The New Era, 1883-03-30, Page 15IIIIIIIIIIIII'mb ininbine to the lVillili X)EA Ili CA NIVOT: evidently 'possessed stronger neri than q I ent'Lsidy S- AN ERA N L 00MOTION. current from the dyps anvil filve ziftovem ,March .50 1883 The I � J 0 "All"EVoi,, her daughter. unfortunato',o0air held the,child to her. Cars, c,)utiral; being'affectisil by uiosaus,bf� an onseemed only to make a a ight'itapream Herman goes wital ine irssia ebb. i n if your lungs are badly electric brush. The 'whole of tbei sated ai her. All the irouble' swish to have ihim b. Compose your. ELECTRICAL RAILWAYS S1JC can you be,cured by the. Use of Dr. Pierce 0 ' ' it hy, to A ISS t B CE city.required is supplipil from tlag ce tral 'Attlie Wfttraili lislaind. d a I ass4ro 7OU the vertigo i". ! ", I .. house.. I I I - I I III At Porti D Golden'Medicai Discov'er'y." 'It is, how. I th. houl have happened at th Zount's Self;Ottilie; li k,. b.I the turb fail ever, Unequalled as a tqqij, altei I(Here,gratalma, here's a present, it his aome a cad rest fair more than 1 do, ....... Over,. YOU'X1 to a the, steam diefanoi to,), Now, I do hope," said she, 14 theyfook" tb Whis reoiorn�vny­ netvir.i., will be an. erefore .1 want Hermau to g6 with III trush, Sind employed Idgeuerate the lectricity, The nutritive, and readily oureialbe mdatbad- IrTis a little, pri ,ol sbarmoks, and itomet ar pains in the waythey broke it to� You?" 9 h I ; the Gi.antA Ireland?w line will be used trot nate cases �of bronchitis, coughs, coias, and nai 'he, mig t disturb yet; with his diressea ti�j you; The CoutateBE's shook bpr head genti raoiqe.,'� I1'Winuterialls ito Furoulak �rower merely as a tramway incipient consumption, far 'Surpassing yes, all the way from Ireland, aiiiii the c 10 but �Ieo ard here Ob, marnina, that was impbselzie. I as aLrailwytiv,for the conveyano 0 of meations more- n 6uch':Bi UK! 41�1 09 cfficacy cod liver oil., -Send two stamps for, These words, , were Spoken i goods and'mineraB,'�d1ddtricit3? being 112 all They were athered at your birthplacei the hesi pistol'gooff, `11 My hUBbilidiisatud y, d L' ecide , d tons that the'Counti who bad iti Dr. Pibreels pamphlet on Ciobsum I - 1. -. Tbe,'makitag'of the L electrical railway' cases tb I , ption find :half L a On Y mo Ive power I employed. L bablisof Avoiamore.11 I flow hithei. I dead with fright, never been accustomed �d argue pointawith between Poitiu6h%and, the Giant's Cause, According.to the igalig I nine estimate I of the ]Kindred A&ctions. Address World's Diko. From Ireland I do yo . It tell me:? 0 daz ted, way� marks. Says, the Pall Hall Gerette, an ;promoters, )ciatich, Buffalo; 14. Y,, -11ri jolt reaching tbeoloor in 9. few Minutes, juet as bar mother, kept, silepoe. - She submit whereaS the coat of working tbi eusary Medical Ask( true 2, Adiolbert opened. it., He bassenno toward but , with evident relactand.o. the P'O()r era in the history of locomotion. It the liale. bi would be ljd a mile and by Acusbla let me fiN them-andyoul say 'ti me, crying for help, and woman,.in the course ofa 'day which had sanguine hopes of i tB projectors are reah ed 6feam 74, ti expect to e'ffeLQt it at a ()at ai "arowtale wort 3,000I;000� there they grow? b you 11;ebold a 6pectI that in your begun so fea�rfully for her, was yet to notice Cz Wh , y, I can spareely believe it; is it really what Lei it'willb6nor, lcsBremmrkabIe;in the,his. ()fld-. If-'tbay do this their success is rpubol.s. 'oxt I! covered, with - diamonds hi tbat Weis destined to remain. has h you sayl? Idelics,te sts a was enough to,-Iaave,�been toryofLirelmnol. 'Na.ture, or desi . so�,,Bured. But thoo, prl. tfie, t ad rabies an wai first used arine 4 many -yet la From my birthplace In old Ireland" poor Ireland a' in the Mady, 6f Stern- .Lady Sti6riifeld' had herself tutin of -those chances ate against them your death," brok stores of force in the shape of No electric motor has as can sNe fo Ifar away' ..u�ed appearing, at the dinner -table field.,ioidiguantly. -Apiece ofinextiusit,ble coalinines with whichEnglar&sn' Scot- earu.a dividend, and it will be an agreeable 11 Elm old and stiff feeble, and in darkness,. ­0arelae,,Buess.'. 7-aho, "Was not well -would not hav� i and have been- So �plentifully: favored ; b PtLA:-KNW pi�tho ut surprise jf,the- Dow railway to file Gisi IGod be praised HeaveDs I Adalbert wits,bimself so doctor�-bat begged t Lit her...sou-in-law Bheba dowered her With an inexhausitible Cmlaevray Should pro Dr. R. V. Pierce Bufli to, ow p Dear b , I t Is me, bow m* nor old -8 vean exception to*the, at overcome; I saw.. be. h' hat he naight come to ber,rocirn immediately after Supply Of force In the shape of waterfalls illi S Il'you what your Favur-� heart is raiN, a"I ardly knew w ir�i write to, te Ta feellbere,so Dour me the soil, that gavii ]Me was about. see, he was the Cause, Tbd Count ge,emadhighlyLoUt of which, have jain to, Waste fro itaPrescriptio "baBacrie,fcrine, hA Y L innocent, of dkiving t I la in before SJJLJBRWTJ[8IK OUTRAGIE. D birth, although" entirel a. humor after the great.official bueiDb-A ' of tho" days of "J�mia '� Mqdbul until been 9,9keabs.ufferer froi foinale cout . The v the morniDg, and appeared' no . w.' !,, The -costliest d e O:y it1flay of lrela�i Is , t ni kiss the holy, p iainage �of a wild- Laay Florence ..Dixie, ,whosa,att6mpted PIsI specially ".dragg'ag dovion," for nor man a-despeiatedelid.." Your husband only did- his duty," raid irr I itable in complying with the req eat of eriless,". which on Canadian rivers, Mr.* )aossuaiiiina" tion near Windsor has- caused S, overeiz years. during much' of the, time These, blesied little sbantrocks,1 'I can't , see the eldei lady,' decidedly, the his'mother, while the Countess wondered Hussey Vivian found busy: coraiertiDg,, greatsensation in Great Britain, ba6 had.L unable to wor1k. pid out � hundreds of .8fi. why he'lingered so long away from her almost 'L them, yet I know defafil without zaiion. of career. dollars withoutiany benefit la ba ter received: his Aeserved puni the interv'e 11 a; an eVeatfal 'She'is the TdrageStL till I took three They bring me b5ok t eyesight� of the L Ppy ment. He had brouglit'upon himself p4blic mother. L human hand, beams of' r6ugh-hdwn timber. child of the Marquis of Qu. a r bottles of the III, Fa torite Prosser= alid, i1h the darkne 9 comeat . be suspicion,. and;, of course, an inveiAigation To be continued-.) a ry, and . I nevor bad anything do me And I�a- g% 'bm 8 into finished � doors. and windows, and all, married, in JL875, Sir lexander Beaumnt good I111mylife. I advise every sick lad -to g that bad to manner of wQokwork, has v r L been Churchill Diiie,,Bart. lilip is a wonderful vi. TereenI 'Ia. of Ire and snd� the sunny orFititing. Do e .. I . 11 But to �hink of ibe fa�raily he, lef t n � Y sky above. har Loosed to the service of man in'Ireland.� horiewoman, a good'6ailbr, an ealtbusiastie tait.' Mrs. Emrmt RH'O&bs, Me rideho, behind,,! said &.poor Wife- Flirtng turned outlanoBt, Aisastronsly t) The advent of an electrical age promises to �iraveller and a tt6alcharot Mich. P "I ace as I once paw them, when a girl ikoi I with an ­intant-a. little girl". sa that I Miss Annie L. Mai -the daughter of I& riter. During I I 6 I that;'andL the Partridsh Railway., the'War in ' Zululand she iocted !its nor- stood. 'Detroit meiciliam.' Chi Thd,Duke and Ducbess� of Cbnnadg�j� Amid the f urza and heather; there's the. chapel, believe While returning home may bethe forerunner of the gieat'ihings respondent * of '.the London Morning Pds't, ­ I � L 11 That is sad g a frordher,musicteaclaer,�sbe met a IyoUng which'are yet to c6iie,'when the I Irish have � and made many appeals Ja behall.of Cete-. hill and'wood; but -better than, havin travel in Frnce as Mr. add Mrs. SuBse][4 There"i the Abbey olad with ivy, drid the river's husband Lana ft f slither j t 0 ra la Hodse or Cur- man on the street and begn: a flirtaitioll. -learned -to employ the I and on a recent journey.toMentorte escaped ' C 'L , , Ire 'ap­1, �inae of tbeir, wayo. While in"theTranavaial, the Boers Norimiling chore, is bani rectioa, Do not take`thia.-O Froached IierL and 1 spoke, 'saying his bills.in driving, the machinery , reco-nitio And the boys and girlB.all 'playing on It much to heart, Ot I tilie, I , it iB.noi the only, name was, William S&I and that,h of their mills. �caid of her th&t she was the only EiIglih- n. ofAvomnore. a Turbines planted on the river Bush are to man�of whose. marksmanship they were, instance of theAbid. Oftisinhasiliecrimio. resided, in St. Louis, � v�ere his f anail' Young and middle aged inera suffo� g6,nerate the.electricity,whiola i's to drive the 'Afraid� Au'equesirian trip across Pata'- God bleas the little ii�hamroeks, then, for 'bring- lial to t ingback the Beene Dal in this way! anticipated justice. If the �occupieok a prominantL SOL ti Pi3rtru�h from nervous debility, 'pr6matu're old, S PLO.81 On. r. tramcars. from be Giant's j�uaia, is another of her ,exploits.' '.Of her a.las the brightness of tb a poor man sees Walked With Miss ManniDg to, her The bbauty of the sunsbin . losabitmemory,,.'and kindred.sy'rialat PO sed: ooly� biwigood name, -Causaway. Th directors, -it is; said, are., books, Across and �'-Iu That even'would 'be taken awaI i af tor his home,'and before leaving made an spipOI L a in PB gr_ -seeking to purchase a waterfallifor the same the Land' of! ,Milialf6italle " have should send, three. sta, s ir Part Thin' long, long years to see it, nd to see it fill pamphlets Issued by orld's Dispeneaky isgrace." . - I I I. . I ' . men, t to. meet her the 116it day. �', In ':the purpose, -and it! is corifidi anticipated more'' than ephemeral ' interest. In aso plain; feelL - -h- d-- L "ila L ' , ff Sure *ool'icBmiling, but- I'm. The. sighed., She Bvidehtly had 'meiiatime'he - discovereaL .-that the .f amily �-that tba�-railway will -be' r 0 jas a city Ali I ePild,jim' a, ., , ., wo a as� ong 'been not thephilosoplij to "put the matter asid , was wealthy, sDd wb6ral the young girl met I "' ' b L, Ing youlig.ag000in.,., Ofr poona is Said be: liglatedl� by thundei 'prominent, expressing pr Sympathy. With' lightly! as did bar mother, who presently him agaffibie' proposed marriage, and 'said ray,*ben 'he was imfti6oded L so . me Wly thankful for the blessings bolts forged -by Witter., Therejs solnet We, never know'the true 'Value of f Hands. And though I'm tyr. laiag, M: q 6 t , _t, asked bruptly "Where as Aclsi he would'. take be to St! L tii�, and tr strangely incongruous in the-aso6ciations of She aiiackedthe: Laud'Leaga' . no sensi ive that Guii hand r 0 'O While a r Has I broughtaround me,,Katie, ito,this gritiat and III'." . aVe d duce,hei ti family. I to C LL 'ai iiiithits' mySterio" cls,imi that no account 0 a, their f multB ; when we hare 'lost the ot sea hinia again, He,un er-. Miss Mann' I happy land,- -n . 11 1119con- the Gian a atasew N ps, f the expendil eI can't fi the old laorne, 'aridst th took the sei2krd of the treasurer's papers., Berated and tLey were, I'married., Tbe,next le&nids, datifig,jar bitlick bey.oZd:thegiili lures of a1arke . . only see tbeirvirtuts. 0. poinfoi t of the funds, was,given arld is doui :very huiii,y� examilaing dai pa6-tats.heard and ihra6 days dawn of hstory,' wiifi. the latest,de 'I ol The Dew 11 I I .; ;a Vii op- in'.itp report. Lady, Florence my -ire liar buiri.d wh6��'thqsa,Jittl ' I? , aig a at aimi , HOSPHATES-f' 'VERY EARLY th 6 is: a thorn f tier Mr. Sava�e, "s jaI on a 6b a o 'to isebk burglatiy' i iered thatLber And, Herman,' Why does he not coma .1 I f �,tbiB teent century. notoriety.' Her father was the v n shamrocks 3,nd, thegiii.disco ment of the sippli6d aniebee of: the il,y Who,, P a an, la That the'firO electir dthwbiBtor; of medicine, bav; 'be' husband was one_ 0 most nni, Be' e., esteemed of the greatest value', In consump. to meet'nae as'usnal OriOuS i'ramway'outside Berlin should -have been Maxquip, of Queensberry and a, famous Ere.the Coubiess "d time to'keply, the burglars in thewest.. . After mote-iliaiii-Six-, -started- in 9. -remote corner of Ireland amateii­iboxer,�-Wbo "s tbp ti ii aDdscro1aila., diseases closely alliedn 'S Q101CB" years of'- Bery Mrs. ga�ai as Secured a ii, dus t author of. the 10 HERMAN Portiere, which hung between the nekt room mi o ..the enterprise of, the rul6d"Under which Sullivan, and, other ring theirriattir'e.. Theyis-upplY-phosihorus�Ao oi hich'they War ' a ' ;s,ttmg4 divorce. I IH%h Shcriff,of Antrim', Dr.'Traill, oFe DOtables box,in. exhibitions in this- countiv. increase nery I lime for the r6 and the Wit a force,,an pair ametimlinj Mr. W. A Sir ofulceration ok caries and Ite-r . OSiS of the parted, and so, 'boy Of years f thas acted as Her inother wsi daught r of , Gen. .age 'i r Traill, P 4CA.Plon.red. 'long bones-, saia I in. hpinal I a . been. William Who was.acesed made his appearance. engineer of the. line. There: hav ojoints and N I The ng 66unit w9:a roi king A Buff aloiaespatch says:'Albrt L. Buich electrical railways 4aid; down in cowardice at Waterloo. Lady 'Florence troubles, eep.doial)YL rid eto,',fheyzari� of butibouaelyL'claild. Heboreato,resemblauce and James cfturray,!�Cf, Wellaad',-OnCl variouS7 places, 'but �hitheik,to -they. have was at one time made Specialty. a markJbf, ,,more Service than, all -the other'- III L diCines. whatever to. hiw�moth ir,�but a very Ii n, Stand& been, constructed by public compa ie p blib. co in.use, InWHEELER'S:PHOSPO a were arrested o y night ona, charge 8 a mmetat because slip appeared'st HATES no 0 e- f r thei urposes Of profit.� As the Stock- a court reception without the' prescribed 'AND 'CALISAYA , woo have the moi TR&Dk��TE D F ; BOX THEL 0 t his graDilmotla r. There. was the of,burglairy.. The cash drawer of the' depot O p ton & Darlington Railway is ustlykegar ad fe it, and wearing U STUART.SMIT11 if3ame ontire cut. of features, the high fore- at- Welland, as bro4en OpeoL 66 riday aiher� and ve 'Short- eligible form of these -tiss 6 elements,yet, IaWhi head, clear, sharp eyes ;and about the, !it- evening an& some change twken., 'As as,thafiist.Cif modern railways, altho b hair, ch e lloi�d forth s' letter f rom crigir"i entL IDo tell us, doctor, in the name of Has- tle- month were beginning Bar already the.ag had -on that. afternoon roceivVil it-was.�pieceded by many railways of diff' ho, in prescrib, ap t1a rd ChamburlEd Ing court to UM8 in the 'matter of dreBS at the Yen, what YOU Can aboat this -affair V.` thbse Ainell 'of decision: which ethe MOO in payment of freight it *aa su�f' .eui kinds, so this Portruela 'elect cal It eti Mr. Henry Iiving, the acti now Everybody in the -ciiy is talking about �raudmotbi appearance at once forbid. posed to beitheiractintive to,somb.'ozia who �may fairly claim toi be:the first 0 its i ueenIsrec Dixie is a sister our -esteeme4' friend the' HOD.L Bardwelf, options. it, already, -tkoid We can fiiid out nothing -ding a' d t iki knew of,it. The house, of the agent -was not only in. Ireland but in -the we d. be of -the Marquis -of Slote calls in S. O'. T it a ri ing. Queensberry, who rose in .1 I. ell 9,� Son, definite." Whether'tho 'little fellow Ws;S at waysso a o oyn'tered,,,and so silverai aildi some first electrical locomotive wai on.ti a London tbeatre:and denounced T,,ny- Doctor, I believe, it is atterly'impossibla Bhy,.or.whather he felt the influence of the and goU chain �taken'. The'biouse Edinburgh -and Glai . Railway for,ty :son's,hiteat play, becaase (if its treatment of -it canno . t be P morning's. c4tastrophe-�­whioih had Spread. of� Mr,. Richard Was y6ars.ai � It crawled along at the. Irate of f rise tbinkers.L Her mother -was -a . strong nal to L L Was unil y Tbe-individ ivhom all these ques-. consternation throughout "ithe house -be, entered by adellar window add qu-sontity'. four mil6san hour, and promptly laid Irish nationalist *a d -a rat a lilSisral'.0ona- C�anot be di�puted, and is yet 'to L 'dL - ' a ton n , ide-,� It wai the in 0 aBsaBBID- be heard Piatba t, 06 exiiiiaimations were directed struck did not run: joyf ally f oiward to, triiiet - his 'of danned,fruit oaten.' A.Wenarid detec; asi ti.11 the 'Inventioll of the ili6u to thol�wifa of' 11 an h his cane, rather impationtly :a ainet the grand mothei, �ut went Blowly-to li�er`atad five, J. R.L Dowd,' found Waii. urch ssad modern dynamo-elecli machine .that the ated- English Detective Talbot.. To show. I roul'ita'which al 8 Corn Extractor, has 'f ailed to � perform ib red, dryly.: pressed.:up' to 'bar 'a tabstitu"tion of ele'c'fricity"for�ateAin began. has.dis.appr6val ar, perfect curiia.� this -with Faffifess and�rapid Jlo,dr;­an&%uswe - �ide, laying� his arm 'McMurray were7 bamb here E, 'thafireseDtM' Viiether, g after tla roted a's feasible, quiB, Lady Flore O' !x . gave - action and eptIoulen, you count it pos. mutely around her DeCk­ am They. *dre taken,to, Welland, to. �e-kbga We brother, freedom from 6noyance during. sibi impossible, the fact is, that the SUM L ".How,.Hormau?" . asked, she, with extreme yesterdayafternoo-n, claiming. to.ba; inn I 0. Every one has, seen the' toy tramI four times tbis *surn�, to Talbot'IQ-widow- .Use. The. of $20,000 is miBsing from the Treasury, harges preferred agaiast4them. .the grounds o C ,,is Cry'at4l,,PaI= driven. Another of bar brothers, Archibald Doug-,, great corn and buniom care coldness. li.,You havie'beera in :the next cent of the �6 n stands 8 h 8; ur, unrivalled. Sure,, afe, painleeisi� raid yesterday; kr'Brand,.the treasurer, room without coming forwar& What.does They loffered no resista'xice,.lout consented by electricity, on wh public dev6ties his time to reclairnihg street- Beware of frauds offered awsubstitut' it �to return. as for shotilifinseM .Put these twothiDgafog6ther thismeart? When"did,youget.in the hab rides at si:ipence�per head per journey.' waifs. , While' ifi ­Ame�iba on buBin sea the great c ali �,Painlesi ora curej, P for yourselves this Charity he left the Co of keeping behind curtains with 6aivesdrbp� Similar playthings have been at work at connedtod with rn Extractor. . NX. Polson�& Co.; King- The officers of 'the' exchequer stooa with he Va ioug. ,pera g. t r electrical exhibitions at St. orpla-atiage in -charge of' 6; Sister* Lady propfi6tcrs. Uiia Ino� other, odealad-territieol O6daten%nces.%iroundth4 this eafnest Petersburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, BramRele, Gertrude Douglass; and she - mairka the p 'but, .perhaps, well�meaat An Eris (Pa',) despatch Says - The people all exhibition in the bea baker of r the or() . hai I a youth first physiciaii�oli city, from whom they,, rebuke exerted a -Strge effect upon the of Tindlay Lake, near here, are greatly d Berlin. At the of Would Itether be 'a had of a report bi He winced at the Iwit words, sad a inceneed ovar:a . gbouliHh outrage, .lair which d1ndustfic, at Paris, ibei principle hall herLye�r,,, wholiad be'eal,one of the (Detroit News.) that for several hours previous had agitated, quick,bluKla suffused his hiihertkii pale the remains of art � horloieA' lady have b6en Was applied. in naore. prdeticaY f ashio.n. A orphauo­. LildyDouglassa]Aberhush�nA their body. he It ..e bi ­.S.everal wbeha ago. ayoub.g,Rirl dresseal in dheeko;, at the same time fted his er es disturbed in their last, resting :place.i A trami oni electricity, tran�mitted ar ew rnuDing th ery in L pn. told the. y fro mi's,htatiorary ei�jg'irios..by` an overhead :male attire,was ariestied, in Windsor, Oat.$ Ali, iudet:dl doctor I are Nitta Such* Bi distresi-ed. expression: to his-, year ago Mrs. Findley fell and broke her, suicide wit s onnamitted at the house. of 'other" fa iie on a Joker for drunlenneFs, 'xnd Magistrate-Baxitlet.- gra;-bdm is ce.tbat,1xispite6fl-erself, leg� from which she never fally:red6vered. Cagle brought: loads of the 361 Sent her to $aadwich Tsil for 21 days. 'She- Count Arnai she apked. in. gentler tones: A:4 her f riendti were disoiat , 16fied with the,, p1t,,9.fro:m the Uwe de la� Co6corde. In M Well-known old pradtical'jokq d -the said kho bad'discarded dresses ove�foui­ In his very prosenoa. The, Count'had d med . condition of the imbiij a aof . riaouths , it .conveyed' .82'000 tables turned'on him Thursday Dig . h , tforoac . a Whs,tiathematter.mychil Itisa, defor 11 SUBpeoted tho treastater, Ee8IaBJCk Some bill� with you.to, be so. tirnid." passengeys to, and from' the exhibition 'but, years 'ago, aiid that She' Was 'an oBbRineer new t action for.,. alleged:,, malpractice was in.hislife. Hawas-intheSt.Nicholasitha time, and:yeHte.rday morning finally called, as the fare for the. Short 'distance waa-at and had followed the lak' for N.AIVIDg. The poor child is still frightened," put , brought �agarust the attending phys'ic�isaa, ffo'L number of'friiiii d'thmt he, 'Sbe.8ttedthat. sbo,,:Weii.t�latv�:the-rasi him to account. B'raod much startled at he'rate of half picrown amile itEi rded iiio' - P,: when he Bid Me Of t . +eard--tha-t-J-im--­Maca- F' V oh, . I ri4ik G hii;ffibers,, ut re us d to'say-any. Y was in t a city, and that' he thing bout bar. antecedents. Some one henamed in, con- bai liks' tasysell'i the f amity lot. Yesterday the grave WaS the rti�w motor. n rmenwELB made. to h- morn 1g, and must see 101. pen aeons, aI bide -suddenly in the study this tried,Mrs. Firadla. died,:and was buried it, -7,1��astia-113-commercial ad anLittigae p last getting I I 'I , - , i " tons �t anaway Some months Why, he's paid ber'flae before her seratence'expired,o). eased, and bi,i for, miary.lihci� a'd6g. ion'the Leytonb r toppirig, f behold the awful spectacle.; Is it, not true, found In. kave' been disturbed. It �wao. 8, in. this hottse, ;said abyBtandek. haIst'Tuesday evening- PatroliiadiI FitzpaI The Codat-Jaid.' his' hand on the bii dud Herman, yo;u heard the shot'in your p '' ale 'open I ad, aud to the. horror of the ,family it -.0, when a frain qAr -waB'fitted up with J*tnd p . a . rest I ve d tbn�' saw him a moment ago." ' Pr�sently, a rick, on duty at the D�., G.: R. M. dep p,8t(.i,, and, before the A 'buried: pUtbie Qk 'tramway'. . Its hi sobDer ha�d' than room, and run to rue ? i.. was found gh6uls'liad taken up the 'body FAUre accumulators and� 6 work over a, his ant"beneVelelot' looking lsav�wba't he au�posed . to be a girl drefi he drew� out, his he -child d,id,'iiot 'aus woe. e lady arid'chopped'�off -the injurka. A half - of � private: raprober'of the LaDg- an atty 4iloi'b suit into the do Count could tpesi hLyi- a.'dead Main before peed was seven" miles an in 't, -faze on hi� r. membien'. Near the -casket abour­ but the- him." his, vrenoril'othotr's sbouldL were, disediveke, and'h,a'was pointed �with a. young -man. ,onIque6tioning har �nd she felt hiwwholie f rui tra�.b16:L Several di weighb of tbe� ca'ith. the a * ­sij3ected pari the leg. 0,14 t o''th a- joke ra 4 Made. 116immediatelyr abe'readily.'Ramitted. her eiex,, Said i3be welli was: ve.and a,halfilti and,shbough an- stepped uo,t6, t Did.y6ta bear ttals,from,His Ei The. of girj�feld w ai notu the S that it:LW a, he B u p posed .pizpi hst,, b eld bythsi nortibe, f F�&'Dkthamihers,and,waq himself asked, onointibe ioldeSt th.u.siastic promoter. declared out but 'biA Liiii " d said, 6,� I'm itick 0 rod Station but a YQU. Saw YOU'.h, !goo f bed ­his 1tad up, al Truth is like edact:t the, cost'of t,ial :-the -ted, ,to go" of -woman.. to.-. a torLeii when it tion'by'onis-balf', all an to thi on show;'. era. -t I did� ro'll, Is own Ip doligh y.-, 'but"you have changed con- t f ait �Sfa.iuea.-­�Mdgoon. periment hagnbu beenyaeWOO- - A'ar Za Ixii'o S�rgaani -a-tic at. for C) roughf y in& y years ago, better to ha a ticke or and saying ishe woald,no.t have expected -is 'Since as-,, R It t to Bee Alr' Successful aplolication of 'the'61e6tric'mot was going o eav nex Ind The g ot-tbe- �moining- asked the phy� -iri en -bleacher bsnev6lbLot lboki,b 'g l,ai 8 wl th he ., robe asks ]ea _ sod What, U , L ga t an by from Heraas,6. If his poor eick,mamma'bad in Ca va CIA. Tba electriulodouioti g entleman d RICiaD,woadeting sp.tla6�peculiar t6ne o d vL re Ibv� th cciro�:atlion. hshe.!�stared blankly at the' Y.. been overcome a occurrence, it D'ii:sinoke,'-pah�es.up�.a' t he, II , ea( ad gold Sp�ctacles: -YOU 01, notb�ng. It is only so It ara to have beeta� only iiaturaI 'but wh�ii a -boy, Near Grand Reineti South Africa son -hing,fiolds, wind p the bleached Gedrige W. Har'vey'ia a'Oloucester fisher.. osLtrinh broke'a horse's back bi kick.:- It U are mistaken in' the man, 1, assure you, water color 'Id have Who expetw000n io be a mail, trembles for man with -no learning.-WhoSe. believe th,e�-trl.-w4urer con been 'a Deli and 1 conveys if to the works. This, be'said. T per hours Jiist because, be haiii heard a Shot and had meant it for a man., MaDYL herders heJoker's jw fall ceptibly, defaulter. the most punctual, the have b 1. eaDL maimed for I lifoo'or. h . il)ed in thie- however;'iSa filiBei,ally eati,re Y In L private I up Studies -are. attracting witte nition,Lin: Boston., s6en a dead bool ibenJ,s6y, i 6 is, A 'mark id he 'covered his roir"t skilfully most coils(IlientiouS Of. men�tbe one who firstLisi kiChi jg ­Uloe eVt�?) wOUI'd haDdiii -The only public tram,�&�' worked an ! Bishop: McNamara ''Of: the"Reform I WSV. A eloquent r I . ei 'L T never could pup' up ­with the Slightest of timidity tt�(inervou�ii.esawbi.ch��sb6uli a P in by is tiiau of the kesi Siemens with the ": following eniark -., -Catholic Church,, II ---------- ftrity-JUL find, an ostrich a todgla Customer, W61LWe my tresi the crowd com e' eaches from an open Irracial ­busine�-s-,- in Berlin.' They at first projected an. carriage at 0 a ti gs in� Cnigagoi Up to theL bar." ta�air mee ti The's-6 sharp, imptietat'wcoids � wo'undedi- it is stated that since the as& " a I . . I IWu see bo,l�.'appearai may. dec*aive." tit' -Of abom'7ination mtheLShsi anoverhoad 1�ldtothequick. Allf6a�ranaauxiety CharlesDi lig the chi chenS, thirteenyears o 4,23L3,- iailwai miles. long', but ;the. 'Very likely th%t-khowof,� CouB.Cientiousness I ­ h L electric -seemed to vanish, whi a, wit A pass OOO.voluaies of his works have hiii sold. in A Bad only cloaked his- vitlainy.". emperor voUld not allow 'the Lindea.tb' a nao- England alone. Afthe heRd'Of" th Ii A beNte padest Ihe.old offi6er-shobk- his hosi With ­ L, L I i�, L . gure e oks� BtanC 10 L Is' 't boi oand tbe:proi op "Contacted in Detroit, ata late boar. the other ni T irementhe,hroke away,fronabioigr ad 11 11 rian going aP:0.rit etreet,� niothei� ingeyes,- is ip6pare Da;vid a mile:, arid a ght, to Me have to give thou be Cobse I tVed a figure crouchiD tb Abov disea is hard to believe V'would as if , Cop themselv 4 with a �hort 11'1)e,L Suspected any olle, it HcedaS an angry ,retort, when his perfielil and is Dombey, & hii�l,f � a g in went k nd- itrather IoDg, between Liebterfelde and the d, 12 g a ron nor. tan ding havo beeni 'Indeed sontronniari than Brand. -You Bay it is p6sitively��­'o glac upon ,his inother a �d imme. SOD. ilibaryacaaemy., The new motar 'was the f"ItIticed covefio, L f " t" d In Its of cacy,,that I will'oli kW0 110i III iii f r� 'bad ai SD. * us look, and Jan '�,,gether �itii a VALUABLE T Art ecaliar I 'ramway aIted rad looked OVisr it "My dear sir�'­iuteriuptdd th di�wtaly p angb came iavai;bia 't The )atte' spicio E E on thil, d1nowis- - 6 doctor, More Bnow h , allen this winter than aooemployed for a1ime'ori t& It he fi3DC6.L - GO on to any suffe,er, Gi�e Express and with Some impItioilelkice, I, I am. I nbidetective�. Th. littld� lips were firmly,' pressed for several years pastj and the cold has si,lao line�: betWeen and. tbd DR, T. A. SLOCUM. 181 Piiarl St., New Yort together, as4f 6'keep back every word'-.�Ivy ere. In Ontario. the -now- Spandauer Book.. Thii'darrent at first was now P oalledrih.e vo,ici ai fernale.througla The details, will !be published; provision- the P 11' L"' '' L . . force; all look of deflance.loased-from his IOOM.,-L* " Do YOU live there?" uIred Y,_ We aVe ,�P so e papers Of the fall 14-st inorith Was 6�9:1 incb6s­ abo'va'tho passed 'al6ng the rails from a otai Usie TEAPERIty and:y6u vVill fin Ihouse U average. At Goderich lighthouse there was "by 6 a face,,aaA an expreiision'of.deternainai t thelman.' 'I -Indeed I do, C."n you do �(J_seizod btobrl in his a 'a. Out In r 'engine, but. I is now conveyed able at in 2" Indeed I can." what Your Te6th becomes a -IS pi�arls; Count Aihau, I taudekstand, has person- *hich.,brought, ore stronglythan eve a fall 'dur 'that month Of ni inches,, Slung in midair, a frightful addition to the Wall, 'Twill fragrant make*tb6',Breafih of all, 111 a E to a.32 'ittelle-6l Conestoga, 27;iD in . as, after a this likeness "to his. gra,ndin A are you waiting for?" 'he asked Ia inveAtigai r and horrorBof modern.,civili'mition. Although - a girls ally uradertaki�ii the Who' BLoya, womenj men an, upowhis features'. He bent =V;`1 'in other plaoea- a pro ortionally"Isi %it can bedrivera at tbb rate of thirty -miles pause. What for?" she dernanded. . z .1. i 11 But my iime' is up. I In ' not away to the let,tbe rebuke:pagB in BileDee. p Woula,s. respectable woma -crook ' . A- ;.L,4"� n be ad over here at this hour of the night, witi bar' S' rnfeld'sbook h Simple and Countess.". Boomount. an hour, the � regulation pace: is not -more. Poor lady I exclaim ad Coal of the:6t Juacy. is sit head!, and was 'School is ra 6w. =Tbe cooking an, assured. III tan. is couvenieDt, 2 her?" Urprise. at club in.her hand, if she 'didn't expect her, about ti axr)ress Still further a nageable,-b subc -in BoSton. .01 course. it 115 ardstic, ma ut if has not been a financial men, ll ho -w, fares it with ess Iphysi L" ' , 'his ShOU a a 3 r ". , clan Nhrugged Men in this unwonted beh vior, vih n the do to' busband every blessed min'�Ute Tl�Bmtton The as announced., as witness the latest recipe for baked beaa8 3decesB. - -On the other Side of the. Atlantic If Traveller., 1% liek, Let.your beans simmenn warm water Edison' Das made a private line, 1131i Not so w1), I fear L and we The Countess, who had'conc6alad from long tim'o, with ' nalase d; one-lisile � mil . eB long, to -his vlork' may look es �and, muBta!rd an Almal-TaLdentai studio is in St. oi r mammm'hovVIrig4tfully.'�iban�tbd �Bhe g thme: Wood, a, pretty- I'D the, northwest of 4OUt for worse. - Such an, occurrence- in: a We n pu t in the pork a�qd bake ii, Ion 'Menlo Park. He sends the current along SuburbI Iwas, &rose, without appa difli- tla� . Dion b. - delicious the rails and Claim 16 ve I London. A ..It green, o B -to be bla'ib dri lit sonHiak;,and when wo -consider this lady CUltyj sadPU6�ied into the Deitroom. The ft I" -bci -car at tbe rate of fifv miles an hour. avor.' Could 'anything more trluiy. Xiq�Ty to be in so ptecIii,riciag a state that the prof essional� visit was, not of loug'Iddration, aeathetia"? estimates the Aavin per cent. Upon SWe6tLl�ttle to my roorn, slighte6t auili IA to be 'Cle=ted,. and in' the �space of ten minuteq, she -the cost of Steam Nautt Vor. Edison I ciarling runs in The authors,' artists. and scientist of Red lips patted and ebeeks aglow; ta- a a:. -�-,-Frosh-fLiid�rare,�a9�thi3-apple-bloom aplace 'as before, U Lier Omust see hor ininiediatAY.' Good aft6r' but she had butte a correspond with I Brighter far than the roseB blow. .11 to �e Be Prince Krapdtkine': from prison h s results. ]as has, how So BayiDa, .-thd" doctor head low on little Hermanl� Shoulder, who L over, achieved a sufficient measure of Sun. -`61a,�Bistei,-come and see f" she ti t because, his health suffers so that t' BhoJ smooL tbott m0re ado, lef b � tbe Treasury office! knelt . by heir on the sofa, with .'his ar dessto Secure orders for several electric AB tbB from. ll,f: about bar neck. 1 The Dab" not long endure.confitin Talent. 'lie has had tanglod.hairs, IwhereAb'8..,CO1JVerS�ot'6n 'Ifad takeit�­place,' entrance tb motors, 'which ! are to be used, on a, new 19 a - severe experience in Russian prisons While wonder isipeaks through heiviolet ey.ps- 8,11d:berat his steps toward the,house of the Countess startled;.both.grandmotber and Swissline.. An electric railway is�pro- I'M Iwhich generally weakened his. power of, y little kitty is saying her prayers I Be grandchildL; tbo� former hastily put her Chamberlaiti; Cou t Arnau, lying in "clo jected in V airmount, Park, Philadelpbia,, resistance. And then there was DeVerAlie Come andlookibi rourBery door -at Ing up an- ei -ban L-o.v.er-the-child'smo Utt, proximlty�to the pribe -lemt NV6 -dined of Imprisoning him at all.. ov I the streak of sunlight on the floor, In the drawiDg-room, of the great judicial bar head,. t Slowly toward her arhead electric railway in Paris, to run I mansion Fiat two ladias, the Countess and daughter,: A c6iiiATITT.En to plain an indUStrio'.Sobool from theL Arbde4lEtoile, at the head of the' Foldlatigber wbite,paws ovor her eyes. ld, his, Ve decided to teach A hat at Springlie bermoilier. -Tbe llatter, the widowed Lady It the name of heayen, mamma, w Champa'Elyseei� -to the Place de I 9, Bastille, Iw6nder,!`�treoidiri Nvith light foot -fall; -d arr . iv . e I d 'theradiments of trades, arid -not to. Shof Stern liti, 1kont'her alls youl "'dried the Countess, in' the great- turn at the other side of 'the city. Th And d6ifitilY lifting the -fro wears; d ese pro- Ais neighboiitig country-��ieat to visit herdaugb. -est alarro. cut finiBb.eL'd medbaila.ies. The esirei is to j"I however, are as yet nothing more she trots before me across th ter., At first glan'co, ito oiie'would imagine I Lady. Sternfold's face was, pale give-th ":be I y a, -- k I nowledge �t L hai enable than proi and I wil . I probably not be disk. Ividniler if God hears kitty's prayers r indeed, C NEAR TILSONEP110, 66.14, 1881. Catinneoitlarnith, in; St. Niciotolwf& March. the two ladies and daughter, and it 'as death, and bar whole look* fully justified him 16, chooses pursuit for which he tre6og- rie'd'into execution uhtft it has been proved a i6quiry. �Shii iried'to No word bas had'itIore current use,'for I "ve been ailing for -esr i1a to be d6ulited,wh4er. the sever A Born. tbd anxious I answe ' r, nizesis own adaptability, so that three or. that electric tramways 'Will pai the last bandied yeax6rthan- freedom ;�' lidli n6ss and ­D�spepsia, and -Vas reduced to" a, IDS Seemed toi her f his 106 n3ay not be wasted Portrush tr - amay'i tiny could have �et,�e.tecl--any-lino-of-resem� ­btat4be-tremblipg I fo i years o however,: an'accona- son the two. epreoiaCcoy'raoti a -- ing,rourool,'whodan say -that 'the word* blance betw A silent, d ion of tbei hand a t r liFEave�'B6.061 in' tryinigio' dete'ratine in.the old look mere Skeleton. Last fall! I w9lIghed, only, . pliqbed fact; It has been built I aL.v practica its, social eighty-six poiazids.,� I' wasAnduced to try,'. Madarte, 76ti- Sterrafield. appehred.to.�e wa§ the only reply.. ..how- he Will eai his living, and finally fa�biomd Way by`s, company' of-shaii meaning, on ZopESA by Mr. 'Thonasoh,(1of the firm of'o a I �ide ? He* few dare'to' aberi 'Poor, bow� 'about fifty �e�irs of 9;ge, no too lar&;'but ."Tho'Codtatess, e zed the bell-ha;udle. drifting through ignorance and raeodssity. �Jaqldors, v�ho.kaised,,C45,000 hi', -LAO sbares' be. How few feel. Thomson ik, �C6., druggistsi 6Utbis'plade)", U U are. Cot Well; 0 Ill a aid itaic, work Where manual laboii br ' .1 'I -16f, Bain ever 'poor they may la k to' bim� L ard now an of sto t build,'with-. f eatur6s, though never' " Yo 9 M ''I , . I . I sane, to Six mi as 9 , isi -and,many t an s /18 needed. tk pretty, oxpreseiVo of the iitmost lorce of aud-sla6i.will-" �mselves free to follow any BPed -*cirked by'eiectridity" �4,tent, if it draws them -to -adopt a.'life entii I and wisigla 124 pounds there is no necessity e Y now -woman I Sti --no,one, sai -its way J&O -a b 0 C character. Her wbole:bohringwas that of :,pl 'Iv�ill lia�e 'd' her TnE telegraph is working itfier for the heavy railway.. needed to OMPOUDa. to It mother, in t 6 sove4eirii"totte of Conamand China iu.the faoe.of no inconsiderable diffi. Aupport'the weight of asteard.ongine g IIA y in Nir, FOILDF8 One.accustomed command.11111T a Count- It or. for diff in i U marked disgr,e�lroi at throug #e Use 4 tbie new ess, on t . he'cither, 'ha;nd,, possessed all.tho -the strong Woman 11avin'g -become 6on� nutty. Perm issioin waakiecontly giVen for' the grsi P , aved tpack required for borse of. the social circi which. they �bappaln to find themselves. What educated 'person WiieC R. G­Foibes. -ou­-une-1#d charms of &beaUtifuLyOuDg--,W0maUhO or of tbo'weak, although'tbel color bad the constru tkactl d od-- querc ctidz�. of it line f rom Sfixiighai io ion. Another."great, advantage which tF JorinBtanceTwo already not r( �r-VIPS...Tiezatsin,-and-t is', that seemed at, the Same time Auined to.her cheeks, aniL­b�r' -isanfiz�lyc, - unwritten laws he -1y'roplied it Chinese lan niorbunatelyy has Doi .at. � tkamw Y , laid, ' one, Side bave'ver nt b thai society. vi�,bow, is� on of the -road, 'he deliberately obose to A f ing'�a'sudden Vertigo � it !,"will soon phab6t,,the 9 wage in a fix'. , Now, o,m th 8 ' ised trampath all ordi Dar b igiondoilplaJis" - orm was begiriniD�' to bow, the -cheek to is nothi and if r rs; Y I k all ew terial 'Wants, and elected to Satisfy ici. establishes DA grow pale, and tbe. voice f aint The two be over." 'however;.R has -been arranged that -mes� traffic is excluded by a gianite curbstone. those wants by I manual labor? -London Offlce;iit NcwYork 1presente&a marked contrast. .1 I I Countess Arnau bad never been aeons-, Sag . es�, Blakil be translated into EUgIiBh or la a gauge -is -on I ly tbree feet,�and totwice took 116 clike of At the time a't which , we are intro e la�r mothek suffer'-� from any., French and iransinitfed to their destinla- that extent 'the company monopolize: the EPILEPT116'11FJITS� to b*em the Subject of conversation" Bueh Blight� physical affi-heiats, forAe had tion in, that Shape. On � arrival they are,- to highwai Tho'costof constiuction under An posed' ontiroi sla between the two ladies turned naturall robust health, be minutely examined by. certain I Officials li circumstances has only beeribne- ,,, bottom. cl the F ive Ik b. meserolo (1,,Ito of T,6n(Ion), 11,116 maj�iiq a spe. y always enjoyed -'the mosi fislied itfly4rdni, tho bside St. loss trolotod sold ell"Id. Upon the'frigb6ful event, �of the morning' ,therefore har,anxiii,iy.was greater'. who,,with the true red-tapia istincti, mmi qdartar'bf that h3curfed on tr!amwai Fathom - Hole--�-an I"Enchorage- ou, TheCoiI bad JuBc-g-'ond over it'agai,n Will you not go to,,yo'ur room'? George-' Was erected' fia:theancient city'of -ties 91nqAy I)eoni,astonistilng; wo iii hoaril of cm(%"iT asked b ti fi 1 -that flab moBsag'eB" contain , no- favorably �ifuate& , The Steel r6lls are laid Over w Mon. 116 'a"agerousi to ibe,8tata... the Jo6ulita aa work,on this disaX6, whic i be nondi �'witlarcnowcd agitation -:her eyis showed' -she anxiouBly� "The long journey haS Do, and )Be , ritiuda in ho�nor of'11. R, It., the Princeps level, with a , gravelled surfa , , ,L o the marks of fte'sla weeping, snd on each overcome you. , Stay back, da at Pekin are repiartdd,tdbb'makin� a &Idldn parallel ' to them extends ''a third Loifis on thb occasion bf,her.reCeDt enfry itirg. wonaorrw ino to any srf. ' : . 1. . I I 1, forov %Ov) niny Ono thoir oxprogg ixn,�i 11. 0. Address . �Iii �e�iphepot. Tbemother y0'a not Peel grand in aallnX is not weil't?. to conct t the into that ciliyo . all)y . a,enrotoo(I asl;� (i 1, burned a fe' haimt out of the. translation business. rail,'which is Used uc �vlii,hln� N I.:, St.. owyor I� -d f ti b bai 'r-� th ri line, tiq, q rl T ad II