The New Era, 1883-02-23, Page 7KEEP YOUR irorriu P lR'. IRJOS a-ipscasq- , • FEET WARM AND DRY j AROUND THE COUNTY. n.l xswrsla 'WANTED., Dealers in TRUNKS, VALISES. Our stock of ,Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter Trade ie now complete, and for --quality and style cannot be excelled. • lathe Marks • specialties aro to- beadle he ger best goods 111 l�U Oar pe �q � . , And to sell them at the lowest'possible ,prices, 5 per cent'discount for cash, W. TAYLOR & SON,Coats Block, Clinton. I CE1V�IS�S � i�UGG S Albert Street, Clinton. stockof medicines complete, warrantedgenuine, and of The public will:find- our p the :best quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES AND.' ALL KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY -KEPT J IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. :�tonCabinet C In order• to meet' our increasing trade we have bought the Factory lately occupied by W. B. Crich, and after getting: it under. way we are prepared to - manufacture Everthin in the Furniture line, Y g Fl oin the cheapest' to the best sets, with the latest styles and No. 1 finish and -workmanship. Ordered work a specialty and satisfaction guaranteed TJNDERTA. KINt I. o business, ' '�Ve have'• also added` this branch t our and in it at all times will be found everything to Lpieet,the 'requirements ''of all. - A HANDSOME IIEARSE KEPT FOR HIRE. By strict attention t6 business and an eye to accom- modate ccom- modate:and- please, we hope to merit' the confidence. of all. GEORGE DIEHL & CO. Robt. Wilson, who located in Gode- j rich in 1831, died last:week. Rev,. Mr. ,Turn'buli's Leeburn friends presented bhp with 60 bushels of oats. As T1IE frosts of widter vanish under the oal- 'orio influence of the sun's rays, so does Bright's Disease Dropsy Stone the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflamation of the kleneys, leave the body upon the administration of Dx. VA Bunazi�s KIDNEY Cu tE. Sold by all druggists Mr. S. Marshall of East Wawanosh, Las let the c;ontrl}ct of building a new brick house, On Sunday, Mrs. Gilbert McMichael died at her residence in Hu]lett at the advanced, age of 66 years. J. S.Wetiieref, writingfroin Winnipeg, say "I ean•sao more about Phospiiatine now than when I saw u you last in :Coroutp. My health Is much improved, and I ani free from headaches or any;, other aches, having only used two and a half bottles of your PhosPlr atine.: For sale by all druggists. Currie, of Goderich, the county high constable of 'Huron; has been offered, and has accepted a lucrative position' in the Sheriff's office at: Winnipeg. • Mr.' James Prentice, of Exeter, `has bought out -the ' auctioneering. business of J. G: Currie, and will benceforth' re- side in Goderich. .. NOw TIIA t there is a rollable' remedy for kid- uey ;troubles, half the terrors attached to these complaints oaveibeen removed. For this let all be thankful and to Dn. :VAN BUREN'S KIDNEY CUBE sward all praise for having thusramoved a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path. It waslnever known to fail. Sold by all druggists. Alex.. Orr,';' late proprietor of.- the Biy_thLivery,:�has-leased the •,'hoternow carried on by Simon Merrifield in Wing-• ham. Thoma 14]cLaughliw, of Brussels, has disposed of his imported horse "Enter, - prise" to Snell,j& Oo., of Exeter, at a -good..fieure... yone bring us a case of Kidpey or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can: not, as. thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electrio Bitters, will prove. Bright's 'Disease, Dia- betes, Weak Baok, or any; urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the' blood, re- gulate the bowels,'and act' directly on the,dis eased parts. Every bottle guaranteed, For N sale at'S0 e a bottle by Watts t@ Co: IN Tilt •history of medicine L'o.l reparation has received-suoli-universai-comm'eudatioi-for 'the alter rationit affords; and the Immanent -- t euro it effects in'kidney diseases, as Da...VAN BUR'EN's KrDNEY•CURE. Its action in, these ars i tressingoomplaints is simply wonderful Sold by. all druggists. John Horan's farni:`lot 13; con. 5, Mc- Killop, has been sold to his neighbor Mr.' J Rud - _The farm ,�ontaita ,r.1. Tis T acres and brought -the sun ' of $4025• The. annual' business meetin' of Knox Church Godei ic: L, was, held on Wedues- venina �'1_l:*- tieasurer-read reportiyhich s'howed:the total receipts` to have been $3,569.61 ; of 'this'amount, 0 Va�lenca _' The cheapest Because - the best.' r JEelnielK le lll<y3Frinti.; NOTED STORE FOR CHOICE FRUJIT._ BEA \/.E S. PALLISER. CLINT-' N.'' THOS. WHITE. fo . .Q A Pei YE OW $858.56 was for pew" rents, ;$1,349.77' for envelope and ordinary collections. G. 'W.; Dinghy; 'Parkdalc, Toronto, - writes: "My wife bad several very severe attabks'of cramps in the stomach., Hearing of Dr. Austin's Ploephatine, and its pleasantness to take, I gave her two bottles cud she has not had an attack since, and lier herlthis mucic improved ' For sale by all dauggists.:; ' Mr. William Frazer, late l.of Kansas City, Missouri;• has purchased John.Mc A1lister's 50 acre farm on the 1st con. 1 Grey, for $2,Q0Q_ Mr. MCA11ister _las � bought John ,Fisher's farm of 69 acres, 'b undary line . between Howick. and Grey, paying for it $2,475: fMr.'Fisher has also invested in real estate, having bought Conrad FIeimbecker's farin , of. 100 acres, on the 2nd concession of Wal lace, for $3,200. /1 LIh E SAVING PTR•EwENT. Mr. M. E. Allison, ;Hutchinson, Kan Saved. his life,by a -simple TrialBottle of 'Dr. King's 'New Discovery, :-for Oonsumptipn, which caused him to-proenire •a•large bottle, that completely "cured him, when Doctors,, change of cliinate and everything else :had failed. Asthma, P,roncbitis, Hodrsenese, Severe .Coughs, and all Throat and ]ung die - eases, it is.guaranteed to. cure Trial Bottles free at -Watts. ez Co's., Drug Store.' Large size $1:00 A -good ,indication of ; the ;character 'and habits 'of the majority'in our august Senate is found in the fact that 120 cut' glass whiskey tumblers have been ordered' for their use this session., ILAS STOVES. —Having bought a stock of Stoves entside'of the association; on very ad- vantageous S Sat alar e_: e e tf e_ vantageous forma; I am now •prepared to hfier__Co _ ci-, xoyh - .. g p xc. A g under the usual price. HA.IiVEST TOOLS. — Scythes, .Swaths, Whin t,'. Barley and Hay Eorks, 'Scythe, Stonep, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves, Cradle Fingers, TIN, WARE. --A. full assortment' of Tinware in all its branches. Also.LAMr Goops I _ alGRANITE WARE.—Just'arrived,-an assorrtmentlof TEA Pols, COFFBE PoTs and III P1;tItSEItVL-; aI ETml1ESi-in-Granite •Vere,' _ ---_ .._-._.._: ___._ ---- ---------• - _ 01--- HIDES,: SHEEP. SKINS, FURS—HIGHEST CASH PRICE PMD. n DA.VIf$, CLINTON ' at .NOTiCE• CONC.BINATION LIVERY. HURON 'STREET; CLINTON. R.I. W. EMERSON, PROP'R. The subscriber would intimate to the general public that,.having leased, the above establish- ment, he is prepared -to suppl"y them 'with good conveyances at reasonable' rates. flood, reli- able horses,stylish and comfortable cutters, and everything in first-class: order. Sleighing parties, commercial mei, and others; aceommo- duted on the most reasonable terms: Clinton, Dee. .20,.1882. - Go to COOPER'S FOR G IE P GROCERIES Crockery, 'Glassware, &c. 1 Oatmeal aid " 1� Cornmeal always s an hard, y Potty's. coletratod English Breakfast' Bacon,` Long Clear. Bacon, Sugar' Cured 'Hams, :And ,No. -1 LARD,: ' At prices which cannot be beaten in tow. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY BOLE AGENT FOR Dobbiins' ELECTRIC SOAP TEIOMAS ,COOPER, - • -ALBERT-STREET-, CLINTON- — -- B� PAPULAR .DRV GH9hJ ONDE1 BO R 0 ARRIVING: J5AILY, Case$ po::js• Beautiful (lesions, fast colors, and -A 1 quality, 2 Cases 17111UCItS, ItENIMS.COTZ ONAD1ES9 Heavy a avy, rel able cods:. The ;product of"the_ljest mill '-Canada. � � s in Collolls,: alti't Cotfoi); vAYERS Sir-.ai cures Rhemnatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Gorst, General" Debility, Catarrh, and all disorders caused by a, thin and' Impoverished dr eorrupted, condition of the blood; -expelling ` trie blood -poisons .from the system,. enriching -acrd roueti'tn; the blood; acd're .ring 1. svl a izing power." Daring ti long period of unparalleled .0?eful= 'Hess, • AYEn's. SARSAPARiLLA:has proven its perfect adaptation to the cure' of all diseases originating in'poor bloodand'eweakened,vitality: It a Irjghly concentrated extract of Sorsa- Ia1111a and .other, blood-putifying''roots, cornbined; with Iodide of Potassinin and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable; anil mast economical blood -purifier and" blood -food that These goods have all .been purchased- at ;very.close' prices -for cash, and will be offered at a slightadvance. A LL debts due the Estate of Mary Marten must be tS� paid by Jany., 1st, :is 1' do not, intend to travel this winter, and cannot be all time running aftersinatl debts, as I have done, -we must moot our liabilitiep others nidst do the same. °1 shall.make one:More cal only, on all after this notice. Italie all kinds of rags, bones, paper, clothes socks, nuts -carpets, woollens,' rubbers,iron, copper, brass and lead in settlement. A fav good White Shanghai and • antam hens for sale. Painting, papering, &c., Ste., by 0. Bently. W. MARTEN inion, Nov. 16: 1882. Huron & Middlesox Insurance'- Compnay HEAD OFFICE, LONDON. General, business :done, lnsiirsnoe effected on all :classes of property. PATRONAGE SOLICITIdI). W.k.ITT, AGENT, CLINTON. •„ m'+Zb'EttTGAGE a, NOTES, AND OTHER Good Securities Purchased. --C ;'O WN' V EY A i\r- OIN G. W.'W..PARRAI�: Clinton , Nov, ,'1881. NOTICE TO .CREDITORS OF. CHRISTINA GORDON, ulxl;AsED. PURSUANT to an order ef the High- Court of Jus. tlec, Chancery Division, made in a matter of "Ile. Gordon-- Cordon 'vs. Gordon," the creditors of Chris,' lino, Gordon,' late of the Town of Clinton, In the county of IIuron widow; who died /in or about the 118th da} of-`etober, 1'88-2 ire, on or ' e%r fit e lGt71 day oL February, 1888, to send by_ post prepaid to 1Sicssile SRAera &G idoEroo, 13ARR1s?Ras, tiosenien, their Christian surnames, addresses and; descriptions; the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their. accounts, and the nature otthesecurities (if any) held by- them, or In default thereof they will be peremp- torilyexcludod from the benefit of the said order. Every, ereditor holdingwany eecurl$y, is to produce the same before me, the undersigned Master of the said Court, at Qodericli,, on the 'Atli -day of March,1883 at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appoint- ed for adjudication mi the elahus. - ' Dated Stir February, 1883. S. MALCOIMSON, Amster atboderich. I am 'deter wined to clear the balance 'oft my W nter,Stock; find:' , -t-effect •n0-� ' -at pr eug-tfiaTt cannot- ail to; Tlease the ;purchaser. Parties croing toManitoba my a ltakia should 'not fail:to inspect stock 5p .s f� parries purchasing large ��a➢t4>lCs.e. 1 Decfltic,t1 13�,ra:�� r Bargains in BLANKETS y � & 11Nbi+:RCLOTd$I1vGj Infiamnratory Rlteumatism Cured _-tyER.'s SSARSAPARILI A has eared me of the Inflammatory Rheumatism, with which -..1 have -suffered for many years. W. II Mooai ." Durham; 1a.,141areh-2; 1882. • "Eight years ago Iliad an attack bf Rheuma- tism so severe that I could not move from tl re bei 1, dhss, without help.', I tried several,, remedies without muchif any.relief, until': L took Av } 1c'S 'SARSAPARILLA,' by the use of two bottles ,of • which r'was completely.eured,. 8 have net been troubled With tho liheumatism since Have sold large quantities of your SAIISAY 1RILLA', and it still`'retaine its wonderful popularity. The many aothble cures it has effected .in 'this vicinity con- vince me that it is the best` bloodsnedicineever. offered' to the public:'. E. F. HAttais."-- xtiver St.,:l3uckland, Mass., May 13 1882. "'Last March I was•so weak from -general de bllity that•I could not walk without helpF. Fol- ; lowing the advice of a friend, l' commenced; taking •.AYER's SARSAPARILLA, and before l had used ' three bottles I felt as:well as fever did inrmy life. I have been at work• aow,for two months, rind think your SARSAPARILLA the greatest blood medicine in the world. JAMES iNI V.S ori:. " 820 West 121 St., Neiv Twit., July 11,1882._ ' Avun's SARSAPARILLA •cures. Scrofula and.: alr•Serofulous Complaints, It ysipetas En- zei la,' Ringworib,:;Btofehes, Sores,?moll , Trimers, and Eruptions of the Shin: It clears --thebfoodof?itll:nnpuiitics, aidadi estlon, stint u.•• lates the action of the bowels, and thus restores . vitality and strengthens the w'hol'e system: • PRnPAltl'cn .I:Y br. J: C. Ayer & Co,,, Lowell, 'Mass. Sold by all Druggitts; price Sl;'six bottles, $G. NIEDESDt01Fg., February 22 1883. -- We are now offering Special Inducements for cash • .whale stock taking. - Great' red -tic boils in °1V1illine °y. :• C-re.t reductions in ;,Mantles. 0 -Feat reductions in IFurs. . G r'ieat reductions in Tosiery. GFeat reductions in Fancy &oods. TWO t®OORS' WORTH OF T'ROMPSOIN and SWITZER'S, . BEESLEY, Beaver Bloch, Clinton.: CHICAC O1 ROOK ILAND & PACIPIC R Y calls the'nttention of, travelers'to the central ir5iii- .tion: of its lino, connecting the .East mid. the West. by the •ahorteat route, and carrying pasaenge's, without change of cars between Cliicagoand Ilan - sae City, Council Blulte, Lcavenworth,.Atebieon, Minneapolis and St: Paul.-,It•Connecte' in Union . • Depots with all' the.p rinoipal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.'. Ito equip- •- ment is unrivaled and magnificent, being composed.';. of Most.Comfortable• and Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent Horton Reclining Chair Cars. Pull- • man's Prettiest Palabd Sloapii�ng Cars, and. the Best 'Line of Dining Cars l`n the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Tralna between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, viii the Famous. Where is-the best place; °to deal thi yeast faor ",ALBERT LEA ROUTE." --,M.Nawmnd--Di•r1at-Line, via-8eneda-and-Banka-- • kee,has-recently been opened between Richmond, itorfonc,NlowP ortNews, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au-' kg ista, Nashville .Louiavillo, 'Leiangton, Cincinnati.: dddiannpbiie and Lnfayette, and Omaha; Minnoep- oris and Stl Paul and intermadiato pofata.• Truine All Through Pasaongers Travel on;FastEapresa� . ' Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offices in the United states •and Canada. ' ' Baggage chocked'through-and rates of fare al-, `•ways as .low as competitors-tiiat•offer lees advan-.. fusesFor. - . • - detailed information, get the, Maps and Fold. GREAT ROCK,ISLAND RQUTE, Ai your nearest Ticket Ofnee, or address R ft. CAULE, 8.8T. JOHN, f ,.P'rci fs tlyd'I Jig r 'filen 1 Tki.A1" Pala. Be • 1141 C1t' lr WHY WITH ^'1 1e7G- He keeps ps th best gene l stock.in town. EverythingFres h.. ROB, the �ioeer, Cetra1 �rocery, Clinton.' ton.'