The New Era, 1883-11-09, Page 10_I— OLINTTON TT1�r �` RA. $Blurs—A feel days since Mr. Joseph Allausoillead"the- misfortune to -cut shis- FTiIDA�, NOV: '1, 2883, ' foot pretty badly' by•stepping on a sharp axe, while in -leis stocking feet, It is said that nearly 'twenty families! changed' resi- dences on the lst inst. Therrottenplanks • in some of tie sidewalks havebeen replac- ed:with sound ones. The FoRtbalf. ,club are expeeted,to play at Seaforth on Thanks- giving day. 'The -Book committee of the Mechanic's ii}atituto are selecting one 'hun- dred deflate worth of new books. Last week Mrs. Pennybaker, of'Goderichtown- ship, picked ripe'cherries in her; garden; pretty •good for November. An unusually large 'number'of farmers were in town on Saturdays, and business was. according- ly brisk. • Mayor Forrester has been do- ing.a•heavy ,business in pressed hay this fall;:getting the start of ether packers at Seaforth, Wing -ham; and elsewhere, whose maehanessliavebeen-lying-idle. Mrs—W_- Harland, sr., has about recovered from henreceritsiilness Mr.'Swarts-is-putting up astable on his Rattenbury street. pro- perty: Mr: E. Martin, • late of Grey, s now �emplojed as an:assistant with Mr. E. Keefer. During last week' the Doherty Organ Company received 'no less than twenty-nine orders for organs. On •the 5th inst.-Mrs...l:P: Tewsiey picked out of theirgarden .a large second -growth' cu- cumber, The weather of the past: few days has been' verfree and mildfor •the •n th of November. .. Mr,R ; Fitzsimons will have his -shop open for 'business on Tuesday next... Mr. Menzies is pushing forward the -work preparatory to the erec- tionof the' Curling' and Skating. rink. The destruction of the old. meeting room, on Princess street, removes one of 'the early. landmarks, it ;having- served as a ;Division Court office, when on Rattenbury street, about 25 years ago. Mr. A. MOD. :Allan, of Goderich, .has shipped over two' thousand barrels of;apples this frill;; as other dealers:here .haye shipped over four thou -sand barrels, it show that the apple crop was not so badafter all. A ,coat of paint has much improved the appearance of the Combe's block. Messrs.- T. Fitz- -simons and Hy. Mason have returned frena the Michigan -lumber, woods. Mr. Bark- er; who got into difficulties to the extent, of $15;00,0 during the time he was in:busi- nessat Bayfield, is row a salesmanin the employ ofAnderson.& Elder, Blyth. The other day Ma' T. McKenzie, unfortunately had a large stick of : timber rolled on his foot, which. nearly, tore one of the nails out by the roots. A few days since Mr. Hy. Walker had a sheep killed by, dogs, and another badly worried. The wife: of Mr.. Jos. Smith,: who has' been ailing for some tune,'.:left on'a trip to the old country. on'Tuosday. ' Walt.'Coats has,returned to town,' and threatens to “put a head on" the NEW ERA if it does not cease libel- ling him. u .Rumor states that Mr. John Callander is'inarrie o i ass ' Thule l earl; on the 8th'-inst. Mrs. Wm. 'Murray is visiting friends at Montreal. hor several days Miss E. Shanahan, who resides in town, (daughter of Mr Dan... Shanahan, Hullett,l has been dangeriously ill, and her death has been momentarily expected, I, but We are pleased to :state that she .•has taken.a turn forthebetter and bas io es • P I of recovering: Mr..J P° `Fish e m -Fisher 11 Arad-', ed h • g• rs "Gold -dust" -stallion to a arty in Perth, receiving in exchange an;i ported Irish :bunter,.. The train on the Great Western. estern that arrives here, every evenrng:- at 6,10; was delayed for four. hours atMiss sail, on Tuesday, by one of the -flues of the. engine 'bursting, the drivel being scalded by the. -escaping steam an ei gine was despatched from London to take the " goivn (opirg. .LOCAL NOTI'O S Strawberry plants for sale, a splendid as- sortment. . •50 cents a•hnudred. W.C.'SE-:M LE, Clinton. • t;OATiMA1iERS WANTED; at -once, three good ones, to wbom liberal wages wilPhe psi 1. W. • ; H. 51 ITIB,, Tailor, Ctiaten,.• PARTIES who are indebted to the Nese ERA office will very ranch ..Mice us if they .settle ..the,saino wir,,iout further notice or delay: E. HOi.ME5 & SON.. •.• MR. MTLTON AB.1tINGTON, An old Olintoniaos ist siihos. has beeai_"ou the road" fora Toronto house, for six yearsr, has taken a more er-ati-s e sit atiop v�ith a MOntr-eal'house, Sam —Tlie liotel- and farm- roperse at Leadbury, belor ging to the .estate of the late ' Chas. !Davis, (formerly.of Clin=, tonFr was'"sold byppub'lic auction torr $7,300. Mr. Edward McNamara was the;purchas- er. The farm contains 75-aeres. PRePEItTY CI£AR.GE-NIr., Thos. Jack- son has sold his eottoge on Huron Street, with two lots attached. to Mr: Richard Ransford, who' occupies the same, for the sum of$1,500. Mr. Sohn Callander bas bought the house•and lot on HUM' street., belonging; to Mrs. Root, ,Callander. E rlaissED ELsEwd1EIt --Mr, W. Muir,' jr; lately employed in the express •office' here, has secured a position in ;the office of the :same company at Toronto, and enters upop his duties at once. `Will" is• it good relialgetraath,: audowe expect to see him rapidly .climb up in his new sphere. PasonucrivE. One day last spring, in lm-ator fThoavpson &Switzer; Mr.: T. 0. CooPer jokingly handed a single bean of :a -peculiar --variety: to -Mr---Geo.- Green,, of Goderieh °township, with the remark "go home and splant it" Mr. Green did so, and recently gathered• sixty beaus as, the product of the single seed.' P r i ors A STove.—Mrs. Adanr Foster, who resides immediately below the 0. T. Railway, ,en:Victoria Street, -met with a very painful sinful accident on Monday. She is subject to fits and d b during one of •these she fell on the stove, burning her left oar: badly and necessitating; `medical attend- ance.'Rowher face escaped is a mystery., Foonnani TOURNAMENT.—Oa Thurs- day, Nov. Sth,`at=2 p.m., a match will be played ;on the High Schoolrounds .be- tween Stratford town club and `Clinton High schoel club; to` be followed by a match between the High School juniors_ • and ex pupils from the town. As the teams are in good practice, exciting games niay be expected. SOME .STOCK. =Last week Mr. R. -Fitz- simons went to_,Buffalo-with `two car loads of lambs, and before the train he wason reached that city, it consisted of 41 cars of lambs; having been made-up by large Consignments at Stratford and Brantford. . .This is, perhaps the larges number of lambs that entered that city at .once from Canada._ Thrss.:aveels :Messrs Mooney, Hearn &'Craig ship about fifty 'head of cattle to Windsor. • REFORM NtEE'r;IldG.-=An enthusiastic and well attended meeting of the friends train through. Mr. Carslake is a 1.ate[ad of Hon: A. M. Ross, was held in the Re- ' dition to town and; will move' his .family form Rooms, Clinton, on Moriday'evening, to organize for the approaching election.; jStrong committees were appointed --fpr.: - { each ward; and all preterit heartily en teied into the mirk of.,the election. Mr. Ross gave a briefaddfess,and ..the `meeting.,. broke up with three rousing`. cheers for the Provincial Treasurer. Should a, con- test take place we expect .to see Clinton give a.larger majority than ever,. TOWN CHURCH C!•11MESm The ILuron Presbytery meets in Willis church, Cliutou;"next Tuesday. 'Ali-. Jas. Young will preach in the B.C. church, Clinton, on Sunday evening next. Special union services are being 'con- tinued this week in the Methodist church. Rev. Mr, Ayers delivers bis lecture on "Woman" in .the B. C. church, on the - evening of "the 8th inst. : A thanksgiving :service will be held in St. Paul's churchat 11 a.m-, on the 8th inst. Collectionon behalf of the Bishop'' of Algoma. A• union 'thanksgiving: service will be held in the town hall, on the 8th Inst:, 'commencing, at 10.30 a. nf. Rev. Jamas Messrs. T. Fair, James Scott midi W. JL_Scottaxere_ordained as elders of Vvillrs, church, at, the close of ;the morning ser- vice, on Sunday. The annual ':meeting of the Clinton branch 'of.the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held here on the evening of the 15th inst., in the Baptist church. A grand concerts under the auspices of the Clinton Baptist church, is given in, 'the town hall, on the evening of the 8th. inst. Home and foreign talent promise a good evening's entertainment. At a meetingirf the building committee of Willis church, on Tuesday,it was de- cided to receive 'tenders, up to the '20th,' December, 'for the erection of the new church. Mr. D. � Forrester is secretary, of the committee, and all particulars may be obtained ofhim. Rev. James, Gray and Rev. Mr. Kenner fexchanted pulpits _on' Sunday -evening, the latter .giving an excellent sermon on. the words '' Th'e cross of Christ," after which a union'sacramental secyice was held in the Methodist church, being par- ticipated in by an unusually large number. The Rev. Mr. McDonagh ,was favored: with alarge congregation on the_occasion of his sermon on " The Conflict of Ages,":; in the- Methodist church,` last Sunday. 1\Ir. McDonagh is; a powerful and eloquent preacher, and his special- .sermons are. meeting with much favor among.all,class es of our people:—Sarnia Observer. Rev. Canon Carmichael, rector `•of St. George's, Montreal, an'd-forrnerly of Ss, - Paul's church, Clinton, will -probably suc- ceed the Very Rev. Canon Baldwin as dean of 'the dio es.: Canon ;Carmichael was some -tiuiet ago offered a position in New. York city, at an enormous .salary, bait was too much of a Canadian to accept. ,. ErEcricN of OFFICERS.—The:'follow'- ing are the officers elect for the eneeiug quarter, for Clinton Lodge \V. C. T.: A. Hale. .. W. V.T.,Alias McDougall. W. T., F. Booth. V. F S, H: Dennis. W.'S , James Howe.. \V..M , David G. Moore. W. L G., Miss Cottle. =._ W - Saville. --Ed. rllc,. V. G. W. I. Carslake. .e. • Ti f about Ile lodge has a .'.membership o si ty, and the weekly meetings are well' attended. SUDDEN ',DEATH. MRS. ARD, OF MORRIS, CALLED TO HER i 7, LONG HOME, OnWednesday of last week Mr. Alex. Gorrell, of Clinton, went bytrain to the 2nd con, of Morris, to visit a sister resid- ing there, esid-ing"there, Mrs. Gray, who has been very - ill for severaldays, and on' entering the -Mouse at about 10 a.m.; was .astonished to see an old lady fall to the floor in a fit, whom he at first supposed to be his sister, but who was really a neighbor named Mrs. Ard, oyer 80 years of age, who :lived only until four o'clock the same day. The circumstances of her deaijh are as follows: Residing on the adjoining farm with her son, Mr. Samuel Ard, the river dividing the two farms, slie, expressed a• strong desire in the 'morning to go over and see Mrs. Gray, although it was damp and disagreeable, and--her-friends-tried to persuade her to wait until another day, but she enforced her request with the re - Mark that "`she might never have another chance." After eating a hearty breakfast -an unusual thing for her—her son ,told her he would drive her across the river (although she had walked around By 'the road not long before) and she wpuld;not ' have many rods to walk. He did so, and left her making her way to the house of Mr. Gray, but weakness overcame her lbe-. fore she reached it, and the servant girl went to her assistance, and helped her into the house, when she was almost im- mediately put to bed. A doctor was called in, but he could do nothing for her, and in the afternoon' she peacefully passed away, About 20 years ago, she, with her hus- band, resided on the 2nd con. of Hullett, where they owned a farm. She had been. in comparative good health prior to day mentioned, and hersudden demise was a sad shock to her friends. For about fifty .years she had been a faithful member; of the MethodistChurch, and death did not find her unprepared. The high esteemin which she was held was shown by the large attendance at her funeral on Friday. CHANGE OF TIME. -As the railways introduce a system of uniform time all over. the Province, on the 19th Mat., it will be necessary for all places to follow suit, in orderto avoid e,pnfusion and the missing of trains. .The change .will, make a difference of 2t-minufes_eartier-here-a d Mr. Dennison, 'bell ringer, has been in- structed tomake the change on the morn- ing of the 19th. When people become accustomed to the change it will hot make auy:'difference, but tumbling out of bed at half -past five for :six o'clock, in the winter particularly, will hardly be appre dated. Sale Register: FRIDAY;VO r. 2.3 -Palms of lIr :P, Levan, being:lot 29,' }:0th con., •and ;;lot 29, 9th coir., Goderich township,' 80 acres each."'1). Dickinson, Auet. SAwisitnAY, Nov 17.=Market Square, Clin con, farm stock of Mr. Geo. War- . , al•.., toner._-Jame.s Burne,:Auet. \V;D`LSDAY ZGV 14.—Im ro_ ve,._d .._ farm stock, belonging to Mi \. Herbison, lot 58; Bayfield con. Goderieh township, at 12; noon. D. 1)icliinson, Auct. PROPOSED RAILWAY 'CHAEGEs.—On the 19th inst, 'a' slew time table will come into force inthis'seetion of the Grande Trunk Railway 'when it is proposed to introduce the.uniform time all over the Province,: l:ti.ch Will he twenty-four mi= nutes earlierhere'than the, present time. Among other chfinges it -'is proposed to fix the departure: of:what'is now' the 6.10- a.m. train at. about 7 o'elock, and'take•the. mail car from the noon : train going east, and attach it -to this train the noon • trains would be made mixed trains intsead of.'express, and, one' or two other minor _ changes. ,We do not thick the proposal '`to' make.the noon% trains'""way freights: would meet with pubhc_aplsre al;'a -they- have so long been run as express., Woi "r AccErr.--vIr..J, P.' Fisheris out with another challenge to J:'Beacom,; as follows ::—I, will:•trot smother race, for' — — a:ny sum -frons $100 to $500'a-side-;=-chods ing Gouerich track, as.iirr. Beacom •the choice of to-aek in the two .previ rabes ; and 'also -this is :' the-:nnly" track which will -be i:n conditionso late in -the bea'son, ilia -there is another trot arranged for'the9tli of November., which would be • a good'day;:for ours race. If "Tontine" beat's ".Are 'y Bourbon"..,this time, I agree to, take inyjhorse out of the `country al- together, 3o that; Mr., Beacom can have the field 'to himself: , If my horse wins 'Mr. Beacom can do as he pleases' with "'Tontine." ' Mr. `Beacom, liowever, de- clines to accept: another challenge this season, although he entertains no doubt as to the:result. y. DAKOTA PRonutTs,—The car of the Chicago,oaMilwaukee & St. Paul It. R, Which stood at the :nation all day last Friday; and contained; samples of' grain and roots, the' product of Dakota, was visited'by a large number.of people. .The hadrunning the.full length of it, and thereon Were dis played garden. vegetables 'and roots of all kinds, while the car was: ,tastily decorated With greases Of various kinds, and.samp]es of grain. in the head; The earivas in ,Charge of Mr. Hubbard, Assistant Passes, ger. Agent of the road and was'also .ac- com anied bMr. Mercer of Aberdeen, akota 'aforneer`Canadian. The railwa owns no land in D)akota,'•but simply took f. r this -.Method oft'':adyertising their line, `Iwhich now°embraces nearly '5;000; miles+ of track. ' 'Tie exhibit was a ;decidedly •novel and a,titr;active-opef,:•arid..shows--how ft lly'alite the Americans arc to' the ad-. r vantages of advertising. We do not Sun ptise the 'Mots and grain .shown are •1,45ar- 1 ticle.better' than can be produced in Mani toga, and the 0:I:P F. would be wise to fblloty the example of then rival, and 'sethc1 r,..thn it ar c:ri'"o ri its 'I istVebi,� here.. Mrs. Butchart, of Stanley, sold a 17 Ib. 'turkey .here on, Wednesday =Th:-' friends^ here of Mr. Harry Dennis, are very sorry to hear of the' loss he has sustained by theBrussels fire. Last thanksgiving day several bicyclists came here from London and Goderich.:;:they will hardly do so this Totv.0 Connell:.. I ' SO 5 �i O 1-11ri . SAatS -in 1 t latest fit � O from �1 y1t re,e years of u Over other' r;oait eel 1 �► az ley;; he= is - i .. Ma,nrtle artme>t t:' AA� � WI. E M , AN D Goody Em , o>r-l.u:raClinton. '- Theregular.rneeting of the town coati eillwas'.held on' Monday esenteas ,Moved by• conn Thompson; sec.. by coun. Gibbings, thiit'the .sidewalk on the north -side of-Onttirio street be continued fromopposite the Episcopal church . pro- perty to connect milli <.the sidewalk at• the: cornea'. of the; B. C. church.., ;Moved by coup. Doan, sec.. by coon. Walker, that a lamp be placed' on the' corner at' lfirs:, Hodgens, and one at Mr. Tornbull's co"-, • net The report of the finance committeere commended payment of the following ac- counts:—Jas.-Rowden,eedas• posts, $2; I -C allanderrstrs,-sala,ry;:$40; W:, $62.52 eh irity committees account forOct. $94 Cooper &'MeKeirzic, lumber, $87;'W.J.: Paisley, wood for hall;,; $4; ,Geo. Rentgen,; Work on :streets, $83. b0,'1;,.Rumball, gates, $15,' .Tliel weigh scahe recei is f r_. - amounted to $20- J0. - ' LOCAL LEGAL NOTES.. Ban/; o/'lllont'eal, vs. 'Coke.—An' appli- cation'' was Tirade herein .bythe.plaintiffs for leave'to sign judgment against defen dant. r Application dismissed. Street & Beecher for plaintiffs; Manning .& Scott for defendents.: ,:-. Re Greens—Manning & Scott applied on Thursday last. for the appointment of Mr , Geo. -'Green • and'•Mr,sHenry Perkins, as guardians of the infant children of the. -]af'e"Edward Green. Granted.- • Stevenson vs. Norsworthi,.— The molts gage suit brought herein has been settled. A deed of the lands ;mortgaged having been made to plaintiff; upon payment of a small sum.. Manning & Scott for plfi: Re Gordon, Gordon vs. Conlon, ---A com- mission has been issued, herein, to take. the evidence of certain witnesses in Al- poena, Mich., in the attempt to establish .a. set off against the share coming. to' Wm: M. and George Gordon. Hartt & Seager' for plffs.; Manning&Scott for defendants: Sparling' vi. Grand Trunk Railway.-. Manning & Scott have issued the ':writ herein,,elaiming $2,000 damages from the company. ' Mir ,. .r ', lle,/ <.;, ilei,,.—Chis actigu is brought by plaintiff'to have it declared' that he is entitled to a lien on the lands ofsliis in- fant children for•the subs of $2,700, being' amount advanced by :him to pay of ' a mottgage_.o.ii .t lie: ltintl,. \-tieei.ec4.-haa- been entered for plfP. Law business for Clintoo.was exesed- ingly iivel7; lest• week, no less than four writs being, issued by Messrs. lfannine & Scott,'' besides ;the above, particulars of ichrch will appciir when the- trials are re` tihetl. a • --TO 'SET+ -- =-=STOCK OF -4. gat we are Showing tcc WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP • I illle' cases - In boy's; Youth's and.i1Ten's sizeS,1 froni .$‘2.59.. to $12'5O, that an inspection -of Will astonish everybody.. "'They are, without' doubt, the bast lot of OVERCOATS that. has :ever..been shown in Clinton, 'and' we are sFLLmC , I r, Eat AT-': THE VERY' dl Amongst the most important requisites " a Lady's or` Gentleman's, costume,:"is : the pro'pei• selection of.tlie=I•In AD•' Dss but inur. , a great many: cases the effect of a beautiful :and handsome' costume is spoiled. by an unbeconring'`TIatl oe Cap: '' A great many dollars are spent anniially'•on an ,elegant.• - l -.Martie er Di ess, �'iwhile too little attention is paid iti choosing a I-lat er Clap, For the 'approaching. season nothing looks socoin- foitale orseasonable, tis aiFU , CAP, and ,ohe of tins finest assortments is shown by• ,k7;• -r, -4-1r:i i t , '1owES'r POSSIBLE 'rrcua ,..• ' Do not be deceived by false and foolish advertisements and big discounts but -buy from a place 'that ,has a reputation for the past' thirty-one years, such as our Noted Clothing Store has. igar We can sell.anybodyan Overcoat, Ibig o% smalls AT A 'PRICE'THAT NO OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN CAN TQ Cy CH WITHIN' $2.: f ` RE-MEMBER•—T-HI{; NOTED—CL:OT-H,ING. LOUSE.�wheti-.you ane.. _._,r_: buying your WINTER OVERCOAT • kW" Remember •: that WHERE THE. LARGEST 'STOCK is to lie found, there you will get the best selection, s Remember that' a person carrying; MORE TITIAN DOUBLE HE A1tOUNT'or STOCK than other houses, can well a cid tosell at Smaller 'profis, Reniomber the place to buy your Winter Overcoat o is from JACKSON, THE NOTED • CLOTHIER. Ova ORDERER DEP 041.T24M'E1s7T.: The onl • trouble in this department is that we cannot get hands enough to_keep up with the demand, Our beautiful stock is fast being reduced, Our excellent- -stock and low prices, combined with. our splendid reputation, shows to all than- • th place to buyis from us., We are constantlyreceiving'NEW Goons of all kinds lay rttBEAUTIFUL STOCK .OF TR,OUSEB,INGS IS FA shBEING� REDUCED. . THOS '; JA. OKSON, • ..,