The New Era, 1883-03-16, Page 8r
WHE'WAIST AND THE VOICE. 0HIPPING entirely of the me
Mardih fal,6f ich, Oil. color THE fiE OUSE..
tub0a-are composed. What a."now, jotorsii,on, the Pralrico, of, the! Elffect ol�, Fashion- on, theAtli'mile—isti.
lole nble Dresslux T vion the , Vocal 0 1 r.- *teen Perseus lftbwned on
Ceram dny ovek� the WIL
'"queraderEj - were summoned (.Foxa the Detroit Free Preaa�), anns 4116* and What Prime IDonue 13ot.
the ies
on before throng, List of Me�mbers,� and:.Mal-or 'k
61U into1be- White Salo a a at- A Saturd�yts Now York deapatch:sftyrg:.�,
o61dr o'cloc , whila, we, wer . i a� dry
c e� the:mercibant.vho had .1 sto L FPGa "'Between the �JB The stiasmer Some,rsbt Captain Jame6.
orming a mass 60= k
RITZ at, the oper Donn
-and-glit�bring—jeweli3�a,.scene out a momentbefofe, said. to us;, 111don't kakiy of which efk Bristol February 1%ht b"
CQNSTITVENCrr. MAi itt diiacuases, the kiauseof thi aable splendor and Interest. E, Tdiii aWtly my, Cosittl r I P
time in the having exporienced, a very rouil.w.,
M;� �ent Page�ant ixL Berlin like to drive mers. but a; good oppiatio singers'. Somd
The Queen of' Love be Addington ........... ......... *.-.-� peli—IlA6 man3r Other great a ler d6cir� were a scene of,con.
then 'brought't blizzard is coming from the -We t' d i verifs passage.
B' �N ............ �,Y6ung, J� .......................... ! I � 8 , an it is dim
the Sil-ve.r WeddlIna. pageprit to an,end b.y descending from her ran", d ......... 5 high; seas that 9
I oil Brant, S .......... Her Y ... .... ..... 00' coming fast. The telegraph ahnoupceB the date isjoeit-in a dim � obscurity—it was' fusion, and The he exp6ri
bcautifil vor . that it bag reachadMirvis. That is forty bad damag�4 ber boats, deck -house
oar and presenting, Brockville ...... ... Fraser: ... ................ 35G
foutidtile thing to create a walat in, woman. enci
....... ...... Gillies ......... .................... 'I from he 'it, i6,coming at the- -are Was 16ft raps.
bouquet to tbil CrownTrincess. ............... 'I Czlpton ames
1 'acel ml as ire, but d
HONORS TO THE'CROWN PAINCE'AD FRIMESS Bruce, S . ...... �.O!C6bnor. ..11.. . U,p,to that time, the female fig sa ' id yester.
],� rate.of forty miles ter liour,v F36 you hki to nature for deveicipthent. The diess . V'&y1*L 'We bad it succession of gates, rain
;Cardwell.,.: .. ............ ...... Haamael, J; ...... 5U ve I . I I I *
i,AlrEST F ORX UOIXE. Carleton, ....... .................... Monk, G. V.. 778 no time to'Bpara lf,�yo. rel gologItime Who a rhouldere, Was, in filet, I Ild Bow squalls, aod bigh." seas' the!exltiro
from ill
The Ancient Gforlien. '01 England and in Cornwall ........... ............ A� a, P R 42� to.day2l drapery, lqo8e I arid flow1ug, so that.tbe passake� ]Tebruard4th w6experien6ed a
Dufferin ............. ........ ......... McGh6 ... 2;,0 ohe 11oly C 4111 Dundas .... .......... ........ �Bioder. A.,:: i5o He rolled lip ur purchase as hosiS-k-, f6,.,16ft fees, remained as nature intedded hurricane veering In SSW,. to N . ac-.
rmany Revived.
, .0-1 1 -11- 1. 'd atc(i in. -a� huixy-to W
A cable 'from- Berlin n, �C. H.. 240, ttil oqmpapied by.m terrific confused sea, Which
,appai -getria pflig, it should be.
Durham, W ......... McLatig-blin' ............. Afteri-it. Was -dra il-in pro ned historical tiostuine,pago4ut w9w beld T1-147 When WB'gotout�jde of the'store the first cisely whe're:th6 vital oigaris called for the wa6bed in oxie sbeei over ttie vessel.: In
patch says,. 46 ropagan a Elgin, El .... ; ....... ........ . ......... Ermatinger..�.100
PO eat 'splendbr:- in A Rome de's, tiliog that attrcted � iDyLiltteliti,)n waS the fullest lib st'mach latitude 46-� 40;:lonuitude 46. 47, -we sighted'
Cascaden ........ 25. orty. � While the 0. 1 1 . , , , 4
with the great the'! �old has 'directed - MonsliEn6re SSIveatre Seim Elgin, W ... 40LY several iceberg
tt�AIDS in the street whe
Essex, N . ..... ......... W6 fiteb thatf �ull th, D.- pushed out of'place; the hings ., and' heart. a followed by, arge qua , ptitieSr,
Sohloss, which presented a scelloof festive biatowitiz togo to Vienna undoversee the R 613OX, S ........... Balfour ...... . era redu ad tor t,14 smallest space f 'Me-itirri tie remainel w r life of Laid ica� We w�re eompO ed" to kee
ispleridot hitherto, unriva114 even i the a In in'the Slavo�Rutheniari rontemac ...... ................ .... wilmlot, O -U-, - I r . e 7 c 1 0 P
n proposed I, f6r 2 1 verybody ilt 6,616. Even �o exibt at all. This The ship, 120 miles to the Krjubbvvird before-
�'6f the! &a 1 L id seudde7flor ris death tie a good deal,
p geant.loviiag Court of' Berlin. , The Roman- Church. One at import- engarry.,....�Ra�yalde ... 50 fail The Somerset
hted with 10,()00'rWaX ......................... French, F. 6D I did or, burry. The sun was!still we were 71y clear'ctf it."
n was lig 40, th ut 39PGciEiPyAo the voica."
-6f these r6forms is -the adoption of- the E ............... ................ ... Lauder ........ L: 140 bri, o
ant Gre y, v I , ll Y� htly with not th�l faintest SUg- -hea� a' man discoursing e�j wag ;p*hs, P.aile'd oh her raturil trip
caudles' and 160 re; Creighton ...... i... i5o; never to.
Wetrie'lightB, the � com irian Calendar. * The Ruthenian,arld �Gre N.- .......... i ...... fael IoOrAW, but O�vi6g to bar 'delay in reach.
rego yftte.-�..� ... :1... 187, of, -re. learnadlycli3ight-laci g that 'I don't
binationproduoing a remarkably lustrous Slava_Cath6libs still Ina tb6 Julian Calon- Grey, & ........ ...... .... ...... Bl . . tuywbL ' D Beem, to Ing I
I rcdar in th6ir liturgical service Hdldi and ........ iBaxte'r ... ....... ............. 1 0,5 Befove we had got a inile from town I had �oriy for him.' The. koose doll,t port bar sailing has been. p6atIioned in.
effect arid enhanciDg the'briWilnt ...... 1 10 r , ;' L . I I . �
..... 7 f4�rgr.)J,en the stori' ald know-thitt the practiceis obsolete." definit6ly.
Halton . ....... ; ...... ........ !�erns ......
of the roagnificiefit costumes and jewels of, onsignore Racine,. the. new Bishop of E[,niilto ............ Gibson,im ...... 1 ........... 156 'the horses wore" J' irlg�at thei� wiII. GeJrge Skolfield, of Bi"wicIr,-1
099 Yes, triadam. but; the, Waist rtimalusi
those present.,.- tbene`Caoadian diticeeeeflChicautim; HastinaB . ......... ......... 'k;lcut6a, bus arriv
see were s w 0 1 frout ea K66r a.
At 9 o'clock the strains of. Mood ohng, Hastings . ......... . ............. Wuod ...... ........ 236 till"t' o',Milesfr we when and wearing apparel is' adapted toit� has had a IoDg,audiance with the Popa�,, HastingA . ..... ;.SillB ..... ..... ..... tige of 236 daya. Capt. Otls-ieports
Wedding March " buredi forth,' and- the L 6� ...... ...... 23 the - buii was,� obscukbdl and. ihe wei-lit ofelothes carried there iDstead'of YOY
onsignore' Rotelli, Apostolic Del g to ,HuTon, E ...... ...... .............. 1. i..o 45 jit. :A the' Bh6ul'd6r,' as "fure designed, is' haviing,experienced fine weiath6r utaidl after
�yal personages :a red'L the saloon, the , � . ...... I ..... ... ±. 100; air cold.. suid chill ita a moint wheil beavy-g6at re I d ta from Naples -Huron, W ...... .... Ross. ..... ::: I ... !- 65, ety pa�si to Conat op ej opar ......... ........ .. dtlrkne6H, as Of aw�pt over ev -1 enough it) perpativite the evil. Besides this;
Emperor escorting the Queen of Saxony, -on the 11,1111, �e v we Were natuiej that is -logical
11th. This ?ieiirs'a fuli Huron, & ......... . we't to northw
prelate o . ..... . ..................... 250, thing' Then I ). '�'-Dlbered' wh as- �well as600nomioal,l at gales -were expdrIenced,
and the . r6wri"Prince, dreasedin th%white' 'board, in conformance with the' Oriental cy, 1 30 'of the voyage. : -on,
...... L ..... . ..... .. 0 going'bome, and I g�vetl��'hbr�e� the whip says: I Well, if you. don't want' iull.Aungs laStIng the,remainder
unit Cit a Pome Is, , , : , .
=P1 ran' D. ciiiragsier, escort-. oust Kingston ... ...... ........ ...... etcalfe ...... log, in carbeao,ilablng them into a`rurlt.' Away itid hearts and natural. Btoma6h I ov. 26th'a gale, struck the L S&ip,'r badly,
ing the Crown PrincGas. " Shk wore el -mag. Lambtoii�;E..,.�' rallam . .............. . 150 a, we wi i
The, Marquis Pacca, brother of 'the I&te. 'sC there a -be" a di'spon'sie: with tliem,? ana:rBo Women
dress of whitedam"k, it Lainliton: W....:.Xardee off tothe we to aome� tyvisbiog the radger:1 hea& . All want well,
coronet of Cardinal,aud nepho, of the b6ornpanion of Lanark, N.; ......... Cald*;if::::****"'.*"..*.'.'.'*"r* lGailen sweeping Iowaid% us:.- there 'ioto'tlic Worldt half made lip, and men �too, however, until December `15th, ivbed a.
dian ortda'�And' a ribbon'acros's the''Ilreast Pius VIL in 6xile, is,dead. wall
Lanatk, .... Lec8 (L) ..... i ..................... . 89
7 was' 9, huna in tilei A light- �bre6ze f6r th at . , arid ' I we can: bid, adieu to sweet tremendous, oorth�,Nrest gale, accompitmed
woven with the colors Of tfie� eight orders Father Eleutgaiii the JeWish'thologian, Leeds & Gran- t by a blindilig -allow gtorm� was experienctedi'
ville, No ........... Merrick..: .......... 5 sprung.up,,,grew �ana,ill w-minu a Bingers.P'
ishe holds," includiag,jb6 English order df :termeld,'hyLeoXIII.,in-al6tter, Trinceps 134 became a gale. .� The "R came, down with "It is -all ncitisbn They 'w"Gre"Cibliged to lay to,' &a tha�captala
; . Leeds, 6 ................ ......... as... The sweetest and I
the St&k'of. India. -The Piffice of Wide" PhiIcaopVorIim,?'i6,dead.. He -was aloreigif Lennox ........ .................. R06 ....... 170 railroad'�EiVed,,Ahe ioar of -its approacili Aidlibitilareto proceed oil �:accouut ofib&e
most powerful voices. I over: kao* .
wag in the crimson uniformlof the Blucher member of the St. Thomas Academy. He Lincoln,.; ...... Neelbu.; ...... came.
are bid..' eel: 6vBr,v instant growing loude�, , From the frotligirfa of slender waists und narrow ..' giile I lhod�rating
Hussars, of which iegiment II6-bas'bean di4iiii the Tyrol, London ...... ............. �ft
widdle�ex, E ...... Mackenzid'. .... �.., 100 top of a roll in'the prairie we could, Bee 6' they bo�e off.forBokuluda, but
A er them Jkrlberg has been ............. i ' or BlIdulders there now.'�
r6celitly appointed' Cploill., it : The Baron MiddteBex� N ... �'..Waters ...... .. ....... 33. hbuse, and it came �rieity near being our' : "My� deir . frional- I don't mean to j3uy WverEk unabl'bito reach. tbat port owing io the
0 0 Iftbe DuRb arid Dudhess'df Edin- 87
nck..� ... .......... ladrcourt.� ........ 125 g Pee 0 i I that,full lungs and'ahealthy, well-developod
Wec nominated Carnerie're'di Capps-'ei Spadd by: Middlesex, W ...... I .......... �...�...�Johnson, Ai ... I.:� storm. , It wrs then dedide-d-t6� bjsad, for St
.-.burgb,, the KiQ of Saiphy, Prince,Rudlph He is a SWedia ' convert, form- Mo laet lim
-tbePope. h ... 400 Thornabi which' Chad , oi,�:
Of P�iocefy and nobi 0 Noifolk,-N ... ... ... Freeman ... No, �ords Will e�br`conVey all iiltelbg�mt 1weari, or :9, digaBti�e the"best port was iea
-Austria and other pi 0 to tkoSv�eqis4 the dams,
erly attached our-- Norfolk, S: .. . .. ..... . ...... ! .. Morgaff-.. . ... ... 41 id6a, of the, blizzard ; of tho i. frightful roaor 'order make a voice. That is an, affair p"eir. �wbe're' ge as
The Em CroWn,Pricce:, Depetis, 'the Italian 1��emier,,,,was 70 Nonhumeti'd,'N.Ferrip ...... .......................... 84 with which it ro Out t 0 pict
Perot, their seat He has beena room!' NorthumbTd,w -....Mulbollmnd�..� ... Ils down 'upon Y. Ing ans. � What I do'say ieDairjed �iJd h V ceaded to this,
.0r6wn pri"e" took s on, ihd years old oii'Jan. 31. ... ...... C4 tik. ta,i.6" Yfotha,vocalorg
:i �i ho�%Wlg arid hisai6g-bf-tbo 'Wind. Ifyou try hi� that the voice cannot, be r�iiotained far pOit Nktb6fi filrth6kiLijury, altho gb heavy
the other peisonageB. being -ranged )a the, time of Charles Ontario, N ..... : ... Go d.,..' ........ ......... .... 60 1 , � U
ber Cif,Parliaiment.him Ontrio,' S ...... .. ... ........ ..... i....200 to speakthaind dashes the svIlable6 from -WeatberWvs bxpaiieticad.
the. tryieg work of 66 pubio singer without
'Al lipa so quickly' th''at;'you'do, not 1,
According to rack wit" Pullet' '(lug Pare :Ottawa ............. A 11%li'lax, N.S.,, despatolit datod y
0 ;..Baskorville' .... 70 your kr thegeorgaiiB. IA6�g-l�,ig,wiuldyourslender-, i cater.
...... In thjAy aecontlf'i fr6m� rlirro��:sh -day (Blind bu"y) 'save: ' The:gteama� Violet,.'.
Wb�IeLthe illuAribussp.OdiorwQ�eie I lug now Polish. Bieh�pa wil ;a .0 Oxford, N Mowat..�.; ................. r.
gord, iS ........ ... Crbolts ...... ................ your own word� 1 last -in
eir places- the -piotilre� galleries and other ., _1_ , I I ouldered gii
Dated at -6, Consistiory on Fbb.'26il�a C the-firi; Id--hot-.660 ork as werh�ve hereto-nighi� What, -CaPt' New- -Orleans- via,
. ................ �w
salociiis �djac&it to ilia Whjte� Saloon W6?o din als Will be nominal 0 Perth, N; ..... ........ 316811� ...... ......... 106 atmosphere: appoared LouiEiburg, C�B.� bound to B** h
P allremeu wit a,:,
bronged by a br1lIIMI1t.crO*a Of neafly.Bix myhorses, Th to'. MmO. F ur'ch-Madi is Aoing for. our entr-
Perth, S..'. cargo of cotton, put. in her�, to-day'in di
BaL4antyne; .. ................... :.'-'150 b
"'hundred nobl6s, ladies and, gentlemen, Poterboro',-F ...... BletEad..; ...... .... 120 p.all snow and every flake or it was in a 'tainment to, -night would knock' over and
I I I RON-QUA tress, Ur starbpard bow, bass f past ages, -and XIIN EILEc r HHEIL. rboro', W .......... ................ carnegic.. ........ hurry to, get', somewKere' before the 'rest. lay up oftiety-on6 of 6ur girls in one er,
n26 b 'Oti.. r She' 1E
�6.ttired in the �ost . ...... Hager- ............ .. ...... ];:. I use e, WO -fl --N �ffi Louisburg aiter, 6aling
awaiting the signal for the- entrance of the P should, get there. h rd altes", fc`rmiance;. 0 ODG,1 Itsk L an's,dequate idea, Y I
articidursiiii ilieVerovan. ioqubbing A Bair Prince Edward.... 75 but ih' foirt�en days ago. I
thatiti wrong. N& flakea, uElleab I a buaiaeis8, of the straw prim a Wl�e� 40 mileg'east.of
Renfke�w,N ......... Murray ...... 167 atolosphe It ice was
ton despatch says- John Mo -:,Re 'S ... ...... Dowling ............. I .... ''The whole re donna -has upon her. in' An opera,Buch B
The, strains of the- ,Wedding Marcilit' . A Kings nfreN H - .; distinguished.' a that �ort heavy. diL met and the,
Russell ............ ........ Robillard ... 1., W was filled. with� -ouebig flake tba�t hernmed hi ' �or, indeed,:. any ttibg atcamer entered ft , expect ing- to � ilitke her
having, ceased a fanfrarp of trumpets 'Cullcu&, of Portland, *he wits stabbed at t let opera. Rail-spli
Shile0o'L F,:,� .... : ... Drury, C..� ... : ............. 45 u oag. Mabel'B1ead is lose e through livithoubArouble. It, pro ell
.......... McKay; G 100 sin, on all Bides.-' A-Ith, h we v
iannounced'the 'a; proAch of the first'pro. Verchaon the nicht, of the alectio, us by ....... I - closeiv packed as th&",�
P ail heralds, , 61 ad Mic I . Simece, W �%.,.Phelps, OAZI .... ............ 29 WaSo F, Over' a . foot from millet I could,not beavi�r ind more
dession, preceded by fourte huel Killion, of the same place, is very i'They seem delicate enough."' � P
Bee bar featureB d" i Id' Oi I dimly'see :,)Do thoy-9 Fai!rea u hil
in antique costume,- ith tabards of gold low.- A large, artery in the groin Cut, a Stormont ........... ..... ........... Kerr * ........ .. ;.1... 200 1 all Zen U yi t'of womenjilid y steamer probiiede and After I , a
a Pr1rn% I. h vs.
Marris, Eon. A. 122 her forft� 4 trial to �peek dowrlwa�rd beside ever see d t;,.
headway cou:ld be made i -bu aw
dee preverence on bola made inthe left lung,, aud, other in- a eatj a
brocade-. L After a, e of the Torontoi W. larlie, 205 who takes heartier r about with the'll
juries in Lhe'sleigh and -Bee the trsok, bat, as Thera'da� laborer' s;,
11 ...... ... 6... Fell � ....... 1..'23 9 1
number a gigantic, youth the' son� of the flicted.' He was io4he hotel when Victoria, N .......... a w ich tirile a large hc
Kinion's brotllei ingulted him. Tli6 lattier Victoria, S .......... �Mclntyre; D. J.: .... .. 29, well have tried to seii.thb earth a food, or with morereliBh� than t6eisEi sollg-, rin tb de, thought
'allow I could feel a m6� birds of' theL opera. - In my younger. and Director Geealc ihe theatres; Harr Von Waterloo, N . ...... Snider W. D . ...... 11 ............ 735 ionjx� the' b aba. im feet long k
b t out of the, hotel', went off; far, 60 was aocked jrt. her
Hupleen,, sto �.)ped f O-rth and recited ��a poem eing Pt Waterloo, S ... ;....-.Masters, L.i .............. Uelow-tbe water ma I rk. The
ItWasi - 8, Gig he. Lormes - wcre,Htill days (,if �that were posgible)i.1.
written by H'err'Von Willenbrudh. i.h.el to h* 1 ' Ill so I knew t st�xboard'bo
give Im istarice to il clea Out Weliarld ............. Moran, Col:.\. ... ......... I pt, r Tal'
'movitig. - The col -is flowing into the� f ard aiter-
A was the�,,�Grdarlt linen, cb&mo a water
"1'0416 to the flower of England, which the:T6rieB." Michael arrived: brandishing Wellitigtbn,C..Clai C ........... .......... 500
300 uffering, but 1 young men, of affecting opera, gingers gDa a rtment ut is,kept low
ask my w am, Pa
Wellington; W.'...McKim,R ............... if eiio was s coriiinuei
-had embraced the Hohenzollern stem% in a bugb knife,; wft�, which 6 made'an
Wellington, S.,...Laidlaw, i ................ 32 could 'at and Done of'th
Dking eternal blaoin arid: Prosperity ci� tho onslaught on McCuljpugh� In a few seconds ... ....... hear my own words., ballet dancers. To sea stich faed deatirbys Pullip,119 a 0 as eelp,
V4 Wentworth;.N�Maemahon,. 118
N: � i7 28 �- Du or three all' the- Poetry of the thing, Beer and touched, The'ataaD�t�,*ag five day's.afte
atter'fell.inih pool of bloo&upp'o that Woutworth; S. ...Awroy, ................. �ril)g � the two
epreading the I d
ie' Good' afee of the icein,re&chliDgth1iB.por,
The 'music again. :sounded'A� the Eitately. floor An eyq-witness states tbatthe affair Yoik,i]U..� ....... .... Badgerow . . .......... ..... 2GO that in ry between the time, 1 roast beef alads. of :ad gorts,�an iiweets: getting i a,
York; N .............. Widdiflold, J� H ......... 800 the a ' I h" id :thil,lniorr She docked this afternoln, an& WIIIA
procession reprebe he torm" ient' that prove'th ir aibreititeB hea
i2ting the time Of the was the.most',wanton piece of York, W., ........... ............. �..Gray ;1... 47
Emperor Predaiiek who ruled the holy' tver, saw I - The cis a respectable it! �struck, us, the Sweets cliar PC
horses Lat du to the irtion of -her cargo to repair. -h dated 1, yeste
Roman Empire from:1440,to 1493, entered ma*rxied 'man, and has.,& large iamil�. LPp of ih6ir 'gpied, so we Were not much To be. sure. The'taste for Bwieets indi.i r A gNfaeow Orleans des6atc
i]Pace che.
aIt did not seem c diiy(Stioday) says: The to- azoo
the White Saloob: !.Frederick and his con. :.Kinion is a siDile. man,, Etod throughout ih over a mile from home. atos - a natural and healthy 'condition of, t
iry ek I
fsort, Eleanor -of Poituga1w4rd represiinted day w"'vdry boi tero to as a supporter -Half the -human -race parishes befor6 its possiple for the � horses to keep. tbetrack.' the systeip.�,* WomeD,' ebildrcD for Biyon,Xacou and Ta a 0
Henderson, time, for the want' of A little'. know, a ge ci� No 1 0 a Oolli&I,Va'an U ol. savages a6a all animals'are fond'of sweats' 'or gDag twenty.
Of 1; d' f n ho r i�, that gtor roll S�W it a city
by the.Duke of Hegs� and Prii3cess'.7red. Derciclse.,' be' Kingston It i ilat night,, filled rapi h,
The Archduke thinks McCullough will hardly recover.. H� the rules that'.g6veiin health. � �'The �b6giu� ii'lan't pl&aaant till Eidfreeze 8 only' when , wo: have 'vidated, the n�eriok Cha,rl6s of, Pribsia.
aP 9113, sOvOral'Of t 6
nuclei are, few,.- from� 6i6b: stomach theouRli unnilt r odand exceiss t 6-- afe'llk,
Maximilian, roderick's beir and% his 'Shi bley.who attempted t ningo, �tbiii death. Ili. tev.. minutes I was chilled u
stop the ight,
radiates the 'host of diseases that ahlidt, through, arid I falt-I.was freeziug. Thb that we Fckeu oil 9w PassengerB "Were picked -up fro 0
bride,Xary of Burguudy,� were impe'rson- received astablin the.a.;rm.. hors . as were at a th'Ough L ut'tell me, St. Job. the foil Eli
ated by Prifice 'and Piinc'osg Albrecht. 'of I mankindi .� It is important, therefore,, 4hat l I rabout hese -6irgers.-and' ae4ris 0; the stemaer
every one should-hriow.*wIlat mischief may could not, see thaw I Usiled thorn with �the theic - private life.. 'That is interesting ink Lee CaOer,"clerk; C
Prussia.' in theArain, oi,,the illustrious .rxtxGjEjD were, lost,
Kern�, flidt Inate John Franz 6arpG,
crcrIcrcrIpersonages r dome from neglect of thilIgs,,,Beemilagly Whip. It seemed hours'. since the storm -There is a mystery f the splendid �past came
Sif Fistolly r4hot. faSCi t.
A PlIalli, As an example',lat iis`trac� the had shut us iu,,H�Ild 1.�.Was Just becomin"g them that are -extremely Dan Ligbtnec, ',steward.; the
hundreds of knights, ladies, attendantB�and vUs, Ing., -
bossibilitleiia connected with that very pages, clad in historically accurate cosit6roes LaBt4 night conviiited th'at the: horses - bad' ut Of charnbumaid, eight� rous 'or A, Cibicago, deiBpatch 'says - got 6 Yes;'the: sweetest musicAnd the Iiighbst,, tell 'on
Mrs. LGwis,of Chicago; a'child6f�th
Jas. Elliott, the'pugillab, and Jake, Dunn, a ful,b6t very common ilmiibt, toothache. the path and ihii,4 we -were obt on tb6 oetry. se6m.'to envel�p them and then we
designed by 'a committee of artiste and the pill
rs of the Royal Ac . aidemy. rig utter. Y, and, a colored woman'uitki:�o
Membe wbllknown sporting man, ri�ot at *Wm. The iiltense pain caused eith6r rom,-au prairie�, when there came a sudden.. lull of Bee arid�hear tbem�ooiy w'hengivi' C0616
Langdon's, sal6on and began shoo "Ithat too fierce wind. : The air w.,'s still full 'i yf. &nee and i1fe to, the . high,
Then followed u16 pageant,of the Minna- iing, inflamed� condition at the membrane aartietile. The boat was heavily loaded: witn freight
j�lli�it-'bei�g.killed"andDunLI lines th- topifi* socket, thii toCith being f - ViOue . unknown..' The bbat'sl alue
'siDgers.- Priucess Wilhelmina, 'the :Crown wbirli-ng sn6w, but -1 could see.'objecV9 �:ticms., i Hence, the mystery. Bd t, my, air'
Prince's daughiier4n.l' represented the twoplaceB.' Xbcounts -of the meeting'' vary. sour or 61ge'froro-Aecay in theJocith -about me, &ud it didn't take for me,io friend, the glamor soon disappears when, 0
nys you 0 om a ill co
in a trio t ell ra I)unlf ineantime,uaing B I er case wa� avean animation of the were -safe. I bad. 16ft the�ba -i� open no better nice worE
as borne into the � . f Love,' and w"W One account sa *, Elliott atta itse J which has 6xtend4d to the, nervo., In, asc'ortaiii,fbat we ih.gbarn ht�wt with'them. Th6Y iw
Queeo 6 with a ell a th h fl deal to than -other people, ��bub-
Saloon- imphan, - aiiot di'ant ne a are encased in in'i . he haoitlingi �,nd the r Iiint14 Protetotin 'A a"
with flowerst' an d attende'd, 'by Bixty � min" :me orses had found we on easonably expect morti. t. ia thii
revolver. and hiA - friend& say 'he mbia s4lnd�noiv'wthat T X 9 mit"!
Steels', :Pages mid aware of Elliott's presence in the.. Uuvielding,,,-cbaiineIA'--of.,bone.; beliceLthe their ay'bauk, I think by,irik),tin6t,,,but,my sam'e�with actors and -actresses. I b d the
lailies.-TheQueen ore �VaEl not 9, pink arid gol(i brocade robe; with saloon until -Elliott fired, he BbotpatEising severe Palo, followed -by death; and decay o'eighb6irs think it wag sheer alcoidenti. anct honor once. of EidppiDg with Rachel. Shei� A I W, a .-
-scalp . Bbington report says: Wh6nEvarts.'
ain in -a. .-',v' r free, and an.,
budsand diamonds in her hair. -Her car made rt Dunn's and' another through of, the parts, affected. While it wo " old be, declare that a4ldn't*,happqu ag as, preparing. to visit oil was Be I crotary 0 t
his�� left. forearm. Dunw tben*"drew his 11 " ' 4fibusand y�aiti f S mte. a J'e4,er, was i
was set down in the centm-L'of �thd ball as a4ule, unwise to resort tb.rkdi6g � moaris
hten6 ls�nd,. and, thought it, good g''tb t
'fo,cure the trouble 'during tbe�loflaiiioisi We afj to all -fO
pr, an joine in't a fusilado; 'Althou�fi. we b gtiv tj.ur I �ga�tibrl,at Paris. A
beforethe thronei �ud Elie was surrounded
be -th�� -t
an as the
ilect nee.
b her attenclants,,whoge flower'. tipped Or in tbry a age, I is po vel unsafe to, ne ii,the howe Frow: hebarnj hodoi y the . Ilya-, P i 1>16o - emigratiorl of Mormons �o tb' crowd of some twenty,Ilv� t Biti, done. B y States be proventedi utq they cam( lot
hasty �exlt., aswhen th6pain nd irtittit,iiiih ya,rdB;, file the imperial', bill-stickor . of
stave6 united bygarlandB formed adharm-, Place, M&king practice' crime.,againiA its laws.- er-
t are at Eurbipe, W6DO OIJ a g1les-tS. He'W ' aay
SiktooncOuplbs th' beeln arrested..i Elliottdied efi a:- 6 ibaid6d, for the h 6 1!
an..'. (Monday) Elder, otiE
hill extends -to� the nlittle said to'be, one' of Rachel's fs,,vated' many, o3pital, -the 49tal 11 shot 'b6i thet temporary. If the decay :as,we'll-have bee 0. �ph- Smith and 'formed the dwica of. Iove,. a quaint, graceful is �r4part . ner f .''. 0 1 1 a . a fh�d-,Wor hipp wonderful
committee. on b@i1W a reorg!
measure, in which the ancers trip hand i h., Dunn Aaffac6 of the "tooth th6oslvity foraA sort wornabi'lielped Lae to -unharneas Ifie b�rsaw a ad, almost ' tho Churcli waited upon the Sec
The. t admi-
Rahki� in abi6ediig fa'r mi on anlrd'andill of- safety valve'for'th6 eocape of. the desid-, ,and; putthein iLto,t
eThen, the, ladies d acbregs, but I must confess that illy of'Sta'
m Ile
th 'th' a, I)etj 0 a m% er, * us. p(x ponmg or proven log' er'tpi,kemain w eta she was,iau" ived a,j3 ock tha night -from h
gathered together air pro. thetmielVij,.",
F -w ........... t 11, �. . I it. , - il:. 1 , , a,", �L�,
close' to It' , a j'dfj6n Ili t -asked- tb odi
eeth break -for the -dis iDguis atween
more serious 'symptoms. But it the t' It any so as to':
tootrelis, and Wore enticed -out b house. Ill is difficu which it never i6coverGd." '
y ? . arid polygamous Mormrms. They The Ibbitery ot.111airinge. storm he And opery; singers are the same
their 6ai . The dance was given, 9 thL4 polygamy w . as n I o
Im . itli great precision, and animation Dd Th mitkinbilial gia of the, face;! headi xieck or shoulderei ca"ob'go,twenty yards in a� It tie. sufficiently 11iVery sarne'-Only. little Decie 'a ine rnori
a, you itpart of tbe faith,of � Lbe,piioiftiva a There is
Was the most. unitfU'a"arid I III life have been determined par., t is certain that the tee are 'not Bonn U so. Clara' Louise: Kellogg who
dy "'i '- d striligbt to find a house; h't try it som
of,the pag6aut. At tild, con'tilusion'st the tially by a spedulative society woman.whO and that an expart,den fist %ill find minute tfma�l would be i famous dohna if sb� had. )ay Saiiltg, an(, is in no part the
e- I proc'es t�and forty. , ka t&-ctav, i3u�-4-16aths6in6 practice inAulgdd"�
dance to sion of,'Love and tb�i of, is fair, if not fa ving kept 8, cavities xtendi the crowns of the Do oil F�e that punip,T I 9tumbled over a little volob aJuti �Ould'act X sat at
y I I . � ; .. I I 1 1. 1 in only by an offi�hout'from th&trua lkfor�
tholilaperor Fred di i 1,000! of -her acquaintan(JOB' who faugs Of 80olebf the ieeth,` or else III " ra- it�. it is.twenty, feet to the right,of !,he path a - Arlin gton, ':Cbiiiob, and - ispro'pirly
orick ismppeared with il� �record ce the Bame'table. with b6r at th I moat: ou'e; If;if, hado.1t �Wiighingtoii,for.son!ieweekf3'. Tbehealtby
atisly march, leavingi the Qb6h blear'for. have been led tive poi6ta at the extremities of the farigs, from a r
k that the barn to the,: b a
to the alta, '�Eihe finds criine. Th d Church has rn
Da -been for'tbat I would Dever again appetite Of that DO011lar murderess of good a reorganize
the n,pxt.,, th0'ehancea,between the ages -of i4,and 46. he, selves. The remedy of course is to'
wo. pump BiODariab in �arious parts f Earopo, Auw�,
are as' follows'. Them ai� N chances at properiy fi)lever� cavity, 'being careful to' have fcltind*�ithek house.or..baru, d admiration.!'
The, trumpets again' sounded and i xnjsi6�exeite - il� in�--e)avy, ary trali�'ilod the
minatio so asto 'do,
heralds appeared, their tabat dg - quartered' the agog of 14 'and 15,104. chances dt-. 16 make a muiube exa that the.:haildid' of tbiIt,. pump,. rited Wh6re the,opera.gin 219 at 18 and 1�, 230'at 20 and '2i,' non I' po, emrlded that it'shoilld`b re love 76
with the ancient arms�'.bf: Euglarld,,:the and 17.! a n all recent cases this is a radical- �,dikectly- toward -the house, an'l that it: wa' thdn.?,'" I ., . I w . . '-gL
-lions, and the.-lilieks 165a ..2 and 23, jU,at 24: and 25 - 60 at; 26 cure. Bhould that course fail, it is certain I raiwd the ba dle The lower classes of Euro e—'from
ofFrmnce.�'. They her., - it -a— 1 .1 ! not ten yar&.4, Il P
45 at:.28 and- 29, 18 at, 80 and 31, tbo " 'no" a body pra tisi
an r he ver �knev� what waists'wero., .0 fig a art a against the' la
alded1he advantie of the, English Than', 237 the 'disease has extdrid6d heyond d f6it, for my,: hearing. ' I let go the pump acea w
of, the country in wbich,'itg missicinarie'
at 8 at'34 and 35, 4 at 36 and lirandl' d plil''nged: 'toward -the hou5e:, The'11111810. 0 k, V
Came Six,yeomen,, whose dobtum, and 33, reach of that remedy, and however sqimd atf'tho8b'l�nds ia common
Go are still. �7"and 2 at , 38�arld 39-. . It will, �, therefore,. appears he� offend' a an labor"ifi �spreading t air faith., I rle in
...ProBerved in tne quaint dress of the 11 Beef- Ing tooth, it,.InuBt When I tell you 1 that I , ran I" Eirnack I" andfree,to all as the hir they breathe. It.' htiysen promised that the appeal wcufd�
be �seerl that from IS to 25 - is . the 'goid be r�rnovbd, !' and :. the' � removal of against 'it, you, will underhtand -thal isorlbt� in the' ommo 6ducationit �
�eateis " of.,.�the Tower Of, London.. Afier floodtide' of � m an, is. out of' tbii,i�- que-s c n the considered.
'them followed,pagges and4antlemert1h, w.,tit atrimoity; and Ab tAtJs at teeth,. must, continue: until � they are,. -a ..Bealtag WE co r6oh,life, and from the laboring classes,
a the Court Chamberlain ' these ag e.most'. nec'essar y. to the. 'I pt, �int6 thi ----------
gobe, or found, choc 3. house,' -1, took a ball -Of hge Afterthom osau esihatth chances ae �,takn 6om&-,tbesje, sweet' si whose !.voices
and.thenQa6eii 'Elizabeth in the great lottery. The -girls.will- please, n6aralgia. There are, unforfuhately, twirip, ti6d, one end to the d6ori-knob an'd charm our hard-earned dollars fr6m our OD -D. whose 6latrance . . . ......
- 1. � Ila ases,�wbbre those metl opera manager once
d a senHation, sbi' start Ing waw, the take notice govern themselVeB accord-' ' glected a 26dsl,are. succeaded- in gbttiEi6'baA to the packets. I heard ail
cause, statillics 0.9
resom lance of dou* ti�iss 'Odo zu Stolberg' iDg!Y-' 'unavailing, andWhare-the surgeon 0 tbe' 6tri , We k 'at.
b fcillows� by following ch' the Bay 64 o.�Qulcl-ge-b-teiLbr�-eiiougli-,v�.ibli-
Wernigerotle in face add dragg to the'tradi� -the. disease to .'the cavities of the j�ws, houg6 again. For three 'dava and nights griocl voices, but to find such a fellow with fuck' The annuaA rebo*et.- of the-.. Seer a
The 900&h. erforinance of Esmeralda" sawing through 'the, bone' and - taking I out th6reafter.,nbitbr of 'us ev'eti'-opened il a clean nails who ourd use bis'llandkeir- " . a ,r �L:
tiOnal idea of the greatest Of I,' Mon- i of tob Grind, of Ontario, I.�.
Arabs. 'Her. dr,*,es'u' viii,4761! elvet, at I . occurs nex4lUondety:at Pittsburg. �tbe' 6ad, portion of the, neive, 'and 'still outer doon, . When the �storm c'oused'we Now'we.bavelno,suchl
mine F
here 'tire depths'.. beyond the re'�ch' of could, D, -for the 6ne.)w bad class. The,wives and dau4ihters-cf-.-(
and silver brocade, with it high rff all pro.' Miss -Margaret MatherAs slowlyriecover. at: Bee the barn, 0.
iusely studded with'jeweila and -accurately ing from her: illfiess. - T. M. Hill, her. human-shil here 'the, sufferer Writh6s, in piled ill between the house,and.tbo barn so labor�ro L11 bilve* waists, . a I na , of 1 conse. lacOolp eta owing -to the fact' th
kona, the pictilies of t,he period. 3, deep-thatit covered the wi dowa on-iltilt qience, no oted
several ' lodges have negle to
copied 1" f manager, howBiv'er,'canoot an, a, utiideath cornosto hisrelie�,fori a The 611rBob !sour baage illIve Iterations ich,
"Majesty P is n u 6 begin "' t sidei of, the Ila se. Ouihe BaLit �ide oflb' tl�- resPectability, and a woollin witbout turn- butillo a
came :the Pri-n deflnite. time for'ller ro. d a.6d titloth,�may be PID�f 0 0 a made aie- vory'slight. Following Her u ve
ce 4 tal ljer�ous diseases, and of dyspe�sia house, -however, titers Wag very little snow, waist considers I a a If disreputable." ha t b
andPri000ss.of %Navafte,; Who, were sup- Don't ask wbat.las become of the' liver. 'a 'I r a
tbo report it.appears that during the
poscilto be On a- vi0t'to tbeEnglish court' padsi 1 f and blood poigoning.—Rall's Journa,Z"',of The shovel bappouBd to be i'ditbe-i house,
but -let the,inquiry'lle: "What a 1882 there wer( in 8
-They were reprvHe6t�d byP�iiace Frederick thecb4`6.-Who,bobghb and and the',little wOrnau ah&,I`succeededJ �Added to tha'oa�e' her'
wore them ?11 in "k Dls;ioue�t InucrSoll of the �ubordinaie lodg�'Ei' 2 831,:n�m&j�
of Hobeozoller6 and. Princess Charlotte of. By 'the -1�ay, isn't it strange that you can't talinelilig tbrbugh to the barn', bilt e ha& which 1,962 were by by as;
Novel Fire EAcape. fo aiixy every 'shoVelfu� of "sno* taken' Out A despatch fro roollsaya: r.
After them came a,brili fina a man this country 'whoever saw Mr.. A. E. Sturtevamt, of the Sturtevant a throw "G. Murray, who hAs Bog carried,, on busi.
bie-Maining�n. I I - -house at ill Ingo', M A and '131 by reinstatement. During-
liaiit crowd- (if- courlders uDd' ladies� reprem :one?.- f the tunnel through the
. , i. I I Housti, Now Yorh:t. vel' same year there was a torl log �bf 1,
nted by most (if �tbo foroign� and dipla- -hail inverifed a �h, &ss in Ingerarill"ba8l3kipp6d out to avoid aSe .0 -it on the cast Bide. Tight lading i 98 `by.Oeatb� �70, by ithil'
Inatic society. of �Berlin, '7 in splendid, is receiving � couRidot able 'fire escape - by whi�li in . iFe6ent experl- 'serious: trouble which was hanging, over� r
y suspen
�O atom, attbation.frorn the preas lately. The un. ment seven oorsou'� w6re low6ked� from- 'him.' Seven.�l caiii'eq- of" his using other 26 by expulAtin, and- 1068 b
0 eat pregen,ing a marve lous picturo, 'Di'est'pait of th� discussion is that men one window inlho,sixth Tr ining The net' 0ain, and the' ib,
of thei Btitriuf.s, WweK ot tho"gioat Elizabeth. storytoth6mtree'tin- people'8 names without tbeir-knowledge,
year were 775 and 13i857�rog
write the articles. Now,wbatdoman,pre-, less than se�eiu-lnlinutes. ' Tbe-Sturtevant Leigh Hunt,, Superiutendeub of Schools for.1he purpose of raising morrby,. tbcgoldaiia�ie of, English literature,,and tend to know about �the subjebt? . y I simp 8. apy Des Moines, has 'adopb�d a, 1 14 n U been' locartbed. The nama of. -have tively. The numbee; of, l6dges
the ago Oi S�eos4r, Sidney,, fire escuve is a I )Ii"qe, in an Ingersoll Was
VIA ministeibl�a been forged to a note 'of $566
Leicester and Raleigb. It is 'the litte'things that fret and worry being 'only a stout beit'lliade of leatber, givi6g practictil . inEitruction in eariif�g, expenditure on. current, accoun
p , a, man in !It the fir'bt place- he Was, 542,038, of 04,340 was.
This,portiov, of the*pag'� old boy 'may hee With one end ;f la long rope spliced around 'and saving money. ort�lie'reaboiits,,%�hile�6hers:b*a e: _ufferad
Gant typifying,th, 'us- -A-3-yeak- t. The otheri6nd is passed I thr64I a.-encoura-ed all the children to�opeu bank 19otes'wichwere given paid, out intlie'forni of-rolief.' T�e�toial
.greatest periot in English bistory.was rperfec� misery,� whereas no such trialould
parly the -presence of his 18 -year-old. TiOcc Of O'kdihiiry rubber hose. ThU'bigbt acdountat. and to learn how -to'do bugineBs Murray by his customers io setilement. 'of 'reci te of lodges' amounted to. �140,516,
..specially dediomed. to the Cro'*n Princess, Da Sh. tota:l a"
of tlic eldeRt Aaught6r."Clf Queen, or loop, which is -formed bet*e�n i�e belt �at a bank:.. Boys With rich- fathers, boys which have' been paid long xpenditure to $67,462.,
Victoria kind tho' future Empteeig of Oar- favorite in and hoed,'Iias ki'mp)y to be � tbiloiwm-ove'r a With poor fatficirs, ald boys withopt fathers Bifiest avd bad the clates changed,. and
ode of in#dduction-in a'the 'Asiatic, SiJbithy of, C . alcutt" 11'
I d4 book which,ig afliture in thei frame of the or 1mothers were incite. to - earn 7noDey in it now. remains for the giverR of th notes
Many, ag, I, le precediug procession, repre., Biazil is gaid to be" This ig',ibyfriend-if
ivindoW., ., 9 ndma�ly�vays.: They black boots, to pay them the Becond'ilt 'his takeheitiirel to Greet
senting gold6o ag6, was intended hp�dteal[Ef,�an,yibingir6i�dyoti, amre8ponsi - as ad -Do, .-BofQ
�ho t baviiig been I Can boneE36 a' -re Mon! im--t
under'the aftaa� the person to be 16w6red' deliver papars, shovel allow from sidowallia aepar Itil iter of the lilck'Holb, of ture be':borrowed rge amount� in
a the Crown Prince. ble for it." tthentakee al firm bola of the,hose in hoth ll d coal.' Not a fewa�� learning ready'cagh'froro Btibis prisoners
Followriog tlio* pa,;earlt otQtieen Elizabeth undqnt q rief it is -his carry In If you would be p b, confined on June 20thl, 1766, of Which n,
hands, and by-tfghtening,or relanugl, t 6 .a odd boots, and many bav6 tion to his-iii'an apts-lof
'thtimOye hold he can des6endasgilow'ly- crag r'a p tolls'whi6h' they work with'at,
came an 6ricionrEnglish quadrille, organ. with with suribeams— 9 bar 123. died the ba;me "I Dig ht
.&in pi bill, wife of,"th, Brweb:� T . idly 0 , 1101116.' orook6dness Murray's liabilities foot up a :
0 1 eEsired. '.An! accident is impossiblet ils Those-who.arei ' -19, .. I I t 'hey wer6-disomsing. an el6psinent,
'-�cduplc they.are condenged the-�deep6i�tbey hurn.' doing m'eciballitiA�workAhM- a, -Ied`-by::, rable � Rill ti:.i6et aud-6m turningto h6rfilcod sait: , I ,Do
-A little,sob of Henry Hughes, Of�-Uticia, all of the rope is thrown from tho',��inaow requires cbni,.,id6 a
.',Fribee William of. Prussia and Princess N. Y., fell upon'the lay walk on his wm5 to, 'to the grdund &forb the descent i's -made; pare tbe'articl8o they have mae.� Thera:16' you believe it would Rill
Henry Ci Rnl, -peech at Harf,. youe h
Victoria, %�tijit through the quaint, i5edate bisoh, in a s
school, and bit 'his tongue nearly'off. and in,the ease of in firm'peisonst �6bild ion, A friendly rivalry to. see Nvbo will have the hand. wv,s, a run away with . llot
iltid graceful nicifions, an inviBible orchestra rs air I , soot
us] :T�eo 'be f6id,'said tbN6 many of. the'raill owne wornitu? It might," wag tbe'600l-rel
managerfj� sat'down or.., undo, IQ P 1� thoy� would largest bailk aocbunt and ftiftiqh the beo� tina � thit a na�lody --work-out of- were , educa Y,
tim 0 ha�e be Pon the deadhead stockholders at'the lower6d, rsepeo a in t , a a rest. employees in irtue; -domest�ic comfoh tj somotinle6 hills
.of the 6 on. composed,, by, School is said to have � good bfiect on the intellig6ned, aisd all good ',things;;' but . of A mail at aho6el fell I the'whola'of
Ila, Thest6ek-
rUnt . 6ol�-
Queen Eii:zal)eth herself. ' gh�manugo stairs.'
waff1bund in Winds Oalitl' holders waAad geats. -Th y'g6t ills an unfort naite ppecula ter: work dome in sell The boys aro'90t a flight d
in, but eb to. at t 0,op I'lig klZ j��ew, 04( 0, man who wi; I'aying,up S)kvlauts vusWi 6 piolk
or 0. 'Dontt yo think th conomy �,000 a, your while paying litile, cliildr'ei� tol I Tli6y aal�ed
Than came an old German qdadri as,fdr fie lip. centsfo . r . teh bours''Work.
Poem, 1. ;reak,71rbaki as Wo
the tlypy WeX6 in the upPotgallery. eniti g, I'll ( s of reputation for thrift, skill, ina if':hewas,,hurb.
representing bourtierS. and, ill bears sm�artnnen say dat timai$ N 6. 0 �d "'not, bolars] " i, r6ofie -811 Be
a JaiotLvz-aadea' to c that w4y I'm ai life
d,24-11 Yes A Pittsburgh Post-offica cleik,had big dowli
iandh6ly �-reply, " but I 1i 4
dthe; -d', "insuranc;6 eyes filled wit)A red, peppdr the'
ds -'do '01CA I, is, It, good deiitl co"Inaing into fashion, take whiting,upon an
-rilb the Wbilecancelling,stampo. The,p pper as How interesting of iott'ersate�,,
beventooDUA qeDiur old
Aadder." - Piece of, muslin or linen and
I* bass di -thorou not meaut for him, but for the &1 to whom Susan I Do' you!, think 86 ?1, replied
entered a procession of Berin enter ae man'what 'd6eg ffiter do
h Matrons,ave found 'to, be useless ill !the paper ighly, than with another piec i a trsd i pictur- whisky�s OP. the valentine contailliDg -it was addreosed. Sub 11to,w I f the an are,
artis��f Whose attire surpasoe in 'of olliBlin wiper the papeir r Until , free fro ahink�
eBquon6agAll tho'preo'eding male costumes. CAuEiv, 'EI4ouGni-1(YOu, say you loved: Police Glasgow. S'evell'iere I it Was int6aoft to lot b6r know something inluch mcire,intereEithigill Whiting which her da�oiodlyamA would" have married her, eml female has adhered'. ' in thi� w ry n li* up a dainty looking epfstle'she.had.
'They ma( obeisince one of ployed there, to fake cbargo,�of pap6r ban ba:ma - ��to about thii Warmth of tho.writer'g feel g hold'
their . um er, err I '6g, � "Wha6 wa the thin ?" a Very Biled wall d6'
31 b .14 D"el"itz, crowned w bat,14 boe'llii l6okalmost now.' for hdr.�. received from somebody.
106ureli sp6k6 -9, short i.;peedh of, folicitoug 11, 1 wiperstitious, abou�, hei," 11 3-tid habitants and! 1,000, MG - gats� Stophe n 0 A Whipping, posib. amendment 6 the con. ' worneii are moBt,perfed, w Ll�i
why Were you superstitioniii.?"' Ba�caus'a 'appear to� be unaimed, 6a Ott ris''a d Solom moot""
0ongratulation. H 'then �pr6sented'illei log sfitution 6f,6alifovnia has been de'foat6d 'womanly.—Gld6to?le.
a Or to, divulge a secret.1 Plate returning be L landshortly.
xoyil pair with a beautiful vlaoo 'mAde S;A Wag never know clubs in eir'p6cketi;.
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