The New Era, 1883-08-03, Page 10CLINTON NEW D'A• FRIDAY, ,,AUGUST 3, 1883•Z'' LOCAL NOTICES, WOOL -'-'rte highest cash pr9ee paid for any quantity of wool. CUIIIIII 'T .L BOLES, CLINTON. (`7i�Otun (gyp%Cr: AUGUST. GR1:EN fruit and cholic. A GOOD month to advertise in the NEW ERA. - d enjoy takes a holiday an enJo Y themselves but the poor editor. OWLSHOT.-11Th•. John Co nnollY shot ons uesclay last `an Owl -1n his -own -garden- JUSTICE WENT down at a terrible rate • the. other day. Our chief Magistrate to_ok a graceful slide off his bicycle head .first. MR. Or.o E. CRAWFORD iS handsomely fixing up his residenceon : Albert :street: The improvements consist of new window Shutters and a lattice work fence. LOCAL PERSONALS. Mr. Walter Manning goes on a visit home in a, few days fora week's holidays. Mrs. Thomas, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs, Jas. Fair. Rev. Dr. 1Fowler was in Clinton on Monday last', for a short visit. ' Miss C. Kennedy is home again. She was taking a few weeks rest in Windham. Mrs. Wm,,Ransford with, a company of friends is visiting Kincardine. Mrs. and. Miss Carey have joined Mr. Carey in town. They arewelconre. Mr. and Mrs. Hovey spent a few days in Goderich;last week. Miss D. I3ogbarb is away. on a. visit tap•. the lake to spend her holidays. Mr. Armstrong, Collector of 'Customs; has-been spending.a. few days at home in. "'Toronto --i, y �,.. , Mr. B. Stanbury has decided on taking a course in medicine. He is now in the office of Dr. Reeve Miss Creaspr, of Owen Sounri, and Miss Macwhirter, i of Woodstock, aro visiting Mrs.-Macwhikter. Mr. Thomas Fleming, accidentally fell 1 Mr. Ed. Floody resumes his position as ofl' a building, helms -been repairing on .I travelling agent for the Mail in a fewclays his own premises and hurt his arm, He is recovering. h' 'ha. Mrs. H. lxoderich;tbtvns township, s received . for a quantity of butter to be sentToronto, the party ordering it having out its superior quality. Carter, an order to. found MR. W. CumitdRE, shipped this week- three eekthree car loads ot fat sheep fromHeusall for England, and from Clinton two- car loads of as fine and fat ssteers as ever left this townfor the same destination. ALBERT STREET. -The street commit- tee are putting some gravel; and a good deal of sand, on Albert street this week. The gravelbadly was needed but the sand. could have been dispensed with. At the recent election of elders in Willis Church Messrs. James Scott, Barrister,, and Thos: Fair; were elected for the town, and Messrs. W. H. Scott and. McEwen, for the country. Last Sunday afternoon Rev. W. McDo- nagh gave the opening address'before-tlies Sarnia Gospel Temperance Club. . 1`iis speech was an'able one and contained a strong appeal for the principles of total abstinence. 'Messrs. phos. Neelands & John Mc- Dougall shipped >a• car load of sheep, at Seaforth, to . England last week, among them were four extra good ones from Mr. T. Fairservice, weighing a total of S60 lbs., after driving fourteen miles. Civic HoLri a . Whatabout our 'holi- y holi- day? ne rear th'atT here is lig movement -a- loot to have an excursion to Port Stanley and a main picnic for tbe;whole 'town. We can heartily endorse this method of spend- ing a day onthe shores of lake :Erie. UNusu&L, :Mr.. J. C. Gilroy has a tree in his garden that has two kinds of fruit. on it,of.the there h again. Drs D. P. Macpherson and Miss Hat- tie Coats left) ou Saturday for a visit to Miss Macpherson at Fingal. Miss M. Erma Croll, of the Blyth Review, left here on Monday to spend her vacation.ivith relatives in Hamilton.' Morris Lee, who has been down with paralysis 'so'llonc, ;started for England, where his friends live, on Friday last, • • Miss Louisa, Sturgeon, wlio has been visiting at Mrs. S.Walsh's„returned hoine. to Kincardine on Saturday. , Mr. -Wm. Peck, one: of Stanley's 'genial fanners, . called in on,,a few: frields on Tuesday last: Miss v n' O e s lately' m i milliner at 1 • e a Mr. R. Beesley's, left IN ednesday for Detroit, on a visit. - Red. Dr. Davidson, of Tiverton, father of Mrs W. L. Newton, has recovered from a severe illness • Mr. John Callander leaves on th-e.7tlr to attend the annual meeting of the `1` 0. 0, F. at Ottawa:: Bon voayage';John. Miss Nellie; Holmes' returned to St Catharines on l \Vednesday, after a'vi.sit of some weeks, here at=home. Mr. Josh :Hamner we: are sorry ta5i ki i Y is laid up wills inflammation of the lungs. We trust he will soon be all right again. We regret:te learn that our old\ friend. \R Mr. .\`<Tm Ienlins, of the Huron:'Read -is-very-,unwell. 1Ie=contemp.hates which we hope_ will result in good. Mr. Jos. and Miss -Mary Taylor, son and daughter of Mr. Wm. Taylor, are visiting the T!rousand ;Islands: - Their last' letter was from Alexander Bay. x\11. S T. Holmes, of London, formerly in twowosides'o t e tree are of this place, is now travelling:for the Mineralized Rub - iVIR. PEERY, classical teacher, in the High School, who has been home for several weeks, has returned to town to;. spend a few days with his friends. Ruinor' says he is about to join the noble ranks. SCHOOL ESTIMATES! -It is is: - expected that a pretty lively discussion will be held in the council on Monday evening next over the school estimates, That for the High school is $1,645 and for the common'. school $3.,200. It has been rumored on the streets that the mayor will be asked to calla public meeting to discuss school` expenditures CHARITY . -Tramps and beggars of all descriptions should . be referred to the - Chief nstabl if necessary ref Co , who will, relieae-all reasonable wants, •yesterday a woman was going around soliciting chari- ty, stating that she was ori her way jfroni Kincardine. to ...London with her three children,.,It was''afterwards found th'C' she and her husband ,were tramps, and had been camping out on the :Bayfield creek flats. -A SritA\(nE Csns nACTKR.-r1. rnan tilted •about 26 ye a s,.gi vi cg leis -;i -axe aa Stephen ra am, a rd his bii anilinev Wi glum, 'W'as. last Monday brought to the Cental Po-' Tice Statiou; London, for lodgings. lie does not -:appear to have any particular. calling, but camps out whenever he feels like' taking a rest. The, man evidently' carries -with hilar all •his worldly posses= sions, and for this purpose utilizes a sanall wagon, on which ,there: is a square box. about eight feet long and two Wide -In this he has packed his bedding, stove, etc: In a tub, with a cover; \which is kept locked down, ate the necessnries.:of life: Besides the foul- irheels .for the ':wagon there is a, small pair of bob -sleighs \vhich indicate that he is. in the htwit of camp ing out in the winter as web as .summer :Mien- assigned his c1uarters last light lie appeared; quite dejected, and refused til coairinunicate any l iirtioulars' relative 'lo to":,hifusel fthe polis; .authorities. ill1 Ac;IsmiaATrsea,-�.y Gns.The Ir ot. has been 'somewhat busy this- last tveek: with magistrate baisiness and has disposed• of four cases:: Fred Howard, alter spcoding a night: in limbo, was fined $1 and costs - for being drunk incl disorderly _1 man named 11furr ty from 5ea:forth, -seas, un for stealing hogs oft theroad aryl't •.iugi to sell them -He was uonimitted fox trial and taken to•Goileiich. ' lie \ras'dfunk- when he •comiuitted.:the. offence;;' lie will be tried before the :county -Jui1 ac. `o -morrow, Saturday, August4th. .Mi: J. Ramsay -laid an it forin:id on tg•ain:st 0a- ' riel Jordan, that he was dangerousl\ la- ne, but the case was dismissed. ' There. /c eau lie:no douli't, ho\\•:ever, that ,J:crrtl';iia. Should be.lool4ed after, as lie is an. not c cile. The case_ivli.ich attrsated- insist, at :tention was. that of \oral( I1ic1 egg pun of :the immigrauts recently Brought..oait from Ireland, a aiest -"Airs. 5. rook. '[here 'was a good .dealsof squabbling' ever i(, and it •was \lith gre'iat dtflicri,lt} tlitlt. mum• was maintained,- Neigb'b ifor tt•a; calci sel-andw•itness for. tlre-trial0till; b=ills, .i,. liar secured a situation, and he. declared, " bound to aid a 0 r:in s n a stran�c }and ? 1 f f II 1 Yoe p. loins and on the other two sides there , are apples growing.' The fruit is divided' .t plums and then into four divisions; -firs p t apples. LIVERY 1- xcIIAi GE:-Mr.S. T. Holmes, of London, has sold' out his livery lately - leased by Mr. J. Taylor, to 111r. Jas” teats. tie, of Seaforth, who will' conduct it in fu- ture:. :Mr. Beattie, we are told, ` intends putting in . number of new horses,` rigs,, and greatly to'improve the -faciliti,esof the stable. The price paid for the stable Was. $1,209. A BIG DAY --The lab will be. a big; day, as it is the day the monster'-exemr tion will be run over the:G•;T. R. to Nia garb. Falls; and :Buffalo. .Train', leaves• Clinton., at 6.15„sand tickets'.:pnly $1.75; go.od_four.day-s. s_Don'tkfaiLt Esee.the falls:' illuminated with the electric light at night -a grand. sight. This will::be the great trip of the season: Ass ExcVRSroN, taking in -tire -towns on - the G. T. R,, from;Godericli' to Stratford, inclusive is advertised for `Tuesday -next, August7th, to Toronto.: Fare from•Gocle rich $2.25, Clinton $2. • Tickets good to. return any time to 3,45 ; p.m. next day. This will give': ample time , for pleasure seekers to visit Hamilton,•:Niagara Falls,. &c., and will afford' our business men an excellent opportunity to visit the whole- sale houses. 1 PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING.—The guests who . favor the Grand Union with-. their patronage •need . not fear the worst possible case of lightning. The building has been protected to the fullest possible 'extent, and as one gazes; upon the scene presented' on the roof of that building, he, does not hesitate. to crib:Joe Rymal's pun;- ,and declare that there quid be no harm: in falling down and worshipping it, for there :is, nothing like it in the heavens above ,•'. in :theseartlr beneath, in::sea, . •or. any where else. ' SHOULD 1.G STor 1 I3D —Certain parties go to the cemetery -fm•'�no�other�-pt<rpose than mischief: A certain party had afine rose bush, which was fetched a long dis- tance, just to plant pn her child's. grave: About two weeks ago she. went out to see how it was getting on, when it was in fall bloom and handsoine. - She went again about a week following when she found it was pulled up�-by ;tire-roots-aird---t n'n-tt - ;:; ieees-s-The.. Jady sayss�she_.axo.ulcL- ot. 17 ave minded. so munch if. they had only, taken the flowers, hitt destroying the tree was -a shame and should be stopped. • ' lloav TO Figi i A TREE; - fzladstone's soul would have waxcd.'wroth' •with •in- dignation at the tree felling attempt on, exhibition in our town, on Saturdayy''. night`: Some axeman, who we should`. -judge knows a good deal more about -bread and butter thin an . axe, cut' down the. tree standing in the corner of Mr. Wm. Coats' lot, and did it in such a way that it fell over the fence on -to the street,. smashing. the fence and nearly demolishing the tele- graph wires. The ;tree was not removed' lornearly two whole days, much to the; disgust of Councillor Searle. ' ,Trrixcs TO BE MENTIONED, -We have been specially asked. to mention two thing this: week. The first is the' con dition of the cemetery, and the second is the congregating of boys and ,others zit two or three points 'on the main street,, on Sunday, ,.As.to the first, we have not been to the cemetery lately; and cannot speak . authoritatively, but most visitors declare that itis not at all creditable: to the town. that it should, be allowed to re- main in the state it is'at present. As to the second we think that a word. to the Chief' Constable is sufficient. ber Go. of England. We welcome the genial countenance ge of our friend Mr:Loug h, of the High school, who has been;- away, on some. holidays back ai:aiu, TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. SUNDAY CHURCH DIRECTORY Churches -, T e of service. Pastor. Bmian CuxisTIIL 10.3�a.m 6.3o pan .. Bev. J"Kenner Lrtscorm, . •. 11 ,a -m, 7 p.m..Rev. W Craig. YnssgyvatiAN 11 a.m. 6, 30p m .Rev.A.Ste art !!! SIETnODIST 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p m..Rev. Jas. Gray BAPTIST 0.30 p. m .. Rev.JohuGray Mr. R. Beesley preached in' the B. C. church' on Sunday morning. Rev. Jas Gray was in -Toronto on Tues- day and Wednesday this week, on church business. Mr. James Young tools some appoint- ments in the Blyth circuit last Sunday for Rev. Y. Thompson preached morn- ing and evening an. Willis Church last Sunday, Mr. 'Thompson is one of the con fifd• men in the Presbyterian Ministry. Net ill 1 1 Sunda. w b _e. s eouil versary-o-f—tale .incumbency of Rev.' 147r. Craig to St. Paul's church. Mr. Craig, has proved •himself a popular pastor : and a useful citizen. Nest Sunday the August Quarterly Services of the Methodist church will' be held - morning `ser -v icse there - Will be "the atrial love feast, and afterthe evening service -the ;Sacrament- will be administered: 'Die General Conference of the -Metho- dist church will meet the last week. in August, and: if the Union is carried by the necessary vote -the -united conference. of all the churches will meet a week later. Rev. Jas Gray. and A. S. Fisher are dele- gates to the. onference-fto n.• here. • . Rev, Mr. Nott, a prominent minister of the 13. C. Church, and who has lectured and, preached here several; times;' and editor of the'Bo\vnianville Observer, the Organ of the`ehurch, was taken` suddenly ilhon Dlonday;and was tli Jgond recovery but we are lad to 'a that 3.,... g Say a'teleggrain has` been received here .stating that he'••13 slightly better. Rev. Mr. Birks, of Holmesville Method- ist church, will preach in the 13,C church, Clinton;:next Sunday evening. -The quarterly official meeting of the 11lethodist church id this town announced for Tuesday the 71h hist.; will; :in copse: duence'of au-excnrsion 't'o Toronto on that day, be postponed -till Thursday 9th inst.', at S p.m'. The stewards of the circuit' will suet at 77'p.m.' of that day. $U:.:l?.•Can tel on thinks -of trying the:'. experiment this fall of taking a load of' apples:t;o -the old'ecuntry. r l,.n.t1�7-Atah last a e T -st meetuib of (nntotr;Lodge I.O.G-.T., No. 705, the ;of- fic,ers tor.' the ensuing term were -1 c e e ted. m. � 1 I ! t, fullon urr, 1s the list of elected officers ; installed at the next meeting and also ' the appointed' officers will lie art arded their office at the same meeting, :- Win. 13egl,ey .WC.T. 7ob:ii (laudk.: ..P.W.C.T. 11 is5.,JICDciuga11. ••_::. -W.V.T. llariy,Staribuly .-•:W;S: l tcob 1 tyl:oi 1.,;D., 1V er 'in ;i i4zll. (;'ra\tfard,.,...WFS. hiss N. liol inson......:1V.T. thirty' Ilan•t....:..:. , t:V.l\1 1, .:.: .Its, 11. BCoivn;, ( leo. (n.o•s.. WC.G-. David lil'laore.. V.C. 7 %. ho se --Cheap s . � Dress 'Goods s ave all been SOLD. 0 D. Another lot.of Great.Big Bargains Hits ON• DECK Comeand.see the big�cuts b we are givingon Summer Goods Hosiery, Glove n Gloves and Parasols. SPECIAL LINE JUST L I r ces� � ha ye ve : any��a�uenc � -we are bound d un to see - that theyare lour enough to veryr. of S rr�'�nn , : d • • at. v ca G e seu r e_ ,. o� � G:r • at Sacrifice. • e ce isemai 1at tri to i! reniovecl:bythe Chief Cgnstable,,iinl 11111 taking evidence His 1Vortllip • tlisiurs.5c;rl the case. - A good deal• o(' bl,tiue could be attachedto both sides: Rev: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left. last '- week for a six weeks' well earned -trip. 1 They go East as far as Lachute for a while where Mr. Stewart's mother lives. Mi. R. 1lolnies, of the NEW ERA, has been laid up for some days by a severe at- tack. of inflammation of the bowels. He is now mending, and will be able if all. goes well, to resume his wails. in a few days. • ,Miss Carrie Fisher and Miss” Vita Fos ter -are°•visiting Miss :Al -lie; Dutton,, in Rochester., -Miss.' Dutton is a sister. of Mrs. James Shepherd. Mrs. C Kaine is` preparing and Will soon leave here, to join her husband at Regina, where he has been residing for sometime. ' Miss Mary Rye left last week for her home in Michigan. Anybody who wants', to know anything about Mary: hereafter` Will have to ask -with care. Mr. Frans' Hagarman, who has' been.. engaged for sometime with Pay & `Vise man, has gone to seek a place in a who]e- Whole- sale house in Toronto's Frank:will be. missed`: • Mr. ,T. P..Tisdall has been taking a.few -dalys-li.olydays-a:nd-a short trip; Tie -visit ed Port Hope, Toronto, St. Catharines and. Thorold; arriving home the same old -Jolly two apd-sixpen;ce as ever on Friday .Last,.' Miss May Rogers, who has been visiting her qid friends ihere foisa,couple'of weeks, zeturned to London on Monday last. Miss Rogers `goes back to college at Hamilton as Soon as it re -opens. ' ' •Mr, Ben: Switzer, the'genial pastner in the firm of Thompson & Switzer, does not require any holidays for recuperation no` Matter low hot the weather. gets. His 1 • humor. does pini all summer, and. when that'fails he fries a sugar scoop. Mr. J. •1?; ;Powell, lawyer;'•of Detroit, well known hero, has been' visiting his , friends in this' part. ' His firm':andMessrs. Manning & Scott have been engaged re- cently in some international law business. - --Messrs. Twitchell : and Chfdle has re- turned h eturned--L ome--from asharttrip=up thvou h-- the country • mirth of Toronto as far as. 'Gravenliur.st. They say it is the roughest counf•ry that coiilcl be well imagined. • FL4X SEASON. --Mayor• Forrester start ed about 25 hands- to' work on Tuesday morning in his flax fields, The first Place tackled was J. Churchill'$, 14th con, (rode- rich. township.', Most of those employed are the Irish immigrants. DR GOODS EMPORIUM, . CLINTON NOTICE TO F' RUIT GROWERS. ERS'. •- Those in town who have fruit isc�,s in their,gar- dens,shonld be on the 168,'lz' out for the tent caterpillar.: They are somewhat num- erous' andvery! destructive. Take them oft' acid burn them, - Nsw TAILORIisiCi ESTABLISHMENT.- Mr. Wm. H. Smith .has -re-opened the shop recently occupied by his' father, with a full stock of tweeds, Will ought to do. well and we trust his venture will be sue- ces'sfnl, CRIci.LT-The junior cricket club of St. Thomas will play the Wanderers No. 1, of this place, about the 'first of this.. month. As hall clubs, are recognized• to be the two leading junior clubs in' 'West ern Ontario, itis expected that one of the most, interesting matches "that hits' ever. been played onithe Clinton erieltetkrounds will be°`played on the occasion. -, n,.,e. ,4:. ., Aran••, -CK- ALL CK ALL SHAPES, STYLES''., AND PRICES. NECKWEAR,. SUMMER'. N E C K WE A:R I.N.` •. ALL COLORS: IrnienSe assortment of Shirt's; Collars,' Guff's, 1Uncler,clothing, 11 osii r5r, Braces aural Umbrellas. Le. 1) • Yom.oUS:.�C. atter L 4IN'UON.