The New Era, 1883-08-03, Page 7ins in ING ON And will continue until the whole stock is cleared out. Butter and Eggs taken ' the same as ; cash.. All the goods marked in plain fi•gp.res. ESTATETATE OF THE LATE J. HODGENS CLINTON. HARVEST TOOLS -Forks and Handles Scythes Rakes, &c., largestock, k s elfing very cheap. .ate" r We make a specialty o.f MIXED PAINTS;' being sole agent for the cerebrated . Cleveland GUTTA PERCHA PAINTS, which are always ready for use and kept in stockln all c l ols Also, theCanadian_brand of Mixed aints kept in`stock.. limon. 'Daily A rriviri^' OYER $6,000 WORTH English, acetch =Irish Tweed • Coatings, Worsteds, Serges; Et Gl;�--E SPIiI;vc�-•-SU>I NOW. Immense, stocl� to sel�ect.;froin. S11T1S1,A(,TION S STIGii, oL:OCR(-,TJ ITI�R. Prices away dow: [n D� BigSt�ck fE� New Patterns; L� w Piri'ces. THL+i RAT PORTAGE FIASCO. On Tuesday, July 31st, - about four o'clock a; -Tri., Norquay's invading, army kidnapped three men atRat Portage, and a few hours later they were hurried off to Winnipeg in a.box',ear. by a special train. One of.tbese wasMcKay', an Ontario school teacher ; another' was O'Brien, an Ontario special constable, _ and the other. was, Mulligan; a 'Saloon keeper. These men were ,accused Olt' -having been con- cerned in the breaking of the. Manitoba jail: - It is: stated that neither McKay nor O'Brien hadanything to do with the jail-: i breaking and I have: not seen anyone who Claimed that Mulligan was in any way connected with it.,. The Norquay party have gained no friends by this last clove, and even their former 'friends are inclin- ed to adrnit they have shown weakness in thus kidnapping prisoners ancl running thein off to Winnipeg; instead of ;daring to face the issue at Rat Portage. As far as the prisoners themseiyes are concerned they aredo,ubtless well satisfied 'to.be,any`here rather than in the Mani- toba locku aS'it' -is-one of "the :foulest. P> and filthiest little kennels, ever used -for, such a..prii•pose Itis said also to Elie lit terally filled with 'lice, while owing to the-filtby`Imanner in which it has been. kept the stench in the, .cells 'is absolutely ;u-nbearabte;.This gaolprivate property, and has_-ne er_been "declared a_gao[Under Manitoha I,jui indiction. Th e arrests:' were made on warrants.issued by fol. Pebbles; of Winnipeg, who carie out on Saturday Who Makes Your Boots S1i1AJNK,. THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Spring Stock well assorted, and complete. in ,all departments. 2LL••GOODS SOLD• CHEAP :FOR CASA C. CRUICKSHANK; .,BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON �SCYF.IT1FIf7 ANI) LITERARY i1ICIETT. One of the Paris newspapers has found an interesting prophesy iu Nostradamns, who lived in the early half of the sixteenth century and published his work, `which is in verse, in 15,55. Nostradamus;;says that in the year 1883 France will'' see die a number of men. .who have .exercised an influence on her destiny, and that among, them will be the last descendent of a dy- nasty which has ruled the country; for several centuries, who will die`;: about' the middle of the year in a foreign land. The death of the prince, adds Nestradamus Will be concealed for three days, and shortly after theevent one of the last sur- vivors of a Corsican family will seek to reign in Paris. ,He will assemble' his partizans and march to: the city at their 'head, and the Parisians will go forth to eetlii.in t1 battle-and-a-great-slaugh ter will ensue, but the Pretender will be,kil- led before arriving - at the gates,- of :alis: Many of the predictions of this writer are said to have been verified`',heretefore. In his lifetime he enjoyed great favor from 0-atilar-ine-de-Mecliciis but-b'eause hepre- 'dieted the fall Of the RomanNCh.0 ch his 'book was interdicted bw'_the Pope. -0- •. TI`TE `.`CTR tFrE lL IoN HOTEL," Clinton, \%ill be foinhal-l-y-opened-on the. 6tli of August. This will add one ;more attrac- tive feature to the many already possessed :by this thriving and pretty."toAVIV ClIn- aloJ g •with'Mr N°o'quay- Judge .hiller; fon becomi Tg:the•junction•of the G T. & and the rest of. the Winnipeg party. G. \V.'Rail»vay divisions is brought into .- Ili conversation on•Tuesclav 1Ir. N l- direct commuuieation with all the leading quay said of the'prisoners, ".AVhetere,centres_ofthe `continent. Itis especially they bare got them _they will have a fair 'a deSirablc point for'tourists to- put in._ a trial, and !I can tell' you that many, more, fear, }eels, Aj beautiful and cultivated' will follow .them ;befo'rethis • is over. •If: .country, and good roads eradiating in all you, fancy; that Ontario is going to rule, directions; afford • lovely drives to those here youf are mistaken. :Manitoba has • \vho desire target away-from"the dust and_ ruled her, and'wbat is more, she is. going: turmoil :and 'heart shivering tendencies .of to rule here." i p The Mani pharty is,en-:.pent hp` cities, The Bayfield ,and Mait- dear oringi"to work-ulp a: sensation' over land rivers with their :beautitul ininiat[ re this affair) through the \Vinnipeg `press in fllls,,and fishing oppo;r.thnities'are within order to jiistify outside interference. -For an hour's drive =or Jess. Those of delicate example, three outrages have been. cornconstitutions who, can only bear occasional mitted:here, all of which have been; with- contact with the rather harsh.' lake bree- out the shadow of juStice,'charged "against'; les; will avoid that drawback by [caking the 'Ontario party. The .firs( was an at= Clinton' their. home for the time. A good tempt to set:.fire: WI the. 'Stable of the road of only 12 miles •:cross a lovely. un- Ridout House. The; fire was first dis- adulating: country', can be driven. over: as coff=ered by an Ontario constable and ex- often as desirable to• Godericli on Lake" tinguished:_by him.;.,�Thesecond was an Huron. Railway .can' also be, used to alleged attempt at shooting) a Manitoba make the trip. With the commodious constable who showed what, he called a ,premises of the ``Grand. Union Hotel," its bu'llett .hole through his -hat." This affair modern airy rooms etc., and ;the natural simph' laughed :at: And there is no. beautiesofthesurroundinglocality, .ought body supposes. the )gilt was on the cona to make Clinton -one of the most.. desirable 'stable's. head when the here -was made �summer 'resorts 'in Western Ontario. Ailct • through it. , The third Tugs an attempt •to from the reputation of ", . mine hosts„ of burn • the:j'Manitoba gaol:-• he'circum- the "Grand ilnion," it is safe to' predict' "stancesof this ease 'were .as follows :-On a.that the resident and transient -public will Saturday morning" in Abe. middle. of •-the be catered for in a manner that will be forenoon some one standing in their own: pleasant to all concerned. door way saw a man throwing • kerosene 11 oil''against the back,. of'the .:building, and. -: after they had watche''1 tb' operation for Intelljgence has Been .received that some time they saw flim light a match James Carey the informer was. shot dead and: set file to the oil. They immediately: ran up and put out the fire.; A Winnipeg, despatch :'concerning, the' 'Rat Portrge, troubles -says.:; -that, an order his been received Ottawa.'to prepare the Fort Osborne barracks for fifty of the. mounted, police, who have been ordered'' froth Regina. .If it proves :true,:,it .will' only render,.still' more conspicuous the. fact that Noi•quay.is being pushed fore ward front: Ottawa to Pull the Bleu'`s• chestnuts outp£ the fire. Black. and 'Colored ` SIL i And everything stall ,l e>t in a first=class Dr. Goods House. e. €� v l y o s SPRING & SUMMER HATS; ON THE .WAY, FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES. Our increasing trade inmother� departments ents eoliipel ' tv �.-, 1, .� t � S 15 f01'SVftint of room to go out of -BOOTS cX SLOES ands CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. W , oTPER OUR WHOLE -STOCK OF THESE 1' S GOODS AT, COST. R. COAT • PARLWELL SUPPER TO Mil TIxANK HAGERM 1N. A complimentary "'farewell supuer1 was' given by the members of the'Literary Society to Mr. Frank Hagerman ht Mr. H Foster's on Tuesday evening. Nearly all the'members :in °-town ., were. present. After an excellent repast, which :the :boys stuck to:with "indomitable perpetuosity until through,. the chair was taken; by Ur. Foster, who filled it during the evening as only a genninehumorist could. After the usual loyal toasts and some others; Mr. Foster and Mr. Scott, in brief speeches, eulogistically. alluded to the guest of the evening and the loss the .society would sustain in. his removal. Both spoke'in very`, high terms of his'sterling qualities and expressed the good wishes of all the members for his future'. success. Mr. Hagerman made a inanly and feeling re- ply in which he expressed his indebtedness. to the society for a good part of the pleas antness'which bad characterized his, stay in Clinton. While regretting his depar- ture,: he; thought he ,was . doing right by striking out into a wider sphere. .During' the remainder of the evening the follow- ing toasts were proposed and duly honored : The British Lion, Mr. James Scott;. The neighboring ;:Republic, Mr.' Love ;.,, The MapleLeaf, Mr I. Taylor; Our Society, Mr. J.,Conriolly; The philosophy. of true' life, Mr. J. C. Stevenson :• Labor A: •H. Manning; Friendships of. Life,Mr. A. b, [ Callander ; lie IJadles liIr.''Rr-D- lavley 3 and 'Mr. W. L. Newton ; Rest, Mr. C. Dickson';^,Our young people 1\Ir':P. C. Carr; Literature Mr. W. Beesley,: .em perance, M . Armstrong. The. proceedings were intertpersed by sougs'from•'Messrs. Connolly , and Love, Doth of tlrose gentleren are excellent singers and added much to: the evening's enjoyment; Before closing rthe health of Mr. and Mrs. Foster, to .whom Uie society felt grateful for, manykindnesses, was en thusiasticall'y:drank." Mr. Foster resiiond- ed and the conipanydisperscd after 'Sing- ing the national anthem. No other: medicine. is so reliable as Ayer's Ch.erry,i ectorial for, colds, coughs;' and all derangements of the ' 5 irato-ry'organs'tend- ing toward consuniption. In all ordinary cases' it is aI certain :cure,' and it affords sure relief for the asthmatic ;and consumptive, even in advanced stages of disease,' RAILVWAY,TIM£. CARD. -Trains leave Clinton as follows: GRAND i`RUNI{ RAILWAY. Going East, Going West. 6.15 a.m, express 8.20 a.m. mixed 8.20 a.m.. mixed 1.17 p.m. express 1.17 p. M. express 0.15 p.m. mixed 3.50 p.m. mixed'9.00 p.m. express GREAT WRSTres /RAILWAY. Going North. Going South. 9:25 a.m. express S.20 a.m. express 9.10 p.m. -express ..8,50 p.m. express u.e.I:r'lr oN r t ]tnttt.>eln. Thursday, August 1, 1883. S of - �V Beat, , c -, j0' 98 , a 1 00'" White wheat 0':95 a ',0.97" ' Spring, 00' 99 aril 1"00 • Oats, tP, :;I a 10., 0305 Barley, 0,10 'a o 45 Peas, 0 70, a ,0,75., r r on Sunday on•'the steam, hip,1V elro e � e I lour, 05 00 a 5 ^0 " tween Capetown and Port Elizabeth, by.:a "Potatoes; 0 -o a 0 .gyp , 'Mellow -passenger named O'Don;neil. 0'- • Mi-ii" -.'E iggs, 0 .15 :a,j0 160 13 a x.:14Butter, Donnell took passage`from, Londor3the- S 00 a ,0.0 .�Ila__�_s earsln Mii�irs , Castle,-which.left- - Hides,. , ,Dart ou'th on te6th inst., for Capetown;sheep pelts 600 .a ;:50 .where she transferred her passengers des- 'Lafrili skills, tined to' Port Elizabeth, Natal, and other Beef, - coaStpor.ts,•tothe stearnship-Melrose. The 'Clover, report of the :shooting..caused, intense ex- Timothy," ;citement in the west end of: London and Wool the house of Commons' �,, • The, Gi,entcet Healing Compound LONDON, July 30. ---Murphy, the Pres IS,a prep.iration of•carbolic acid, vaseline and Tram's Fluid Lightning cerate called -'McGregor; 8t Parke's Carbolic Ts the "only- instaneo is relief for 1leuralgia,:: ton • butcher, who has often Challenged • Cerate. It will cure any sore, cut,' barn or Headache, Toothache &c. Rubbing.a few Weblti, and wf10 lige always, contended bruise when all other preparations fail. Call. briskly isall'that is needed. No taking 'that Webb would neve.rsucceed'in breast - ,drops at J. H. enallCombo's drug store and- get a -pack- nauseous medicines for weeks, but one min ing the Niagara- whirlpool has also met rape. Twenty live cents is -all it coats. ute's application removes all pain'and will tvitb a death similar t0 that" ivhieh over I _ prove the great value -of Kram's Fluid Lightn- tool: the 'Captain. Murphy, on more - BORN. ing. Twenty-five cents per "bottle. at .1. it. than one occasion, challenged Webb 'toy .Combe's, drug store.. dare with -hint the Rilible whirlpool Foy: -In Clinton, ou .1 the.t-'ipst -tlru- Murphy undertook to swim this fearful' wife of Mr. Rout. P ox of a daughter. S.1•STElIDAY Mrs. John Currie, of Sun-` pool on the very day'Webb attempted the• WIAF►RIE:b. hine; vrtrs examined iy a medical gentle lNiagara, and he was drowned. _ aT be B. C..parson- man • of this town 'and a certificate; i'ven SroRv: 1VII1 Rol.. -At t > g -at e, Clinton ori the let inst., by the for her,,,acliniyslonto th.e:.Lnnatie ,A,sFlu.ITT ,,senator--1'-Senator-does-not-aget-inuch-en= Rev: J. Kemre-; .Mr: J: •Story; to''. -Miss couragement in his attem t'to convict the • Annie Munroe beth of Goderich. .Mowat.Goyernment of extravagance be-.COLE-WIf.Y.i[or.-At 'the `church.of the cause money,. well spent, did not remainRedeemer, Bioor St., Toronto', . by ,the 0'50 a 0 75 0 75 a :1 00. • 650 a'800 g 00' a'.,0 8 5 . PINE PLATED WAREa 0..18 a 0_lb Jw: BIDDLECU1VIRt ,- watch arid: Clack Maker,.: JEWELLER,, . • Ok'Po+rrE THEAiALI1iET,cLLN'1ON Where he keeps a select assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWLLERY, SILVER- WARE, Which we will soli at reasonable rates. • Repairing of every description promptly at tended to, and all work warranted. J. BIDD eEC034BLr: Clinton, Nov. 1882. , E THE subscriber will continue rthe business 1 y. nbb fornieih carried o by the firm of Newton ' & Dennis, and hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore' enjoyed. T HARNESS, ALL KINDS. TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS COMBS,,&C. .S l rices alry'it3,a >t•c,.i.. onablti: CLIN•TON.:. OBY KiLN CALL AND SEE IT AT R " M Nli S P Nl •L C00PE & cKE E lA NG MILL r AHE l stibscrtbers, while thanking their maul Cos tomerS for:,the patronage;eatended to them, desire ti, intimate thatin connection with their. factory. :Near- the -Grand TrunkRaitway,: They have erected a lirv..Isiln,: which enables thein more prop ply than ever. to, execute all _work„hi thci lint of business, -CON'T` J _ .-. For bnildins'' taken,.and material furnished at tho shortest possible notice, and at reasonable rates. r43, --We always keep on hand -first class SHINGLES, and Make speeaity of 0.15111, which will be sold 'at •thelowest prices" Clinton July 20, 1882. COOPER & Mc$ENZIE. PROTECTION., THE undersigned hiving -removed their otli ces into the TOWN° 'HALL .'BUILDING,' And having purchased a large. FIRE• AND BU'RGLAR'PROOF SAFE••: With patent combination lock, and all modern improvements, are 'prepared. -to- receive, .. for safe keeping any title deeds, do Cuumenis , vain alte securities; or'otberptinors '-MANNING S. SCOTT lt,trrlisters, ,4c. IF F$ W i/I.R Az SON• BEST STOCK OF I� L1�1 .S G� O : I I C LINT VST"1''O �C ONi • in the treasury after it had been spent. Rev. Se timus Jones Geo. Cole of titin- SPLCIALISTS." The Winnipeg macs (Tory.) says ``bois- p. tea phis lIinn. brother of, llrs, Jas, From ,the International. Throat and tor Plumbs fatal mistake is -in ignoring, as Thorn •soh , Clin�tou to Florence oxily: Lung Institute, 173 Church St., Toronto, he'yirtually does,. the, wiping' out of. the P will be.at the Commercial Hotel; Clinton, municipal Loan li and debt. The Govern daughter of Mr, h. Willuiot, ofZoronto, three' days--Augti:;t' 0' 10 and 11.: Tui: ient,=in order: to aicc trip i i :that deed, DIp, . r7 � ,y l l sl ; Surgeons willhave su�i 1 of S iiremeters had'to distribute lir: Ma' lonald's sur- 'MCGEE,GoR.--Tn StatileY, on Wednesday;. Surgeons PY l , cc Yo Hugh McGregor of a native of the invention � ,r` �ith I-hh h IIcG e N. �5ouvielle of Paris, , •i 1 � - July 2� of,, Iles with -a; free Pune among those muni- , „ , ex -aide siirgeon of',th�e French Army, for oipalities which, owing nothing, were Pei thshire, Scotland, aged 7'1 years, the cure of Catarrh, Catarrhal' Deafness, en:atled to sonicthirig. Mr. Plumb does Broncliit?;, Astlimna and Consum tion: - riot t �.._...� ,, p to r�meuil?er that 'transaction 'Consultation and trial of the Spirometer' Mr. Mowat is not theablest or the wisest free,• Don't fad to see the Surgeons whip man that ever. lived, and for no other, it' Here as this mal.o a specialty of diseases of. ,mia well totell the truth about him: " , Y I Y .> ybet u h the Read, Throat and Lungs, and are curing hundreds! and thousands of eases • salt intent!' cured, ! every year that h.tie peen given up Are 'ou troubled With Salt.1flieum 1'lou h to the b'y doctors in i tTeneral practice.-- a p skin, pan lee er otaker sores' it so go at IMPORTANT NOTICE. a �N'conse consequence of the low price of "Ra s,'lleSsrs. - n ltnt964itPliros. and 5. Davis; tinsmiths, have agreed; to take ho more in trade, we h.EVO p rc abed all their. rags on hand: Having a thnrougli knowledge of sort- ing for th „ various markets, we are no* prepared to Tiny r1go' both in bull: and mall lots ; t,h paid for the large lots, t'ratle Mr the shall. The l iglicst price paid for. tailors and merchant, clips hi cash, and a trine Crowd's hre in e. very town once to J. El.' Coeibe'S drug store and get ale ,,ts, and tr • 111 011 ,and , For pitraculars write to '173 package of McGre...or k•,Parke'sCarbelic clippings i i bagging, copper, brnss iri>n s, blacks udhs :incl ,the: for la kainron street toronto •or ate. • l'riee twenty•live cents. it %YRS neve small tluantitie S„uareiwlotitieal i .11iu..vn4o fna:G:- NEWEST DESIGNS; IN 1�1/1� L ERlr' JE Repairing done Promptly,. i an. may' '251h. 1882. 'Store ,and' Offices to Let-• ''T/11) IIR1IIWIIR. manager •Mareh.22,18811.: 'Tho.,S[Olsons Bank, fJiiuton BONEY' GANIPBELa CITY BARBER SHOP, -" OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON: `' Hair dressing, shating,shampooing, &c,, attended to • �c les d Triyioic r1110 c � ]L?lrenkier. m • � � �Ci�hx liar: ct io xi" LAMPS', f1O, C1S, SADDLE EaCli', :A II 1 t'lL r,osii 01E FI'rriNGS lir STOOK, • Paid for their other l > t gs n trade We'also tai',: St id e. sump for eattilo ueFand ti •t :"o1 new snit+ old carpets, rope,and: second-hand machines 11n stook. oasli paid to farmer rage ; A. T L4vNE, MON•'i'l'ifa.11"a \W. li.,1 ,1.TIIIN Peeler, l`lintfm.