The New Era, 1883-02-23, Page 5IIIIA KKAI FUJIVIL OF ftOL,&8K8@. 01111t VALLVIIOU14 W OA E N. FUTUAE FOOD 0 . F TKIIIEC 1,111,18U. PebruarVL,23, WOUCUN'TIMAVE A DAUGHTER. DOMINION �'PARLIAMENT 'Itix Thlei-es and Imow. raing Nibuioul fte0jeaka � and. Xungiry, The Latest:111i
I , , I I Recommending tbo"Submiltullont Otits The Eccentricities, elf tL Votentate. I � I ,She Trielli Nius 1I ed. und'sheir "lariew. A Fiddler'* Ode go, Millao Old Fiddle. . . i -l!" . I . y.: . I ftir�Pomtoes In Ireland.. A robbery Comm Ring Theebawas been celebrating the Torn itted under peculiar a.ud There�are four I�diee to -day in the United A Mr. Robert D. Lyo a, riting to the birth of a, daughter: During therfirat year Opepin 4 the NessiOn-Wthe gover ludicrous ciroumatatioes; was on 'Tuesday. Staes, all f L oreigners, who sire 11 w I making large London (Eng.) Mail from Dublin, under "of their wedded I fe i his fav6rit -spouse Oppressed, I mourn, explained 'to the' Central office sums of money. They arePatO, Nilsson, the date f January l5tb, ss�s The presented ffili ad nor -General. i' authorities � i , A bw 'York. T�6 Story told Modjeaks, and Langtry. him, with a daughter, and Bad, in MVe. Pattil; as ia question of faturelood gupply of the Irish Majesty, di�ggusted, with the gift, fotso by- the friends �of th - victim known, receives $4,400 a,night. peiipleh , So, fa as I am aware bot his wife 'and Three-quarters mad sthat . on Already we'll as yet took upwith se-�eral of her, Money gone, Iday afternoon a well dressed stralager Of this She plays U00 a night to'�M. Franobi, been dealt with, It is one, however, of rivals. . The: Queen, however, Qi biln Credit none, the grocery store 'at the Coj nerof her. agent. This gives III Ch. and as a, pledge of recoliciliatiouthei Durs at door, THE SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. or! e8,00'" yveek the greatest possible importance, and which ba, West L16veLifh � afid , Washiugi ietimeli She eing in New Yor has been forcibly called up before In f , end , husband, caused. ther rivals to be on BtreetB, Pon three y MIA Half, a seore; and asked John A. Von Doblen, the Pro.- times, a: week, and her pay th Wife gone larce, IwaH in recent travels throughout,' Ireland by strangled. n-Othera hilirig, OF SPEAKENg. prietor, who waa,then, behind �� the counter, 012 000. '..She will, during h al pota o, which. . n , due: time, the Queen, borel X -er Stay here, the fs�ilure of � th bas', bee' unto Theeba'w-anotber datighter, !khIII tursd a -railing, Ito Change a tan dollar bill.' The grocery- pi altogether thirty times. under 0,000.� 8cientific D9 d at� ovei 14,00 was too touch. , The� Ring 'Went upon v,' T'AwA; Feb. B -The Houe of 0, era f M pleson, ;for which she' 4esearches at the Cork Model Farm shoW 84bY OT man took a, roll Of bills from his pocket and management 0 a tremendous and protracted spree, ,,Baside"_ poor Joe, moutiwaffurinally'opetied Ed -day, There gave his vislto� two five dollar bills. There will receiVe, net, $120,000. .,She will there- that every variety. of the potato has been, wagering 'Wilderness of pea-green ,With - festered too. was' large gatherm� Wda in all about 0300 in the iiandle of green., fore.carry a k 0,)Ine, ink, tione-wora friend, of jilembeis-electill Way with her about �100,000. affll� ted I by the ;�vetnesB - of the. season Men eye against jungle Of scarlet Wftli,gay and sbrilliant sounds the Cc mmons Chamber in' ihe morning,, backs wh ' ici�Vou D ' oLIenfooIii§h'Iy displayeo., Signor Nicolini, in addition, geto �6,400 a we h assq'd through, while the failure time afterward two youlig men month or §800 each titne he Binge. alve barnpion." the 11 Regent " and llons of gin�-whiah i; *the Burmese P anaconda� upon his ability to drink thirty' Thy swedt, yet transient dolace lend, Shortly after 3 o'clock the -buzz of conver- *shorti On C neck in close enibraice -interiulit6d 6y'three' sharp raps Wa I hey basis of tbirty-Aimes he_ asks away other varieties is inainly chargit"le with y � illumes. my face. Thy polished Satiou was lked"ato the Btore.� T Will t Of our 'Arum" --in tbirty66n- I blasp, 'while .jo � � a i T' `d-rw_Jny- be . w . -e--do -Ch's -Sergeant-- -16fidly- Tli— War- n g's amh or�of the wher. uglied �wwilb im�0 We do not know pre- the distreas days, aurin� whie 11 . 1, Yhe- both present and proapec- I ng s an One of them Said to Von Doblea that the h, period his loyal y droo rit ta t6. rise I at-Arma announced that a messenger from Y OiBely what - this already d�prek�aed subjects; waited With P the Deputy GwernOr-Gener'al was at the had.mad 6 a rather III atienti erturbation livbl strain I tone , and � lo I bet.and v�.antad, him AIZIE� NIII population be left to,AtB own. devices to for further developmaits. A -the end of I see to aunt a ova t elakiala to Battle it. � Von Dohl bere,on ane '.a winds I I ar. door. The Clark of the House baviDg an ask6&L'the nature. gets for her, Services,' but it graotin ts on the follow.a; blind'j�.utjae �mlua. plant the- Beed tbis' ti the '11in came to wha Are so admit the� me2senge;, for two Concert , a. ed in Burmah'as his senses, anol i at door-' given directions to of the beti'Whersupon be: iag that' of & -such k 9 eedleas of t duns 6verage'to $4,000 a week tuber which 6s left them a regard me they desired to knows whioL,!Gf'tbeir hats 130 it inust be admitted wedi Oblivious all,, I feel iny'Woes'no mo�e;, 'the doors *er& opened, and thel Gentleman She - has no I expense whatever, as Mr. re� plight hately hia mother-in-law. He �Bu t Id fiddle Usher of the-RIach'i. Red, in full official would hold "the 'most, molasses. The skip ' O'er� the strings' Abbey payseveiytbing. On"a basis of fifty that we cannot hope ibr ail abundant croF followed up this proof of returning reason, my -sings, . I is grat in the c6ming year fro\ th6 seed now ir, )eryman laughed but when.�Gne of tbe� Cheerily �'oh ! merrily go I dress! with '.his staff of ffice: in h (ioncertaLshe will make, therefore, about in, howeveri by, openiD all the prisons in the Presto I good, , inaster, 'right � band .*and 'I his ` three-cornbred* hrrangere.gave him, Lie hat ,and'aaid he $100,000i not much less than Pa 4e pe,ople's hands, if inded, in the Worst country anol'turning their occupauts'lOse., CtS pprecit m&cated-a aituation',wbich h began filling 'it with the Byrup. me ahall be f -eme I will find music in � big faft, � advanced, to.- the would Pay foi the molasses usea Von the latter Sings f distri His act has'co you will- find boiv �hat ewer times. ible 411antitY at � a I
-if middle- of the space in frob D of the S peakerys, ayislavailable by St. Patrich's 'for one brief momeDt a From E up to alto, to G down below." "'I --thel. MMiE. d corapars- Fatigued, I pause to change the time, chair. The, membbia, in obedience to lhat'had been filled to the bri ii Day (March d eedinlI l7th'); the usulk.t - inue for, tively now in"doubt----. For some adagio. slemn and sublimej,� Command, proceeded! to he Senate Cbam- Von I)ohlen gave it� back to; the Stranger. Is 01119 ex( thiq -potiLto-.Flantiijg-in-frolaild'.--t _;W-beiiie-i the: 164iting lcos� of the convict's or -Her With graceful action' moves the arm are to reserve for -th --corrid "-and -T ad� coa- th nr W I er cent. g ber-by4ay.-of rear 1 or e that, , after , the in ing*6f, her grandmother is. to be -My beart,-responds -to zbe soothing charm, I I 8' Oat projoutlq IThrobs equably.;, bealbh-corrodhig are iD-room. The attgadance 4 spectators storekeeper. about the h le his cola. her individual 'services 30 P of the eideration which, I can give 'to the\'sub- g.rtd.d the especial *compliment the in aron the fl00% of the, Cham the hat filled with molasses- grcE I am force a Ikisb the !soft malfluous bar 'and in. the rad4i plaVeed IiB,receipi6 nightly. Supposing her to d to conclude. that tb Ito pay to his Child. Mbr plaintive Grown.; my eyes - werflow &M members on his head. They, then - rifled his pooketB play nightly to M000, this Vould give lick people would be ell advised be adopt galleriesWas em&II..;When th And resignation sootlig any"wrInkled. brow, ------ leved himcf'his roll' of greenbacks. is 113 &small another staple artiole'of food,, and preprI ]Electric XIg,hto Fortaing Part of vi'lklail Ready'bautboy may squeai flut , a may squall, of the Coinmons were before the B9r of the nd rel V360, or 51,100 weekly. But th The serpent grunt, and the trombonebawl, Senate, and'Bil I enCepre e�, the President AfterBecuring,the money the men ran out, 'averagei'loebmise the rec6ipts often eiceed forthwith for its sit emeive Substitution for But,.by Poll, my old fiddle, Prince of .631 fill, ny of, the - store, , and Vo Doblen., although' ill rdoent �nkageinent at I,De Do dai(l
&rose i 'an d in a Iewi oice said at. During bar taio.� I'certainly should not recom- Could eye. Dryden return, tby praise re� nearly Smothered d'in �' P'ursuit, but we�iltaGre than half the* breadth of Abe� heaxse,.His ode'to Ceoilia would seem gl,ve-it, in command to,declare that starts B ooth's, � at. regular prices, �-she did much urtber experiment has been m4db,in after running Several blocks gave u -the Letter. � Her,last eek came up to �11',Q land Usually de tato to )as he ragged verse. � No', to the case, in Hie Excellency the Governor- General dO6B P , � tea. to 'the po, wearing of � incandescent electric lan vo flaunel warm to,"die, Till called 'Bee fili to declare tbe:'cases'. for which ell age. 48, thetiidh is new the police are very nearly. Say $10,000,' and'heriar, planted with iti in fhe . coming seaso . a. The uPOUthpeison. A ladv appeared alew not again to master'li bye, pipe 'thy Dilng Vidual,.share uld. be �3,000. She -if, to oat, is the 'next- Crop in importance and day h '[ascent Ilimps arr nged' he has. Summoned the. present Parliament &Pxious to discover the ingenious y, we ago incand a Ap6lio. Of, Cauade, �untll, a 8pamker f � the" Ruuse men.' play thirty weeks, and on au average of 'fitia'Dibialvaba6itilrelanA. litbrives:. well a her, at a fancy�drea ball a,�' BUD. bout DEXIISON.'� - should have, been: elected, according to law. ------ ��,000 &� 'week She would ake 460,000., a AS we stated' go with reference LIORD". C4PU9 Do a N general rule. Tbe people. are familiar h S some line a lo t a avoy Tbeatire;it is quite impicssible .136 to -morrow, at 3 o'clock'.inl the afteia Allowing the extra profit for.'ekpienses, with it d it I kiffE, as a cropi though little so, as a fee advemurer Gon, e to III that is about' the net gtIm bhe *ill mAke : Ib US for.1a batteryior accumulator to be. bon- noO4,11is Ekcef[encytheGovaifioi' Genera linwardn 'of the Applit eIieve it Would be s, wise, a -juaicio I . ess -ailoil �to Pomin- in^the season. -Bui' Mr. Stetson is.d6i 13� ebled in the JLuat Account. will declare'the causeH of -the suratb6ning i.n the DiAlillern U9 anda4eaBible:ex olientanthepiresentoW dies�\- aiidon this occasion Pe I c very well,too., He -25 the electricitir romia -bich. Payson an average cture to recommend,the People of are-, il� ofthe present Parliament."' The: faithful ant.. I I u'. - � wasX,upplied f Com�mona, ELe U e'tbe Gat"ciop of.laBt ear nw 041ght 7 I I The recent'deatli of.ta notorious adve lay in doub] y turer nanied. Denison has brought t' 11 i6' me':,ta� half. own T percen theatres.outi4ide of, Now romate batte;y r �he Buffalo E;prm'says: n appar-, Y, its us the fact that the young -main was it aike Oik. tithoilrwo'uld leave him; after paying with a, view to a as foodi -A kindred, hand organ,'which was cairied,about by III ctually, chambe�r to elect theirwi Spe, The election of Speaker for the H cu , a() of ently rather astonished press iagel't t6le�' Rodjeska, 45 Per cent. of, the �'gross, or as ge Y ruce- he Gaels of Albin (Scotland)-tbrive in attendance upon, the lad� related to 4he aristocratic , famili whose ronymic he alwa, Pat, 6 tore, but ivlso revives, 3 for the press cu- iness of$7,006, No, doubt acouBiderable Igraphs fr6in Otltawa� the.Canadiall c,apltal� on a bus� which is not an %ell upon W hi=' Wires -running OmAhe liland that a --tf-�-.H!-P.e.�...6xaggerated-'one,� �3,150.He� canru44he- - chabgdiU'tL`B gan a . lamps'.- .great numb6iof United State r tAime",,aud..-re�ul.ted,-its-had- been making husin�s a- whole .host of- whiclo-refleci - -Pied-hut-a alOr mere 'O been i expe I ete h 'would of the Irish- Would be needed, but I: believe' nothing but discredit upon* the scion �61! d in the choice of George 9 for 51,160 easily, � 4bic St-Tantes' Gazette. inquirieB...of,, the Domillion: Governmen bi nobility'. It appears ihat he was a' n, cf� irey, Kirkpytrick, Member for Frontenac. save im 6 profit on the grand average OT the -time is opportune - for- such, 96 Ch%Dge. Ing --O regar Ing the importatjoq�-ajqd hon4ing-:Of -�2,000_a-week_, 6r'-io�-thirty,".�v.e-ekl3.,.1.60;000-.- -_Tllf, -I THE BRI�ATE'.. ere. -is -a- ar, f= Lord Londesborough. "..His. father was a 1lquor-iii-Ca'n They'a-re desirous Of . Froni th'' iiistbe'deducted the 68,000it distrust in "the' potato.- I -wish to "llI iyl. --of IBM member- a Dfi amily, but' mernbere or the Commons had ending liquor'inio - Canada in bond�,to be cost to C Next to a'clear conscience for -solid a &anged his naine to Sheld thierefor'a;Whild-doud again fetained to things 1)6indeoiUal he will come Out $50,000 possible, but,it is obvious tba Denison an rbceivir'g retired from.'the Senate Chamber, Messrs. get SargeI:iVs. Contra ts,.so:jhat aj offer as few and as Simple suggestiona'as fort, o6mesan,oldslioe. :'Oaetr6uble' Bis y ct thiLt ol'd shoes�wear* out an y. - When. Lord Londeaborough died Masson, Robitaille, - and Plumb, the newl with a very a legac the United States. - There i6 much,specu-, ahead, besides which is, the added profit of little intelligence and 461iterprise, one or two . in the fa' young Denisolu's raptlior married , Lord appointed -Senators, *ere sworn in. t a obj 'be alwa a bra. I1ation as to , h ect.�. Thegoodpeople.of playi�ag some twelve weeks of the Beason in of the commoner forms of- ye another that they cauriot'lie alwa a and his' step- , OTTAWA, Feb. 9-Thig. afternoon st 3 Ottawa must pay �very I little:, kitten7 his own. theatre fro New York I and B getalilp, such Undi6tilitedly. Josh must be, 9, sufferer from- Fitzgerald, between. whom children Much ill4e6lill I g existed. At 18 o'clock Governori-qeneml. Lbr'ne Caton, as Cabbage 'or parsnip, might b El, here and having- stion to." what, is on' in the! for"ModieIska re kris a going th- Iaemembers fini an, on. y sure po !s Paynwa & be quite now that- these liqu iers wan o . months which'rem Co E 'trizetor. 'This�great, remedy yeargOf age the young: man was require the'attendan�e of It " pring to'the -1 h I believe it t 6 kr-h
commanded' ited in cure,,, Putnam
DQmea eac day,
this he refused ta� do, -a�hd ran- away I 'to Thioie in the Sen t &a� delivered the jo�' get or dea MRS. LANGTRY'S poBsiblain the tw ain. rA 0 never rid of'pavilig'some $'80�000 000 in fails to remove the -:worst corns -soft or ntract_w.ith �Mr� i3d; sele 'r9o-000-,Ooo-�6116���f-vir,-i-Ek-oy- -Co. _Henry E_Abbe3-1_ t for , a ew practiced a titific V..U. Unrabou h ard- amen to put :their heads together straits that he was compelled to,dispose. receive 33 per, cent. of the. gross The Sperch triont the Throne- which ba§ been heldinbond in this countr receipts ts, but.prompt anid'certai y in cure. of so, as eac atLd" Consider a, ramure propesal for a allbiB personal,,pioperty and h night. Mr..Abbey.paya the any I =of flesh- eaiirfg� and sore-prOducing a last' resort; he �-ohjpped on a Honorable G�ntlem,6n Of the -Senate ir&dicalchange in the dietaryofthecoun- iv stays he I n,ust pay.the,Lta,&itib and all other e4emses. Supposing a Substitutes. Us Gentlemen of the'Hiatugeoi C tL try, with what' great ultimate social and e P&nfah's Only.' N. 0. vessel to Tbil,ade'lplim � as'. a, 'babin ornmons, If 61,500 -:&-nigh may be taken out of Ith'e,bonded warehouses, DeS8 c tl�aDl thus fair a economiQ�reBalts I leave to, the judgment'Of Poison Co., 161rigatob, propIe. boy. He landed there penniless, 'end It is My pleasing duty,, on the opening o receipts have.' exceeded. -that, as Mrs.' f fdr export 'Without p'laying. it, If.anada �the Public. While a tolerably safe and accepted -��em pluyinent , at picking stra*- 9; new Parliament, to eqngrlitulate you on will'Iet bond without:, -paying duty LaDgtry �Plays o, higher prices than -Hamilton bays have strange prej . udices berriep;,makiug from . 10 to 25, cents a day. the auspicibus cilreum! stances. under which till wbbaudrink'upthe surplusetock, then it other � dramatic stars---�she would be r'li able food supply could, I believe, be thus There is a ]ad here who goes, two -or three, nada, L B in a0ured, I am further of opinion that with' This meaus of livulibood could, n6b last will be 16ronght back to'this c6antryj Bold, O' a.wee�. -. 'Whether the. you will begin your and th&LtaX receiving l53,50 one-tenth part of . the. pains so succemfully blocks out of his way When returning home long of Course, -Iie was compelled to, hasinese will keep-up-whe-a-curio f eace, and prosperity, paid.' That cannot well -be si avoid-, eDjoyluent o p� ty is sat-- school in order t passing write to big ste'pfather-for assistance, and. IjB'qUeStjODabIe,,- but even thus Mre. bekow6d on fish culture,in. America (Which fro- d all her industries,, agricultural, Mann: e -distillers t I-Aone now,.Simply � because th -at the 'be, I a value 'Btore',wbich has� a sigpio hanging An Langtry fiag recisived.for bar �ahab in New stands ad of the list Wit) was granted �au annuity,. of, X100 until he fs�ctuiivg and cornmercial are 1'4 a healthy have got on ag much, whiskey' bf close _upqn'. $1000�000 per window announcing: "Rattans of every became of age. Then followed the methods and improving coaditi6n. the. American people -'chronically, thirsty .ork,- Boston, Brooklyn, Plifladelphig, an, description torsale." of existence which gave. him such a un- CIL Chicago, some U6,000; that sum will pro-. France, Germany, Italy eto an 'ample -VISIT WEST. iii are TI1E'YXCZ-REGAL th6i: -can rink in, i'm`of fi.b,with. enviable notorietyJa, Canada and,,�the tlir�e orfour years. If -Canada, will �take bablybe trebled before.'abe leaveB here. supply Of II che P r .Sta . . the . exam P Is o tuy distin- which.tbe Irish s"s literally 9uperabound, tes_where-he'visitei -prin � thi,i hiskey On low, iit�arage'anano duty far Mr. Abt)ev,.,on the other "rid; bu"'6T per paid it - visit: of some. Could be rn�tole a sped aL rich, harvest guislied preil�scessor, Iit WiIILthUS helf ut. or �A,20.0 a week,. , Suppol cipal cities, and re ), car, a�mieb,6 cc 9f- suffering from functional derangements len ath to'. Co timbiit ll�tL� a_.few years ,,iag everywhere until at length in each -case he . I , h . I for tbeatreg, tbiB the,people Of Ireland. any ofthe painful disorders or w1ekknes 'Was discovered as a dead 'beat.: In 1881 be The �r at. na!tu'ral , resources of tbat "interoat out of'. & very painful an average bf'27 per cent Pea distilliDg. would- bim� 40 per Cent, � or �4,200 a ,F real 'practical nquiries among L those incident to their se�t, Dr. Pierce's treatise, and o . b.thined-som& of* Provi DO: , that. h hobn 6,s the predicum6nt.inlo vvbicb� with dia eyes WICIC L well Calculatd to -judge of' tha.wans and o England open, it.bas very foolishly plunged itself., Week- He can run the coripparly illustrated With wood 'buts � and co`lored Pacific Railway is, completed,-�:au and hifi other the private fortahe'thmt.. belonged to' him. expensps,eagily cu $1,200, which people and infla�ntial plates, suggests sure Do eansbf complete s6lf- would While on'this viV,it be received a document impulse to its, prosperity, cummens'arsste-. ' I . -; 'i , f ' ''r a week., Bu id
br CU give him a profit of; *3,0()Or to gul e them, lieve, this and re.� Send for three le.tterpoBtagestaraps.. from a Welsh y with the Progress made tbew he' re, will be Billiards.4or �.alutary ch lng6 a the Aietary Lof Ireland AddresIi; We d' Medical Asso-' ad , recommending 'him to there aefe large c:itles "Where'he has to pay rl !'a Dispensary SUred'r Meanwhile, the -dispo�sal of the of tr could be readily Put, in - operation.' in more all Patriotic WplsbmeD, which afterward, Two girls his City having heard that 11310're;'say 30 and' 35 per cent., of the gros& ciation, Buffalo, N.Y.,, proved of great value to him Shortly landsset aside Ili- aid'of, iaiiw48�to Elizabe thL' Cady L' Stianion ays'billiards. for.iheaties., Eve'o then, on'a season of than ono County Lin the' coming year., It will be adin!'Ited to�.be.& subject wortby of scttI'erA.,Wih add to'iha impor'tan6e and for girls, concluded to profit,by flie,advi6e 'thirty -weeks, suppol,itigbusiness to, fall off, �Day begins at sunset with, the Jews, af ter his r,eturri to this Continent smeaDe wealth Of 0 be can come out winnIer of firom �50,600 to the, most immediate &rid the moseprof6und Atbeian6; Chinese, M6hammedans,:Ital- ag in beca� a exhausted, and in 11 roughing of �so wise, a couDeell6r, and the other dayr thrGUgh' Itbe'Ur Saswt,66 rejqiced hen. the Inen: e D2 laps, AdBiriang' an& Bohemisn .; at sunrise
it n the Westera,Staws he contracted a. folks Were. all - down. town '560,006 at lI end of the season. on his coabiof'ratioD 8 o--bbserVeL the- MMUY evidences, of L t he gi r1s,:m 'question a journed o the bil- Cotrul Ms. It is inte with the: Babylon is as, Syrians, Persiams pulmonary eventually,'06h d 3t., T I fies a are birdoff. ArivinlI Denver II& secured a regard for 'the :,empire of �vhich� tbe iearan on J I he on Comp I aay' and,Modein Greeks ; at noon with acie' liard-roota to have a game. Will country forms so large a portion. May esling h thIto ote Carry The London I Moh Bittin'tion aa all eXpres6 'driver, but after- "What shall we play ?" asked The elder. with out Of the Cann ry 6350�000 by ey Market Be�iew as. a Egyptiansand modern 6stronomeis,Land at this friendship, which i -a -so fully �returned . ' "' 'g,jL,S lqng aitie . " Why, billiar� 'IeLoa� ward worked on a Sheep ranch� About a Is; (if cOurse ibe t in On eb&. The.great land speculation midnight with th6E oglisb, French, Dutch, year ago, being taken suddenly ill, herwenti, byueV�beas enduriug,a� itiKnatural-and know, iVillyr IL t hing-;, but there's in .Canada aff6etedL by it." Germans', ., Spaniards, Portuguese adVauuq;eouB to `tb&. mulI infere'sts of IOU St to board with a Welshman named Jones, 'different kind. ubillihirciB. 1me",what It pitches into tb a Cailadisa North,we merican r S. o Izkh�, *eeth.jr :"-ot death. b.oth gie'ai nations.. A �r,!,I; � a * L L who cared for Until his kind- shall.we play? - There'R'digoi - Dukdaof otlii tT�Aq "frL thi X hundred 'or D 0 gV &I) a Pi fifteen NORTHWItST' BRWTLEMLINT. o'ball LLD d, Wanting III ft"n. Manchester isat i1o'head 0 8 institlisw 71J,alikp other cathartics, Dr. Pieice',e n0W AKE 1'"D HIS. -Mala-witboui Pellets not render L the bowels costive anitoba- -Pool:"". A Lait on ally part of his Plan fie. following statistics. are given f it toSVIIIL eat art e'and !ilI hAt year; -3 �.'tbe bodyIi'L�wbo never had any teeth, who IS .shares in it held in 01) a ter operatibu; but, on the contrary, lasts, Nori1w : know; wb ell: i. _.r _ . IVe(1 Of SU Wh C 111 a to Fly. and the as ra6ces a an lia6reased nicest 0 lian a, permane on tirely de6titateOf the sense of smell, andL Lt 48 persons h Id 22,98' btly �beslthy actiob.,, Bei Ug 11 Hundred to.nG tbibgls easy Maybe, we whose'taste:is ji 'h 4p oPimmigration, duri e coming - Season, -end.agh,to detect 91 _rre Y'� promise �ths6se f The London Enqftweri in a'reviei* bf'the 479 requi. Well to'k. 06 j�arIy 4ve1jqpm_cn_r_ had.bett6r.b6giaon a7 piece in_ red While using t 666.' B rpm . a atone thee, othe pliygieiriongt yariOUS flying that have 'been a -ferti w -an rious region8;, right.,! wals dibibited -ta, subscribeis hold —0 A0 invented, comes. to the conclusion Ahat a final SboietyeftrihtB, 59,600 average' Lgo is' convinced. that most of �the THII polo and Philad6l cc Fit a aescyimd in that 'City is caused by ntemper- -Successful one is w physidal impossibility,, hoot? first Blic 1. oIt i"3.iMLPO 's;rel What 11 More astound- must ion Of to at meeting. h and: viirl tbei6f -a � the,price and that the attempt to devise one the law . ating.,to ol& ta lie, it,alift.either We have to choose ing 2 about the r man, and'upsets, all the St- Quebec, 27 era 4,102: ance, ore raiL classed with a h Hen P people in Parlia- olicems 'a Iatiffioiiantly-Ao support an ucbs� delusions 'as the t a repre It rtheories -that. have been advanced by medi-' be for ebot." sharesgi ;C41,020 average; 151 shares, search'for the pbilosopherls stone, 1(w� the' thent abbuld be amended and the electoral That' . a I,- I o, well, bere ock. -is that At 0, tawa, 13 versons, hold 2,380.,shares, indre age of'her i police force.' A,novel pro- hnek-a- Cal man, the man h secriatof perpetual motion. :No combina,� f-tanebiaes-exi , n -in- a I. REI no peres,in bon - a-ctock-a-ock- a -b ck tu,�u th ere ... bLiB'Bkm e Etofore it has b or,,E23,800 ; average, B area. vision ia;t e r eme' Varies tion of wit , igie :will e . nable a man 7to fly till assitalated. A -as i ure fo t is- rp . Ose fi een tsyour, retsbotl" tainell't' ata' _ CoUl Inam ' At Detroit,L three persons bold 2,300 cost of license -accordiag'tothe distances' he Can with as Much muiiciihar- -will 'itte c ti6n h not live Without it ofibe Late fir t e wield theal, -be-BubMitte or. o Dal Why, th' 8bar6a. representing23,000, and, ah aver- ity, Hall,� the fee in,-,' 6aa., Ing &ILI no Sue , PGrOUB_.6 ill; Utt Is Oat careful a as a ircl, RJ L i th- age holding,of as much as 766'Bhares,,oi t . oln is i -LICENSB ITT 1croscope ail 0 IIIII . ; tion uuderLt e f "ed'to�rey ala exe yiiig:. you Call e,.6 tell SiDgI rts 0 Don't 27.660L eachi� aman had in his legs gIU7 Advisea.. that �th�, jiidgn�ni of the- a pore,in-the o of�the patietit. The- L DISCOV ' ER17- (T ... ... . ...... the muscular �energy and lev�iage'of-a.fleiuv, Lore- are `289'sharebold6r�, i he -Lor-&-of the'�udicial�C-ommittce-of,-the-P-riv-y-.- -Ma v Cu- take-pi6k lea':to-bed-wi ....... �m auis t GOLDEN M Uld j a P,a MI, tb� an Ing. Fwas I , L : 'L , ' I f L :",;VVell, I'don"t . sign cc in .0 iff" fee saps .Couneil,,delivered last J Un a I II ishoL appea . 0 Care; , ocka-buckli, ain't. loorn: in Lebanon Coutity,.'Pa., fort -eight Joldik in &-aggregaie �161,735 Shares, mark registered) is not only i a r 1. k , , L ., r .1 ' ' I . I Y total dspitalr'Of r dV fo, Cc U P,J df his arms had in propbrtion to his weight is DOW living itir Bismarck, wbich.represent a '91 617 reme ns to ion, but also for cono the driving RusBeILl vg.the Queen. goes to. showthat in ar; you now 3'OU W Y4. Said: it W'Sn't years ago, allci Power Lot r Wild pigeon , Wmg, a being �352� glfards-� sumptive night sweats, bronchitis, Cough% order to 'prevent 6a,,lunrestraiDed sale of in ketcLei." a. Small Village 1, Seven Miles Bout r 0 he would have no use for railwayB Or bal- - I .. __ " h intoxicating liq6dris and for that' Purpose' to .'il Well', doi4t yourself, then," Lebanon wit 9; wife and 'eight childreD. At M6ntreal� 99 �LareholderIg hold�.22,350 13pittingrof'Lbl6o8,w�vkrl-dugs, sbor�mew.ol loons. The trausportationproblem WoUldLbe , -of shop, saloon and "One err% y-!�qrr-err-y�sssick-or-y ann,-' The latter. partake of none 0 - a bre4th,and kindred affections regulate the granting! fthi6ir, father ghaf6F.,, or Y,229,560 ;. average lip.1ding 225 of the threat solved. asilyandbWiftly, averali)bnsa�, legisl�tidn byib-�Doiaipion. Que- pebuliaritieA. except that not a; child haw a shares; iiDdr clieAt. By. druggists. he, would not need to move.anythiDg else. )at will'be necessary, -k , our earnest y�qaa-vy�--EngliiI1: -navey._-'r Set of i6eth. Wendl I ing,experi. I t three holders have 2,,50() Parlianie p6ifeet The albatrose, viefghin�' Awenty-6igbu PL polisiopr of this im ortailiti subject is stank-tim-1uA I� - There, Dow. I told -you ences grbatitio6Dvenience - f - rbm,hisi�na .:sbaregm reprpg-enting..Ep�,000 average,883 Capt. Wbfte &is -Of -the E16vbntb Hus�' 8, hoot." a nd keep its wings, .thirtee fact. Shares. a of �10,000.`a Pon desired. 0 you ha L Ve 0 B drapire,' The �body,,r being h� ; . I deprived of sars, bad an 6stat, e r from tip to tip, ia�motion all day,,wbile the I I Well, I'll, shoot, A Winnipeg, 15,Persone years has scarcely TUE PUBLICi ACCOUNTS. but'tain't fair.' What- 110lip means , of. cooling, becomes - intensely Irela but ',for thred I , 1 .6 . Loll ' lhis' involved him in strongest ma6, weiglihig'aii or eight: times Use Of OMMODS: youlaugbiDgat,' o Iittlafo� . Lot, -and it�ia necessary to Shares, representing a liability (if E21,27Q been paid -a d ar. I 0.81nueb,would exhaust allbia Stren Ge' tlemeii of the ko are Y U 01 ?'� p6tir'Water,over Te-he.he.he. You 141 shai,68; p6omoiLar� ro Col., In average t ubles,,Which pro�ed upon biI heepiDA even an,�lbatrosB',wingd in'motion' Th&accounis of tb�e fas b �got� no chalk his clothing to keep 'the man c�' t fiscal year, will stick; you know a licap abodt.bil-, workingwith heavy to I GIs the Man has to AtPort'Hope,,six persons hold 3,700 Mind Until it.geVOL way.,. Three weeks agd a L V plesa6drto 0 Ir IGL U We bay 0 y wear gloVeB'' to r ge for balf hour. sin the bird be laid before you. . You will be I d cu. do I" t a. firm hold. he Y.' Shares, or �0700' av6rage, 6 shares. 11
Mr walkedr out on a lonely road, an meet- says the Engineer, a;r' Mabbin'e burning learn' th tWitbstaludiDd At' Cobourg� six , subscribers hold 60i r,O L thlinkyou're Stuart, nom dov't -you? Woiiding� -is the youngest of twenty-one ing a, laboring man Oav�-him hi watCh an'] ! &OCdantL am Ahan seven ML li6na of, t' 'a'Lve 'an with the exception of concentrated uel iii a large . grate� at � a to on Capita ounted:to more Well, you aint YOU dageri't'-put on 3bildren, a L the' Is It area itepres6riting UV030 �verage, 100 chain saying be' had further. need of, tremendous ri , L e_an . developing ry han Seven in aollarsj ih.e.�urplua' only when you ake, a4an; there I I gUeSer 69__ Lii-en be has good he be Cathie throat. la�g e power in a brnaff pace. There D3 no of the:consoli abied revehue, to&iherwithrL red t, �J pearliarilIII', E61th shares eabli. th Then ve seen plia, hund mes. ndL.hAff:never -been sick. He was� brought engine -in. car , taably no Steam 1he prbc6edw' L , the salas of lands'm ther "Ohyoubigstory teller. I E'lawpa,put: tothis city by. Prof., ' S. 'L H..Guiiford. 9 -Ind JI ot JI D.nYB bIive fragraift, Br( th rontfteeth like snow. ebg4iie and boiler combined, w h icb,,, -weight., north, during- last year, were:more tban Chalk on hiBratiCk a thousaiid times in one first shown td'tho 6tuden taL Of 'the, Phil&- The fa r mous old war ship at Sa3hetta Foolish and cm for weight, gives but anything like the. sufficient io cover, that, expenditure, and r9less you'd be,'very, game, alldbe never madenaore!n iwo.,InLIIJB� delphia;'Detital College.r L.He ba4 sinceL H, j'i' arho stobsi,sold.. The.buildibg of it you didn't fit once, atrial beatow' t mephanical power' exhibited li� this -alb 'that not: debt h the yealife. G66rge''kys,pae a chUmpin billilII LLreturned tb rhiti.home in Lebaon County. was commenced soon after the victory t a- h . ; I On it�at excallbn dentifrice-" TEAB Ry.' trosB.11 Consequently n OL machinery yet and the amburit of intereatpaia thereon it thingl Wbatdi(lm% You'horrid, nastS Philadelphia Record. a wings with sufficient were lose than for the year previous. med in bonor of devised can. operat tell you about b gy ? If I oldn't tell a W Orl6ans, and it was na power to sustain its own weight in, the air, The eS for* the enkuing year;will on you I'm it goat. that event in 'the Winter of 18i4-15. � in The slorEater. -frordthe time the timber stood anathereia no kuovvnL machinery by which lalso"lis submitted. They have' been pre- sixty days _What by, ud The st n 'discovery, or the'rieces . pa 18, Ell e. On receipt. of the' news of like a bird. alleged ry development Of � the varied what you've donj4" Ihe other Made a Some new process Of Bioring and exerting resour'ceao'f the. Dominion. on',the vale 4 Cwm-Aman, in CaermArthenabirii. peace the work -was, stopped. During the let of Ve great and electric power , in app large 5 per c yo oWn�rg�lf�� Goodyl goodyl� 'NOW B60 eaning of. this most singular in6titu- construction - of the Bsel hundreds of la man call wield'the f6reb necesaary to fly pared with all dUe4 economy Consist . C oin! yourself I BetterDaind Perstition ofthe sin-eatbr in Wales' i he woods the ship was advanced to i�tB tir qdd� 0.1inger even 'how in- the secluded present stat Janagiiy, 1885, the L lunge at the ball a tipleas One and tore .'T, inaratus.of'� cut. I"Pus a forty -inch slit in the Cloth. fight weightj might,_supply' the deficiency,' will mature.' A Bill will -be I submitted Well,. you tion,of superstition wq§ that When a,pbr- choppers. r and n merous, teams and' thoriZingr made me do it., then she a -Were at work, hile the Ship but kcieuce has not letianed how to'Aevelop , an tbe,iB§ue of debentures hearing son died th friends sent for. the' sih-eater teromBtersf pulled the:otber's hair,ihey both cried, and r I
in ins;nimate machinry' anything like thef a raio'ofintereSt not exceeding per cent; & of the'diBtrict, who, on his arrival, pl"ed carpenters brought from the sea -board by thetourn meat was over.-Cncinnti Satur- Mighty nervous energy which acts in tbb, for the redemption of ;this loan. plate of salt and bread on the breast of Eckford swarmed the sides of the growing, .. ............ day N�ighi. on..Ganblorolen�of the 0014MIM; 4W the deceased I bones, sinews %Ld.MUSCIeB. Of living bitd'S' 3erion ; he then uttered an' bull.:, In, another thirty days the Ship lUcafitation.bver tbd broadV after;which he would have been finished. 'In its disap� �0' wirig. GentlVimeii of the House of Coninions: 11,ow to Square Numbers. loser I% The subjects' I IIEL�d enMo' oceed6d to eat it, thereby eating. theissins peaTMee. Sacketta Harbor will ned to you The now method for squaring numbers, Pr sdead Person ; tbi%don'e; -lie received cuTIOSIty Which has - attracted - sight -seers during Bixty.e wto. are of. much-lipportance, and I commend invented by, Mr. Boas, of the Williams ;%�fee.ofrtw6-and-sixpenbe,�whicho, we sup- ight:years.-Ki n Whig. In a recent lip6ech 4r Aelim6ad-Barilett, them i0your consideration wit full cohr College frbsbman class -is, -as follows,: a-much-morerthan-MUDY'S M. P,, doubtlegs I thought hinas6lf Very ti, 0 oubld We I for miloug' a . nd painful Service. n, -Tbere--wag a large aftenda, clever -whou-lfe-e of each digit of the given, D'U ber-by.tII6 Having, received this; he vanished as swiftly Iver Sweet writes "-to the Boston One 011
as an extravagance, that Mr., Glhdst6ne 'in the'� gailleries, amd-tho foor of'tbe El USe I number representedbytbepreceding digits; might at some � future time Claim to be a, 'was 6poupibd by notablegi� The Usual for- as Possible,' all the friends and% relativeo "of Perald :�. '!Tfie quail eating -feat of one and write each prod act tinder' nee already the depar'beiliding his exit with blows and Walcott'in New -York is very much ex- Highlander. Mr. Gladstdne'sConae'rvative' - 11 ths� right malfties wer& gone through, and,, the House Obtai a * t. and ki, lie and other indications of the! th. good, health � good ne in sue a way t 0 r faith brother', Sir'T Was Gladstone, Fiosque, aidjourned. figures BlialIr be- Jwo plrao6g to t e right of aggsrated� Any one wi Ili the Service be Lrendered. 'A., hun-1 appetite, and good digestion can -easily and, -7 -Bartlett takes 'the ageg, ith blish aCcbM&Bh:.tLe task-., For a. odeupatibn O1.CyP dUA. , 'The square each ABlimead the , trouble of _S1nceAhe.BrltiAh rus 0 igi ocessi, Indigestion'; costiverieF".la Or, erring to U'r-ke-18"''Roya Descents -i- cry beyond that time, *a stippose this curious reasonable' . do'nsideration,, or a wager of; reir We systematic 'fttterupt� as been beginning it the kight,_ and pl cb, 6 ri oupenI wa'8, eve'rywhe ' is prevalent.., are immeAi6tely CUred. with, Zopr,8A. Pedigree LXX., Sir Gladstone, Made. to a . Xcavate the! afobsoolo'lical i 1 500 a iaide, I will eat of baked beams treaf34 haud-fguro of the first, restil .6 I 0 to, g Stimulates and 'give's fo,the liver. . I breakfst every mornin BNrt.,11 he will find that Mr.'Gladstone Ursa of ihg�goil ; but Whee a ground the right'of the right-hand , figure of the quart. par) for my it increases the dissolving jaices, of the an trace A, lineage (begide,which even that is probed it yields fruit, an 'the res'16 Of a las pioduetbeloke obtained, Mlle. Rbi6a Will shortly appear if!, a -,new f6i: tbirky days." U and the right. I causes� thk food to assimilate anc of Ash mead- Bartlett: grows pale) th igging on,a, small entitled the Adventurbss rough' At SE119mis ha�hdfigureofoach succeedilig squaret,, Piece recent d Highland Roberteous,, Munroe, Mackays- the British Museu ",The following wise B9yibg by Solon is, 9p, 112 "'Gas to tbo'left of,the; right-hand fidur.e'of 'The libretto' and scoko of IlIolartbo".. orded in gay-Gordon6,, he� shape of & con preceding square. Add the Columns we're purchased by J. M. 8t6dAard, of Phils,-r- and to the Royal houses t Ph we regret to'say Big Ument of curiouB not generally kee of both itogland and Scotland. -Aill �.If rnbhd gurps In terrv"cottm, for together, and: the re'suli will betbe required delphis, from Gilber r t or is works: ,Young naali, never out ybu . r: and 'suiii�an f "jgy , - ails before buttoning on a collar b �tbe Most part draped f6male.'aivitities square. $15,000. ' D'Oyly, Carte bought the right to T1 Ilia eIi ' a , tebove lleiilddoi is wis her' partialftv V9 and I . rti Aevolutioni ifidd of cmds 61 A01t. worat hind JILatti franklv avo �iiQue attHbutetl, somewha sts," said umas, "are a, inse t1lolid, holding rpd6ly MOdelled. accor to arobal 11i Me Atreet.8 e I, t1i a O� t y V Sign Sa vini a engageMent in�rj?biladelo sent br6sildast over- the country, an pri lers. for minstrel shows, and says She prefera, d claims"* good des, ke crle;l at 1*111 soiid,TW0IoOT1Is,ES U Can t9go'll ather i1e, makeitmuddy in sunshine, but they a to any class ol- dramatic though the execui ' io f! phia has been 'the hougeg' having also to have the exclusive right, to,,, . , - I it' , I 086, "efronaa very early period. been packed I last week... can in apparently dat orchestral scOre. ake Sunshine when it is muddy.'i DR.� T, A. SLO Umt 181 Fearl SC, ew_York Ia y trouble y P