The New Era, 1883-11-02, Page 2LORD MNSDOINNE'S FAREN11
cludes, that 'Our rt sidence amongst you may be upon Hen. Mir. Chapleau, As Secretary, of
iis place at the at: once agreeable to LadyLapsdowue and 14Y pelf State, advanced from I
to Your I country; and, I can assure Gov-
Atis Specela Quebec on Saturdfty-w
anduseful Councilkoard to the dais, and the
you � that we, shall long Va the mo�t
I —,
-at It
plep. ponuineVonudian UUItT-
Serls� Oi Ampor perina�nfli In )Live
316 recollections, of t9'.'emanner in which e;rluorZ9eAeraI ;& him, Saying
au 'o 0 = handed it t
ElcquEnt Speech at Lordordervy on, th
mtocir, 31alinaget"en u
your hi6forical,city. aloud, I band you the Great Seal of the
we have,been received in , , r, -
The Inauguration Ceremony. of C&I19;4a; fo your Safe
)o7miion . I
I Eve of His Depanure.
A Quebec telegram says: The aity's fare-
well addyesst6 theMarquisaxiatbePriu-
A Guelpli'deppatch says:� Perhaps 'the--
e� and varied system tic
Meet .o4tonsiv a
'feeding 'con.
Lord Lansdowne aud'payty lan.de1at 9 ping
Was presented Sa.t,uyday afternoon by
experiments in cattle Over I., artillbry. atinouncqd to
of the Queen's Wharf,! *,here a bri
"yofand Council on Dufferin Terrace.
duoted at one'placq bai "j"t bee n� entered
oCanada had a
iant military ataffisiwaited.them, and "A?" Dew
id, w rld that
a was but a small i attendance of the
upon at � the Ontario Agricultural College.
ada NO
Battery, Witha band, was drawn up as a Governor- General. � I *, I :
guard, of,,bonor, under command of-,C�pt jin otta%va-
The last English rnsil, has brought a full
reVort of the farewell speech made by the
Ltmedowne in to
public, owing � to the'. cold, disagreeable
*eatbey. ,Eis Excellency alone.appeared
toreceivetba civic adieux,
. fifty-onebead
8 of yearling and
2�yeaau with cows"and .heiters,
Drury. Meanwhile a -brilliant gathering, �kn Ottawa telegram sayb : The special
was assembled in the library of the Pro- train bearing tho 'Marquis of Lansdowne
Idarquis. of reply the
addrIbes'of.the corpbration 6fondop'
the-�6sonae of !the ecd
-Princess 04 acoeunV. of
an aggravation her
been fo
d for the , ilowing - pur.
� Government Buildings, Grand I
and suits arrived
fe .. d6uition made by
After re a irin g to
of conditionji; bem' g
addition to repeatixig� the important
Allee, 'to witness the inauguration core, irig; having madb-the run
past 6 last ev@nl��
in . Ony of the new Governor-General. from Quebeo in Seven hors, inplikilipg, a
the Dominion to, re eve distess in Irelan d
he procee 'do And when we think, td use
Unders I I I'L ' -all
tbat though abe rested
after the ba I last nightthe infls�xnmatiori 6f
tests with corn, peas, oats and barley, the
plan includes,blac barley, oil cake, Thor-
The walls were 'hung with bunting Stoppige of half, an �houi at, St. Martin's
'Junction. imme 'con-
the words of your 4ddresa of th ose 11 ties
blood brotherhood" which un
the eyeis, much
The Iddress was fulf 'bf encomiums
ley's Food and ensileged' green oat,follder
and 0 red with crimson cloth ' There wa6, an use throne cove
Behind'a'!. Station to
of and 'it a
to the'people of Canada, � it would be
I oil
the mdAinistration'of the departing Gov-
in the Production, of beef. -it is alsdde6igtied
aud UA
and surmounted- by a canopy. ourse of peo�j,e at the Union,'
Single Beat placed upon the Lis, Were the , meet tlie-new vernor, 4ad at the various
-,I arge,,
drests the , Lorne to Iticlealn,.HaIIJ
therw se. Why, I believe
straii ge were �ir, 0 i
out of
it is that in Canada ev pry
or nor, 'and regret that he and the Princess
S d�so 'soon �leav6 the Dominion.
effectB of ensilage upouhe again to ry the
qua Utity �azd quality oi'milk and butter,
and mottoes of and 4aps p.bintfl-along,the route
Pave thLe, Dominion,
His Excellency III -,Wceliept
anoil in addition io..theEieiriteiestiiag,ii3quir�
Said ill Rep.tyl
downs families. In the centre of the room aloo,was colleotdd.".� A Company of 71. man,-
wa's-pla6edalcngtable, at`which sit the from the G6vernoi,G'enerkI1S' Foot Guard.s,
four or persons -in one
at least isof Irish blo . od. - (Cheers,) . You
Frenebi. rejoicing that; the close of their
i68, the ateamingoffoodversuB Oftmelu
uncooked con:dition �vjll be thoroughly
Federal cCa'binei , Minisiers, all ' )is-' of, Lieut.-Uol. Ross,
under the do
1139 In -Windsor ', igbld � lace 11111- I formed -the guard bi''b6nor and au escort'
Will find IxiB�men, among the', htawar�
I pioneer,� who'have carried eiviljz%tion into
offloial relations with the Dominion enabled
him and the Princess to Spend 4 few days
handled this winter.' Not only so,� but the
bi Jigbie4dacithewdrldhave
t ree
form, with the. exception of 11611-1 was furnished by ibe Princess Louise
the remote wilderness, ; you - will find
leisurely among -their' Canadian friends,
, , , a', ,
been put�n 0, coniesi of,� weight,&Oduction
job uibrds. the'orowa that Imedithe
u Carling and Hon. -Frank Smith. The' 'Dragoon G
Ik from end of -the'
Dominion Ministers �present at this Coun- carpeted-wa,
Irishingri among the , enterprisiDg
6i usbaess who havebiought to
man b
land -their joint than h
expressing 1 ks for t
great kindness they had always r
W Such aul, uiipe�judi.oed
commend, Agelt t, Y. One.
j3riiiie�nt Scene ar the Inaugura.
Oil Were Right Hon.,8jr.Joho A -L Macdobald, in to the Vice -Regal, oarrigga'must.
Canada the measure of, prosperity 'Which
the hands lof Quebeckers and their admiri.
tion for tbei ri a 6n& -the,,
I,,, the aria6gement of ibis a6rios',,Prof
-Lion' Cereb�iony�
h as tholisaild. Th&baud
K.C.B.,who sat at the head df'the side on the have numbanid,t r
she now enjoys, and among the Statesman
. h - ---- -ii,-d
� , arming city
natural -beauties of t1iis section tea
-Brown has enIistad the personal intereSt-6f-'
-ib 'one
right bf the head of the table. The other of the 66 ot Guards,
vernot. deneral's: - Fo
who have regulated at progress
Province, Which be�said, were r effie0ted-in
biindred Students ;n6w, enrolled.
Jollowirig order:
:Ministers. satt.�. in the. the � Hull and :St. Anals' hands,
i;t Aon.,'
framed the institutions, whi6i she
I believe
the-oouie�ltm6 it and happiness o opu-
The preparation f the�iood tbe'l Weighing
i I NackeDzie A train
-On the rip Sir John,
i ware :in attendance. .� 9
B0 well,,Hbn. A.P. Caron, Hon. John Cog. -entered --depot, tbe� heels
has succeeded Be admirably, and
that the share -which Irishmen li,Ive take n.
latiori-flour under -the free govera�
-6 ii
of every diet, :the weighing of �ih6 water
drunk, tbe,grooming, oriditiong bf-beia#4-
:The ArrAvak,at Quebec;
'mith and 1101i. Job ded an immense
of t 000motive 6xplo
Carling. 'On the other Side', Siy�L. Tilley,, ,torpedoes on the track, 'The
1 i the progre as of the Dominion IS One
which 'is not, likely 'to �diinfuisb. ` We
ment of anada. an , t a mid protection
of, the' Etxlpire.' Referring to � the pr6teo.
i9frafion of stable
Jed arid animal tempera.
ture, exercise, arid the otb er items of such
A jast!(Monday) night's'.QueWd despatch'
The Marquis Of Lansdowne arrived.
Sir H. Lab.gevin, SirAlex. Gimpbell, Hon.' Marquis and Lady Lansdowne alighted-
know tbat file area, boundless in ty
guaiet�teed by thei comstitut'ion to the
laws, I �aguage�, and institutions of each
11 siveup
a ext6n 1 idertaking are in the, hands
here at 1 9.10,, p. in. The Ciroassianwas
Mt. Maopbs)rscII" HOD. Mi. McLelanj He -
n" ,thexear 6ar, arid were introduced by
'j. . (�'hapleau. ' At the � foot of, the table' Sir: John Macdonald to ]Aayor St. Joan, its limits, which C anadian enter-
prise h a;s lately opened up to the Settlers
Province of tRe, Confedration, Ito pointed
of eight of the Students as superintendents.
Each Weak a bulletin wilibeig6tibil 6�9very
first seen -ground'the point of Indian Cove..
8, -'but occupied,Ian hour in
sit Mr. J.:McGee; Clerk U the IY6,v'y 0 oull - he City, COrporationj the lead-
members of t
and colmisisw�-know that that boundless
out tbat':'wh'ila' the D'91iiih, Irish miA
Scoto . h found Vote the traditions -of their
student, fiho wing' "' : I I udl��eri6dlcal
the �cl�ilf i
shortly after
reaching land makipg fast"tolier*har"t
cili having -in his lieeping the. Gr�at
' �l iDg.militia, officers and some Others. The
'Ibf the �D3minion 'of' Canada, -the 'minute and'ihe
of honor. presented aims
ar�a'is open to those who- cb�oose to: Pass'
toWsidS' it- from this* country, under,the
native land, the French Cana;
progress or, other results of each animal oi
set of aniuials��thelodd consumed,and other
Levis. The Government teamar, Druid,
books of Council: and, the \Bible �banda played the Natiofial An'ikiem., The
most liberalaud.most attractive conditions
the fullest liberty and security for, the
development ' ' 'th� life
necessary information.,
withallthe Cabinet.Ministers.on. board,
'to be used ia I elnony.\ On lighted- and -the
ffie inaugural cer Station bu ilding was well
(applause), and, I think you will agree�with,
P of ationa
The animals are in g roirp� of thiee� � and
PU tofft6,meetfier. Assooxi'assheneared,
the the large concourse of citiz axis
either sides of the dais Was placed &6 a Governor.
Se was quite brilliant. Th
me when I say that emigration, conducted
leave bitter
wbichshou�ld bethe national.aud legiti,
mate aspiration of every element a the
that being event en' separate' e4elril
Wharf ,
sent u stillness I Of the calm
p through the
That on the. right
f chair,. was occtipi�d General -followe& his aides along, runnibg
'b Lieu itaille and'partY,A the gauritletof-all e''ea, Lady Lansdowne
under Such conditions, need no,
memories behind it, need 6ause no Suffer.-
�Ciixiadlan population, It he was giaa to
In utsi theStable numbers fifty*ne. The
Ailo thi a year,haBheeu impiov�d upon, and
lovi 3ning cheer after che6r in'really� good
'The, Seats on L the. left rsfollbwmg-�bn Sit -John, Mapd6nald'a,artfi,
* but may, on the contrary., add to,the
say, were comm understand thu
importance, �natiozi%l
its dail,y'tem'Perature recorded in two ways
itish Style,' whichtok6n. of
Br good Will Lord
for Judges of the Supreme' -Court. Sir \.#a they iklked along thePI atform, bearty
it -'empire by
.Ii'd y and strength of thd,
of cohesion and the
6 bit are a, Iready giving �surprisingxeBults;
Laz%downe ackriow, ledged from the quarter
'time Druid had dot
I were given on all,
Win. Ritchie,.Chief. Justice"bf tha'Suprdme iind spontaneous cheers
reta,hlUg ubjects whom it, might ot er.
respect . duo to seif-governident, taking
pride it! tb'e -.iFhiohJbe in.
Should Success be obtained in tli� pr6ser-
I L 1.
ebh. By this the,
alongside, ana a gangway � having been
Court, and u gas Henry,Four nier and sides, for which the Marquis bowed his
6 il il I �presen , ,wearing
G,ynpe war 11 . t their ack] , 2owleagment2f.- Entering �tbeir car'-
wise.lob. III spaakirigof the corlueotton of
Ireland Canada I cannot help being
habitanW6f this. Province were first 'to
�,tioxr oftbe gkee'n'.oat fo dder, a portable
silo, holding one ton 6fthe eat fodder, and
im provised Lord Lorne found big way to
the. declr,� followed by; Sir John -Macdonald,'
_rich robes of Scarlet ' 'and ermine, whic h riage the Vice -Regal party drove towards
formed , beautiful contrast '. with'the gold IIaII,:o9aorfedby the Dragoons.
'of t t
reminded of the fact that one� lie Ends
successful of my Predecessors wa.4,an Irish-�
wixt---that of 1, �Canadiaris;" He�. said"he
no Portion of, the' Dominion would-
'it I
a -cut of Permanent pasture is, also., on the
card for' winter use�iu w t .mannerw as
who �Prang lightly on boa ' rd, and after
lace of the-W-indsor uniforms and ''Of Many of thc buildings � along the route
man and Ulsterman I mean Lord Duf-
�ee, isolate
k to self from the general
not yet been agreed upon. � Tbb advance
them went the other Cabinet Ministers,
White, comptroller of the mounted 'police,
the , uniformB of the%,.'military stgft� w'sre brilliatitly illumin�ted, and:,hoartY
Below the, Privy, Councillors' table�wero: cheers 'by , the 'g roups of
erin�whoin I believe y our predecesora. i
offic, a entertaint3d on his departure as you
influence, AB the Province that did so would.
only pursue a retrogressive and, Suicidal
report of!Lext� year'dannot., fail' to be'an'.
interesting One.
Jones,- of the . Governor dene'i4B offioe,
ware given
three .1 or four rows �of as I ats . , the firpt�of people b6i iectedattheviLribuspointB. The
are good enougk i'to anter6in ma��tbdwho
policy,wbile these thatshowed. areadiriess
wrj,&ht, of the Grand Trunk,-wid th
Wain a
of'�, the- - , Lox&
which 'was "occupied 'by � the" Ministers Governor. Gen oral drove throtiih �he ar--
-th7d - -6-overn-m-
L -y we for 'himself the affections
-)Laa �uot oxil 11
to receive uew� impressions would -be,'-sure'
4 -fore urged the Ft
a at encili
representatives Press.-
Lorne Presented the' Whole P'arty, andhey
of Loca-1,
line obtaining a view of
number . of 'ther gentlemen were, tha paiiiamentaryand departmentO build.
of the people, of Canada, but also served his,
o6un t 6 - istinction in
try ith the utmos
Caonadians�lto push-. forward -the. d6velop.
An Prison Blvd Fsitany
all immediately left the vessel and returned
'Governoi- Gin6iall
.pirpsetit, and -a fair sprinkling, of ladies. ngs; which were illuminated. aild-
-iiadh One of the' four �quarters�
x6ent of the fertile fiortbern regions ofth'eir
firie Provinca direct
shot , bf 111tis G,nard '�One' lViis6ner'
to the city, except the
who remains -to make arraxiget�nentB for
Amongst . them . were - Mn Justice Bridaes,th6 Ride Wellington g and
Rig ey, of the Supreme of N'Ova other buildings, on ellinptou
of the globe. It will' my eud:6avor
in ps of, - Lord
'to fol the footsto
;.to . any emigrating
donel puth. ' towards ttie,
-as! of ty
Gets A -via I Y.
eweariDg in to-inorrow and to talk over offi:
Scotia. ; Hon. Judge Lesaiei, of the.,c6urt Street were also lighted up. Ridea
d Lord.Lorne, who,,by their
iNd.rt st,-an to welcome
6we d I with
A To route to ort
p _ says Another convict
Fdial busin The Gbv6ruor-G6I18xaI-61ect is
tallefthan Lord' Lorne', but is
of'Qtteen's Ben -oh, and Madamo 639ior reached about 7 o!"6166k,
e ation :to the -people of Caugi.da,
open arms .UY6 E aropean ko migiranfs,:Wbile
de%vorin� at the Same timeto rel
eL 3atilaid
in attempting to gain his,freedorn has paid
tbepenalty.of'his-life for �theattelnpt.. At
slighter b I uilt, I qu 11 ite youthful-loc
a few, others. Owing to jimited thst the address of we from the cor-
d a
space the invitations Were very� Select-- prati6n,and citizens..of.'Ottawa will:be
a 1
have won for themaelv I their appreciation
and esteem (Cheers.) It will be my
their own fellow-countr ymen'in the Ual -ted
a, late hour last night it Was. kulnored� i6 the
tb ef a thoughtful man,'with plenty
Mr. Kember, :Gentleman � Usher. of pr6sbtiiid to -morrow.! Notwithstanding
tb6l Bla�ck :HOUB6 corn'
a rideavbr to'do what -1 can iog.r.m.l.eth..
tates 1 4
His, lccleilenc�v was 'followed 1 'by pro
of* the city
that -a. lwestern' part
tragedy had' occurrect at the 'Central.
of enthusiasm of 'a!, quite kin& 'Lady
Rod � of the Ot their 6tormy sea, voyuge;and -their Seven
mons, Ottawa, had cliarge of, all the interior hours' journey'by rail ileithbr themarquis.
egress and the elfara'of i.
pr C
co I mmunity . -and I to cherish that oyalty
longed chee�rmg�on taking his departure
Prison, ' the exact nature of which was,
, -1 , ,
Lansdowne had retired for the night,. and
couse#eutly� was not Present. His Loraah'
a rr ngei merits. nor Lady Lansdowne appe=. at ll�
which appears to'.be of indigenous growth
Lieur�-Goverrior R6bitaille o Sat urday,
of forty
entertaned a party -gentlemen
h Ijot;known. Inf,
owever, ormation -was at
length -received -a -t -No. -3 Police Station that.
jetated that slile boia the , voyage. very well
, , The Street lFarade. fatigued. Tha'special train Quebec
Lord ". Labs . dow I ne 11 dr vs. up from the also brought back the Ministers of,tus.
on,theCanadian soil. (Applause.) Tbisls'a
moment w10 on my thoughts naturally 'are
including the Federal Ministers, 'to lunch
a cOI1v1db iii,thai Central Prison 'named
alid-w'�s quite enthusiastic over what she ' �. I
her new, horne. The guid, ing
-open �ge and Was Cro,,Kni Judges �Of the Supreme 'Court,
Qu�en'g;Wharf in an euria
directed towards the possibilities � of the
at Spqticerv�ood �to, ineet Lord Lorne. The
Lieut.'Gove'rnor expressed regrets '-at
was shot dead. late in ibe afternoon
by�ozie of -the prison guards" 'while in; the, - I
..way, in which, he Said, this'sh6wed that
fr6quentlyapplauded'15ythe crOvvds4':aIoDg Clark of thaPtivy � Council and othersi The
�tion' wbich-L given to 'the
the streeis. Hp wore, the Governor -General's -race] Dew
future which I ieB ill froill of u's; but I can
not, as -one, long connected wit h
Lord L*D6!s.departurel and wishes for his
act of attempting to-�egcape. Strenuoug,
Lady La , n8downe has evidently taheri
CAU aaEc, to -her 'heart already and *as
uniform. Lady"Lanedowne sat beside bar G6vernor� General here is regarded as
Irela:nd and deeply, interested in bar wel- -
future happioegs. - The go time thus,
. II n
expressed Were �-fe6lingly reciprocated by
weyan�ada by the,, police to get full,
particulars--ot the affait,-.1out for priv�aite�be plea ad with bey Surround-'
husband i h - carriage, and facing 'highly
u� t a
them were Lord Melgulid, - 'Military
"farej avoid c%sting one glance , behind
me as I leave, her Shores, re3ol
LdrdLerae�, � . I - . : 1.
, I
raason& the Central 7Prison authorities
a. ,lear ,weather of
x�g Tbb bright
he last, tw 6 * days has d,oubtl6es,
�,�cretary,-,and Lady,Florence Anson, BJUACU.-H
h at a
think am - leaving her a ores
refused divulgo' thern. It" appears
from information glean -other
ed from
contributed to the' favorable impression,.
necertion at, the provitaci . a L I Bull . dii;4 . s. t Girl Sccluccal'by iller Esupicilvs,
moment when the cloud- of trouble which
haslorsome1imeobscureat a face
so6rees:-that-6-gg�hg-of-eight'men were sent..
The Circassian bad.xough. weather with-
atn Dtig easterly gales, all the voyage' -until
Lord,and Lady Lansdowne entered the and Killed. � . '�--
Buildiugs�.at the St'.8ustacbe street an- d' �.,' Zora
A, Linco I
lad appears, to beliffing off. of
it. J 4m that it �
Quo. whic It 1111N, Wite chftw�ges
;I in" -xiritlil- ic.1i"iiing the ChUdren on
across from the prison t6w�rk at tha, Mer
Got Refbrm I atoryunacribe obarg e.of Prison
Oelast.fwo 'days.. The.Vice -Regal party
tra nce,,pre64ed by the members n (111.)' espatbli says
assign Burns, a.domestic-in the family of Orrin�
.Staff, and ad for
. (Cheers.) aware was a
11 . .
-ad, and I am ware in -your
partial clo a
, I T* I �
Guard Hart. &�ai6, in the-
evelill t '
were prostrated Inost of the way'ove A
larg6 number of rockets we a fired from the
A. Carpenter, a prominent reaident� of this
them on the right *of' the throne� . -
neighborhood publi6 cdiifid ence has not
tiOu'O f Their 1U:611ti0z%aB
ag ab�ut'half-pa8 o'clock -h an
crossing the railroad track.' 900ti and,
Druid and Circassian, and from both sidesT
as found dead xi a& i he outskirts of
Lord Lorne, who had been waiting for of' at
tUc'it a, week a-6.' , Her - throat Was cut
been -disturbed.. ��(Cheers-). Lady -Lans-
downe and I have had a most' agreeable
An inteyesting argued yes.
terday at, Osgooqs Hill before a1r. Justice
another convict named S.ts'vehs.' sudd only
of the river. No. hostilp demonstration of
The party retui
any kind occurred.- rned to
Some little time, Stepped , on the dais,in
front of the throne to rece ive the dis- from ear to ear,ba skull crusheaf.and,the
experience. in a pait, of' tl3e country remote
Proudfoot, wh6rem. the domestic troubles
tbrewown.their tools and made a, bolt up
the track :at tiie' Hart
-the city, at. 9.45 o'clock., Lord"h6rne Waited
titiguisfied party;,- AS he did So th arms here evidenc6. of a fierce fflug'g-1-6
ey -made
With, bar assailant. Her former employer,
-Ir-o---yo-ur-i�,-a-nd--i-nEab-I ta-Fy-a race differ-'
ing from you in origin and religion -we
of a Methodist minister Were fully -dis-
closed. 'Rev.. J.� H. Boyd,- w ho,i� em Ploy,'
brought his. rifle to the loveland called to
about an hour on board' the Circagsian,
sseil -to the city
a d - than � are .,by Police
their entrance; and all present- rose to th i r
81 Mr. CArpen r, arrested--thig aftertlooll,
feet, rei niiihing, so throughout the capo. te was
have. had a ,m eat agreeaUe'experience,of
Pi3abo6kq,��ritintbe�M'bthodiEitbo6k room'
�viug - '
them to halt or be would fire. Unheedin4'
his a rni they kept on ai fu ll;'speed. The
yacht Dolphin..
An'investigation disclosed that Zoiabaa
tot d
mony, W4 .4, as mos impressive.
tpit his employ an returned home. On
what the.00nduct of an Irish neiglobor can
be. I'say tbat because I would be sorry to
was m( rit of
on tbi� of a
habeas cor4ts for a one o y i of: big
th'' ' t d two
r t i x i's rille folloived quickly
ap.x aerStearn.
Vicb�Regal in full are as, fol-
Tlae.Nevv Governor.
The father.of the now Go V.erno I rmGencral, the day. pr( �ceding her aeaib she came to
Mr; Carpetiters
�Iea in your mind that �tbe
ve an impression
Ireland were
irlti, Mar, �b% �'H'eurietta B oyd and
da� ' Xgaria Bo�d, 12 9
witl� which Scott fell forward,
on b is face.� Tbeleport soon brought sev--
'The party
The 16rq4is of Lansdowne the
thig.ofty, ,Visited . office,
was Lord Shelburne, whoivas the eldest : . 1-1 11 . -i
remaining,an, hour alone
people of OVen toany ob'a'r,e
. I
of the sort. (Oheers.� � Let me, then', on
and years
reEpactively,,. wb'6 are iZt prbk�out in the care
the when it . .
Lansdowne Lord keiry,
Lox -d,- FiT,iw&urice, Lady Evelyn
son of the fomer.-Marquis of Lansdowne,� aalsoiii�novered tbat the'dsa& girl was
The f the present Marquis as the
the pointofrnydeparture xpregemyhop'e'
of 12 thbr, I at
i, air mu Urs.,Jar4Boyd, livir
ToroLtoL; Mrs.,
was found that the:bnlle�� bad: entered his
h6ad: from behind., directly midway be.
Witzmaurie, -)jady 'Beatrice Fitzmaurice'
aciente, and1bat Caipenter'bad sup,plie
4� 0
Oldest Son of'Lo'rd Shelburne was Lod girl with zn6ney ind written , fi'er,let-
that nothing may occur to j�op ads and in.
torrupt the improvement which we'eau &I-
Boyd',-offare a igorous
Opposition to the motion. Agreatx6nny�df
t ' b and PUS136d throl3gli Coming
""'t 6 eare I
d gov H. Anson,' & D.
an -eruea% Ron
Lady Florence Ausov�.'Ur. H.- Stratbfieldi
The title; therefore, which he tax, examination of.Carpnterlsbu 9
no�w--i-bearp--is-L-hii4-i3ecoiad;,- In .1869 the ay disclosed .9 y
a that the cu�bidzi linings.
ready d'eteet, and th�t if we areto have,
differencesad riviiiiies, iba� be
his , peculiarities were brought out in
or Ibb hardships to
h tale of'-
otiti, in'. frout. Death. must have.. been
t H�r
insti , LD aneous el gave
Mr. A.' J] Gilpin -and the servants in atto
married.L�dy Maud'
Marquiis: Evelyn Ham and- shifts *ere.plaiuly inarked with blood,
may con -
ducted.under conditions,�
creditable to both,
� which
She,. ran were expo
and her childr Sod
* �yl'
"Imel I 10, the'' 6mcfils as
to ndatice upon His�Lbrdbhip�a,ud:suite.
Ura. Russ' ' 'l. S �6igtoi ofLady,
ilton, the fifth and youngest daughter of the � and a warrant,was immediately sworn,oUt
�D ke -of Aber'corn. Lord', Lansdowue'p: �,foi.�: his arrogti. The".accuised. ig aredit6d�
I u
�R' i 'it
aid6a.. (Cheers.) Dierendesandrivalkies�
-7political-diff6rence I a . and . pol , xtical I - r I iv a I 1.�
Xor instance, it is related that on One
'Occasion he the family sitting
S to ucceeed" in
-thd big, e�646, an'd ba;e,not-,begn;
�eceptahce:ofth' Vi ' It' 11
a ice oya y IS, I 'isisaid, belD . g . the'wealtbiest resid6nt,61! Linw
ntterj ' . . 11 I
due: t6'the., ailure 'of his 'Irish route �
, , . , I %-1 IT- -1 11
ries a
-we must a wa I yB-have" hey are the
dO'w`n to -dine upon: a�-. k,�iece o ..bee :which
' � I
yegroo sga,�an
22 f d'
was -serving, a Six won th�:, term in prison
I I , I
the, vle 6f oigh ..Con, owning a, arge grain a evator here, a
and his - En
life blood .of this
.8, .9 gots� On another ode
.. I
-for assault
Ay !T PLE!sr, Youfk
as a time when the office of Governor-General:
�i . farm noa the city, an,44oth6r property. He
-1 -large landed' 0. to art am eritsa,L 'has'a wife an ff t wo'dau'ghterli'.
this. (Hear,�hear, audcppo�
-But I'do say thio,`let' these dif-
on: e took on the children outfora
'Walk, Tho"I tor%, Orders, when
of Canada;' like other Colonial appointmen.tsi
or Cork and Harry, the
part in, southest.:
.rivalrief; be condu
feriance's and these oted
She as ill with'inagales, and thus injured'
was only regarded as anImportant item f Min-
ist6rial patronagei and when'the nomin ti6n to,
In. nt atki oriy Of L the O'Sullivarial,
is ea$11L0,0.00 M.oBsEny.,
as con ted, and ' granted to Sir
in such.- a manner that 'there may aris6
1. H61
erhealth also
W -�h�d a Peculiar,
A Clevelamd telegram says.: -wh'ite
the same was sometimes madd without respect.
to the fitness of the person appointed Happily
illiain P, hismaternaf anceiitor,'a :Big Haul From an ExpreR6 Messenger.
' ' � . .
supreme a desire to do hotbiDg Which could,
Sully in any way tb6 'name of the glorious
wh n oducting family- prayers of
a crespr,
ixig about,,on.hisl knees (�raying all the
d 1�Av knocked a t the
ol IIordoor of
city lrifirmary last night. and asked for a.
-of thju& Do loug6r exists. Not to such a state
go further ba.Zli than the last two.ferms, Her
Promwellian -soldier. A last (Wednesday) III Port Hope
Empire which we have inherited from our
'wbile).and giving a thump on the head to
pask that ' we uld take her to'her son's h6ffie
Majesty. 'bhs ..sent , ag her representative to'
Good Words Jor the il,nusdOwne".- despatch Says :'On�,tha arriv., of the train
'forefathers, whichJrishmen have'done so
an� one -ot the � children -whom be cousi.
in Delaware., -She said Ixer name ..was
this coiintry first one of the most brilliant.Euro--
Pearl ip di lonnUs-and then a member of box own
Ybuy-.-correppondent��-day interviewed fyom�th&*We6t this morning -at-, 9.30 --the
Henry Edwards, member of� Parliain enftio-r- -express messenger on the train heded to
..much�to build up; to 'which Canada has
contributed, and of which, the -peopie of
dared in%'tteDtive. His temper is dog r
P ibed
by his �wife as satiric almost to Savagery,
Elizabeth Pierce; and that She was 77 Years
of ava. � She rodently.tvalkbd from Holton,
family, whdae talents would have rendered, him
couspicOns ev n had, � he not been so near the
i e
-Weymouth, England, who has been visitin 9 Mr. Thomas Spry, -the messenger here, a
Canada. whh� ill tho,expberanceof their
an d,: according 'to her own account, She led
TdZ,t&Erie, Pa., a distau 6e of nearly lJ00-
rone. at Your Excellency
ppointineyal of
ashis successor isconolusive prool.thatthe
the'North 'said to have. con.
west ana'remained over here to la;rga package of money,
meeLord!LabAdowne. Hekbo�,vs,thelat- tained$10,000. Mr. Spry at.otice looked
young d evelDpment,. �aie proud to write
themselves members. Sit, I
a very,wretcha, life with him from Coto-
bei� 1868, when ibey *,ore nuarried,lill the.
a StOlLakethe'
miles. � It.took'ber eight week
journey,'and, when asked why she -chose. to
llinpefial'G6vornment, intends to continue this
6yatam, arid Her 'Majes�by� in ,selecting Your
having eat wit for' the money in the safe: in the Express OfEce
reiurzi You , in Lady, LauBdowne's naine
'11th of June, 1883, .when, She linally
Walk- she said'she knew of no other way of
Ficollency for the.,puroose has sent us a states-
yearsv in Parliament and living n6xt -to lifin , at.hq,6tationi and "w6ni about his other
and in my own, ourhearty thanks f6ryoui
hi-,.afber his, declaiing that.1s, was.not
gojn� until she reacbed'Eriei'wh6re a Per-,
man who,'althougli still in, the prime of life, has
alread�,fdl6dimjportaxit political 6flices, and is of. his houses in Berkeley Squ�re,' duties, 4,hich occupied betwo I an I , teu-jind-
(Long an d contined a p0ause
I., . 1.
able'to'Bupport bar and the'ehildrea All,
11 � . ;�
son took her to,'the IgFirinary and 61otoue&
universally�a:dmitted to have a distinguished
eaeekbeforehim. Your Excellency's position is
aneasypne. Of course, you y rely upon
:London-..- He is'confident that Lord LEWH- fifteen minutes. 'When he went to �et the
dbwn6willbe popular in Canada. He is' 'package to t�ke,&wn town, after unlocking
"condescending, familiar Lady
these' matters appeared in the afflia
and papers� *bich ware read to His Lord-,
for her to Cleveland.' Sb6had with,
her a basltet;lwhich . glib . 'carried . among,
the goodwill and the hearty On pporat of tfie�cffi..
this , in,' the,
and, affable. thosafe,he found Same th been
iei had
Lansdowne 4ie describes a beautiful, 'before him, And had opened the safe, taken
ot rrjmuters�Thelr:
ship yesterday.. H p intituated
h he would: -reserve his
t at' j udgmen
other things, a Bible. She says she, gained,
strenkthaiLd comfort on the ourney b�-
zone gen6rdlly of countryt
of the arduous ' itles.' '- to
Majesty's-:conj*ence -has called
h6me4un Woman, with. �ajl the grace And'
aUlity,-but'norid-5 f7thie--&sire to. �
. . .......
reading the�Bihl, o.'Siiperintandexi -Mel on
youi but1the marked, success of Lord D n
of Lord Loine's ii�strations has. 1111-
a ine in it: again an. made Up to 'tha-
society, and -more resembling' the,mar- Present, time no trace
in of,either the money
A Calautta ±-imes
of he Infirmary, suppliea.-her With money,
and got'a I PAS for her to Delaware..
questionably made the task,of tbeirsuecesso�,&�
Aifll6ult one., . We have no' doubt, however, tha
of Bath than any other titled IAd i a ioness Y or thief has been found. Tb a is � the first
in,Lonaoh, iI�, bar home attacbi:6ents and less that-fiaslb�en sustained by Express
despatch says Holmes. aiid B'
�arrested atbe Parker House on wednes
telegram to the London
Says: Aremitrkabl h hasbe'
a p enomenon an
'Your Excellency will'perfoina it in a anner to
'vent -us from.rogtetting your predecessors, if
-us them.
p6irgonsl sttohtionB� to� her, children,"'
Jot . 91 I nag. Company under - Mr,, Pattersoul manage-
Mr. S�ry is
on'the charge of having explosives
ally last Possession w ro,,� brought - tip for.
in heb
observed la�aty at, Several places in the. Ma -
dras and - Bomba Piegidencielo, and
�y aS
A Toronto. despateb: of., last (Tiies ay
.t, to load to forget And we b ase our
conviction in this respect on thb � great talents:
ment. one'of the mostreliable
The Marquis of Lansdowne Berv&nts:In-t'he, employ of the company. It
examination - t6.'diy Tha whole time bf
caused- much interest mingled with not. 'a
' nightle dai6, says.., - Robt.. Gie enless. from
whi h Your Excellency bas inherited- from -w
gifted ancestry and thd suc6ess'wbich you -bbvo:
here about 7 o'clock this evening, coming, is thought ihRt some professional thief,did,
by the', Cariadian -
-the 6x�triinatio'
the court was taken �p'in , p
of Detective Powers, who made the. arrest.'
little alarm'amorg the Superstitious. For
-Several. days the sun piesented'i
Trenton, -boarded at 60 0eorge Street. a
left the holise'At 7. o'clock tb-night v0th ajichi6jed
in the important positions you' have,
alresdyfillede Our best .wfshes axle that, You may
Pacific thajob.
The Goveinoi-General% Fo* ot Guards and
He recited the facts, as prp�vjbuaIy� �ub:
green a 61or -'Several eixplanaiionsha�ve
friend fromAlgoma, and about, .8 O'cloc a
bave a successful administrition� aud'that your
residence in our midstra'ay, be as pleas&utto Your
the: kiine6a
I 9 Louise rag 0 Gua wj� lwtsy,ts JDE
n -tas 11,
attend, . I .1 . : I 1. :.
jisbcd� as to the finding of the, dynamite
in inible
packages an.4'66'srrast of the two an,
been. put fo the mOst'Plaus--'
rwa�d, of which
appea ra�to be that 6fferea :by the,Gbv-
-�ck dr8vet tothe door of`tho'h6U8a'6U1"
Gre6rileswwasthiowubn t6thb�eidgivhlkby
Excellency and LadyMansaowto as we t i"t i; useful to our country.
, ,
The Governor. General will-, r Snd lliekth, ag a Preitv Voung JUtily.
eceive the,
connection with wbieli-he said There
ornmentAsfroDomer, t"t it is' d to-�tbe-�
wc�- �` 'h " ' ' ' d' and, likeh"ImAn,' Who.
meq, -4 ie'lrien
7jbo�rd JLunsd 'Pik.
Ottawa, C 6rp6ratibii address to-ruorrow.
Before le A, Ribbmon.d, Va., despatch Says:, ", yc'�'
aving, Lord Lansdowng�.paid his terday the,family of
is nothing Passed betw�eu the, prisoners
W., i I
their arrest.- -The Small
passage ,
aer6as-Southern Jndla of cloudi of
sulphu4ous vagdr:from:tfio Java. volcanoes�' 'anabiee'ding.
then Gre6ziless� was ifiBensib e
copiously, from a deep gash in'
xolqisWor�blptb� kayor ana,60uncil of the�
morning Dr.-Willls,on
respeotsio the. PrinoSss-,Loiso at'the Franklin Arf?bt we're. thrown into the
Valise containedsome clothing and a pack,
his head, and'waa carried. in by US occu-
NTLrT,%1nq,-1 have li n
Mil. MAY'O�R -A�D GE , e
with feelings of the utmost gratitude to the
greatest grief by the Somnambulistic death
A last (Tuesday) night's Qu�bao despatch ",of bis, granddaughter Miss Emily:,To6s.
ag , of dynamite, the large valise. contained
a great dealmore of, it; the larger valise
Some Weather tic
A Pbrtdge. Is, Prairie 'talogram says:
Pats of the bourne. A' doctor was Sum
molied, who ordered his removal to the hos-
Courteous and hospitable terms in which you
have been pleased to welcome our arrival on:
I thank for the reception-
gives the following additional partic . ulate The young Jady, a' daughter 1,; of Captain
of, the swearing in of th Petuhroke oJueo'
Governor-- of Powbait&u Courity,was
was looked, but opened by a key found in
the possession of n, 0 of the
The two-aays' rain we have had changed
last night td'snow, and was followed by a
pital; where'he.Jiea'uiIcon8cioUiS. How'he
dame by',-thegash is unhhown,but the police,
Canadian. soil. You
have given me. I'shili not easily forget it,
that I it s.& bapoy
0 new
General: attendixig,sobool -in this city %ni boaraind,
do not r�member. It. wai, opened in the
the City Marshal. I found a
sb�aip treat. � Thesidow0he are'One 11191SH
are after the h kma and his f iend from
nnd*l trust way regard
augury of the , relations wbich will henceforth
exist between invaelf and t�io citizens Of Quebec.
I Lord Larisdowud'B Secretary taking. the at'tbe residence of'her grandfather. She
coinmissions of the new Govern' wa� beautifuland acbom
or-Generid plished'ainl aged
presence of
baggage check aroorg the prisoners' effects,'
of ice this. morning.
A three' -days' siiowatorm is' reported �at'
ac oept thb address which His Worship the
has handed to me in the nanie� of the
sd:bowing,16, about 17. beloved and.
Lorne ralcd them; 'the '.admired by a large
'at d
audience rising to receive the,ponyman'ds of ciroln of fri 13 OnMednesdaiv night'she
V vhich 1. presented at i J be railwlEby � depot,
and I got a, pitokage.With a corresponding
a ,
Telluride;' Colorado. It' is four feet deep' !
on the ii576untaibs and the �ackers are
, , Tr']Lord.
_ram Says,:
A Wasbingtou teleg oremayor
illustrious Sovereign whose commission1have. ..hold:, aind-td4ard's-whom-the- People-
W the Dominion, entertain 'feelings Of loyalty
retir. Lin -the -best; -of- ealffi 6ut _2heok
-h tbi ore", an y of 1 the
terms. - I - ng bef family or
ow it,' wbi a% a uit of
'rubb-e-r-cl-oili—es, the sui f —W�8-11otrvo-ftry-
Abq�Eq- rig otii 61 idir_mules..
, , � -Yfi:�r��da-y
Beabb agad ion vear6'axid a J
iiii—ght, frovi . -enlargement, of the
�, .11
and, of devotion 'not' less profound than,
'Alter reading them he handed therx� � 't domestics 'ad arisen she got out o
0, f1or - bad
knowledge ilithe possession pf the pkison-
The oxaiqul� Of ]Uorue tailil India.
Abdomen. -! The) autopsy, shovVed t at'tba
those of her subjects on the other side of, the
Oceawwhichweliaietraverged, laccepti 11 ea
julbe nanid of the People of Xngfand� unit d to
the'Clerk of the, Privy 06uncil� wbq,, Jima while Still asleep and/lk6d out of her
-State book contaitling the oaths..Of chamber, -and contifiting her Wa
laid the' y in the
ars ; the suit was, wrapped up'in� a, piece of
cloth and tied with a Strap'; I presented the
Lbndou'cablegram ssy's'- Thd'Duke
of Connau&snd, the uke of Albany will
small intestines were oNtructeld. T'wanty
large sqeds of dams6ris; 9, copper' can't, tW6
you by tbe.patril.1tiBnawhich, alike iuspires you
office before Hi6 Excellency., and gave,tfie e,bead of the Staircase
check to Me9sra, Phelan aiia ClayiI icharge
eet the Ma;rquis of , Lorna' and the
buttons, and other indigeStibl; articles were
-a Nth, au'd by the feelings of mutual cansidei
Non and esteem which y,,u enterbdintoward;
gWn,, bich, 11 *fth gri
Bible to the Chief Justice of Who 91 eat force. When.
discovered nee Wag
o1,brougbt th
the package room. &6k-'
age to the Police station V6 ittle.detainirig
'Princess Louise on their arrival at Liver.
The 1 Queen is 'about'
taken fron�.theixi. Tbeliver wag Swelled to
buch a gize� it took the place '61 hlungs
each other. , Of,myself`1 wlll�say biat'jthisi: that
J:Jeol only too I tbe� disadv%fit&9a under
h allided it to Lord Lansdo wne-;' Sayig as broken and lifie'
h 'a did'so, 11 May it,please your F extinct.
this rubber.' suit until the'prisoners are
pool.. in earnest
the"Marquis of Lorne to India as'
aII d nearly everything else. � Oife-of the
-which I shall labor in following the two, distin-
gislaba men who have been my, yke
in,obedienco to,Her, majostly tk"
have the,hotior i�ogt
discharged, I don,t khw, of aiij, in".
-kireping-th-at Sult in Ur
Vicero'V, but thi) donsent'� _RLIke -abiniat
agroa�tly displacedi The doatOtg
E Tn6thar
8 e.caae as remarkable. a
ocessors, au& of whom You' have epbken
in language,: at once appreciative and� just.
cominandiai'l resp�ct-
'fully, to tender 'to. youir Exoelloncy York Th )ies' London cable let-
prisonero'could float abo tth.- arbor in,
11, -suit if:they to; no hae
states that some time ago te boy'vornited
ni do oC shrink, from the res d which
i6ttach to the high office �o which- I am� called,
oaths of office as Govern or. General of the ter/a&ys:' Before aireai of Bracken
Dominion of Canada inil Holmes it Halifax, the Government
t is wanted person
been experimentiAg-.Wi h this Suit ill' the
Beer und- 1116 Ballot
,The Prohibitionists' made it strenuous,
alargewormthat had,, protuberances
hotirs and leis. � He also v'oruited orange
ifleations for. a position ifi -can oiiin an0lual
tie honorable, it is because I undertakeits duties
HisExo4ellency then read the first Oatfi, London *aswarneilthat. Irjsb�Am6ricaus I
w ter. ase,adUjourneatill io-morrow,
endeavor to carry thoirameDdmeDt to. the
'eed4tbat bad been in -the stomach so loflg�'
I I � I
with, a sineekd adiniration of the clutilitres which
from, New York were plotting
tbatof allegiance. The Chief !notice t6ok - to blow 60
constitution I in Ohio, � but failed. AmoDgl
; t
had' b p ro: ted !
hat they u
bave earned for the people of the Dominion so Conspicuous! a place among the civilized -com-'
with dynamite the Briti cory to a
the'State7book and -tandered-to1lis �Exce sh at Cani a,
b Prince
;to Wit] 'George, Wales'
in wifejn,�.3 isco, who
A. an And
e'naottdes displayed by them in Tuesday's
were the iollbvfing
The sum of 'recently cleared by
m2unities of the world. With'a deep-seated
biiatb'ebolitiecLi-inatifutions under whi hJ
lency,other oaths relating th d* faithful of on board,,
discharge of his duties. which. Was' lying in Halifax harbor. The
are estimated'to be worth, $75,000, war aetion
arrested a'short time agb' f or cru6Ity-t6.,
a bazair held at Woodatock,in connection
that -peace bag been won, and with an a", 1,
desire to do6eivo, the confidence'which'ybu have
fli my and* to
Govern t
His 4, C 3.3 boy, .iou approached' the man a once instructed the Halifax
au6hori t a
table and signed the' -oaths and the, Chief ska6t strict Watoh on 'the
0,dIdren., The, ,.their children to
11mg1ruft and h il6d
about nigbts pe('h a
A person asked Jones it the olling of a
bell did riot Put him in of 'hio, 'latter
With ---
fori'n bburoh in Queensland', .
T12o Pxe�by a
.TcpOsed , predecessors,
haud-in-hand with . you for t�c
4tistice migz�e&tha jurat.' This.completed, dorvetfe.
to rly provide tfiera with clothing and,
end. lie ro�lied,� 1, NO, Sir; bxit the reps'
is endeavoring to Beetre a reinforcement Of
advancement of the bea'int6rosts' of yobr
i!oui2ti�y,whi6h,1'6h&llregarclils mjvown the
LordLornedes mud:ed the� dais and Lord
puto,me in mindof �odrH.11
mini'Siorstro'm the rdotbercountry�
-Worcls ot -your aadressleavd no doubt i;i-my
Lan'sdowrie `asoend6d retiring GOV In a graveyard udax� Paris, ther6'is . this
11'A.gubtusi'l abb said, "Why is there so
R�v. Dr.'�ddy*, betr�ojt, will be fift y
The 'Ch9listidn dvocate oatiina,tes the
2nind that I mal coulli upcinyou,to assist me to
the utmost of your abIli T,.' in the i0alizationef
this vvish. I have, sir, . tly to -acknowledge
eyoor.G6neralhowind'to inscrip ion-apon a ii
t' onument: Here re.
Pogo in PeAoo;Rf
The. Oleri,of the Privv ter 760 years, of married life,
C I it Ig" !`91 1`1h)u to
h coLiiusion in that store? �,Ruo w 'years
not, dearest he simpored� "UnIess it s
a, prea, her in -alow 1 Weeks. He is 68
years of age,! and: is about to retire.,from
3U ion (not church member-- .
shiO) throUghout,the world at abput twenty
gratefully the wish wth'wbich jour 64dreedcon-'I
to uif�L'ibellono Mr, and Mrs. Petit"
y,the G rap't 81.1, W
caused by th at bustle in the window."
active duty
. . I ". I .
........ .. .. ... -- --------