The New Era, 1883-04-20, Page 4( rtioWAT AT' CLINTON— TEM Pla NC.L" .env �1vcv�z�cru,eu#: cabinet Photos—Poster & Bayley. j-1\.Jackson. hpiln 114ihvcry—R• Beesley. Soots <} ,hoos—W. Taylor 3, Son. Dome-, c ruttertts—A. Hale; post' , ''; sale—Seager S, Mortou. Hurt' 1.. ,W Peter Cole. x•arm ' sale --Thomas Burke. Sale oY4rui—Cameron Holt :0 Cameron. sugar (ane—M. Beatty & Son. -Jlopair shop—Joues Ward. Farm t• rent—S. Morley. Auctioneer --D. Dickinson''. Notice to Creditors—J. Shanley. Unequalled—LstatelJ. Hod;-ena, .. Auction Sale w.:C,,Sear•le, (gXX1ttpit tit. FRIDAY, 'APRIL`20, 185. • EDITO1UAL TO1`ES -.-- --r Pxi.Ss despatch 'says that -"au Anne rican editor was=robbed "of $300 at Ham Mon:" ' The word American is uunecces- ' s:iry there for it Would be difficult to rob a Canadian editor of that amount;' i!x:osis-PBT•iTION Ens been filed' in the East Iluron election case; against' Mr. T. 1;. Bays. It begins to look as if the Con- servatives will get more than theybargaila ed for, in election. trials: • Ham► tidi, government purpose to raise 'a .,attnding army forCanada, but if it is of no more good than the 'standing navy we lately ,possessed, it won't be much. All the good our 'navy did was to cost us about *60,000, besides much anguish and, vexa- tion of spirit. - I�IIAtfoappears to•e:fist in every de-: tie partmentat, Ottawa, incl; -the government` seems to aid rather thea checktheifraudtt lent. It has just bccu;niade public that a numbe.r'of printing jobs, which should have. been done by the 'government prn tors, wereiatidec' •o�-cr to newspaper'. friends Of the go`•erunieut, `and actually twice as much Amid for the wok as should have been, nine this with the knowleclge and -consent of the Ministry. • Spring Show carne oil at Seafo th o T e day `.c.11.E. London 1^'rev Press, releiriug to; last, and was,' as usual, well attended by spectators, and the prizes competed•for'by a: the fact that farm hands are already scarce; good list of ic•st-class stock. Although •• the earance-olit- states that "the only solution for this pro tle�diflerent the season afrom-anotheri;t the blew -trill be the giving of Substantial ell < deep interest •.taken in the -raising 'or good couragemcut to men of i'aiuiily to Settle ou: stock is so strong that these shows most. al• The'folloWing letter fromthe pen of Mr. J. T. Wilkie, Clinton, appears in the Hamilton Tribune, beino• evidently sent to that paper- because of its pronounced temperance opinions. We re -publish it to set at rest certain .reports which some jealous opponents have circulated. Six;, -My attention has been called to comments of the Mail newspaper. con- tained in its issue of April 4th,under the caption of `A Rift in the Lute:To .re fate all the falsehoods and insinuations contained in the two eolumns would re- quire too much of your space„but there is one point on, which I think the _public mind ought to be disabused. t refer to the allusion to the dining and wining,” "Belshazzar n his cups," "Dropped cigar-- ends•-under-j-the---shadow-of-_-a-gfriendLS ,fence;'' anddstu'lt like Sir, •Lent pleased to be-ableto infon y_ou,_assy_ou_.are,__ri doubt, equally pleased to know; that the banquet was conducted on strictly tempe- rance principles. The toasts were drunk in water, and not one drop of intoxicating liquor ofany description was furnished the guests. There was no "wining" about it ; "Belshazzar" was not there'; no friend- ly f'ence was required. Furthermore, the speeches were just as temperate and. as strictly in accordancewith truth as the viands- werevoid of intoxicants: , I`may here add that there were a goodly sprink- ding' present of Conservatives; and their families, who consider social morality of major importance 'to party triumph, and had supported Ross and Gibson on the grounds that they both area staunch temperance• advocates, while their •oppo- nents were'not. These .persons saw no- thing so objectionable in the speeches as; to .rause them to .retire. Their ladies. heard nothing, so vulgar as. to cause, them to''leave thehall till after twelve o'clock' —the insinuations of the Mail to the con- trary 'notwithstandiag. Wasn't, it awful, Mr. Editor Conservatives and their ladies at a Grit gathering till fter twelve o'clock, and all because these . obnoxious Grits: will:. persist iii advocating tempe- rance. }T' AFOhMI. SPRING :SHOW. Jaffe Tucl.erEurith AgriculturaI Society P n the farmsteads -all tlfe year round, as is, done,iu'England;" • We mightinforrn our: cotein. that this; practise' is followed. by many farmers iii this ,county,`add. "as it works 'to advantage, will likely become irno re general. . THE London Advetiser refers, With. surpriae, to the 1 ict that the Tory papers continue, to assert that in the matter of'- . coal; the consun)ei• does not pay the duty,. • 'There is no -cause for surprise. The ma-. • •;jorit' of.'lory papers have no regard what- ever deli tinily and hutiesty-, and cdrise-: cfuently lir al.c whatever: Statements will • best suit patty exigeneies, totally! regard-: Icy:, (,f.f'acts. .7.hey. .would' to -day assert ti t 1)1acand to morrow re vu the order if it gutted their'tiurpose; Tali flit, lair discussion,' On principle, they inivci aiet t,Pit' ie:ni:,t-est intention of. is n teriUg 11 Op 11 rig la0 (J .u' 61 'nic ,i i,ctblic jilati11.1 k tott'i l:i:ady; that on the liiltttlr rinestion one r colitiral putty. was ;just ai •kind as another. • That stateutent is . . ,.not in accord ance:ltith flit )dl'thetet i-. per ire. gielation which the people of this :Province enjoys, euianatecl front mein- l�ir5:of t}te ltetirtlltdc.Lrty, Wh tt aie the ("rooks s and Scott Acts ;'1 Fow Hindi h tv.e the leaders of t.heConserv.ative.party dorie- for. Inc ,cause of temperance'? We don't, Mean to say that all • on the -Reform side are temperately inclined, and all- on' the Conservative otlierlfise;,by any, means, but —x�e-clo_unhesitatin ly saythat,_as_ti_lia,r-y-,_ • the Sorrier practise and proach temperance principles More than twice as niticli is'the latter; and we defy proof to the. contrary( Cly A.I2Ni 1x .tlri•Orange bill came tip in order in the"T`Touse of Comrnolts for its second reading,: but was given what 'is -• railed the six rstontlts hoist, by:,a votc'`of. 106 to 70. Clais.result iswhatwas espect •eel from the first, as it is we] l known that the Glere•s of quebee are opposecl.to mak- inn the Qrangc soerety.legal in 'that pro- - Liner, and they are the party that at pre - rent are ruling Canada; •As Jar as regards the Orange society of Ontario, it does-n,ot make an atom's diffcrence,as any: and every individual society cilli. become,incorpor'at-. ed and enjoy ;ill the,rights ad.benefits of incorporation by t'aktng the -':necessary steps at a very, ; trifling ,cosi Over r Jifty -.iovcrnrnont supporter c voted tri, favor of he hoist. l.I n. :I'.\ uito`v , 1\L 1':, of Huron, is a scnticman who has found a very`far-reach-. effect ofthe N. I'.. ft-1ms, Ire coli= told s, Made 1,116 Bens lay afore eggs, cans-: id the pig to ;;row 'Tatter, tnd t;tdi.e cOtys to dive more mill.. • `.f'hcie Ia andther'ef� •'tact which Mr; 1arrow might reasonably - ' claire :for the .;A.I'., it has turquestielnabliy 'given hinl an opportunity to render him- (" more ridiculous.---1jcindon.kdVe' riser. ways attract :a large gathering, and on this occasion the interest was shown\by nearly four hundred paying au entrance fee to see. what mak be seen in. other places •,without. charge; .--The ; following is the prize -hit Heavy draught horses—d entries—lst`Thos. Colquhoun, Glengarry; 2nd 'Chas, •.Mason, Just: in Time,; 3rd John,ITyslop, Btsmark.`'\' Three-year old heavy draughts -3 entries=.- 1st ntries=1st J. J, Parish, -Scotland's Farewell; 2nd'' James. Morton, England's Glory;.:ird'John 1VIeldillan, Pride of'Burgone..• Two-year•old 'heavydraughts-2 entries lst iIortori'''& Innes, Pride of Avon'; '2nd John McMillan Agricultural: and general. purpose horses -6 entries -1st Itorton &,Innes, King John; _2nd John Rogers, Pride of the Rest. Road .and; carriage Horses --6 entries -1st John'fieaconl, ;Tontine 2nd J. J. McLaugh- ling Sorrel Cloud.; .3rd Cleo, Whitely, Swal- low Colt Sweepstakes-best'borse of any age ---"Thos. (•lolqulioun, Glengart_y ]lulls aged .'Durham -2 entries=lst., A. Elcoat ; 2ud''delm Hannah. 'Two years, and under three -1 entry -John Torrance. Gnu }ear and '.udder -:, entries-lst'Janies Dcufison ,'2utl'tl. l ieoa.t. •ledges for' Horses, -W. J. Dickson, bfeKil- lop _'J'osrph.Atkinson. Tnehersmith ;' John (,ovier, Huliett; John O'Douohue, Stratford;; Alfred Roe, !Brussels; Leonard Hunter, 'U's- .I: t, And following days we will be pleased. -to have you -inspect our 5(.1UT1I.HURON :SPI'l\TG;SHO\V �.. The spring show of entirestock under the auspices of.the .S.H.A„S. came off at Bruce field” on 1Vednekday last, .and, as : formerly,. was the show of theseason, 'entries being•nu merous and attendance of :spectaotrs large, and the very bet stock in the county' being shown; Th'e decision for prizes in the _aged heavy draught was a very difficult matter, as three cr four of the animals were of such ectua-1-2nalitYrthoughklifleriiig-in-some-pointer w - that it was hard tosay which should, take precedence,Jan d a daflerent set of judges, might. have reversed' tbro•c Order: ,Nearly all the - horses.wereiii .good condition, ani well got y►_ up, giving a! good appearance. Great interest was,'niapifested in the show of balls, . and their different points *erewell discussed, showing an increasinb: knowledge and interest in this-.class_of. stock, '_The. yearling bull of Mr. .Jas. Dickson. for which he paid *400, to the Bow Park Company, of Brant county, drew all eyes arid was the subject of ;severe. criticism. Most of the young bulls were very fine animals, and spoke well for the,euterprise of their oiviners,as, several, of them: were brought from a distance The entrance fee of.fifteen cents is.an innovation some do not like, but some` means must •!tie; used to raise money for prizes, and the higher the prizes the better ,Mad ,'more '' numerous the entries` As AIr, Farrow actually made the state-, in ents he is 'ereil ited with ;ibotC, we heed only say we, together' with evciry seitsibl0 pat: ora ill 11, 1. n only regret; that a riding• . in fbe eouttty.is, represented list -i p)ersou _ _so ,1pparently destitute of common sense. But, lliese foolish utt0rail ees of Mr....Far• row are scaicoly to lxy s~, onuercd at when, we thinly of the vast nun" era there are in the.country who unagiii. that.tl e country t can be enriched by' so legislating that the - old.sawof "Robbing 3?eter to pay Paiil;" is an accepted right, and acted upon: Al- though. Mr. Farrow was a school master;' he doesnot appear to be heavily freighted with that class of goods that wduld have behefittea the e0rnmt�nity much by being: Abroad. °' IES_. OF l ALL THE LEADING S.' Heavy- Draughts J. entries 1. Glengarry, 1 Colquhoun • 2 Prince of Wen, J 1 1 isher , 1 arnaer s Glory, T L:utner 'Ihrce }cars old—3 'entries -1 1-lero.,-.If. j Love ;2 lingland's.(fiery, Innis & Horton;, 2 J)rummei, G. Nettc' I'wo years Old -4 cntries-1.Pride of Avon, Innis' & Royton •, 2 Prince Victor, T. (olenian; 2 Massa, J; Ilattenbury. Agricultural ---1 entry ---tots Miracle, Jas, Three years' old -Li .entry --King Joltn,Llnnis & Horton, ' Two year old - l entry. Young Wellington, J'. Cann. Aged General l?ni'poso 2 entries—) Cham- pion, .Barber; 2 Sampson, Wm..l'crdue, 'Carriage and•Roadstors-7' entries --1 Ton- tine,~J. Beacom °9 Sorrel Cloud, 'J. J. Me - .Laughlin 3 Archy Bourbon, J. 'J. Fisher. `.i'hree years old -=2 entries ---1 Young Coach- man, L,1I inter,'` Occidental, Albert Ander Diploma --.best horso of any: age or breed - Innis & Horten s 11,months old colt. 1)urliam-Bu1ls, aged -3 entries, 1'Prince~of~ Seaham Jas: MeLean ; 2 Crimson Duke, A. Elcoat ; 3 Sir Richard, John Tough, Throe years old -,2 entries=1 Orir,'aji, Kitchen ; 2 Lord Luxe, V. Diehl Yearlings -7 entries -1 Duke of .Kent, Jas. Dixon ; 2 Earl of Mar, Jas. McLean; 3 1'a vorite, A 'II lrin'cs ' . Judges•--13eavy dranghts--John Marquis, Goderich township ; Jae. Aitcboson, McKillop; i]. Westcott, Exeter, Carriage—T)r" Sutton, Clandeboye; Thos. Berry, Hensa'11 John Snell, Exoter, Bulls—Thos Coats; Lsborne ; ,jos. Atkin'- sop,; Tuciceremrth; John. S, .Smith, Maid* I,od'gee M'icpi livri y. ills, a1 Flower ers, AWA h?I'ti'TG' • A PLTL 7:71Z. `offN - i.ls Clinton, April, I'883.