The New Era, 1883-08-24, Page 10CLINTON NEW EEA.. FRIDAY, AUGUST.2i, 188. Division Court here to -clay ':(Friday;) D. Kennedy has a fine new sign on his livery stable. The county school board meets here to -morrow to transact school business. SOLD.—Mr. Newton has sold his Bony and phaeton to Mr. Biddleeombe at a good price. The President, and other officials of the Grand Trunk Railway took an inspec- tion tour over the G. T. to Goderich, and also over the L. IL & E. on Monday. Mr. 'Jas, La,srence and <iUr. Samuel Hicks, of Tuckersmith, left last week for Manitoba, by boat. 'They took with them• large vestry s. me cows and young cattle. rt>;xr of the: �uz.-The.tr , } Methodist church has been -very neatly - -fixed up.. It is now a very s comfortable meeting place, and a treat improvement on what it was. 4 suBscauryiox has been in circulation to assist the fire company\to" :attend. the - tournament at London on the 28th, We are sure the boys will do themselves credit. On Saturday,mornnig last ibee'south of Stanley was visited with a severe hail - sterna. The hailstones were so. plentiful tliatthey covered the ground! • 1111r. J. T. Codper, of Turtle Mountain, • M nitoba, hasnine young chickens ha${cb-. ed tby a wild duck, and has;four young' wild ducks running about the house life • tame ones. •\ • Rev. M114(.trey, of the Methodist church,., forwarded to• the ,authorities ,at London, $20, the proceeds of the, collection taken np,on Sunday last, in aid of the sufferers Aft•, Honier and -Miss Annie Cooper, son by [the floods in that city. LOCAL PERSONALS. Ed Dickinson is home from Galt on a tjsit, Mrs, P. Craib is visiting relatives at Norwich. Mrs. J. I-iodgens;'is visiting relatives in. Mr. J. Brickendon, of London, is home on a visit. - . Miss L.''Wliite left last week for the old country. Mrs. P. Craib is visiting friends at Norwich. Mrs. W. L. Newton is visiting relatives in Woodstock. - 117r, W. H. Smith has a liberal share of the fireman's pants to make. M11iss Carrie Fisher has returned from a prolonged yisit to friends in the States, dIiss Nellis, of`Craib & Co's, las gone visiting to Caledonia, Mr. E. Harttis home from Toronto; on a visit to his parents. Mr. J. C. Stevenson • is visiting, friends at Rockwood, James and John' Berrett leave for St: Paul, Minn., to -morrow. R. I-lolnies and family are at St. Catha- rines spending a few days with relatives. Mr. Jas. •Tighe, bar tender for Mr. R. 11liller, is going to Bay City, Mich. ' Mr. A: 11, Drumm, student of Knox allege Toronto, is home on his holidays: Miss Campbell and Miss Burnett, of' Seafo`rth, are visiting Mr. Burnett -at Mil- ler's hotel., Mt 11 Foster contemplates a trip up the: lakes, starting on Saturday: Mr. Bay- ley will ay-ley°wall; return to-morroiv.' Ci-vla.. SERVICE ExAMIXA.Trow.—Mr. W. J. Floody is among the'recent suc- cessful competitors in the qualifying ex- amination .for the Civil Service. We hope lie niay soon get an app'ointmeut, which is far better. 'S nrovsL Inn. ---"We regret to have to announce that Mr. 'Alfred Smith, who has been so long a'sufferer, has ;lately been much worse. He is at present in Detroit for treatment. ' Mr. andMrs. Smith are also with him. Civic HOLIDAY.—The town was de- aerted. last .Thursday, the.' -various excur- eons taking hundreds away to enjoy a day in the cities or the shores' of Lake Erie. .The excursion. to Port Stanley ip- anddaughter of the Deputy -Reeve, have been ,`siting Toronto. Mr. E1 ank Mitchell has been; taking quite an eastern tour and is now spending a few - ' Mrs. Th ot las, of Toronto, who has been visiting Mrs, Jas, Fair, returned borne last week.' \\ Mrs, -Whitt Nt11�1 resumes her classes• in nii.isic as follows,=Blyth Sept. is.t; Kip - pen, Sept.. Srd ; Clinton Sept. -4th. • George. A. Wats is has removed from; Prince Albert; iNr.WV ato Edmonton where he will practice law. • Mr. J. Donagh, of Winnipeg, formerly of Clinton,„was in -town last week on his tray to California. geared to -he the most populaf•,' Ms, Wan. Coats,-jr,, and 111r, D. F. Mac • CoarPLmJI r rev.-" The cabbage were • pherson have been spending some hole- not nearly so large as the heads of some of the feasters onthe morning of the ;e - form banquet.here last spring." This is the kind of flattery a tory.paper•deals. out to a. large number of the people .of this Messrs. Craig ;& Hearn will ship four car loads of splendid stock on Saturday, havinepnrchased 18 head from Mr. Jas. Fair for $1,250; and six from' ivIr. Lyons, for about `d75 per head, and a large num- ber of sheep. They paid out this week 1.1 R. Herriott, rte are-sou•y to. learn, near $5,000 for stock. heeli laid up for some /days , Te -is CAMPING. -Letters: are to Band from'- improving and will .we trui: .shorty be Messrs. Jas.Thorpson and John Connolly out,essain. days at Fingal,. 'Both ha-verettirned. , ' Mr, \Vat,;Manning recently visi'ted Os goode and O illia in the interests f, the Doherty Organ Company. • • Mr. Jas. Thompson and Mr. J. Connolly are' taking a well-earned rest at Grimsb'y� Camp grounds. Miss Ovens, lately -in the millinery ,de- partment of R. Beesley's store, is going to \Ving'ham as head millinery, for lir..' Holmes. • . who are at Grimsby Catiip Grounds des- cribing WE oBSi:Rvt the names of Messrs, having, a in, that popular resort. They e, are Turnbull and A. M. Taylor figuring in speakit twin seem,s ofall t time, t nue the'. reports °ftheProvincial Teachers.ars- speak in glo\ving terms of all that is to be Trout seen .and heard They will return on sociat ion meeting in o Saturday. We`are pleased to fear• that -Messrs. The •Canadian Order of hoiiesters, of which there area large slumber, of Courts cattere'd throughout Huron, and Bruce, will give a •cheap excursion from Kin- cardine to London via the L.•H. & B. on. 'Tuesday, Aug..28, the first day of the fire- men's tournament there. W.anNixe:-17r. J. M. Moran some time ago bought out;the Stratford Herald, and, after losing all.hehad; has. sold out to, the former ,propriet&rand gone back to his profession; of teaching. He is now principal of Stratford' public school at'a salary,of $800. That's a good deal, better than starving in the newspaper' business, Josh. Hamner and L. lie ncdy, who have been on the sick list, i progressing to wards recovery.. Mr. Win. lluir' ad his hand :badly crushed on Friday,. by a. -threshing- nna- chine dropping of it, which he vas,assist- ina to remove. WE REGRET to learn that Mr: James Scott, Barrist'r, was Called -home oii Sat- urday last' •, the death of his brother. The decea_ d was a younger brother and has been a 'great'sufferer for over two, years. - 074 'DrSTiRTC i1JEJtT.OiC. le Goderich financial district meeting s held in the -Methodist church here, on : • iesdaylast ; ,Rev.. Jas, Gray, chairman,. )resided over, the meeting Rev. G. IT. Cornish, secretary of the district, was at his ;post. A ministerial and lay delegate from nearly every circuiton the :district was present. The ordinary routine of business having been disposed of,: a me- mo lial,to e-moi:ial•to the United General Conference, moved by Dr. Towler,—'of Winghant,, sec- -. onded by Rev. G. H. Cornish; was carried, asking that the children's fund be so modi• - tiied as to more fully meetthe end for which it was designed, and be made ,more tt.icept able to our people. ''Also a memorial, to the adjourned General Conference of our, church,;moved by A. S. :Fisher,: !sec. • by:: Rev. D. Clappison, of Brussels, was: car- ried, praying that the 'Oasis of Union". lie adopted without' ;etnendation. Grit of fifteen circuits thereis now but one :this- sinn-on the Goderich dihtriet," About 30 Years ago ill the county. of Huron, at that 'i time settle:f. belonged to the then Code �, rich .mis i ui' and tho l rbers anis missionary,_ •of -the preeui: t hai.easan of his 'district, eatended•oei this •large,field, and .inan:y of the old seVtlers in the vicinity of Olin - ton'( well, remenihered rlim' as an; earnest and :'successful laborerin themtister'svine yard. His long expeiienee as chairman, his genistI.si.ad uniform kind disposition, . together with business tact and know= ledge, admirably quality hirii for a presid- ing officer. ' :ln acrobat gave ti street' per:thrinauce on the square on Wednesdayafterneon. The. lightning strurck Mrs. McDonald's Nash: ]t burned. for; four days, doing con- si dertible damage. The Anui:versary!services. of the B. C. Church of Holmesvillc ate to, be held ole Sunday, 30th. September. Excursroti.-Om the 30th of Aug.- a' great excursion will run to Niagara Falls, w and Grimsby Cain') ' grounds over the L H cuB., calling at all, stations.' Tickets good for two days. North of Clinton •. $2.00, Clinton .and south $1.75. Tram leaves Clinton at 8;20 a.m. This will//be the great temperanceday at the camp, and the falls will be all aglow with thee] ctric light. ' Crowds will go sure CovcxATu s rocs; 11lr.and ¥ s. Perry, have taken up their abode am ngst .us. MrPerry is. already well known to• most of our readersas one of theteachers in • our High School. Mrs: Peri�y ;comes .to us With the well wishes of s, larged num- :•ber of friends as to .haven doubt that she will soon :,become• a fav rite herd The NEW Eics, extends .to t epi its' heartiest congratulations: • - lZolvu�[rnJ.-The • s on`umeiit erected, in the cemet'eryby the many, friends' of the young"man Latiis;:;;rvho lost his life waiting upon others iii the Northwest,'has been finished and is certainly, a good piece of tvorl�titirhrlx: `l r�-jslo�surortnzll]ig it has been neistly sodded and. the appear ance of;the wliplc t5 imposing and pretty. We understand that .after payinent of the con tract -1;06e. the conun ittec It :have a small amount on hand, which will he disposed of as;soon as a meeting is held. \VRo1G TrAcr.—" Y hen three.of the Ni - • Balis excursionists were returning home on Saturday they took the wrong to '` tr rip; and, wile'? they thought they had \got near house they .asked -the .:conductor /if they were near Clinton, and, they were much surpr i,;ed-when he told- thew that they were nearly ;100 guiles frorr this town, and were wear Chatham. 'The' railway company carried them, to 'London that night where they hail o borrow • money to remain over. Sunday, ,there being no train north so late in the eyenini, IMPOLK-G Ecr7'c.AL,—A pet canary bird died a • fete days" ago in a cer teua=,li.ouc ,u.. toun�. anst_s..the "little folks decided-to--give-•it--a funeral i[he neighboring children :were duly notified, but not on black- edge note paper, and -1M the appointed time about a dozen young- sters were present The grave' was 'dug and an old match box made to de service ais ti collar. The pail bearers 1i'ith grave mien boretheretrains to their 'last rest- ing place, and the chief mourners made their eyes red with \yiping:. Around the• open grave the company thought it pro- per to sing in good old style the time honored psalm ". All - people that in earth dodwell ;' The coffin was lowered, WEb'$ WAWANOSH. Daring the thunder storitn last Saturday morning, Mrs. Miehael -teddy, of St. Augus- tine, whale covering a stove to protect it trona the rain which was blowing in, was struck by lightning on the shoulder. $be.resnainedun- conscious for a considerable time. Medieal aid was speedily obtained, and it is expected hat.,she will be all right in a few days, - Itis our gainful duty to record the death of Nlr. Peter McDonald, of St. Helens, on the 13th inst., at the age of 40 years. The cause of death was dropsy of the chest. He leaves a young widow to mourn his sudden death. He was highly respected in the neighborhood. A large concourse of friends :assembled on 'Wednesday to convey his retrains -to Dun- gannon cemetery. His brother William, of East Wawanosh, was buried. 13 days before., Mr. James Wilson, ofthis township, was the only Goderich High School pupil who succeeded is taking a second class grade. A at the late examinations. WAa.IiZxBU;<tN, Mr. Alex. Reberton of this place has p.ur-- chased anew threshing machine, and deserves patronage., ;Mrs. Laws on, of Detroit, is visiting her parentsi;M.r,, and Mrs- Jblin A;iartin of this place. \Vho is it walks this 'World.o€ a<oes1 And to the church at evening goes • And leave's his mules to sweet repose, You know him. Who i s it conies to \\'alkerbnrn And ,to the south his eyes cloth turn, While loveteithin his bosom limns, (Just think swhile. Who is it laughs. behtind his back ' And thinks that, be some drains doth; lack • And wishes he would not comeback„ Neu all know. EAST WAWANOSH. SToaaw.—The storm of last Saturday X was one of the heaviest of the season, In the morning a horse, valued. at $200, be- longing to John Taylor, near Zetland, was killed by lightnng. About the same' time a barn on the 9th con., belonging to Edward Wightman, was struck by light - acing and considerably damaged, but not set on fire. In the 'evening and during the night it rained very heavy again, and' raised the creeks and river as high or 1 higher than they have ever been sincel the spring freshet, Mrs. E. Modeland and Mr. F. Pearen1' have returned from a visit to their friends- in Sarnia and vicinity. They report the harvest considerably more advanced there .than in this locality, a large amount of. the spying crop being cut. lir. and Mrs. Charlton, of Lobo town- ship, are visiting friends in this locality,. We notice the familiar face of '1, Whightmau again in our midst. He arrived home from Manitoba last :Saturn. day. He looksas if the climate there agreed with him,, Query. --Will he go back alone? �aa e a 'Have a v e ail. been. SOLD Bargains i a ns ONE ' DECK. weareivin o g �n Gloves oven MANonESTEit. Misses Katie and Annie Young, daughters of Rev. S. Young, pf Clifford, are visit here at present. The Maitland river is higher here, at pre- sent, than it has ever h6enknown at this season of the year. It is '•higher than it ' usually is during the spring freshets. \4'illiani;Ualbraith and Thomas Carrick left this place yesterday •fort Glasgow, via the Allan Line. 1, 0, Pattison is agent for this route. I'•, • T MILLINERY cheaper ...than ever. SUMMVIER' PRINTS at a great reduction.. Summer HOSIER' ry .. � {�at'�- cost. SHIRTINGS��rat cost- --- - - %) (0 -IN [ .lam 0 1 , — -C rI ' r t9-, I -I 1 1 1-4 -C�' Dn „,.. t. E EESLE �liXVyti� iY➢��lt�: alla SWISS SO AT, The best 'washing ao i'keu WE ; IT A IPIAL, ASK YOUR moms 11IANUFACTURED. • L'1 THE.. :SOBA CO. CO) 111 c, hr liress Goods . Another -lot of Great Bi Come and see the big. • cuts `; Summer'.' Goods HOslerY,.. and Parasols If prices-- have any -nft uenice we a,re boundbound to see ter a•t they- are.to-via Every Soap will be found at the, following' titre.. L- l t)t)1'I'l ,1011 N Chv7\t;LrAlIE . STAitBT1.1i . O.1x.11.1 (i_: ll1 0 ;a'fl)-A.! ANGUS. • EC"Ri!'3--X. _,'•' S47,'�y4Z` 'v"II!.GTn^ •y!,^Sm(4rZY liJGPS .._Y:T2SR9�E Tourr enough t0,, ase : ®f Summer reat Sacrifice. icemanJ GOODS-E1V PORIU1, CLINTON. nor• - :.�:, r People around -Porter's Hill are thresh-. inn'their iltll wheat and, 11 is worse' than expected It ititnot yield five bushels per acre; andea poor -.s ample a.l th at... man named Clark came to this place, from" Blyth; where it is saicthe became in debt' and lift without ,paying his board. When herb he started work! Nidi W: !Taylor & Sop..' Last week Ire suddenly left town leaving Tars:.Cull-about '$85• behind for hoard. A MEA,r'MJ N.—Some thine ago'a young Edward l'1eClintock, who once ,traded, the site of •all Denver for a mule, has• never seen a steamboat,- and within a month had his'' first ride on a railroad, •pati money enough to make a 'pleasure The '.rave Clidal lir, ,laid the dnnpaay ,dis. trip to Sir atog 1, notwrthstandmg his miss petsed, - - of a fortune real estate, "' „e ., p KSON, inon Buy your Fall Suit anywhere until you hav seen JACKSON THE CLOTHIER'S T • eernendo Lis FALL ► _ Vhich will be. complete about the 1st of Sep- = •E' 11 Stock of Goods that has ever been brought into this section of the country, .and at .prices that will astoni,Sh every body, as we have, facilities to sell cheaper 'a than a'n other, house iia ton• e p y A.11 we ask is to exarmine our stock in that' the chew -. and be�� convinced p ':clothing ca_a bol ht from