The New Era, 1883-06-22, Page 10r�l ®I� NEW It c Tern COLBORNE BRIDGE. -Some doubts
�/Lo Uaviiig been expressed about the intention
FRIDA1 JUNE 99 1880 - of the County Council to construct the
bridge at Hotmesville, we may state that
the inetructiens to the I oad;Comnisaion-
ers were that they were to proceed with.
LOCAL NOTICES, the work at once, and the probability' is
that the bridge will be erected and ready
The hi„ hest, price paid for eggs in exchange for use by fall.
• foal Beets aiid Shoes, rpt W, TAYLOR ktr. SON. °
HQRSF7,•VYANTED-il?anted, the nae of Is IT T ti .—A report is .current here
months. its' • 'e a,ad.a siS,al1 that llrs:� Crab} ford, -of Toronto, (formerly
a horse for abouttiiree r o keep lair.of ad killed one of
amount allowed 'therefor. Apply at this office. Mrs: B Clinton,),�
The well-known stallion Poscono will be; ber twin children in an altercation with
at the Rattenbtary House stables every satentay her busband• `It is alleged that during a.
afternoo>a Suring the season: G. EMERSON, prof• quarrel she threw a plate at him, which
lee ••• 0- struck the child in the head, and killed
Mies BRowN; milliner• in connectfion it. We do not vouch for the truth of the
with the estate of J. Hodgens, leaves -next story, liut give it as it is reported.
month en a trip to England, with her -
father' _ _
Hr,GII SCInoor. BOARD. -The regular
- - - - - -"--in,eet;ng of the High School Board was
SHEEP KILLED On ~Saturday night a held on 'Tuesday evening, The property
dog attacked the -sheep of lir„ T. Cornish, committee reported'' that certain repairs
base line, and killed on5ebefore it was dis= were necessary to he made during the
covered and driven MI • holidays, when they were empowered to
have them made. The following accounts
PneennieTY SoLD. -1�Ir. S. 11Tegaw has were ordered to be aid :-Chris. Illickson
sold his house and lots ou Rattenbury St. p
452, E. Holmes & Son, $2.45; R; M
to Mr. Geo. .warts, for the tum+of $1,500. Eacey, $,6.07,
The buyer has made a good bargain,
GRAND ExoURSION, Tho.great cheap A LONG TRRII'•-1Iessrs. Zunis andSar-
excursion takes' dace from Clinton on the gent, of'the Cincinnati Bicycle Glub,passed
4th of July,to Buffalo. Train leaves
throuh town on friday, ®ii the way , to•
'', g
Clinton at 6.15 a.' m. returning leave 'Buf- Goderich. '.They.are men of means, out-
faro at 0.30 p. in. thus giving 10 hours in just: for pleasure, and have rode several
the city. •. Fare' oery i.75 and return. thousand miles this season,. = When they
Take a ticket and go. ' •• reached Clinton it Was dusk on Thursday
evenin r and the put:up at Kelly's Hotel,
7 r
' m
�bnildin 5
thatthe' few
n to � though
t boasts of a load of� a bushels
and e
rxz;��tub s e, .y gb
of wheat going. to:Seaforth market as a surrounding that place formed the whole
of this town. I•Wheri they came up Vic
toria 'street they were surprised at the ex-
tent and beauty of the place. Owing to
the heavy rains they went by train to To-
ronto, on Monday.
Zotvn (Zau}lio%
large load. • It say be 'r large fon such a
small place as Seaforth, but such loads are
of daily occurrence in 'Clinton, , while as
much as 100 bushels have formed sonde of
the loads delivered here.
IN STATING that the Orangemen of FINE STeeBr E -Mr. Jos, Chidley. has
South Huron, at their late meeting here, just finished the erection of ai exceeding -
decided oncelebrating the 12th in Sea-ly convenient and,goodstable, in the rear.
fort bele Le_oLour f!°tems. make-amist:tlke' '. '9 iinitse. t conaist5' of drivehoiise;•
They decided on going ab Woodstock, and:' two open stalls, box stall for horse, sa
a special excursion will be rttn from this for•cow, closet, for 'harness bins f'or, fob"
-- ptace Lc, accommodite-th-e erawd-that-wi 1_Lone part ofmow for straw, other for hay;
go. stairs connecting with bah, and -all so
well arranged tbat the' stable' work will
-,• NG CoAL.—The thtcult f •
L sl y olaying be done with the least possible ex ieudi-
in a supply of wood last fall,, has caused 'ture of labor. •1
some of our manufacturers -to: introduce
A resident of Pluni • Creek ; Manitoba,
with a scientific turn of mind, recently .•
.published an announcement' that for the
sum of $100,000 he was prepared... to di-
vulge the important secret of prepetual
motion: No one,.having offered to draw •
him out at this figure, and as money :is no
object, to him, the enthusiastsc .inventor
now pledges his word to tell if all for. the
modest sunt of $1 000 000 -Globe • [This
youth a i
wsaf r
orme resident of Clinton.]
e o
-HORSEPLEss.-Mr. W. H. Davis ship-
ped thirteen horses this week; purchased
as .follows =Alex.• Ewing, black horse,
•1530• lbs.- $210 James Turner; bay horse„
coal as a substitute -therefor; and non
several in town are using .coal in their`
furnaces. A variety of soft coal cern be
obtained dor nearly the same 'price per
ton as wood sells `at per cord,' aucl the
'former is found to be far more satisfactory',
and less trouble than the latter.
day evening a meeting was .held for the
formation of a Li
C cle Club for this s town.
Mr. D. A. Forrester; Mayor, was chosen'
president; Mr: IV. W. Farran, vice presi-':.
dent ; R. Holmes, capt ; EA-Icanies jr.:, .
let lieut.; C. Dickson; 2nd lieut.;'T Jack-:
son, jr, bugler ; �V..H. Ransford, secrya:
J. P. Tisdall, Treas. It was decided to 1550 lbs. 5212; Alex.-McBeath, mare $205•••
meet every Monday and Friday afternoon`,; Rich:.VanEgmend, driver, .8135.- Hugli
for practice; Bell; bay mare, $200; John McMann,
black liorse,..8210 , lir., Dodds, grey mare,
OPR BACHELORS. -1 -The editor, of this, 5182;, Mr. Welsh, span of grey drivers,
department locks as if he had had an en -8350; Mr. Johnston; bay mare, $155 ;'.Mr,
counter with a circular saw,and until here JohnMcMann,75
bay mare, �al�o, lir:iSny-_
covers from the effects, of his interview der, brown are, $160; John Allen; bay
with several dissatisfied bachelors; will horse, $200::' `Tt is.notlikely that lie will
not be,able teecontinue this •department.' be back again until fall.
We expect that he will be ketter in a few., TE+ PI xeNci .-Atthelastre�ularmeet-
. days, and to prevent a repetition of the. b
ing of Clinton
attacks upon him, eve have -provided himJ.nLodge No. 70 , T O. G T;,
his resnation
with. a 10 -ib. clube a starving bull dog;)
aseLodl e Derut teandfon behalf iof Mrs:and a pistol •the latter not having been g pY,
discharged for. ten 'years, will cause fear-; Rice, herposition as Vice -Templar. 1Tuch
fill havoc when it is used. regret was expressed+at:their removal from
the lode, and motions were put thanking
YOUR HORSES.—Best Sunday a then for the work th•ey havedone for the'
well known cattle dealer. •drove • in to same,' Asa token of the good time they
church and put his horse, • with the her have.spent with the lodge, Mr Rice pre
ness one in a• stall in one of the Hotel sented it with a regalia to he worn bdalie
stables of town, but neglected to tie--it)e-Wortley-.Chief, who expressed :hie than-h-
ha r-. -and a short time after the horse tool;, it :.for the same.. Miss Susan Patterson. was
into its head to go,honie, but :was- caught. , elected•by acclanimation to the position
and, turned loose in a field' before it got •of Vice -Templar, and,' Mr. Jacob Taylor,'
there. After service was over"•;the owner : teethe. position of' Lodge Deputy:
went to the stall and found'it empty and ' CAsrAL i\'oTEC -Some of the trees
had to tramp home after 'his horse, but man' orchards outside of town. are filled`
when he reached the field where it was y
he could not catch it and;bacl to.;.,go ai1r1"with..oaterpillar nests,• which should`
• borrow a `horse to fetch••.his :wife home.'. , remove . at :once. Tbe''weather. has•Been
--'1'ha.horseas.going to be-tied'in future 'o w et and ilnsettled.this sprrngthat-num,'
bels OI farmers have not yet:•
Lov air GEoPGE STALL ION We are• their spring word. Wire fences are en--
• ple.ased•
ple.ased: to announce that the celebrated-, fpere ding board and rails in all directions;
trotting stallion 'Royal'`George,''(better''ior the • front'of a farm nothing looks
known'as the Howes. horse) has been pure, ..neatere that .'a wire fence along which;
chased by parties risidina in Qlinton, at a 'trees have been •planted. , ,The rainfall
good figure and will be here the first week, •this season measured in "feet
in July, at the Rattenbury House stables. not inches. • The wind blew with fearful
He stands 16:1 hands, is'a chesnutbay, with force 'on Monday, ;just before a heavy,
excellent bone andmuscle,weighing 1,30Q storm; andnumbers were momentarily
lbs.. He trotted on the. Woodstock track alarmed; lest serious damage, might, be
in 2.38, and trottedthelast quarterin 2:30` ,dope.: Mildew prevailson,.m,uch. of `the
time. The :