The New Era, 1883-02-23, Page 10—T�
1 -7
epistle Neville,, looked p, W ith a lanf9ftable'fautellit
for.bis, acoom-mo, ation,
Not much, idjorhiI
;� ' .� �; � , I.,
there" he said
and cliii6d the window should Buffer
fromthei drauht,'and Seemed to make h im
]Miss a'Tra
to 01col In
Me AlWoull Me Trapplits 19onkm In
A A4;IiIheIor,.s4Ke' lyi,
I doni`t� knqW; Y Oubav a go, i t6,v
Y� we want at aiiy rato;.� pail;,�
between herself andComp-
cialins, Awave �An otber
111tellij r ene e ft�oxn All Over
aville Cot Niew York Times.)
ww you vever is frAoind in
urp rise
know, jig.
-Tbd;&6A-natur6d -,young Barohet felt
Tove I t Fre ob
By ba n
LBig Rapids (Mich.) Pioneer
the World 7
Few people, eI in!Kentilcky, k
1 ourne3 nowtbat
only, a Blip It from this
, , ' balra'sI beipectaoiled eyes,:
6h is
bet, found hl6 ClidvIr
, the date �Sb girl
.11 gi- , herself,
be iijubli'to Jaiira or., bang.
aingUIL A very' r � ease of spiritualism, if
Ea reported to us
Such it ay be call6d,was
The .8. Metho(iists, expoot to build
3 r cit there
flourishes 9 L monastery of Trappist Monks. -
Blit wit o said qharinp�ig'
truth 1)
.See thisman-; let us go
(eville will marry the hair
by A neighbor of the family �ia which the
450 oliurchoo, during . i he present year.
it is Bitus ited in 9, little hamlet, in , the
As he , e,v,hen lit bore the balo of'youtli
left in
;as, called,'- and a'
A fiacre, v thek starts
egg , btit the next moment be laughed
O"e is located.' 'The family question
ere are 1,000,000 a am n
, Th M al 8 i , Syria
southern- pa
- rt of Nelson county, Ky.-, 012
But who can gro I w old, herl thought passlon
I ., t ! w . as long' I d ti
The traje an :Odursp its-
fancies, And devoted him.
It west of the
rf�side about five miles. noi. b
lid Palestine.
ills a NaBhvi
the' touisv, Ile Railroad, Aout
urge pu
notalrom. th-inx,'cQ' ke6p 6vt the
Some ;bd� at least it ivas IlLat,aggravated by
the f e�erish.expeotutiou whichbad at once
salf,to, the am TIBelluent of Mis
Coleman w Success
6f'i Mr.
lAr-Spiargeon has received �1,500. 'as
the' Amerioa. The
40 miles South �of hare. lExternally the.
re.9stpry resem bles -any other ; but � wh6ii
sio and spring. im
inii,'bird-v0106719 and
'irritated and' supported Neville. on former
which not unusually akends the efforts of
So;�e time ago a daughter I a
young lady abouti 17 years ofage,was taken
.on: sale it, of,,
ro 1 I
T ry-alllt,L y'of Daviv'
the ddois are once Vass ad the visi.t6r fps a
Wu I I
I,. .
as.they,4id in a's earliest hours ?
all ind of apatbetiedesp4ir
aI 11
ke the� cold as stealing ov W tar, his heart,.. Ii
1-ta, do baronets,
T be dinner finished, the membe�rs. of the
ill whh* diphtheria, three * or four. other
children of the family having previously
. Statistics show that nine pep cent. of the
as ithe bad Btepped back into the middle
ages, : the Visitor is courteously received
W?Uldyoui itate age while Ahe blood pulses
U duo6d-Bbimber of the Snow -618.yed 4ra.
little party Were Sufficiently wall pleased
i same diaehseI After Miss
-died with th, .
entire population of Connecticut are Can.
and given a cot in 'a (Sell t midnight
teran's pose would be !*$qua in me -
Wevnel:'tahe i ii, for frutI I'll climb ' 'n
rell6r, wlio sinki'thus lulled" toAeath, in
weak at As 6' y as ed'� too,str6ng
big, a 8 In � 13 14
with, each otInar Dot to Separate after the
me&! Was over. But Neville, unfit for exer-'
Ron Our a I r IIV6,weeis b
Bulowaotied bar beds"i ee
ilt ones to
Rev. J. B. Hamilton, 6f Rhode Island,
he,: is by !the bell ..which
a 1113: t
a he rnoukIii to the rcidtii-ht roa�s. The'
some bbelf
for hirit.
den , availed bimself of his raptitat i6n'"
and,told th a Was going V.,
sh yit
has diven 9,160hol it new name. He calls
moriks continue -at their &�otioD'6 abodt
own I'm lm� ninghbor-or, he myself.
But the'long drive was to no atai when,
�au to Bay good, night, crinsid-raill) 7�
but would return in a few A I I I
mortis "-the water, of de-ath.
six, And a haf hohrBi and thent6ey march
It I seem to be, young, as y . ouktollens diselcze,
after Home inquiries, the friends discovered
beforeL Sir Fiederic thought of Btirring.
ed them to le
then �, iu'sDruct ave her
Rev. A. I wbrypeirt,
13.`Grebnei of."Ne
in Silent procession t
. 6,tba,�,cliapter room.
I -am sure I was bort so:, and UaOu
!.rbat the essence of youth has' j an
the Rue djAuvergnp'�wbich by the, Way,
He bad not, however, been many minute s
--und not touch lier again
Mass , and big ife are respectively great-
Here they meet every me riaeg, and here
is III for`�.
vein 9' somuehofthis1chor�rematnsl?
Why wonder
was considerably les important than its
name, " they found the, dear aunt: too
gone, before, to, the surprise of ever Y, line,
he returned again, holding a letter opk u: in.
until She Then,: for I a period
of ibree duvh IT
Miss Hou4e lay, imm�OV-
r dn pbew and of
9 an a
General Nathan iel Greene,,, of evolution-
punigbinent ail offeued'
Against the rules. Tba,abbot's chair is an
What -be old ? when at no time ; wa I a beauty so
u twell. to See any one; MonBieur gone to
his buredu, and, all the ie6t of the. world
his baud.
itThis is An - eventful day, . Compton-,
a ble" to all �pptaracce -being dead. At
the expiration of three days she returns to
ary fame.-
A new
elevated tbron'e, in wlalkfiag to hili seat
the Abbot paF.sed ovei, his own grav6.� The,
When the smil6of a� maide'n seemed never more,
rair� -
the hue of heF
g ne out.
'!With some diffi. ulty they.. obtained the
here's a letter from� Mr. Foster found it
'in my rom: when I' weili nP-fi0 say" my
,Us O-U.Liebs Hild has since bebui perfect
health, gettl �ed almost im-"
lig up from her t
�300,'000 to! �400,000, -is ,to'be built at
lbany. A suit; of! ground haR
this terrible spot. —ishme
pums ment Home.
When tuo glow of her cheeks and
address of Monsieur's bureau-iDI pAPSag6
brother::hasbeell thrown o;ut of &,haniiom.
mediateJv at end of the thi
the de days.:-
already been Secured A ild:0aid' for and
are deprived of their,;.
Still have power to put all things on earth hi"
eclipse I
off the' Aue de Richelieu- And t hither they
and i's :vexy - Seriously injured; that after
The straii pi�rt of the Story, however, is
WOO has been subscribed to! begin the
there are ordered to .r6sto ate themselves
on the, floor White tb; moilke
Patiently dad their waiY, and-QVere at
lying insensible for B asked-
evertti hours', he
the f-cti that wjAeu she returred to herself
I : ,�
waij, ove
- r,
Age dwells notin years or the almanac's date;
So, if I must be old, I'lld:cofitented towait
-lastBuecessfUl in fi� kdinglgongieurAlphonsei
Wfiq�conducted the foreigri'corregpondence
twice ibr� e and your grandfather con-
d, ediate recommen ing- ray imm
she wjts',t�omebZirL else. Previo h '
us to er
sickness 91 d6u�IhL�V Of An Old friend' of
Th. Detroit: Ministerial . Uniori, A. body
th em� When a decisi is given the delin.
quent ut never murmurs� b imme
Till Methuselah'ff circuit, at least, has been run.;
For the prescut,-my slli#g-timsi has'onl begun.
'of a large silk wkrehouae,-��,'aild bud'a dark
den in i6l
Arid ederi k, eagerly.'
T,'a%ked Sir Fr 0
Mr. so d
Eton ie ol -diphtheria A Bosley,
cbmpospd of mfpisters'of ailldenomijuation 8,
has decided by a vote of 29 to I tha;t belief.
Sets about its fulfilment..
.. By at) anclen o the order.all'T t rate f ap-
I preBume,* 7hen the 1 years, like a tale that is
the,entre aifidliiniself.
He vias a Bhort,;broad man, with close.
"Will go at once: that is, by the,earlieSt
Njakaygbi County, being a total a ranger to
Miss House, yet ,
on herreiurut6 6011SCIOUB.
in the Apostles'. Creed is not'subl6iiaillt s a
deolmation of faith upon wh 6h to d i 6
pist'monasteries are built in �h6 form.rof it,
Have made avoo anough,-Borne will ieckon mO
out -black hair, and a olose-Blia-yeia, blue
board, Showing 'clearly. round heek, and
tWill it not knock- Y u erriblY-?!'
on, i p, t,
nee's Miss Kouse apeared :to be the girl
ihaA'died at, En'sley, claiming tha-dec6ased
angle, inolbsing a court, All a ound
this court extend'
8 the cloister, used- by the
But while beapty,',and smiles, ani a� soit looks,
throng ipy way,
chic, Small mustache, And; the inecesbar Y
said Miss Delvigne.
girl's -parents as, her pareuti I d"failifig to
A'Bible s6cie y n
t . I Chicago vi sits large
'n 'numbers
�mouks as a.promenade. Here the inniatew
I shall. sa to old ago, 11 Please excuse xne to�day
-BaKwiTes Monthly. JOEL BENTON.
chin tuft,,being all of his 'biraute honors
:left unshorn. He had u :'Semi�militajy
No!,,,Tfael.quite strong again! be ' Sides
wishing to Bee my brother, as- he wi6hos�it,
of tiiinks She never saw, '"d 6alls"by na 'me'
0 stablishme be where of - -vouDg
women are em, plo�ed,'readapbrtions ilf the
never Bpeak,. not even to visitors,,' nor
they in�tfierefbctor r
Y, dorm churches.
-ow 'YOU LEE"
-look, and'eager, glunciiag jet-blaCk 'eyes.,
He' -wag consider bly puzzled, by the vi8te,'
r B rong impress
Y�u t' ion respecting,
'makejpeanxi sto back once in r in
kou 9,,.e
people whom she, nevar hasrd� I She also
Spa. o hei'visit to he�aenj of the people
Scriptures to them -and�'holdB religioug
ta;lkg during -the no6ii.,. hear f'luuoh and
In the graveyard back of
tomb�of Mrs.,Nanoy Miles, a nd by herBide- -
theremains of Mr� Zia Y Bradford,
And Nevifte's intricate story, i it;ld, i the,
1 'With
a a
ndfriand sh�iE��v�there,'�,naeLcy'i3-she-w
r only
Biv M-ris- Alexancler-
:be'st French at big Aud' the Barobet's
'I me inexplicable.
-was sti 1 re,
Same hasty apologies to Mrs. Cole�
mau for quitting bar So iancerernian iOUSIY��
have to ' return there. about the Rb of'
h b7"
July At times; s, a BeemB o a her own
Evangelist Moody was grog te'd. in Dublin
'Tecentl by an* Audience of four thousand
sister of JeffersOn Each- monk's
gravS is ii�aiked by H, black cross, on which
The heiress looked up in his face with'an,
command, .
man, grew, very vi
inally the little roth;
-the -young men 'left together, Neville to
elf, also somebody al�e beside4 & persou
persons. ^Mr. Moody has picture
in while lefters,48-puitited his monastery
At foot,
air of the sincerest, Surprise. � Then Am
I .
amused expression stole founiilier mouth
It appears. to me',1! he said -bet ween big
teeth- Sir Frede
'Addressing ric, whose
ke �reparatioils,s;nd Fits to. Monsieur
ma W
Diipuit,,abd,bis. fidee'Achaltes" to assist.
I ,
Above 6ention,d, ha�iug lately appeared as:
the deceased'wifo of a man livi6g-seveeal
ta ken, the,first time for nearly twent�,five
yes Hehadonly about a'Aozon cc 188
riame. -the of each grae is
a stool,,, which �thb mouka used in pray. -
ion. :
as he noted- his - l6ok.of vbxat*
French was: the. most,�comprbhensibla.aof
.. .1
milps Away.' Her present,health is Said tol
. - 1, I I
taken,foir a few of his, fAmilyi, and friends �
. '.1
ing- for the soul f d
� 8 Of . he departe .. The
dead', are not' inclosed in a- coffin but � are
vou did u are
u'r Jriend is a Scoundrel.,
Where, then is, my, cousin ? poorichild-, ---C
I �.
be peifeot.
And then bought the negative. I
simp y wrappedhr�th-dr gownSau'd buried.
quite mistaken. When I thought YOU
-§a 4�0 . -Wise-.�What-l-w-coul.
LiAL�"s the Bible is the most dramatic.
11 listed. you. But i6 is Stich a pity you did
not contrive to tell me candidly �at first
a socie�tyl Af6n Diewf Tha a girl a6 pr-
dent should L have been contatuinated I
tion described a � few. chapters back; Marie
bad found the 'Bushel household in a"fer-
The Hong -of.,,' �kmaiejuurie! "was written
book. in
ShaliI plays;. and- argues that
passes:away. In'tbe.d ormitoi*Y oa6b.loonk
that you' we're notL going 'to Second you r,
Where, then is,iny cousin 2"
DI of joy. Mr.'W.ataon had giv an Mr
by Willitian Do6ghiss; of Finglan'd, in, the-
Y a,
stewartr A Kirkoudbright herlo' Of- th
same 'care and, Art recluired -in reading
has cell with wal is f heavy fire -brick,
'00 btai uing un� iron-coo,o. The moDkal'
. .
graindfather' laus, and that I was �911 safe
z. —
Quietly," returned Sir Frederic,, m46
4at is ppecig,017 th�,
-th4i�%ng.r k
Bushel a clerkship in a -branch office A
Fostgriik Co. had 'established' for 9
song Willie was a; Wanton Wagi": Annie
Shaksp6are, should be applied to the read-
ing-of the Bible.
sleeps with his clolthe*S on. The regular
time for is,
-then I would never have'propoaedto�iarie
questiohweea,metoai3k,you;"-,,.7 In
I bave,zurely
P Mrs.
Laurie Was' the! eldest of. -'the 6're a daugh,
-te-FC-6f sit ;
li'o B.Irdb 11D
rising never later than 2 o'clock,
to PaSS for me and �no mischief would have
been done.
;I' As her husband,
Home�'your Poin , miss , a ation. I
: With: rodmS,- my dear cried
Bushel at to f her voice-�Ifour
Her birth is thins.receraed by her� father in
land, 6ontains,a wonum'slitah, slab beariDg"
In -these aevery Friday' ilfght', the
This very candid Speech was" Annihilat-'
-would give all 1,posseiqlofind her.!'
�the; p
rooms, a light closet, 'two -attics,, and- a
the fau1iIy'T6giSter:. " At the pleasure of
the Almighty i3od.; 10-y"'aaugliter,- unie.
this, je,tra;ordinary record: Xartha
'Blewitt, of Swan Inn,' at Baytherne-Endi-
men' Is Scourge. them
k selves with a knotted
whip, of. inau -lashes in remembrance of y
ingto poor Sir Frederic.. Hewassilentfor
Her busband-l" repeated the bewildered
Alp�onse somewbat --mollified,, �ak 'the
kitchen''I a6inle aciom�niodatiou, rent free.
is"not' , high I . �CI50 to begia:.with.
Laurie,� was bori'a on tba-11.66fi day of
h* rish,buried'May ethe
in't IsIps,
scourging.of- th avibur. *kx8ept by
a minutbs.
11 Your words," lie Said at lengt 4, and very
magic word. I- Why did -She leave, you.
-nor will Mr. Bushel. be the; manager at
December, 1682 years, about 6 o'clock in
the�morrling,audwas baptizedbyki. Geo."
thewife of nine bus ban da consecutively,
but the n inth outlived her'
a ph sician"m preset- iption : a- monk. never
tastes-ineat,6f any kind, fish, eggs,'baiter.
gloomily,,�., prove the truth of no yassertion.
then?' AII17 Some deep villainy
(with einphasis); but I have no
doubtere long he will be. promoted when'
(Hiinter, of Glaticairn.) - From, the curious
- � 'When �n American missionary 8ffered.a.
or 'lard. Their,diet, 'is:'explu8ively ViI
I am most unfortuuat6.-
They were now at the -entrance of Men-
tj3 y Heaven I7 cried the .,,,Baionet in
M� ,
the present manager gets a Step. iss
a 011eritions of man'�scriptB .�
F. H. Arundel, Barjary -Tower, 15umiries.
Greek a TeStarnent the 4reekturirnii!116 the
title page and saw'-.'' 41 Translated from the,
ta, �N6'. stimulants, i��t even Aea.or
coffee'ar tobaccoi-are, used iii'arly form� in
rice's, and - Miss -Delvighe, atrucK-kAe
tone of his last words, kept sifiiiiice, whife-;-ffhouldn't
despair,," we've �imade a InSss, of it. � We
have. stirred without &i4 Dal-
Thibaut-,, ray love,l 1. feel peisuaded you
have brou-htus luck, it. it be not,irreligious
learn As, A
t nni'e wa.4. w"o-bed by
Douglaies, and that she.efused him. He
gival Greek.'? So he gave it
ori back- to the
missionary, saying, with s; b6w:' 11 Thank,
:the dining -room -ea'
ch monk is - provided
witli'a tin plate AIid A, woodeif
they ascen ded't6 111re. Col6muils salon
Wait a few iinutI I Will 'bring you
-ill expla�
vigne; Iet'ua,A61or fierifille w in it
better than, we can'."
- help we
to Bay so." The little were able,to
afford'yoft impressed that great and good
then made a ruxls�way'mmt6fi; with a 'Miss
you - we have the original." Greeks hold
I I I t
SPoou* IS
From . 1 epte'raber 14'thqo Ash Wed-
iii6sid.y only a day is
the letter immediately,", she said, and I eft
--the' . . : :
Yes I" the Frenchman was gayiIIii
mealutima, it some villain, aB got.h,er ear,
Mr. Watson favorably, And so inclined him
to] Ive.
befriend'us I My sweetAgueswillr6v
Elizabeth Clark, fGleinborg,', in'
0 alloway.,
1709.Annie married' James Fergussoii,
f l'o
among other Sources of pride, particular
One that th 'New Tes'iament was written i
I I . . a
()no. meal allowed.
F rom Easter Surlday'until'�Seritontbiar 14thr
room. .
ThosefeW minutes Sir I Fr . Sider . ic employed
.. r
alid' has taken adviantags of Home cr6ieity on
when she breathes tbe briny. air of the'
a Craigdarrock and was,Ahe ra a
th r. of
Alexander Fargussou,,the here of Burns'
:. - I
their lang usge.
A letter of -the Bisho �, of pat,
they eat two meals Aailv-o;o at 11 and
the.otlier-at 6'O'clock. JFor save n years
in walking up and-dowii,and forining a reso-
Your P art. A womau�,Iea�e her hu�band�
without a omps, Bab P The, last
V6, and altogether it is too,delight-
song, �,Tbe Whistle.." James Grant, in his.
en: publisbe
has recently: be d.1 in, which he
those who. wish to- enter *are on trialnd
Here.h is i saiatbaheirass;,re-ontering;
co d- I"t- --
force of nteiup a incre u I y Wag
throw n� i uto .. bia, t bahl a,girl'so
"I am truly,glad,.to hear such: . good
tiolinga", exclaimed Marie. �But they Are
novel, "Walton Fenton; or, The' Scottish
Cavalier," gives a full account ofl the com-
StAtesthat he has in vaa, endea;voriad to'
firl'ol-an incumbent *for ii� li VIDg vacant in
all -the.. bardships Are put upon- th,em!
They can go, away any * Alty during this
Just..look . a,, 8 . ir Fred . aric; 1a I not a
curio hand
well brought tip. True she; wAS'.a Protes-
not good for me�L,shall lose my an y.
position of 11 Annie urethe early
his diocese. Th ere is, as described'bv,the
p eriod:if they desire,, but w&n� the time,of
probation is over they lalid a finul.'Vow
'is lie - returned, Speaking Sldwly.
But 1
tant -slightly, -an is)iiitfq�t."
tSilence I" "criedl," XavillO furiously.,
friends I � When do you save T!
itWell,'? Said. MrS.Bushel,, 11 that i S just.
version of the sog is as f-illow i a:!
Maxwelton's banks are prinie,,
B.ishd,P, a comfortable he'
use in, good con-
dition, a beautiful:church and an'interest-
are rre-voc Ably. sundered from the world.
-thin it is a'
41 Do you ,really 2-i: had determined it:
0 my wife."
�'Ramemher you sp?36t f
The, hearty feeling' in;bis voice and man-
the.question. Go, my degis?'ito the 6 hit-
dren—k Go downta'.tfie kitchen and make
Wh6remeand-AnnierLa iie
ing sphere of wor k among A,village po.pu a-
tion of 600 people in 9, pleaHant'andbeautiful
There are about,sixtiv mocha -in this man-
ABtary. - Only -two Aihericans belong t;o the
was the aunt's."
11 Miss began Sir 'Frederic
iier touched the good�hatured little French-
us a nice bit of'. toast.. Itis quite chilland
Mado,up*the promise
Made up the promise true, If
neighborhood. But there is ino certain
income.'! Before'the. latdt.'agricultural, de.
Order" one from Selma, la.', And the. other
�rom - Philadelphia. A remarkable :rule of
Shall take' your. advice and'speak with.
candor to prevent future mistakes or mis-
.1, Monsieur is not with out:. heart,'i'fib
wintry this evening.
mar," cried, Augusta, Tane. ,You
And Dover-forgotlwilll;.
-And for bonnia Annie'Laurie.
pressi6n setAxi it wa��.wortu 2480 a year
'.worth, "
tne� Order is tb�t which' precludes all
females from�eiuteriug tb a only
chief. I p
u 9 its, of.y.our .:evident indiffer .
once, I lovei most:fondly�
Cbme,11 interposed. Sir., � Frbderfc�
onlywant to. get, rid of us. thatyou may
talk secrets with Miss Thibaut.11 : I
-She's backit like,tiae peacock
net.., It is at present nothing its
income being -, barely s . ufficie I It to .
Ii pa� the
the.wife of the.ruler of the 'nation. Ths'
�your unselfi6linesoi your earnest tfiou�ghi-
thdiig7s,no use getting angry; -and we only.
Never , you mind, but get, Alan g'11-
She's broJaBtib like the swan
She's jimp about the middle;'.
efiarges upon4t
Gethsemane Abbev�owns. 1,800 Acres of -
land, half,of'whicli is in a state of- h Igh
ful friendship; the strength and tenderne Is
-,understand each other.
'half There � is �a
returned, her mother. . iThat's it it it,"
Her waist �e weel iiiielit'sp
wham .Street Wesleyan 'Chapel, Man-
you have k u
ihown throughouftbii unhappy
larlyof rank," he -Went .on vith uncon-
repeated, Mrs., Bushel as the last skirt
Her waist ye-weel micht
cheater isto be ta ad down after all the
matter might well'; fascinate -any. -man-
scious-tact, at present -in the -dear
whisked ro hd the door. it The only draw,,,
d she:bas.a rolling eye.,
i��d for bonnie'Annie Laur"
efforts.,which. bave been made to avoid the
The A'a1v ofEibel.
and it makes me mail to think what'a trea,
friend of Madame Neville, your cousin, who
back to.adl this good lack' the diff.
is, calty: Of
: - ' Inecessity.
I'll lay'me doon, and dee,
It- original home of"
sure I have lost.the' ci "of securing; far
s&ahs French like. an,angel. If Monsieur
movirI course we have. given notice
The most touching story connected with
Wesle�auism in that city, And was opened
�Mr. "the
The St., LouI Post -Dispatch :rises to,,
after all it -was but a chance. Do iiot let,this-
avowal influence your making uss-of me as
O;UId-LBPAr8 tina,8,tO to
Maurice" all , wit :fully Of things."
a a
quit, but to move tha -furniture %n'd,buy
a few nd pay a triflear two here
-6loth6% A
the sougJ4 that.'told in Bayard!. Taylor�s
h� Wesley himself on 26rb' of,
March, 1781. � The. repo3ktad'visits 6f'Ah
remark as follows: � Few States in the
'on' have as Stringent libel law now. us
your veriest tool in the search forpoor Mrs.
�At the mention of a1ady; ille1ren
(we Faulty owe very. little), will take every
Crimea* Incidents"';
un. a or
gre I at fo d r of '.Methodism to � the
Missouri;,and yet the Bar' Association a f
Neville. I will nev'er s'ga,in *offend you in the
rcaiu� 'Subsided good deal
penny "of fifty Pounds, and that is not to be
",They Jay. along the battoiry's'sicie,
are all � associated with that, place. There
St. Louiti�wjbbes I to�.tbem
Same Way. �, But xemembdr' I lov'o you.,,
:Feaj iDg to a Subordinate, and� locking up
de6kg� 'he declared
picked apAAbe gutter I"
Below the smoking cann oil
Brave hearts from Severn and from Clyde,,
Adam �Clarkei'miuistered, and tboa�most:
w 'hich will make the publication of iiqws-
u L ndry drawers and
'..i.And-froni,th oi,bauk6of Sbannon
a rs, accounted it.
man of the Old preactie,
paper about as, precarious as sh cap-
Beforeshe- li &'recovered the-ast6niah-�
2111.61ire,BI accompay MdsBieurp�
youiritend to. do.?"
And there;� in eight Of the. Redan a14 h
mao-mof th ei
pile of the b i' lives that they
herding.1n.the Sioux Re�orvALiov'. A car
ment big words had caused her, lie had left
Ob� I' has gorna tb.a ygry
At 'to-morrow'B. battI6�gmjtig�
had beeni: Btatio'nea n the roll of
tain 0 asstof able'lawyeio whb are umbl'
theroort. The'youngbeiresslaughea,stop�
.Though but is; few -hours liad'elapsed
eci;afile loan office in BlachfriarsRoad,
oil --Ii(
a us once efo-r'-e-�a-aFd'-n'-o--d*ou'bf-i�ilf-
. ke - r 0 g,
6. led,
-its --sdperihtandents,. or'- preacheis-: stands
honorable', name of Jose ph, Beosou,.'
iolua-lLo--coutrol and influbinie the bommuni..
ties:�in wbicii� tiip� N9, dij iryFay� j�ulaa
and then in :-an unacco I untabl
and, nannei burst', into' E6
since BirXiederic had spio'kein' so Open ly as,
6'higBeutimoants' he was-�-so infer-
ag a percentage is igh
ain - tb b , and 1:7,cn,6w
Bughel wilffiav6 to'insure his life I !,Still,.,
Theys'ang o3f ,love And hot of &me
r.orgot was Britaila'a glor�; IL' ` I
twice. the' giandfather'of he
, - rr.,�
Arclibi8hop-elact of Ca�tiarbury.., � the�ce
of fie press' nd
a anxious to hobble it.
I Another class o f lawyer4 ei)joy excessive
. I , : ., . 1.
heart�'fit of drying.,
-in the matter in limild-thit,ho,met
Delvigue , 'With littlpor no embarass-
at suchi a crisis it won't do to stick At trifles'
.1 am determined to start in it fortnight by
Each bea,rt recalled a different nuzno '
B a ta - 117sang "An n ie Laurie,
ferenceB held in Manchester al4ayS'sa,t
there It wa's�ouce'in the centr6 of &',vast
s'bbca6ethey stand-ar'
libel W amenable
chAnce of digging a libel Suit Out of 6very
m6A ; a grave andistant' rkad.
hook -6r by,prook; And as Soon as get
, ,
"Dear girl I her uame he dared dot speak,
population; it is now i,u of a,
'police, item 'published. I—: These are thet
Neville was sleeping' when! Sir Frederic
his manner.
Mi.-BuIaheia'.few clothes to his back be Shall
But as the song grow louder
desert of warehouses. A:uew"central hall
Hhystekg; .'What is more , need6d in
returned to hig� room, after half-An-hourls.
solitary, but not ithogeth6i: 'unsatisfactory
- It was ann6u d., on. inol'uring from her
'miiid, tbat,!� Miss Delvi�rlew,as iboliepooed
be off before us. � Tell me, my;dear, what had
- Sometb on the soldier's cheek
ing u the stains of powder
Washed ilp
. . I .
19 0 uilt on the site a 0
t be b t'a,% c at of
Missouri is it. law to pr6tact newspaper
reflection. Cbme what 'would Miss 1 Del-
with a bad headache j'and lying. doyvn.','
I better.get for'Aagusta, Jane and Agnes?
am iart And wear 11 S ething.16' look Sri , t,
- -
Co"imon Phr�ite*
agai" niiuh6ous prose ution.
a only
amendment. that the law of
vigne could, not say, lie bad, left her in
gnorance. of. his Sentiments. Btriiperfiapis
Give her my pard,!'Said Neville, hastily
tracing a line in pencil upon. it.
u Frenchwoman have a a
yo ucil tAS6
etc.,,etc.', Along and profoundly interesting.
The term blackguard has a very com�
A CirilaenU AMaZoD.
'diel 'in:
libel equires is a clause
r making it'.
ory upon,tbe 'plaintiff to show actual'
she might shun'him.4ow; well, he would
-1D&vigiie.l 7nais com7hent?' cried- M.
discussion �enaue�j, after ' which 'Mario
inonplale arlgiri.,. In all �grea� houses,'
particularly in royal residences, there
There basJast the hospital 'At
damages, and holding newspapers clear of
not think about knyorei, but commit
himself to the� winds and,waves,.of circum.
il,.Wait- awhile; -the lad. will tell' YOU
Ik 6
wa a quickly back, as night Was cloising.
in, thinking with hearty regret that,her
9, number, of., mean 1 d'l*dirt L Y,de-
113BY9, woman about.whou�.ia told on,�Of
these cuh6us . t tiles ':relating 'to ..female'
suits iihtil 'they hare ad an a �poitiinity t6
ma a pu ic repara p
k "bli P �Jcp for wrongs unwit-
'derati' ich'
The kindly oonei. on: wb one
all about it."
Neville's card and message brough's the
kind that, It hurnble.-friend was so soon,to
b ad Put of her, reach. ali. She
9 w 0 a it was--to--aMaIfd-
pendent' , h so offib
the woodards,.scullarieB, etc. Of these-
- " '
ors 'The, scene. 'of her eploitr'
wh ther real or fal' ft ld in-
Be , Was. ai battle 'a
4ingly,iriflictod up citizens. Nine -tent a
of the so-called libels of inewspap,eis Are tfio�'
of the young aronets characteristics,
th i "I
heiress very qiaickly to air presence and.
always to be desolate and firibn'dless'?
for in the lower depths there were lower
the Crimea, where the'colonel Of.the 27t )h
regultof oirio�rs. Into,
would not permit him* to rouge bis1rieAd
from the tranquil ibpos6 he app I eared to'be
She blushing vividly� as she met Sir"Fied-
aria's 'eye abon'00 I mprehend6d the',tdbleau.
still-the�most forlbrii wretches sbem" to
have boa�6n= Selected to carry,'coal 'to lle
in the
Regiment was Struck down -midst,6f
whot enga;geni'ent.��' When 'the affair .was
them, aDdiydt at the, hourl
mercy otinallcious persons tead� ..t take.
enjoying. So lie draw a dgir and Sat
playing with the I letter he he'ld,tinkirig in
After, Home quiet explanation; tha san-
guine' Fren6hman,began to' perceive the
AgulpliI Aclit In Consumption.
kitchen, ha11s arld other t5paritmentsi To
this smiatily, iment who atto�nded, the,
Over a, sergeant in tjh6 Voltig6nr iegim'eiii
proposed to two comradeg in - the patn'e'
advantage' of "their mistakes,� and the,
'ehysters who. initiate buits -for. -the s6le
a desultory mAnner.''
true positioll'of affair�, ana,to. as:be
Most readers are-swarb that'' sulphurous,.
mid is one of our most, irnporta�nt � badill.'
progresses and. roded inthe.carts with the
and kettles, which,. with a r
force *to go, and recover- ihe body of the
parpose'of bavingth6w ' L compromised. It
last Nevillei trne d uneasily and
ground his teelh,,muttepnig I'Marie''
little dotia"L
Imagined, thai b In a
8 ha
great parti.
ibides, and the more to bexec6mmerided as
article ofjurniture, were then radved from
colonel, and a staft.v�as made accordngly
with -that object. But.the other two'nien,
to us that the Bar Association of St.
Louis might find Is," upon the- statutes
He immediately began to hop I a that bar,
it can be' inhailea with hLpurifty.,
Julius: Kirclieri 'a. b'upil of L'iebig,- and,
palace, the 1��%16, , ii�'derigio
palage to 11;
Ahe,., blachguards,�'
were iabob-d own.'onthe� Way, and its
tvh��h'�teiu.gieaterue6doiddetbrii�g thin
Well, -Open your eyes, old fadlowi,-, here,
-here's someth , ipg , perhsps,thiIIi.t will give,
disappearance wke. but , temporary-tbat
she could not lang.."live apirt, from-& hus-
Owner of a; chemical fs,Qtori in Brooklyn,,
gave name �1� a
term Since become suffipieptly� fami iar.
Sergeant,'. ulona Survived to - reacli I the
officer's gide� This guivivoi-,, who,was .Of�
'those poiritaiuing to libial.,"
I . ... ..
you tidings of her."
Neville raised himself on big elbow, and
band go worthy andeo distirigaished�tbat
all' thi ga woul& terminate happi) and
writesi!, Says the. Medioat , and Surgical
Reporter, Zeitsdh.f. & Oe§tr. Apoth. Verein.
."To. the bitter :end," is,,.,ciearly in old
nauiiQ bxpr06SIOD. A.,dioiciiury',',pub..
short stature and 'A;uder build, was not
Strong enough , 8airry off the, body
gazed bewildered 'at his, friend; while -he'
th. 6 Ile erf,jani reign. tri�impfiant-in the
modibrilliant'circles Perhaps
The observation f Koch has a
brilliant confirmationin my factory, wher's
li6hed,in the firat' part of,'tbe eAghteetith
c6iltdiy'liata�'11' bite," a turuo'r�'-par't'ofa
,.to, I
unaided, and therefore 'devised � and
The weathdr'is extr6mely.bold in, Iowa.
Ia.,: Joui,ndl One
'Delvigne-omitting his own expopitibnof
rapidly recounted his' meeting With Mis's
even aowA letter full Of intelligence' a'nd
a large quantity'of sulph�ur is evaporated
cable - 11 bitts," the Mai pieces lof timber
executed a manbauvre��Which, if-'tx;dly
reported, was, certanly Origial , euoughj
The New ton, says -of'
the remurkablg�, incidents of the Present
feeling -and then be'.banded the letter to
good tiding's,.was awiting'him, ifie.taitliful
daily. That in this Process a,great deal,of
sulphurous acid is, formed, can easily' be
to which a cable is fastened wb�,n :a shii
. ,- r ,
Beckoning to two hostile GossaickS who
, Spell of severe cold weather is the, fact that
Neville, who by -this time, fully roused had
friend., at his d micile. 11kon
0. ieu P -he
imagined.. During the 44 yeaiWthAt my
rides at auchof ; -:& turn a the
tbe-timber 11 kts," tha t
appeared at a distance, the sergeant
crows are actually fee'ding off the bodies of
sat upon the Sofa. , He'tore it open,.aud
devoured the contents with eager eyes.
would fly at once to See. � He bad, the honor
to' salute Maaemeipel fe. Hewddldkeaphim
factory has existed none 'of 'tbemauY-it-maY�be-veerred
laborers have ever been affected by tuberii.
cable abou� called
out little by ]little ; and
induced them to. come up, in I the - hopes
of;takin.g a prisoner, and as theyapProached
live bogs in, - the I �Stock yards, in , this dity,
and several large' fa't boga there have:, at
It is from an: Alphonse something,". be
exclaimed;." look, Compton." And sir,Fred.
Half en rapport wi�h Monsieur, his much-
eateemed.66usin; etc.j,'etc.
cular consumption, nay, more frequently,
bitter, and (of a cable)' ie'that part which
the bitte wh Ship idea
is iv6uhd about on a� r
quietly Picked, them off with 9, couple of
musket blulls at 'twenty '. range.
this time large holes an-incli or. more deep,"
aboubtlie sboulderB!that ve be6n bored
erie'read over big Shoulder : .. - 1 '
No 39,MbE )6`AuVi.mGNn,'PA5SY.
'There was'a:time when Neville would-.
have shrunk not a little "from th k,
enough persons in the beginning stagee; of
his iseaAe a )plied for admittance' and
a -modern, caut ex r *
at anchor. Th P eBSIOD-i
it end"' may 'have] aken it�
to the bitter t
ThI hork6s were then zed for taking.
bit, , k to the Friatich.carrip the. body, of the
into thetn by the 'bills of tbe.crows. t be'
belief is that 'the droW� are E30 lleaIiy'
My BEAUTIFUL A14D - GoDD dousix. The
thus claimed by the good little Aipbou,371
re a ad within a few weeks; pimply by
aling the sulphurous 'If not too
either from
rise- the old napticull words, a,s
meaning tife last coil'of the caW, or, fro in
colonel, which. was duly restored to life,
have a
starved� to death' that thev dopted
dear Aunt charges me to keep thee informed
of bar health� and to'demand thy neym
noF it,mattered not.
. Undertaking to puttho police on the alert
far' pro&esged, these individuals becomb
the last end, the very bitter d regs. It
and tfiet'lior the first time it appeared that'
his deliverer was also wounded. AD
this plan. Boys have been to sboot,
thacr9ws which-cbngf4atei , a-la-ge�nure-
For she disquiois herself � that glib has 'not
to disd6ve'r`any' sible trace of the last
strong, Stout, And Perfectly h6altby, it i
All 'diseases zymotic in character, even
is a sluna expression-anoiVer ferm'' of I
examination into th�, Alound -proved that
bare to keep them from utterly destroying
received letters from hee for..a long time..
The dear.a-dut has, consented to share th-6
girl which might be found in France I anlu
which,Ao 6, ti�tive, he could better do, hei
6 I hot er a, stay away fro I in his - factory I And
ill fight you td.the deatb.�' Ill bitter
only means pitiless, severe, I ik. bitteiesb
tbd Sergeant was. one of the. feinale Hex,
And he confessed tol having joined the
the bogs."
lifirribleabode Of bar nephew an'd!dutiful
bid them an elabo�rateadibu.
those working there. affected
with bronchial catarrh are rapidly cured.,
wind, cr a bitt6r.fOe.
army Out :o - f syrap. atby for her young
wbe 4atai g;oiii,aut werit.
relative, since tb e death 0, Monsieur, the
Vropriator of 'her residence in'the Rue St.
You know there'is not the least use in
it all said T diss Delvigne to- Neville - she
Plathisical patients . should liv 1 e' iti rooms
wber6 I are
hodrl�'I t6,2 druchmaof'sulphur'
I ][Ko4v Ittlell
�brofher, who bad.been. enrolled oil the h6ts.,
The general -in corninalad of the brigade
: Sayir the Brandon Sn- The extra-'
averitgo of ithifty-two and a half
Jliiiazare, oibce"threb months past';, it is,
therefore, th't thy� little
never bragged -the Channel. She is: 1L Lon-'
don, I feel
evaporated bn amain Stove.' First 8 or 10'
Many of,,tbo. men in' New�
York began Jay Gould
bpoDtbids ffor 'the iaman, wfios6 n�me
-was Virginia Db'aquieres, bar
". otegr - sea below I zero Was the -result of.tbb
possible a Boma of
billets may not have reached our dear.rela-
an un conviction."
acdouhtabli ,
iti thou,, that e havefaifiadL?"
days there is increased irritation of cough
Ana expectoration ;. then these d'ease and
poor. was a cow-,
� I i I ''I
' eehe came' roin, Bug'-
on her bravery, And dismissed her with'a
t Pra'
rn�teorologlcalobservl irie,
ations taken a
Gollegb, R4id City, auring1be, week end-
tive. I therefore Rrhy thee write without
delay, because she � is a little (jut o,huttior
returned Neville dejectedly.
lllcf�nnotitell;,but wbat MOte.iBtobe
the individual rapidly improves. - on-
vaIeficerits Bhould,live for ft, 01O.E in rooms'
land with $20 in., his pocketi Rufus Hatch
ea itig in garden me
began - b d ' I" a i 6," D.
reeDm mendati&a which Afterward -procured:
'for her the -cross of *the egiou of Honor.
. 1,Wedna6day,tfiw24-thu1C T
Ing a, -nd" the foiwest
reading for the week W. 8 17 K
gainst thee, and like All charming ladies,
h a, her caprices, i6iore, or less embitiered;
done? 6h I to sit. Ale is terrible when
I I - :
she—, 11 .
filled with, aromatic watery vapor I
.. .
k James
Appleton: ept A grocery
Watson Webb was a country olerk�'fteuq
She had been already some time in he.
aimy, havindriselalroin the , rankB'to the
; A. record such, as this approaches
Nevertheless, knoiiiing the Simplicity at thy
Miss Delvigne Stopped abruptly" the
Thist monster steamI tbd Great E�sf-
11 Vilfardw'ao a.repofter, LeonarcxW.'Jerome
successive, . po8itions of, lance -corporal,
ile0lously near to Once I ex a are
appalling'. W,
gl6d t6 be able-to.quaiif�', to� s.
tranquil lije,,we are at rest conberhing thee.
Wedo the impossible,-fo Fender ourdea'r:
tears pour*ng down her,pale check, and Sir
Frederic made a movement towatdlher.
rn, 'is lying idle At Milford � Haven Eng.
'can "bar
wasa printer, H. B. Claftirl W�as�et Verrildht'
sphoolteacber,� Charles born
corpoial4trid a ergean t�'an d. -must have bee.
'at thd.time�considerab)yovek 40, as her age
the' terror8dtisealculat��fo
aunt as happy as, we can.
I . I 1. I
which he hastily - obecked'i . - I
land. The owners heit i u b a r
profitably nor -'sell her, at any rea�soinable
- '
of the poorest of Irish., parents And Peter
when she died t1na:other day'W awetated at
inforiinati6n-'tbat the cold was nobonlY
exceptionally severe but of exceptionally
She has �, now directen r, a man very
distinkinisbedi is
I u a In not like,
,I The thin'&A,
batter14 prenti
Cooper was ap c S.
no less than 79
No )to it' has been
dura tion. thing )i
and my W'Ife &'liftle OYMI.
pathetic society for heri. Whon dear, and
rayself," She was apologiatically,�'
when Mrs.' Cc . leman Aud he r daughter
Ox April 18, 1850, there broke over Dub,
known for'year
a few week my- v and-myself,Bliall be,
ed_and t a ersation became lin a.sfo5rm Such as )is preiaicbeA by Wi�&B.
endiog,in aii:iiivitatidnfrO ch-. -Tli-6-taorni,ng--7BIope�th6ri3-
general, 'mthat
An exchange pay's. .,,on the. pabifio'
MoidicalPres.7 relates thatatCbester,
�D i , il -qMe-5'fw`s`g--10d —ovdr the
Minister who roasts: one of -
, ,Fife
�eligbted -to receFVe iliac for a little diver-
sion after the alemniti
'as "of, that sad but
respectable mairon to dine audapend the
eveniDg,.Whioh Neville at first riatused, and
t abou 2 P
was fine, b . m. the mercury fall
'rapidly, though the sun was shiuing. 'A.
ToAccommodate'these'theto are 'now, Or
shortly will be; ithe. Union" Pacific Toxas
body of a man w6 bid there or less
drunk for forty consecutive years. � 'He, his.
ionors who hio'had, a good dram: Dear
me,. John, - very sbriy to see you the
respectable country, wheke, So much money
then* at the insti, tioxi bf� his friend,'
little later wliurricai5e unparalleled in'the
latitude set in., By the official Survey of,
P�cific, C nadlafi Pacific�
Santa F . 6; � De Over & Rid ' Gra�nde,
wRog'and his son had been in the babit4pf. �worsei�
drinking' blie Aroppi*gs of various tap
for drink I I thong t war&&
a John :, 0 An'-hic-so 1aw
te totalle
made, and so little enjoyed.
11 with many � embraces from my wife,
four districts out �94,AO2 atbs were
ok:� ,
N ic, -� st;. Lcmi -,,&, �n r.�
arth6ru Pacif -a n-
housesdii1be town:.--& beverage, which they .
f 01
minister,'biii-hic-Xin no D, bigote
nd enedi
a -the b otion of the ddai a -anti
am, ith friendship, Sincere and res-
�arfy�'reassembled At
When th�',11��tle I
seven 'o'cl6oki tir Frederick WAS a - good
brokenij, And the damage in glass alone
eXqeodoid 5135,000. The glazicirs alone kept
cisco, Southern' Paci ia, Nl� Orleans,
� *T
al a
pacific'M -Ivia Pat' in-
Purc as 6 , or 99,
h' curious fact was do Sloped, that the
a v
A western preacbeti wbosta cotgrega,ion
had -begun to ifall off gain WINt, bil�d it
"deal disturbed A& the, 'kind of a666ti6nat a
� I 1. t
U ptheir-spirl e..
sc ybe
ferred from the abov' ib,t'tbM,,i �h.� rs.,bf'
only night' he had b at Sober :for many
I discuss a fa mily
intimated that he would
My dear d6usinis dev6ated hinsm�n-,'
sisterly Attention lavisb6d by Miss Delvigne
The'two., quail-pbr- day man has had his
Unioti Pacific ait abo,3 not likely
years, was that. upon Wbipb h died.,
scandal the following Suiiday, AS a co
trHoNsis Duftfs."
on Neville.
wbod-ant published. The arti6t' forgot 'to I
to derive much benefi iDv6st-
'--One ofthe beat of'1iV'i1a'g,13aul&OrS ca,
. n-,
seque ince the church was crowded.
At the conclusion ok,this
She sileiAly d Few forviblid the most core-
o6 aoylum in the back
put an: idi gr6u Ild
not carve a1urkey.�
migistpils'subject w'As Adam vs. Evb.'