The New Era, 1883-08-24, Page 1110LAESVII 4A.N;NING & SCOTT. LE. To the of the clinton DF 1 OrS9 Alt 'Happening to take up your last issue, toy eye fell oil an item from your' PYANOURS &c. cribe which If or pure . un. �;O$VL noted Colborne s' cirrist S, 801'eit
I defied English cannot be equitIled., It is ssionersfor Outarloand-Uanitoba, -oil r e, Why, sir, one'rnigbt OFFXCE TOWIN IJALL, WINTON. It W e I I - I . Peak id a mot nliolit walk the, I 1,th con es 4 6 Sion of. God.erich t U wri,ship, with still in the zenith, as to, Speak-L.��i(�f--[il6LscitieTad,ii),, k 4 S - at
naked,!' Pray Sir an You onlighten its ONT., FRIDAY, -AUGUST 24,1883. 1se SON meaut by!. masolneialling CLINTON TERMS $1.iSo Per Annum to what is! Voj�.18, No, 34. flats Better borrow Worcester next tin] piece e Mr. Colborne,
Look at this
DAKOTA, eight cy-ea. and one mule., I have a few of HOLIDAY NOTES. of literary 6xcellence:—"Three of our citi- YERY CHEAP— as fin'e, b be 1.�.queradino;, &c.,). Then ag orSes as you, ever, saw in fact. I ns was .airl the ST e says, W.I�NTED-Immediaitely, three Tailor 4ave tw ' o of the finept., C y talk bout our Woods as workurt pants, vests and coats. Mr.'G. eighteen hands high, and I r�ttver: saw. as To the'Editoir df-Clintb2i New Erq. being infested ith -wild animals, .&,, c ilitoll, Aug, 24, W. U. SMITH, Cli. We ll�ve )Ile is'a chestnut, C1ATIATljNtS, Aug. 21.,
bee permitted to- make
t . o ollowin tracts frpm a letter to Mr,Editor� No . person 6p-,)ke of .W,:e will sell you'fok the ci Elliott:,. reeve bf Gooderich to�vnship,`from retty a borse,�besideshe,is.a., oble-work-, li-e", p�es�nt,-fibds'--YOUT'-�-COrre's'z;
ittil To" RF�Nr, his brother,,T. M. Elliott, . dated' Lisbon, '6r. The other is it� milk, white mare that ide'lit in the prettiest place in Canada, Collborriebeing: infested with wild animals. pot .,next �'30 day* s, a good FA AI�Illy to 1, IDGY117, aDdsome as . picture. and can Pull —at least that is the It wtis Gorierich township'� which wtis said RT., August 5, 1883. It will be noticed 'B 1, Clai'trit made for it
�to have been in that, predicamerib, it )a ny p of -the me in a by those who profess to be in' a position a 'Ird A:kl Wel I I I one.livingon lbe'llth con. trinst' I that be s eaks, in exuberant ierms buggy at� 4er elil 2.40. Then
n e, I- Built v stallions that weigh 1,600 each. t 't, and Ij freely ad ad s fii�i dgmen mit
AIUM FOR. SAIX -1be subscriber 'olgers god prospects befor _4nd it is not I ba 'o two 0 pass -ju fOl!' sale that �,oluvehielltly to be.woudiar at whe, we remember the They are the best team in the cou that it is infested at least wilis,� F' n DtY. V them are good grounds -for. the claim. Carriage for only $6.75, lot 24, 7th. con, Hallett, coljis�lst- inary years he toiled,,hard and -made but ilavb,some others that would attract atten- The rich profusion of , flowersi one finds going to�say Wild aDiMal, MO Will let your in � of,07 acres, 85 aevesbciu�, clettred,,on iviiie,li, readers judge. -If we'%Vish to come to his a ia it fra I tile, house, little ori'the, narrow limits of a. small farm allYwher(., alld.�al good workers. Sta to IS ± 36 fraille. :3G X I 58, bere, the well -kept lawns and'iniebly- whic' worth S92,5 b and other iiutlbuifdftlgs11�� Ili Goderich towl0b.ill, We have no doubt -a tri —the rows of m, w, in 'his bNvn -e�stimatiou mined shrubbery qgni 6 orcard nd three wells, hjs farl is not by any nielins a low one, is ,situated four njiles from Clintoij, but what our readers will be both I ad to fiebilt troes, combined with the peculir call names too, but we refrain fi d I oliiarter, of it In from - tile gravel r4ad, hear front arid rejoice at his 0 8 -the* Briny, Peep., -architectfiral designs*of linally,of t4o resi- hitir, . I Ner s aoin7v. Then ' in the next toll'. pr o%pects �a yer beuti, Ole I dences �cn ile rein or by post to THOMAS LBY, Clin y speaks,of promenading. Now, Byr -olut n I- think I h�v( 1. I . � , With any exiieptio, fut place inded, particularly in s(Itniner Canop Top ar A.'allett, Aug.!,24,883. �_-f 131.) rom the lctters of.A6.3 A� i�c I'nectioni thprobetweehmastinerac I Ing and y I r- r- . n I - I � 1 .� . . . iho$ fittest prospect for a crop I have ever.� time, andjust how nature seems �to 'have Of cl�lton,. is will have to. inforin ii S. ,b so, th, IN THE S.URRIDGATE COURT T F ileerl� put on her most attractive g t proenadilig, h
OF 8 it is to he hei-lit of my intitst sul) Why Sir lile t,�o words aiii'almost as di.. orth ctatigns. tile weiSt 61 �the those who call ilpi!echite the utiful CoOntV.6f.Huron For on' y $7.60, w N NN'T O' iectly opposed to each other as'�he Col- bouse is the rea r 'is,�ction li—ne in natuire rn-,iy bere'firld.pl6iity to dixiire. Ile roia o the 11th con. of-Goderich -ation matter the. Guw- , '9� 7ic n- ll;d rui)4 �alf-a.niiie �Nst Tnesday'we Started wil,h arvest opei Jar
i�yr�it I bor d is t
T Tk the early H 5 klo not appear to be i n, til e tolwnship� one (,F,- which runs d6e north 11110.00. anv.furtber advanced here t et , �t (ill outh Sidles of this xuad., arid train - for Ill xe t o r all eSurrounding halli
county of' -Idu I the,-ot1wr �Iole So much for P rid s ,ne'm i le riort It -,I nd half� a-triile south: olintry, -Tile ("Lit place we IP) biced of ton, althoti,li situated so :L,�<l L- i n,, t., � 't b S �u t i n much onl11 the 5terary part of tbo,� gern. t Now Mr. .1 �� � �i .1 ca show you in,a -i,nt6rest was Qoom4pls �i.vhere 7y():Ilr fa�tlrer . sou I. e, rea y 1, be ,,ad e ta tile 11 IT, Col lairlue 'in u'ch -oil e; . body, ehalf.a-rriil�. can get� -cockles al. .4, )ittle iA�l U16 Coluity-of Boren before tile ).ud., and'erea g6W crops Chat, rs here Editor, if not trespa�sirig too NOW. is th6_ time 01 . , Ili s Qf then) are Egypt,ian,. D t er, on 'there is with lie hve, re oat.s'and pos, � both of whi6b, y6ur space, I ivill ive� yoll tile fl oftlie elianiburs'at the Court I -louse ln4he to,�n of sq q a r e, 40 ��cres .25 atter tile ex piration of twei) t� da.Z,s fram the first ti [ib- r . d f);j fiav4 d6ne well this yeii,r, nd �yhile the case as gathered , by it personal Interview.' bla k a t r an from selett B V. aild thii uni6i) by Henry flerldns,. of. the villa,,el of. gr see it qu �yotl farmers of Huron .find t on 10. lie �6a-bug' all with one,: of the -citizens. � �bbey, if in from tlle�c Gorric in -the cotinty of Hoiion,'yeornan, q,,e I lg,�)ttolm Georgo re,en, of, the fi,�tydeld call ite pl, Filirs its a ago last inter, '))v,'tbeii ()n'the sed aid unconquerable enemy, mos.Cofthoselitere-1 in cpiestion, overe on the Colborne Grean of ille Towaishil) Of Goolemeh in the said County and you never go 0 we pass Civil abous k- in it "R pers .yeoman, unclesbf the said Infailt lihildrell, Saw Side of4h'o river, when they wished to cross of Huron, bett�,y than the great. roclosl ding ut froo tile la 6 d tile said Ileury llekills and twCi faces;.so they are arid inower in order to reach home. There beio,� C�eorge Green'guardians of tbe,5aid InflIM obildrel of I "res in the.160. TG it arid they look lik, r no .are ii�sed here to anything .'The scenery -in Huron, Ind it -weased. Datodat Ointon this 2,lrd.. iiilr -ady to cut and die'lillack -the par,eof and ilerk, ike the extent they re one, would take they'll cross iii tile ots h,rc ost ro� called I c tarttlr`s will Ile in as stion as L can' - get at along bere is very grand, as.all the see ng to -see large e I., I .1sno uncommon thi e I il,, a 'f _beat,, -hat weie they to do but''ford th' V)eyy ey d it], re's it Ill i n Wtheir h- 4 Ball, 6 Ballt. 8 Ball 'I lient-, but tile ronboi be, 1 -a reaper would'. ork' to' th&, best river emoilporitmi -will no ' t -6e in ftiri a e�,sjthiDlz. Sometimes you see, better as I It ],-'the possible .itivairttge diii tely -o , ilurivi ng oil the Gode- -it, is,all the een. 0 Ids Ing "']'me owit h lid 8 beini- cut. with 'the can have tily vvhezi�t all out, of tlie way b%f pret g dividin�,,thom, then a patch rich side� There Was .]louse in - tile ty.-hedge' eighborbqo�d arid that if beautif 31 wooded countryarid-then'hills,� Although one see ix -pi -ti n of P about 40 'rods' that s f. opoi .0 Clod houdes mon,� from the'scene of action': It -is ffie oPin'i6n d I I leys,,.then a si�ht ofdie�ea 9 400king rims wheaV� all ove y.val. the Partner of this the tliird he -of yo lie pot4s�to .4fid rolo' . pat (Ai; barle tor river; Sometimes :1 S, o not) I i mber ur yonag readers, that . iList r road. First comes the t yl r dolborno�scribe -4ho uld, find niore es requ ered of the 11st, made lit&,suLnt iosaid"Act, of it]] toes and'.other truck- it) 'a'� piece 40 :rods boat the exact shape of: a %swan -thrift and incluistry, as do ;tIle 01 s6lid food for intellectul mindq�..or Huron. Thislill an old settled see-. 6190 resign. , If ihe�sid,effusioa had been Iby the last roWsed Assessment. 11611 It, acres of potatties, arid You painted po-re white it lowked so curignq. of,the said NIjjjjj,,ipalit3tol be entitled to red b� said slictioli't be so N f, eld, section their farms think-, pre� tin Ladies'Satc deh 0 V.e, . p6ta- bi, ath it is so. pro Y. At Starcross we en the , ame apjperaDce of tidiness , oil
tion, many of the barri,and, outbuildings penned'!by some� I wUuId have' said' be ought o' se -o' theiii,;'2 acres of beans ; and Arri��in.g see the at Ex-eter we went first,to li CiT)RlltY'at El lietio n s for mi e Ili bei s of tile to b6en laborina and. pr ent, a very 'dilapidated. appearance have,- Asseniblyand at Elections ; ' 14. acres i�-,i otfier 6tuff for house use, Such, (loild Ball, which is a very ancient, place., es ii�t posted lipat my at, Ba�'- - tomatoes, onions, carrots, Tif� 'policernan sh' ; lie drew the fartners themselves seem 'to lack' elice oF11-04nd ain oi- dome other oil the iiiiii-t1b day 011'Ail4glitsvi": as "oil b bit ges, owed us'ar6und: power. -fill still"i ut -etuiln tile juspee I tion. I� I 0 Aors-are beets. Then com es my �'blue,'stem" our att�,'Tlt1011 to sorne-.vpry..valu�ble pic. vitality and energy. Perhaiiis they hive htnt' b6 me do not mean to, ac- IPocket Books- bliesaid list, fuld if mins 1 '10 es accumulated so much wealth that .th ey- cii�e of to tnr hey have been 'quell conduct., �oiit 20 adrLs re i d 1-fre tut_cer- Goderich townsitip, iVugu6t.21st, 1888.
a of-rered U,000 each for them btit would ren t abou t.,.Nvork ii a11. 11UNTER off for section IIIJU8 rail road, im�l n' ell them. He also_q�owccl us, he whatever the reason, that as,.re�, taill oadclrair�l wbich- is over-tiv dred y TO: (,/I (3 Editor o Alt,,. tile appearance,of their frnis the tyou. , C A 0. are behind their co -laborers- ffi1l itig In, . �O 0. 11 II n t7m �Ve V El M, RK-EIM IV e t riA M L icetibl.c4act itb chamber -are --also. t��Tirming�' 'a, few word 8 diat. to admire ai)d to arld ni6 I carved *out of. ak. . - - e` - - IVAx,rED �Seven set, age A low me a: little space uryour paper to sit easing Toy P, ife wh'eat, a es"and 4.5,-(: f bLr-�, om6 �cry old'p n bou,' -very t, the a out s'poingers ir. iter, ityear b le 6likirch, t II tiniSh cuttii the �barloy, to-. 15,00 nol- 16QOi; previons to the yeait, 13 we, eir ttention SpCillgc,th�eir: W6 y� NY 00 which farmers are turnifi�� th w tb the of veg.e. V, iDqt. .' Theo.biesidesjliis, iij,a, the hall us'ed to bi�—a. �hw'Vel. -We next , people.. � Tlicsol peoplu'w'ili rie any- IV � I V S n& sill,. ITOTRU- , I h a ve entially . Iolp ver Ill,: It �Veiy fine flaing to the Sol pport. of the ospol. When Come. - and; soe 10 it'cres -ofbat�ley 17, of to �tlle Catile I di, t bles. 'Thiois 6si, fruit sect' offitiX and, -1 of sweed t"til old'btiiklin� -)6ut three: yet- tile Prices paid-Lf6r� early' I'Alit" 1) , g ; it -was re'novafed ill district where 'so much would asked for;a inite they sqy they. li'ave, not' A I E IN WANTtD. on this �vparq at i'a --jeot .of .E.295,000:, us yo to -9 Wheth e' r 041 e tile i�ocld s rnrnria-17-d-t-071-6rs� - all just e pending iti6 wick6olness ; arid if �y it ni I 1, 1, them. Last on' the 8 -11,j be '-lure I will say f IGou . d lorgot- to telf.1 of re�it men-ptiL the walls,� -som.e ,all. have a child 611�tisecl, they bring, "it IT. ei!ei t m(jtInI eat I 5c not ,ver - . I f . . _. you la'a v e broiken `2001 acres ,I), 11 s;-the�ArOies are,,�ery fine at buy or not. 18S ta the ell 11 rch ill put oil- a loing': dc arid rrapeq 25c a po Ap so that, next y�Aarj 'will fla,V6 ts bithei. G und — ------ - - in t,he: lia�e thei, finest we have yet' se' , q at . ;b�m; and 1. X.2 ell sin, ash- the, minister to' 'do it , for t
i i0o t lie in crop,, arid ii I get'a price we ples;- by the ll basket, 4.0 to nd.
T to th vice, I . -6- - .�, I ( cro ) .0 ' tion pla6e es lot .21, Stanley, t I will breal., 500 n)ore Dextj anoti t1roitkht fine. eThseer this fter has. been, in for bom-� I ' I ihey can hardly see it. call, Mr:. om6 time.' 'Go in vVIIatoverdirectio 'Edi munion a, lliade-out �angqr�Ej n.- b I S, I thi nk: I ruake it pr AVL y. .1 t 1 -id of hmity- B - safe�. Mate �_bf_' of � presented: by a� cle . I, 'yrnn: Th6re, i 'tended vi�erie '_r ing_. for cres, and 'as they :havol rr 't hLroo Aiig�u,;t 1.) 1, sayj 0 0 and .ot hear bushels (if the..amount of I, 'file better ea ( Sj-000. -oats I 500.0f bar- a.carved pulpib. inle'Iev, -and 1,000'nf.p(itatoes, making ill all are g6rr)(�t,bino�'woii'clerftil*;.t�1)6,- ainad,flas.i lmost incaleWit-ble. � Firrmers tell me _E _FR 110 enough to'giv e a litCle t . ri the support of CH E A 11 EU ises ol the lot ;30, 11, I -Till, 'they call �ti ines ell - from ..Ill(' gospel. y YPIT, will'hardly cil it will windo the. sit apo .10: oln ist. three ) 11; are 00d, arid, toether I— w very g Also, we have sli)(1111el's ? ,these source. o 4ey xt ti) Paul � a \JA rea—ilne and voin , but ii'you were here arid looke! think it, �conies � ne 4 Sd , can: by
-aip an, whjrO. The oivhiler chii havetbeni h*.v'j)r6vin tower growinig gi d I d'on't'doubt it., of mini3ters, who .art,- for' the jaying,ellarges Ild, t you in ent up tod tbe'top. of th and. bad 'i -pleasure oir v -his' es and fishes, :and. do -n6t -to fiOMAS COLE.- A'wbile: vgrand iir-w (if ihe'r'r'-y-erE--- � �i. : . 1! . x1e. . I care if t)ie!church to perdition 7th, 1883.� n Jline and July,� ban %have nw The next' thin i'farmer tt�n- itll froni the 6ityl-wlio . I I if Ir Sa ,try. om 0 g vF6 did, was to It is 'a, inilrket gard Inhis y id -e ,I'D �_ I " . I they oill ' �et thei I �'_S e 'f td�.Sde% We had -4 very dry spell here for _QIi6,i .orchard No �Ilfi,ivd Ti 4i �P[ I I a the rriount of nerve one requires. to 'gobd dinner, which we very..much 'apr)re- rs thin C STAR ALL WKEAT enable him -,to keep'pell cool during ciated. - Affer,dinner we went to see Mrs. to the fullest possible that call preache' .00 IV, innipe-and retur'tp,_ $50 Such a time. : But'fourVe -s ago to, Giitrd's grdetlis, Rouintoni.t. There is'an ca aci y wl I ripe. fruit so -'that evbry� becabse they hai,'e a little educatiom and a:- I I? , call P1 I'Dol ictuin el gh ii' to e pr�ppod' Whe he Duluth bccoat," they reach. Some of OM has bcoi the under- we, got a!fin'e rain. As it came up looking old castle on'. the grounds' about - 1,006 Port Arthur and return-, �P'80,00 for'tlio his celebrated rimi-rustfil-g -so black, I thoughi, wbaf"if it I shou invite td make bim- the�e.r.nenl will do and say anytiiing to Id be a years old, -we. walked oyer the grounds 'which Are very'nibe; aid od'6', with all ubm L t b It t. Alaric and return $ I oil liberitl terms. limited , self at, home uii�ay rest ssureCi- no gain therr,own. on s and. to, 6 popular. bail storm, and finish my, crop;complete . w�
r Mr. Editor,, it, ould be,� well. for the Vp it, came.. clo's'er and closer, thundering ery a`6d such prett gbcorid iflVitatib 11 IS el' Y`-T6ckery t church if�,tbese men,would tak6,therr.selves 1*46.` ' d Iv lit AR,PJFI]r LOO1Vl1 117.6 un4 an :-and nioar4m ns i -e velvet ;,,they 0 Pro) I , dou 11 t, I . _i,tv ,varie les,: iowever, are.n.0 lightning, ad: _nlTcau_out-fiere-i'�_ to.tbe plow, and w.ork,oht their own livi oil "it thekL 6 �'4� e . 1. . 1. Lenin. rLlit sy Ivh 1.4 . .1 . I I mg ts.,the West. 'hery dor were veu kind and ol -d i It -on tj . I;ie.rd ',tIJLCY G offers t first, ell, i:came,.-one bi, �ail !ill. ni5t' obarge any- e sponging, o � PU White Star line shels abolit in I tps. ( tol,''icave for;X11ioagil., :8 nyqlai tn�niea then ati-otber and`au� 1 tb Fro look- r6ugh �uougliforauch Tilen-in isheep'id tvf,�VjSbiIlg to 866 it c.iii do so by o L er. The 'thing'for a wonder. there We went W611 i it, .1es'catne taring and kickibg. across' th to the a'reade where they 8611. all" nchor line '9f team,., t�. ,'tate\ Iin-c of St I earnsl lips -it )let- r6idohcc, rioixti door1d. hot kinds I 0 I about farffiin� but .1 t -Olt it t t, clothing,, but inwardly' .�he are raving y &stiite up to the stable,.fof' th'6'hail had ihinds� it. -wad a wolves. Ang. M-R9::ROLD9�fOC9, Londesbord. pretty p ace. It wag.,ti I in 0 '-More intero to -it Cost of y I r re S .4onarch',jine of bl to fall pretty fusi' and were as big�. to I�avc n6vr so we'wenf throuA a FAIR.. PLAN% W. jkcwsos Ticket i, and the horses' wanted to nice Oark to the station . an " very than uy�h`i could write about.. A.-wisitnit (yp Agent., AR11i IP012, AALE-The subs�tiber offerg' as pigeons eggs il'took, the This place famo deri,ch township, Apg..21qt, 1883. Clititon, All, of the� storm'.. 7"We- son 1883. for, s!lfe that flnely'sit ate&fairu. lot Id'. Grit ran down to' train. for Dawlish, OD the WAY, its, is water� �coll I .14,Htiliclit, cilintaining 1711) acres, 60 - clea we, ad a in resort., arid many Americans. jaIrlsbi., redl; &-stable and got them in, and by this- fin 'view y RS.1lLACKSTONP,,teacheVs of Vocal and -watered. -aj)d- under good cultiva" e ,,of I'dwdernakii. castle. and ark ent their money here,ine'uIcting Aeri- 7'0 I 11 r 0 f: Era. music, Street,, ner Or- tion, anif wentaintler"kiloid. hardwood. Lo�� time the gromid was covered. with bail- the seat 'of the' Earl of Deiion. When g Vactor�y. N. 1; now hioluse, franic barn andstable, one can.id6as nd teidencies-in the people of CLI.tiTax, A:ug. ties,. but as there was no� -Wind they we'got to Dawlish we went oil the beach 2.2ud.'�. in L orchard, one. ilvd, a balf, miles froin Blyth'. the-city.� That-tiine:jlaspsseO, .,but the 'have iding at Paris, made known On were:doiog no harm.. . BIA.the main cloud' for a while ; the sea side is :Splendid bbre; to extent, and al- an 49�_ . . . ideas remati &Illm Marton took advantage,of th,e,Valls' aripheation. EN.0oH-1l1O1tRI1,.- had notdgot up y. giness.11such it finde be'ach, :1 thirill Dawh4li real tho I ugh people I '�re all j)n,,.;ume,, just' TOII Bly�b, July 2G,.1383. I"is excursiontdvisit her. She came watched it,unetiaily, but'wben. it did come l5reit ; we',walked through the gieen N AIETCALFF, 'N, I - Y to loyal rid �ood Citizens.. s those 'of any P Royal of SurgewTs on: i gian,, it was only rain that, fell -arid in -a few the Imohday evenih having to come : by'.w4v. i 11 was held Ot6drpart-ottlio, �he rpIll(ESHING MACHINE'VOR SAtE' ,Flower show wit c iON1.4,R10 STRUT, ix, ere mag- I! res' very strel JL - second hand In in utesalLth e,,Zpappeare d_an ol-L combe -Park., rosi,4 '�imagin� T. -.thiee iniles from Paris. She' received the� ol-w6rking order,: only� a nificient, .1, rever ',seen such'. rose Hp"6 Power, bvgoo' it. Theii-I boys langliell. 8 -in-, my t. in' n 'American from McLeau, � my dau felt all rigI f shbrtj tinic, in is ofFereq,for, sale oil cask-' ion o oiie�e ghtor,
at, have keptf,fdoiFirien most terms. OHN RIDOtT,! Clinton. 16 of tile altbough,I haye eert Quil hequties. city flood in Pari. � tot, yq left, as 'all JAS.. THOMPS0K ince, therL were'some. two- hours af 11 ri"lit - it
AIRDI Olt Rev. 1)r. Williams li-Pids *4 A;4, - il? 0 11 It' 7 0,91 answer to tfi�,� was,' 1�'aoy of them as largeas it so,ocer I thiuj�; , arid andh forth here to lai� �coiigreatl()11-4 only got.uf)'to itly olud :slied my. lancl lord )" " "' Y barely tinli Pigs. 1�,ift 3:3" Ifullett, co itaining acres ,,It I 'of crop t.stake' ely colors, there w esteern: bad. $10,000 rere'also some fine e. to een JG fkani6b6u,qe, wifb kitefion attftebod, well --soffie sine, 4 ont MINITOB �k I IMS tile chances dead against them; they'virould, dahlias le, : which,"is oryle i;0 N, 24 1vork, -better wbC'wth6qcaIe I . _ new. 'c"arnationsl' Ifteloolis as bearty arid vl(rorolls ever,, 05 X 30 feel rned in their very lijr�_,e 0 N ILI] ill ,, -LUgQ ir. i ,
2 or;" dor went,:'down the DAKOTA TRAETS, weil-f iced and Norall watd�edi FiVn acres of fAV i7t�y( ul thinIF--lbad reason to jilies, -beigan tol f e miibh rus,,, an j `63-61 flowers and ie and lksju tbt,'fainifitir there is leroad between the ilplier and - --- ---- d PC rivet, where h 6y had left,the' doors op6 il Coin h6l X .v ease when we began to cut the very good ver�etilblei ; b tei d'and pretim, style Hutioti people know I'll a- -tel-��
Oft 114) grain, nd it showed up,So.6ne:-1, Dev 0-naliire,;6f eburse, it looked good Thete. io�vn, Uti s -1 g a farm belng,Lot37 0'rimsby Carnp ate 11 ro W6'h am 0 �! . Free REIATE TTUXET,9 to Ali but 4 I g6irio �t coinmence,'it nary tol� vvas:�also �'Iioultry' andbel and' n s �tlj' i f 6entre� ofatfr' b n .-trd work Denm'a'n' 71,1i colico.4s ae 0 is e cbie ction a prigse llaidared arid in good qres Numillon. fallowl rnorroliv 26 32 an p .8jancy A feet, with .14 feet' pbstq. ai� b lay an( oil the IIE to keep it suc "�,S1101LITATION C OM, an oiqn- to. by N' New-frkinchouse fraivabarn ofri desil 'I fancy rtil and a splendid I every. eflCirH Wade by thd -mi nob g Lt.
orell'ird. illi'l I n Ia es I for: tire -like, it' river, 21( ilf be �,vre WC)i they arL Ily Jr., U VeryrIj 12.. )` Tj�A_ sUpp ie , tilrolilgh the 1)11116(�. and will leave abonif five feet' �bflve tle'rnln�erljolyedlt�yer so mu b t' t h it 1 t p .-one bridge 01tal sivel ba'r s - rates. to rent, a, boniqo oil" Qdliattail, , -ys. I . I I oat nd put'tbe wheat �e-�!-tbcllhw6r� and the fruit 'to 'The d t I , ". I b , OnV0111ioncle.l. citlier t,; IN'. il', I'Ajijj.A�'t, 0 o ronleave' I aff ast an& arrived home abou 6 sP,Ila�.ve,the stdff all on th , i, i 'W� I theu_.:_- 0 I r eifncTe_e�, of ill, Aicut for —aVb—ryp1`easa`n_f_d_ay _ � began to g6 down. Ayer is olodednd phra e,jp th e sp irit In . y, (,)Wll on the cars� and had oinly ... P covered wil.h wild. is wor�o d wewent to Ply'rl All inforination �Iivcn. Thurs ay morning in. genera]. 1 coul-il wish it, were, than 1143TL. 1wagf6rtbriatoi as I "g6t ziload 1,1 to where I wanted to. 'until Saturday nILlit, and . canie p In -N-1 VOP .14 AP, .1 -lo SA' exceedingly and JAS. b ild J k of,wood nd before tile Storm u ugt thin of it, alyear ago� I - bad horae:tuded' onou"It. The 'first thing we must mke the confeson that 1: beli�vn potttori6s� here hto 16st greRt)y. LOT 23 to driaw my Iumb'crAj an d uov� I c . n 71 CON., �5,,H ULLETT91 did was to go to bevonport, wherii wesaw this is a secoi�dry' though one lost. 2;500' cords �01 wood Iorli some J-2- All git, left,at my door by'the for the' c tbe 'solaiers are, a . n( 110 q th6 l'o IS W. A A places wher I the apprently 016 first.'. The bitt tw() acres, litild 'll t *samei lilopey I used. to �ay nd draw it 45 Dock yard . "ate 8. As we had no time to tioning the fact,however; that'inuch ]a A t- miles, nd.everything else the sit took the stea.' Jnggbod beeii done throtio-11,; tho, in- g i 11 1 go� in thm, iRer. and rode u] b all (I ' flowing lVar611 Well irl�;end to market my wheat as I thr' ]I 1 E U111 f N i(�, 0 es I the Tamer ab-�,far as &Itasli, 'where we strumehtlityl of allij if it tight out of the' qhock, that is, -1, will sp�llt sor�e time looking at the 'splendid lly One wihe,4 to perid it, pleamnf the Wadelil� I'At market here, but I ititend to. ship over - ----- -rommi e ffile o consi or lot re, uilding of brWoe. wile we of lake Ontario -Day be oinjQ ell Orim�, bridges, ulle, y ive had. been in' Cornwall. n tile Brussels ai)d Wirighain y Canada for seed. I had a talk with Mr. tv te g backwo saw Mount Edge. by, ciani il gron nd ofre VS I fcili des. awtty by th -floods or) the 20th fiist. T f Clinton, about it a goin I I a] t*' Col e, and Mount Wiie4. tho� wiw.rdeul arid Alessis. Weir, blington, Corbett, ant[ 11iiiiiiih: A-, Tile tGo 0 J, F I'st winter mb nnis, to I,(,
of the patr(nitge, heretofore �tO'C' OPER' and �bier'said lie 'Considered it-lbe wheat for Ident. thilit country. I IV ry, some. 'and if We called,upoil an Old �resi )f Mr. Gibson reported ill t deiich� Mr. Y - oe, who treated Clio dama"e siIgtai.ned r'u, other "bridges, and 11 ship All I can spare,,that will by thell ss& bridge and kindl . v,.and was glad to ee som, ITS very a bent, 2jr)00 bushels.' It �is without: 0: oil e';1,6 III, :011 Saturday ev'eningldst Mil by,thed pproaelies at Wingliam aridTluevale. CHKAV, IWo,theil w6rit to the f. -Joe to j 'e , i' ., - TI�UNKS, VALTSES�, leeee n me of Afc',Ginnis N�as seeen lying undei� Alloved by. Mr. Weir s�c, by. Ali,. Coibei!t �ere I lrge nu in. a tree �is, in their re4ee ive I- Criardker Glasmare, &C. 849en, alid I, ]oil( The yach Lit,' There v , , glose to dtbis villtig'e,' apparently, that' tile. coinimiesionC y ),w it, Aill do well over )rcsont Ind -bnds under the. influence, of - liquor, lie 'had pir t i dan to t I bri AviT.Ips, C-ON11m, &,c I be� of visions 3-ei I IaLjo le ddeg and' nage, itj will send, B1111). If I can in. butweUok, bt I it . litfle interest"in it'- bottle Vleg-over to t IL'. 86ows ilt Canada which lie appi on -the citadel .and it s his darling; -but �11 o tba.Broissels bridge as soon as possi. afill o The n 'Ifil nuclei-, the tr and,goies No: 1' It took Iiis'clothes were' it the metaitillie the blerk. be eel - �ilrticWd to telograph W.. Rogers, the reeve tile mr Adori'tknooas much stre6s T Bitliigoli. in y .. one from or ossing - a,(�,ib, ride tbrotigh tile but no trace of the bottle or tlip skeloon '77. L. NEWTO: ket. But 9 - _ I .. o, I We also went .abbutNo, 1 rd nd,.T�r to difl&ellb pret thobridge titilitis,repaired:--oarried 11 2 hard could CON. to th 6ndid uilding, oved b Me. Weir, nst Soft and No. soft;. arid e 6 Gt ild so,e, byMr. �A' iiCilics'Long, is now rhore is h With a fne concert nd 'the grand c, do I I ci th t tile clerk be instrilited toi nittify read work is going on,rapidly tinder tile inhirt- n oriyan� Wesaw the 'wh ell is a building a very hall some � residence irvi und'Mabonto examine lecents o. 2 , I, commissioners G DIENT18TO one, ati(I haol tlarre attenaance it the 6tilvert t.j)unlop v,hd'�scertain if a lar.' is aerde'n�'ofMr. A. lfeildlb: When t
c0A TS Satu i -dl., We It t lo' th e Acte. ger,culvert is required, and if a culvert of - 20 Iio.w. i It I y ii'otiso is. completed it wIll bo, one 9f 'the, I I from te�'i C.', TEA A SPECIAL, f vi, I 1, WA it ba, feet brevef ic re(juir'od, they are alukhorl,zed Hls�l 1.6 r sic hnTho'bluo ribbon - rmy to forly c6ints im Wo'blishel, so, ditl it, is IlandsomeA in this ection. to proceed 90 ma y are bp ng very �ry j -comi ' VL We it So. -1, oating,tI: Iforrish tbrshed de nultier'OtIs they the blue ribbon i.'n Nico)as I ri wheat, dtherwiso, we are heavy'losers when only'. had 'IM sell. . ol, niarch I o nes, a �a.blrn out As tT Nifth band nd tam 41ri Rq, this Is not y 19 ewin W i by iai 1. -0. V fokmoell r 0 on nllipog y TH" li�lj 6 N-,, E,," A
th 11 bj cc
I 0 ader