The New Era, 1883-06-29, Page 7:r Imo...,..:. • And: i HJ .time-: u til..the GOI\ ole stock 1S cleare Butter and. Eggs •taken the same as cash. marked in plain figures. ESTATE ." THE LATE J. VICe T H E B9 6 -T MAKER DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Igen, Women and .Children's hoots & Shoes. S .ri p ng� --Stock'•-• •WelIassorted, I` complete ' in :ail departments. AL1 GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR. CASH - .9.11 the goods is :IODGrENS, CLIVI: HARVEST TOOLS—Forks and Handles, Scythes, Rakes, &c., large stock, selhng . very cheap. We make a' specialty of` "MIXED PAINTS, being sole agent, for the celebrated..`Cleveland- GUTTA - PER ' HA PAINTS, 4 C which are always ready for use and kept in=stock in all colors. Also, the Canadian brand of Mixed Paints kept in stock. S. Clinto DAILY ARRIVING'. OYER $6,000 WORT English, Scotch =Irish Tweeds. Goatiugs, Worsteds; Serges, Eta GET YOITIZ, SPRIN.i.I SUIT Immens€ stoek.'to Select fiom. C■ \NTH 0 NEVER FA I LS To GIVE SATISFACT .E ON IS STILL.. OUR rk,'L``.L.E'R; Prl ,.:ccs. away down:; , B-ig Stock. of J[RESS:.:GOOIJ Nev Patton*. Low .Prices. -- --Black-an olore g taw RAILWAY TIME CARD. Michigan has a new law providing for : " — • the instruction- of all pupils in. the public Trains leave Clinton as follows • schools as to the effects of alcohol upon'tlie. (.IAND ritomt 1 AInwAY. human system. Going East. Going West,''.. In a recent sermon, Rev. Mr. Cameron,,' 6.15 a.m. express, mixed of Winnipeg, stated to his congregation—fi45'e.m-ma-ked= 1:1-7-p:mrexpieas— tiiat at least 1,000 young men spent their 1.17 p.m.•express 6.15p.m. mixed Saturday nights in the bar -rooms. Winni- 3.50 p,m, , mixed 9,00 p m, express peg must be an unusually fast. place GREAT' WESTERN' RAILWAY. The Su remciLCour•t of Ohio decid- ing North. Going South. P 0•.Oa. x' P s S.20a�m.ex ress 'd'that the Scott limiertaxl ti • ,3 m. a pr.s p e le ttitiona]., Tl e' U it 1 St t (-r r t 1 Si If the public houses in England were law con - ti 6.10 p.m. express 3.60 p.m. express structedtlie: collector of 'Customs at 'New; placed side, -by side they would reach for York to reship back to the port whence 700" miles. What a funeral (procession they would make. they cane all pauper immigrants ~landed there. A Winnipeg report announces that a farmer near Headingly has -lost -his: en- tine family •of'elevenby diptheria. There must be something wrong with trade in the Unted States when 337;fur- naces out of a total of 688 in the coun- try are now idle. '-'The Queen is on her;feet again:- Slit I;onis,Rielhas returned to Winnuipeg,. was able to walk from'' the cars' to hen his sentence: of banishment .havina1, .ex - carriage onher return to Windsor from Pired some time since: • Balmoral. This is cheering news and The 'rise of waters in the Missouri will be read with pleasure by-. Her has produced' a good deal of alarm, and Majesty's subjects the world -over. not a Tittle less'along the river and the lower Mississippi. .:rl', ri•eat marry peo-'- Si A. L. Qalt is.. now in Ottawa. pie have had their buildings swept away, His future moveulents' are uncertain• farms have been submerged, towns, de - Some assert that he will' devote the re- aro sertecl and, property of various kinds :de - tion ' in the Northwest,' while' others 10000 people le havelbeen driven from their homes. The :river embankment below Alton .have been broken; 6,300 -- Chicago. has a.- society tho''objcut of heat I of cattle hare'been drowned, and which is to endeavour to obtain the to- property of other 'kinds carried oil.' til separation of Ireland from the Ora- Large quantities of drieddriedpine lumber• ed Kingdom, which it,.is proposed to ar° in imminent danger of being cal r,-ecl effect by the good' oil -ices, of the li iited off by the flood. Two firms, between thein, have 7x,000,000 of•''feet which cessary;`'by, foce of arras. $ will a be lost should the water iise a few inches higher•. The total vote:in the vtiribus Confer- The Sinnal" ''Of Pilot •i'fot nd;' Ilan,,. in5inuateal>kit he 'is 'soon to asshme the, leadership of the Tory 'icu party. States, France, and Prussia unci if ne- ences of the • Canada • Methodist.. body. adds. its testimony 'to that of other'':jour stands.. -.G or 11111on X94, against- ra;• mist to the effect that many settlers are. 103. ' The'London- Col ference.,.which,. leaving 'Manitoba. The troublethis we believe, is ,the most`` wealtl'{y and time. iS the Dominion .Government's nun'lerous, muco: :a 1'0 obi y of- tliirteeil, ,,.`,.r .,_ S .,, , . ,. action wi lidltinnlr •floni:'aettleiient ate tlt7st t cion ;;x11(1 Montreal '1'111.4)grit . o i � Y -rho lairds in -Southern 141an1toba: Tie of. 11-' in les ' f nvor. The, vote., In tli e: w r reason. this- land was witielraw li : \1 as,, Montreal.ancf in'the I;onc,oni 'Confer that the Dominion. Government feared ences. was Pretty evenly Ldiv:ided. -11i if the district becarne settled :ep. the de tli renover- e Toot Ln wi. o nfere'rice •it as � c ni e I whelmingly in favor'of Union. nrand`of the people fol railWay o p The:Mail says that 'the - •.Reform can- didate ddate fol the 'Local Legislature e le in Welland has been 'charged.,in the pro- test against his return with .seventy- seven casts ofbtibery, treating. and--in-- timidation The' Nail observes that the Reforners evidently went in to:win. [t' ishighly } 111 11 )10 a i � ble'tliai=.the Mail is':'lnis•- o y1 . taken, • Any.Tory simpleton might have multiplied those charges' four -fold, but to establish their truthfulness,is.wholly. a different matter and no -doubt when. the: tdg-o'•_war' conies -this' ,tlisti-netion will be made platin. The Ruing r ef`d e eatlis til' old' London was 1405•dnring the first week, of June, and of 'blirths'•2•:622 > •so that the births , , it S iS very ei nearly leanly clbnble• that of.deaths.: At this rate of increase in ; 29?,. years there will 'have been 4,000,000 births and, -2,153,865 deaths, leaving London' 30 years hence -with, a population of nearly -6,000,000. It is extremely doubtful And everything usually kept in a 'karst-class Dry Gods House. SPRING & SUMMER HATS ON 'THE'. WAY. FULL STOCK. OF ,GROCE:RIES . when the ,world- girdhasver--had-a m°r - -e populous city •thaii•London at this mo- ment, but London, 30 years hence, will be unquestionably r the most populous city that has ever 'existed. As TUE' frosts of waiter vanish under the cal- orie influence of the sun's rays; so does1Bri ht's ..Disease,--Dropay-4-Stone—in the 3cidneys 31,1d Bladder, and Intimation of thekleueys, leave the body upon the administration' of DE. VAN 13nREx's KIDNEY C[rxe. Sold by all druggists 'Oul' increasing trade i1'1 other 'departments compels us 1'01' want- of room to go out of BOOTS c SHOES and .'CROCKERY & GLASSWARE: i WART. Wz, oil. rr o[?.r \vllor,r, STOCK G- GOODS AT'COST, R. COATS.& 51 linto: tition'would have'been irresistible. The Signal has every, 'means of tieing ac- 9uainted'with the matters ''whereof it speaks The Chief work of Sir '70 hl Macdonild's department seems to be to di ive:.p_oople_;:oat_of,the country. - -• , 'vTO1IOnsrnol:1) should be considered eonipletC without a bottle of DR. VAN BUREN's KIDNEY Gt RE. is in the closest. It is the oniv'remedY" _that will -positively, pernianentls- and promptly Cure all •forms of kidney diseases: Soli) by all. dru 'gifts - '`•: 'ui.111VTON 11.1.iiI{KE'1•h. Thursday, June 28, 1583.,' `Targe amount of •old grain is Vbeing, markefe1I, - aad , we dare say that many wish the . had scld it when `rice's :were Y P: better. Wool, of 'which -:a considerable quantity is coming in, is low in price 'and likelto remain so ,.e do not think there is anyimmediate. prospect' of of 'it: going •higher; and would not advise farriers to hold on. Wood appears to -find ready sale, the:damp.weather necessitating more fire -than`is-usual-a -this-time-._o:f_the' year.1 Butter and 'eggs are a fair price, and: will likely remain stationary or some time, the supply and demand being about equal. There are no particular changes in prices this week, •quotations being as follows -•-• -MARRIED. CtIANlr--Hol.I PS.—;At the Methodist church, Clinton,' on the 2.6th June, by the R'ev, \Y. • McDonagh, Herman B. Chant, of Uniou- vill'e, to Lottie, fifth daughter of E. Holmes, of the CnIN row Nnw ERA. KELFE11—C31tn2Cl1,—On the 26th Junoi by the'Pev G. 1i.'Ackerman, :assisted:.by'the Rev. P. B. Keefer, in the :Methodist Episco. pal'cbarch, ari i Lyndonville. N Y., E. Keefer,. L,D. 3.,'of Clinton, "OntT15 hllara .T, youngest daughter ,of 'Archibald'Church., Earl, of Lynd'oidville 3 oai>;s'rino-MAcII vrrnE,-At 'Igo residence ' of•the bride's father, 12th. June, by the Bev, Thos., McGuire, -assisted by -the .Itev. Joliii Scott, J. D..:Forrester to Eliza J., eldest daughter of W. MacHaflic, all of Emerson; (formerly of Clinton.) ' .- Lr.,rr-111AcHA H'1'ie:._ -At the residence of the , 'bride's fath r Emerson, t ' 'a eon the 12th Mat., by the lacy 'l.'; 11 Villiers Appleby, 111, A,, Charles A. Lott, :1":),. 1,, S., to Mary 8tua •t, second daughter of William SIael raffle, Esq. G.' CRTTICKSRAN,K, BRICK BLOCK, ' CLINTON' In. the past are satisfied with their uniform quality and 'low price. ': We respectfully solicit a call from those who have riot already tried our goods. Fresh arrival this'vreek which is the best value ever offered in the Town of Clinton, at the NOTED. TEA, COFFEE and SPICE. HOLTSE. 310—Cash. for Eggs. QED UP Those who have used our S. PALLISER. T. WHITh , Store and = Offices . to: Let- PERRTN'8'..LOOK. '• i1 C. BRBELv70EC.:'`fail t silt ; March 22,188:1. ThelilolsonsBank GiHlitan': f"r''�AGO,ROC' ISL .N'P&PAC1PIC''Y tj ,, . the. attention: of travelers to the central pR��oRar- - iion of Is'r. line,.eonneeting 0110*'Ei and'the Wee1" •:'T,.y the shortest route, and .carrying passengers.% without ;change of ears, between Chicago and an - Fos thty, Council Blufrs,`Leavenworth, Atchison Tr tic pons and St. :'Paul. • It connects in Unio ;i t.> cw with all sh'e principal lines of road. between' • the P tlantic and :the Pacific Oceans, Ita equip 111'0 t is L^n'rie algid and; magnifleent, being;composed -Horton :sad Beautiltfi, Days Coaches;. 1v- 's Prent-liorten; Retuning,:Chair Cara, Pull Lins f nivieo Ealaiio Sleeping' -Cars, air ee-T:Best' i Line, o Dining Cars -fn the World:: Three -Trains tief women wee oCand Miesonri River Points. Two rYins 001et00100. Chicago and: Minneapolis and St- -0 1... vla.Lhe Famous: - ' • "ALBERT- LEA: ROUTE." " n e and Direct. via Senecaca and %anka- " 4g r i t a i-tor"beepopo now At No k 2-. w ort News, Chattaia,ata,Au- Nasty). 0- lsly.leLoe,,Lexngt,Cincinat., In sndposal`LafayeteanOmah,Minneap- olis ineap- c4and, TSt. Paul d intermediatepomta. A1Through Passengers rvl. on.k'ast Espreeo' T,ck Offices in Tickets els at all principal'Ticket0f8e �'r,cxe sfora p p .. gited States and Canada. a3'aBaggagei,checked through and rates less tare a1- • ways us7ow as competitors'that ober less advan- ,?.Pco detailed information, get the TQape and laid. ' ers.of the' _ CREAT ROCK ISLAND. ROUTE, " ';t your nearest Ticket Office, or address R. R. CABLE, E. Sr. JOHN, • Gent `q•g'r 'Goal 'nit, L Pie,, IMPORTANT :NOTICE. JBerlandN ,3onsequene.e, of: t.1LC' law {:rice ,of llago, lltsst_y;, 1 Bros. and S. Doris tinsmiths, have agreed to take no mrire'in trade, we live pureh:weed ;ill their rags on hand:'; Having a thorough knowledge of sort., lug for the various' markets, we are now.preparcd.to 'hay rags both in bulk anti small lots ; cash paid for the large lots„trade for the small 'The highest price paid for tailors and •iberchants clips'in cash, and a trifle ,paid ft r their other clippings in (rade.- 1We also take ofd:eurpets,':rope; bagging, eOpperi bra e6;'; ron, a{id. •- cdsil paid to farmers; .Alai] smiths and others for tar large,, tits, and trideter small quantities. •1t': MARTEN; Tedler, Clinton. Wheat, scot - WVhite 'wheat,. Spring, Oats,. - Barley, Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Better,; Eggs, - - Hay, - Hides, Sheep)pelts -, Lamb skins; Pork, • Beef, . - Clover, Timothy, \'ool' $0: 98. a 100 0 95 a • 0.07 0 99 a. a„ 00" 0 40- 'a: 041 41 •. ; -..'0.40;-a :0;45 - 0 70 'a.'0 75 • 5•'00 a 5.50 • a..0ao ,.- a '0 16 a 9 00 a :050 a • 0 75 a 1 00 a.•S 25 a '8.00 a . 5150 a 2 50 a 0 18 0 15 S 00 '(s. 00 0 50 0 75 8 00 6 50 8 00 2 00 0'18 13rani's Fluid Lightning, Is the.. only instaneous'relief for Neuralgia, Headache, 'Toothache,' &,c. • `Rubbing a few drel"3s briskly is all that is needed. No taking 1.lauceoila medicines for weeks, but 0110 min- e 1 � stn 'os tin and will ut s pplicatiou r o\ all p. prove the great value of kram'S Fluid Lightn- ing., 1 wontyfive cents per battle at,1. 11. Join :FARFOR SALE.: HE unclersigned'offeas for sale a furin of 811 acres, L in ,llieht„an;situated in, Abner township; section, 2) Sardine county, near the'farin of 1Ir. Peter Cole: - Good soil; well drained, and will be sold cheap.; `Al particulars given on application, 15-m$' TI3179: BUlr1,P, Clinton:• FOR SALE. .J)\gLi.LI G house and linker ' aftaed;'honse 11JJ partly finished, bol eiy ready for operation, in the : ilia{ e.oE (oosawell;: Smsilac Lo lhclt; Good' place for a cod baker,; no other bal.ery•hero ;, will be sold on easy ..terms. Apply- by letter or 111 persdn-tn ' 114RIIN SIIIINHUJSDR or •T P t,P1 V; General Land. 0C.ut (.10 w c31 0)0111 Fa• rm torr sale: 14•y' Tender. rTli 3 LEE S'14ILL 1 L' Rtt F11 LD'l;Y IIE under- !E signed Mil... WEDNESDAY,, AUGUST 1st, I883, - For the purehase of Lot number 8, llurois read, Gode- :.rich'township, 'belonking'to, the estate of • the late •Robert Cook, 'containing 105. acres, more or less;' bf fu tclass land. Sufficient wood .for hone.\sse ; large - - bearing,'orchard, stone cottage, barn, stables, possess- ion iii Jaiiu.ary,r1554, with h ptrivileegeal fall pl owineii.— n refli:�`or-tnti icos„baaitee i throe: annual stalm,ents with' interest. 'The highest or ISY 1001111' not necesirilyaocepted. • P11031 •T S 1 11x' 1' , . l..rr.utor, Clinton, Jobe 14,:1883. .. Fie Bicycles aid tuycles: Tor (f) t l 41 Yk .1t Ll: BMIS, 1\:O PULL ' . >D I3. t,' ra;vla; 01''•F I'rTlb S lY '-'1OCh.: Send i” 3 11. ,.end.3c;. st forcatalo ub aid hit of new and 1 ticc;und-hxkifl rnachlnes in stock. - ' A, T.- LANE, 'MONTREAL' CALL AND SEI:, IT AT COOPER & McK NLIES PLANING MILL. r 11lhrsnbvCrrberS;'nhile .tditi;aking their niinyl•euH-� 1'toaners far the f.)+g .itrona e c'stcnded'to:them, -destoS, . tointimaff: tklut ni a:onncetion with then fwtory: Near. the Grand Trun`k-Raiiwayq: 'I ltey hit's erected a ftrv, Kiln, which, emuUles. tlieliti 'more p0' 11)10 Its fl,vertoCsecuteAli work11t isp..Li: O line of business... ■■ COTS- T R A.. T'S: �_,._ i• ilnil S 1. o ) dmg ta.en; ird inaterixl-fisnsished O. tltasi —O— . acwl�i�t�r shortest possiblenotiee, and at ieasonable•rates.' . 4'We"always keep on, hand_.first_clas.S.,,S111NIG1$ S,, andsnake a specialty of LI\I) which wilt, be -told at• the.lon'001 prices. Clinton, July 20, 3882, _ COOPER .0 1remons're,luiring WS.nes WA:Spirits 701•. Ord i nary,br.31e4icinaL:nse Should not fail tc n call Uponvery 118. 1111 ottr 'gals' aro of the finest anti purest.nuality., We, haye. .1Pine Q:LD' IY E 11, stoeit,.iul1) buts rO five aaar iel,'ri Ei Ao grid:•`.. �ass',,Labatt's &,--Carling' ' ` le Pc , �S A G Ci'C111ll2SS' Stolle 111 primo C011iitthll 1 i rnrtL'tr.11>L tftli>itlLrnl t ton '-8 ,YOHNMACvVI:HRFFR'iC 00; Conibes, •drl g store, .1.8.811.° FOWLER Sk Clluton, '1tt;iy 11, 18811 ' FOWLERS SON BEST S1OCh OF 1� 10 L I:Ni. =-Si R 1-N G TOWN.. FINE PLATED WARE: ..:..N WEST DESIGNS IN `T�„ JEWELL �! n Repairing done .Promptly, ., r•(ft l�e,i, 15'al, , '1