The New Era, 1883-02-16, Page 8rebruary % 1:883 in this harbor, mutinied I yesteroia, y. and t - attacked -the. warol6rS.' he.polipe in er -ANTFORD SCAN THE BR bef ore going to Teonto, when be oftered her money to hush the matter tip. He � did MANITOBA. A MONSTER TOMB., L "PIAL. I Sheihad The 0111 coltas C1 ieroid ad were, badly beatea� - The soldierE� and marines were ben P"Allect 6 tit, and not name guy, particular amount. never had� any conversation With Mrsi hargge Nuinber�,ol Voters Bev Or'lly Great Alarm Over the,Sinking of 100 Acres before the disturbance was� quelled Several, MizS 1eiczzhMa,-a on the, i3�sattie'reoarajng Mr. Beattie's habits Cyr bip El"tion Da,y. UnOpr a Town. Oh I 'the Old, old clock of the household stock Was thebrighteat thing and the neatest; hands, thduigh P, orflous were injured. � at a , Mr. Davitt, in a Speech a Witness Staiid mode of. life ; nothing to imcite her sus- picion ihat� all 'Was .not well between thew. Its old', had U touch of gold, Audits chime raug still the Sweetest. T*aA monitor, too, though its of the National Leagug--cip SA.turda' Before Zdr�. Beattie's departure be bad ne h due famiAiarity wit .11 ver;s N EDITOR WILLLOSE BOTH LEGS. AS BAD AS,AN EARTHQUAKE. words were few, 'Yefthey lived though nations altered; could '.nl A Nelp feeling . that Act a mail Coal d own Any un her (MisB LeiBhmau), nor had , she been i A telegram from, Brandon states liati ­ A telegram from WilkeBbarre,, PA., says And its voice, Still strong, warned old and young, Wbentho*oic6offr�eudEihii3lklterdd-.. "Tick, tich,!,it the, , most -Godlike'.. perform would be to bompicite,the crush f *: MR. BEATTIR BAILFD PUT RE familiar wi in In answer to, a ques- tion. of the Police Magistrate, �Ile Ba d she. Mr. G. 1�. Elliott, -editor, Oj­ e Brandon A14il, had -been badly frozen 'at that place A few mititit6a b,efo� p6 o'dlocktbiamorn ing the residents of,?t Second �.w 'he- 4 ard, one aaid-'�quick, quicktobea For nine I've given warning; 'Up., ing f - the hide. of landlordism. Mr. Gladstone could, give a legislative blow A�,Jast (Moinday) uight's Bgsiltford- ' , sayf�-. Rev. F. il'. beaUie, SAW no one from the date -Of- his first com- last Week, having gone, out, on the �pfaiiie of tbp ,outlying cohiers of this -city, We& from by up, and go, or eUe you. kvpw You 11 never rise soori,in the morning." to landlordi. in his, nathe Would be revered despatch pastor Ch &f'tb6 -Fir-St 4Pr_6�byteriau r b jag to b a er room unti Mrs. Beattie4l retur while in A: B tate of temporary: insin bUly froze -a Bta rtled sound Blumberg- a roar the shock of an earthquake6 voice was That old, old clock, As it Stood in the corner smill' ng, by every generation.of li berated victims, To wage increumg Strife agaiust Irish poverty; 8' brought all action for �10,00 a . Oat a M. t Leishman for deta a 0 of f Tom Toronto., So soon - as -Beattie returned, Mv.'BeKttie spo; ke of' the 141liott was so thatit isieared he will los e both legs. 'of i3rea't..alaria prevaiiea, And in A few minutes the streets were,filled with men, And blessed,the time, with a merry chime_ The wintr�-hburabeguilinq; in isery and crime Seemed to him an irresis. IRS, character. The' following Particulars AT e of the girl, � and found 'fault with it. She had dressed to � o6t Ssturd4y, act Mr. John Sutherland --br other Mr.' Hugh, Sutherland, M. P., died, somewhat women and children in variou� st ages of -But a cross �old voice was that tiresome clock, AS it called at da7break boldly, tiblyinaperative Auty. Ha.sai Irish land- Idrdipm,and Castle : rule were being b eaten taken from the Evening E xpositor : During the "t few day s d I evelopments bavu been go on ku0vhjg.Mrs: Bewttie ntended returning _tbm olay,- -With the inteDdon (,f Tiot: returriw Suadenly.yeSt I erday. He WSome . tbre I �e weeks agolost for six. days whije:on big fright, All in scanty many facing the zero breezes of the'ear)Y hour Wfi&ritbe dawn looked gray On the misty way', And the early air blew coldl Y;, inch" by Inch. . h' )ity who quietly awaited by many in t e 4, - - lug but � wbeii Mf a. Beatbe came She wayfrom'St. Francis'to Prime Arthur's iu' their night clothes � only. The first, tick", it said�ll quick out of bed -L., For five I've given warning; 4 'get WILE WIIE VIDWW, have received intimation�of 9, ceitaiii'affAl'r in-wbich the name of 'A most� res�eoted to 61V stay. Landing, and Was three days without food. Exposure was I the, cause Of, a bad 'cold shock was followed a few tnintites later by another ns lo4d and its al u rming. - Ab the "You'll never have he&lth� yoT1ll never weultb, Elopealeng at an Jnxt�rgoll 11turried M an cler gyman, figpred._ -The ciiounist'nuces the ease are , as follows, sm� tb, counFelforthe defendant Which settled on big lungs, and ended, in pedpleran.oupottheii homes, the eei lings, ofinauyofwbich were tumbling about Un less you're up Eigon,in the morning." I . *Ith aviliew. 'Consider- of principally mind arei mysterious enough to call �,r elic.'�, d the ol,owibg : Mr. attie li� congestion.' C' al lands 6whed'.by the Local h ir heads and the earth �fairly,_ruehing. t e Sii'll'h6i!rl�-the,sound-gQ'eo,) round, With a tone that cease6.never,; : An �Igergl oil despatob�'Says: 8uspsugioii�f judgmeat,iat' leastntil, th6 wribwij hi wife complaining � of -lier cou- I 601�ov.n . caimed by er. t Wng wet lands re I 'y `beneLah theirfeet, tbewild:est consteruation While'tears Are shed for the bright days:11ed, And'the old friends lost.forever;, -town on' Tqe§day by the report libat--V before the cuntits. � For A� IpLig &Ct, audl. K,i.king tier to come bolne, of- time, _ih-eiq A Is drainaRe, were puton the market yesterday, Y, 5- - e 1 --or d reedized roW 50=to 2 95 - prevailed. Mothers Caught up their .1tgvheart beats on, though hearts Are gone Tuat warm er beat and younger;_ e d With a Mrs. Potter,_m' groo r, bad elope 'whom relationship existing betwbun Rev. i�. R. shove arrivt�d, a I adiiig that she 11 did not b; I The price, is deemed reasonable, As t e h into the, bold, d'ark morEdug, without Its haids 6till tiaoe, though hands we love, Are clasped on e4vtli no longer I buxom widow.cf 40, With it is Bup� posed he has 'been on the most iltimare Beattie, pastor of. the Firtit Presbyieiiali Chur'ch'alld:his is Said, by what he When blieweritto'Toronto -utue - pl�e went with her to with MiH. i Be location is, in the i f theniammo , Vic aley �o n H�Oppiug to throw a wi tle or other protee. tion,about"their forms. Children joiiied '(Tick, itsaid-"tothe:chur0hyardbed- terms for some. time past. Warner has her parents,who live iLi Toronto a7nd7_ivho Mr-'Gaibraith's i�o LOW far In.,' MeBsis."Ross'and Sutherland, M. p�,61 withAheir Shrill' for a time a, The.grave bath gi;�en warning- Up, up and rise. and look to the -­And�prepamfor-a heavenly in been engaged in I the grocery bu�inesB here Jor-the-past-three -years, and,ba4heretolore-.-few-outside 'an hava ever �be,uliion _.,]�qeu opposed �0_1 . _L.Ivery. I - e from him aaltiqg 1-i 0 Come., and bring _j�_,Jean ie. d She-, start folr�Ottawa on Friday. T6--y36r-IMRYd`hiSFfi rat -c -a -s -e -b -y perfect pandemoniuni prevailed, the stout- ar ted -mill ers�bavitig-rhbfr-b and a 1) Kcellent, -,char�ae qrbe - e: ter-�11e_-Was- -difficuify-11 I a had neve i l�seen Mr. Galbraith, before. : Of mit, to-dmy� Ile. Will be i theilr.attempta 0 quiet -the apprell 'As VD IRELAND'S OUBLE universa lly. respected, and up to a, f W months ago.heid the pogition'of. deacon i u last we6k, and Mrs. Beattieleft his home- 6 to the, roof to Mr.. C) the lawyer, she had heard t 1 h �Ougli Mrs. Beatiiie, '�wh,� had referred. to orrow. a in the of the womela'and childrell. the early exp. 6, 1'rers Passed along1be, main street they, ' iliere. it return parenta prbparator 'In Sixty'disabled engines are Station tbL Ba is reported e ptist Church filing a, bill for divorce. July last . one' him as her lawyer prior to 8 difficulty' at' Winnipeg being repaired. T1 lie is the discovered_mmby_,]zigzs' 9 th&thisdome8tic relations hm�emt been woman,naraedLili'�faLei6bmaii,a rr duate She d seen m letter from Mr. Galbraith ' effect 'ofth ooldopell.. five, inglie&"in' width; runuing diagonally ZXa inatillil tj the most happy, and that -frequent unplea- 111 �te, Consplravy_,�Cnaea­ C L of. the. -Normal. ch o o'l, came to thi's city, lo Mrs.�Beattie, inWhich Mr. Clark's b . I ame,i Contractor Shields, says the Dominion iaqross the thoroughfare And utiderL the, Three.ot the'"PrUokero Ideitlitled by , SAW scenes have occurred between bini And �bio Wife. L Mrs. Warn , e , r i his Second wife, arid,waw6mplb�ed at tbeBlin Institute. hile, here L be Mrs. Beattie] At A .1 Was indatione , and in which a reference � d was made IL to M I r. Beatt . is. As the �" Re V."! Goverlimient 'has Made arraugemeutb� to Rat houses that line the street., These N vere thremterking-'in character and tended at, tile' Ventan and between her and his children by -his B M: et cburch'eocial�at Mr. afantham'Si And SOL , Mrs'. Beattie alWa:YBL read berletters tober S�3 iilidi't liqUorL, suppre Selling at� P . e. I - to'great ease thealarm. ly inoir first- Wife Lthere his � been constant trouble. fav6rab y. impressed her'that-Mrs. B16attie' her she had never. liefore The Canada'Pacific hasdet6imined t When the firbt� streakA'of dawn came n4' eavliag tl�r; the The announceilient,. that he had run away 0 pened her home -Jo- her; And took er in had m gikiin'L her Mploy 'that she c'uld' t MOOSe JAW, locate ar division. h passing Btr6adiing over tfie'bills,e ver� body iu the ''Matutina Aileged Murderers Ar voted In Gall� *t, WB6�at first discreditedby be rly every,ope as A,c ompanion. Just here is �vhere *the a wore positively that Mr. giu&.. At the West end of the' track the war. -fast, And the d forgot break way�4ndny of Con,�Icts in' Cork Wbo,hea.rd'it, in Such� i ebiL -b gh este -' Was trouble arose. - For 01116 r�pason,] 'best Beatti& was t spd,ken -disrespect- no Ow is only one inch deep. Rainfell0ere - labors of the AaYL were enti'Lrely Suspended. the guilty ' man held by his fellow: knowaL to hCra0f,' Mis. Beattie suddealy .of in letter ; never: beard fully that r WAS belov wher, -the'- theruidinelte 7 The atreets,, wet e,rowded -the Dir'fuil, ­'Conflititing A Saturday's' -Dublin �oable grain SAYS: 6illize Wgrver-galae,, -time ago sold his wel, Toronto, leavin Miss Le i'mian. tOCg Mrs- BeAttie'speak other then �respebtfully zero,. fl 60, oat reports. L M Ir, was Brady, Kelly,. Hanlon, Dwyer and, Rav elired d Snigh &pp in to- 9,y,- charged farm for �5,500, and, later, he sold, hi intereSti tic a a cheese f t6ry for H00. Ills he oupant L Of t1le of her huBbad'uiftll afte able: 11 ly felliale; r this tro ad r6ta,ned lihad, house. When she shel was ,arisen hadneveibeen told7that in ille'Nortlewesth ___VAttle mmhem Ave ustaitled losses -to, tbeii berda dl%coverediha.� -the' foundations of buir. dreds of dwellings were torn Apart by wide� --cours With conopiracy to murder tlipj�ior Field'. USlnegg*18 Slip b' i poSedL to bave been, a profit- 'ief drined by the young woman I that Will him b elfore. She ' smid wag ber,con- a severe 6 wZde t o . thedntehsecold� this -Seam r. r e -The co&t Wa, 6 owded Car fully'; able one, and it is -thought that he' has- " , L , ' she had been, outraged by Mr. It' ti I i I'll' .Wh a sh consulted Mr ep is gir . e e epatch�reckVed 'bv Mr.. Acion Bur. 111911, ceilin4soleStroyed,chimneys careened,. d . I a gn e4C mrroll, aged, 17, deposed that on. I taken %way msum various y estimated at. from $8,000 to �10,0,60. ' His debts about ASL Sated, and t6atip The charge v� reB an info.mation was laid at the I )olice,C�urt,'. Clark Miss a Sister . ofMrs. Beattie 'N, �probably 6. or 18, y"re L 6f,age, 'they I � 91 - rows, of 'Winnipeg, ata�68. -that* large, L lltqp�er L of pe n reons- belonging' to Birtle� d, e1wilks. illrown over as though' by an', on, And'.' L ' An : Small , brid exPlOgi In y s6 -this evening of November 27Eh' she blaff a to7n, we believe, are not large:; neither, but as the CAB Q'Was not in the jurisdiction accombained bier to big' office, � where district ha& been frozen,, some of them wrecked. � Three hundred L feet . below ' oarwit.6 Zlii­ Ebree. passengers An ver ­W&`ppdpr�tkqd7-does he owes, largeamount- - L stiat;6 -a - huh -has Ol ''been' ! . L MetMr; Galbrailth by_appointril-eat. She: _v,rybadly, 6n.6le tic L a yj the :surface are ''the *orked-out Col. stop in Hardwicke, street. - 1hr6­MeU7gQV- h-which-L"o- L entered by Mr. Beattie against tb e. yo'ling said she supposed �hb would have, to pa�f 'A Rapid- City gebtleman, ',who , wag li6ii`SB� be-lobiging- t e were_&lly� and Br�wdj.! Slie-saw. them it is ell, dealt. Thowomailiwith wb _P� iip-a IeBF�. -woman. in. for',66famation have Mr. Clark,, lhiaith had. said notbib'gab out paying him to her,'nor bad'. ' a. con t6n t9_bf,_th e-desPatob rmed-of'-th - I - -too had referred.A6,Baid 1. we Agreatnum HildBon Canal C onii - The:coal, when. fr6ra -k_-- :­ ^-thLL-' 19, noWn as She saw the , glitter of s'. callu-sword, r Warnerbeing,A, man of,about- 45 or 50. - ._ al 0 giv - inst: iii to' file , a bill Of : , 8 en r be, given: her any, nionev� She as* r. bar of people frozen badly in 111innedosa, on Baltimore vein,.which is,fifteen feet thick. dagger.: � Two other � men , were. 'behind Mrs. Pis a plutup, actiyei intelligent- -divorce, And Miss Leishn�iaa is' also 1 insili i. WbYMS hi�t on Tbu6day last, before she 'Mr. it election day.'. The weather'waBb ter cold A few year s ago it is Baid'that the Company ZradyiI slid when Field felk hp 1, was looking *Man, and �ratber good-looking.. -tutin, pro I ceedings againSt &r. -Beattie. 9 had received the telegram from G%1_, and of upwards of 200 vo terA wfio -tuine�L,: 'ordered the pillamto be What is technically again 'stabbed by �­ Biad�_ or " Kelly. She formElrly lived in - the township, Of The latter's hitherto dicellent . ire - puta braitb. She bid never beard'of-a divorce, out,'I think that atle�mSt four fifths termed 11 ro6bed "-that is, to remove' the, Tile three'luen then drove'off.' Kavanagb. Derbhim� where her husband was engaged . tion Cannot 1 but , sustain. him ari I the but Mrs. Beattie had Spoken to her Of ­j mshave been se�s'ely froist bitten." -natural columns of coal left standing for, the - driver. , T W was I he L itness, pogiiively' iaL L farming., The latter died some five Courts decide whether be Was imprude rikor desired,8ppiirAiion. she lodged aoi com A Portage, lit Pialhe telegral: a says: -Dr. Per' the support of the roof, and, put. timber L ift.entified �,. Brady,, Kelly, And ' Kavuuagh,. years. ago, and. his idow, ha , b 8 I eell 8, ' the v ictiul.of a Aiscont6rite,!,'�ripriii,,ipled, I int At the time, with LMr; Weyms, pre., s, pre,, Delahaye� �vlloi bad his legg.sobadly frozen' Dehihay' in their :props places. The -theory' of ai She s d im Accidental conversation with a resient of IngersollAol theL past tbre 9 'Mr. teattie.claims th woman. at the whole ferringto-seeMr.ClarlifirBt. Shehadtwol a fo . w night , 9'§ince,'is-in a', very criticaleb fBw ml� to-day's'digagter prop� have: is that these oliceman. caused her,exammation- She isn years. Sha ifie-moilierof seven children, circumstance is but it Scheme' -to' obtain lette.re-from Mrs.'Beatie whild the latter dition. It'is lEeared that one, if not both� of. ihis rotted And are now, beginning to give way. did but inform, in oop8equilneq of, theire- one of them being of age. It is thought, groundsfor divorce,.which baslorig'been was in Toronto, the., contents �of whipli, his feet will �have to' be .amputated,, as feet Experienced miners 'apprehend' the- drop- that hhebas alsd_taken, several - thousand desired by. Mrs. 116attie'SL friends. Littl& 8 , when'k6ol for, she positively declineol'to as set ortification h it in.rtifi.`l' d6wn,�geveral fe6t. of.the' eintire,Burw I L . I in the breahtor face. Theprisoneri smiled -h- 7th- ­pr no lars wifff ei� e ope EI�youug­woma, h K��n�ss to pr -g1_Ve_but_e_XrQ,A9_kt3g 7i _�er V O. Ch. 0 r6eellitl The Corporation of- Win Y� 'nipeg t dest . r face, in which 'even tLgrea no t ion of .at the evidence and -joked'. � The gurl re, she: had. di 'L Bposed bf. On Tuesday, -Leisbman is regards -her former -life'.'Suf. duce'them. :, sold,61, 0001 of pa area to d 61 2 life-a6A properv.-,muLs"ilev-itabl.y-fcliovi- fused to go on the i in 6m -stand, it d the next witness'alsorefus6d.; iheywe ah r6 there- hawhich hen it. L became k6okn: W a , r Ad �lejt t" own big sh L op. was besiegM. by t t ce,i , o my she ig�' evidently clever, we -dress , and of good ad is �oHgegsed V NOOSE L W hen M r. Beattie'Llirouglit the L d" capi a ists,�deliverabld ilNeW York. Thp,p press: Coin pAny � "ked; the consider- L Much exciiemeril all Over t the 6 ity, L. ab6ut--the threatened' -fore examined frim a side bench. - Counsel a 11 creditors securing L goods ma "to � cover of ready, wi't and remark'able coolness, And man on Thursday She expected 'it'was for able sum o 541800'to trallsp'ort,the deb I ea- tiict have Stated that be, intendi 3d; oulyto pi6secute their claims. The, appearlWee 9f a con. Stable with a distress warftnt, -issued by is uni i3g'ia her protestations 6(ibb: 'truth Of �r'� her Arrest, and Mrs. Beattie: came in ew r k,L but,'tb tures froM%LW1nnipeg to N Yo e Since L Most L of the houses Are n , morniug.� w ed by thrifty aii.ri au. genisd U repre, the five prisoners in this dock. Michael Farrefl,'aged'16, depospil �that on the landlord , suddenly. put. a sto L PL to these story. A Brantford deepit6h, dated last (Tues- weepitig And Said �he wuld'gio too, if -Miss LeishmanWent. Miss Leishmen. turned to City Council,with the Characteristic slir ness of. the Western people,. figure lip, the , their sole earn ingS L for years. Tlieir,dis' heeral evening of the Attack oil. Field he saw Oliera-tiOns, Bev who had secured goods day) night; says: Miss-Leisliman '.6barged Mr.L Beattie' And isaid Nbw-.you have matter anflbii�h,d thatit wouldbe�chealler tressisgreat, three iii upon the corniji of having Stayed until, i w too lmi6 to te.- t all R. F. Beattie at� - the . Police .Court done. it;. ve placed �cur own. a eck in On b to send' the City :Clerk and, an LATER. -The cave in mine affects over WAS Lon, t street., , A car tie, sidE .of move them. A'dousiderabl e qu%ntity was to -day. with' having' had'eriminal Anter' the nooBe, and I will keep it, there. In: Alderman to NE he dbou.' �w ,York with An hunared acres. Fifty houses b Ave been the street. The .Witness llnewl -Brady� Ravanagil'and Kelly. K 'taken away, howev*ei,, before the warrant arriv6d. It is' Supposed that :the L guilty course with ber against her w'il).: The.fol.� 'in the cross-examination the date of the crime, f men ts, a b d'so these C'1vlC dignitaridgmret6 holi day. And,'ec the. Vacated Wilk6sbiiixre is, undermined by CL, lierleg. RUMOTS!, Of the "inee working' Ol van was in II'L " " I charge of t e .Carl and. the Otlil two men dt on : Satilrday-* eve'i couple Ic n ng L for the the evidence taken fro Ahe lowing 1. Leishinan ap- Miss which was. given As the .26 erreL of 'to by Mr. Smyth., The magistrate' said,.it enjoy a trip onomize municipal expenditure st1he Same time. urity, of the city., is revived, but it is were near. C0'ilriollytgW`br'6 that1e Saw Fiel&on the West With Chicago AS their objective point., Warner's.. crime, no- matter how good big peared in Court attiredin a , gray L I 001 , )ea costurne,with aturban of the samemi terial . is eror,,not that 'OfL the informant was She W iv'en th�, Same w Ages as -compan- AW113 tnipeg telegram Says:, beLegisla. Z called togetber about,the middle ture Will T 61L aimed there is- no:,Aanger. jbLJB esti- mated Will t 660,000;, to. repair 11i COS ground. Kelly,who brughed,�­&gainsr thei, witriess, haol v, weapon '-partly concealed previous character may havie_Lbeen, or how. were� is 'unhappy his- domestic L relatiouBL' t immed..with,vel r ve�. She is probibly-21 year age, a very plain 1D alippar- ion RSL thog,q she received as sefvant,vi Z" �.6 per She had never 'spoken to I of February. The MiniSter of Customs has, on the �damage. under his coat.. , The n Wit L eas sa;w Kelly �6n without onEi.redeeming feature. His de. oertion of bijl *ife,Liin 'd,iis ChilAr6n is- made ad possessed Lof piercing grey i eyes, Mrs. Wallace of her trouble. She Said that ;would I -recommendation of the Provincial Depart- ]EtT L !��7�E SCAUE� the:clarl., A Stout man' With :66 iOVOlVer. e oth Bi L , Jumped up on th Eii, de the witness alithe,worge by his Sinful relations with with which, - She L n86jjO*ly critici664 the counsel for the- defence and reporters. she as soon� have thogbt of 'Putting iltill-th � ' - , e papers.. You are gpttlpg )t:,Iii. slit of A,;riculture, decided to admit pure. m . red L Fyfd,wheat free of,dutyfoj, r Seed Pu'-' pursuedthe car fifty yards, but WP68 Btopp@4, anotier woman, L upon w�oiae Children Also She has 'an� 16domitable will,�. and the papersnow," said Mr SLmy th, Are L , L J I , ­., PO B. Be Excitement in Paris at the Presence of tfie� by the mAn. Lt the di.g ce will fall most severely. duct 'L I 18 �depraved,' and was sharp and quick often in parrying the, i not Afraid of that?" I am not afrai& you The smallpox Beare at Rat Portage wag Ex -Empress'. �A this Stake'the Bixteom.other pri iSomrs, gainst whom there, is a general charge ,of cowardly, and, merits,. the cenBure.of every t. -n ques ions of the cross� ei�amii er. Heistory is AS 'follows : She 'Was Wril'in. Germany Of qytbiDg," sbpxeplied La date L runizied' t0ae. $he Spoke with ai.strohg Scottish fir gre�%tly.magliified) atid�Lthe: ex pitement is now:allayed.. conspiracy to murder Government'offli right. thini and:went to Scotland When -..very young; I cent, and carefully studied the A feeling prevaila -eid Among some that TH - E GOVEONMENT AND1,7HE BONAPARTISTS, - . . . L L I I �, - I 66k. W were Placed in the d illlaal�L Lwmi an ii oraier, d6posedAbat liewas Sworn n� ODAMW UN'"N" . CEIMI) to:this country.ab.6ut four years agoi, sitiee� wblch� time She has been employed: at questioners., The examitimt ion'] a�ted for nearly thive,hours, and rebulted In Mr. 'find Le�vec4ue, the Turtle' Mountainmurdeirer Will.liaVe his sentence, 6f death com ut � In e ­ L A list (Tuesday) nighi's Paris . despatch sayfi: The 'E mpreS8 ugehie., &nnolimeS_ Men ber of thg''L Fenian Brotherlidool-in 'Attended n Methodist at- St.; Jofi ,:N. . BL elleville, Torontoj Brantford and "other L 0 'Beattie being required to �4 _00 bail,' I to . twenty yetars', penal ser . vit de.' . Others M tha . t 1,1 ie igbores the Republic', and comes to: 1867. He with �Poole;' charged with the urdei of, Detective inO_,& meet- C I . I oppose the Union mchtme. A. St. John, -N.B,, despatch S&ya.: pladbg.' She gave Some Intorinafiou res. peciing her mcde I but declined to of biudgelf in� 49,006 And two sure Wl1l1L:b each. The ex b resumed, again see no reason, why the law should not it take� i s course, owing to murder being so ber,sympathy' 'with Prince Jerome in If in akeerAtiold. He c adh6rents'claim ingof: the Irish epublicah'Brothe hood. fM meeting o Elth9dist ministeis;of St.John give herlistory ftilly, Accounting forLl�aboiit onThursda y rife in the Community. presence Means a demonstration :'fL Poole Was L "'C. Curley !'- there.. : The �.ea' iaugbter�'by hiElAnability ' resolutions -were , passed which, while ffi a rmmg�.Bympathy with, the spirit. of � the, one Vear'B time out of, the four. Shecamd t 0 last the itution, for thEiEl ducation of-ithe I 119KIT.11911. COILUL4119A. . J[0&_IS*L in bebalf�of. the name and famil I 14 y 0 , Apo. leon. � 'Sb6-b to r pqogr iize ":Curley b dock; P60101 wag appointed 11.11 "' on, the� L north Bub.' 'Methodist tT,nion I Df. bektaia.portion�!bf the basis of approva o Blind, and remaine d there on1v al -short time;'As the daties, in the'Imundry, of Which A -G vernin It; a t the aen IXht �Wltb 911le,Enctny �nt rfitt4barg, own to be '5�� is hn -drro�nded by-mativb. and, -pronounced Boin'apartikk, goal f h' e 0 W 0 in he T Itness rebollected the murder , union arrived at1y. the Join t Vni` 0 C h head" 8 0 Was beav" yf.0t Jim. oA nllrcdvl� 18 't night's Pittsbu regard her"visit a's inopportune. In many :ennv;- in Saville Place, two years ago. on r - . . ...... . ..... Th -a genera, Oy 0 jec owing After leaviii g the Bli D&Inatifute she'etit I "d jQaP_Pt:th_q ap§� dis4ia6b __ -m - qu er ear �felt foe. f ift S f is tbe satety,c the, . Ward An othe Superintendent the! alternative occupancy 'to !Mrs.-Wallde. .ne had, B d t h Bays: The, A Vi6toila, L espa C fill riots that ever Occurred ifilh_!�Ziiy 'barracks: , ,-L-_,-bL ­­ j epA le- easures Ave 15-ee-iiFt-akdri-td�­ drime. the witniessbedame a-cenire. � At M cbutr6s held On aeeting ofcouncil York of C , hairi'L WitfiL.ItS I e c been gpitink �13 per inorith at: th t e ins itu- tjoh.'i rBeattie. to lier 'about Provi Y� 0 amen -was opened' to -da t Moral 'OPPOBI for, Yale; �cameb i the of the Salvati 6 s§ Any demouStration. re There bas tep �EUgebj*,q ,street it *as decideiLt 6 -arrange for 'the enLt the object to lay repro. in � the' annual Conference on AL. Spoke,; in u ybr liglit "-her employ A it and ion �ber wus peaker. The Goveirlor's.spech Arariy"yesterla3 C k a par. y, f', o twenty young meu'visited,.� the bairachs Of 31 e Be no" pp it po ligeniEi was cogni,zan i'd isto. app6intaient! OfL 'a 'n W, V2. ilsuce ajitt66 to -carry out, the decrees Lof the di' rec Aam: le equal to, that of 'the, Ministerial mem. f3be,entered her employ-Sil October. touches on localtopicsi, but t1ib'absence- of be�tc't)ie 11 visit.of tile G all leferen overLor. �n(I�verede'cliiaed,adr)iittanc�. Theytheu:' am, d"A'tbemselyes' bybaltbringtbodoai. Jorome's �, It is rumoreXAhat -Go Eug�nle'adefenca Of the vernment. will tori., Joseph Mullitt was chairmaim,of Ahe directory. COMplMilibB were Made, of Poole, bership,: and they record tin Apprelinneibil' that union would diminiA the misEdonar y - BERxov9LLEoATioNs.. 'Mrs.'Beattie. left.on the 10,th 6 - f Decem- co,"L ai6bt U__ General and. Princess Causes MI favorable L to the - Goverfimen t. L Hett'. I 'Watching he, Opportunity When the door 'in. I ' - , J g-. 0 result-, fisin f Bonapartis &dherei3tf3.,'Exec,,u7tive,'measures. bmv& been: imom e., And less; n � the sslary:�f � opened, they. rushed' Captain. . , 'L and the Chairman Said the -matter would be isministers occupying domestic Missions in theXaTi. ber�:to. visit her father,. a Mr. Galbraith, 'AtItoilaby-Gerileral, lately unseated, did not. Coffin stopped the'services, ' d endeavored an. taken to re press _.fiLny demonstration by., demltL.with *henthe vigilame�comlilittee time 'Provinces I Therefore tbe�L 'declare :Living in Toronto, her,ostbusibl� reason for, atte to.take his Seat, ASL Ltbreatened., mpt to put thb intruders out by foiTe ; he- _L_ actio � 6 whose leaders:, have either.f n aliL eye was; fOrme d.'- All understopol,what ,the they"cannot accept i f he proposed ',basis o go doing being that she was -not vpry�' well. The Government moved, an a di6urnmoint Clinched with . d Rey. to the throne, of Fiance and the eespoilin vigilance committee Was for.- A meeting, Union.L Shdintjd1afdd_fhat�'`6h 'Woftlol be -Absent Theleader4f:t e pposlti­ 13" ,�� IOD7. ni anol �.Ile two. engaged in rougli. of the Republic. centres was held on December ;31st. The witness gave Mu litt money,' and took n 8 at U Ion Approved., two ..or three weekP., revious; 0 a. Beattie's'depar.ture Miss Le' bman' had' 113 movea..,,AA,i,_aajournm6nt till jom,ofto w 'i � 16 t 1,8� Wb16b Was Carrio 'by:a V'O'fe 0 L 'a 6nd-tumble fight. The friends'of Reynolds Ao' IS. Budthe Salvation 'ATER he Hotel 'y 4dRhiDe,in Bpartments y Napo re0eibil'"under- the name of Salmon. "L A Brantford despa�ch 'says: The mem. hoiltaken herlaekls with but thamyq The Opposition Priticiseatbe -Government .Came soldiers rallied Around their. captain. - The ieon, before biA 'elgotion as President. To: tion WAS made of'a thre by,MA Men At llon, CrEl 0 b Cthe three, official'boards! of the Stated that Mr. Beattie wouldn't allow her for its,unfliridly attitude.to Cani fi lit be'cainie'generafand the 'Wildest Sxcite� ­ It - ltprView6r'sbo said I have come'. to superintendent of to proij366ute Methodist Church of Canada of1bd city of' Lto Sit ,mbywhere else. so' 'soon asi�,Mrs.. pro ise a, . mor, And Mi '6, conciliatory. course. it men Ay fainted ; Others prevaile&, one 'A France'uBin my right to teetify to N a po �,for perjury Lcertain witnesseB.L.examined in the Wellin �Biantford' met igtoh Street. Beattie had goli6 to Toronto.L' She sata't It is', b6lieved.'tlie. ne Mnswill be st6od �on seats and cried for assietace. :thp orisoner,m� Sj7Mpaih'yaDd �o 1pon, rf by private inqi;iiry At I.iublin Cast!6,' Church'her'd onFriday ifternbon to congiae'r., Ahe­tabl6. --until, -the--. 26th_of Dcc6mher. Mr. Smitb,Premier and Commissioner of Captain Coffiri.was,badly bruise a about the getfulneag'bf 6,11 past discords..'. I Also come ul M � litt said Mmilou would not get the basis of union. ev. Mally Bell Bob; After she had gone MT "d,he" kisse r Lands and Works'- Mr. Robp6on, &'ad',And bodyi , And L s;veral,ofheia were to L . ' ) comfort the,'Princess'katbilde. What. a, chance to prosecute' if the I new of,Braut Avenue Church, wasollosebi theLball, h t ed, bim.� The in when 8 e s Opp cial See retary And"Fin"ance, Minister;,and b . adly hu . rt, though.. none � BE y. L lriousl The I Ld " i ly a family affair I wi,ll am, oing,is on ,4igila�bce� Committee were'formedi as he _S 'mani-and Mr. M. -. Sibith Secretary,. The-- it , witliss th�en'Ldetailed thEI'commissioll of, �Mr�'i)av��,�4-ttorD�y;Gqi'aeral.. I Ai bt lasted nearly an hour wbpn 6fficers 9. make no. politiCAIL inanifestations in the would be killed. After ' the" murde o Phurbhe6L,��ie'woll'repr�sen.ied� about rli� wbibh' the Rervi. Mr. L � I L arrived and� restored order. 'The whole pregence of'the oov6knmebt, of, which I- Detective Cox the old vigilance com tee ,!��O official members'ard other leading -per.. mit �BeattiC' is OfiL arged;' and Which "she'alleged rflu 9 ft R G.E AND DuATIR a r mei , Cap. ffali.r %i as -disgraceful in the e)�t e know nobhing.'� Many'leading i3ona,paftWs 'the was broken up. Each of the nine as es utr b Cut. After adopbing.reBola- sells sing prps ',approving took.place iii-ber room on ihe.nights�of th e tam�Coffiu bas,bdbn notified that iL be are flockixig to hotel. It is reported and file �elected two men L from't6e rano 6 tibus Of thb, 1rirciple. of,Ae '26th, 27th And 28th- f:Deee L mber. Witness A Rr deotroomn,' Dil in Bell B esid e I Ifo ts to. hold a 'street mee ing again be t E th'at ana,L,thoL Princess M I b1thilde hoad,,and theae'L eighteen the brother e in union the followiti 9 1iOn.; AS � lin ani� atatedL that hei doolowas not Iqckedi upo Mob ed,b inten. ,tlt�el be b u e have received liffita that* they would, do, were introduced to the hMOUSly carried:,. �.�Iul 'PleWis" 'ge6olided 6itlier' occasion, And. that she ctied out on 'occamon, A 11alifax, Court House (VA.) despatch, 6 Sant. tion'lo coine.out the first I a . evening, well - to betake theii3se'lveB out of the coun' - h swore t em in as a vigi auce committee. Theywer bound to'obey him. �Rin&ton, by ohn Mann 'That the Qnar., ter1V Boards of the tbree Methol dist circuits one' but accused - silenced her� by' p'lttcihg big -hand over' her dated 'yesterday "($u�day), Last try certain 9: Ministerial crisis W imminent. The Bearebed the,office� was in� the chair.. � The' witness was Arrested this city naving,�Met and examined the . . mouth'. Coati 1111119, L Witness, silial that 'accused night Mr.­'JameB, -,Guthrie, a., prosperous farm'erj wais married -to iss Hulda M TRICK". .police f the 1-1�,tit0o?por�d4lor the maauscrip� of. for the Repay murder, but was liberated.' ba'siwof union approve oftne� game. We on the Morning, (if the Wth ' Martin. A -larg� CoMpanyL WAR pfesent,at, �:. L' ' the 6rijble plibliihed that paper urging The witness told the police * that be - Would -also beg to teaderL our thanks 156 the UDi6'n spoke of the . Circumstance. he t i el tbww�ddib�, which :was solemn ZedL, at tb alit 6J­_rl vO TIIO"� L the 11 Imperialists to be active alld� pressing, give illforuriation a, week �a'go ; he did not expect, any7 i�pouey. Ela� 'did not tell , Committee for their painstaking And line. CeBoJil 80 equitabl� Adjusting the varied previous night. arid in begging.her. ar don excused himself on tli6 ground that Ph a was residencelof.tbe bride's,father. Owing to' A,Charl6tte. (Hicb.) "despatch Save Foi in proclaiming Prince Vicfor Empdror." The Standizq4cts: Paris despatch says'tbe , that he would inform.the po,lice� differences:ofthe Metbodi8t family inhe'� F30 lo�ely a ince 3-eabbie went away,,?,, and: bad weather the gueStS remained atl,th,6 Mansion 'all night. I Thi L 9 mornin- when Some ime there has , 'been' a'partL yo psies* gl LD'uclereLCabill.et.is-�irtually: defunct. 1 The Inspector. Fogarty prove& that n ec., Dominion." said that 6uch thi�g Blaould not � occur they had.Assembled - at the breakfast'table carapeld- Dear here, among them- several political panic '. is , unabated, and the fund. 1881, Jae found st the prisoiaer.rWbelan's �of, Ve In Ravo.ir, of line JVropooed Morefused again, 11 that ho.-httd lost all, contr6l over bimoelf."� On 'Wedn6iday M6rniDg she a it ,,, remarked that the , bride'a d g I room fortunetellers. OnSattrolayafternoonan from Marshall Arrived with.a; holders are throwing stocks on the market. The waut,of a guiding Star is uijivbigally residence a large quantity arms and ation aboub'which ,ammunition, inforii� had ',by The assembled ',memberehip of the to sit at the 6' were atei coming. Suddenly tile sbriehs ain"e'table with' him, ��ofj�--Woiaau.werd ligardi'and.the startled Although hc.de�jred I warrant for. the arrest. of one of tliem,,v, Sail who 'swindled a felt, and the possibility of a - milit . try pro- f talked 7 been given A3ailey, Whelan's brother-' -la-la, who was Subeeg4ently murdered in Primitive M6th0diSt','Uhurch in Woodstock passed the Vilioll vote �n go_�dmy evening - that'shEl shoulch She -guests did not at once leave he house, because hastened into the ball, whe , re, they 11 1�ly met tb6 bride of 'a pight, who cried , womtilu. named Calboun. colinty farmer out of 52,000. She a, fortune his I farm, Dunciamento is eely of rough- out the Bourgeois ol"s filters is lreac�tion Skipper's alley. with enthufda�im�, there being only's ginglo She had no friendg,heke, and-besid6s he' husband I oh,. my husband I" Hho told. him thelre was on bet, against the reg.17ne of'doctors� and journal- �The inquiry was then adjourned form 7109UUVO� ho (�'umrterly. Bomrol - at A, dared herto'go.' She"kne no onobut those at the Blind Institutiqu and th awoke this morning she'found her and be not believing it' She offered to the�ih&iey,to be placed ia'a lats, And a yettriling.for tb6 Saving sword r rt�is. ce"tain that �the Chambers will-adopi. week. TLe crownCo unselstated illisthext- Saturday important evidence in regard to R ubuquant imeting' agiocd to accept the baHi Y. womad She lidardpol. vvfth prior.10 her '111111112,009 a by her-' side. , She is alr1liost ili from., His funeral will , tske place grie�. room� and looked up. The bargain -being M., Fl�q�et's proposal. Gambettft'B death the Phcenix Park murders 'would be givell. 'right Fi6inians have stait.e.d. for Am At the quarborly Trafalgar Of 'ir lftaa�a) hold .0139mgEment with Mrs.�Beattie. He also -a to herthat it sheAid-go out and tell inW -_ Its to�morrow fro ib house in, Iii.), lie w married, 1 His four &ooragmbn will Act Ag �y wag deposited a d§h6, -baB gr6ed,� to the n I L f to be gone ten days;thent6returw fbiown the whole worhing machine out �,i gear.' Eugenie Will probably leave , rres . fearing,a' t 'on, there bui ti- was her Story no one wOuld believe, her. I Mrs. 'pallabeare're, Be - atti.e'arrived bouie on Saturday evening and tfie ministor-who friarried aud show him whei6 thdmon6y W a�hudEid M had n Alithe end of that ti e, as she not,bab We my. Paris oil dnead I Formal noticeB were served to' -day Messrs. Healyj Davitt, and Quinn that Carri�d,by A volle of, 11!he VrAlon' waN (5serliA io the frorn Toionto. 'She -told her the substalice them Willi read the buriateervice, 'llearif from, be went to look:at the'money /1"t KrAllown, to hqyc cen nit t6i b . a Dog, they must find bail within a webk6r to lainads At, Lloy(Rown by 10 to'2 C of What had,limppened, but gave her pardoularR, and said that She would ro''S P - 7L]ic Saved by Ilim'Neiv I And found it was gone'.. � No trace wag fou nd of the thief Until she AS heArd from . I . Vei*Sixflerfax firom 111[ydro.0110bill. aof Five men h�ve ,been Arrested At Craligb. I . , 0.1 Monday ovol&jg 1,11ij or "Oute I 11 birn, i - . . I -Her 'Majesty has accepted AS' it souvenir at Ch . arlotte. '. L . 4 - A Syracuse, N. Y.,. telegram 0 n Thursday last Lak Driscoll of'Baldwing- well on a charge of having murdered a mum FrInlicive MOO)o(fissli Thearrestawere -by ballot, votod upoil' 11111oll 011TAMING ADVICE1. of the, late War, a, photogra& of the Xew, TeStampiat which was plereaq,during 66 MJ)tomS vijle,, aged 20i was 8elzo& *with By I .nameid'Dohart�,ini .3made on the eviderim of an, informer tioni 0I) glhlirisda� Mio wrote to Mrs. Beattie's father., i a Toironto, without coa�aitlrlg assault on Tel-el'6Kebir, by. w Rej�lugl`On ': A_N.ew� Yor.k-,.despatch,. says: AVillbi :0 Sebolfield, aged 82 years, wag found dead Volrophobi A.: He Sam bped and growled t everything , that cabie neat him. He A 6onfe,r1ence of ten &�n�'farmcrs at Bel- . last has paBsed-resolutionp in favor of f1ieL Will tnLoiet- And 6rworil Toron to, Tbo rofilik N 11w; sli slid'aHkod bfi�i­wha�'Cslie �bould & ),. cohabited with, h or hus-� bullet' while'in the haversack of, Private ibe 74th,Hfghland ia his room in the' St� Stephen House -_ tu d nrnibg. 'jP�r' fA f ty r my �zould "hx hiS.-eye on An object or ' almo- ent M a -6-bis month thStart for it wi amendblent of -the, liand''Act, an urging' 'tOb)r that'leaseholders be Admitted to itg belie- The Prizaltivol Voto 06 folIlowingbigh6i,ai tbrlwbich to That TeElta-menti Saved his i be-"dr,15een 9v well,known and eLocentrib `,-her6i' il�e * wild anit!nW., It beearne open I 11 I a, . e so lent fitS, L and that, the purchase 61 L auseS' be fitbod forty� Jiln IMo h1lo (�iwllfod do So and Slept With Miss I'llil'il tile b6ih' left for Toronto., A. m fe4tur, A bi Ha'was be d 4fdater rn in Boston, aih.,it.d or accumulated In business that -ft IV vio asnetiesgary. to tie him Oil big bea, which was done with 3t6ut iol3es. 'with altered to affotdgreater facilities to far�20XS to 9:6quire pos8essioh�of land.. t(Al yollr V46j Yo'll lfmi 1101, oll Islit, th -VVEIIL 0 26th inSt ein 111 00 Consultation with 'Mr., a rk,6a e/- apli An person asked. An ne estim ted at from -$.250;00.9 to a fortu a 8uflering'terribly from catarrh, big Whenever ho�cmn -reach bedkng his teetfthe�rendsLft_iU, Although The.`�Nmes says the GoveinmentJ n 'information lolif; f1ho 0 Irlo, m barristeri as to her best.. difference! Ww6eri press- and -poetry, aild., he in a bed, but' Tested : bu,a. he, is,'naturally- a feeble wanj,hib strength possession of which will bring home guilt or edroplicity in the, ...... .. I g of he Advised !her to In li Vantiorm'Dn's hands. the editor replied that, prome v6s read. � A young,w� n loved' a &arl: so wildly that inattress, the end of which inclined again$,'t tied"an, Art the bad nven ange. no Suerhuman, hnd if he can. roach his attweaalltri he Rings them about like oner A--whv fifteen letters a, day for five meat with & St,ringL And a, Spring, by meang ian's Physic deClare that it is hydrophobia were before the Magistrates on A, C"joik'despatch say B, The convicts it nall,btif) alw) 6, k'ilfli 0L)IO, Wri0i dri en bv 0)U0 ImIka prolhedution would od�c6uld- k1l, tho lawcould prote86 li'er, Of -d'- - �7Si�iVe po Withiii!'WiCi fellow as 9' Matter Of 8E f-whi I _' -a--60uld- b W 1611b his,r6om At, will, The string broke and his .1-6*il It iB! bot that fie ha, V6 s e r- n itten by naval works on ia,welbowline Island size ofa raeo (101lar., I lit lit - - — - -------------------