The New Era, 1883-08-24, Page 5WE WILL GIVE 0 per cent Discoun Balance of SUMMER STOCK of BOOTS 4 SHOES' for the next THIRTY. DAYS: Trunks and Valises, Large• Assort- ment and'Very Cheap. SGC- -S in W. TAYLO.R-& The Greatest healing Compound Is a preparation of carbolic acid,'vaaeline and cerate called McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. . It will onrebany.sore, cut, ,'born or bruise when all other preparations tail. Call at J. H Combe's drug store and get a pack- age. Twenty five cents is' all it costs. 'GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK The great Engush earn Mt C?<, Remedy. An un- �, r failing,curefor Se- nifnalweakness,im- potency, Sperms- torrhea,and all dis- eases that follow as a sequence o1 self •t • ' abuse, as the lQSs of memory, universal ti• lassitude, pain iu �efOre-Taii7n the, back,. dimness ea' Qf vision, preioature.old age, and many other: ' eaves' 'that lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave. pdFuII particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one, The Spe- cific Medicine is sold by all druggists at 81 per package or six. packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on re- ceipt of the money by addressing ,r . • Tau QRAY Meotonng Co ;Toronto, Ont. Sold by all druggists. HEALTH IS WEALTH. BRAIN D0 NOT BE IMPOSED r -k. TEAS ..&4: 0 Those who have used our In the past are satisfied with their uniform quality and price. We respectfully solicit a call from allose who have not already tried our goods. Fresh arrival this week, which is the best value ever offered in the Town of Clinton, at the NOTED TEA, COFFEE and SPICE HOUSE. Or for Eggs. S. PAI.LISE. S. PALLISER. - T. WHITE. CENTRAL DRUG • STQ JUST RECEIVED, . fiELLEBORE aild PARI' GREEN, DALMATIAN ami PERSI,4N INSEGfI' INSECT POWDER. GUNS, FOR THE FLY CAMPAIGN TRTSE3 MONTSERRAT LI LA •i"LTSC JAMES H.. CONI'fit., CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, • v CLINTON, ONT. I 0co/iqw c Z:b lie e atte.ot p (3.001 ai,zea o ,-la e o stock o e s P 13 b 1 • �Q. v eta." ati cZA 1 I1ENT Dr..E. C.,West's Nerve and brain Treatment, a guar - an eed specific for 'hysteria, dieziness, convnisions. fits, nervous neuralgia,. headache, nervous prostration caus- ed by'the use of alcohol, wakefulness, mentaldepres- sion, softening of the •brain, resulting in insanity, and. leading tq misery, decay and death, premature old age, barrenness, loss of power in either sek, 'involuntary fosses and sperrnatorrhaiti, caused by. oyer -exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence- one hex will eure:recent cases. Each box contains one month's 'treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dol- lars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price: We guarantee six boxes to cure any ,ease. With' each or- der received by us for Six boxes, accompanied with five dollars we will send the purchaser onr'writteu'guaran- tee to refund the money if the treatment. does not ef- eet a cure. Guaranteesissued only by 3.. H. Combe, sole agent' for Clinton, Ont. John C. West dt Co., sole proprietors; Toronto. , • HAVE YOU TRIED IT, T P NOT go t� our Druggist and•get a'bottle of •the DOMINION HAIR RESTORER. You will find it to be the gem of all hair preparations. Restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its natural color; cleaning the Scalp' and giving a healthy and beautiful appearance to the hair. ,PRIC;i - 50:CENTS. Jas. IIs Combe, *OIL !CLINTON. Agent WATTti & CO., Agents, ii1ntoja The New York• Evening 'Telegram has had an .interview with some of the striking? operators, who are`; complaining that the men struck on the promises of the Knights of Labor that they Would receiVe financial aid, which promise\)lad not 'been kept.' They say at the next meeting of the Bro- therhood a demand will be.;made for the appointment of acommittee to treat with: the company. If the demand is refused g. self-appointed ediismittee will ash: that the operators be taken back under the old conditions." Samson lost his strength with lii9 hair. Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very large numbers' restore the ravages or time -by using the fam- ons .Cingalese. Bair' Restorer. ` Sold at 54' cents per bottle by all druggists. The Ontario School Teachers' Associa- tion declined- to adopt a suggestion that the reading of the Bible •'in the schools should be obligatory on the part of the teachers. unless the trustees or ratepayers in the ,respective school sections decided differently at the annual meeting. The Association endorsed';a proposal that the' • Governinent be asked to have prepared' a series' of Bible: readings for use in the Public Schools, but declhied ,to l asjpahat, • the power of providing for their use be- taken out of the hands of the trustees. ' Ill . this, the teachers showed theirgood sense and. the respect they have ff1 t.the genius. of our institutions. Self-government must not be. given up, even in the conduct of. our public schools,or we will be stire`to' retrograde. • After many' years of patient investigation Lr.Van Buren, of Germany, finally succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would per- manently relieve all cases of Kidney 'Disease. Be sure and ask' your "Druggist for Dr. Van Karen's ICIJ NEY CCtRE. The Montreal Journal of Commerce, re- ferring to the trouble connected with the boundary dispute, says:. "So far as we' can judge _of the merit of the controversy, On- tario, though most violently 'abused by the press in opposition to its Government, Kass acted with singularmoderation." - ( A eiwple.herb found On the sunny plains, -- of a Southern clime' has, underthe skillful manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, proved one of -the greatest blessings ever sent to suffering. humanity, Dr.Van'Buren's KIDNEv CURE is acknowleged all the world over as the: only perfect remedy remedy, for kidney troules_ Your druggist has it. U Eazi'I Bois.--- Climax cough "cakes. Quick, sure cure ;, of all dealers; l5cts, - Wide .Awake Dri resists. - Messrs. Watts & Co: are always alive to;< their business, and spare no pain°, to secure the best of every article in'tbeir, line, They - have secured the agency _for the . celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for `Consumption. The onlycertain sure .known for Consump- tion; Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a postive guts. 'anted: Trial bottles free. Regular size $1: and al, selofUtons a s'easeg Sorsa Erybipe1IIsi - Eczema Biote des, Bing tumors,' Car- buncles, ural, and'Fruptlons of the Skin, - are-the-dneet result c,f an impure state -of the" blood.' :To tiro these diseases the blood nrrst,.:be nal i ..: fled and restored to a healthy and natural condi- tion AYER'S SARSAPARILLA has for over forty: yeass been; recognized by emieent medical'en= thorities as the most, rowerfulfblood purifier in'. existence. It frees' the system front ani foul hu- • Ulora enriches and strengthens the bleed, re100v00. all traces of moreu ial treatment and proves it Self a complete Master of all scrofulous disenses . A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores "Sono months ago I was troubled with scrofu- • lou's; sores (nlcers)•on my legs.' Ilio limbs were • badly swollen paid • inflamed, and the sores dis- charged large quantities of 'offensive matter,' Every remedy 1 tried failed, until I us id Avint's SAlts t2 runts n of which 1 have now taken three bottles with the result that the sores are healed sand my general health fir a tly improved. I feel very grateful for the good y onr .medicine has done. ' tie. Ynnt's respectfully lir s ANN O BRIAN." 148 Sullivan St., New York June21,188'2 p oBall(Q All persons interested are invited in- call on 11Lrs. O Urian also upon the ]P. Wilds of 78 East 54th Street, New York ' City, who will take pleasure in testifying to . the ;wonderful etticacy of Ayo lanotonly in the cine of this ndy, but Sarsaparll- 'In hie own 'cage and Arany other wlthilt his knowledge. -Thewell-known writer on the' Beek)? 1.181‘01,(1,13 W. BALL,, eLL,'of Rochester, Aj 7f ,writes Jtme 7, 1882 " Having suffered severely for some yeare with '> Eczema, and having failed to and relief front other •remedies;:'hate made -use during the_Past three ' months of Av I a S Snitsnrettir r t, which has effected a eemplete cute, 1 consider it• a Magidi1- cent remcdy'foralt blood ilisonne- " ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates' and•regdlates the aotion of the di geative -and nssntilative organs, renews aril • strengthens the vital forces, andlspeotlily cures ithournatiem, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Cont, Catarrh, 'General Debility,', and • all diseases arising from an impoverished or'eor ruptod condd- . tion of the blood, and a weakened vitality. It is ineomparably the cheapestblodd medtclhes . on account of Its concentrated strength, a Mt great poWet over', disease. ramAstir, asv . Dr. 3. C. Ayer & Co*, Lowell,',Ntass. - Nehl he all Druggists;' price $1, 'eta bottles for $Cr: LPH. AND IRON BITTER will cure dyspepsia, heartburn, ma -feria, kidney disease, liver corn - plaint, and other wasting diseases.• SULPHUR •. AND:. IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system ; cures weakness lack of energy, &c. Try a bottle SULPHUR IR�� i T ' 'is t' e only iron . preparation that c}e.3 hot --color the-teeth,:,and will - not cause headache or constipation, ' ss,other Iron preparations will LPHUR: IRON: BITTERS Ladies and all Sufferers from nett ralgia, hysteria, and kindred come plaintswill find it without an equal). WATTS - & CO. CLINTON. FARRAN & TIS:I)ALL BANKERS, It'ATtENDUg-5 §T:, OLINTON;-- SUCCESSORS'TO - JQll TON, TISDALL & GALS; Rt1 ANSAOT A ENl:1RB ALANEINC+BUSTNl?:SS1 T;tilono,aavanood on mortgages and" Notes of Mind Drafts issued payable at par, at' an the canoes of the Merchant's hank of Canada. ' New York exchaego bought and sold. PROMPT ATTSNTIol-ruin To OoL. LEOTIQNS throughout Canada and the United Stitt% - SAIE NOTES BOUGHT at close rates,, and mone1 advanood to farmers on their own notes,tot anylengt of timoto snit the; borrower. All merketablee+oolrte tieebongbtand Bold. • Bthlnils 7N NEW YoRri. AGENTS os Tart MEnenANr'a BARR or OANADA, INTEREST A.7JL0WEI) ON, DEPOSITS . 70.V., l ARRAN: „ ` T. 1'.'r'15'bA44I