Clinton New Era, 1909-02-18, Page 6I - , - � " - � � I
� 0, �
� 11 I � -
40t FU I 14L F1 ot � UIKO - Www". 0. " � I .1 .--.. � I - __.. I .. � I I'll
, . �
I E1191101`11WOman $;aid to Have ,Been DESCENDANTS OALORE . I I
I . . NORWAY Killed In Wales and -344V 4ost. . .1, . S� � . - A . :1 0 a' k; :
11' I I . . 1'. .
' ' I I _. . I I I - I -AL 1L_ I I
,WHAT THE P06TOFFICE 00�T$ The mysterious disappear_a�n� and CAL4 FOR"HEIR$ OF AN ESTATE ' :..., I "I I � I", ... i L .
I the remarkable -earepr of Miss Violet ki� . -1
or in Quarle%worth are furnishing i I I . - . %X^qnr_n9 r"Wig.r.1 %0nr.W,,0 �F . 'SIOVE,
. . I
the Briglish,pfiblic with '4'stnsatlon , . __ . V POUSIR
Is A Remedy Without An "quIll to th4 of the Steirlbeil case in . 11 . . Ir �
Paris. . . , . .. � 4#1 I . 10 11 revel"01111 to housekeepers, xg,thlog, I
Equal For COUGHS9 . . Miss ObarleSWOrth, an attractive , " 4P,' /I - Recent Adyertiserrient Asking For N ,_� ) like ituas over been made before. , .
� , :
�/ . I , I I I , It means less .
. spinster of 25 1 Doscondants. of Young. $capegraco � I workt, because it fjoeo not
I Who lived with her W .., 1 44 %4- I I
COLDS, And All Affections , � I I . -get dull or brown, end; is so eW
, I pareilts ill Bodera street, Asaph. , I I Who Sorypd With -Hudson Bay I applied, . , i I
� 11 has been reported as killed , / A � . L 0 Its In Gathering' I . I � 11,
W The . IVa,, � I . ,( I � - ompany Resiti . .
. while Inotoring in the direction. of I ' Y ... I ��; I I I -It means less work, too, because just ot �
Perimavrimawr with her sist-r and a I . " .. , . I oge or of Many Striinga Typol- - few Tub$ bring a bright; brilliant poli. h .
THROAT amd, LUNGS, auffeur a few days, ago. The sister �. .. I From All Over the Dominion. . .. .. I that always looks frosix and clean. , is - I �
" Girlh , d--,-. I'll �_ . It is ch"pest, because you get a. bigger
. QOU1,014 and Q;AeW (14) rot call for and tile ehauffour: aver that the inotor .
' came, into 06111sion -with a retaining I 00, VigOr Charlfis.Lowis Shaw, writing in The . - can for the money.
I& minute reoital.cif twaq,� orno, c;s they are w0l of a road .-dong the eAge of a Winnipeg Telegram, tells the follow- 0)JI1111111111111 I j I. I I t t11111 . . notbandit,"IllacIg I �> -
own to everyorm, I ..', 0., I r tlawwra are. eliff overlooking t1w sea tin that Miss story, I ich he sit ' ould, not � If.v.ourdealer(loes ' .
" " d . Regained* . 111)111� i 'but' the Red . I Knight" 04134 big 411114C and 40� goo
noo understood &,; V.-.11. All tile most, 0hurlosworth bad b, -.en thrown* over , told of a 'y d strict . I �E , lull sized Can.
serious afftictiona Gf i!;-.� 07(jat, tho lt�ngij t1l" wall into the $Pa. ,. The diffictilty with most women lies in WWII! Valley And nia other race, at .. 1. . I I0 . .. =L� 7A
The sister and the chauffeur gavo the fact that while they are anxious abcut )):Iovlo� but Ifighlan(I Scotch; � I I I ... � I 11 - , =_ TlIcT. F. JDAUEY CO. Limited, namiltim. qnt. I
. . And tile lironellial tuv� 'i, w f" in tile bvglu, flip -;Xoln� -, -tint tq the local the health . 11 .. 1. 0, =_ � .
. fol�! , acco , � and. welfare Oftheir family find ad(16, could have perpetuated a disle !" . — I
ring, but coughs a -A c, Mi. nutlloritjo4 an(I shico that the mc. .11, ... ���, I
' ,M. loved ones, they rarely ever pay atteritip tilletivt-lY racial lx-culi4rity .1-m. - - M HE -
Too nuich,aress cann-,t b%1 Id upon the birs of flie,family have ,declined to � to themseives until Nature says Stop, To throu succeeding generationa even. I I . WRIM" 1. . .
I .
on to' all Per.:;0,13 affected 1), see enolldrers or �o give: farthor de. 9% - -_ - - . ,
admoniti' prevent this every —woriian I�Iltrl t, 0 poInt ben through nitd-' , , � M!!!T,R!!1 � -_ - - � , - ,
y the _ 0=14 take . " . � jj7 _!!!�� — .- __
insidious earlier staps of thfoat and lung . taihs.- Those who IiilvO exltmillkd tile 'PsYchine regularly, It creates all appe- 1,1117,11 tile origilial Celtic - strain of 4 1 ,_ I =____ I �
. 0 scNIP of the sup -pose& tragedv do not tile and is the greatest of digestants. b0id had la,�eozue tho least of many. ,7 ks, voolo0w, of 0 lanadian %
- . I I . I - 'AND . 4
discitae, as f'Jiluro to tal;o h(ld at ones will, eonsidor it possible that the body Psychine is a boon to run down; tired Ht"'O is tile stOl'y' . I PAINTING
priliso man.f yeiro of suffer!bg, and in,t4jp, co-uld , bfivn been washed away, , A and overworked mr or ,,a rgo tbore . Norlh-West .
end that. terribIti scov.rgo 61 0 Consump- woman's hat wa,q found upon the . .LIFE IN women for there Is .14 A ye ., I . appeared an . . TRI "I" M I NG.
t . I 1*0 Ll EVERY DOS . Mrs. 1. T.' dvertisemont ill ,ill frivernoss. news- HQUESTEaDA4GULATIONS . i , I 01 I '.
004., . . � 1. I eks,, but no' indication of a bodY Miller of 63'Notke Damc� St.,, Winnipeg, papor and tin Edinburgh journal call- 4.nv even numbertia section of Dominion . . I . "
. - lit�ving been thrcwn over the cliff. ved this, for she says: I I ,am thank- upon the heirs of a certain. Don- ,,#-*ndsja Aladitubs, Sask%tchoWaa and A.A. I We can paint your house oro--.� I
I I . I I I
for . A .
Dr. We.qXs Norivay.Plzie Sftup b A-lis.4- 011pa-loswortli's j)icturesque. ca- fullfor wba-t PSYchine has done tiff Me—., Of 11 SP-cifivil parish- in ,a rtw,i,)oepting 8 and 26, notretierv,ad, paint and trim - your bug ` .
I , .
a Cure for Consnaiption ""r suggests. that .of Madame Hum- I was 1410 11P with weakness. oh, home" -, w Hig, and, nunicat'. with q , homesteaded by any person who 6 or gyp � I
not Solld, as ti Ill s to bolill.
bort'g. - ' . . . It firin of solicitorti ill Sqotland find I ru hotid. of h ftmilv, or any rattle over tg I and make them look like new. � I
but for afrections trj�utaty to, and that Blip sai(l that 1311P ,%va4 heiress'of a ��* Aly appetite was ver� po r an would bqr of soiliethiag to their y -Ara of age, to the ex tea o ' . � � i
I of ano.quarter �
result in, that disca,w. 41t coidbines all tile., Gonerpl. Gordinp,yglie.r g lfathpr, who stomach was greaditly disorders - To illd"vvilitago . VyAion at 100 iwrf,s, rn,)re or leas I All work- guaranteed, '�ad Our, �
' ()o jell � (I y - ' , . I
. I,Aft her $7414, as to -be paid Z I am strong anc.1 well, for Psyebin A.9 nfuVii by. 'accid(,u*t as by any� &PPRO901bri for eatry most be roads in I 11 I . � .
I lung healing vilrotes of the Xorway pine over to her Ott ber 925th , irthday, Xan, hays brought me permanent relief. I feel thing p1se a, wihnippg buii&ss man erson byiba applicarlT,j 'at a Dominion prices are right. I .. .
tree with other abiorbent,.expectorant and �` like a new wo, . � .. '. . .
I 1.3,., with a6cunittlated interest, mak- man now to what I did ' who wa-4, ,ts we,s his filthor-for two .s,nds Allancy or Snb-it�,,pnoy f,)r tho dia- ., .
soothing medioines of recognized ,worth, the wllol(� -aniount $2,500.000. Ali's before taking Psychine. I feet the vigor neratlom.%, a atitivc- of Malfifoba, say/ ,lot In whIcif tile lart I is , ituate. 14utr HcMATH & OVERBURY ..
i ier name . - , gin v y . I C I .1-1 . . . . ..
ana i� aboolately barmloss, prompt Mid ouiarlesworth uqual1v gqve I of.-girlbood I in rny_veino 2;nce 'moi,e,;1 thls� advertiseuxent and kifowing al- proxy may; bowever', f -a made at an Leslie s arriag.e Shop Clinton ' 1 ,
safe. So groat has been the success of tlii� ns Gordon an(l vigicted. London fre- . I I I . I m6i;,t v.11 tho nativ(- whito. families of gooey On certain' tiond-tiorls by the � . . I I .
wonderful remedy, it is only naturill'that; qualltly alone. She operated Iiiiavily TRY PSYCHINE FREE. 0i.t., Iled River mlled soinowbat in tile i,ther, mother, set,,, -imugglimr, bro ber or ------- I ' — . . ) "
numerous persons hays tried to imitate it. on the Lond0n Stock Exchange and 7 - . spirit of jest'the' attontion of it feIk' itst-er of an intendin., hfa�nesteader., .
Don't be humbuggod. into taking anything The homesteader i-3 roquired to perkorm . . . I
but "Dr. Woods." Put up In a yellow owor, one broker $50,000. ,She took it . We want every family to know. the low businesi man ill Winnipog to it. Ford, & M,
large country place at InverTiess last medT� d will is "r b!'lieve . he lrviu,,�etead daticia under a no of the fol. ' . � . cLeod * ,
wr�appor; three pine trees the trade, mark; -8 of Psychfile ti� that wv�s the parish my kwing plans . - .
� svirtmor,.whicli wag sumptuously fur- houseEoId&r__a great-1=,ndfatlivr did coran from," 'c li , Havinj secured a commodious',Graim.
price 25 cents. , risbed, the walls being draped' witfi - trial bottle free. Cut, out Wills tho sf-)Inpwllllt surpri3ing answerI 11) As least six Months' residence. upon Stgrehousti, ive are now buying all .
. of - , oupon n . � . . fgrain, for which the, highest. * ' ' � I
11 _ 0 a A. Sloit-im, III. shull ,go down ti) the old horue- D, I . ve years. - ' paces w I be paid, ,
— ___ �n--�---'!i----�� ,the ,Gordon plaid. She had four 3 . - d rnait to Dr. T. rills unitivation of the lend in each: yearlor kinds o
I .
. - �
I .
-11 � ,. I I . . . I
ibi' generally diabelievod, .. althodgli' her � I I .
. . 6AWA AN POETS. - or cars. The story of her death'ii . Ltd., I Toronto. � � . � lltl?-nd .soille of thesw (.kiiys and look up (2) .A bomeatead r way, if bi ed'desires, .
.. . . . " � - , � I .till, Old farnily paj)(�rsl` ."�rform the required residenue Bran, Shorts, Uorn and all kinds of
— parcIntii . . - dutits. by grain Seeds and other feeft kep�- on
.hnve offeTod $100 for the. rv� Please let we have a free tample of � IR, did, imd aft -i- ii, yoaT's corr(- , ving on farmina land ovvn&d solely by '
. " . . *
Canada Now Has Quite- Res'pectabl'o coypyy of hor'body. . . Perchine as per your FiVecial oner. , SpOlidericl', '1',(I�,;Irtis�(-Ill(�!it'itri(I invest!- n,M, " . band at the stor.6house �. I .
- .1 , . I riot W6,thall so %crea in extent in . . .
� ,--tlit �of Forgotten Birds. ' . � , T)WAiiappeafanve and .the. family's . Name., L I . . fration the nfri. jr, 'cul III! rutted in One'of he vicinity of b,s horotistead, Joint �, - *
. I
I . tors fill't one in c . V. spolvoy 'are causing . endies . s ,spcc . iila- I .... I ... I—— th,.� most uni(Ine . fainily lz�lttherings : . . - H & McLeod ,
il - , 0 ti-cently, it used to be a � I. . . I . . ..". I ' � .. 1,1111 11118 VV(�r 1)'V�ji rePC)rtj1d, I . -hip in land will noi meet this requir4
� I . I— wn I
I .
'&'i' ' c r -tioll. , � I : Addreas * " ' ' ' ... * t, . . -F 'r
- ke a �qng ed! efy . I . . . - - ............." "I have Imard it, coiii6m-,lod," 'sal'' tent. - o. .. I I .
ten of the pupils Aurned out of the � . . I � -.- h< the winnip-g iimv�r d I (3) If th6 father (or mother, it the father G. To, R. STAT1,01N. 401LINTON. - �� 11
. . . . . . * ..
� 0 .
11 ' Piycliine regifla C. . P . I , -has pop. . �_—'_ �
high school in tho avviagd Canadian -THE ENGLISI -UNEMPLOYED.. I I wlio liad th' )of the homeateader
. .. . � . . . . tes and strenwhpus t conduot. of tbb, f.vahily settlornelit on ; janeot residence an tarnairig land owned . , .
. town was .1 poot.* III'very truth the . . .1. stomach and is an infallible. remedy for .tllif, ,�id_ bf t!le ,ktlil.ntio, "that there ,4ely b� hini, not lwi than eighty (80 �� �
. . - -
spread of -ediieiitibn has -'produ66d Treasu're-Hunting Is Suggested as a all.disorders PE -the-throat, lungs and : -ores .in ezten�, in t e i ini I ,
verse -writers iiintimerable, mbst of.' - - - 'Possible Remedy, . chest. All druggists and store*s . woro ilt least sov,rallpn.i of tbousands* b ve ty 'at thq Corn for.''Safie, . . -
� ... . . � " 50c. of j)w)n1n1 Nv)y,) could clahni descent winestend', or it ,,on a homestead entered . . I . . . � . I I . .
- �
whom, lioxrover,- mweimila varly to. tit(? � n ' - . -7 . . I - % I � ' . that . -)r by b . . — � . . . . I .
I To solvi- the. (irs(imployme. t- probl'qni .. ' . frorn VNri1lXl%�)AjtM- ('011MACTor, Iind im in tile vicii,iiy, snclibqmesteW-. I . I - I I
I (0 . . � . �
eq)t ntorb humdrum.. , 3n, - , 'st,lit* For $22,000,000. .. rfiwtit',311.� W-iwlr riCtli!i nativo,born r mav, perform his own ,
inevitable and Ile . in'r glaiid U)p �ourioufi suggestion fi, . . , P, - �IiB f&th realdence duties..,,. . I . . ,* .
alj�ervllle,. of the British FA,w wori'of ro-yal or - '� lIvI or or.tnothst,.' TV .. I -.,.
pursuits. But it oulinot be said that Intuit, to orgaiiize a bilf scheme for the A suit for hn estaiv.'m N,I,. - � � I . I . .. ., na; with ' � %Xfhole"�, .. - ,,, - I
tho number of. Canadian poets lifts rf'-covory of the troasure lost- by the Eas6x County, vtllu�d . . noblv.cle,sevnt-, b. -t I t1jought, it was .(4) Tha tLraim I!vidirifty" in the two pre- . .
' tit $22,000,000, - - � . q . I : . k I . I
increa,ved in r.ttio t(y the populat"on- .E ,nglish - Kinglolin- I.Ackland"Of Mag- and wbich, if won, 'I'111 in -0.41 nierely -an� ;4.-�srl lod of- i0vunced radi- 01AIngpsrsgtapbsjH dellnel 11S -L,eS . � 7
I Rather is the revorse true . . . I . I % take. . ' . � tilug I Cracked . .. . . 1:
na Chartat Itiniv in tile `[Jilcolmllire '-Labadie treas, of the Tfamilton No," 0:tlis'll- Til` stoal-inont of thi)-divl- , �, ot morg than nine miles -in a diject. line, .
. prvr I I . I I . . '..
. Coutparatively' few,'nQers' of the tlaickAfulds- iienrly 700 y.pais ago. At. tional-Inguraheo Co., of Soylth -Bond ,-�ion of'n'littll! Irt-hold ostate in'Scot,. 04insive of the, width at ro%d allowances . I , . I I . .
pxpsellt goberution-are awaic, - fliat the tint. Of � fli& Societj� of'Aiid-' -ind.,', riel � . �. b�- 1f�,o(i*-ffmOIIf,r t1l(" 1"!"-, Of '�t ""'If 101498d in thernea, nremens. .I . . � or Chopped I .
lhte Rev. . Dr: DoNvart, � mho passed , a recent ibee I e r by $8,800,000,, �vjjj 1%only ninely' years� ag, , 106 0 . . I . I .. .
I . quaries At Cambyidgro (says the Lon- started in Torwito, accol,ding to a re- - diol . . . -) liti,s Con- , (5) A, Bomeateatier xntqndlh4 to perform . . I . ... . I .11 .. .
away but two or three years, ago as . ) of Tbe New York cent despatcli front L . fi� � vinced'ibe of tht', j�,')ossiIjilitij;�,% of-pigllt wa ,��,,Aidenco dudes in mapord&., as with the - . .1 . . .
.. . .
doll 0ori(.,l)(:IId0iit , I ,bove while . -1 FAIR. .
. .orte, In(].. . . 3., & .N
long d9O. 4S 3804 publis);ed tin anillo-. Sun) N.V. H. �kqt., Johm Pope, vice-presi, Hirum Walker piti-clias6d- tI)v . or nino centliriosould .06 claims of -living with parents or. on . . I � A V,�F � ,
logy entitled `18�leetions . froxii Cana" dent 10 . f the Rmal Arcluiecilogictil So-: h -on) an uncle of Labadi" estate - iobl�� lino,vm"' - ' _. . .. . farming land ovtniid by himself, must u;ot. . ' �t . . i
dian Poets, with Occasional * Critical . - . e, into Whose I I - , I .Clidtoh Mills, - - - � I
tP.J. an exact r&construe. m . hands it . ha.fl co 'fro. *Frotn the caimill porusid Of Oiat ad. 'fy lhe Agent for the disttio Of snob intoo. . , . . I .
. nd Biographical N . . . 1. ;. L . nie ,fi . Labadie's - I I I jj:,n . . . ... . � .. I . . — I . . I I . . .,,�. �
a Notes, ,ill lntroduc-r "u, j?jj,T -orij... vertis.ement apd� th" vousu,qnOilt search - I. . I . I - I . . .1
. �say oil 'Caimdi'a' ty. tioli. of.-tho. King john's I -ate gralidfatber. - This tr`ansa&t i ion,A-ae ' ' 'for heirs in North Amvflca� . . for tbn I �lx moritbW notice in writing b I . � � I - , ,% .. .
. 'I- it contuty w0ro - - r, . "I "s I x d - old - " ,
- tory E, I In Po6try: ney, The tbroo most truSt'voltl ing tb the -allegation. whicb, .. �i I ( I be . . of, runMil. .No '
Edward Hartley"Dewaxt."' This vol- I 4(ven to 'the commissioner Dot . �
I 'at Ottawa, of intention " -'ap . %
- of the .fillip agret, that,. tbo nit0p, was hi. no se'nsc, legal, .19 nj fc I
clironlclvrzi , the and laird of nearly � , �ds - 11 . I . - �
those of the wayward young son. '6 1 ",
- urne was pqbli-fliod by John r,ovell, ento,stropliel tool; placo in :the Well nc-lo only held the estate in. trust and. , who ' V�htept. � . .1 . - � V y r I - .
81 Nicholas street, �Jontrval, .and is . I 11 fv]- ho' flight' to dispose of it. . �� . ja the recklessness. of youth had. thIt- . , . . * . I . [ '0 " > Da ' ...
- -rcu�" Stream,- a sm.. arkii which eo ite&0 �, . ....W. W. CORY. . . 81*.n n, - . I I ,
now rather scar�e,' although . ., -, ay which sopar- , tabadW. who has been ejnpowe -d en'.service of 41.)v Hudson Bay. Co. .. I - _. , , , , y . . .. I �
� �, with tbf.'Wash, the b, I qe , - 19�,Aty nt the Iffinjeter of the Intoilor.'. - � . - I
lation was conshlerable , . . L as attornov 1i , , at iniddlo. � . . .
I ati% Lino6lushirf, froin 'Norfolk. .' a aci v tbe"sevefal hairs nearly a century .ago, ,and I.B.��Uaaathorized 0abli-.3ation of this Tlis� G�4�aies -Limg Ilealing- M .
.1 Now, in 1864 the population of Can- On Obt. 11, 1216, King'J61ln, *after asserts flint ,if the `e4e. is -lost ih To- Age 11�pd settlm down in one of th6. I . I t edicine ,
ada was. much Jees. tiltin it is -to-d raging furiously i . I . p it 'd dow 'Bhgl'nd ronto it will bajo,ken to the Clilincejy, riv'or pa- . 6slies .of th advertisement will not bs pfikid tor'.' kndwnt6scienc(i. A kuirantee cure for*. - , I
I I - r
' ay, n 4 p Red Riven ' _--�-�, �*� all Lung troutile, Coil Colds. A,tk. � .
05" ide ---and - . .p � ,
'one : a me covers �3 pi ,g, - . I- "' t "' bl ' [u. - arrels with h Courtof LOIld6n.' On-the'eqtutd.1's the .. The reports of - the. . hiherlt=66 in ' .. � . . ,fhs.
yet tile V *lu ill bi-, in orniiiia e c is ' . ' ' ran, Bronchitis, Sore! hio4t, and .C(M. . �. I 1. r
counts over Pighty cobtribut4ri9' baratis, inhich,ed 'out of T�inj's- Lyon,. ',Walkor dist Ilery,..., . " I . I - the, way of human nature had beeril A . . old under, a � . � I
. .i . .
Moreover, i making.'his selections, I . undantment sumption. rivery-botiliab .
n . - I I ; - , greatly exaggerated so inquiry as to I 1. . .
Norfolk, where t1jo t6wrismeri, had pro- -.1.. I I . ' ' ' . . .. guatantee,. The only Cough Medicine � .. �
the' young Mn Dev�drt .of'that 'day pitintod -him -with rich. gifts. T14eo . .. I . I C P.R. IndListrial bepartm'ent.., Possible .heirs * wo.s facilitittect and 1, ... , ...,4. - ,- - . r . .. endorsed. by do I dtora. 25c Bq�itb�%... ' . . . . I � �:.
was careful to� choo�e the work of , --knights Arid crass- ' with. Celtic and Ihdiftn porsistenoy, . . . i . .
or four tho'llsand . The Canadian Pacific Railway 06' I'mrish to announce, to the people of 0 AA_ . � .
. mental reca.rd of kinship extending' i P011s Nlftuire!sRem'
verse -writers who paid heed . to the bowme.h'wero '%vith him, also a 10k haS established An iridustrial' -depart- : 01inton and surrounding count th-1 . 9 . . 1, I : I
laws of rhyme and metTe. ' over� the years had ee'n lodsel� pre- .1 have res. " F . � r,0r..C6ngtipjfl
.not of, the type that , train of wagons, and packliorses. . .. ment. in Wiiinipeg, in connection -with served. . I � I I .. . . ignt-d ., my pool tion , witZ I I . I . .
These vers%� are , . This bfIggage traill 'Was 'to takO a their. bxtensive ' )i Morrish & Crooks, for the purpose of � .
appeared in the poet's corner of tlice , offic6g, for,the,�Urpose : ' -for the.'. final .1 Pig Pills will cure 'Rheurnatign aind an, - � -
. - q. tile W611 Stream_ of encouraging the develojiment of - * t business for myself. - '
' Short eut, .1cr.04, . When the gathering oing in a Blood Diseas . � . I .
old-fashioned colintry -v�eekly by 'any , ,.ilie � am opi I Ximples and Blotebee 1
I ,A ..b . �yas fordable at low' fide and, settlement '06k. place, amorig the,, I oning out in 'Fred' JrAckson's "move in a , I
. I
means. , Some of the names that fig- p -a path fl�ve 'miles I � ong over cities, towns,* and vfflag�s along. its -1 � ieirs w&§ a' white4faced, frock�coated old stand;' I - ', - *,, - - .. - . .4ays by taking Fit .
ure in the anthology., are'still familiar, rovided, , lines, in the west. . . , - . .. a long-haired . I . . . . . Fills, , one t; -
I . , unstable sarid to Long putton, where I . . .. .. . . . Presbyterian mlniitpr en'ht* night time w1w. . �
even t 3ariadian of the., ' � . . . . �. ;.. : a�-tjskota� res * ' -.-XeXt.doorto-R�,11.CjuWj - . inike you fe .
a the . young 1 ( � 'Tobn with his horsemen li6uld await. I . . .._� - I . , . . . Maui: Indian from erve, � , . I . * etter 'in tile biorniblg. '.. �
. �
� . . I , . I �
twentieth e6 :6f D'Arcy 1. I 'rampy.Jildian lialf-bieod, Aa de I .Shoe Store . I Large boxes, 2 e. Par sale. bi,, ,, -� . .
� arrival. . The convov 11 ad � only . got If you want -a, - sl��t a sm ' . I - . . . . , I I , . '. I . �
. its , . 9,
ntury. - those , safs.yatc n COu'glX I . . .. '. � I .
Magee, Win. AfeLatililan, .1ohn Reads, half4way - across Wh�.n ib(-Aflde�-set in- Remedy in the'h6me, try Dr-.- Sh , I 1 . -WrTA�A , "I � . .1 . .
. . oop a .,corous.clerkly lo6king Winnipeg busf- - �._. . � . . . - 1 9 : .1 " .
. .
... � I . I �
Charles Sangster, and Charles H64�Yj-. with. unekample<i I-tity-'a'nd 'engulfed -at le"t once.1t; U thortaugl2ly. unlike .ness Man, :1 Princt, Albert -fur-trfider. - '. - , NO -IM -0 , C I - P, .
Sage, to 6ite, a few instances. ' . . . 1. � rancher, it Frencli'llall, - Brand. New Stock Of. � . . - . �
L , . .
thoiri 6%. marl'and bea9t. � . r other Cough preparation, Its an Edmonton I .. .. I � I - --k- .,... . .
I � Of tile th'any 'young' ladies whdse; .. WIlatL Wag' quicksand in 1216 is Arin I Nj3syt�e will be. entirely new ,t6 you�un, br4d -(tile. son of -ime. of Mel's litiu-, . ... I... � I . woollens. , . * - . ' - IN. .. -
names figure in the list, one. cannot I '' in 1908.'reolaimed by ).Posib, is aliready your-favoriC6 Dough tenant§ In the Red River. 'rebellion) . . . - . . . .1 ' ' . . . BARGAINS' . � ... � . I �.. .
' , .. . � .
ground -diking , I .and I will pleased to'reileive 4 *call . .. � . . . . .
help wondering wbat',became of them . Reinedk. No oplitin,chlor6form,ci a it, doctor of m6fi�!A.v from an easter� be � CIRRURS .. .
I .
-w-wfictber . thi�y- continued to *rite- and..drainfrig:. In the Wagons was the - I en r n ' . , 'from all old eustomere; . '011 � . . . . . I I .
of b alf a kingdom . and* thp- tither. stu'pifying ingredi ts* a, � ' boing 41i'my, own, cutting, &no being a ' � .
. pill nder - , !e u:ecf. city, a western 're,11 elstate defil�r� t,*o -Gji,%,x.x
'" � ,
poetry after they got married. ' ING, 'royal treasure of a king. Xt is'bertain- The tender leAves of a harmlegs.-lung. .'Indiims ,of St;,Pel,ePs`R ' eserve, 6 Hnd- practical tailor, will enable me to give , . . . , . . I . I . . ., .. . . .�
doubi in many a 'Cao isixi household � . . � I _ - . ..� . : heallnF ay_J . , ilf,r, s6�ral .ladies ibe� very lowest orices. Being ein. - - . ' ,�
" _cheriilre'cT-66py�' 1�. worth re6ov;ering. , mountainous shrub,aive to Vr son B ' iticket hin .
1 .
of to-daj there is a . . . . � . .8hool?s CoughRonedy Up Oronderful ers, ' . .. . . -FOR CASH. . .
� . . . . � � who might 'b-- � 'etillod .,society lead ' floyed as "Cutter'! *itb Sacksion Brov. I . � . � .
of this old volume, precious because . curativeproperties. 10 16 truly &-most and others. Sonle-wVTO pure'Whit�, ( We have got through takinj; stock - - -.'. � I .
. verses Ifthat - . : An. Ancient Ceremony.. . . certain and trastirbrthyJorescription, with ut tho slightest drop of 'Indian or four ears, Cutter and markager of 0 . - . ,.
it cbritains. in cle4r print � . I and-no*-bave itin order again., We '.
grandma wrote when she was a �.olmg The quaint ceremony of electing .a Sold by &It dealers. . - 1�oa - .. . . 0 ' the Ho gens Birds.' Tailoring Depatt,, I .
. . .. . .;blood in their v'e.ihq. w'bile'otbera were ifient for four,.YeWrs, and two -yemp 'sire aln ready to supply the F:blie � : I
- I P, . . ... . . - . . . . - . - . � . .. .� I 0,t�g ki dsof first,e169a GVoc,
a,; ,
gir . � deputy -mayor in a b4fry, a custom . almost entireiv of Indian' blood.' with',Morrish .& Crooks, should ba Below a .
. . . . I .. . . a I I.. _. . 11 AeEf.. ' ,
It will be seen, also, that the -poets ,dating back to.m6diaeval times, was .. . I .Tile assets of the estitte iyhen divid- -sufficient guarantee. of, reliable wook , - re BbrDe.of our Prloes.:- ' . .
' Canadian Coasting Trade. - . .
of half' a century 'ago were' by no Observed ih'tbi 6wer of the parish ' With . regard to..a . . ed, amounted -to A coninarative trifle .1 ikh�i'also a. member of the -,Custom. 20 Ilas, Redpitth's'extra-grahulated - . �
. -
means backward in seeking tbe� fame� church fit Brightlingsea. � Having recent announee. e I Outters Ass'n. of America," whiah 811 - gar- - I . I ......... I . I .... $1.00 '.
. � to fich inaividtial and there we're in- . ...
that book -covers are supposed, to be-, climbed a steep - spiral. staircase of ment citing .,the , terms of . an order r,, dicittions pending the.settlement -that .keeps its membem in touch with All 10 Ibs.. Redpath's ektra-grainulated ' - I '
stow, for in many cases.tbe ,selection . stone, tbe 'juiats, or,,electors,' estab- stricking"the coasting' trude of Canada . -on.% raigli s rng Ing in. I I I . . ..
. . quosti new ldeaa continually cobn sugar _ .. 5DD - -
presenttid is credited"to some already liAed themselves An the belfry, and: to Britisil vessels fron' Jan-' 1, 1"P, tbo',�alidity of Indian marri0ges. �6tc.; ' See the values -I'have, 1,efore pUr.. 54bs. RkWathls extkajkranulated I % � i
. publislitid volume of -the pbet's -earn- the chair was'.taken tiy the retiring we are offiIiially informed -that apph. ,ui)til it. was(remarked bv tile Wirmi- shasing your spring suit ela6where; ' Sugar w*.... . 15c , I.
plete works. -'In fact, -it, 'is' obvious . deputy. Youf new- freernall Nvere en that a eollai�-61 branch of . . . 22 lbs. Granulated 8 ug' a'*r' *.'. * *,'.','.'.*. 1.()D ,
L * L youra truly" .- L ' '
I from' of whom the . ships. and vessels. of' certiiiin foreign Peg 'n""ve in,Seotland,.�u hereditary .1 . � � . 11 IbS. Granulated Sugar ......... �. we .. ,
that in, wli�n literature in el�cted I' each. an. . . .
_ e . countries, to pa .rA
the Utilted States wa's practically con- cient (Re of -114, -was exacted Th ian L ri-icipate in the.Cana., he clan' would. in 6we4f . - Ibis. Giautilated Sugar_"... -. - Ze - - -
. .- d aociating trade to ,a L,li A* I. .
Rev, Arthixr Pdrtw'(-e� who is."Recor rhited ex. ,,,,, ,.,,,,,Iyr G 60, We * BARG.E. 22 lbs. Coffee ,Qugar .. � ....... 1.
In"My, Of t
fined'to Wbat is 'known as "the New . t �Ilv,t, anione 'tlie beirs in...this 1. --I--- 0) 1.
England school,"Abero.was a local. I .der," was unanimously,,: - a t�nt and for a tern�orstryperibd. penif. ,coittitry� press fts clairn: :yigorously . ... L ... I . . �1. .1 . . 2%lbs Aeg,,ita & 6d cooking iiugiir. J'00 � - ' .1
chosen 5, . . , , L. . . _. 3 ankT.0 a �eso . .1 . 1. . ,
impulse toiyard verse -writing and a.. _deputy-mavor,- and took the antique ing the a6quisition bf.stritable British -And-a friendly .�0116imtmt followed., . I . I I I I .-V ...... I..... I I. 26L, . :;
� .
I *
I I - The Goveihor-General has * 00" The. tp4rson-ret;irned to his YiIanse', the . 9c&nsCorn,,,- - ' I I
local market for, its out Ut. �"' L� oath of allegiance' td the 'Xing and ships. - . . .
. , 4 1
.. I P . . ' -.4 .... 25o
.. . .1 stat'�.* : fte' filso. -undertook "it � an -.V sequentll ordered -that the ' order be doctor to ,bis laboisitory, the rahcher ' . A'VIC, 6 Ibs. Rice t - I- - 'I; I? .-I .. .* " " " "' i " . I .. I
. . . . ......... zo
� I ' . . . harin be pretend6d to this member of amended in stichmannoir "*to permit to his farm, .the Trldinits' to the long q U',O, ., .10 EPSOM Salta .i141I6... , . . 2SC - '. .' .
r_ �j 4ji I'Li. ice. ' 'j�j'jgjjt)l4g6e4.'j'jj, , Ul gjV OWl_ I . , I.....,.,..'.;.... L? ' .
Sixty ye'a s n Vi ry , , stearrisbijas of not. less than. 1,W tcwa� h 0''t, '' - . I
. - e v; 6 d . e kn frail,z of the -yet )4rjt- lan'd of -the north- - - . . I . . I 10 lbs. Sul 12 .e .
" � � � . . . 5c . I
A. 'G. D;.'Taylor, elerk' of the Eng. ed*7,e and*,jarnlng thereof: Six "assist- . , s tonnage each, of Italy, Germe�ii*� ,to.. 4 �y -Iln., of tbd'voun� sea0- 2Z'lb 'il p ".'.... .,r
. a -,it -41P wert�`.�ppoibt�d, theii oitth bind, 9"I's .p1j, it mj . Now, . - PA Stock Food ........ #...:,1.0.0 I . . ,.L
lish journitls House'of Commons staff, the-. Netherl��Z Sweden, N enfiqted 'In. is the ti ' to Ia�e 8 III. Packiige Stock Voo4..'... i'. 400 L
. oyway�' rrttoe Highland flini, tbe . Ime L
. . I
. - um,f , L early all hundred all th L 1, t6, Dried - . . ,
thP oldest 9�rvitat of the crowrl jrk Ithe, ' ;Ilg ' thern"' to' undertake the "ounish-- AustriarRungarg, Denmark. B6%q Ifildsoli, Bay .Co. n 4betn". taken'; e a st F'resh 'D,%tes' ' ' I
capiiiiI, ��itq 'honoied `retmintly,6 . �, .. , . .
- , be. *Ynent a -Ad ,�eformat`iou: of till disor&r- the Argentine Republic, and Japan to .years .ago. - . .. I I . . Style' SL; Peaches and Apricots, Layer Pigs a;n* ' .
— .
ing sent f6i" by Hiiti E,keellcricy'ri,ari ly. wid. unruly persbfis." The now _ ting trade :oi can- . I -.,--- Q . .-- 11 . � * we guarlantee all Cookinq Figs; . . . 1. I L
Grey, who congratulated -him' on, the 4puiy, was th;n handed his -robe and,. adain the carrying.of goods and pm- . I . _. work satisfactory� . . . HigheS�t ftj ' P�id &r - L L : I I
09nipletion of sixty. years in the f)ub. chain bf- office, the latter formed of . son er' "'wise. botiveen any port in ', H'ad' Hat For.'Ciinadit - " I . I . . . ..1. . I "S lftodfte. L I
IjeL silver ats�,ivitb 'N . . . ., , , , . . . .. . . .
I . . I I
.service, lie, havirig joined.the set- olde� oysters and spr the.gpro'Zace of Nova Scotia avid any A latter ftom Roalle., .p,UViisho( in . -be- L .
, � .g port in t e I ., It Ifia long time I .
- . . . be 6-rie h province of Qqebec *jid The. Durldas Ranrier* and signed by . T*ndafl & -Carr 1. I
vice on ,Tan, 1$, ' 1949. I ' 11 - ri�call this , a Pal attachod, Said to Q* saine terms and oDn. M'L g L :, fore Y . I
Students of history W2 largest opals in the United Kingdom. vice.versa bn . thetily is together . $-
. . I
. . th"L jzr, Sattato$ cortiains the fallowin . . I . :. .
as the y6of file Parliament Buildi�gs Trieluded 'in a intignia was the har, dititins as are applidable t6 casiadiso reference: . . . I a ain . . I . . (Sue L oessots to T. Beacom,), - , . . I
ry-old wand - i . , . . __________________:__ ,
sel, lint I Dec'. 31.1911. . I . I ,. . ' 19 , . . �
were burned down by ,an anary.Mont, bar masto?s staff It centu to Yq�m __ . , - . . "When! t1lis reaches 'the Dominion, . ' I ,. L . . . Shoe ' � .' L . -
real mob, who PtIted Lord Elgin, then of tile special c6nstablo type, with .-..w-,..- '. ..O..,..;I�. t)i(, date of the next Consistory will I . .
lGoverhor-General, *itb.�,stohes. Taylor w'hich to comprehend all vargopa per- I I . � � 'pKohAbb � . * Robe'rts- -- I- -, - ` . .- I �. . . ., .
was an Oye'witne.84,4 of'thes� and otil. gons.11 as, th'A 'formula runs. , I I ' I � .be 'settled. althotigh .,the i 0 ' '
narn(AA -to Ile raised to -the - - --.9---
or sti"ring events ,which maiked the � I -_ . . 1 I . I .000100 ' - �L ple i0l Alot. be public, or even, . " - I. .
I of those
� . I .� -A I 11108 put Photo Artist, elint6h. ... R. -Op
* . , " I., I. , , � . , J45 . _ . , .
introduction of constitutional govern. I . , , . I , . . %i&'JL I
. Blemithes That Ari Beautiful. I - — arl a- . I . I I I , . "...-I.... I., .1 �.
, . . . . . perhaps. Aealded upom That a (I L
I . . I I - - 1. .
mout in CanadA. . : , L . . I . . L I .
There is tic question wl�iatever tbat, TeW 11ovv to.-Curi, Stomach,,V44, flion will boinel uded i,, doubtful, al- C 'K ;'� � 0 , . , . r. . . I 1.
, In Junp last. Mr. Tp.'ylor received the in a: great iiumber of cases so-called 1,iVer � Troubtes. ; . . , . A�430 161, it. is 10 , I
Imperial Sorvieo Ord6f decorntioil; in . . f� , a, jiressi;ng qpostion. ut Work la. Alftys neat and aur 11 I I I
reeognitioh �61 I bletithsheo. 4.ild marks cift a womanls.� I I i., A .1 . . ..: re ar�' now Vmrtoon Vaoant,hat�. OULD NOT GO, TO, R PticesAlreTf0t. Your 1%pairs doilli, ". ,
iis lon- service to'tlie � . : - . .
,. I I I � .. I . While yott wait, . . . I . . L
'Country. L fae& ch4racier' to flip 14tter. and , A distinguished London *bloh is� A Ifirge nnmbe�� but present .
. I . . 1116 , L � . 4ds ' TrV us Abd be. con,vibeed. . , I .�,
. may 9 w4t be. reggardo P'Y�'c'ao Indidatibns, do not point, ta,vjar -
L 1. ?. . I . . I . aim d. from tile during the course, of a reccot leciura eitTler�n 'Otitiadlon". Or American. . 1 I I I .
wh �-
-1 w
d .
h I 0*
I a
el ,�i
.. I
$L!!��, I! 11'.1 coiAtrast'between tile blernWi and its On stoinach-and liv�r. troubles,. gives: car- BACK WAS So'. W, EAKI . - . k .
. . . . . . � . W A 1.,W 11 . __ _ surrour,dings, as 6idst to beauty. . ". the following, advice:- " ,� .,. ' i dillal'.-allif,660 that. honor 'w4s, half ]k I * L ' I , , 'L. , , , WH. L . I "
. I I j I . . How ifery oftell'.in recalli;IgAlle '&Be moderate i I .1 Proinked f� the former L during th6 "kiielid is the primary cause of kid . nej .0 ow. tt & 5 , . . i
I I . . n the use of heavy, , - , . .
I - , , ;' , ,
face of some woman we have known rich foodsi � D6 'not eat hurriedly . box- fesfivitio,l - The Pontiff is' 'trouble. When t1io back aches or becomes , I I 'L . I .
, .
toid liltedo we first of all think,of and thoioligKfy Masticate � thc fdod., ]it ,Ills staild flint the red hat loeak itia t warning -that the kidney# are I * opposite the Poi� Office I .
If your habits are �tedcnt take a ; - 1. . L - 1. .
, t AOIlle 1110le -or slight ntark, and It 14 .. , '?,,r,11,1111i, il�i,Pr bfv a reward for an�thing, liable to become affected; ' i I
_. ft�ryi . . . �.' � . . I _' � " L_.. . . . _.. , � - . I .
Stoplhat' Cold a notable fliet'that most vent'beauti. moderate amount of '6xdrclge before it is vonforred fol� bigher rea ons, Hood the warning,- chock the Baoirachei I —L - _-7– :, I... ... � � I
fid women Wive 801no Such distill. Feti-ring and immediately upprk aris- alia thuff.if lit, gave & -ca to and diapdoe 6f Arty ohaineds of further I
. I I .. " ,� 0madtt ,list nt tl,.- trouble. . . . I I
. . V. A T_ m� �� 4A I .
t;tq H ISK 4111LI t. MR; sul� I ease tile I is. W = Use Strong CALIArLIC , V1. , WOU U I I .
right, ev,--Iit(vtv, sbowg fl, broken )!Ile tlills� many of which are advertised.Las I)p said flint it was a J�ya,M for tile It You don?k serious dothplioptiors Are ]ROTIUSIM01IS a 14" 0 .
and .�h 'k.ear, bat this file,, far f!,ojrj 1,sure cur'es, but in reality do injury oble'bor volitelillial. TjVtb6 gAme way . *0�y.&pt to arise and the firaf thing you. I . . . I.. L . 1� I . I � .
. , 3�fon, .1 knoly yon,vill have Dropsyj Diabetes Or
I dotractiOg h1ora ill - v world-renowned. weakeWrij 'the system. -'If you. Illy. fS r0lfletabk� to ra(Lip signo'i , t
,auly ho owifer, moorns to give r1lynd it nece,asary to use any laxative, 11-0111`11Z, Art-bbish0p of Wastmilister, Bright's ]Disease, the throo,mbst deadly I' We are itill in the I - "
" ') 0, , O'y le . Lt h f4rms of Kidney Trouble.
�Onlj I I l4rJ)1A01* to thf� face. )t 5ticA to the old-fashioned vegetable, tL�) tile eard * inalate just a 1, is Mo- I 1. 6erine, business; and, -. L I I
n e ll� (I , 0
t. -�
19 -
i lit b ed that � lllokf, so ",On niter the Eucharistic 6 , In
. flip sillooth faces mixture, vit, . . - , Mt, &01169 Bfyalib, Aric at;,X. S., wa's in a Position, to fill all 0
tit , 9 0 not 'ascara ...... 4 0 a Oz. Ponare". but tile dig"ritent of the troubled with hist book itn� used DoiLu'a ..
nbs �Ijjtely withOut blealish are very .Pluid Extract C '
rt 11 in V'a�'t . y " * ley po I u- _LA _' , I
"Isipid. . Syrup Rhubarb- ...... �.,... s o7. EnPlish. Clitholi0s, at what tl Kidney Pills, he writem-41 I cannob say de
() e (,'�Vil �, i A ru for,seasonable tnLeA
0 � Catriar a, C nd �:..._. I . ,j side" 11P91oct of their interests, has too much about the benaft I rscolvad aftok ' ii
risen t tIlres boXbri,of intrustedtCLCU'.Ca,"d, j
I'M )au Sarsaparilla S , , Doan's'Xidnay Pilla. j . I "I
Tbreaboning feverlshriegs with childro6 Compound Oz. I a such a point that Pius X. 1111119
- SY14 I will probably give Itray, jjo%ypvor,' I 'was greatly troubled with an achin,f pain ' ..
isquiokly and safely calmed by prevorit. ' ne teaspoonful after ro'�a 5 Canada lias been venj patient in thisi herosq, the amall of my baek. I eou 4 not; Our'new business stand . I
ica. These little Candy Cold Oure TAb. and at,bedtime, 0 . , go to work And ray back waN sq, weak I
letsahouldal�vaysboathftnd rpromp, This acts in a gentlo natural way inaffor, liftving w1ited o4evori year4, w,tIo,j K 4T_ 14. a Ir I A 11 is 10 the COthhe 1310t:k.
0 t — a own. to won go away
, . I and it is quite within the bounds of- for & is � I a � I .
,, I -1 I'll, 0, tnossisall-important. Pre4enticaeon. and is firte fronl 'tho. weakt,ning w das hub would &1wit A return.
. ."'. . . 'tain no quinine. nothing h4rah or nick. a0ticts of strong purgative.s. . pos,dbility� I wifinot, say probability,., I w&0 Advide to try Dean'& Elroy
I ` I eping, They. arehideed, ,-the stitellin, I ntliammons a so.
I I _ The ingredients raii 'be bought th`ftt tile Pontiff'1011 ebAcede to1hellai and I rilust say they completely cured I � I, 0, $ �
.. � I time." Carriedin pooklet� or put,seg separattly, and anyone can mix theiii also their dwfte, and the presence, Price So colits per box or 3 holtos for � , �� I
Pr', CS Pileventiom are a genulits, 0 foguard at hotne. Thla itifotmatiov will .be of in Room of Arobbishop D"uche'l At: $1,25 -tit all doodbis or mailed direat ou i 0146 is clintan I 1.
4' ,
TV - ngainst Colds. 25c. -Sold bjr 41rdellers botlefit to out readers and is vorf,h this Tiloment way Contribute to this, I I
. . fedo* The Dom Xfdns� Till
I dillaraN UNIMeAt CMOs 41411611 . �Iv' 00 �b of trioe by .
Sold by "ALL DRUA � hl** kefting. I To,, I Is Mon '00 Out. ...... ....... "I'll, . . . . . . . . I ",""I'll ............ ,, . . . . . . . . . "I'll, ..
I � , , '' IN" Ift *0 ,
� I I I A - ... _, .
. � � . . 1� . I -.....-%- +4-
0. I
______ . � �&____._ I - ____-___- ----- - --- ----- .------ I . .-.-.----- - . � I I—- �,.�.,�..�l---.�-----�,,�"-,-.,--..,-... _ _-1!_.__ ____ - _ _ �
r TRO fli�jlftx.t%
io KRA
I ;
0 (" I
1k, .
rob, 18th, 1909
. A7 Dollar .For Each"Man, woman una
. I .Ohiltl Is the Amourlt Required For
I Its MaintenancQ �- Forttine. Al9no.,
i . Fof- Rop4iring Bags alict Locks -
What Finds Its Way to the Dead
Letter Office. .
i . The vastness of the service, when
I 4.91i6idered as a, whole, really -aston.
� ishes one, find tile effect of looking
� � into the matter is a botter undersiand-
t ling of the size and importance of our
. 'country, tahl of thL progre6s it is
mlaking, � .
' -4 What does this daily service, with
I its many and Wide rentificutions, cost
. the public a y(-ul-?- The report of the
I Postinaster-00110ral 11.11.5wers flint to
- the last cent. During the lust fiscal
year tile people of Canada paid for
I ,
. w their postal serviev thv ium of $6,-
1 005,929--a large sum when looked tit
. in thei total, find yet averaging about
. only one dollar for each ni';w, woman
� and child of our population. The sal-
� . ,aries of ernployes ,in the service,
I . amounting -to a little more than two
, Fmillion . dollars, form the largest
,eharge in the account. Then come§
I . 'the charge of $1,077AG2 for convoy -
0 . mrice of mails by railways, $1,341,979
. Ifor conveyance by ot.1-ker means �y
. . 'land, followed by it number 0 Inis-
. � . CellaneOUS itODIS: S11011 It.; $64,024 for
making and repairing muil bags find
, 'locks. . _u - .
Large as was the. Pxpen4ituro the
trevenue, fortunately for the Federal
I � !treasury, was collMderably larger, It
" lamounted to $7,M7.750, 1bus giving a
isurpfus of $1,101,826, although tlie.
" Is . ce'llarl been considorably extend-
� during the year. .
I - The extent of the servivo performed
.� Is best indicated ill a tiondensed form
. 'by the amount of postal inattor han-
I .dled. Durin% the yt,V 11,923 po4t-
,offices wert, in operiitioii throup-linut
Ithe Dominion. and at ilwqe offices
� . [there wore posted 641.717.045 letton,
I ;and other articles of nittil matter. In
11 !letters alonp theri, iva� tin increase of
, mearly thirty-two millions, nrid 446
_ . mew postoffl"s Nvere onenod.
1, - of I '
During the year 650 milt-, addi-
1. 'tional rpfflway8 were utilized for nivil
.1 'purposes, making o total track mile-
_: , Over which mails were mriod of
, :, M,474, Of courspi flip miles over
. which mails wore (Arried throughout
� ' ,
1: 'the year over thr" mili-, of railwa-ys
, ,,
, mould be onornious. T110 nlilPage On
,;, 1. -I
- , )the stage roubos co,�crvd by flic" nlail,
I .
I . ) . �corning and going to and froin points
I 'not reached liv railwllv� vniounted to
, , I
I . ' '
�1, 47,102,214 miles. The mail servic� by
- I
I water covered a mileago at 2.010,151
- , 'miles, that is, Mails work, carried by
�,I:.'!. :boats that number of rnilf-, through -
� . out �tie year. tbo greater pftrt of%this
trvice be'ing pt,rformed in British
I tColumbia.
11 . : During the yeor the huge slim of
� , Ififty-five and a half million dollars
� : .were transinitted flirough thr, post-
� , �office by mean-, of nioney orders and
� , !postal notes.
:;. The Department. ,througli its sav-
��, Jings bankq,. carried ort tr largo buAi-
t mess. At the end of the year the de-
� " 1� 1positors numbered 165,691. and.tbeir
11'.. ideposits amounted to $47,5CA.284, an
.., lincrease of over. one bundred-thous-
. �
, . r.
I land dollars during the yk
� � The portion of the repoA relating to
�.- .
) L� :the dead letter branch of the service
-1 , ;contains some interesting 'statistics.
I iApayt from showing the succms of the
. � 1postofflee in delivering -in,4il matter
,,� Kneorrectly addressed, or addressed to
�, Meople without permanent ,rpsidencps_
; li tthe roturnF4 give an insWit into the
, ,: iv,Ati-ed- and (It times ,surgrising classes
I , . iof articles aent through the idails. In
, tall 55,725 pieces of mail matter. reach -
11. wd the dead letter office (luring the
�� year, and all but 2,446 T)i(Teg were,
�: iforwardod or otherwise disnosed 'of. .
� The wide range covered by the articles
: I Zntained in Ahesp letter- and pack-
� " . tages marked "dt,ad is certainly siur-
�, Trising, and often anlusinL-. It seems.
� � -. Iiiat the postoffice is called upon for
��. . . carry about everything one 'can -pass
. through the posting wicket of a post -
� , ice, or get into the inail-bag of a
� , 1postal route. The list of articles is a
�. , llong one, but mention of a few pick-
I ,, led here and there from tile list will
1, give an idea of the nature of the
� �
I : whole.
" .
1, . . � Two of these dead lett,�rs, 'contained
. , 1warraints, and as both reached their
I Mestinations it is likely that the per-
,, oDns for whom they were intended, to
1. teause trouble were brought- i to justice.
,. fThirty-three aprons went astray,' but
P � ' .
� lall. except three were finally delivered,
�, . tand the sime fortunate ending came
i. I !to the wanderings of two packages of
� Is of bears'
I :
I Japple jelly, two parkag,
� -cluwa, seven "teddy" bears, one of
:'' I , *
,blueberries, twelve wedding-cak-es,
I .
:, . -twelve marriage cortificRtes. and one,
�, ipackage of ch"zo. -Thirty parcels
�, icontaining eigr.-,s went to tile dead let-
� , '. Iter office, but only twenty-six of iem
i . - :, . ireached the smokers fox whom they
;. . *cre intended, one packago contained
1� 'diamonds, -and finally it reached the
, I iporson to whom addressed, and the
;,., -same was the case with respect to'one
.. . *strioh feather, one. fly -trap, two hair
I 6witches, three marriage licenses, and
il '4.wo parcels of marmal"P.&, , Thp office
. .
1� . . .received 128 Packages of int,divine and
� . '148 pairs of moccasins, d2 photo-
i, , graphs, 56 pipes, 132 purses,- 124
. . -watches, and a large quantity of jow-
: elry, 16 suits of clothes-, and 22 stim.
inons. Unfortunately for the debtors
%.. 16 of the latter were,.* deliver�d. Fit -
�. t"n sets of artificial teeth *erit to
. . . tile office. and all excwpit onn were
� . forwArded to .the Porsons in' n(,Pd of
- tho same, . .! . .
� A new item of oxi)-rdit-irn will ap.
i e pear in the nveollvt� for thf, ourim-tit
.0 year, and flint will � Ille east of tile
� 11 free rural delivery ijinpintrated ill it
.�. -few localities in SoutbwesterAi On -
1:1 tarin during tile progress of the ejcc�
� I torf-.1 earnpaign of last auturrill. It
I that .service is considerably extended
. . I
� , (luring the year it is dolibiful if a
, &�urplus can be. shown at the end (it
� -th(-. year for free ritral delivery. A(J.
j vantageous and even ne(lessary A.,j it
- ,�� _iindouhtedly' is. However, th�. rural
I , population are. entitled to it as sooll
� , � Its the country can afford t6 meet
; . the cost. I
I -, _.
: ;
� - "I-
L-1 -A � - - _. - , . . 0