The New Era, 1883-02-23, Page 2Carey as connected with be conspiracy. 0 D ITAIN., ASYLUM CUtELT11113S. TBIEIRCUSBUOLOVAUST. irvcj6�s 14ovisic. FL 0 S IN BR Vebruary 1 6 Fitzsimmons deposed that he 0444 a room from J &race Careyi and discovered in, 13 illiant u0e H Ryal A D r ;4 pt -Lion 0 er E t ao dinary Tale by an Alleged 00f . I zin Fire irt which �Hundreds of a.loft-hou a two,knives and &-rifle. There 6� Hux-rb�diaes aud,'Rabifa4s 0 s wore Burried to Death. Highness i1L M great excitement among the, large THE PK NIX PARK MERDERMS was Extraordin: crowd in court when the above prisoners 41?yr -DETAILS-OF-;.THE- QATASTROJ11HE. and a TRUE CAUSEOF, HE'R ABSENCE FROM CANADA. were placed in the deal, SANE. BUT CONFINEDTOR YEARS. painful , pause' occurred when , Fitz. An Otta I correspondent ielegrap4s, LO88 OF. LIFE AND'OTHER GREAT' DAMAGE. The Vienna correspondent of the Lor�ilqn eSimmons was called. The pri- It is offic, An Brie, Pa.,telegrain Says: In to -night's Chronicle i a the followin account of. ThoroUgh Identification of the , xndB with each. other Bud I ally stated that Her Royal High- A London cablegram of Tuesday might's give oners shook hi mesa the Princess LoqisB,'was exceedingly is gale I Which commenood on Herald, Dr; Julius Sevin, -a practitioner of the Circus fire at Berditsbeff The per- air friends,. The readiDg da�e sAys: T1 this city for more, thait, half a ceiitury:and forniance had resebed'the fifth item in the Car -Driver. jokbd, nodding io.th desirous &f returning r to I Canada" With hot Thursday nighthas Continued, except,for of' the charge wso grebtedby the prisoners luaband at theconclusion of their British and to-d&y it atone time Erie'B leading�physidliin, makes programme, Bowe clowns being in short ntervals, rages s allegations Of a tin .-acting eb with a,burst of loud lanighter,�whibli created Columbia 'tour,. but at the advice of her fiercely awever., Considerable damage has hooking -cruelty among.tbe when another Clow stumb HE OFFERS TO TURN INFORMER. a bainful sensatibn in court., Fitzaimmons insane inmates of the State Asylum at rushed in. shouting I Viret" At first the Poo. London ph�siciau.and express Command Of been done, by. the rainf 411, which in the Dixtuoiat. I Dr. -Sevin returned to Brie a ple thought thi . a -was )art9f thoperform'4poe id tise rifle arid knives were among some I -w , - Pfovinc Sal ie , ap obliged to go! to. Bar nd' Her Majesty at as was exceBsive� a great logs bag, few days ago rubbish. - Amid intense excitement an muds,there to remain ritil the latter rt fter sojourning'eight.years and aughed;, but immediately afterward been Caused, net only by, the gale,'but by pa in the asylum da an insane patient. Hist the ringmaster rushed iia arid gave oector produced two sharp, long -bladed Bt week in April. the chief A�* , Imber of shipwrecks have dsa. . ..... f the Dpiswiture of the i Lord;Lleuten of,March or firi the floods.!,, tic bee n repQTte and ca Sanity Wis ala .=a trates eagerly examined the knives.. There rombrought about Ai2ecting- knives an & ant, irrom li�elaud-A: P194 t :§�3 d a rifle.:'The magis- object,of -hot -trilli -to Berraadu is-to-avo d ------ d a groun 8 o a in. The scene of horror that ensued oieinguences was Itte Julius; the severity: of thie'C�nadiau winter, which inga of digester atil.points.: At by,pdwerful local indescribable. The 'analence. were 'was some-undtiiiness among the prisoners. might , have the affect � of � inducing those 'a was ac I companded b exeitc,d in his power, and he; mow states so closely packed %that inotiob was .(Monday). night's. Dublin cable.* Dr. Porte'' deposed ihat- the cuts in the neuralgic Symptoms w , iiich fol- Saljsbury the win y that but fqrgross deception and the black. almost impossible. Some in despair fl n A last r -violent rain, and'there waB:much. damage, l 9 gmm says--.- The examination of the, persons clothes and thE averldish -6 accide�t � of thr low-lying landg were as -have' themselves from the, galleries,. and parents t'freuchbry practised'" � he ought to ever i�wouridSdf Lord C to' property. he� ere inflicted' bkinstru- been reetorad tohis:.home and friends nearly unable to save themselves made a desperate bharg:ed with conspiracy to murder Gov- and'Mr. Burke� w agoi 11. R. 11.' recently [,[a p eased' herself floodeid. The gale bag continued*with great a isrameat difficials was reoumed to -day. The ments Similar �to those produced- Elt�- as ver t Cast arid north. seven yearB,ago.' : About, eight 'years ago attempt to a a their children by thiowing y -much attached to a ada, i is violence throughout the I 00irt Was Crowded; the audience, largely simmona-depo'sed tbat.Jameg, Carey Some-, ou. Saturday,. Snow, fell Dr.Sevinjg mAuLd gave wa,yunden-a sad hem doW -into the ring� loft wh -a matter of regret that- her forced.'absence At' York,' iVeB 1rom incheo on the . welds ; floods 'Consisted of lords, high officials,, college tina-es visited' the are, the kn I bereavement and fie ws committed -to -Dix-: men,wea ng the -long coat& of the Russian -the country should1bel due to � injuries a State ix for :He 8 Jews, p prafosaors and professional man. Michael- wbre found. Dr. Myles deposea1bat Some mont treatment. re entangled on a and r sustained whet the � w6y to discharge a. i on a outlying distri6 e that' in less that eighteen months Maine, hik'nging in- the air, while the Whole Xa�yvffla - �of-the woulidabf Lord Cavendish and Mr. I I I � .1 . I covered.-�, ill gh; the car man, Was'marched into an important public duty. trees were. uprooted, Sheep were, h. an. he regame I L am Burke corresponded exactly with the kulives I I �s mental faculties add build', resoulide 'with heartrending crieg. the D risoller's dockl�etw'eari two. polio 4. case H.. M. S bido, with the.-Prin strayed � and farm 'buildings , , I , ihoharge bilt-that he,.waa In rin drowned or This riew'departure caused much spiedula- :produced. ' The witness Hands identified Louise, arrived '6afely' at were blown down. ,The aea,defen-cea at applied 'for d: era the clowns had been per - Bermuda. on 'The priedlier'liais u low,:retreating '-O'Brien.asone of thez four men lying -hear told t6l be Satisfied Where he was. , Ali his to Vion. Monday last,,,dnd raceived an a th ''is Btidlington were much damaged.. , A huge lett ire It ere, &B &Oarpet� and for ai#le forehead and a sinister appearance, and' the scene of the murder, and Brady asbeip n us stic a addressed -to his family,in Erie Is so ild en were safe in,th6ceritre 9 welcome, 'thei town ofl.-IlAmilton being wall'otbrick.s�dmasonry.atDriffield was and nervous. A -little girl, close by shortly, before it was perpetrated. gaily deicoiated 'for the occasion. -,kLis ov ad. At Preston walls ware blown never went beyoud'-the asylum, arid he sa /of this; bfit when the grown up people in, y * a I er urn he was'gubjectedto the most bitter indigni gan jubaping from the dress Alleii , Brophy, identified Kavanagh as A female'witusiss confirmed the above. Dr. 'Governol,. accompanied by down, and chimney stacks werelbloWn d Excellisney-the r their despair be driver of the car which dontained the Porter added that Some of the wounds his A.- D. C., was receiVed1by & large and through the roofs of housisiIs., At Fleetwood ties. � Ail his pathetic L app6alS for reSto - circle an galleries the whole ring the a tion were, unheeded., and Month 'a er came one inextridabia'' � Be, in, Which tfie� men who intended to. assaiaBinate'Field,- the, ight hate been.caused by Weapons differ- brilliant .91aff of 6ffi er eon afterward -which Been�ed I -year . after year- roll "on children w ' -Arampled to death or'suffo­. jury I man. "Besides Kavanagh, � Joseph ant from ki 'The magistrates ruled 'joint be be directly in the * region month din& niv6s. H. M. S.*Supply steamed !round the 1 iance, the gale Was ere, eyLfisll, without, a ohafice Of ascape', u6ti Some caed before the flau NrLdy'and Timothy Kelly' were also 4i- the, of the 'cyclonic di9turl :i6dreachedthem6 tui� t the identification of: Peter Carey by and O%me to an anchor. at a short diataboa, ost severely. A. large' chimn even this felt in m6nths ago',the beart of a y ng at. was-nottbe'wor�i. 'The horge's, raigred,�naonmeotion ith the attempt to Fitzsimmons W" complete. Hands iden. from the shbrej­aud- Hot Royal Highladag' .:! At-, Chorley6om5 a I . demolishing a building tendaut Y, r on., named George' Ha er was Boni nageab a and, about a rialct. 16-ig exoected,that the tified Brad astbe driver -of tbe:ca and, party 'quickly entered' a ten Idings, susta touche& by Dr. Sevin's pitifn dition, dozen of th'ein, drivan mad with id. inurder -oared ined. great damage, and a became unma I 48VIdenc eon tifying O'Brien the- latter attempted. to rowed to t a I cbr oration Steps. -.H' .11imnay thirty, -yards high was blown d terror, broke; into 'the ring,: trampling James Carey, the inember of the corpor- and he donsbrited to mail th doctor'a let 1 , , . at At Cheater' the� wind had, the force 61 a to into a profuse perapirw Does received by HiB hurricane. Snow fell during the iirning, The letters reached Me I anaB here who All this oodurn tbis, detailing the horrors of is capiivity. death. the people hu died together there. ation, rented severaLbodsee at.wbich the smile, but broke oyal The evidence of Dr. Porter was Me f� DOUBtgnt drilling of meir occurred, and tion. ilency t 0 0 er Dr� w o at 6 ass time the it takes interest the bre ful - atilianiel A. Weston , ai. Church tower 'was damaged PABd thajb in one house E6 . part I act military lowed with extraordinary i Iroduced, a Doe and,'ollimbey,sta�cka were overturned. At hadba'gunt6thinkbis in rinity incurable, to describe, and intwenty raiDutes all *as- aned over the do . ok apparent!y and the President, ud W. A. Galbraith, over -at the people who had beezi 4 arS191194, . was discovered, including han prisoners le Butterfield,' or,ot' 'a" 'ilton, and Hop. blown over. 'The' Iriih ere And hayBtacks ilatelreited himself � in t a mutter. ' Th� irk the letildin b greiiades. drinking, in every. word. Dr. Porter Said Josia 1 -tees, sting! 9 .Tng burned to',diath­or a ief and President- ..mails- were delayed; and' 'pasuengerd suit, was that, within hbrt time the� doors suffocated. t� he windows and various T�Hr. PHOnNrx'PARIt-- MURDERS., the, wound that transfixed Mr. Burke's of the Co noil. is - oiship the.Mayor )sa - the Channel �--eipgriended Most I gth apr( of DixmorLt- were brown . oped tio-. Dr. exits scenes of the most. horrible" descrilp- heart onabled ,bitn'to-judge'of the an Of then read " an a d Bee �of� Welcome, and 'Snow fail, f, hearing the evidence' �gainit'the tempestuous � weather. or Sevin. - '.-The -old antiem aAftet, an one of tion were enacted,.some of the tronge t the weapon, Which must have been nine or Hie Honor � the C i ties also 'read prib ners accused of the attempt io'kill SeVeral he ji; -on Saturdayi.hi 'North compalaions,� on 0, 6d .1n the efforts tOL 0 in I 11. his 9 erman Liam mael an ' Chas. After another 'witness' had &��Congratulatory address. Her. Royaf A by a heavy oWnpor. of- extricate the Yield, the two CareyBi the two, Mullits, W&les,,succeedi Tbumb, , of tts ur 1, who -'had also the StrUgglingL mase, forcing pthers weaker identified Brady and McCaffrey asbein acknowledged� ain. The rivers owirflowea the; fi�a recovered," b was thin themeelve§�into,the flames: � The fire Highness briefly L Wholan, Brady, Kelly, aud Kavanagh' g at the� At u ka; d. 'Alice The low-lyiDg country in the central and' a3ly 'hie ed by a keeper.' H6' the scene'immediately before the murdleri; a mr Miss ­ were, charged 'with the murder of Lord addr Sees. : Afterw da brutally hig felt brigade was Bummoned, but the engine was -the Case was remanded until Mondsiy�L�' Butterfield Hei Rqal WeStein parts of Ireland,L particularly' T- ad'i Ca7endish'and`Mr. Burke. The identifi Over 'One hundred persons suspected of Highness witliz a bouquet,, Which, as most 'P' . insensible, n falling iIifl�ctoid arrible 'delayed by falling thr6ugh.the tee, arid IiiiZti6s, wereAnun..'' 3 'i . th head. �ln a few�days he L died, eation' of Kavanagh by, Ellan Brophy was ibeing codnected�,with i secret organization perary and, Queen's 'Col gash, in t when it- arrived the w ater. in the tanks was graci�uily received, and then Her Re al dated. At' Waterford, on Saturday night Vand, the, periniendent of tho.hospital, Dr. fozen. The doors of the circus opened In. pa,rticula�rly complete. , She Says she asked -Highness enterecl the Governor's bar iage, great damage was arty ; save- a I Bed, r I ceivisa a report that" Thubab"bad wara,'and ihe,-s ' ide ' a ' n ' trances weid -nailed' haV6 loft the City. The a have ten Alm whord.he was waiting,f6r. She sib' done to n E kbe lenoy ral old licuses were,blowu n,. and the ie�d f in a-fit-of;-6pilepiiy.--D..r.-S.e-viia also I p­-Efforta.-Were-begun-on IS.und ay. w more' *grralitg to execute, a d a search - is f Miss McNeil. lHig pr.0-p d _u] pn-golng-on­ 6--t-Bi L, - - -Wh a . ollowbdby�l I in messages- threii-times- . sing me a a rimin -B, " , , R A i gliam-and-Marichester- --th-e-CV6V&�.of ­alfd-C�ptm- -Fiiih6r -was cioiFd"ET in li�.If an hour. . After, her returri the in� &lr]3 is On, L . With vessels sedaing d6cl as' that Win. 06niitantin6 Neunateil, cover the bodies. . At �the, main entrance to for thoge,implioated. Superintendent of :'N�val Establish- 81lelter.L Ai Ennia. the 'principal streeis L'I . I L - Bob as' the circus lay'the burned :and blackened ---third-time-slie..-heard�-cries-of an/accompis a , Ome Mon -head- of 4the-crim-- in 1EIlie-136 a t a river -I argue aving over- aIi bi of L his t'h olar arid and ran to - the door. There Wore then lie e7 6d. �a li F h 0 living Mari, 'is the bodies of a beap, of inalinveatigatiori d6partment orgainized:ai Mr.'Bagot,Cup Do�iv'ill'e, of the'Dido, flowed its banks; 'this' m ain � thoroughfare victims, 'theii heads two men- besi� fairly outside the door.' while their bodies 3kif6s 'paramour, who regularly pays for The the driver bn:the oar; the system of as io � age Similar to thp.method took another ctirrs�ge , &a !the partyArove JOL ks like a Canal, and al 'bu third was just mounting. Shia *4's only p n sineas is eus� 4lie husband's support in'the say um. He, were 'as though in a vice by those Who- &DIF to identify Kaveout dopted in Penn gave t666, hearty O-Uthig, ;storm in' the held J sylvanni& in b6ilging the off. the assembled oro;w4 pended.'.. The effects' severely cross Sh6� 'Was Molly MaguireS!, to justice. InL6nmeation Cha6rS Which wLere grsc6fullj ackn6w.lddged, f Enniskillen bavebeen ve was sent to D1Xmont a few yeais'ago on a L had, crushed. �upon � them from behind. examined; but'iiever kaitered. neighborhood o petition of the Wife. ii Over sixty pitients,", Further inside the, ru -many of the bodies When Kavanagh was identified he bluished therewith Colonel Joriking6n, director: of and atlhi6 moment Front stieet"preg6rittad great, and,much' damage- bag been done o tins Shed London a fortniglit L a - - . Says- Dr;,Sevin,,,i who ateLg�gne ae.confined -were burned to a cinder. . The'toW less of - and Fmileduneagly. Brady- entered the the departrabriti vi eight that has : seldbital. if ever, been the The waters of Lough the, ago and conferred. with- Sir, William Her- witneaped in Bermudit &I at ' I , in DiinaontAo-day with no hop life has bean ascertained to be 268.". i,. 10ri, hot arriv e, Be . a raise So In Vale L -D' Oh I s I could me�tion liistan�es of men dock, Swaggering; Kelly was and couit,'Sectetaryfor the Home -Department. the, entrance to Inghawodd, eray pr6. overflowed. its biblia.:' ills o Man- reached a great, beighti and theriv Ill 'who are imprisoned therethe Victims of NEIWS' FRO'ROME -StatiollEl'bave sehted: Her Royal Ilighriese.with & llen,many acres , -laud*Lhave defiant -looking ; Jairibe. . M lit laughed Men in public M 86 go of .1 oil Sub outrageous plots. What I have I when the charge doncerning the Phbonix. iantly �uarded, especially on behalf ofithe young 14dias of P6,g Said 'a not MU been more vigil get. At of ' th houses- half what I k . now P 6al �;e' ato Fax rder was read, but: non' sd. a of his the Maiqu nd.Sir William In merfea Dr. Rdedis'theSupi6rin. ­M86iouji to the n e-nnirl ulal -was glewood Housb.tbe Princess was received flooded by -the �waters had to eave.their companions joinedhim..' Much thne lElardourt. The Pre rich police uudertook to., by H* able James- Tiimmingham;, wh tendent of thp-State � Asylum,, and h Occupied in proving the leWng of a large onor 0, homes and;: find , place's Safey. M.,Bouteneff, the Russian dipldmat4 o mays� his' infirihities prevent,him from exer- I t L protect Mr Gludatone while in France. bad. the honor Of. formally.ondering th distiietatrees, a e"upro6ted si-ried the articles of agreemen between room on Peter Street', to Jameg 'Carey a In,thecountry cising proper supervision, and- 'that he has Russia' and the Vatican, was,-rec6ived for: okeiisilily as a reading -robin, -but. really. for use of to Her Boyal'Highness. �Snd thousands ot'acrew. lai, imiler water. to depend y ' :,the first time by the.Pope on New Yibar'a,, drilling --me . n L -He the STHUNG�Up �WAIFS- The sail to Bermuds vva4'900 miles. In e�sl darkness oung doctors., i the purpose OfL 47-� % � . I � L � , .1 . * I Tice -Regal -trip I Birmingham a phen Day. chat, 1879. ''Win.. Winter was prevails And som fault room in Oct The,whoIe cost of the to a of,the,:: reets'are strewn Diabolleal Tre U�tsnieat oi;Orphan Children British Columbia will be between 125,000 L 7111113 CUVIFLCM� AND, THE, WORLD.: The English: newspapers are,ut' a or OL anice . ! + the Temperance Hall, td2atrick Whel&n 0M ox- rivers &I, th' O't hurriet Progress of Rousun Catholicis'tu­rro- ad placed on the stand to' prove-the'letting of -with debri I N th t r a ire, the' _�A'D�e@CjT�d l4intei and 630,000.-, A � liberal� amount. neerning Mr., EiriDgton'$ visit to R in From London we have. this telegram.- -. A pended, in, 11 tips" to. hotel -servants, who The. -monitiiur"de Rome, the'ne*'.pontifical for'drilling purposes, but failed 'to identify valley'biverfibwed'in In a 8 arid i�iiles tiestantiospa, Free Thought and Me. -of f"d arL a- Subme ged at Newbury.' publicantens.'. organ, Says that Erfihgtoii, r1op;esents the'pri8oner 'inL the dock. L The witness,. case of almost incredible - cruelty has just *ill havemo cause to forgai the kindness of, been -.-developed. in It L appears the party and sufte� � I., � . I . L L . L I I � - id w nobody but himself'. amid grestiAstiighter-, denied that -the term .Kennet valley a Wakefiel' ram. a A London cablegram Says Pri The Pope has ganted a plenary indul- ivate a9ZJRTION. -Pope'.from witnesg-forthei'drown"'Lwai applicable be a came R. . I L I -, coompanied V me aho* that the that -last Ju e� man named The falen in. torr 11 byL ver , i6s;from-Roi no for pilgrims to Lourdes for the year Strange,,of sdopteil.two children go P -him. The wi�hesa ClintQn,`wh6�let'tbeL, h W I a 9 the night and thLia Whatiever-soureem or.circ.ametances he may 1883. ' It 'S'Lthe twenty-fifth anniversary of A feel room. on Peter street used; &is a drill -room, from the Guthrie'Home in this�oit*, one a ni: morning h ower parts of the', v�wlley- An Ancuiter.,*11rpinan In Sad Trouble, .1' have;deriTed'hla assurance, Idea not id.0111ified -Brady and- ames Care�­ as girl -named Emily Tranter,-,aged -the Toronto. have bee i n dated L and the. Waters, ire the appearance of. th pa,rition ol,-the, there. The other a boy had arbill, only'. iisatly comforted over what the College Blessed Virgin in the grotto. at tied 'George Und h having b the meeting still risin a River Calder overflowed. Mrs. Triphena Lorrain'eas arrested at of Cardinals have chosen to .,term the un� ount-Domehico Antonelli, seizure of a quantity of arms in, Whelam's 6 YeaiB of age. �, Soon after adopting. the its bank' a the'lower floors of some of successful terrciinatioii,of-the-moder-n-crisis-- nephew of th her lodgings' on Wood etree Toronto house was th;n formally children Strange remOVbd';tO Rprings, On -a the large rain �wirehouseB and malt' kilos proved.,: After the. -15th of Tuesday'afternoon by DoieOtivWlleid in.the bistory.of.the Church of God. There Mary' MaCQ'L Count L Be �Of Cell a tuking of Avidence So L to, I the finding, of reside until aothe of, deserting Let L I ' ' ' have I fie n � flooded. � A'terrifiCL gale Swept 6ny'.dollbt�L a re. The where he L oung. infa& an no longer be. e that the: un-, Duke.:ot Fiend S C and Prince of arignamo Unit'On, and two aaggaig in 'January last, When he again went -back to on over t "Lower Severn: valley last -night. -of among SMM =y 5th. The unfortunate C convermaiio a It getting back to big old quar. Oman is a Qmmon- number nS were w he pr 8 were retrolea. 0 widow, her.busb�nd having died Large racts of land are ated. At er orders of the 'Roman clergy. of itneaSee. -Joseph Mullit's 'housaji t isoner hL about four . inund the high E ters a indulged jnLa drunken. spree, and ' the sto "continues and �several munded till Satur C a rm I A cominitt'ie has been appointed by the ..-re a Vill ge of the Vatican recently have allbeen the result cas fifties are reported. In the Holy Father for the.revision of'the Greek. nt W*11, awhile into cated�iabllae& the'ehildrion to years ago., 'She resided in th o,. wh fre u t manag . ement am- R a , thenian liturgy. The Prbaldei I be DIARYog ONE OF TEM PRISONERS., Ancaster until about a year ag an She L sof much profoundly Santa Such an extent thattheir screams.,aroused removed., to. Toronto. . Sh6rtly'after her Brit*61 Channel A steamer said.. to have: 'tending' over. wyear past, and' that., the 'to- eLda Wa as 'd Mgr. Sombratowicz,' 'a learned Oriental. th 9 Cali 4- the--neighb6rs -an -resulted-in-his -beiig- -arrivM- erg�gha- if� -gone-dow -wit ace a clergy ecerie h .th 6 6- -sult�of dvlibere�tioiij3-which-have-taken-,pI d iBiiews! S' r _ . it , i , iyal 41tf ii h bly the reading,of extracts from- ' �boo rresied -and' :-brought before , Mayor n'the main. eminently satisfac- 6 Ruthen Cross H ' ond,r of, 8;,L g acquainted, with. a wi owr.lnam6d�Flalix� here s, -Much Aelay in' telegraphic dOm- hais:bbenl Pmreh g r a a - t found - when the. Fenian srmoFy in 86mm P6trole on - char as in ni " ion'b6tween Liverpool, MancheSteri JOY. Keven Btr ' eetLw&S seized... One the form of drunkenness, ill-treatmedt and assault. 'Corr, a builder; living'orit' 'Cheatnut' Street',' u cat tory, to the Carainais and Pope. At the New astle Scotland and Ireland. Vatican it is now believed that th6 tide of' of a'diary by Patrick Whelait recorda'L bia whom: slid alleges' seduced ber mniler ewe mise of marriage. - III OCtOber-last Is . he public opinion is turning against infidelity Mr., 1leniry � Gibbous, Uanager . of, pro, ]RESIULTM OF, TAKE WAB. murer of theExecutive London, appointment 'as T ia Odd, purs, the Guthrie, Home was the leftToronto, for Ancaster, And:iu- Novem- aU4 against that"forria of MaWria,lism GrerwDistrems Among the, Europeans In the, Irish Republican Brotherh TMANIWORA. d inale child. On d ' ' ifl first Witness. 131a Said` , When he , at was delivered of :1 a. preached. by diSCipL16B Of I Darwin and, JE.%Vpt. chases in London of Sny. er, ri as, an a remoN�ed the boy,from Strange �he bad Ja uary 4th she i Spencer,, and towarde'the forms of the old Bunsen's � eleotrio'battery, a meeiing:oi the' ;v6t:1back- to Toronto Declaration of the roll lo'�Ivlountaln and every appearance otbeing Starved, -both aud C An Alexandria deap'atch-;Bays : Great withi& itifarif onfronted',Mi. Corrl-,I. faithwhicliadin,itof 'as little.-disputatiott, lick'' Executive to consider the r6solutionsafter- feet had beeii frozen, and his back, Was cov� distrese prevails a among the poorer posed at With his progenyj detnamilink , that, he as 'possible, and' engender' dbotrin6s � of wa�rds.pr' an Young Europeans,. and many bases of extrerne. O� the Rotduda'nicetiDg ered with seats, apparently theresultof d Ell ected of' the Land L,Le&gUeL by the Nationalists,' severe, iiiari4hings Dr. 'G. P. JOdeS of fulfil his. -promise. however, he, done estio find public moiality. The Re 'man. xtly­beem-biOught-'tO,- that-'it-�Will-be' g correspondent- a YB:L, h Qhurdli-aAec6-A6Lbeli6 reflised-10, �do, and declined , also to give A. Winnipe a a­1�-­��ndition otaffairs arig6s; from and a n2eetiug to �.coiasult' on the 'advisa . , -- - I ­'. I is -Pic " Qadilly 'Btr.eet,. London,­wbo attended a -d:, `t� th bility of gending-Ji�mba M6 r Brice, list . an a4sista:noe. Th' cold anap'intansifies, andthe mercury wonderfullyinvigorate - y euccessions " , I L. he boy, said, Un again down to*forty r is. all 4 'two uusea,� first, from the � heavy t derhill's feet had been y , pecuniary :, �, I . losses fei Consult "� L . won2authereupion w' taway,'but.6n, the dgrees boldw,ze O'ifi' :)Ver the world':Lfn�t&'-i�ry near future, our'chief, 0 frozeu,to Such ad extent as t6mecesaitate - an, ' L. �thic Child On the , , . I . . . sustained,by all,classes in consequence. of ofe;nuary. 6tb' left lm�rlailpg. ' The'atmosphere:-was cl6ar� and esult of the alle ad ievu sion against : ­ i The, refdrdlibe tOL'S�ephen Be laughter. the loss, of'tvVo. toes Of this right foot; He f: steps o he Boys' �k8me George street, -bracing, b0a'h­df-`*,iud.L­Tbd­ -Materialism., ­A�Didst singular-thing-alt6ut- 'he pri ienOP-L u- US. amblig-the- sonera�vm a- I - from- -thie--,stagnatio'n of ' b " I jn� iited that., I n 7Were it.,was taken-mund 'cared for. The stit "ang'at Regina have Subsided, and are: such indications 'asi are obtainable is that fieSS. OnL of ti PCot6rL admbUt net t- A wia� for'- sn&scars4n every� stage some partially e,cause iststagnation- is the arras tied. Another book 'L Oth " ' 'L ' 6hildl got and ibout� two weeks ge: 161lowed by severe! frost, �the Mercury, re'gis- ilie'Romau Ghurch,la building'hearly all and era recen I L - - - It of the a n fellaheen to. pay ied bealed Itly infli�ted. - The the Ma�orand DeectiveReid tiering fifty-two below. . The engines- on the, the new ch he 'in England. All �bsolut' i ability of the re si .. tained a,list of the, *orkmam's c1uh of' beatings, hVdL evidently been roe -claiiStened it -debts they contracted last a )ring-fto be eived.fr6m contemplated to' .Jobu George, and it,is now' trains are Worked with difficulty. roya,i blood are rapidly gravitiiting'towar the the n I a.me of, its, as between Qu'Appelle Romanism becauSeL f the deep.joOted -pai 'out of the'prdeeeds of the last season's St. Louis. a heavy hip! or' Something. equally as d adilltothat,.-appellktiori !he telegraph lin 1 Among thaontrieB in Whelun's'dia: 'Ho -h -found1be�ab eon, IProtestau ��crbpis, whicliwe )a L utterly - eXter -:th6 pobi station on I a so Ive. ad doniendis, 1e Canada Pacific Railway andr victi6a that - and � froe rb in imany Caa( the following: 11 Prior to th6-aeaih.f John tedded to such as to she aleged � father. , When . arrested tism rtiined.by the operations of, the contending itL , w'plainly ']ff L wom=. broke Completely down , and. Fort Qu' Apo6lle are, 6pein for business, and thought-in:Great Britain at' 0 theJ. R. B. lost a former effe& a too rapidly that the r.,,Swain� & Dr position.166Dly., breeding r y 'boy had. bee4 starved. Her 'a contract' been let 'for Stringing the epublicani6m, and that the only armies, or so badly damaged through lack of Id prestige. .6 'longer decided testified to the boy being both7 starvedL and . ppeared to fee " Ihi proper cultivation as: to sbow� but a'meagre dtable a . a is Rome,. W of th L, as a revolutionary body; it, had become -a fad ... that L relatives W. Ancaster -are --respe -:wirs.from the latter te .true friehd:ot caet' -hat ple' -�7yield. - Even-th6se efellabeen who, are: tres, a An. ��, related be- useff, to She ha�4 a family 6fthree children� b; :fa SMere tool in the hands of' arliamentary On her ment Indian rm. on the Touchwoodl hills. the English thinkers on Migiouh­ subjects able L to , pay'�POBItIV61k: refuse' to 'do p me to. his hbuBe: for food. Mrs. S d." r just, now is t at I hile the, Papal Church While�tbey may acknowledge the justice of nice was to the Same effeet''with the Oro 6F 8: Supp 7 ' Ing an 0 ca u toiy:aooes8ions frora�,th-d- aSpirants." former,husban A furthe 'contract- has been let for cutting, evide' �'Our'T' isljond6nt telbgn' la d d" livbiing polbsbet'Weeh this le lateEJ16 During the examination to-d[LY, s, police. adition that MrB.-Strange-liadi and to, Great Bri. they Often allok6superiororder§ .-told-beil -Great Sailt-plaiii-And-Humbolb, sixty Miles.- ealth, nobility naam deposed Lt6 the Murdered body that they 'kept the , boy tied u ait§ of as 9� reason. for . resisting their payments,. by the Lorraine, charged with dealerbing her illis of'this informer Bahey. This prisoners' th gi, This, when. completed, , establishes tb6' s�in bec�u'sef their faith in the'imparial. umb64or urs go that'his feet 'would. W,L u ,I as a�;m&tter of fact but little assistance Umate in fani,'was.Advised, Ito take, it, from new conme'eti6n by telegraph between n- -ism. of Rome, the same apali 'h In. barely touch he floor� girl, J counsel? doaldred,, this wh6lly'irrel8vant on. B .initk , , ' 7. 1 the Boys' Home and Care f6r it h nioeg and Edulon Can be obtaijaed:fr6m the local' authorities. Mr. Murphy, replied that � he Was prepared I L erself in t liquid at'' the. Same time ug,large, Thb-machin'eri of: ille'mixed tiibu'nal: is Emily Tka�ter',whovvas&doptedatthe�a�26 or er to prevent further trouble. The i. 0 0 n at urtle Moun-' prov'��,th�t the'prisoner investments , in, the United States, a 'were members tim6 a. the 'boy, has not suffored to such an d r -Th ofti'i&f declaratio cumbersome 'and ccfgtly;' re,3ov f sty P so er denounced near in- open court. tain gives MrX );230 votes; smis aving un ergonessimi. license.. -7'�But !Me - �cif &.conspiracy to which1e, Would trace all, extent, although h n ouiig (,Opposition where. , most - Ehglisbmen believe : Re. 11 claims fi6quejutlyoostingto per Cent the mardors in the city during the -last few. laf Oroceis of starvatiofiand also receiving Mr. Alexander'(G6v ern , meit)443; leaving, _publican 0erpitu'0 of their - amliburi . �t., . T L he recent deorse of the ersBailey was conn'; oted with the '1LOVx,- inumbER JLI%,D MU- a majority for:tbe former 487.' Mr. Gredu�, some Edglishmi,en , know, ..that, th*P Bea numberf severe thrasbiDgR. Both child� 11CIDE. Minj�t& of Jd4ticd granting A longer time &&oovery of the Feman.:airmory., 'way polled 329 Votes �-to. Premier Nor,quay'a College of Cardinals at. Rome is, the beat ren areL new at the Ilome in tfi�s,city unden cLDjausn, Dell election. by informed body in the L world on Am6rica�ii to the fGllahegn in wbi64 to pay, their debts' J jerLof Werribl, crately Planned, 142 in I 9 ggmedical � treatment. 'Strange . is a- %he L ffl Is lountain, curyin th; adds another*.�lement of,difficulty to'the ohn Parker, the murde Mike Tay-* : , by, ard Orer affairs, when an American'monk, priest, tah, 6 -day Shot arid killed his wife in :the labbreriw,howag, supposed jOL MaheLa liv" Anoitl ii;juisve,v 187 majority.. Situation.' 'The bankers, agents and money- tecoutt, Ing JLetter. The , Congregationalists oij3ortage 4a Josuitj biclior at a lose, L and are, Jury-roor I rl� of arid afterwards i, archbishop or Cardinal has by,abytbing that came in hisway. - Ila P,r�irie I have decided to start a church the L,eL a communioaton for L, the Vatican of �uch lendi6rs.' are, entirely 4tally shot himself. , Several persons war A all says The follow- anxiously awaiting the promised fiman6ial ��Itegard to tho'charge of a�aault, Mr., Pit,kinB,' St. Louis despeit, and Mr."Dqff iisbmwappoinbe�' importance that it is hls� duty to abandon v;eseut.'' It is - thought �.Mrs. :Parker the reforms. Memihwbilelb-di9tressincreages of.,Petrblaa;'tastifi-ed that &'fewni�his ing letter in the.han.d.writing of Parkeri; the eon. a eaon.- Of tba'.Strange family be murderer, gives' his hillim by�the for. a time all his local puftuits sma, and A is bvide that, the, dov':' after the arrival Congregational Union� to organizo the.same. The Services are held;for"Ahe nections and goii3l�ierson on a long,jour. There is -great excite ' ment over a repbrt hearil'terrible Screams coming from the himself and his wife: .- � � . .�: . . t, . .. 1, I ernment Will be compelled to take some that Kavaua4b, the car, -driver, 1as turned preaentju�the Odd-fellowi* Hall. ney to Rome,- that, he may say. with h . is a t, n, house. 'He went acroBB and Saw Strange ST. I Louis CITY, I?ob. 4, i88�.' nnipeg telegram saye: Mr. Green., tongue what, be, -has carried ity *his brain 0 O- speedily to pre"vpnt, wide..,spread, o r lifting tbe.boy up above hie head and ilsiah: Dear ]56ving,gister Mary an d Do .. arPriendFrank: orqua a destitu ion. a Ut ijL polled 329 voteSto, Pr . emier y , right into the brain and eAr of the great 1E[ T n Mou, t apTpr shop of Killala,'hasdasued a'pas-, ing him to the' fie r.' a informed th w492 n am. N MAnager­who � must hn6w '.6vetythimg t h B C X'hu.V'e tried to avoid this! terrible de�th, b toral-coudomming' secret societies as'69tab- an Chief* of Police d, Strang looks imposeirile; I am ti�ed of seeing my poor SNOW S1,11DES., a was arrested- Dg a. tyranny Compared to. 'which the tly" fided �fo 116bi and devuted wife getting any more abuse and Thecobi-SnaP intensifies and was.aglinl that Can, be ,found out.. arid "Pubsequen r drunkenness, suffering,.and itis more than I can endure, Oh,' down tn"forty degrees state ofthings they profess to desire. to Re below zero to -day.. certain , that the information . �,.CAr- A, Colorailis, *o'wn 1 r4lanitt by an The Chief of'Police. corroborated the'above oh, love is terrible I I bope� we will 'be better off The - storms at' gina hav 6 is, inside beyond remove is liberty itself. , -evidence. Strange made no defence. against a subsided add riea - "to , Item En"lasiWalrii in the'next world than this, wicked one. Bee. ­Whe Mad tucci of. a that I am put alongside n2y:littlb boy 'Morris, and are. followed by 'severe frost registering dotibt, and With such, loyalty. as the. Ameri- 'Vat 110411tv,of Roe. At Ttalee an informor either of the.�charges. or�,tbe asBau iourbodiostomyold,fri I �nd, Joh� R Mullally. 'fify-two degrbep below zero. ' The -66give Can 'Cut I hlio , Clergy undoubtedly ,have dencd concerning the murder of Herbert, e A. Gumiso layor Hammond, sentenced him to 60d4s $'he Knightsbf Honor will take care of sweet; lov-, on this trains'are. worked 'with diffic'ult .t ere '*iB �reason to u (Col.) despatch' says :,Last :,ubar Castle, Island. It is �aljpposed tbq, Y. Papacy, 11 P Ora the 2 'L Mit without the option: of a fine-tbe ingife. 'Give m lo�veto all, and especially Toni S�Olff slide start dfr um .in ja Callahan. Thii3idhcLrd,but'dozerixiinationiseiiiI 0 night 8 urderer is now, in prison. utmost the, taw, w6uld-allow. On -the charge suppose that at R me tbeUuited States is lies vin, add travOled at harder. lam det6rinivedto carry'6ut "my plan, quite accurately reported.: 'An unusual of Ruby Peak, � rDu STARVT1014 114 GALWAY. .0 terulelty he Was o6mmitted'to Sarnia jt�jl and I have to do -it rhighty stick. You will see Corquerls.Jury Ver'dict an the Millwaulteco rican Catholic AfatirfuilvelocityadistaDee of.-a�-Zylilej to Stand hi's trial it the spring,AsBizes.. that for yourself. The par�y - who gave me the number of Ame clergymen of the b6ttoni-of the gulch, destroying all the A d espat6h from-libu&iom says A- man pistbl4s ignorant of wbat tain about. 1 have to Allorror. prominence'bive in turn reoeutly'� been to shaft hbu8bs' and machiue�y of has been found starved.to death, and -a toll so many lies to�accompbsh my desire, but I The coroner's investigation of the New- the Principal umong' these are JIIO.WEJL FIRE. cannot help -it-, Give Mr. Obey, Owen his ove the Ruby, , Chief' Howa 'Extension, ppor law guardian Says -the, case as only hall House - fire has-'-concluded,'4ith the Bi _Spaulding, of Iflirioia� Hei hn6wn rd, coat � it is his, and in iss my d A longer irnei than he Durang and Oaks mines. Eight men un- one bE maily. A crowd of, hungry people Narrow Excupe-ef, the Inmates. little boy for me, you iItayhoih liv� verdict of the julu' finding the o ha-ve, remaine in front of the residence of Re happy forever.' Give my lo�6 to alL . rwill bring of the house guilty of culpable negligence in; had intended to, and, at the expressed wish abla�to 6geope, were - carried to. th a b& 0 tom gathered V. A last (Tuesday) qvening'g'. Detroit and buried in the Snow. A re6nuing varty� Patrick Dugan, Catholic bisbop of Clo"L dearatch I . this to a close, hoping to iueof you, in, a better not e-npio�ing,a.sufficiedt buibberofwat6li-, bf tbe'Pope. Leo, it is supp6s6d,' fodud Says:. Tbe.,Eagle Hotel, a. three orld. Good night and God bless you both. much consolationin the diseourms16 h ad found Prtiluk Rolout dead, :'Ww-`Rrown fert; on- Sunday. The . Bishop informed f uard the house against, fire and to story frame, -in. Oxr�nd Rapids,, was burned X031N C. PARICER Men 0 9 ishop. 6rid Vr'r5`.77C'6TdM­an fatfilly"''litirt.. Last them that he and big'priests had distributed to the. ground earl� �Batarday. morning,, You must excuse th & wriiing, and ba'd' awnken the inmates to Save all' lives pos- with the B.... is . b ea.Hy'of Saturday,.J. W. Go6dspeedj while croa�ing ievery shilling available, and that tbe'006n-' Th,r, burned Lrapidly, and the inmates' spelling. Bible .; that thd Newhall House we the-mounta-itt Dear Gothic, was ca. a' i]r ight'in devoid: Of ­fiitricate�� pasaagesi, PA, , ing of relief works; was -the only resourc So may this spaik of vital flame 0 1 jr I riest Again. 13 ba�raiyes6aped*ith their lives Some­of-- snow glide� buried to the gulch, and, buried, Forsake its languid mela�choly frame; With o-butf6ide escapes, ladders, 6tc.-, �et A dpopatcb,fiom: Hamilton, 613i6, gayfi; were carried out of the rooms in their night. ' Velcomo the dreamless night of long repose Spanner, L6kil-Libutenant this Morning not provided ' 'ore 'Ri mam'C%tholic priest, attempite toleoiura' d' I'de ' on the Gothic clOthes. The guests and helps lost all their Soo-aylbi6morfi'out spirit seek the bos6rif 0 iiriganimmense ai 1aB caused much specule- NVIipre lulled to slumber grief forgete:to moan. escapes in case,bf fire. They,, also. found on, his eiperieuce,as a pries in a -small 16r England clotb6sand baggage. Several girls walited mountaini near Gothic, went down with tion. , It is rumored that the Earl left I a anation'of the alhvai�n tothel Knights fault with the network of telegrapliWirf There were about fifty people iritheir hate feet thr6ugh'the. Boow to the. n XPl 13 ball,here. U k frightful force as to -shehe the to Itelailil in conse4uence,ol'the discovery of 'th�t- 'surrounding theiliotel.'. pres( ut�et �kcelaii earthquake. wn Rathburn House.' The loss' in furnitu�e "dLadiea�ofHonor,Wm'fty be Sal mt. 'He was. interrupted at the 6' left to roiteve the sufferbrei the 10, *he ere sick with t�' M6�691'08, a W0 professes. to D u undeik-the-enoW where-�his� The unexpected departure 'of Earl Soon inity eyes their trouftyliitg a Lx- 156dy must f�niaiw until summer. This having d g plot to assas6fnate bim. add clothing will amount to $10io0o. Mrs. Millet Parhek'was a nienaber' and entitled with go"s and biases and soon eggs and Mr. Gladstone ]IMS received a tbreatelk� Johnston, wife! of the'proprietor, left the to $1,600. 1 otheimissiles were thrown, broaking'WaDy. V AILED IN Busmziis.' A diy goods:dealer What you 16ug 21, an do do all day. ilog letter announcing an arrangement to burning building in their StookInglect.- The in St. Thomas, Chap. J. Tucker, 'a young' of.the windows and seats and doing'otber English lady asked,s, friend� i'd a Cairo imaurder him if hd-ireturna�io London. No Rathburn House, of which A. R. Antiadel, -1 have seen a; good -deal-: Of buBbande nia� formerly clerking in Burlington, in - damage. -The police 'quickly arrived and, barem. "Why," She answeredi, 11 I,go and thaportailce is attached � to the threat. and wives' ih my time 1 have arrested the lisot Mayor Puihbff brother of John Antigdel, of the Newhall. any duced hismothetto "siBthim in'startingin urer. says sit on that divan, �onder, add then Come gram*-,dated-Saturds -lioui3ei-�tilwaiik�eeT-ifi-igropti�tor,--at -he-calispa­the arrest at the r6quest' of the ��hgro_an d-sit-upon-Itble-one- Mines - a - one year ago unrofta�lyldrher- 0 awlile,1-juat� YT gi-eir James, Carey, the member of � the only a few feet! from the Eagle Hotel. The t , o the, conclusion that 1 thd happiest mar. lie did not encased, consequinntly,liff fi ad, to , hall, who ired about the role, played by some American eorporati, 0 lie building. on, Brady� O'Brien,' McCaffrey, fire:extende'd to its walls, and. at'Ohe time, �iageb ere those in which the brid ith liabilites of 52,200 arid assetsl� young ladi�s. a *when assign w of damage won d be done to.t 6rey,' Hanlon, Doyle Bud Kell she comes to the altar -r hHE �, has in & W Xbter 06 ey it was feared tb6� Ratbburn House would . � - ay a similar amount. ' He Way, t a settle- trgd.tq-day,�ith the murder of of'tbe worid?.s goods, preisely what � she love cannot b3hivided, and inust be W, ff. Fitz!�etald has retified from the mrbr�­dhv hurriL'alapii-T.h.0, Eagle Hotel was iiisurbill ant' !ill his creditors and' p99'Biblypr6fit T�U6, r., ur is. un. S Upright in" and in 17 voluntarily and unconstrained.'- Don Girl That I Love of wili an fee, 4,700.­'Tho,--:brigM of the -fire is lid, k6K-Xia by his dea,rly.bought� expeii, tand Sald., ence.-Monetary, cb he: Q!axote.. w th6,Btaki identifteid' Councillor "Own. Times. a's Lp y n b g w