The New Era, 1883-02-23, Page 1N
411 A
l�iere Nva.,X it lov,,;1.14 IIQI,o NVUL e --
J tweell Ge(; -4tibbs awl Alfred flugle
s that vollng [laslein Avas
to school. I W1,01,416'. f�oys oil 1,130 glwt -
i(,ie , (?A
06NVrYAW0l=8, aitland, %�*he)i -bs t, -'-d "'
the NJ. -tub a" I OW X
kimcirli for Ont,.wio and Xlitl6ba.
tried thei�.118e �Ll) iit�d
Anderson a
in a,lh '18 is
1�tnbbs $1 111`10 cos
not 06 ibr the siltile Itrty nd
V&X.- ISO �N7 ON 1DAY is 'lot fikelY' to be tbei 4'st, But inoney
C -L, INT T EA BRU-Suy 23 883. is wy fi, Anna
2.5 0 Pei Ila?
There fills
�cltbol of you"-- j�en
11 t
tatiolt nearly eye I A is WM-
ift the si SABBATH IS04OOL, COME TION. inoval of Alx�. )E. X% Moore, late Cor.�Sec, And 31TION.
'�ART' H UP ter, tau,;ht b'eing cards. Tt 1�
41ASIII4�n passed. time' tb 1, Ill
Ing was 9toppe sometimes
h1tiobs of thanks were teDd.-rid to th'
b yond 11 1!e as many s fo
this continuation of ��onr e I e are not g6ag e
The ut In Ilse-,
1�zt vreek's report of the'S. S. convention. Rfuatm'cf. Exeter for their kindne�a An& think"Nviiell w'- say that oothing has b en -�o
1 J*4J- gr e &'5pjt;AIityJ')lent6jt?ining the delegates while ii, , Clinton for� a loig l ime as the
Wednesday Ovietting, PreNident's
the conventi* abbatb Scho6l *Ork, fe'trusteea'of the three !'A it Exhibition liew going on in tile re-,
pi�oltcced d to take UP S
-ed threc cb4wi�c�es, for the Use, of the same � to the of- j:C613tI of tb6
generally,'aud list Y OccuPied by M has ewe, w1licill
001)cesgiCila Stan!
hould Itve tea�b? What should.�Ivo fliaeli t4ir valuable, servj6d� auriug the,� tlle.-auspices of tte 2nd
-why. P
tegeh now skiculd we teach? The hpeak- p ppedAwo kinds (if FAMILY to the persolis intro� diuciliZ, the , 1`liC'tOWDSpi&OpIO have fillown iruch an inteirest dro sMill, for� kite rtinjainitig days,:- arks *Qre timely, and'well chosen different liubjects; to%the elloh, for the'ir On it :18 must be gratify I i . rig to the i)romotera, :YIOW,a 114ok of five.
er's rein
tQ Choose from at Dick-, -presented some PXcillent ideas forSab" collent music and corig, and tp,tbelocal co'm- !,Xor do Nve think,that out! citizens will F1 t UENDSHIP.�-A
hold from those entitl�d, all the
will'. nmilb rbath School workers to carry riih,thenf. mittee of rrangetnen, 151, praise they dents cifthe 2n
sm's Book QtorP, ald concessions of
of the Pupil Was, FareWtill, adaresses. -.e b J are worthy
en from 10 The lonie Preparation y of, for the trouble they and telped him IS fl, , rewood Q
8tanl�Y Met t1fo n�u Eubject, presented' by. 'Rev. A. 1j, Stevensoili T. KeGillictioldv, and ReV14. o ill,getting 4, the OPoexiu- tO 01
e C tj JACDbnald, _111 'ell we couple the followine, I if)) at -the cQu. olle inirlositiQ ed for sollia, 111011thi.
436 t the mohil 8eafiirth. latl'i th; 'duty G6ndy an;d 6.-Weliter. And ati, wo say fai,e. frow all iiafts t'. cut I'll
-child, I at home, it'sai s DONN' on exibition to onuniev. has
During th,, Aj�
rents� teaebirtg their - I
e best attendLd, -them,' of,itile
scriptural duty. 2od, the advantage t Fention'lias ll�'en 61 of, t�e: Ate and cataloille was no easy. We a to and la every w diffler6rit kinds (if'
t ni
10 gh arents-in to ures to,their chil. ay tke 'most: kitiecessful,eyer The aren pl,ompts them to 'greater 'bible study. b*eld in Auri oillity. , The slijojiacts were Of Do, yet, visited the e4hibition� to (11.) so t olloo ed., rl resulted in the "Peerficssil.
great interest, and 'taken upin the most.en- --als it -well repaysr tbe,ti
FIGH SCHOOL BOOKS Th dyntita-es Also to tho sebolurj by crc�t- me lloi swedl ex- and tlle,-L,�!illane*6th)�
a a
'rovil'ottradvertisipig coluilins it Nvill 10 regialar filled OMMOX SCHOOL BQOJ,�S (Mto* 1 ing a desire For attendance and greater thusiastio manner. Large ebill
we io�ach' tho'churclies at the differeut�-sesslo)38. , Thek be -seen thatfor the eou�
05 '00=ft�; attention t sebool. be -11, for the rem'
-,We Ury, It VV I
t-0na-vt cOu
K PAPER'&C -I:Nv oul d-mik"je tt 6 r -itc so h,ers,—am&cau s n eflzr luos airlig '01WRICn To.%V.N
YiENS, IN. , . .- I . I , ed tt'10 oo I c1c: in th G
ito malce mora tliorobgb pyc4aration. blessed , and while 'much. cr�dit'is due to tife t inie, be open
To b .' n(tenumer.itethe nkicles loili been next subject. How stall we' retain Q loses o tillaicellycliti6n, in a -ej�n t e d
11, f special mention hPROCEEDS, FOR THE POOR. flor ti �01113,y, or all
Wbaye everything for se loo young people in our . Schools,' waspresebL. in Ai be' made of th6 bility and flilie, spirit Id li�e difficult t"11�11and to tho-40 who a clitt haVe seen the
wu by, the 'ietiring Jlreside�ut m, quite vnnecei�ai In t1lis
c (I by' RsT.. J. Caswell, DungiaLnom, * The glio, T. NJ c
Illness, -instruction* Gillicuddy, of Godefich. isisile, at'all events, we 6an L of alow. oily,
JDicli E', xs'. U Oilxs speaker Avoid& sudest -kil )iii ape.
k i The.collection 1)r Reeve s sure -to lailib
1 r.
corilideneei by pti,ttipgAllem to Nyo� ;� convior
thoiloligh I, tibn.o! thf� to e er Isi 11, P061TICAL MEET at r (if all lovers of the rare
vols.,, neatly boilnd illil-
'ANTED aild,beautifui, Hor visit .0 a few years ago
g:J ve
nt1le n
, 6 , Alonday evelli � lst, a loe,'etifiu of- to�the PacitI6 cc
young� liens and (6111- ,to his A, orL.
t 1, cb let' ilbundant OP7
f6r clintoll. h
aderich" fi, the ratep, it ille ffistqw-e of if r. portunity for s Of various 6(itting woo or- was spokento by Mr: &Yatcs, Cr N CCf)UN1t1*AN'i al fety hours I�er conider6d,thesubject secOnd tollone hearing Ros§"took �lace town -hall kinds. � Aniongst other filitign i3 her collec.
A aall, -unoiueupied, ivould be glivl to V We bve,� Withoilt excep ton, on"S.: i13 Lbat it,� i4 Lbe, i6litlreli"s the poliiicl� tion,afei it Cocoanut fillre -cap 1'rorn'the Iqth -
Aipersoln or firriiA,ho would Its doisiroliq ()I fro III,; fri nd,-
reparc to mc anee .0
I e tre. U
om. would 'have Cal, ; Fiji lAand Fall;% and' ferns and, mo'fses
lip VeT bo6lcs or !Lt the greatest the The attend tous of Drien Palm Leaves from San I)i
nd lid work t once to
evi of in to ee Ii
th.e LARGEST a Addrok V z ol,� S#r'fig1)ritk.'i Its,'cii 116t llllllonq� Aro rainou avid been
is in their beent f it'had not happened that the Bible fr6m:the Pacifl'c, As inight'))
.. I
lale Are largo (3011- of and Jtln
)1`*11�01A iS likely tributors, nd thOr eoliecti()n is of gi iPli':hani -bull We
f6 Prove I beiiig li�ld at Ole �anii.e 'time, which.
W AN Ttl nItelo peralice 4's tile, . spine. cl.oWded one. The nieetiiii I dian beilig especiall� ly appre-
lIrN Ekl-A L 1 ILL 1`1 i Was called*o ticeable. i'Nlajor IN:& I �-1 d the corri- cifed.
'. I Lou 1) ply ',ttWARTS n�-An . Lif y
wiige.,i, Ali 01, ato'bligation-by. SATCHELS.. A c t1inent. i� ne- 1, (lei- by yoti'llo, Mr�'Forres
rntIV tied. lip
UU Ll,�
ulciller, a' in allowing so rilaily. rticles to fol:111
collection., TIC- tome
n f le 1Visd()nI- of SI, hgt� _ lei
na. BOAP D W A N TE f). nle on e I lures, bat,tle-fleld telies,
toorle nigilit", adfrozen,. rlo�� The, first stilijee ei!e nre all theni8elye - s. Mrs. Qi. ori
oW �boarl ci
can 0itaiii , 13 Xt aMAN I -�judg 9 R 80
it' The Pastor's ielation'to the over, w by -they AN'
WHITE in ri,or 'I, as introduced by Rev., J. d and an 'overn- on in neir(d�, sea len
Of tit e (.T
tofi The, �asitiiv shoulit, moul by their rep esentatives i As Plel no, we, t, looking sot ha�'
oversee ew
7 i'Hounteastleli'lls
6 -cf the teachers'. ings. Ile. Inclit He spoke briefly oil, Alr� .11.4
I dharactei Ineet Weft has retih,ni�d 3f paiiiiinge by ifierselfi'ad wit in lie aig(I )er 0 ot, ever.
as niuch lia:pogsible,,arraiige-his Sab o our county atilily bil�i;I�inii6p of great i*alue
lagazine- A 131tir b of tile, base,
urgboontri utors re Mrs,
taught. The paator�should visit, and'endour-'t duties, i(l In
andYO 0 N. Matheson" Uisi Evil. Steveu,soll', Airs "age S. 18. U -01 -lit and Woxl-ors itil th is
y om S bf had iny- county btisiness to e t'�.� ."Yen,eTally� -.oheitper� W Tay A. S. el
id CIIIIII tIn 'rom Air. John Govi Ilia people., fiflEable discu'iaiiiiii transact; with him:- He dh(-,- NNIOU Tis,ber, Allis. Ilerriott, Mr. of th is descii0ion 111LICII 3 ee'deit
thh foil�%ved in, swleve il� to Al n
one that I Slnit4soil, Alrs, He
Ildwy, sr., this' ave;, Webber Irwin Airp-.. �;6. cle-, B. I
might. wish �o fbr Mr.- foliukoin, to I
V1 ()I* it"s a
Rev. P. Mu�, Aest part of, thi tow 11911iP.,
(rooidt, Clacks oft, then took g nn( a Me lye Iiiie 6
the oil thjP thtire'.ara�seir
Exhibiti I are- the collections kilrully givell Old
;Of moral, BU� w4 kee,cived 1; o d
after thanking the audience by,tilomle friends from a distance. - Re" V. os.
.1 preki the worihip of The chc
icap. -e; haa sent hnect-
qj a be yellicle Of instruction, -
i It ol
SON for th e, il eifttv we com.e t I y. li'ad: ell Yhi]15,
'lind the' oung
Of Oil'
the livill"i shotild, be iul him in.vited-W Johnston or ally foll6: Japatiege r�rlclnding ii,ev(,ral 'Pagan, Iscriptural, easily,uuderr�ood, a uminous, oUgbt- t6 ckplai should be that would appear !on his b6balf - to !the &od,5 and - some J apainese - books Revi-.:W osgi s
the solli n itself BirLt;� of Blyth, hs loan6( I I several.vCy 11111 Coll Ilei 14
short, spirited,'Iively� 'A goodr leader is Very platform nd that oil ille a, oup fiol I � -1
choirs ishouldba t, 'StILlIt. to book it the i3itter-Tree, ottio made
IN i -asse g iven the ILtiter- a.% h e to ok b im Put ers a
from 4 i kht,, and. tII&'PsAhns:Of Over
;,tmincidppirl the Tli�,aadressthrouglt,- self. After a ':fe" H r6markm ;preqoht4 Ites of lat _I I
Ois, 'hap yt n V ears"old. of
cry sugges- EVVELLER, I . -"F tive ;Df,the way- d upou. the bt of the time bAiveon ii6ity. os. 1, and 2 ot
QREAST,.H`U RONJ I""As "llmol im whict, S-S-,�WXIBIC should nd the elections, an the i'difficulty 1 of sends,a Chinese table Ilaphia aud X1 nd SOMC flile Indian WO'll, of 010
-0 S C
Mr. A]. Bengougb,,Belgrave, next t6olc the.
'sito ins and bad roads he entered it i fit I spa�emeas of Swiss carying find NESS in,
ji�r -is
Jlly , and ft*r� -K'� f-e�v reniar oil, the, tor rooln of'J. Church -
t8 rev 'ew- of.Iii.,�3!ierviceR-.66§:�tlieir -represent. - turgeoll a hrge varlet f irb Ils., AN' Jaii iwai
Ofr black -NOTICFI, JO 108TO boneii t -1
tilve in. the Local. fbr, tile past b"
ipt not this.wcek:'etiumerate 'arti hose '"o hat 1, Aluirphy., w W oney. five set Wrot illumtratl6hs
e Municipal Lotn walit to kDOW what is them st Call 1411(1
OHN veylr interesting 3ili I h6l�i th ��. �f ( ey,.—.-,
LL pantteh indebted to. the eStat� (1, M wofitable, elio;sving he �q ' r, io�olll of artn
Fund 'Qu4sti6n 'ettlef.1 r he see tor the sbli pved
oi th7a �c an be riveted . Beacom, seoby
A , hildren c at tbroi nty. eol e
cup.' I IS'. 1) 10 ik S 0,1N, 'b ih his clally we�
save eoatp� Tit- other departu-i4at y 11sing such ffluitratiye livans. showed th, t � at the tezider e'God
ADAX,.i As8iiiudwl. -over an . it� AN, uld sustained, On Tuesday evening the choir of 11, . , '--ti In pie �of,*Seu ClasaTeaching yvstl 1 0 printing -be a�eept-
gained S'80',000� more th.
Ci t the C.M. 01hure r
1-d- efi- -b— ve doite, it,, Ge, ed it . . . . . n the hi.zonde ed scv�,ral very ood
B IF ed � y aevenvor), Clinton, on It. pri lectiouq, and others have� also iven,t oil -
tors, repo 1cts 4,)8-31' fa,,mucli of the governj�ent; thatIbis md� §e . . HOUS11' TO R,EN Y, rod. poi- nddirec be
serviag�,an xcellent :supper v e. ftern'oon thie�:nomivatiaig C
111[t'-4�r�COTL'Yk',UiC'I'ItIV-�itliateAI 31011AC oll. iii,thit.imaiter, Tli6�couutyr
ec�i'ved about /r�Donld� of No.
Its �T Strect, ii -est of the Q Cburciih; tee's repolt.w, izind the foill1wing Offi- $300,000 in 1. e:settlenient of'. that froili to 7. : 30 ole r 7 6nipany ))y I good weilaud ot fi Asix rooms�. vitl ber e t'on moderate terms. All- co�ts olectea for the Pres'dent, tlon.� By a change in'theJury let ;It Ili* t�d to elmets f6 J -he
ollli6e, or to MISS CRURCHILL. Mr. 'J ain" �Tboizi'pson,' Intoll
ki say- be (,ran
'oderich -Mber,
dents� i� r r an utial
'2,500 -aud ilnothe
I&, of'. over Goderich tow thel, for
N AIGA� W INI, Gray, supp, to
orth� J. 'Alii ei, I 0im itry, o the'�. CLINTON 101Y NCY BOAUPEItS' WANYED. g4lil.,18 a 8 ade iiom.tbo g flice Ii ilby-the G rulnen arc
Illicitt"Pakota, apend- 'n 104' (.1 town bf'�, t l -AA i`,,,: Vensol:ij (Aintou, or. ')in his apf)ealitiucc, thi llorthwest cli I ma -to
TU-ILW poilding and Tresu �1Q. Ste-, ing a rLW dilys wi�h old friends and jud"iiig ciourve,
�: Mirinte wrotary, J. 110,16'ss local pointed out, t to thful in hot 1yedler
F71 tikv doori; from 10� 1611C I Lim not
-X okiii mstfi he -the aI will room t�igether'takbn J)�r inisters resident -in, receipt9 n1expenditUIT'S Orthe iig in rinusi, itteor, tes, ioroug I r 'ra
I T TO 8 torth for econo
aT e dd
ice.of 0
6 sblitar instal as.,
and"Jhidk§ 01i rutlirniu(i in :t or tc
hose things NVliJJJ)eJ,s �i
TN) nP
'ItOn," iturecoiiil beshaivo.onlyint rs J. done on 70'1 on. . -
cale 3 ay -in
where it ould take plAec in'the inter0t 0) d Who havo here lot- forty
irer. r )o s
'1VI So )TT "Countiv, Such �as the crution and or litty -yoar,3 say: they. ilever sRiv -as.nutich onar or on(,, yeal:
�a d-' e
a A-s-wo-s —by, Alf GT. mairiteriarticie"O"f instittitions: f6t blind DOwArl ofie wint� I, as there is, tbis� -ticil q 1in oil th (I
sclolairv� w adjourned to As illtrodu! clad by Rov, A. Stewart, 1) : olofl,Qai tho auaA G"A',3t, y. 'Clintioll Ther period of &U a(Brmitford deaf'an'dumb,at B 'V- y little talk of p olitles for the eleCt'IODS
all AV rig Alrst 116no
to, be 3o near. The general opinion on, both
4hvision. T01131)fl�u ilton"Chatlis'm 'st: "I'llomas, Normal school at"Ott, wa
les- iieerns, to, �e"t
ly 6���o Christian tca�hi liat.1-16
Ing ;t, e,paa- 63 And'l' the,
-it members, Will be the fort)anate ett i, ol-t6ite'lier"must live in the -affections of giveii un gand gradting I I his'actolaT, atidlive iliadotitiice be teaclies. iag it bo.
ndid. �l )01 i; �W k 5 by R ey. iurAl societic thi, split N"Orria art or was spoken to
I i U I[iL'E ill'.
4 and
J6a Philp-, 11elgrave, wbiq placed re th"I
1l)cioas@d.ap`p,, ;ions to Hhoh riell 411ity and ')[I -iourge
O1,br3n,-,hed varl froalroin.r.118t dilil �mut�..and yery, C=Velft "finje t 046 del &c., rn t --of M81.,, They tion, 'it]: ar ve 4 cDougall B bush,
fit the 'ry whick, � the gove men M'Buflalo, re both� on arId in a short time "Ut ald split
productive.. "yrran6ed free from ull Joi4 ben6lits growitig out!(d bits' �ceh,ellabled to do, by its, tllorml(Oi odto thlair broth or - %bout thirty
4knd urged the i i nt offis t
oi*el(l fr�onn ro t(,'79 �lnij;rioll :K ON 50 tien'tto 1waskell,
teconomy all(]: Inituaielne
W�. - JAC 0. appreciate the, surprise 'much. We con., I
are very 'tate: thri. above,
urah C1, 1e inceting bf chiid mi iin B. G. 011 oto'
c', from them by %yi idy advortis
at ll"i Ire The,first act wils tf chola�?is rc f.4 1, Or latol
thtis tt* tll:e 11.1ii pos'si-lb e" f V, Sy to the, h ge Ing ori
1,0366 t�d by�], �t(o6k up tbe'Crooks Act ay,
The speaker dw�elt lipon the
7`EY To :Do next. They filtend' tw hve, all
and Ole, sho,Nved that io, 6iiest
cholar�s debt to_ 2 n d
the � .;., I i " ' ' f:-4b'e'lollo�Nred by Isin, a of
10 �e fol. the s-chbbl antl l"al lar Ove
d I othii,; species alicl cotintry coifld oys er supper, 0-4
y -0 Ila with it and showed by the. pi
t boi obe rtsoti
Tho followinc, abstract, from the udi-
to lj�o I,t I (i, k. by oi-
-life oi politics, �nd he did lio lit) will� 1W Of
nt,;, t to rate pyors
sdo�tll' bi ie 0 tlle,�t, t� It
S oil
1) Irt, hAONJ t oo-Lie to S. S. lhlvcs� intoiro�t. AJ)J)lY to work by others to coi P 1116 tBoys and Gir free. froin. s t6 the
lil for Christ uc-xt
pros�iyitod'by )o$ition: L)f raternity, de
f ioment, of' li or, e r e d" In
hr .742 26
the in-
Wh(t,ifillpreSSC ext ith MON it the <�Iiilar' the Stiemils bill' Ill"Itt6i. El. 43
nattics the'fact tb kees a record. of tho. iE M V L,
t part of 010, OVCM7
JiCellse Thb new bikery is -tiiitkiii and actions of boys and gids every,�oy an(! 7.5
li, th 6 e I , er;_
i nt t�,p (if III It %Vil lJoLe any Jong(3 thaIJ4 tI)eii:
idl 10 A-1 up I lie S.
'E I �Ls 4,
God the '1)03�8 arld gi Mr. adtiiiid the preco,oding ones,, emains te) bit scell. r I girl�,C:;611 A someiliiug to bili, S", %vh
irls to ro %y 11 P
W. JACKSON, aud 80
'I N Uj.e. L ii in e n ]told, tb'()ir regiii Bank ccount-
noble and pure. -ci 840,006 oil thii bnks oft '00.
At �he evening in t1! 1;.G. m6nth Ade- Tiltere t
dispixted and that the forri
Ier Ilad grdo pleetit," (if flie dood Tariiplai,s Look AT.bucy .. ....... 500 0
ligs tp, the floated 45'000 1
fe,�e ititiloductory remarks took the g4 dowii the
Non-resident, frown coulity: The subject nissigaea, to 11ev! 3�eCtiV6 O� tlk ILtter's this' e �)n i` 1i t S. S � 1,11:
Goats 0100k 00r,'W.Ta nis in enOther t ll-ind,,als* thattbero� were 232 trea
. . ......... tit filroNvil open �0',' tb I w1doll bad -speaking of the lottery btisidess till the
elonvell- t4hp,lumber regions e
or Combo 47
tion, Revs. �f. J. 111etchl Ileed 6f ailall,- 31te (Aitor d6cs not believe
t tho, j�irties
ej, i anE ItV [N!r and,tf. <!,as well, and Messrs. 1 kfcGillicudd�,� W110 1XI'Lldle thein had 'it t d stl
par . C., tb son atitil Yateg tool t ddt061111ty, rates JJ '00 resuror 05'
0 o I I
en t, lie electioils. Tnesday next will, settle, �11 dwb o ppearcd,determined� to prpv Owil-
V� Mr. J. Cl. o 01'
Con-Soc. 'I t Strem from th"4 In1ttt0r, -.11 1<1 the iiiiAe dayh' talk Salarie�.and 0 land bo*e him oil the
o 12,;. witlil fille following, �llowing, No. of s(ellools i
0 L I IN 'tot
160 reported, 791; N361 the nlost out of' Will follow, walrit goes, School se'oti6bs, 48'65 foreman
of 6flicers 'Xo. o'f tdacber� 800;. NLO of then e'lltered 11,poll A 17 it r (1, dsand 11D 00
go i t,nifip,sprelld oll t fil 17e,13ce Graccy?s flit'llit'll , re factory, mob Elocti6u 0 4 '00'
N so Lying
t ,Vc
set forth tile rio'lit 'of Ohtariiq to No. Of: papers, i to F y 11 , h er 6 OfArLs fingers, one very badly, Rill ou'll 6.1cl X poll ded in suppott, of Irehiarks il.fhe a, 0 P
�.? �t6i,.dressc'd.tlioi�i, rill tin't, P081 it a(ld
68 i - 1 2 0
i)6s by,'4�11'0�'
P�1116ols open diiiiing'th 0 IINE PLATED WAR
z at the warst one ivjl�l lik ved. 40 00
t Itaties. a hools C al d nis all invitation foir.illl� Bills payn;ble redoerned
ti Ltion, and
J00 0,0
series 1098011s iiscd, 7:3 ltitorna�fional series o ll�a L,3 ro� y oil. lie r Jolinstou, Rev, Dr. terw9t, oil debentlirc .......
temperance orgarti7ai oWednesday to-isaisli in the s
'his So Val sdrVices
it 8 ly� A; n,,, to) mail ii i ir 0xiiii, rd elia s a n ol 1) t; rij n pledged the 606 ; largest school: : .111 V. W. G. �Swiirle Ltl6n,, illoy r I pre-.
Vo to in Methodist C h 0 r6b,
at, Imi rates from Fngl&r'tlJroi- e I
Vent d him getting ]I e'r or. He re'..
n tho county, Exeter P'ro. School ; No' 8- S to Afr. Ross'lbl' hi�; iiblC�, icl aar
m ilny i!ity oi� railway LoWn. in Ca. geholars in the world'; -33,0G3 2
ll,nioltice itmoutit is rofuntiola small dearl 5 3'. teachers, �Vd jUit, eX1PoAti()n of tileL political (]UeS� maills over Sunda
tlion it the ticket !R not 1,ii 823,total * 14 No., S3, sobobls� on C)0, 44�
FEL L ER Y all's"( U411i. now bdOre, 66 'seconded by Oill' Villa�(3 POet, 31r. 11 %6 4.1,712 - tbtal', in Cdpada, 38
5,40 in Canid 0;
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ake quit it book.
7`� Mth, 1492; ght. Clint'oll. A ogret xt tb(; ni ge
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