The New Era, 1883-06-15, Page 8and gushed nimbly Scattering ber ipstruqt,Sir OlAveih What do you think, ne for all directions, . and glee- Mr.Fremaitie?" DRESS TOR" THE, LADIES. JU iek mother.' I lost Bight 1 certainly think you should run no !CENT. ota in ful -h-ut.. t. a pop. risk of got said be. ot ly g river hands by ih, ltiDg your feet *still her her. it, A, Women's Attire.,as, Some Good Folks er .01 the Teiled Picture. lars. I wondered who she Wis. You, might have. thi : ckboota," Suggested a The myst y is She belongs to the woman I put into Amy, dreanihy. Bell ve it Should boll -the-M oak--Cottag I all', -'-said 11 fintou." .11 They To dance with fairies, dearl" exclaimed ption. 'Mrs. Camobridge,is, a mar- Tfi.e, P'r"erj lot poor. Melibent. 11 Whv,Tshou d are X) crash my palit. ;UATIONAL CLOTHING EXHIBITION. ereaxtin,g'atthe g-te, A NoVM-By E&- MABOO- a, though her, fi�upbaud does not note to death,"l! o.1 I tied wornai Wn and maid- 'tion They w -th hot. ''But he maintains her and A elbibi of"the-Rational Dress, Stilt,he tarried, although late, CHAPTER IV. live wl As if f alries could die," murmured I, 'A iatioii is in � progress in Princes' Hall, L i g mueh to hear his fate. her children. assure you they do not Clinton. Mrs. Gardner did not think she wouia want a Ing.,, Piccadilly. The- exhibition is Main y eon- I ,I am if raid they have died," observed find omy String I am id. not suppo�e Boll', said Mr. Fro- Mr. Fremaine. 11! Railwayal and the Chas, earned with the improvement of woman elit at Mrs- Mathiell's I d . �s If I only knew," said he- I I I P attire. Attempts at the solution of the Ilittle tea-party, and Amy went thither 'I thought little Kitty would press have killed tbem.P only knew," Maine. .11 But give adVICO." SELIU, Me; alone. The pres -lady 11 I do complex problem have been attepded on once of the stranger like to bixylhera6lf a fairing next week. � In n't think they are dead," said confident of me was, not, however, misse& Mrs. MathisqlB fact" hid- added I smj�iug, I II wishedi to 12. the whole with, Somewhat indiffordut,gue. Ofinto ailways and newspapers have I can be of -h, narrow, dimly ligbtie& parlor was replete make her life less unhB,ppyl." made them shy, but � the oess, few, it any, of the costumes fulfilling y Still lurk in the IAhj I'l,now that!-� answered hO,' With goodly company. Not only did Mr. That you can never do," said Clinton, Woods and fields. , Did ohe n:ever hop on to the condition hose would be interpreted With a sigh. Marrable step in for his tea.; not only did risin' Mi 'D ' L -your -foot -as ou walked through . the clo. 'by co nventional &ejudices. What is. very wow I gues I s it all I cried she; I I . g. 11 Good-bye, ii3B I u ye. mqob against the appearance of I the new y6urb in love, I plainly see arrive aboutfive o'clock to fetch his going to rid yoa. of my, imoodinell 1 313 and ver?" A ; not' only did M aa Sister r, Fremaine enter costume slid their chance, of pleasingis that And afraid to tell he�- depression." Never I- said Melicent and Mr. Frei they ar hung, Boarecrow-lilid, on shapel000 about the same time to call for his daugh- 11 Poor follow Fremaine, when. maina. :i a o-you,re a witch to guess so well," dummies or frames; but visitors who, ha1li- ter, but- Sir 011ver 'Clinton, made his ssion for N62" returned-- Cli he.hAd gone; I I feel deep I compa uton'- -in surprise.. Mrs - E, Answereaho.' jerf to see the"honorsory secretaky-1 ,I would like tohaveyou tell appearance alsa. him. Evidently. he has some trouble' of 11 Have you really neverseen-the lit ------ How tomake a a i6k heart well; In leas than Lthreexpaontlis Sir.Olivar had till an M. King, in the exbibiti6nL "y which we do -not' know. Probably he has o6atedfellows? Iofteu m6et�thtgrt for.me. idea -of tile, eicept of'the now dress, thou ingratiated himself ;kith ailD'elyaford. If has "braised day one.stroked Mi hand as Im Kindly now prescribe experienced love, and love as hat- the FOA THE gat�ering They would probably not\auspect t Every heart Will cure 4 heart," he had -cared.to know it, he was a complets him a strawber ry. kilted continua ion AID URINARY' ORGANS laughed she; - Sue it is 64 , , . . � t� B � round the feet iudf. Low,t find'another hearl cess'. But he was too much accuisto more than likely," assented Mali. O.Our eyes are not, fine �en6ugh to "see cated thorough reform. Of most of,fhe KIDNEYS,: LIVER: YOU MUE to win good -will, to be surprised at�receiv­ Cent, softly." Shp. papsed. 'Suoh� thifigs,­ said Melicent. I, Are they, 'Then Your 'eWilAy'll lose its Smart'- I � . costames sent,in competitlon�'it be t1iE BEST -Tk 'hidoldbilremedy.' Ing it. -,,'You wonder Who could have repelled a ffi.'Fremaine 21, . . 11 -1 I I . Y't When Clinton entered - Af!rs. Mathieu's said,'with -the aitera;tion of .a' Word, that There is only one way by which any disekso can creaMfre So* gentlej so childlike, so almost ."Do they speak, Clinton?" ask am v n 0 a ae­� Let ine have your hGaTti" he pled- parlor, he lound AM y dud Rene p6ring over feminine," said Mr. Fremaine. B i. I � i they are like -Tolanthle' ' s� son Streplwn, be curedi and that is by r a i g th a u ut .hosC 'a nursery, Sir whatever it may be. The great m6di6al authaor-1 y I " said she; rational down to the, waist. There' is, for 'itles of the day declare!, that nearl !tiffive none" "Nolleart! hosadd; 8111 o14 Bible,,an.d tracing the'ramifications remember, Daphne fled from �,pollo.11 When did you leave th neritio is every olleeilsel I nforted-­ 9,,axi, iiiyolved pedigree; assisted by the* Melicent ootanoe,, a demure Quaker gray i caused by deranged kidney go,un003 ir !t, ppektk, 1,,She felt an t: ad Mrs�' Gardner, with con- sorliver.To restore[ -t b id, Be Lu. -Oliver?" ask kirt Mine a broken heart mus a. 11 � � "I - s costume, under the simple of. which. thbse'her6foreis way by which health on a a yness in lei ,cap on won ure as ac 6 id UeN urke Allis- c ere-Warner.?14, safe Ibi's 7oursill a,n4'she lauglied low; W6reseated on�highibkoked chairS at the After a moment Mr. Fremaine wenli on. !I Once-'W)in Rene was Mithe Bea�sido ieve 1 s:grea repfititi a th a oven, OV Zivided , undergarment, but on directly upon the hiolueys and liver "On' Doil't You see? other end of a room, � and, Mr. Marrable Lo.ve," he Said', meditatively, ani -he looked for a mermaid for a whole it. 4nd bl. I preperibed it long ago,". tion. the kilting round th6 ng them in a healthy condi ion drive woo Amy, you' Bearer inspec a seeing that you suffered,so. hovered between the two groups,,ami4bly inexplicablo-as nature. ailubt account month," remarked Melicent. 'bottom- of the short Shirt is found and Ilain from the system. For all Ri4bey, Liver What so blind as men can be?" 'doing the honors to each in turn. The young for his vagaries. "We Cannot foretell them. 'Bhoul& ask Rene to tell �'you about'hig Mori; and Urinary troubles,' for the distressing'dis- man Was anxiouslybent on making amends -We cannot �Lova is him � f to be ofintinued by a kiltind on the lower orders of women, for malaria and physical Haawroly known beforei" fo L ga,insay them.. a I all in aid."' rt of the irousers legs. L A vest following troubles generally, this great, remedy'has new r what he thoukht Melicent would con-' -without law,�beyond conjecture." I 'But Amy Shook 'her, head. Sh6 did not pa eqal. Peware of impbstors, 'inaitations and, Wbisperedhe Sider as very Strange'.- behavior on th you, took R � no t' ' task last xnu'ch'likb, talking about the Supernatural -th - a figure,easily'and a loose jacket. trimmed concoctions Said to be just as good. ' . - I' What a cure you had in store I " I 0 11 I, thought a 0 with'silk form the,upper part of Di I previous evening, :and as, soon as'lid could' Big this 008' ForDiabotes ask for Warner's Sa'J' yowd have,suffered all the more lit for belie -Ong- in love,'il amid Melicent, and Bb e, rose., e in.] Matu axe fooliieh things"' said she. disengage himself from Mrs. Mathieu's SxmlIBg,, a tume, which is the- de'sign- of a Parisian betel; Cure. nd glad that Clinton was�lno Whali the gentlemen followed, they found, nzodiste, Mile. Viiai.,� 6he also seudix a For sale by�all dealeirss libspitalities, and Mr.:Marrable's profdie 16, grace dane gar the topic.. 1he ladies seated on the Stone to ing costume of blae Satin an 11. H. WAP.NIE R 0 Laugh, and the,world laughs vRth and, pompouB dourtaBibs,- he. took a Beat So .1 didi" Said Mr. Fremaine, canaidlT; outside the windoWS of the draing-room, Silk, with lace waistcoat ana jacket body, Ont.; Rochester, N. Wi you a ow me your rose-gi Y.; London En which, however I Weep', and jou weep al you'; b'4sid 1 6 her. Melicent and -Mr. Freimainb "I fancied that fove-as.ati itIfluence-was h %rdezz becoming it might be to a the sad a had,been conversing, pleasantly. . Melicent d earth must borrow it� rairth, almoot'extinct 9moug the: young Irian, Of now,2" aid'"Rene to Amv. Well formedwoman, would. at p�ep6nt be But has trouble eniiugh� foi1ts. own. I . iked her' friend's father v6ry much. He the rising generation. I *ss glad to findl� -,.,Shb a eented, axid � t&y descended the considered, to Bay the ibast,..advhuced. 3 hills will auswei`�­,,,� I r OiBsing the Sing; and tlio M aS polished, clever, , kind. Above all, lie woo wrong. ' For myself,- I evoutly beli6�e­ Between these two costumes are several . sigh, it is lost on the air; t .,the �ardea, and, or The echoes bofind to, a joyful. sound,"' 'was Amy's parexlt�. But She drew �the now gsbd through the shrubbery 'with baggy double continuati6ns, Which, IS. ..SURE, CURE, .in the powervi! love." But shrink from voiding caxe. omer into -the con;vbrsatiori at once. to C -dear said Amy, coming,ac oss whib had; per ume can Papa been Wnt with syringa -eally divide the cares hardly fbir. h1l'diieases of'th'e Kidneys and I hey 1. Mr Fremaine was just telling me of', -a` th before, but � which no w seemed to �1,joice, find men will seek you; the rdom, I ani'afiaid 1 havek o double, the. plegsures ofJthe ;eater., , More, soa Of* his' foreign experiences," she Said., Bhed-s�vedtn LIVER Urieve and they turn and go; long time,'but I have been mitich, inter- be-the-toinb-of-vaill of ddeiign iinportant He'advises me to travail but indeed I' SO It has specific action on thin zabat They want full measure of all your pl easure, a Mithiellhas.be.ii talling.me Do you know the � history of this But they do not heed Your woe., tid iiement. Mine -is u' sted, Mrs. gar-. aturally a oticketing suit with­�a short, loose. fitting orgaiii,enabling it to threw: So manyi den ?". She asked off torpidity arld Be glad, sad your friends axe many-;, curious things.". I - Be sad and you lose them all ving spirit. 'tunic'&n.d trousers Which seek no conceal- inaction, stimulating thehealthy'secretion-of" ro ,I have been in no lxair�, my child," . 'Yes 11 he sai;� "It was laid out,Y7 ment--�-a dress like one . which. hAs- been the Bile, and by keOping.thel bowels in'ft I eoa� I ja Lady XBrIe Murdooh,.who. lived her w th ''condition eilecting its regular disoh . arge'. There -are none to decline your lnectared Wine, I do, not"recommena,you to travel, Miss a �, worn for Some, -time; it is Said, by*a young said her father, affectionately.' Miss I !if you are. suffering from But alone.you must.drink lifels gall. Du'� Lysi". said Clinton. 11 The fariber Lys has been-eht herfather: about.i hundred and fifty years 'lady Who joins h6k brothers and friends in miiaria to melancholy l'become. ining ins., !malaria, have the a afield I�go, the Me ar a 'Da 'ago"' near] �'six Feast, and your halls are crowded,,, o?clo6h. and the playing the game ai;6 bilious, dyspepfi6, orcomstipated, ey Like -me and my father,'! said Amy. In theL hieve d q It d lbft the, S Past, and tbeworld goes by bode I wort win a For, inatauce,,, g Lyse and . Fr6maines 8 Two costum­eo' from the United States, c S , eg relieve. Succeed and give, and it helps you live, %yeiy, and'instead iher6-aie. gamim fight- I But libw-was,that? I thought Delysmerd �p g StL erop to c es te together. Mrs. MathiAiv stood ' h' n' L L 'in, ev n can help you die. Ing and Lgirli cryi sent by'ladieg who have for several YeArg' one should, a a the 0 0 it. Bu o no man, ing I 11 -hasten to Ro aa Thokeisroo: in the baIlsof pleasure me, lattice and looked after th belonged to you uniil�it belonged to us had the Courage, of their opinions 'and have. ',,n- SCLD113Y DROC.0 Piilce.41' in search of'Spirituality, and a � monk tells d So�jt didi ButAfter the '15, y ances- For a Iarge�arld lordly.tralia, That is 60 gly gight,�' She observe U worn'Rucdh for- their ordinary Ares are ly, n we Me a,'deliberate lie I I betake iiiys6lf to so mreL : 'tarts, certain inButorialayo a raust all file Pri" tor let the place foi- a time to Lord Murdoch, Through the narrowi aisle Qf, vain., . The; Fremain ups a innocent of Skirts.' One oftbese of Hindostan, and'expect to find, primitive and'thbn Lady Anne made several iinprove'w -,By Customs. and JOL I Co but they areilice people th 71 f navy blue serge, consists of,16686 ilatrJigue,, nd � Mantel Jacket, moat 1. ILrushLto and,tlieDu-T-,Vsfir4,Abouia,f!orega, sr. a. , , a ter. the '45 t at vesb, pegLtop..trousers a art B It was not till: h do OBtjLC nd long cloth gaiters. Spiteful scandals g f hole estate.": -L I to white 91lear L 946". Egypt, and hope Sublimity,: and, . as I sides,'I see� �rogxx ationg oUa, good day Your ancestor the w Perhaps -the best. ally of the -dress . reform. 3 - 'for - 11 zzj , y,'.. said:., Amy, musingly. glimmering Y� 'Coming. The Dd L Be may,, enjoy their t Seems a.pft ers may prove lag As the little white heaxse went, b gazeat the S&iaxi. am devoured by mos- YL S Yoa should not think s,,, Miss Frei, to be the tricycle, for you The man on the coal76art jerked his linew quit ebl,�- L own againyet." ladies. who have! learned to Lenjoy the free- W0,MAt,0P.N Or WMW And smutted the lid of either eye tYou eiee wonderfully Sighed Mr. Maine." 3 business signs ddin of"movenpnt necessary to the running 3 T . HE H OL P . E. 0 with7, And turned a;nd started at, tht, Both his auditora lauglied., Marrabis. "I trtisti it ma 46 for the dear It Bift I do! Melicent, would queen it L' of a machi a are-Lnot'likely to resume SYMPATHZE- WIT Aa the streWi car driver stopped and beat 7 here with farmore' ery. You are,. indeed, a miserable, creature, young lady"g. fiappiness.". grace thanI do.'.' out s6aeimpati6nde oth'B which'rewbrict T.'� E Till his a as 6n the long track reached -the sky- said kr. Frema ine'L with playful raill Hisbandii on�his shoulder,land gazed up street RAC Who talked of, 7wr happiness, my dear I never, trouble MkSelfL..about spjlt wh� -iie. went glimmering by.. mconfessed Clinton. The, mote, t their motions and load them with a useles Nale te hoaj ilk," said Rene-serelibly.. 11 I am conten tricycle a Uri Marrable ?"' exclaimed Mrs. Mathieu Oj glit. The riding - dress Shown I- trivelytho more age me thatLthe,' sharply.'' I, How could.the �iil be unba 1pi with wbut.1 have.� .1,o n forpos in to'be 9 iable, -for its little white btiars6 wbrit'glimmering by� P, 'B "L: world iS` had and� unhappy; It is a fair. i, I sessio by Mrs. King see B u gerpettoid'azaggeol'shild whom Reji6 fav6rs'?" n pose, and:tbe combinatiozi in' it' of- epj�ded walk; and sbe knew'not why; )plel rotten at 'i -core-, a-gaudy'dreSs, R 6fcan'L With "'Than -you Would not like, to be very pur 41 Sue T' cried -, the, old gentl* , the �,-- riding, tiouserei. and kbidker- But he gaveher a coin foi:,thd Way: she smiled ailith rags dud leprosy underneath I I a Btarti I . never thought rich boc ker. affected . by , the use of a And a,bootblack thrilled With a pieb�suro strange was believe," he'added,' lo*ering -: his voice,. I'Vialicent and I have enough. We ha,ve garter -strap. be I low the knee Is. i genious. put back his change thinking of dear Melicent Du �Lis and Mr. 0 live III me D61ysford th remains." i it.,, a L Dr..JohnHolmsends o Bauch 'up Asa ilstOrcer , 0"that, with all its,firi a6 urdities there is F the Retire t,aud enough money t WitA kindly hand and a grateful si-h- a As the little white licarse went glim ring by in a ostum less dissimulation an any- My, �dear Mr. Marrable," said- 'Mrs. die'�wear in a gymnasium'An "Why do yoa "i �, g�ijcent and L I, ? Where else in the world! d Meliceut, As the little white'hearse went glimmering by� I am glA youAbink,so,?'Crie Mathieu, Overcoming hot inonlentary irri. di which the Lini; System is followed. Itiss A man looked out of a Window dim, ., L . , , a tation, 11 pray do not� indulge Such i notion. Some, %yyou will loseMelicent.11, loose tunic, depending from what is, in were wet and-his:l: , d personage. and a I I .11 " And his cheeks wart was &Y- pleased that a,­tra�elle likely, but at ptesent.she is 'mine." 0 Id-Mr.F'remaingiB not -at all likely to naarry, dressmakera' phrase,' deocribed, a4'a town to� .0 � 86- ' d ­ . I . . .,Yoke Nor a dead child- even Were dear to him I stranger'.'should prefer hei, ustive in!my,opill-1911, and as'tOLM6lioent­--�-w1ieu Ahd-you'hr fond of her V' UniVer e: beside. 1) knickerbo And be thought of his empty life and said the 8 lyfiford a brother ty I an . I ckers. An attempt to Lbvelesa alive, and loveless dead- entlie she marries Elbe will ge:to Clinton. Besideg, Amy. II � wish I had had ineet,the conditions of thecomJJeiitiOn by We �Alf have We For wife nor child in earth or, sky has' xio he'& of dissimulation, 'It has iel affair you dream f would not givle the, As.the little while hearse went glimmerin by.. I tl Q a dress in a� different oty.1 from any of, 9 nothingio6onceal.,7 No" no I MtifftLbeirto keep4libin wis as.- property back'io the Du Lyses. those. noticed'is made in a costu Sant Soji amuses itself by an extravagance Tt me y( on.aisthd'bridegroomipi'c'ture-to "Theysay- )u ]-are very.. proud, Mr. Dir -10r, ibibition from Florence to the Bar- observed Lys," remarked'A OL,barmless ogMr.; Fr6i� . Ieult to my. llav� you forgotten"where we stood; djfr I Be skid Mr. 111arrabl OneSS Hilga Von,Cramm. It is intended 118,111'a 0118,�WM61i'mac -lie migitak I Bull Said the old are hite Between tbe light6� that nighCof spring, Mal le' it is'Lilartly" de I cannot Perlia,pal' they right. for an evening dress, and is w dashmere and Satin, Ahe long.simple gown g at Delys- of fine cide whather'lle was. laugbin' pKLds that wilds me to DelJlefford.' Tbe.river tolling to tha'flood, lady. So sad the biroig', they dared n t mt red- ford or at his. companions'. � Malice t is � at pity, to jot, uto Sing.? Then Mr; Marrable' consulted hiei;i�atch a pro,ud,'�- -,said, Awyliv, Bb or 1 btb*d,&`-ratber with no wa Nd love was ever drearn;o. like� his, dolled. She was peculiarly Sensitive to -111), I . . , I . . .. tiwai Beneath the, shadows of the pairk I am afraid'I must,be running aw4y,' � �6. am not proad. I Sely, gathered In uder the arms'is b Between 9, whisper'and a kiss, ridiculel., But sho'was not,beaten.7 eve ri d 9" he Side i, LYDIA Z 121-NKHAWS I said, as he'had said. nearly'eveiy. afternoon Have you' r. fou d me prou on each n �order.td show,the full blue Between the &Ylight and th kv Yowmiy scoff Mr. Fremsine,'t ,lie i suddenly. foghscoreofyiears. II dine atsix,and gaxah aske6 �Turkish an unexpe8t6d I" L I I - no .. , , . I ceive a There. had been troirble-thig Was rest,' Ob quarter t a 'association have 'to I d" said reproacliftill.;..' tBut. 1, at * least, is very punctual. I know I cannot par.- 211 h TA D There had e;�erlasiing 'goodness, and ex. "I Then wh do oude you to forego,your�,*ea and Blia ' you accuse me, proof of intereSiL in their undertaking. �k -Sixie Jbinle. for ait. kiifALE.lWFAJK �4ng ill the West haugfiesS Joy,iii, Delysfqr1' re my T13o sunset d: h mutfou;Chop, but it 1, could' induce you to BeA6e,!., she said, he�itatingly "I Awbrking woman in Bow gondi:acos N*�SES,, � Yxiell itteticurrhaia, 1117- maills nature sigh and'whispers Ana\I lia�e found t a deepest repose,, When', I ee -that'' you. are a per' I only felt what I had foand, come in at- nine- o clock, shall'be f 1. that. son who turne of: gray' lin' se.V',' COUS19ts � of a re"lar 'and a most\profound peace, -and the: thoo. Would g continuous garment, og�l aS You only know wht I Would say, - ill taking it, glass of wine and! water, I Should ive, ut never take.". _it Jg'CalLJed,,L a Inflamination anti Ulcerailwin of dlike.elevaionof thougbtin L' 0 . Ire Spot in How do you raean ?-he asked. But nothing broke profoll go be infinitely pleased Jf -you will honor inbinaiion ve h"'h u '\L,,I'Cl_ t Between clYe darkness 6ndthp day. DelyBford,". Ila ooi� think' "I cannot explain if you,do not uud,' co st and trousers, over, w ic the We Ill, Flooding, PRO-. me. so far; I' I -can, answer for. it : r* looBd,'6h6rt tunic is to be W(Prii. , All:the APm Where?" -As. @a Mr. Freinaine. stand 'i said Amy, "But 1 06 SUS UTERI, &-e.l me .0 efficaclocs'am 171inia. late IDd ys?a gardo�n returned f I Y .12 '6uld'In6t pick'a-rose Lout 0 ad IIOW"�ifl it bnaL? .A. cannot ell, Itin iss able tlii' offer you. go* weigh of the dress, itwill- �be .observed, is Pleasant to the f Shoulders vv 13U 'thrown �6xa .:th hereas: e0thelp in. fref;nazcy,,:au re-, lVes of au�,b6nlil,felf: PP afore th6lei h old iB�oa. among t evespainduring at and arregular perlodsi� 'b 1 appears,. t e,i,better op he And obange(i to:Wiutbr'swa6te'0'f do murmareil't 'a thig;prden,�ior" t iels D UL Lys. a gar em said Mi. o117SICIANS USE IT 4)1R07RESf,,f Tot a lohi a y my own. ouse, a u your r .0 0 as y, all Fox rema" returned'he. '!:Good- Ou wou h ot take ilt,;btit You migh't- 0 as.-. :I.,,A,nd, pray wh re da he weight 6 the h' coveri�gthe low'br,part-:c� thle bod 6i the kenerativ or garden be, Miss D. LysV' d. 'is me'.give t �Mithieu. de6pt, it,' 8 o cri co i roun an no to no itimedit 1 W. afte'r600ii,' kra� S ]la* has ever he ayllhl do you hot know T'� Said,Melieent. - igtri utba' you ave nothing partioula , r ,to, ke'ep­,`yo'u 'at you thia-bujoll" been'lldipro publtej�iind�for all dl easee lef C48 ,'It is"on the top, of'the'hodse.�, It is -very you upon or above the'bips. �ea;n'c Sbir' is Y; it'is the geo�teat. home, mig about, She: plucked a cg6aniy; half -blown rose as itoo fall "L but for one,-driga l th "lit I t, ei&t? You. . I c re'fond of ciibbag6, I 'ten ered it him.; 13 Yl15O3lPLArl4TS6fEtft i Sle�k I A, LIT��n L�AD 1111-ligual-I am not sued it is noi,.tb�b,only one a She I 'to or], it i, rilp lknowalittIe lady wo a h"Slight. modifi., er ix� Engtaiii. 'But I wonder yPu doilh1know Fremaine, you-offer,me this?'' You do not Who wears.w hat of graen� ertai)Ily, car ain y� cations, Such, a costtilrie inight . easily be ind Great Relief in Its Use. All triinmed*with red, red rosoo, You Made xno,�Comfo 11 b MIt ',u kilow.what yu � age doing'? indulge ine Aoo -much .Mrs. Ma- table'and'safer' t, 9,111 a BILOOB P17RnrlM ofi �St Beside's It is Of'hi Cal inter r tYDIA E, FINKNA�M ben t Ion.'" vill.-cradicato every. veJ*6 of num-, from the Anti a blackbrd on the.brim. Ing With edge' tools 17i cried Rene, hotl ceall Y.L It aB in that gardexi, ordinary style:9, f:dr6as. She ties it on witk . ribbo . ns,' -that is, W I i It affords me pleasuarej Mr'. Marrable.11 11 Take it I" she,commattled; imperiously. lood; at thb.same time will gh�etlmo alod streingth W I 66'6eirtaiii agirologer predicted to Sir -,, 11 neifi-the,towfi.11 thasystem; 4�ZnaiveUou'sinm6Lu.1tsuth4ComDound. I am indebted to dear Mrs. 11canuot. Awoul&,pi An Irish [71. P ­'Cha Ile LVReth the Corwlpolun.d!�nd t1bod Purifier me. pre. loroftautilnesitsbree7y'� Henry Du `.-Lyg, ',.A serpent will' possess r ID " 1. t When she conles.1ripping ln.� - but' the, Mathieui Aurevofr!"� Why Should ill to JiLriglit P�ed i: 23.1 and'23, Western 'Avenue; Lymp Mass!' Delysinere, wiles -of wonIan ill Then the old gen1leman.".departed'-to. It will, die for lack ofi ts ownrichho'lue 01 Ise Of COMM0118 YeSter. Price iEfeither, 61'� Slxb6�tic.l for $5., Th c�Coe*pptwad Circumvent t a serpen SP& -he will'be 1 Fromaine." In the British H .she'll i1rop a Teiterate to Sarah his ins 128 Concern.. Qrlii of pills; or 0 lozenges, on W 'h@ther Ekes -member fog "l"by,mail ,In the f day afternoon Mr. . McCbain, receipt of price, 81 per box far eithr. Mm Pinkhasin Ferha� she'll throw a kiss ingthefficandeau of chickenariaZelicate It must ''die,,anyhow-w e -,�EiMri I—. - L.Wb;L, ­- , -it or you. � Take I let"ters of; inqdh�y.. -Fnelose 3 cent undrbol , 4egen gs lie Many 1i Thaiiis on jute�estiDg said Mr Wicklo.w, stated that Mr. O,K Ily, M.P.1or That oil custard iah were to be o MMon, had 9tainp., Send for parnphict. never miss. I"einainib, With a. I manot he repeated. It would be. L OSCO S 'him a challenge L Mathieu's evening moal -' du& the old,lad '.Why,& legend. de'thanded Clinton., through Mr. O'Brien because 'of, al remark With laughing, sunny glances welft happily up-Sisirg- to' don�her evening, a mistake.l" pf I She coice�, heri friends to�grdef; Why 6b'dald old taleSbefklse, and.6ld pre- It i8y6u. who make the Mistake She K611y�eiL BUSpenSion There's not another maiden silk gown and. a becoming cap. rning O' dicitionavalAeless. Irom file House. , In making1li Statement. 44-soidiby all Druggiolo.--M ([i) InAl the world so swoetl ;Even in: private tho little comedy *aS cried. You are a proud man; I'deed I IL:&m afraid.tbe aii rologer knew What admirably pla ad. But i3ow. you Shall never have it, Ill. Mr. MCCO=��said he addressed his . coin-, 7-r= Was about;" said Melicent. ',He bad -s"during the Whiisu'utide recess Hernaine? Theroses tell tea! he stituoti,t With sudddfi'passiOu she threw the rose- 11 I . L ., WEAKNESS' 'Tis inthe blackbird's toine 1. knowledge and he.' wak�' re ' ported tod.to,please Sir i from her It, fell, aixing the id� his' specoll.,, This sniiliug little lholy, bu�, bushes a' wa;13- -Si anti ilacman's:., JounRox, ring to., -ND LA,SSITUDE-a:-YIELD�� TO! with &.�:soft crash- Then -with- exciteM6=. ''She the of O'KblJ It was a remar ably consoding. pro . I : Y ho­.Saill 'A i io s; She wasrembling t L eq;ll, said Mr. FrWaine. The djng�r at was the Eupposed to ph buere pass6d,delight-, 'd`eenxed�Rene-altogdth6i cold and impassive. th"e,; House at -leas !,rYou inav lau�b", Baj& fully.'. .9r. Freinaine sdiveyeA big �uasts , She would have t6ld, him So" had I L not the be, composed of gentle Men.., .. Mr, O"Brie NORMAWS-ELECTRIC, -BELT�, a r ';is. With BatiBf0b0tibIl. He Ile stood wrote him subei6queilyj asking . him'on it,wasmot inap�osite.' Th' Ji'uthwaS tb waW"wStching the restraints of custom �girt her in. A is the Angell all bluzhes and 5wiles:; B iq the Beau itt tbelatest bf styles�;.,, Sir Henry had. j 6st Con�plefed'Dol�sm ere. narrowly-, � find constantly. changing. before her' spee6less. . Yet he behaftpf Mi. Ol-relly whether lie a�ece�iedl 11 all! Orremedies fail Try one an� yotz� cold have C is the Comitihigwilth c&vidibs and,dream; Was Ctiog WithLpraoficed'LadroitneSs the ragponsibility for report. willbuqdr�,no,long6r. At tilip time hef: had', no son,. and 21-te, But 'Mr. D'S the bevotfou di%�Iayed'iix t4n dream - wrapped her rolifidWitil an endlees*embrao6. 11" 'BthO of 0031,40 feared that -a Nicholas n6ono else know and,41th the eicep. IMdboau said, he� had �given O'Kelly an did - we come, here?" She said, Every 13elt 0 V is, the Fatlier 6pporftig,�byforaa - Barry, would gei�d Gardner; was aware �St&mpix�AL foot".L.' "' 'opportunity to withdra*:the question, but maranteeq his revenuos­ In effect, tion of no one Lei us go ba6g.L" he had not done so.. Mr. Gladstone mo,vr6d Cire6l, ar , and Consultation Free' G is tbeQ.Toolarushing bEidto-1,iii's flatle; he lived xwA'Da1j;am6re,:avo�v'odly to super- that,& gUm awas � being play ed'At all. Wis the holloymooif; husband elate. 6, AMY.L She $he was an; �pp imbeDd-tbe bifflolers,while Silr. Henry moped Reno deveted himeolf t hat Mr. Rellybe r64�iesfed to a gar,xi A.VORMA xa­'�,east, Toronto�! I is tho �faut with colic, at wright; Clinton Amy- Rene'had,nevei "on before. But he' plaeo the 6 M N, 4,.Queen st at tbafefWaYS andibropded it hi,l had throwr himself to, speak his fio-morrowi because"61! orits at bight; R6tremt But be,as IJisthe oyofthellar a dad� ,',big despondency of, the� day could , not trust. save op2e , rien - porous, .�a I Owi �W Messrs. U is the �MoWlefte comes,lato. FA f bdPre; and AS - joyiias'aii'd, playfut ' Mr, (To plaint niade - by Mr. McCoan. L is the Love that i turning to'llate ily do CoailbVaye, to,' ' &6- giei , fiimine. thought Moli6dnt itivaiiab], A.C,URE GUAIONTEED.: -in-la=o now Appears;. lady E mi O'Brian, Parnell, find She objildlied to the Way. y reference of.pxivate quarrels to Parliament 2ill-law fears; fier 'hbre; find th ugh' Sir Henry was charming, even when Sh6 evinced iftoBt N is the NaKvewhich on A Tale ofTele4-�rowph Ticking. O's the Obledi6nee which, be must sho, very old, and had had--thre-e-wives-already,. k Clinton's a6eiai'�. But tbi C '' - - Mr. Sheil. thought,it: -would suffi6e N - �Ir. AONETICft[�DW N 1. I _predilection fo Lowell, urier.) P is this I'loire pure ted of Wed. mccoan and Mr. Q'Kell She married him and they had a son. r evbuing.Bbe apl�eared.'spd6i&ll�.f�i3ei�ting.' Were bound Over Q is tbe'Q- uarr w I lauffoama anti W fie have 'always thought Nichol a p4ace. Mr, Gladotonafi'motiod, w td�; It ig the Iteiet 3 that he brakes, in the Aii, as Barry Wks $hb rallied SiT Oliver with , gentle plea' Awoli-to-d6-'i.oung' recently married 'to keep tb : I I th& 8 Separation and sorilo;V we see; I0 r R, serypnt,. a d Damp Emily satitr�; she appealed to.�Mr. Fremaine and started west on, his bridal - tour.' Th waB,cat ied: �RK. is the Transport,of hu sband now free woman.l! U is the Unon anew wit4i a bride; with sweet womanly deferenqe -, she won 12 a-ppY young couple were breakfasting at a g-,11 Sal smiles v'er and anon station �iating hou8b. During, the. repwit War it d Education. You axplain away everythin 'd from Mrs. 6atcl V is the Vixin he finds by his Add. naAIN ERVE FOOD,) T t Id-tetc between two gmart.Aleeks a in giving tb� tra4 'W's Wisbin,g low. freedom dgain Clinton, almost PC ulantly� 11 The;w0fla She , iutexrupted -the Wei. came i to the eating Too The following eauld t lieriende pu�chftsed With ppkl "Dinh abi table f1gures, ar it X N and oatei 1itur d wid Vowing, LTIale and F is . t.1 all our �gianitg', and Amy an'&, her lbrotlie'r with a grace that,was I themselves o - pposite the con- between the exp a. per hea on WL Posifively'cures Nervousnessin ALL its stages 't futrtisivel - :' . R YioldiRg once more to tha-yoko;. dwarfs'and serpent 4 are explained.?, 6 telograph and educ&tIon.W.the various Eur4kpean 'Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sexual Pros, `Rlo zany who laughgat the jqlie; , ' no paiticS. They wort "OnaL,Cannbt eat bread and'milk afte HOW lovely your roses'are, Amy," glie '�operwbors. By delicate poising� of their 'States, 'hich, have been Compiled by M. tration Nigbi,Sweatfl, Spermatorrhma L W PLU-00r, a '.a, 0, gI It re6tore a nd V` to tt 0 A cian, are a sounds in c ose imitation oftelegra&y. In very Mi , 'j, , L � . . s�, Ali I it theta, were Exhausted Generative orga'ns.za' UY eachl The bud is drearaing of Mai hour There are monsters still," said Meli-, bud ill -said Clinton. w.r. Jzig-e �of hey One Said gie"five War. Educaln. rd rfpr.TWULVE Pa L OkagOF1 accompanied With $5 Whola it shall bloom, a rose; the myatid, angu the i 0 . The dawn anticil)ates the d6wer conk sootbingly. 11 Though I live 6o,'qui. You should not talk about worms i' the' unitb the other *,,will send our Written quaantee -to rofnnd ShOXJld4 re Tile perfect day bestows; etly in this. go6d happy little town,� I bud, Sir O'liver-1 he, - Mr. Fre, AiWt sbe a daisy, though 7" Vianci,� ........... ; .. ......... I ........ ... 26 0 6' tile money if the treatment does n6f efroofa en The maiden hopes for all thirwg� ol .1 En . ........ ....... . ISL 6 3 I Fampblet ent free by mddl to anv address. sold TIP am not, ignorant of the sin and sorrow Maine?" cried Melicent. � 'In. a typical 'The party' thus addressed repliad,�,by 110f1larld ...... ..... ..... 17 9 3,.2 druggists at 50�, -When sheio orowtiedwithwom oJer box,, or 6, bftes. for: I'lalood' , 6utside." a', ill 3 & . 3 f "t Jun'elikd this, one ought' �to forget,such, clicking off:' 50, inii,led free postage, on receipt 6 he Wjly� like to -f6§ '�IiWouldzx't kiss be little. roon :��Xba - 11 9 1 9 y urt is what; JA�iqg%­,4 gbA Ap b h Don aone Sobering gore, -- you think so 2" an a len Of 4 0 he r'aYSLof gba� dawn are lost is 'And bid *i o2h. nd. dia(I haze: one. mass sacUeE;g,, . d shame, and 4!1 do, indeed," Mr. Frenimine. Wonder who.that old b1tiat, is that �she, 11uss1% .............. ........... 10 2, 0 it dayst home Sa 0 a tfUl; t , , replied . , 6,inaiii, �goubld,tr ilitoberable' failure We could not bear it is so'mach, to Make us glad has m-Irri6d L, 31%pritlsand Me Yao, Denmark ................ ................ 8 8 4 7 $5 to $20 U free. 8�gl'14196i; et�10� sr What -hi fo Y9u !or a momentif we r cio Italy ... ....... I ...... ..................... . 7 6 0 8 e4hodught about' it. And parsued'elie. lit Worms ill the budl,Nayi Soine go a n,.,re. Belgium ... ..... ........ 6 ...... 6 9 .2 3 We cau'p11ly,,f9ig6t it ..by -,believing thaL'Ol& .Sir...Olj�vbr�. Red .1r.bit Austria,.., ....... I ........ 0 8 Mythei, aiiio. true." -U ticamd'd at Berlin, -nay-,- plied .1 -1 1 ' - IR -T7 U-- green leavdei; and Shouts from tbe'llay-field, 'The groom -§tobd,�-Itc untfl forbearance Switzeriand .... i .......... 1-i ....... By-tbe-byo," id Mr.'Frema -and,- tywfiere I i Only. cease d . to be a virtual . w a also balanced Thin comliarison*, of course, fakes R sai ib:e-, hen h tjo,Abla distiguidlied German pbysiologiatll gTiUcess--i3ve the night CAN BE CURED IN SIX -MONTHS BY met art angle to-aay� on the towing-patb, Must come a his knife), and'alick, Click it Want L in rapid count'of the friglAtful waste on aged 73h at Bekne, as dded, v�.ith sudden'pen. tailed by te Switzerland,. from 'a not far from the Look Cottegel She w' SL ucce4sion.' It was intolligible.,te, the� very sacrifice of, tile abor ofable-bodied meti THE� USE OF lung 6,decti ent': of Which �,pretty'ljttle aiveness., on, for t4b treatm black-eyed girl, and She lay "Do You object to th& . .,nig V . period . of military 6arvice. NORMAYS ELECT90ilCURITHE h asked' cute twain that had !recently made fun of during the 19 he ilci gone s6litik. upon bar side 0 gracefully -'a2 A young -its auihor� ` WhenLinterproted it mad: N rs.' Qardnar. Tbe,ChLJ'6ago Nter 'Ocean says Iarfial xxy1npb,andwatrbed:heifI6at upon thowater it takes away the day,l! Said Meli- - "'D:mAA Sing: 11 am SuPeriatende4, of. I The Jacksonville' (Fie.) Tira�s gives the Warranted to hold.and be,comfortab *the tiAegrwph. line upon w ic you wealtIA60not insune great happiness; with-arert, bright intfifitness, slic had Cent' 4ilgllingi h' h' ' work.' following description of L ilia dulness that' Circular free,. ndeeditis qfteca the cause of much miSery.11 beet; pluching forget-me-nots, and they lay It 1S' the ti' t who the im;mOrtals You vrill, please Bond your . time to. Lead- sets in thera at the close of tboAnvalid nae n 3 q.A 'Is W,th� in J"T C >' JR, r M' L HOW trute this. obs'ery tion We have InL a blue a d green pi - Close 16 her red carouse," Said olinton. "�Cdine a quaoidrS apa resign your p6Bitioiis at once. season INo baseball, no yachting, no Be a a and 113afore. She made quit lure I ' p to the fairy-ring,'Migs Dd Lys.'! Yorg, ro ing, no fast 0 gymnasium,- 4 QUEEN 8 oft6n feltr unhappy� even Mi r bl 11INTt';I513,14T or driving, n T. EAST, TORONTO. attributed it,to bhe:toFnjd state of our liver. asked her name,. and 'tty, And get xn� ��eot wet -hig-hobbiug but drearyL But we weta wroln . g. A Was, our wqalt I b prettily that I gave her id K Ohl, , rand catch a bad Songfor =9,rk lighted, oi.pexic She c0ldT' cried She no I , Rene, you our lo n labor of holding, up L the a weelt.in your Own t6wn. .7%ims' and I ti , I & ' , 1 4 Se: spring to St WiN come aga, . $46 that ailed us, was d I a 'at, I & 'not believe nfairy-iings-you mu in. 19, p outAt frde. H. ff,&Lt1DtTj% Co., Par ey �i- h. onth aanse th ys rough ours ISTS II