The New Era, 1883-02-23, Page 4,1
4iw lv.cvti cntet .
;specialties 11'. Jackson.
Art exhibition -Y P. C. W. 8;
' New goods -T. Jackson.
New goods -:-.W. L'. Ouimette.
New goods-li. Coats &
Wanted --J. Gorrell.,
Boarders wanted -Mrs: Whiteiran.
Accountant -X. Y. L.
FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1883.
Before another issue of the NEw 'lata
the electois of the province will have de-
cided. who shall rule it -Mrs Mowat
Mr. Meredith. We have little doubt
to the issiw, if no unfair means are resort-
ed, to by the Opposition or Dominion
'Government to accomplish- their eads;
We believe that the course of Mr. . Mowat
is such as_to commend itself to Ilte hearty
' r
approval of•all,and it' many Members of the
opposition were not blinded by party preju-
rejudice they, too, would use their inluence-in
' hi's favor. In standing up for the territorial
rights of the Province, Mr. Moviett's .atti
It is certainly anything but a healthy
sign of public opinion in Ontario that
so large a number of the Provincial
have clothe out in fayor.of lottery
schemes.- -When a majority of the inhabi-'.
tants of any country bet possessed of the
,idea that it is right to aspire; after 'Wealth
without labor of some sort, gambling will
become popular and honest labor irksome,
and 'national decadence' will very soon
supersede national prosper-ity.-Montreal
We do not wonder., at a journal. of the
recognized standing of the Witness writ-
ing as above;' • because; the • circumstances
certainly call for the strongest condemna-
tion, but we do wonder that it did not
carry its ;reflections`a; little further and
state the reasons for. the "nation ' deco-
-deuce" which :prevai;ls to a large extent.
If any thoughtful person -will take •time;
to consider the subject; they must eon?e
i to the conclusion that the gambling craze
_ which has apparently lately. takenposses-
sion of
osiession:of the masses, is not •ofsudden growth,
but is the -result -of a deN e}opment--o '-a,
propensity that has been growl lig for
years. To our social, political and even
religious systems must be attributea the
development of this propensity, and with
those who at tithes constitute what is term-
ed "the leaders of political and religious
thought" .'must rest the responsibility.
tilde should be supported l>y every lover of
the province. they often did, the demoralizing spectacle
Let every pZtrio In East lliirciir turd ' to which the Witne•:"s, refers would Bever• ;
occurred: We db not believe in denoun
Chad churches long+ago exercised their
pow.:'aiid 'inflnenee gases•: i)f'
chance, iestrad of; .encouraging thein, as
out to the polls on Tuesday, and ,regi;ster•.
—h-is-vtate-for Mr( ih on=1=.etrer.etu--.loser=of-
his country in, West Ha roe do likewise for
Mi Ross, and leteierygood than ynd true
in South Huron .vote for-111r"13isliop. Let
eery man of independenee enough to
:_..,a .telae £o,r li.ltrqn that daY for the'
eing-one kind of lotterysimply because it's
evrl-is-apparent, .ttrtl-supportina another-
equally as bad in principle because its
chartcter-may not --be visible, but we
opposethem all, and while' the _Masonic
fraternity (or those who gave the lottery.
their sanction,for there were some who did
s y,gaatn. ugthina morally we . can-
(lovermnelIt eh,i-elrlays-,bare-its-aiicorrl-off Not-shut-our-eyes_to the fact that .oiiier
twelve s and courts the fullest investi bodies, who make greater professions, are
gation of its eery act. 'Let every true son not one whit' better. Some of the moat,.
ofOntario vote-forLthe-inch w'bo-ate-fight active: and unscrupulous politicians
ing Ontario's battles; fighting to prevent in the Dominion at present,` are also to
blame for the false ideas people possess
their native Province from being; bound about theaccumulation of wealth, Some
tq the chariot wheels of •effete Quebec. will say that politics ;and lotteries have
no. 'connection. But, unfortunately for
the good of this Dominion they have, as
those who will take the trouble to think
the matter over will see for themselves
People talk .about tiie " great; -enlighten-
ment of the nineteenth century." In
many cases it is a species of enlightenment'
that only helps to do wrong and torejoice
in the wrong doing.. I3onesty in princi-
ple, purpose, and action is unfortunately
at air discount at this age, and we fear will
not :be hatch -better until a...tremeridons-
, revulsion takes place;
to 1)c dictated from Ottawa - of i
AS AN evidence of the tricks and false
the iilau who has, struggled, is struggling, liob'cls.resorted to by Mr. ,i Jackson, in'
and Will struggle,' to maintain the autono- his cidadidature'through the South. hiding
- Cast all personal feelings; aside -vote for
measures, not men.., Cast to' the winds
feelings of dissatisfaction, . if :Lily;-
over particular --acts of the Governmerit,
.and .rejoice over the thousand and one
other acts that .•havc had your fullest en:
doraation.. Never judge apolitical edifice..
by, i singe brick. Remember that in sot
ing fur Mr. 11lowst you strengthen•, the
hands of the nMallwho has served you
faithfuily-of the roan who iciil not submit
my of your ]'ro) ihu c - 1 the roan w11.6 I for the purpose of misleadirig the 'people,
tgill nla,'ina:tin. (>:it gyro s' }:(herein: right_: to tic ((rilljtint give. One-illus.trat'lon;, wli.ioh
ccruriul-tlrc ;esrttrn, tl• uluor ,licenses he is pt tett• no tt -- ei ,,Feria that:: he
hoick.` Onth "tilt., the ,(_lobe , itvc
iPitbur her'-
t rritol� of the• irran who' an account of a transfer of :tiniberett land.
will uot'suburit that Ontario incl dQueamc iii the Inoortic4rest b}r'tbe Otto" i c•o`•e •
shall lie Ac,Ne clgethct .a1 the feet of ,ury, i meth, to 111 h s>datiin of Wiuiupeg, for
0110. l n;:i'oting: for rllr;- llowttt� 'reuriyni- i $.J per scru b•(. mile, but .1 ty'pogral)hical
•error oeettuodanehnstGul of 1isr}tiare agile
her you are Irl 110 ) r3 e\,presirg?sit-Tl7rir 4:Lit1 :Le1.C, \V 11101 £ash seel1.'to be an
• to11, on„tl'iesu called Nati,inial folic 'Phar l error by the follOwinit•:lines,: iil.d the(llolie.
matter I.;,r10t 103 '11st 1 .iii tills campaign,-
amp lign,-0ispnsrtiti4t hrve"-dRau med•
it neee sari to iiitroditce- it aS all frau-
motif. on behal of the Meredith fallow
ers.. .I'. is a 1)1511 inion `c�iiestieu
and by:the ctccislet' of the 1)uuunion as.,a
)vbole it it ill stand of fall.'t The—i.—Sues to
be voted on in the co.nriiig, election :ire
questions affecting this hl uvmce' alone;.
and no man can toll hew; Pitt rcaeltingr. for
th'e'.wear or woe of (luta'rio, Will: be the
`decision 01' 110.iallot boxes on the with of
1' SI( :NI ElteANT Irr,('1`.'
• Addressfug a poli tical:Meet ingat, (tent
wall last TirurSdxy evening, hir.i\
fiie local• ;Tory Op•positioli leader; -very
candidly admitted -'that no chargecif. cor
ruptiou o,1 ,jobbery could' lie forinulitted
against the Mowat (lov.ermatent-that`
certain statements of Jobbery liad_ been
matte against the government; d Llt he
hoii stiv lialieyed .they -kicked foundation.
And yet ho and his party Piave the .as-.
snnrpti•ciii to demand that, le. lovyat ( o
v Brim eet should so pat. our, simply l)e •.
cause it) is, 1 theta} Support ;a govern-.
h ;voting'
go11 )
nrentilty of c,oltdplio •y c £,
for Clic Reform c,i didatec:
The 'H}ir:.t ,is •faat degenci ttuig to the
leve' of that °`boss" reverser of facts, Mite.
(=roderich' faction- Journal, in itt attempt;
to belittle F. 11'. Johnston'. , Mr.;..Tohn
ton Ids k barrister, natural ._ability and
application placed Mai' •in that. position
before lie had reached los mmajority.-
News I1ocin:d, •
Onr.cotent atteinptstoprove, Iota smelt;
aseutning that its statement above is eo1-
rtict, their 71IZ-Tah-n to-petltt�ieal lritna lf`
io bccoirie a barri,:er, ,for all applicants
fr, • r 54'0''? )PiSi'e
ave .reached t.lro al;•e,
o+..,,. 4•ea,it. loan xjrl ittatiouonly plaices
, ,}ltilristen in 3 t+nrsclif lri thaitbefore.'
took the c ri•1ic (,pporttinifv to correct
flys. errur nctirlth,lrti,!ding 11] t}rrs list:
;iiu spc rh, 01 .trio t alls:ic troll as a
good one 011 ,reads tlii, mistake f roai the
Globs; in ” conker-F.1ititi00 of at. When`, a
man is so destitute of eoucl10asonaiw ask-
ing the support of his, lrearcrs that he is
coni pellet' to create one out of a mistake,
we think no one will be so -'foolish as to
trust. their interests in his,h'ands, •
*very voce for the Itetormcan'didatee
vote iu favor of temperance,
\\ henever'
15 is snsficcted that nl,riey is
beim, used illegitiniatolyto ,promoto'the cause
of the Tory caac}idates Reformers should be
on their guard, . and ':committee -men should. triers st eeial duty to lock after all\
such eases. -
bale Itegister,
I r:ul,tz, 1 1noir b. Dann stock,'e.te,;' of Mr;
Jordi Johnston, lot 54, let'etiti. Stanley.
5arti:xJr_tt' lleni,ii 3rs5,.-4,Iare,:lro6
alydothcr articles property. rof Allan 1 -fab.
Sc❑;' -at 1\laricetfieinu'e; Clinton 1. 'H'owi
son, "t.
duc. .
W(3)i 1t:.vnr, \I11(1;u r.•-la1111, Farm etoik.;
..ete,'of the late ,las. Southcombe, lot 28, 6th
con, .lrlullett,' at f, p. car. J. Howson, tinct.
• Arnica Sat
• The greatest medio•ti wonder=of the world:..
4\rarrauted to speeclily'euro Barns, Bruises,
Guts, C leers ' Suit•ltheuiu,• Fever Sores Can
ears, Piles Ulril'blains, Corns, Potter, Chap-
ped Hands, and skin eruptions, guaranteed
to eine in c iel'y-rustu ec', or•moncy refunded
25 cents per box. L'or• stile by \Vatts ' &•
it.t11:111i1: At'Snon'flake, frau,, on the 25th'
of January, the wife of Mr. John N.,Bar-
hey,For, nlel ly of 'I'uc]tersmitbti of slaughter•
1 vRitsit At Snowflake, Man.; on the 4th
of February; the wife of Mt. Wellington"
Itarber, forlitorly of Tuckersi,nit}t, of a
claugh tor.
1',1,1,tut^t Ica-(•}otl'i'icclt_toml.Pltip; err,the 15th
in;1t,, the wife 4if 111'i'":'JameS l+,prof:, ,of a
hell . Ihi.'c .I.rovitiee `'Ih tlbinlu 110
right i by ..afiVyr'ari,iu3 't Ir c .lkownt ;;al
ernpneo i
.'f➢(60➢11gturi^'.tY'wor,-.-vgszay......wkrom ?ascan"",-.mkRWISl \'�L:iED.:�i(:0�ilx:9ilti""
ur ng
is moi
aci',h-i rIo
Will ,offer the balance :of .their stock of
Qt11�; V� o
u ��e5� antics _) .ori s
)verc (:)aIl
All the above are New ` Goods (not the leavings
of twenty seasons) as our motto is and always
has :been •" keep your stockfresh and bright,"
�on't'carry over goods from one year to' anothei
otherwise'., :old stock accumulates and you are
thereby left .-
behindin the race.
makethis sale a greater, success we will
offer our whole stock of .T
G & 11111111t COTTONS at till aces
Which is the lowest list known for over 2'years.
oilkc a 11010 01 (Ike
Keep your eyes open for our expected
arrivals -of
n lis %bCOtCh, a
nadian twee
Hi hest rice even for -200 cord
• Short Wood,' green Tor dry..