The New Era, 1883-03-23, Page 3K EP :YOUR FEET WARMAND DRY 33001116. T o _. TRUNKS 9 VALISES. &c. • oes for the Is !?tock Of Boots and SbaIanand ;Wiuter Trade is pow complete ,and for pqr egAlit? and style cannet,Jae exeellea,' the ver best [pads in the Market Oar" specialties are to hole And to sell them at the lowest possible prices. 5 per cent discount for cash. W. TAYLOR (_T, .SQN , G oats Bloc h Clinton. I • CREATR..A:ROA1NSi ERALL.GRQCEBJ 1 .L.b . for 1 3 I..bs- for. $1,: X1 L choice, fol'; 70 st•e•l-nt'.�i- . \V tulr,n .Shies 1 m l npie:ueti 1 Ith.. L o.e BOOTS& ` S 40 ES fire 9 H1113 13twu l nl; ' ° BOOTS • T.Eta sE'1s a2.`'S. ,'S I+.l� 50 c. tlitd ttli' a las $w r , ke . C ro c Y t t, 4 13 titll ,\y T1fUGSAItilY :13.•11tR1'1:.. UI 1 19.1:: A\11-\1'l� I:YIi.. t\1. Iv.aN1,'i 0 A , rles 101 wl,iehl the highest m rket puce_ will be --paid'.' PPLES tl NTED-- 1 1)e; t,e11,F'1t1,,,nt sexing era-• LLINTOON, Sept., i5S2. • •: THOMPSON & •SWITZEIRa. • Male Sugar. ar. A few gal. Tins Maple Sprup New p g a � Sorghum Seeds fresh Mangold, Turnip & S. g Good fi _ , __ g Clinton. ars c J. C n ,eft'. Uar 0 rOc� ek, AROUND THE COUNTY. .fir. Robt. 1foLaughlin has rented his farm rear Gerrie to Mr. Hastie. The Seaforth spring show for entire stock will be held on the 17th ,April. Morris' Branch Agricultural Society bold no spring show •thio year. Joel Penabaker baa,leased the farm of John Cober, near Ethel, for a term of years. • SARs DRYDEN • "She kn 8mw 'lier mai and hen you rant 'and ewear•, can draw to her with a aingle barr." But it must+;be beautiful hair to have such power ; and beaut11n1 halt Oat} bC oil- eu'edby'the use at OINGaLt8EHAra 11CNEwEs, Bola at eeets-•byall druggists - It is .estimated the present season's storms. have cost the G.T. R. nearly a million dollars in all, Dir, Dat'}ti }.'g;;ceic Ilea sold hii farm on tde ta •Oth eat. of Stanley to Mr. John Armstrong, a: neighbor, for a good price. - Mr. James Cox; of Goderieh township, re- cently sold a tine -heavy draught brood mare to Mr. U: A. Cooper, for x325 The, spring show under the auspices of the Stephan za Ueborne Agricultural Society will be hold in Exeter on Monday April 20th. Neve ntAT there is a rollable remedy for kid= ney'troubles, half' the terrors attached to. these complaints nave been removed.' For this let all be thankful, and to, DR. VAN Dunes's KIDNEY• CURE award all praise for, having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease.from our drath It was never known to fail -sold by all rliggiat1.. ` thelirvetora of the South Huron \ rwu - total Society have leased plat -of of Lrouu1 on the farm of Mr. Peter \ic€;re or Nit eeGeld. M. 1'. McGregor Bruer field', sold .his fine 'young stallion Count Oareiose," to Dleeere. Lolquhoun,Dow de Porter, of 1libbert, for .the sum of $2,000. it is feared fhii't•-J -John ;a, wbo teaicles a short distantie south of Exeter and who had- lrie feet badly froei,,a short tim.o'since, will loose a portion of one foot. ix1xn:hfstory.of uicdieine no preparation hasleceived such nartvetsaI contruendation fur the alleviation it'aforc16,- aril tlro:"pernlanen;t euro 11 effects In lildnt} disc tsS, as DR. VAN - 73u1 to s.lCiDNI TA_I ,xr :Its action in these dile trt ssntg-ailmhl tuihshi Biu);iby wonderful: Sohl by tlltltugest et e _v,..- . Mr1'..hl}2n, of the 13 (II con, of Melilllop, recently e -old -a year' apd a half entire • coly.to • Messrs. Books ..Cr., Oo]quhonn,' of ITibbert, for $240. Iic srs. 1 ()riles as 1 ai\'alitw have purchased thea livery stock -and. busiuess of Dlr. John Wt ani, Seaforth. 'here will Bette be but twit livaaja es;tablishnirnts-i+l•111e-tort 11.- " ' Mr. la la. \\'lsan, of Seefortlia received 'seven eery tine Shropshire Dolan Ewes front the old, country That 'week. Ten irere ship- ped, but three died ou the Way. C W. aftugay,,Barkdale, Toronto writes: ^ht}"1ri1'cbad several very severe atttbk.s of eremite in the stomach. : Bearing of Dr. Ansi i t,'+ 1'hoepliatine, and: its pleasantness to take, 1 gave her: two -betties. oud.she has not had 00 attack since and her hetlth is numb imptoyett' For sale by. all dn0;>_r lets. Mr. l'. ,Ilan, .. of Wawaneela has per- •-chased the-farm,+slotaNa + 30, ,con. 4 and 5, East aVa,canoab, ;consisting -of -100 orris, -1 ly owned.'by \V Ifunter, Paying therefor the sum, of $2,50.0. Ashton tletchcr, Q. C., of \\'oodetoek, will ,repree he Crown at the spring AseiGbe, which at Goderieh, ou April 9th. -.Phere are threem iaalleaees on the-list!so far, and es ma ore ineourse of preparation, �A 'c accident' occurred near Gorrie .on. Saturday;by which ;v six''. year•. old hey, eon, of Mr: to Dane, lost bis'•life. The little fellow playing' around the ,barn, when a straw :fell on him, killing, him instantly. ton .1 represent open ct gym ad n . 301 was stack As TIIE frosts of widler vanish -under the cal- oric influence of the suns rays. So does Bright's Disease, Dropsy,. Stone in the Kidneys and •.ail older::and uflnmation of the hicney s leave the'body upon the administration of Dit VAn :BLI 1:1'8Ptlixr' CURE.' -oitlby all -druggists. O❑ Wednesday night Thos. Bennett. while going toltie brother's place, near;Got-rie,."'lay, I so long:;in a snow bank that both his feet werefrozen, and -it is feared will have to cotue off. • ':airs. Spears, sr., of the 4th cos of Morris, • niet with a very painful accident cue day last `• I Week It' appears' she • 11'88 standing on a +j chair banging up clothes, when Ler, foot Blip.. tiZ� peel; causing her t'a,fall :on. a large slick of n 1 .wood .breabkin" several of her ribs; b` • ,' • ` No lionsElaril-nalrnuld.beconsidereit;_cnnehlete- Ivithont"•a bottle ofl)r . • \ IN BURnx's KIDNEY ULite is 10 the closest 1.1 iss thea only' remedy that will positively, Ilei manently au( promptly-' alar till foents of Malley diseases Sold by all druggists. - ' T. Patterson, heteakeepera 1,lacvale, was indicted before th'c J. P's"of brussels, ou 'a charge of sellingfl'ignor onthe Sabbath. Five inhabitants went.doan •as witnesses, but the charge' netts not sustained, and. aur genial landlord came off free ata King, of the ,Do minion Hotel, was lose foitunatc.e- for • giving a"few friends n glase, of beer on �un- day,"had.to furbish -Dee 'aT e 'est a 'art stall , current funds- • (?ue day -last week the, moon- train, while paesiug the Fraser cot, Dear Gerrie, killed 'a steer belonging to' etre-Pair. The animal 1 Ives discovered in the' but'' by. the engineer,' I but too late to stop the train, tbe'•i fet,,ce of which sent the steer up the side ofthe incline, • I'hut it fell back on the track again before the. 1 train had passed, derailiiaig :the pest office car " i eland -.another. :although' the train ran same' i dista_uce before it email be 'etopped,_little 1 damage leas doue to the cans, but the tie% are {{badly out, The railway company, it is said, 1 claims $400 Haulages from,:•µ Ir. Fair. 1:.' .1.5. Wetherell, writing frbm-aritaiil)egsays-': 1 "1 can Sao Wore .abOut lhospllatine now than , When I saw you last inToronto..Dry health •is brush improved, and T and free from ;headaches or any tither aelles,ltaving only neral twoand a 1I le ofy 11P rd iii c { ;headaches - half bottles your . lt, Sl, l t c. For ,all' `,bS. alt d rn ggi stt. Ona of the oldest' settlers "ofat-edema town- ship, Mr. Wm. Atcl)onuld ' died on \Vednee- day, at the advanced age of 78 years. He eras a native of .Lanarkshire, Scotland, and almost a• half eeutnry.ago emigrated. to America." fie spent a few years in the States, when he removed. to Canada, and settled in- Goderich' township upwards of forty years ago, anakiug his home at Porter's Hill, 'Ilene lie cleared for himself a fine farm, and' earned a reputa- tion of being ,a good neighbor,: About ave years ago he lost his wife, and since that time hae lived with hie: son-in-law,. Mr. Joseph Mc- Oluakey, df the third eon. He had Peell suf- fering from paralysis for About six " months, .and his death was daily expected fpr the„past ,few weeks. On .the 5th anniversary of his beloved partner's' death, at-tlte seine hour of the day, his spirit-Peaceft lly passed- away, What adds to the strangenese of the coinci- dence is that he arrived at ant the -same age” ' that las wife was. -at her demise. lie loaves behind lam three Sons and a, daughter :— Capt. John Afeponald, of the 33rd Bette -Win. afelponald, of G}a1ta James McDonald, who resides on the "old homestead, and i\Tra 3aa \1eClaelia} Signal: -- • - --., - ----- - .- A:'Bleeeiu8 to all .Mauldin]. In these times' when our Newspapers ara flooded with patent'medioino advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure, that will certainly cure you. : If you aro 13illioua; blood out of order, AMyer'inactive, or gene - "rally debilitated, therein nothing.in the•worltl that will cure you 'so quiel2ly as Flectrio Bit- ters. They are a "blessing to all mankind • awl'ean be had for' only fifty cents'a btitt]'e "cif \'ants and Co, , Sore of .the Manitoba papers are calling for the distniscai`of Lieut. -Governor Dewdney, because he has been using his ofltcial ppsition to dabble in lands. / ' . Ayer's Saraaperilla•is the most potent blood purifier, and a fountain of health an11 strength. Be wise in , time, All baneful infections are r• promptly removed by this unequalled al' rotative. Sir John•Maedonald's promised recision of the fran chime. having done the service expected: o 1 in the rscen elai:Non P, it' le now an Rouneed that the hill isnot to be introduced et this seeeioli .of Parliament. Steps will be taken immediately,it, is said, to void the return of Mr, Faugnier far Mus. kol a.' ft is charged tbat•violence and out- -rage were openly resorted to 'byganga of A Toryemissarie"s sent into the district, gen- tleman wbo was present at the, polling -place where Mr, Scarlett rias returning -officer ."-at`' Niliieeing, states that: a gang of roughs,- ted by p well-known Conservative of Hamilton, took possessoion of the poll, expelled Mr. Scar- lett-ley force and puts, person -whose name with the names of the gang have- been far niched—in his place. They then marked and, deposited ealerge number• of votes. In the meantime Mr. Scarlett,' having ',procural the assistance of conetablee, retnrnedito the polls and arrested the gang, bat the latter .again attacked him and again'took posseesion and - held the poll violently. This is the way a Tory majority was secured in Muskoka, No ' tr" time Bilotti( be lost in 1)1 II, o s {, the ruffians to justice Ayer's Vigor r 1 r les.thebeauty of:. the hair and promotes its growth It imparts 'an -attractive 'appearance, a :delightful' and lasting potfume. .\i'hile it stimulates' the loots; cleanses'tho scalp uid.ttidds elegaiiee to lus'utiaitce, its effects are' enduring ; and thus it •proves itself' to be the beet and cheap: est article for toilet -in -heel `1"`he• larilisll melropnlis was - orrified last. s 1 � 'drab ical • t am to blow n Thur da} t} a of v t pt P the'Governtnent buil+inge, 3,t nine o'clock, p. uy., while the House of Cornrnons was site ting, a LIo nendnus explosion was heaitd, the. galleries iu vie Comulpnst hatuber were she ken, and general consternation and alarm, was created ;Tate nests wasquickly received that a dastardly nttempt had beep made he. this,. ereants to h' -ow up the ofiices of the Local, ( o vernulent.Boaril \1-eetininster, by dynamite. So far' as- can he gathered'in a'basty explore - tion the expleeion,toik place flout the interi- or of the build h g, which was"entirely..shet- tered, So great was the force of the explo•:: Bion that the streetslin the vicinity are strewn Partial. with aroken,la: s.: l'be guards at tLe meat: buildings were iurmediately doubled'' and the resid'rl Jes of the Ministers closely guarded. A' double attempt. to blow alp the Tinges office on. t]ae previous day' -failed. through sente;:nlis -banes to:the-0 iscrean`ts, - \1r. 'Win. Sealer wao ciiedat •\Wiui'hail an llnnday last, ,felled the first tree where Wing - La La t stands.' Ile came to what pis now Wing; 'haul 33.years'ago, and was eiearly ft years of age at the time of has (bath: White labor` is doper€:cling (iliinete on the 'ritisll-Columbia metro u of the C nada_ 1': cific P ilway: