's vigilant eye. this 35 birthday.' When General Booth decid- -, N,71 . - I . . I ' .tibn it toreat (illy-Ousinus college -7-* � 11 � . . I I on- "The World!s: Debt. to the Mis. `313 Lb and one or two. other suifis'.it is ed to give up the ordinary Methodist ' ..Mika Ottalagua. . . . . . . . . . �. ­ . . - -1 " I . ,q, . . I I . . L . Why, the big ininantilb licouses prafer r � . � . . 3 1 . . . . � . . , . . . I . � . calculated that Mr. Clancy mlist-have circuit work in. 1861, be'llad one sin- XC B C. gradunt.s-re.d Catalogue'. . 4 I 6,P . . . . . ;,� .1 '. . . I . L ol .810harv!, � , ; I I ' I'M.- )FREF 130011 axplains in detail ' . "i .. I r . � r The themes for the different. sessions . saved the cofttry 8P cents. . gle purposel-�-evangelistie lab6r. .He . J, 40",% -111. 11" . . ' r . L. .. . . . ­ _. . . . I ' corps, so.cleties, I I'll, r arcial, Shorthaod aod Typo�kln - . . e4ril 4 .001 �., r . . .. �, I I " I ..: are. such'as:."The Victorious Progress . . . � I established missionpi . M�O.Mrl Tails wh�']F�*C. B. C.,� 11 * .1 .4 4 .;, . L.. .. I ; , , . I . . ­ � . . . . . . . and colonles-in a Word, did what no t11114 11 0 . . , of Misilons" - "The' Place of the . __ � , ­ I . - _. . . . one elsii had the enthusiasm. or en- Inatnuction .tw 1.upeat5r. sholwi I . - . d . . 014' . - I � I . � .. . �. ; P L, . '14 . , , � . livaine*6 Educator.' Ax4 . � . ... . . . .. . .. Churchin the Making of the Nation"; � . L - . 4 . tr maw.tios,*a D.p.loinix. ­ ., . . . . . . . QJ),J - � : , . r . L . "How -to'Load the Church to itii High�. - I . ergy to. tacklc�be' wen boldly into . � .1 . I . . . , . � � L * �, r, , '' ,� . *L L * I I I .: , darkest Englandr and he held. OlAt h- , Just serid yn�r rimme 4' .. A . I 0 . I Sileclul . . :. �. .1 - catal6p , . - - , , ,. . I , . est Missionary Efficiency;" and "Can' and aUr..& V iILL -1, , , I � Opening$ L I .. . helping hand to those who wete strug-. ' wilt. roach j.ou . 41 1� .. ..... bept. and. . . ada's .National Missionary Policy." . . � a ing for, dear .. .. !." -L S 1 J....r 1 � ,r, . . . .. Besides prominent mii�ionary lead-.. I , - ., � . . . I � H16. there, . To�daY , . promptly.. . 11 !" , " ""� . r . . . I . . . . .; . ' ' - ­ . . . are thousands en . Sidderils ' X, ,V I ' ' 'L " . ., ill I'll ers from Canada a:nd­!,the United , . I re f I I , J ,;i';'J��I'q . . . The Forost City . *I - L I . ying - `0,od - Adwit(e.d . I , ,� , . . 1. I I . States, and prominent txeturned mig- . , - . q 6ion ill over the world sa I � -.1% F I � r liess k Shoithand I C6 . llege . . .. . . . I ' Vql�",4jitl,. I ��,,L., r ,, 1311si � �. I ' ___/ - f-fal,". for had it not I , - . . I sionaries, there' will lid, addresses by 11 , ! . . . bless the Gene t , I � Leaffen Onta I 1. r . . . I I I ; . . been for his great effOtts,.'and the ,I.,,,,,-- �, I 11 rio. I � . . � I .11, , I I - . , I y . 0 1 1 % ''he made for -them, they , a Commission L of laymerl who - recefitl ..... f �,_ . ,Ik . 11,111, I J.,W. *iw;rveit. , J. W. Wastemolt0r. CJL . . . I visited mission fields., and some, repro- , , I � ,�Jj ... ,)pehings . i Pdnelp.t. vf.o�princoptl. ' r . . . . I . P11 0 . . I . I I . � � I . I . mm Great Britai �tni I alit 4111 have b, - � submer ed i , . � Al, \41 Ir � .. �: r. V 11 1. r;ehtative lqm.en f n. a T I I . I. .. . . "' . r % ��- � -_ . . I � . I . ' . a,.? I I � 1. I . ..�". . L . I .. .1 . I . � . . . 1. r . - .L, Z1_1 . .1 L . ­ . .. . L. I .. . . I . � ..L. . L 1. � . . . . . I Language and Rellgiop. . � s - . . . I . . . .1 I . . . . . .1. L r . � . . La Semaine Religieuse, thd organ I - I., I . The Ind' L I - . i4n Orator.. . . . I - .. _:7% T � I . - . .. I of Mons. Begin, Archbishop of. Qn8_'J LL, - ­ 1. - � . I I To the eastern Indian ef long - ag I o, ' . . I . . . I .. r I I - . . . I . � . . . bee ias a crow to ,pick Nvith- 'The ' . J .. not only of fiction but of history as* I .. Catbol � * I 1,0 Register of Toronto, touching r � �' well. otatory'was at natural. as was . a recent article entitled "The Verna_ L . tK I his love of scalping or his diglike of. � . - . . . THE TROWILS r I cular." .. .. I . I LIES )iERM . .work. Whenever a council was field,, � - _A 4 The Quebec Paper ga�a -that the ariw� I . . F a treaty negotiated or a grand Jeast 0 � I tiole of thd Toronto paper appd&s , given - here : was speeo�b-makipg, I � . I to be. a, plea n Catholics- to - : L wordy; int6rmffiablo, and often fierbe ' ' I I i . 1. ".'...". - - r '. - .1 L L TABL I . . to Roma . I � I F .4 ,4. � IETS r4K . . ..' give;up their own tongue, oitthg,the I ' L- " ' . . to the degree of boing,lrenzied,� If,, - 14.*Z;t"` * "'I" " . words of an omirient eed6siastic' to . . I � as., 6 rule, rather "slyort" on. logic the ,. the effect th, -:beat to supply I . 'it L the object of the mpth- I . I S Indian orator did bis . ek church is to. save soul� rather than . - I . the deficiency by an L abundance of ' 11 . . , rhetoric. His mind teemed with sim- - � .. . . i108 L alid � 11 _ ... , 't�� I ft . . . I 11 I 'NOT . 0 I .'We also," adds the Quebec'paper, ' mataphori, drawn alin I thl",*�_Svllll: , place. the. question of faith aboveL ' ' variably- from. rfature--from, a in . 0 1 I !'it 1'a pro L 'ei.go _I . LJVL y " terious aky, from the dark fdiest, fronr 'L,� . I �� r everything else, arid .0 r at, , " - I for this reason that ' so tena- WORTH ING the' lake and the r1vdr, the summ& , I IWI.�,, ; eious on the questioh of preserving r . . breeze and the winter tempest. . W I Tire d every morning and unable. to _- ... I our motlipy ..tongue.- As a mattef of A few specimens of the oratory of L � 1. _:i, I . I ,�'�? I sleep at night, weak. and energyloss � the chiefs oi l6na ago have CUM down 11 .. .r , I ".. , �:-.', r lact, The Itogister admits that thoug- yourho a around,. No wonder you say to j28 and. some contain 'tho true ring' . ����� i I kds of people in . the Ttfifted Statios , ....:, . . ceased to prdati6e the Catholic relig- 11 Life �a not worth, living.11 Ycur of cloquo-rice, ornato and dec . I .,;( . ion% beeausia the bishops eqgld not Xidneys are to blarne and it may be, Tot - containing 'noble � . I . - ,� DR. R0OT;'S.Kll) NILY AN -11) LIVER thoughts beautifully o:�prqssed, an(] WI&MEPI�!Nk CQOST find. priests enough to setve the peo- I PILLS to tone them up, to drNe 7out I 0 AAAE - .J0VJS#�.S.A.J ple speaking foreign 'ton0ges, � calculated to produce in the hearers' r _ X . at the pres. 11, urie acid'polsohs and parify tho 1, is the real I . �� . I . I "It is not for u blood" They ati just the medicine for test of -cloquence-q,onviction and por- 1. $ L � . . I 8 to tia mind -that which, after al ' ent L time what is going on in the you. t Try them . and prove our state. suasion. -Montreal Stilridar(L � Stateis, but ,we cannot lose cOght of the men that LIVE IS WORTH LIVING I - fact that th6re are thousands of our. - - - .- Sold. 'by, tdi, Druggists* . . . compatriots in tho, Provixice, of On- Sendfor 2­Am,.'0 to-daV o; au.your Fowei Wlade.q Dlt�utc.., - I -, '_". . .. - , , , . . .1 taTiO and 6ther L J",'JJgliSll Drugghst !Lmpply you with a box . __ ­ -00, -1 . provinces for ' ­­-­ ___ _'"� � whose souls must be savpd, an(l the 25c. DP .,.-OOTIS KIDNEY AND There Nwis a very large deereaswin --- L � conservation of their m LIVER i ILLS are put the num'ber of trade disputes,in Can- . I , . oollrNUTT, 1'411-) -S warol, I other tongue upinTin Boxestmdare Win during 1008, rmultlq�, in the ceSsa- - I E TED is almost An essential mohns*of gav- sold by allDruggists tiorl of work,, emilpared ,kith any of . L cra I ing, these people of the Catholic faith, the sovell preceding yenis of whieb , r , 040, , oltci-N - * I and we hope that the Oatholie chureb, And storwr for 25a or . i ash paid for Rides, $kirL4 � ,, ' ' ' I I sENT_ I )ekS. h b lit on a it , rolig b-om. IK _' o. .1 y t .t I X rs` Lill b 'd:-aded . Iw..ted ,�'aamy ttle ,better . I ,.ri, .. ."�'_�. i I r-7. 2 R . I r -al R'xtension Sodbty of CaAada and The osSaid frotrothe DR. I the Department L flag record. There L' I . .. I . Register will never lonvo, room fo VO T CO., Spadina were in all, 69 disputes in .100% 149 in, I , - - ,,nd Tallbw. I r . 1007, 138 in 16 � 06, 07 In 1905, 103 in a - I . "" doubting n Aveaut "Toronto n er, 1 1004, 160 1WI003,, lWin 102, and 104 W . ntidd I co- , .,tbdr a4ts relAting to foreig ( , tongues, boxed ?0'r $1.2F. . . OHIO , Mons & ftne, � . 111.11, . in 1.00. �. . I � . � '0114*00 ( , I* . , I of I . . I � . I I . I I I 1, L I . ( I I L � . � 11 I . , I . � I - ., _ -------A - , , _ ___ . -11 . -L--: .------'�-�-'-''-"'�"--""'-"--L- --- - I L. .... .11 .- "..., I I I � -