The New Era, 1883-08-03, Page 5FRO SPR:' G & SUMMER, TA.Y itt 0 Qr stock for the spring and summer trade will he found very omplete, being much larger than ever before,and for quality. and style cannot be excelled, and will be oilered at prices to • suit the closest buyer. fill QR .: —'G9e wannfacture both SEWED and PEGGED.WORK, Q: ISTOiVi . e and guaranis to give satisfaction. largeg`assortmelt very cheap. Trunks & Valises, � 5p er cent discount Tor , cash S. e'�ar Hoots and Shoe rice paid' for Eggs. taken in exchang , , The highest P W. TAYLOR & SON, Coats Black,• Clinton NEW GOODS E Spring Lines of Boots and Shoes. gin from $1 per pair up, to •$2.50. Hen's Boots ranging p ... Women's2 pair. Prunellas from OOc.. upward. Gaiters: and'Bals, � per secure good. bargains. Call early and a We still sell large - quantities of 3 lb. TEA fior <$1,, equal t O . q � some dealers'.50 cent Tea. PRODUCE TAKEN- FOR. GOODS: CET NTO , March., 1883 POTATOES. WANTED. THONPSON & SWITZER.. Maple Sugar. A few gal. Tins Maple Syrup. New g Bananas. • Fresh Orstii es, Lemons and B:lliiLll L9 S • Capt. Webb° Body Found: (�UEENSTON, Out., July 28.—The body of Capt. Welsh was found floating in the river a short distance below Lewiston, N. Y., this afternoon: At an inquest held this afteiinoon'a verdict of found drowned was re derod. " During the exawinatio�n of the body a ragged cut was discoveredon'the top of the head about three inches in length, 'which (pencil sufficiently to expose the skull.. It appeared to have been cut by a rock or other hard, rough substance, and is supposed to have daces done at the entrance to the whirlpool, where the the rocks in places 'project' above the surface of the water, and where tbb current is the wildest., This wound was considered suthcient in 'itself to have caused death, and it is thought he sank immediately'after receiving it.. The body was confined and removed in a hearse to Suspension Bridge, N.Y., where it will be prepared .for shipment to Boston,where MTs. Webb is residing. BUFFALO, July 28. The news of... the finding of Webb's remains caused great excitement at the ;Falls'aid surrounding.. .country, and hundreds. O people flocked to the scene, among them the clerks:: o£ the hotel where Webby: stopped;,' and; several parties who had conversed with Webb previous to his entering AlcOloy's boat. When found, the. body was lying in a position assumed by Webb when swim- ming. The remains were somewhat de- composed. Therewas also a cut ex- tending about four inches on the "right side of the head, while the left shoulder and Loth hips bore evidence of having come in contact with rocks 'or some heavy •substance, as these portions of thebody were badly— bruised and dis- colored. The body liadion, when found, the scarlet trunks worn: while in the water, which burst from ;the body when lifted' from the water: :The body-. was somewhat swollen. The"face was bruis- ed in places, UtLt.:_l_etailied_a_soniewhat. placid expression. The bodies of the two Indians, who were drowned near the old Suspension Bridge, , on Monday., were also taken from the water. Iirnm'a 'p'luid Lishtuing.'' Needs no advertiaiug when once introduced, Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others, by doing: all and more than represented for Neu, ralgia, Toothache,:Headache, etc. • It removes ony pain instantly,, quick as flash. Tryit a du yeti will say it i5 well named Fluid Light- ning. Graf ti twenty-five cent bottle at J. H. Combe's drag store. • • TIIE MOLSONS BANK. Sorghum :Seeds. fresh. Man g Good old, Turnip Sor gg Curling arTe, Cl�n�on O 7 ado .P oli Co:,': r�lc e ZeSi s S or brasau4' Qi _ 1.0.1:014296 'Vfertez.24,7 -1 sWeap rices/ fte1:tto O . fthe ,tp. :,lblj. Gra— Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. .CAPITAL, $2,900,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. TIIOMAs WOI'KMAM .President." J. H. R. MOLSUN .. Vice -Pres F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, l Collections made, -Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. . rN'rEflEST ALLOWgD;ON DEPOSITS. AR,!MICRt~3. ;honey ad'eanced to farmers on their Own' uotes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as se verity. Ii, 0. DRPn a.lt ' 11' nager, Tauilary; 1883 Clmton,' TJ K ue'r Climax' cough cakes. Quick,sure ani +'alhdeal'ers ; 15ets: DON'T PULL Ir.— ` Use Newton's one minute 1. nrr. , of toothache mire. Relief at once ; of all dealers, 15cts.' -A valuable horse and -buggy was stolen fr-oro-- the-premisessof—Ww, and'—John Bird, Uranbrook, on Saturday' morning.' Constable Chapman and others .have been in pursuit of the thief, --but as yet the stolen property has ...not been re- turned. A simple herb found on the sunny plains of a; Southern clime has, under the skillful manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, 'proved one of the greatest blessings ever-sentto suffering -- humanity Dr ti an-Buren's Kiims:v CuMtn. ip_ • asknowlege air the world over as the only perfect remedy for kidney troniea.. Your druggist has it. After many years of patient investigation Lr. Van Buren, of Germany,: finally succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would 'per! manentlyrelieve all cases of, Kidney Disease. Be. sure andrask your Druggist for Dr. Van Buren's.K.rDNEv CURE. T1511 SUBSCRIBER MAKES A SPECIALTY of this business` and keeps constantly on hand' a arge assortment .of COFFINS CASKETS,• COFFIN TRIMMINGS, SHROUDS, And. everything ,in the Undertaking line, and can ;furnish everything suitable for a' funeral on the shortest notice and At , the most reasmuable 'Rates 'T1W07-S'P7 E-NDID EA-RSES The postmaster at St. Helens receiv- ed a communication from a' sailor near` Owen Sound, informing hiin of the death of a man by the name of - John Smeitzer, who once• lived near there, by falling off their boat in a gale and getting drowned, and wished' his friends to' know it. Samson lost his 'strength with his hair. Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with ;theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the fam- ous .Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. John R. Vert, klamilton, ;says : '`McGreg- or'a Speedy Cure ,for Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion is -cheap at fifty times the price asked for it. "I am .a commercial` man, and travel continually, and would no . more think of leaving home without a bottle of: McG'regdr's. Speedy Cure in my valise than I wouldof leaving; my team atlhomo.and going ;on_fnot..L Free trial bottles at J. H. Gonibe's drug store. Regular size, fiftycents and one. dollar. During the process of the storm on Saturday :evening the Boise of Mr. D. Ferguson,"lot i, eon }l, of Ttickersliiitlt, Was struck by liglltiiing; the electric .fluid passed doyvir tits clai.muey_:into—the stove which it smashed into small pieces. The house was `not. badly wrecked. The inIlrateo-Were 5libhtl.c stunned.. liErr FOR 1I1Ri. REMEMBER PIIF PL Acn, 'OPPOSITE TIIE: TowN H 1T-1:.' THOS: STEVENSON. TNS POPELAR DRY IiCODtHh1UE During the month of July ' we will Offer Parasols at special 'reduced prices to clear. , I'rin Remnants nan - ts ats ecal reduced . prices to clear. Dress goods at special reduced prices to clear: Tweeds .at special reduced prices to clear. �b T - weed R emnants at about half price to clear. Aob lot ,Children's � s I3o®tS at hal�-; price to clear. STOCK OF HARVEST TOOLS COLPLETE. $1,000r , FORFEIT Ihving_the utmost_eonfidence_iu_its supedoaity_orcr all others, -and after lthousands of tests or the most complicated and severest cases we could find, we feel. justified in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars. for any case of coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness; bronchitis, consumptwn in its early stages, whoopinge,ough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs; except asthma, for which we, only claim ,relief, 'that,`lye can't eure with West's Cough' Syrup, when taken according to directions. - .Sample bottles 25. -and 50 cehts•;large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrappers only in blue. Sold by all druggttts, or sent by ex- press on receipt of price. Tehn. C West & Co., 81 85 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. For sale at Combc's Drug. Store • ity Cab��e� :!arerooffls FURNITURE STORE, CLINTON.J THOS. STEVENSON • Having moved intc his new brick store ikgr THE TOWN HALL, Begs leave, to state to his numerous friends in Clinton add Shestirroundin ountry, that he keeps on hand a superior quality of Furniture 0f all kihds such as BEDROOM.:,& .PARLOR SETS` Of the latest styles, also` BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS, TABLES, Anil everything•that:constitutes furnishing a house in his lino, which he will sell at the lowest living :picot, 1 ask, a^'share.of-the public patronage, being, thankful for past favors and hopeful for the future. Thepublie are Invited to calland see for themselves. THOS. S`PIIVENSON. ChnLn?l>:,J_ulr_,G,,:.LSRs'. a AYEWS PILLS: If a well be poisoned, WOO be to. thine wily drink thereat.; It- is'worse to poison'thefou:n' tain df life 'for one's self, and for .posterity. "Often by.careles'nesa or by rnlafgrtilne "or inheritance, this has been done: Ayer's Sal; saparilla frees the'blood,the vital stream; and restores appetite, ttrength•and health A largo proportion of the diseases ahloh causs •hurtiari suffering result from derangement of ..the ptomaeb,bowele,:and '11ver. "AsER,s•CATuAnis Prtts`:act directly upon these organs,,and, aro e,p daddy-4CsiggnCd to.;cui'ii tire -ars uses caused— bytheirderangement, iriciuding Constipa'tfont Indfgestion;(Dyspopaia, headache, •Dysen•. •to y;:',rnitl a host ,of other rainier -its , for all of which 'they are a safe, pure, prompt, and pleasant icrued The extensive use of these Pians'by • eminent tPry s,c iuls in,;regul.ir practice, shows ubiniitalcably.:tlid estitoatioil'in •iswbicil'they `are :' hehl by the medical profession. These 1 itis ar'e_cotnpouuded of 'vegetable sub-'' 4t: met:s roily; arid: are absolutely'free trema alornel or any'other injuriOus 1n,rcdic'ut. tock fo Groceries Co.mqiete oak Bottom prr'rces----in Sugars _and _Glass Jars. w 'I' 'Delays are,dangorous, par,ticnlarly in F.itl• ney Diseases,so tike at once Dr•Viin tinreil's I inrli•.ir Crux and iobtain roliof from all your sufferings. Your druggist; keeps it. •-731icklen>s Arnien tinlre: The greatest medical wonder of the world: Warranted to speedily eine kuras, `-•Bruises,' Ott ts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Sores. Can- cers, Tilos, Chilblains, Doris, Tetter, Chap- ped Ilands, and all'siin eruptions, guaranteed to'cur.e,in.,e cry.inst1nce,�oi-mo`ne-y-refttndecl�• Iic1{ - 2ti cents•r bop, ,For sale by Watts & f o Iloltsc i\rtrrEs Ml,_ W. H. Ifale, merchant, Belgrave, purcllasecl a two- year wo year oldhorse last week,, paying there- fore the suns of ,$I40. Ise sold' ono on Friday, at $110, to 'Mr.',Robb •of West awanosh nd 11e a d = - - AlS , 0 diSp OSed Of"',l' mare at $150. ' A. Colborne farmer sold a, horse to a Goderieh (township farmer for $T7b one dav-last tt eek. Mr• Jas. Folio•has purehased front Mr. A.Elliott the celebrated tlotting horse Roarer, A Dressing• to nil Mankind. 'p0 d co In these times when our Newspapers are flooded with patent, medicine advertisements, itis gratifying to know what .o procure that Willcertainlycure' you "If you are Bilious, blood out of order; L1ver inactive, or.goneral,. 'l'y cleTiilitntec1 there i9 notl' ing in the world that will cute you so quickly as Electric Bit-' tars, They area blessing to all mankind, and earl be had for only fifty ; cents a . bottle of WVatts& Co. • 1 SsilT rrr from IXeadaelic Liles ?:v: t s P1rr.s are invaluable to i.te, and are my constant companion.. I have been it-revere surf ;rag• from 11:eadache, anel your Psi LS are the only thingI eoui&l look to for relies Ono close will' quickly tnove my bowels' :lira free my head' ions pain They ttre the most 'etl:ectn0and the easiest physic I hate ever found. Itis er, pleasure a°1110.50 speak hi I lis Ir praise, and 1ahi'ays do so *heti ill i tai nr'otl r,. W. L. GE of W. l,. 1't o 5�.Bro." I7ranl,lm St.,•iticluuont'l; Va.,.fi11r, , 1682.. 1 have treed Av tic's Pr'tL;i in ittunbel less st,utc s as rec 3inin ended by yolt and b ave never ;•' ltnosxil.rlrem to;.fail to accomplish the desiroci'55- v hem oirli tt nl atr•our-- � s t constantly } he0I. ltonme,:and prize thein is a pleaeant. safe, and reliable f itntly 7h dreuie, 1 OR i)l SPT• PSIA, they are Invaluable- J. 7l. lLti ss." il'Iexitt, l exa=,dune 17; 1833. The R1i . Iirt:rNi is B, ILA'a o'ivn, writing from Atlarttrt, G. sags ' For "mite years past L,have been:' subject. to •const: �ation, from ivhicli,' In. the use •of. Med eines of varione kinds, epito er t nn some I siitl'ered increasing; inconvenience i inouthg ago•Ibogan taking AY I '911Irf...Tho V have entirely.corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved rey general health ". • Avi:r's (iATirAItT!(' Pitts corret,tirr eg ul ari• fres rho bowels, stimulate tllo appetil'.e- and digestion, And by their prompt rind thorough action give tone and rigor to the Whole physie,al :econom} rititr.1RPn Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,;LoWell, Maps. The IV a6ni.ficent New Scenery ordered d sometime ago Beaver Block, Clinton. 1-1,13 grriv ed Their studio is now completely equipped, and contains as great variety of scenery and accessories as the best city • cstallishinents. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO HIGHLY FINISHED CABINET WORK. LEAVER''BLOCK, "'CLINTON. r' Where is the hest place to..dea,l=this --- year for , Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, All experience the wonderful benefl- OLD , AN sial Directs of • D,. ,:. ^MIDDLE A G Saw'sa a Children with Sore Eyes Sore,Ears, AGED, or an scrofulous or syphllitiC taint, may be made healthy and strongby its use:._ Solis izy all Druggihts; $1, six bottles for $G. • WHEY WITH Groper: Ile.keeps' tie best general stock in town. Everrthils Fresh. the Oroeer, Central OnE 17 ,111ton. ALL DESCIIPF•'1':iOOl`ti4 OP •'s;Youth's bates Misses Boots ..•all.5l ops.•y ENTIRELY.NEW SPRING STOCK. 1I1 d VARIETY. :LOWEST ICE .I Y Il ' VISTTORfi.S�4T✓L(.OiVI1; NO •1IioUT3Ir1; TO SHOW ' Iii CG.Rx AT VAIRI {"1'Y. C ALL AND SEE BEFORE PCURCHASING ELSEWIIis1' OUR STOCK OF HEAVY & LIGHT HARNESS IS COMPLETE.. . t n' n;_„.TrgnkF-;lntt...,,,nilscq.,fpr tale DI'111on., (icor 1111 t�fl �llll le 'al; n h ... dss-,rHE US..00AL )ISCOUNTe FOR GASH ra7M iri a ■L -victoria ..