The New Era, 1883-03-23, Page 2CL...•�N'°` •A F4'+•e•-'+:
Ilgty eA'1 VUIT1111
Store torn' \'V Gore
Cottagtr :dud o1liecs to a;,�ut—IT.:I;. Ilrewei
'louse to rent -,G. W, '1Vllliam�.
Fat w to'reitt— NY. 11.. Bayley.
Bread. (4.c --Mr T. L?uttlui . •
McKillop Insurance L'( —1y.. J, Shannfla,
Great srteeiuitie„-1V. Jackson.
New goods -----Pay ‘& 'Wiseman,
Dissolution - Oral b, 111aeti hirtei (`u Co.
:Hunriu:iug—lactate John Hodgens,
oto t- .
J.iUDAY, ARGIL 23, 1$8,."
We d.itect the attention of 'our friends
to the grand banquet to:be • givenhere on
Thursday evening, 2.9tlrinst.,:iu the_to-wqr
hall.. It Irtonuses to be a successful
• affair in every respect. Hon,Oliver 1lowat,
Premier, and Ilon C. F. Fraser, 1Iinister.
.of PubIICII' otacs,'.wi11'he prese) :..on -the
occasion::: Our o.wn.represetitatites inane
llotninion liouat, M:'C. Capicron,: Esq,, ,.
and John 'ilieMillan, Esq., -will, ,also; lit
tend, as well as all , the local.: members.
Invitations have been .extended to' -Hon:
Edward :Blake,. I•Ion: •Alex. `Mackenzie,
and Wi . Patterson, Esq., 'kL. P. and it is
iroped that-one'af then twill be able' to
come. At•al1' events, there will ,be a grand
array of speakers,' 'catch as:' an audience
very•r.n:oiaiiertunity_ of_ listen
ins to,
'.As most of our readers kuco , the baan_
duct will be on strictly temperance,
elides, and the admission has "beenmade
scarcely 'ufiicieut tn-cover; cape .ses. Il1te
trust our Reform friends from. all parts' of
the county will ralJj together, and make
the affaira citmplete.siueess. The tidkels
. have beep disfr'rbutednnd:can be found in
the Intl dsuf"leading Refit iner•.s in differ-
ent eent t es
iffere'nteentres in the county. It would be
well for our friends in Cloclericlr :tad Sc
forth to make ttiangemerits to have
train run to suit tlieni>ntr tate occasion
Such an arrangemen't•tte feel sure, can be
8111(10. .
c are glad to be able to say that no-
thing will be lef•tnndone on the part of
Mr. Robb• to make the dinner' the most
stylish and s}iccessftil„ one that vas otter
given in the county. of -Huron. • 11 'e un-
• derstand he goes either tei-London orTo-•
routo this week to '„obtain• supplies that
cannot- 1r0. obtainednearer.:
11`11 tstt T tt11ti.
i\.c bctte:r evidence cnai 'be gig est of •the
v cahue s of the tic that binds the ptci-
vitrces together as it confederation than
• the'faot'tliat some of them are continually
.asking fur bettor trrtns, andgetting it;
thug proving conclusively ',than there Is
continued dissatisfaction or utter selfish-
iieso, and ithuc the demands are granted.
merely to gain political- support, Gott -
•federation. vas. established fo:r•the_purpose
ofp fitting an cud to the injustice -done to
Ontario by Quebec continually ,getting,
•-d.isliroportronate share ef.-th-e-:-revenue,
and instead of removing this: evil itis:iii
creasing it, for now. there are everal ap
1)licaats for help, and• befiire there •wa:S
Only ono. During confederation the debt
of the Dominion hasbeen continually,
runninb.up, tvithoitt anythingoeing ob-
tained 1,,or it thatwill yield a return either
directly or" indirectI3'. The Itatercolonial
Railnav cost something rear $1(1,000,000,
and. fnsteui. of yielding a tet;er.ute the
country is out of pocketsomething: like
$200 000 a.;year 'runil ing es;pen es and re-.
pairs, and. the interest of that i ;mense
sine to' 'be" paid• f•orever out Of the re-
Tthe Pacific Railway is increasing
our debt to 11te e tent of about $50,009,-
000, and 'the •proiuiscd•return`frciin the
sale -of lands will More' he found: no ore' than.
sufficient to ply -:for surveys and manage
trent of land ciflices.
.Lately Prince 1d'it ar d Xsi'tndl asked for,
a refund of the 'moues • site 'had expended
in the cotistruetiOn oftvhar}es, piers"aiitd
=public works tnd:_51te got it., and now.
Neva Scotia, is halting:• for an increased
stibsicly, and hs.Q Lebec'is'deeply ill: olved
in. debt and' wants a 'sist.aitce, they Wiil:l
uriost• likely unite their forces and gain
their ends, especially as by so florin they
;'f'i'll tencito weaken Ontario, which Qtie--
bed'"delights rn doing
The sooner Ontario looks this `matter
squa•rely in the face •the letter iJt will be
for her, as e cont nuurce of .corr'fedor�
the a-
tion undor the: present regime will brut.
j .itht lr'tit Iuss to het, and still iflerease
Ii the. bitter feelingand local jealousies now,
existi no: .
I'VE Globe advocates a..perrn nent•dr-
ganiz:rtim; of the Liberal par(y, With a
paid? (c Ota-;r:,.tS,h. clutx_it_'lsotilcl ]ieto
look after ' et cr p polling sub•
.dirt, rc n .iii the Proi•in:ee, a
good, and if carried out,'nut-
teriril ) r ntot ing' the: efia ci cif.
the Liberal Party: :. '
• Ort( (>,t(euted cetiferc of'he. i)sltositor
heartily endorses the intentionhof eondercti
ins the 1�r,Eoi,iia bationet•hereon' temp
cr. le. -2�rrd•�lav> �t� t • -
p P •, t e lrstt;tl.c.. al n nor tt r i
be carried nut on this line, :Wo can. =ris-
sure the public that itis the:intention/ / to
provide no liquor.:stronger -than tea or
coffee: , /
In the House of C nnious, on :Monday,
Mr. J. McMillan (South Boron,) present-
-- -----eta=-t-Irt )ts+;t of-tale=petition for the bettor
observance. of, t]rs Sabbath .:by railyuay
eorpra les. -'-T•lime-iratrage fr=oth Glia li:0:
. .John Ross, of Br•.ucefield, to which ,were
appended 'more titan .five thousand ; signa-'
tures, and another from .Rey. A, I) h:1ac
donalcl, of S•ee.foi th, with .a nearly e7ital
number. -
A vxltk. lively scene• occurred in the
Hoose of Cummer s, on. 11lenday, when
Mr. White in.trodticed lii`s bill to ineot-
porate the Orange Associa;tions of theDo-'
minion.. ifiir. Cotirsa],.of Montreal: snow-
eel that the; bill get a six !months hoist,
which,-yias egnivalent",to .thre•wing it out,
and in his speech and also that of his sec-
onder, were some remarks calculated to
arouse bitter feelings... A general . debate,
followed, .the French members gen'erally
taking the position that it was wrong to
incorporate a secret society,while those.
who'spoke in favorr Of the bill could see
no harm • in its incorporation.' . The vote
• ' to give the six months;' hoist, was defeated
on avote of 89 to 9C; ' • , • •
i,Y..�a,_ �=cax�'-?.�s-,�..� � � u.•.ez-+•-:,aaz..yaR•..rrx,�
Toru AMOL-Nr of confidence- placed in
such persons as Wiggtns find. Vennnr' is
astonishing, :That (Frey ,cannot
make a.:direct •forecast of .tae weather,.
--nearly every one will- admit, and yet 'a
great many people appear to be governed
by their predictions. Wiggins, however,
not only bears oft' the Palin as bcing..:.the.
greatest weather. er'
fraud -of the tit o,;but he
=mat heir the reslxora iiig
death through fear of anticipated evil,' 4.
little girl of J3nf3itle, who bad:road his pro,
phecy regarding the great storrii, was so
much alsniltei,ethat she bcc'anto, ill: arid
died, the cloetora inntteiida#ice oxpre'ss=
invite irpiiiinn-tlistther deitth hacl beep
caused by fright lrpeople would only
consider that.thes.e weather -prophets were
acting an the principle that goerns', hu-
manit.y—make money- t,r0y: would plapo
les ,.r lJarsc en-tlieie stltstsc1 Statements.
u » - .at ,... .i.m..,., aa.. r..c..-.,w..w „•.w+*x-. al-, x rr o
St 0 Cl'"
�..��tnt1`'11811�',lttlnl;rl� nf!/Itr,> {rte%:.1
�. ...G. --
For the thud time, the Dominion Gov-
ernment has disallowed the, Sttenns ]Bill:
And for the fourthtime 'Mr. Atowat;twill
re-enact it when the House meets.
A Alia reader, is calicine considerable
excitement in Toronto by his really mar-
vellous relations:: If he, las any ''-leisure
time on his hands, he might come up here
and read .the iniiids of sonic of our delis=
quent subscribers-- We have tried. to get
an ci"liression of ;opinion from'. then( 'for
some time:--1
Ni f oli//
IT: IS Said that Sir A. I'. Galt seas
cd resin . h1s pusit'qn 'as; Gamic:Tian
Ceii:missiouer;anis: having don esn,Seiintor
1`• 1 in his
1terscni has let,n �.j)lDarntec
stead. .Clic reason given in news a ers'.if,
5 � P 1 ,.:
/correct, 1)i000S the government •lcletirly nn
der"the t s iftb of'thc Syncl'rctit'e.-At tife ..;."
ti:nie of .the ,nn•tl•gairi aticn.•
�of ihe''•C�raud
Trunk and Great Western, Rniro,a s Mr:.;:
,Galt rs'siiid to have useclleis r.n(tielace f�,r
.the Western and theSyndicate . became
offended acid ais1 ccl his head•as sstisfaetlon.
cif sec under $10, and T I . Y . per
on urchases over that a nou.nt.
' 11 be o
Ali our 'aew Gods are to hand, with the exception o Qases of Dress
Goodss„. 3 y r�� `8.expected, , 6
:. , . �. � 8��. �_ ��_�.���. are this ��. .4 Cases New
���o , ..this -seas ' ;�5'�� T 1-~"!: d s oak x,,:::has been �a for years, the ' hest e*-
a � . , � k � .. This r.> rn._z `�.�8. is C�,.J it '� �ii3 . ,
r- of -rand . ashionab e Dress Goods, outside the cities
14ir�: iBLAiil� and .his friends;• tvlio were
named in ;the Committee to report a bill
on the license question; acted eery! Wisely
in: refusing to have anything to •dowith
as theybelieve it is a matter that'beiongs
.to„.aocl W ll._Ue Iuttaaged b.eiter._lsy_:iit to --
eat legislatures, and also, the government.":
had assumed the responsibility of the
c1iestion by promising .a bill .upon 'the..
subject on the opening of parliament, and
they, thci•e;ore,shoulcl not •be.pernntte l'j'';'':
to,slrirkit,- IJp to the.present:time net. a -;
particle of 'fault can be found or' .prueel
against the Crooks Act and its ailru, e
tratton ; but if the Dominion Crovernrnent
can make an iinprovemont in the diiec-
tion of more stringent.1iguor rel']ing, as
they promised, tiie'country w•ill .welco.tne
the change.:- As honorable: and consistent
members of the Opposition they could not
otherwise than keep aloof from' being
parties to an unjust interferonce •.in `local. '
�.. •+-
ArA meeting of the Toronto Minist.,rr:tl;
association. (which _embraces tile_loading
ininisters of the city) on Monday,ouc rover-
end gentlemen introduced a paper:i rcom
Mending ,a Bible service for Sunday even-
ing i})stead of the customary sermon. •The
-most of those present were not in favor'of'
What they termed'' so radical;a elrange,"
but thought the pu1iiit should be ‘'char—.
actorized'by ir%re: expository; preaching,
that the people might be more tlinrough
ly 'instructed, in the Word of tj dl.”
ptiljit has been' charged "with...being too'
"expository" as 'it is, and i1 was.only,a
ittlo while:ago that•the •Toronto papers'
were ed iesi:illy cliscu,ssing this stets soli
-;eat Seit7ett}ii 0 Snare •us noafigt t.r3- fl:oni::
the pulpit than. tlistt "(lie pe4,plc he 'in-
s!tuctedin the fiord.' Theoretical know-,
ledge is good, ' but, practrc\al is better
There :ire comparatively few Who arc not -
familiar with the requirements of the Di-'
vine law, aver simonrcst. the tris, t worldly'
classes but strict and' thorough compli-
ance with these requirements i.what the.
masses need-tobe'taught, sind,tke,lessen,
;should be received by-chure!i members
menton of
_... IB_S
Vii; 4U
Florae our larger Departments may . not be out o place,'
i -men
We have secured the biggest lines in .Cottons,
Ducks, Denims, Shirtings, Prints, to be found
anywhere. Allbought after the , late .tumble in
This is -a stronghold •hold of ours. ' The goods • should
They hold the
be seen. They baffle description. We
finestselection ever 's'hown in Clinton,
ver ONE HUNDRED' PIECES to . select from.
In this department alone, we are the ;largest em
ployers :of labor 'in Clinton, and at' :the. present.
time are turning out more work than all firms in
town combined. What'ish-reason? ,The rea
on •is we keepd
ouble -the stock of our competi-
tors, lower prices, and :keep T. K. ANDERSON,
-. AS
Every cOf' goods subject
•' b.ori ° '
e five to ever ureh er O.
;�LN1 tte. a
and adherents first,
arch.' 1883;
a.0'ta ver.