The New Era, 1883-02-23, Page 121�oy men rt poor bays solittle chance at, tasting again; for 'TnE �OU 10 1MAK IN "DIATUXIVIONW.-
together. 10ebruarV "I do net no nLITTL R OLKS.
-cept your, Offer, the young mcbed it
becav Neville terribly exhausted by his journey, tse. grief has unhinged And unfitted me know too well' what an idiot lbave been L ! . x1ow a Cursled an a Vaa- for it., I am uneqtml to trot even myself, 'albeit Oaken in easy stages, - He strove: —What a bad, I on I must have Made con mpr6sai Bury Ble J but principally in the most nul=ky dog adian Aelle 'u. tile morwag, because, I have 1% ecret in, vain to 13holie of the langour which hung on your mind. , li T he Pretty Daught4m, of the which 1W""not reVes'l-not it the keepinf! around him like Boma charmed garment in tbe universe V Bury mein the morning, mother-, I I ., . I -Al 1 45.) 0hf letebave the light 'Of it t me life; and I fear you -I rendering every effort alabor; wild despite (To be �Q. nued.) riticess ex�ndea. The'" Ohio man" in ma;rimony is like Of one bright day on my grave, mother, fear your kindness, your- Sternness, your his eagerneasho fOuna, it impossible toleave 'office he never lets go inilu;uce ; dop'& as you. are, f I iiend though his room, or face, the roar and bush of the S310KINiG AND DIXINKING. M . the Ohio Mau" in of the grave, mother-, THEIR� DO ESTIC r1FIE until he is 11xem
Alone in the night oveo." bne of them very
'Tieratfioughtof terrible fear i you,be,lwou:ldi�tl�erne�erseeyou a stree i 6gain ta till a couple of days' complete, test This properly named Beabout. who in 84 years. that tal I You Secret, for 'it ian�t -restored hita. Tfi�u�the� Tho� llublvi of Prominent, Public ]Eng- Tber� R lUck in Clad: numbers." And'you �vift be hcre� i3iother, I �ma . . all hadi spinewhat old,hs,H jifint, makriedaPittaburg , young And stars'will be, shinin g-bere. ine. And have I n is h
So bury me in the morn, i-nother, otariglittoageoret?" total, change of Scene and a;ir produced a is the, expression invariably used by Hi Highness the Pr cie of Wales lady -Who is but little.over $0, and Mr� God.
tone has elicited Wng to hi children -big two boys And letme have the light, -She continued, rising from her seati and reviving efteot,.aud on � the third morning The illness of Mr. Glade yi Of,one bright day on d forth ole file, k $hoplibeiger, aged 73, has in &dad
my h speaking with a little excitempixf.' 11 You attertbeir arrival the friends Sallie' nts,ry� refer- v
Ere I Ini alone wN nig t. the usual number, of'complime Ebndthree girls.' Her Royal Highness'ihe Canada and- parried ff A Qobburg 414W4'el,
ave, mot I er, are A great and good gePtIJCM-%ff-,bft we All to the Rue, St, Lazare, to the address given ences to his and � mental powers ]y I .: , . even, w You tell of tile savlour's love mot n and *omen'�_bave a right to'the them by Miss Itedoubt. riucesB Louise is's the Most amiable of the Who, hen George Was 510, And had
-me and' adv6bates, of temn three) and i I a I a miniature copy of bar grown-up sobs and. da noth. I feel it in try heart- -sanctity of pur own I emories, as well as 'litwas a mean entrance, And i6lie concier I I" tight But ob I frorn'this be , a&iful World ge presenting him to Univaiga notice an ail mother. �Tbe,Princegs Victoria, her father's triumphs and tbV f this. I mother I Ali I Sir, I love had a small den, on � the ,top of the first beneflts,of�t4eir oreed. e P Ing of tbf Tis hard for Ibe young tc partl' to the bread we can � win example of the otJ has, a temper of' her own, revolvinggl6be. impetuous; orey6r to Part, When bere, mother, and respect you, and would. give much to flight, where a half -glass oor,enabled is� ko rink With. great 43hoenberger, who, is described by afypo. inquirers to see bin! constantly bending own to "eat and d ardent, hot, �smiling through tears like a The soul is fain to stayj moderation and he does not Smoke Lord -graphical errot
For the grave is deep and dark, mother, win your esteem in the path you have U 6, WbOM,_ in the Cincinnati paper as,
Andbeavent seems far away. �poiuted out to ine; but there'is only one over some dilapidated boot or'shoe, for bid wv . ka eqiiially� careful *in this , sunbearn in showers, while MI d �Py: gfoom,'� is, in Addition to big _Beiicon�fleld Qiie4�ii--Vietoiii,.,idolizeB�, has -a disposition ". the,. be]? Then bury me W the mora� motber way I caa Undertake it., Trust me.1 I metier an the useful though humble callii�d_ respect, and was never known to indulge in 'Andlet,mobavethelig . 1, br, I- dd-i 'd someAm" like:- that oi'her�'right,roye,l anly foirn' aml�youthiful charms,'the have done ii6thibg -wrong I I have been of a cobbler. TO hird our 61en B a rebse I, the frarant we6a.'? The Tory chief bad grundmam . ma. �,:NO,ne of th nor of as they Rav in'the
Of, one bright day on'ray grave, mother, true to those W Ith whom � have had to do tbernselves, And he replied with vivacity a devoted'vvife who looked after his "home a . Princ6shes, Ow,kogg of the'Cinpmnat'I paper I a pala- f -you-- -wil . I . let my -life and intel orts," and Mr. Gladstone -is aim - ilarly fear the. everybody else �true to myself-.. I �igenci6i,so Unlike, the p found'yet. 6,Mf Although it bluff Never uncldsp'Day hand, mother, Ai and trust my own ro 'a whole8om6 dread- of Her Most-, tisil Btsinds,: on a high
wi begin from the 1 pre not, ill -Meant indifference th iwbicb a blessed. Tn�e 'Marquis of Salisbury, M ho is as ekabtini Till it falls awq, from thine- nor ng, about the does Gric. overlodking the fertile Mill Creek Valley' Let me ho�dthe i5ledgeofthy lovs� u�other. wor IOUs', ajesty, -W g as, One d for the past, I will obey you, �knd con- Saxon says 'he knows nothi riot Bmoke.� Lord Derby smokes and i he daughters. and (Which one thig,'
Till I feel the lova�,divine, s�be in severe. of the I The love divine -oh I loolic, mother,, fade as a child to a parent ; butyeti must subject of -your inquirles,atid, thon'rdlapmo. 'drinks, and in the latteroapacity main tains irieir �dmits to say) -of the grand believe ine-I have done nothingwro into Silence. Priud� of WaleB,aft6r the i firstlormal deep' rPPc __Ahayejt9 beams I s�e,_ "97 the reputation,of the historiollouse famous CUrtegy down to'' i old cantles of ancient times. - Pro-
ffoibbig-1 he: ground is made, And there an angeflisfsce, mot)17er—, —momizur-le-concierge-evi ently romp with . Aheig grandmother as � the"'
a , -knew- -tor-ital-L, god&_chger_'�11_and nctably,'f9r its bably the 11 one" referred .' to'' - is Is smiling down on me. y She stopped, abruptly. Mi- Watson notbing either, evertheless be. had a gioat' old- porV',; Sir Charles Dilke�, Mr. Id with oi�a� of the g6u�einanfes ; and it, So bury me in the morn, mother; Shoenberger himself, because it he cafifict wou ......... ...... frowne& ominously -, his bailow check grew,, deal'to'say about iti']Aad� me Rouvia6- r - remismb d old flood_tli�sh . Smith- ( 4ord, Beacons
ested on, mats 7zon-ye I is a inatter.b apprehension to the 1), owager or �a gran castlo�of ancient For d6atb is the gate of life, moDher; 'w shade -paler,,and the -hand -that -r. t hold�thore ,was an old lady, ield% J��br'd of the Adinlir4w and, tirdes," the rest of us wilf have t6 give it w -the '
-nearly blind -who to WiW --iipon -BeafiopV9 And� the ta a twitblied; but hd spoh6valmln au quatri6ze, Marchioness', --ith . I 11 .. ok mijoh Lorah* ipo SIR ioers e7 lady they tion ot,the. late Ducheas 7§utberlaqd�the te wAh tile mor Rught lie snufE---�might ohs not! be th* xc6ption of the lagi Du6ntiotied gentle. aory.: Shoenberger is Also 9, patron of
Grand Dubhess-,is, most intima ��it's true, man th' t, possessing soi:�e rare� Paintings of the teof men who sought? Her name Was Grenier ey have the, physique ar
b Sovereign, when t e, young princesses OU -LEZ cau.. smo a ith impunity,'� but Lord
ay�be unwise, Migs.T ibauti'l (be
LOOK,,* TEFOIE PT ib still an bid lady -but hold, bow -long was pouvoe uponi'the. Queen, and 'dare to pull famous limhera of. Europe and America." bad'never qalled be '.Randolph Churchill' is, a weak, iiei�ouq r by her name befo a of: the attractions. it since, the old lady soukht by Monsieur aboutthe ruler Of, an empire upon Wbich, Big " mansion in on
B -sr Mre' Alexatider. resi a looking person, Who aould. 11 liv but I 'will trust 'and try: you,-,, hereafter id d vigt:,Set a, by rote" Cincinnati. The distinguished tourist the sun never sets., Tbe Princepa ioui" Of bac, aud�eschew tobacco,,., One of the promising, too �t.� r honored guest " always demands to be perbo6ps-butthe future twill Shape itself- 0 Two or thrbe, months. It incanakau& 0
HAPTER XXIV. a talented and Pr:
gemember, however, tbat':y6u bA*e yet to, My faith;'all'thei'world- is'upset ein'ce young lions 'of the Tory pirt�,,be should tale for , taken -to Mr. Shcanbergc*r'g, where the tesit� All three have I, nt was a Win my full'approbati6n., F.or ths Present. t ree mobtlis-look"'now,4lie; &oprietor, take car" 'Time, good health, delighted when great house,, With. its'magbificent -rooms la,,uag -aDdarealways'
ge Sli of terpidr,and, I' iecover th engagpyou, asJ should- any other young dies-all,thing ent pro- and'the discreiion And patienc3 that phoula' OvvZI prince of Denmark, �atatuary and 'works of ai B sib sold -t -t delights'th�
Mr. Watson's recognition, womaurWith sati8factory refer - : J their., uncle, the Ci ances, and no "'Ji'' ice and physical credit onthe princely it pri�tor, Monsieur Is eonoierg.� himself, and come:wit experiei .eadu eleets
MI amen 1.9 with them, I
as they can chat �o Danish.. beholder and r hadcaused Why sbould'She fear: 'this one has & right to. 4destionyou When I am vari6us.lodatares,' have all been: Settle "may 6de: day Place thin Young noble- He, is gaid'to be -their p I rime fAvorite,, I an I d proprietor whom Cincinnati lis proud to man, who, i�th, all his grave respectability satisfied. No. 27 bers Pau an the Si , Mr. jUatioe as , they' dearly love a - romp, - the i good. a as a -citizen." Indeed, the Cin and measured coldness, was yet' evide . utly since; for the as, In at head of affair recogniz 11 0 yes, yea 1?' cried Marie, impulsively and the conci�rge fingera lika'a Huddlestone, who tried .-the Belt, case', is tom�ered Uncle indulges. them With the ciunati man abroad lobkin� at one of the anxious,to befriend -her? She could not' ' asing h , is ha fir after'dinnot. He elan .:of -a fifteen. The Princesses . i � , - , and catching, and. pre Lid. fan, with si sudden Movement indicative of Said to b,616nd cig grand old. castles of.aucipiit times. 6xplidn her �ovn feeling; reason as she lis �nillg fck As She did: So, She" met bin eyes, and In thescatteririg &broad 6fthe forniei,iiimates. begaulife as, a gohoolinantor, weiit'to the,
I I 0 xe all muiai6alj inheriting this taste,' rom a minute Or two I to the clack
:would, they al"ys;returbed. bliedidnot te2ionthere was wname-� Then you know nothing of �Xada�m Bar, entered Parliament as a ir trpubled,expreE a doncerv,6tive, Imothsir, w o i's I of his c6uri6 r,,or the local gui&s, giclaims tran' as A:46amed, It i4 superb pianiste b4 less something- that, 8 gia uviac 2" Was alwayg chaffed" as i ,,tuft-bunier its %. pretty h 'but who never:' -outside p er Own, 13 anty
reoalled Guy�,G-dy i 61ag mar ' d* A d' of'title; got a judgeBbi ek, iihiwtondbst moods- 'knew -nothing. La rie Eu :, a y ght to . see Geerge'K� Sh66nber�
humble �*ai, no BiA no I He P1 imm ediato famil�- circle. Shd is a devout YOU Ou t to 1�19 CrOAS-eXalnined,And so vividly, ibat.tbe gieat tears. welled "the charlionniere--:cdUd .,perhaps and in even now" dbolared to. be-lindUly - of� RubiasteiiI, Over, follower and performs, at Cincinnati." 11 Fortunate. is the br de. tortured'and humiliated I and she ruBbed .fto M' the rdom-sobbi infdrm' them. He had, been there malay impressedwith the oiverwbelmingiipo)rt- claims the local reporter, "who takeRup' ng as OcOvered-from tfiat�, wonderful walt� af�er a fashion ex od-beiioBidence-in-Aliac: years the-, exrA-tem-ent-6if-Ilib -the- Waitaowsetpod for -A.momnent as She, . fastening upon, him a chiaiaict�ristic 6ul v - a bad the ple;�ura of bear- a I aithly paradise, that - noble onument to sed 11 drawig-ioo.ihs" . had I basi-I was -the are -to -The justly'. hicen; could, he b�bai Or- -had left him,passed his hand once ' or twice to the right'of whkII44s wood Store. gbllt. -dinner-recent,1--y-ho" --the--ge�ius - -Ot Man I -character learne giveii ' :big �burnt steak, and matters, had across his brow, tLen collecting himself, The Proprietor was out, but Madame d that an illustriote uke was to be. h kecpiug,with his Sur- oUbsided to� their tisund'.Ieval-whea one . 1", - . 1, I carafUlly watefieg the musi6�1 educatio:nof, 'Of. t a owner, is, iw rang the bell. �, I I I I . 1 Of the party. -, Aa:he encountered the butler fier daughter',;.�'aud iijesa, roubdings,"-in Proof of Which tbe,rnooiter' was ;visible. eve in the, hall he, Slipped half a sovereig y every day,af . ter' AM;Mg" r as arm WE68 9. I have pr'tly overcomei � Miss Thibaut's They turned away. into Mademoiselle Ga�m&rd;P cini, the iere adds, " he has Made ',;3,000,000 in the r 13 ace Of Vdea- . a a We intrios;cies of, a pi I aidzio, Mr. Gumbleton, as 'have a few special, I scrup as;,' � he;,,s I shall lose no time in applying to the hishandi stractress, manufacture of iron.. I No wonder he is U a7 on. her : little Uirit6 i, Ague I B pianiSte of the agej who in their in t. s, Mrs.. Bushel and that gentleman entered - rratbrough. words to, say to the Duke; contrive4hat I has con6lu�lsd -her�lebsou, �sha, &A , how youth so ion,
d �i that of Cmpton ;',, they *ill soon'. dicoVer Sit next to im. emoisclie acquitted hera6IC, The adds the reporter. A--mah wh has in& is, OW 11 the, front-kiteligh,iIiiDified in this "And I will give her, a day or tw6to thin p6lice,'�said Neville, puttinghiss, h Said the $0 lot in appearance aiad d' ac a .., : 11 I I o Athe -thih-bild-lady-JAji not curious how every bptler,:.returning, the money,"His Grace , �3 1, t� �p ceis Doi mixeiciau. "I leave all that 000,000 in iron oup it 0 he. 1, Sur.
liate attention f IAQ- Prin _wh ressed--for tim6__Xr,_QumbIet !P49-4 �M)_IeT,On -chm_faiIa_L!_By_,HaAypns I ly 4y Thi fa he 'happyi,w o
tone of decision iu�yfo_ 6 ro t d r� . A liascy will See her Again �and: subject I shall turn a drivelling fats, in -at-1116--ot er em V 6 young Piincesses hkviiig-Weri pr6afised" In i 6 Is to Make their oo a, trainpling of several pair f.. Obts more changed ' ' L� -, I I I f t r h next'l knew his man. h . d so much for thorn. be needed only. Call wilacre,Ileeil a vlsit.6 the To -.ver of London in May last, as One a'A Bushel,'and depaited,' There was sucb,d�ep� despondency in,his another pariue 'joy com- : - He bo w6d to Mrs., crazy, to see,tbe 'Siilai:I66, oil' the I '' . � 11 . n0Wr0:.CArCa 60LD�: I which they , were -nearly , r to nli
carrying the pastor With him. tbat�bis companidn7a -hind hear6 felt.' Oeella',g p ete - " but whether their 11 aim Will be radikiat face. 11 . I . . . 1. .. I �, . I ; Ttev� TeignmoutW Shore, one of the I. I I. I a pangof the warmest sympathy,'and he' Bookt. to , ake a. other happy who has� the for- Goodness' gracioUs, my dear,'come Up Aud..What, Is. More Importunt" Ilow act as their 1 -CHAPTER XXV. silently resolved to postpone his autumn 0. II can't go I i I keany 6itherliitlo tons 'to 6 96veral years younger than they directly �Lvol� catchin here'4 our dear good Pastor and rambles until fie coiild leave his friend in a ''9 'thoughtlong and deeply. gir, said the Priucess Maude. 11baieto. to be geieu.� In thead days of Mi. Watsonhi=3614'and they want-tosee Marie better Stat ofaind.` Heassiateahimipto, -y-�-marr-iLtiges--�-&iid-�-matrimonia.1-�- -and'every- ber-own-discretio- tfi-6-r __D_rdr_as��9W "jing that- it,:-iB not a; der. body bowing down to'the ground., It's no,f- speculations it,is pleasant to know that the S611ed-her young 'In-'acc'p'ptIng',, r,,Watson's offer. She felt, 0 Tar" prop OHere, Sir Frederic insisted on Neville, rect practice,, after a cold is.caught, to make ".friend upgtairs,beforb her.,,:', was -powerless in the � matter,;, and 1�nd I W%l3t: to go like Any (�thor little girl aged bridegrociii �3,'000,000 and the Mill rem sialog 'quiet bilabe -sought the police. ',the,rocm a.,perSon Site in Much warmer r xho, Princess Maude'earried the day, having Creek -Valley castle Which w6uld, make a A narrow t Ough' be, had%genercusly cousent6d to The. fron pgrl6r,' W�7ays :of 11 I -know everything, as well as'you,nds thafi usual, to'inorea,Bb the quantity of, bed Si6ters, and, Gorman. baron enviouS, bad notbin' , what- t6n ey ar', As respect her secret, a, knew I dimensions; 166kea h. nstinctively -and drink a been.warmly supported: by her, 9 can act for you as well as you could act for clothes, wrap. up ill flannel,� ever to do with this alli was su pure
3farie entered ,good I was' but a pon'tpon e'rdent of the 'evil - dy'. the. 11appy trio did the Tower , lih6 any ance. It rastor," whose goodly breadth' was domi. God * help. me I�God L guide� me P1 she �Yourself I tell.ytio, you are. more Shaken by large quantity of. hptL te.&,. �rueI,* oi 'other girls," . to their unbounded toys � mateb-.11 a compact 'of hearts," Z�u -you nated b 01eight of Mr" Watson, ejaedlated,as'abe rose to busy herself with. 6at , attack than you know, and I If' Slope , because it willitivariably iii6reme the tioa. mid6 to Invisible love '43bain drwing: 'together. y the,.siiperic don't take care, you'll be laid ou,y6tIr'beam feverishness, I And, in the iii oi in- these two hearts removed from -who,, though 'needlework to chase, keep, early hours'.5 a�ui in, sunaier finds edi some necessary 13tancesi.prolong rather than. essez the them, out f their'beds, and ibiflannel suits :ouej another -'eb.�
-at a --d-shou ad �Ak I _ - - away. nds again broa terrible thoughts' Wiih.these. words of wisdom- he sallied duration of the cold., � It is well known that for calisto very The proofs of 'the gebulDeDi�SS,Ottibryirl h,elarth-rug-his, hat h . *' ; * � " * banics.' Then break aid , be ind bim forth, an4lafter a few .Airectioni fromh6 ponti6inginoculat6dpersons in ivarm rooms a tdal* aftection', as furnii4lnio by the repor- 106hifig keen aml; aria, , In least than a week. aX things.:,wera Simple, s�mudh StirAb6u.t, oaten,meal'and Pon O, iroi�-_gray a ealth of boat, . strolled - down- the, beautiful . Rue will Make their 'small ipox more violenti� by milk anIheylik6; to bt. No. hot rolls, no "r,, are peculia ill _out ac have .- t arranged, and Marie moved her few belong-. 'Rivoli, foehng,' in spite of frien&hip,and r, Ii � the cynical have omma an menting the generat heat and fever,; And that� they Are ivad�quate. -' It'wAs h it 9 heavy meats, cons�quentlY rio', dyspepsia. say worlds poor logs*td. the neat little chamber "signed to Sympathy, �scmetli of the*-infectigus it is for the game' reason that a"' similar . )I � Their dinner -at 2 in equally A sat the � beene of -their union'. w an a child, 'to egos ',, his destionink ber-In. the new,witig of olhain Park,Insti- 'brightness. and gayety of I practice in ille-preFsent complaint in Attended and a joint, with r two hearts wEre b6nLd pe a ger, q, tbe p ace.., At
111atritioda soup, a finh tbei together in
.9lauce., tution,wbere Mr. 'Watson hait.organized. the junction of thei Rue Royale and the with analogous results, a cold being in vagetabi one pie or pudding. , Tb6ir the Episcopal SerVi�e b,Y tbeii 1dr. Wai *ad a entered, and holce do Ia. . Concorde, be., stood y a slight fever. In some parts cif -and the, Prompt -gart, bo a Fibs his oa-fe* -iealii moved a chair forward- witb.� grave Polite- - soti.m�wor6on.-Mr.,W.%toonoccai3ionalI h greatest dia�ipatiowia w0ting. up -to help contented coimienanco�i y momenta watching t e! Stream, of,the vehi." Eo�lamd,' among,,, the lower order .of the -dress mamma for, a�ball. The Prince when 6 b �o 'the question', bo you ly treatin - the object 61 his calledi ' generally 'on a 'Saturday; ard the Cliamp, Ely�eesj people, alar&'. glass, of Cold Spring Water trcng.rep ins I ne8a, involuntari and cleWsetting tov� :away -,Vrites o � each 'of the girls in' turn.. I take this man to� �be V our , I'dwiful Wedded rould�bs p'atronage'as suequa �the working of hl,B when his eye Auddenly 1 brip-litenedi and his taken on going b 'OU . part ?" , 1; the 01 I'm n. 7'Mr. Gumblet appearedeatiofied with.' to bed, is. found to 0 a The w.iiter-was Aroused. at.gading a letter huaband until death do
ar' a put Out a fa cheek. fl I untied, 'for, a pale . y . oung face, successful remedy, and in fa6t Many Medil- wd�arming,;affectibriate letter; to6'�Oti th" young bride Was enabled'iO mtii1e, a prompt hand, with ostentatious 1. cOnd8scansid- Mar a 9 sa ousiderably d i a of him.had 6 anshrined in a daiDty;bounist, bent forward cat Practitioners - recommend.' E6 reduced Ong reply to thin quest'
envelope of,which was tten:' . Str 1011 because of any, requent drauglits Of cold art �'that_ She would .'"'Very gladi 'my young friend, the Subsided ;' no, approach bad been made to to. him from a am . art open carriage,'aind! a atmosphere and f expectation on her p, mei%kii3�offor�vardi�ijg6iir-re�p6atedbebefgc- the, forbiddeFgubject.: �nd though eola and small. neatly-glo�ed hand was' ralber fluid as the' 'most efficacious remedy for a H. R. H1.1 1. � . � rt of tile cont
tor's views in your favor. He' -will explain guarded 6 1 1 . ' ' w soon be relieved of her pa ract, noughn speech, there W&B16 -ten-. eagerly waved. I - ; I I the patient's Tun PRIN&ISS VIO�091& OF ⩽ little'she knows of the tenacit of the Ohio IS eyes y
them to you himself." der and Wistful expressio h' tO� A lar�e lady who accompanied this plea- habit in full and,pleiliorlo. 'ItiBigerierally A. E. SANDA11q,611,04. . n in. Mau. Do of him He bangs,on every time. 0 I am sure tbeLord has been very good *hichMarie'e heart-unconaciouBly warmed. sant viiioja' arrested the coachman, and the supposed, thatit'is the exposure to a cold and althougli-tbo initials of the heir to the called Longfellow, aged 70, has just inarried to -bar,"; anted� Mrs. �Bdsfiell .4 to -&66 the To the re6pectble'Mr. Watson,. behold vbhioldvas drawn. up byAlib"pavement,' oret at . mospherewhich produces the ffect throl2e: were 'in' ',iha�Aeft-haod corner, his third. *its, foity, yayounger -than :-kind-intere8t,.�ou,koi).d.gen.tlem�n:�t� -all.-things iv6re becoming nowl, The and -the next mom6nt'Sir.Frederic had the cal�ed cold, wherea's 4t is returning t6 a because he.; - had failed to attach two,post." !be is; By two- provious wives he bad The proposition. I wish, to . duty" an unrelaxing Make is, soveri y which''maile Aittle hand'in his. warria temperature after exposure -age Stamps inside of one, the pos�.Offica' t re , for who he built,% this," , interrupted Mr. -Watson, With I -,Juggernaut" was now tinge& -with, hi;.vagun �11 What an, unexpected., pleasure I" lie extra wei2lif Was spra, I I d -- wenty-Pight child, p in tbe,r�kl cause'of the evil. 'Whati a person stamp 2d. for w a schoolhouse and then married the, school- rprised impatience:i I have iiearly indulgence; partaking of the love,which :goes into the,oF Age. cannotwitei the Ohio Man Ell exclaimed. after be had exchanged great. tilh coidw4aiher ed. air, all over the etivelo&.� WhA :Radical .'but ..f. f -- -------- Ilreoiceatthisl MialettL'rairomth6ir organized a now Institution for,the training forgiv..,,- b a teacher. ..-eth Angs with Miss Dejvigoq,Aud,ber, mqn pyqry �ti!Ae be'dra;ws in bin breath the col W) p ran 018,8 Move the inflexible justice of the Deity I id you'arrive ? I' air' -the Bacchknte- o emae a I a ass resent -!-attendants' of Ragged �,Svhools, , whose P Mrs. Coleman. 1�'When d 0- brdthers -whilo to his imagination than 'the' lboundless, had no' idea. I,shcld see you in Parig.' int6:fbe lungs, and, consequently, are alway�, sources of -Unb6niid6cl delight 'approach Canton, one o a
arents are willib 1 �:3 we,
P g,t61pay,% Small Rilm, mercy set forth. by, him who alo 40wath Neither Evelinal nor Miss Delvigne has .4iminishes the heat of these parts. Ai-loig 'to the, young Princesses. ,George is I the. Weekly.. I have alreadyanexcellentMatron;. tbe-Failier. Strangest sights,of this' -strange land is the ever been in Paris b6fo�o; o, as my,eldest as the'per'soh continues in. the cold, air�'ha favorite, and suck exclamations' ag .11 Ob' ineSS Of
but I should, wish vast wilde boatswhich ser� a-Bomewhat,higher class Neither Marie nor her benefabior bad ds4ughter. has.' gobe on visit to 'an' old feels no,bad effecits'fromit ; but an Soon as won'.t'we have. fun when GeDige Comes of teaeherw�cm6 oa;loniat'ea to influence the chair d -the confidential t a i 1, I ponly homes if a floating population
0 vo I on hicli bad schol 1. friend in Scotland, Wa..Set Off, iiiidL he returns h6r6e, - he - approaches back r we'll baveNIth than . 100 000 human beiv4s: 1,Aa our steatner grad cplored,, their communications; g up. cc the - fire 'to ; warm fiimaelf,: and - George I" were to be children-atia thi , heard, tb a situation I Offer t6 you,
w��h galajy of dre,only-ilwaitin 1sman- to start for rough it of air,
pounds-Lif you con.. 'and he t.It'no surprisehen he said rinade,UsL Germany." often %takes soine .warm and comfortable July, both, at Marlborough Housaaild�- a Ev if�half :of
acientiously, consider- -yourself 'equal- to Had 'I 'a relative a daughter' like: drinkio keep out the,cold, &S I it -is, said. the. little awere boats, to her wh rf, it� seemed a fulfil, ite - �T:Waut a little better instruction' ;yourself�th� intercourse with a fresh But I knew you were:'bera, Sir Fred;, The inevitable. consequence, - is, that� he' In, debarkation At Canton was aff6at- on, 'the wat6r. �.All eric " said the heiress,; 11 and; we. are at the yited to Insist 'at 7 the around -us were Acres on *a ores than what is 6rdinarilybeatowed in Charity� young. mind would'haVe L done Much tockee yea square
I in aam!e' hotel. quiied for.yoii'this,morii. will find he has -taken. -cold. ''He feels a. The, riuceness are
Schools,, with ilie'Linte&i6in of,giving those we freer from� coldness, and eL , Incessant� miles,' of junks, mocied in blocksL An& ing, but you were�rout. I have:a letter mases1im dravi h arer talkers. They rattle ai who wish to elevate themselves a chance of You cold or selfish I" cried Marie,indigm shivering, ich way.lroth rosymorn squares, with long Streets, oi cansla bei, the firej but all to no� purpose the more to dewy eve, and'the r4sident governesse tweeb them while: darting hither and, You, the kindest arid truest 11� I Mika Redoubt.' sent me tho'night before- , tile Lin 8, doing so; and this, I ini yowwo�ld iiantly" - Delvigne.. he tries -1o, heat himself. cre he extreme)y elegant'. ladies, � are occasionally 'e' e �ospabld of imparting�*IIW it would be loRushi returned'Mr. Watson --rising last I Mademoisselle chills. All tbo,MischiefiB bre eaug�d �b driven to the verge of despair by the inces- thither war bundrcds,�ofi,bundre a of, I brought it wi . th Me; for I do not think any y Others, cariying� pa'sFen-gers' or fpeight. more-Ruited to and profitable, for you. than to walk to and fro.' " I am not sure how 0 . iaotion of: the heat., Sant prattle � ot the.,85. . little royaltie's', These boats ar6of varioug Sizes andshapes, rour presiont ocou ' ti "I It, I one but Captain-Neville'6ught to Pon iC the'violbirb
ps� ion. far my kindness way not be selfish, bt spoor�CsPtainNevi a To avoid this, When . you dome out of 'a The older ' governess . tbey
:.How i al Iscarcely know, how,tb iinsweryou," have distantglimpi of more thaul de%Qrye� t And Are partly covered with bamboo. Mat. r .A4 . . 4' Obt he."is bett6r,ihough weak enough very cold ati.hospbere, you should not the younger dox,. tiug� the 0 Shing'
eturned Marie, sorely embarrased ' Y OOM that tie or two Apartments fuini " it prom sture., to� -sp eak--i-, may gb-ilito a r 8, #rq - in. it, space: lor part6r� till.L;�.hilt,thiS letter �2 '--Why, it- may reveall d- ctting� th v�ord Ina g -room, great kindness in thtis searching t diain
In. ics;�Aw idbl on , a poor Advise your remova1" or I "youL cannot avoid tha I you about W& Mi' , aa� good aeali.-_ eVerything.,z� Whereds In 18�18 arle 9W PUZZled at these. bea-rdonj,: oo a ad, barn' In My- riessing-case. tI it lie ireai a every-noVi "' SwellL" who arrives1g, pretty on oii� multitudes more than 1. can express. But,: ob I Sir, 1 di,3j Ointed. a6ntende6; is scarcely . I d 'Dust give it ep for a, considerable time at as g orher !,Pracious wdisk- shrine. There mitititud' Ildren you. Do,,.aear Mrs.,'dolemau, drive 'back 'disianice an Possible, and, above III, refrain cortain. to. have"hig I � Umen and womon� parents and ch 0
mun�4ual to su' undertaki�o. Any sugges 1011 0 �6ura� I Would not, to-geurica's and lot Ina get the letter," fronO taking warm or'sirong.JiquoiB when admirably reproduced: by . these grandp owe oa;6� I am weak and my nbryea'so treacherous. shb--said softly. ',.,-You are- my i '�itrerits and babies, find a b 1. . I Not ' - 'I .1 Well, my dear, . bait an hour. will -not you, are cold. , Thin- rule in Jounded on the, natural And'oharmind children. .'They are n Noah Let me, stay, quiet y at my I needle. b6k�,,and Only, friand --- 4 ..have. the greatest .,I, � ' L - , .1 . . boat Often sbelteriiig moi6 souls tha Same, princitilp,as, the treatment of, any. veri foild-, Iihb.oth6r'cbilc1r6n;'of inspecting bad in his ark., Thate thotiSaca% -are Den,; and promised to Of.Lthe . I" �,
work.:', I shall earn my living'bythat" faith in your wisdoni raake much differs - - : . I , -when front visitors from te'regions- etaikcase, 661d' d call for Evblina,at the coiffeur's; part of, the body -bitten. 11 it born, grow - up, grow old' and dio, OM,
ail 11.1 have 'overstayed,, my, be said Were I�rought :to the, fire it would soon and Ia�orit6 rarely escapek'without. a young h6jresai, a iAsnanee cone being -on land Until 6 arried'tbera for burial.. There was a pause. Watson looked but, Miss Tbibaut'i you. can. eliver's ions. OU Moitifyi LWh,3reas, if rubbed, -with L allow, furtive recognition. When...d7i, Jaimilie the MannedL I . down silently,:asin thought';.th6niaddress- sage t6 y9Ur,fiiend Mrs. Buiaheltellher to, Just let, me out then - and Sir Frederic at's Many of those boats are by womeni Will '�ake� card 6f, -me b��k_it is auch no. 'b�d 'consequences follow from 'it. ispatphed by' Ina girls; whose' large, bare, unii. und f6ef; said 0 ingWrB. IJUshel;' ri�6 before Hence, if tha. follow
I 1.i�,Bhad more.colaly, send. her. hidaand to me to -mo, I hort,W&Y." ing.rule were at their parents for:. the wraps of. the, guests,- I should wish to ask with'this tbri-theie is my private addie&6--�l think 8 Prove that they are n'ot Chinese young . - ": Before the Mrs. Coleman could -obobived-when"L he whole body; or any vvb,6n the. tatter. are, Labout'to take their person Alone." Startled and yetthey,havelearned to " �addlo their� I have found a cleritship'for Which he is adree or dissent from Oils au3acioug �'rppo- Part 61 it, is' 6billed,' Iiiing it to its natur�l departure. 11' Lodiso,lrtin,and get hady, So-. 6wn--canoe.11 Babies,�a;:6 faStened �to the, yes, certainly, 'Sir. If you'll. just suited. -You continue to teach'her children'? feeling nwarmth 'by� degre6g�itlie an4-eo'her 6losk?' Maude,ihere is"Mrif.- deck by;,strings, And other bbildren wear 9orde'up Stairs, Mr. Gumbletbif" (the draw-.' You are grateful I you vv6uld.'db much for Be, 1, Sir Frederic had opened the carriage -'a shawl 2". 11 Victoria�, go and find the door, wd Miss, Dolvigne stood upon'the frequent colds we experience. in winter ing-rooms is -out), I will show you the report gra;titude T' ho.'asked. of gouids'or bamboo to keep. Min. L h; pavement. WoRld 1 6 great Measure be.prevented. -TheChri tma�srantomime of the Philpot Dorcas' S nd Marie `* wo' n I?uohess' wrap." 8 them from sinking if they fall �overboard� B ociety;1 a udering at is unusual 'tone wen -i -then, I, suppose you: must,,, said in looked forward 'to for six Months, and though the parents do't 'seem 'to grieve, usball-61.the way with-hor:4,taccato move- and manber, repAidd in the affirmative, and Mrs. Colemmn,�uot eolmuch Averse under Ji DAV tr . esMing,ciiise 09-111,08t Dlaruondf4. foJualy readIlectie-d-for th rest of the year.. much'if one does get 'drowned ment'so Suddenly, !hat Mr. Gunableton felt he left the 'room, followed - by,the obsequi- t , � 11 , .. 1, ( L . . 'L I .! . L . "I . The facetiousness ofibe cl6wnis admirably There are compelled to follow very rapidly.L ous matron. e.Pacu iar circumstanceBi as she. other-, They had been marriecl, only -six -weeks larger ibil More 'gaily I decorated Junka.
Wine, 'Would have been to:so unorthodox "Ii!L repiodiicibd, -while the knocks down rec6kyed' Sit down," Said Mr, Wats6�; and Jay- when be came�bome from the.Btore one called flower" boats " used as - iloating by theouduring and evera amiable pantaloon
ing aside bis'edId CHAPTER XXVI. pro . evening aDdJbund, her' in tears.- She had: plea houses of ho'gi r6pubation. k
a practised with 8 Y.- It is
-return in less tban� hall an bo lost ar 6rUPUIOUS Adelit to thou-- ioompogure,Arew a chair to, thin opposite, Nearly tWOL I shall ur one of bar diamond e -rings., after thoitneaging of the pantomime that years ago.6, typhoon' s"inped And Marie obeyed,,in a montbs had passed sinc6 and the Bois de BoUlogne"'L Well, crying won't res ore� it, dear," he sands'of these ghiall. oraft'�andhimdreds of '66A of I helple so spair, yet resolved to NevilWs, fruitless vinit to -the benevolent She bowed,� smiled, and drove away. the governesses baVO to-call� upon all their tbe''ibmates were' de 11 You�had better take in Arm in remarked, an �he, hissed her on the chiii reserves in order' to bring utider 6ontrol th defend her secret L,to. the last. Her heart Mrs. Jupp. The revulsion of feeling it bad y this . but 'you,.Pee what' an embar. spirits of these Lea a T,roy Ti beat,,6nd the tittle hand slia-UnconBeicusly caused him,coming after "so much and'sb crowd,", said ' Sir Frederic, fe U119C. rakBiDA position I am placed in a., Ithy ung-mig6e The-- Princess of Wales Aged 110 V4QftrN. long.continued excitem6rit, had. laid him countably elated JOYOUS'. u are a Ceftailily ; we Will Adverkse the- Ions i` pregsed O'ber �rb' trembled visibly. I �r in the plainest Pon- YOUL MUSf fast I prostrate With at Severn and lowering fvor, good genius, Miss he continued, r S am your frieud"' if the city papers.." muglins and. A few days ago Rernard,Dorwi, aUl'i b - which his medical attendant assured him g slid Scoop ad his o er I we fi6d� my Al And 6ffejL alib Ame'rioaiiij died in New �Yorh i6on After began, in 4uioi tones, which had a ring.of . Wife, Lit Will oral.reward I being - d�!� iigueu?,. No cornets, no &L
tively demanded - ropose�lf physical - poor friond's be through you. flanne kindlinessin them; "why',, then, You Yea." tightness Of any kind,-and'as for ornaments,, 'M his n County, mpr&T, V any rate," L6 added,on Nbville'� You alwaysobring Foodluok.,, The fiderwill. exp such as rM994, earringa� or biAc6lat% Her-. Tyron' �un 8' not allow Me to YOU, and confide in , ec t at least.,525 not emigratoL fro atiV6"
what ma -k h6- years be �o rest for him, Ia hotsure, qs� Me. feel g there could in a, til vvAs, 6 me 2, Permit me, o Say that a young and You will Utterly, Unfit' That's� Royal -be Astounded thdn,'after having been b6tu,iri, the reign Ok yourself for the, manner, though secretly pleased at tile ill, s,d pf 1, aid h , beautiful idea were as Mooted. She friaiidless'66ature like --�burself shoul& not Search you ore So bent upon if you do not' repressed joy of bar C 'at their a cried an she I a an throw away a friend bec&' ompacion, head n ,in Shoulder.— ediamonds George. Ill., And After bavibolived a subject, use.of some self. ver� P�,rtibulak' bout 'having. the �girls tAkes6rae,-weehs'co�aplefere�t.1' Butemi ranobutie. ather, And of the grAO616813 George V. aud the tes-, opinionated, ear were aweddiD'g present fr6m i- ti
uple about revealing your Thin letter has a French Btamp,,and is h d instructed in'sd,,,�ng, embroidery aud �all then: usually powerful frame was he got 6tnat t 6 Weakesillis,bletoerrbi,anda but ill able to second 'hiscager' desire to be ;Jiected in �ucfi, palei.'ink, :and in such a, _��ollar store, and I don't d' estic work, and. S*jUdled out of tw manuer o wom4pa om _ hislallegiance to Wdltoria.� and pr6ceeding confession of past shortcomings will not Ina- Onty" continually� I botd� up � her glater-in-lavi r6L
is( 11 Up And doing." queer, ciampe.d,band-sueb -ali.iigly hand fou,r dollars Pi _Nairie tdi-,-America, voted for Franklin Pie e.1: 3n iny desire to set you right in the future. the L -1 It that respect. Little' ;Your natural 73g of , am Sure it is frni sdme�CrOSS Lorne as a model i,,,g,,IL,,, an B However,, the openi present does the bv Dorin,aftributed his longevity to'the fiidt r he h'ad woman; 'perhaps it: is f AMA; Lady loa&r air, is utibear passer, JO glances a 'to your present Istaid; but, humble as'tbe gone iu the �ague hope of discovering some pinrbaps it is hothing &Aioular. I bays th . L_hAd even'& teao'4 of worry. Position' ' ev'dbribly superior chapter finds him wbhhe' rona Tkarie's no t 6 ligbtegf window 'of Marlbbrough� that during his. length on 6�years h liever calling of teacher in the class 1 suggest I's, Able. He hoWJ4 All nhMile lodger, llouaa� tbat'bebind the blind -ther trace of Marie 19. aunt,,who'had never taken been greatly tempte Ld to o� 'I should Indeed f Well,'ho- might do,' it is more wort;hy of you than your present ien it worse tban faturo Queen. Of England, I lovingly, 811i" any notice, of his long slid eiplahatory I think, 6ply'we 9ke Jluai comiug on be a,, pla� the al -Tbefbilowi gm�ver�i,HevbeDtwbichap- Why4you 'do Fibrink froM it? r tht,,u rdight', bor dang In . letter or otherwise coraniunicated L With and Mr, Foster told Me You Would be, at � . I I I , _L WLbom she in perg-just bofOV6 equal, I feel,assured, h-- Up -i-
You are nio;rOL than A critic, noticing an awkward co a j� , 'da now like
ahis ructie story; to the task. There is Some hidden reason danAg a rninuet; said 'that they lonked"an wl�ffe borbusbarid, his oigar'ni his Mon tb, tile great, Nowhall fire rea Thitfieir� be wag' Accompanied b bin YOU might have Opened it I dare say ;` , irony, and 1 desire to. know, it; �or. I must come y I.. . . I I d ere Sir Frederic Compton,wbo Eli f they were doing it for money, an gazes at 068 11C & pla'itsu�e but as Novillo� will hav6 it con, it in 0 NV With g 'aid. N9WHALL HOU8EI, MILWAU-
doubtfi abo-at getting by a Mib(, O'Piriowl would fain tonc of Yoifir oi Suppose we go round P kk4d and little oonsequence, -& - - f , -I - -_ th of Italy" having :got .0, Couple of ffi�roug li�axwl 'Offered, lietion in ratt;s,, vo(in:ls awl
S v I a,chatming day,,., aded.1he. young Bard- Legislature 0, 0 ) I 1. ,'not JiL ,k3-kiDL _1 Into grielsay6n With 9, y - further forward 'than abother liatent f1r,e,6dqf1,PG.PrOvI(es 1110 rer." 'd t__ N 'V tors, GreAt red
And he looked rhonth But Neville could not as k vid.. th. ls oono0. at d E te I $2�0 000 for'& starr out in Australia, y
keen, Steadfast � gake, 'as though, be defied to, h Pel. Mr.11. flayman'. every-466r,in cage'df Tili hotel wil- veek.', To or �projects Seemed Delvipe, a little their wives, : their dark, IuBb�iius deptlifl to, bide Any PJOLYO�s are Jtel)t In irainji,Ig 11�; y eo dopartmont
"I -dear Wo ;�,, I I utterly impossible, , whpn he -lived, in IMsipeatablebutclioi: ,-My ulan� very i6d Nvith the wbeh there in So impotan',C "' Whelf fWO a ay6 aiapsevithout ac'Chicago Rci on every 116bri ana 6 is salflif 11 I eyrou ant on, that :each morning', a matter on hand :pdlicomah being shot tfi�' papeis Ot that itwasfalivo,thiB time yesterday." Dubious wdt�o. 'r 'so far 2 t. return to 1will'speak and evening le a I r customer Can !You Assure, me tb
Ayowould ing Boma 866", sma �fr V redorio'hosi-' town express great astonishment Land con-. alive s;t -it Fanny Davenport will Short ote't�WGL w6nit be thiBtini to-mortow'?,.That'a thin country, having cabdelled I hat B tidings:of fi.jb lost one. tafiIigIY-!' 1, wb;h, if po�sible, 'to Prolong the gratulate ibem�elvdB lips, %nd -'PrIesaing. her' hands tightly p . �I : - �aiio Was hot and full opleasare,tif �.walk with you-& pleasure in rapidly de6rea0ug.' What I ntrto �novv�i +p
th 8_0 evi