The New Era, 1883-02-16, Page 7newetesseassearreaoaisseeswirseser Wishing FOR FEBRUARY. to dispose of the balance of our WINTER GOODS before the arrival of our Spring Stock, we will giveSPECIAL BARGAINS in, wo OL I3L,ANIK F T -IL i; A V WOOL TWEEDS. ■'BEDS• I SHIT--Z,T ' H1 -RS. .. � and �D ASW .� aid Far c - WINOIES. and Fancy 1+ L.A oT.�LS Plain Nl IiOOD.S2demi ¢' � 000 � oc��o�s off, ��� �oC �'Ie� �o � m All new goods and ,bought from the best Dress Goods House in Ontario. .a,IELADX'`-TOJ E thing made to order, in English, Scotchand'' Canadian goods, from $2.50 to $5.per_ .suit less than regular prices. CA1PS I olf5 S, c1lteap 6V0 pairs BOOTS & SilDS ad aE09E Wholesale, G4.1NERA.L LINES ITStT ALLY KEPT. ',Anyone wanting bargains for cash, will please call' on us, as we : are , bound o sell best goods at the' lowest prices. Rodgers' •(Ad stand, Brick Block; Al-ber-t-Street,. PLAT Gliuton,'Fob., ISEO. ANNUAL DINNER. The •2Uth annual dinner, under the auspices Of the HullettTownship Agricultural Society, took place at Kelly's' hotel, on Wednesday evening last, when an unusually large com- pany, composed principally of farmers front the surrounding country, and, .more than -fornierly;,a large number of 'young men, sat down' to an exceedingly well spread table. After' full justice had been done to the sub- stantiale, the cloth was Cleared and material supplied for the giving of toasts. , The Presi- dent, Mr, T. Carbert, who occupied the chair, then gave the Queen, followed by the Prince of • Wales and royal family, the Governor General, and_ other loyal and complimentary "ones, whichwere right loyally responded to. He then gave the Agricultural luteresta of Canada, coupled with the uame,of Mr. Weld, of the'L ondon. Farmer's Advocate, who was Madly cheered on rising.to respond, in doing which he took occasionto speak of the peace- able end prosperous state ,of the country,, comparing it with many which he had visited, and'especially speaking highly of this section witk respect to its agriculture. Is then briefly, complimented a few.of our old ngri- ..guitarists, who had been prominent in push• hag: farm interests,'snch as Messrs. Andrews, Biggins, Love,•.etc. He also' spoke of the benefits that would be derived from the car- rying out of the Tree Planting Act, and urg. 'ing fruit planting and a few : other special interests. Mr. Hugh' Love, of Stanley, also responded to the toast, saying he took it'• for granted that the majority there were agriculturists. He looked upon the farm interest as the basis of all materia] -prosperity.. He then gave a sliort'comparison of, the past history of agri- cultural life and pursuits with the present ; the former being one of hardship and scarcity, and the 'present of.wealth and luxury. ' He also recounted the inoidente of his own set= tlement in the county 'of.Huron, and'the la- bors he a-borshe passed through', '• Ho briefly spoke of the rapid strides. made. in •the: improvement of stock, and: felt assured that it wouldcon- tintfe to' .progress,. and 'hoped that the rising generation .would prefer good; useful horses to the.: 2.40 classes, which only brought de- aradation and ruin. ' •r lir.'Weld then. spoke a few :wordsabout the introduction of newkiids of •s edg an d iu relation to continuance of • the' Provtn- cisi Lbbi i ion,'iu its perambulating character, he epressutg a desire to foster• the township shows in preference. ' ' The'Vice-President; Mr. John Shipley,'then gave "the Army and Navy'coupling tug with it the name of Mr. J. Beacon, whobriefly,-te- -slronu1'e,do'gtvting a short-li'tstory of the miTifia of Canada, and speaking highTy;of the -33rd Battalion. Then- was given :the Mercantile Interests of Canada, coupled with the names .of Messrs, Corbett' and Robb,:: the first of Which stating; that although a manufacturer, he took greatinterest in, agricultnre, especial- ly sheep raising,'which related...particularly,to his busuress. j He spoke 'briefly of the' ncces- saty.:o£-gs mgmorc-fully: into -the raising -of finer wool. , Mr. Lobb also responded, .briefly speaking especially of the Mutual relationship .between the. agricul"tnrist and -the merchant, oue do - pending on the:other. The President then ,gave Importers 'and 'Breed'ers `coupled;tsdth the names ofMessts. John Mason, Alex. -lnnes and Hugh' Love. Mr. Mason. in responding, said he thought greater' Interest was now being taken in. agri- cultural matters, particularly noticeable in this countyi in the raising of •draught horses., • As an importer, he was glad to bo able to say that although contributing. largely to the 'benefits of the- country, he has also greatly benefittedhimself. Mr.; A. Innes spoke with particular vele- . . rence to. thoroanhbrecl stock,'. and the cost of procuring first•clase males. He took .occa- sion to express the opinion that the time had comp :when townshipshows shouid'oesse,.and also that the money -bestowed upon the -Pro- vincial exhibition should. be divided and giveu to county societies.' Mr. FI. Love,also-responded in ,i few worc14, and said that: the mochation; 9£ long wool iu a great rneasurea the result. of the demand for it in the United States -a few years ago, wish was greatly' used in, the manufacture of combing goods; but which was now utterly' at An 'end, and tine- wools was :now wanted. lie'. also spoke of fheide- mand'in England for improved mutton, wli;e;u;he knew front experience.. The President then .gavo the Press„ which was respendsd' to by :Messrs ;13olrne,_1'odd and -Weld.' Then was given',Municipal.Institutions, coupled with the names of Measre T, Cooper and J:• Beacom, The former spoke's: few words upon .the growth and progress of : the H,ullett Township Agricultural' Society, and - its beneficial effects upon th'o interests: of the whole community. - Mr. Beacom ',also 'responded, ,givtn;'a;few words of praise. to: niunicipahinstitutions: fie then gave a toast to the Directors of the Hub let Township:Agricultural Society,•which was responded. to by Mr, Carbert, the President,who'said'he was glad to see the; success that had attended the .beginping of his career, as. an officer of':•tho society, and he hoped all would aid in making it a continuous success. Mr. J.. Shipley' responded briefly: - Afr McMiehaol, a director:of the Tucker. smith Branch, then :.spoke•a £swayers ill lea -Felice -to thetoast, hJIieving that a ire.' Tient; change of officers was -•a good thing for. the society. o . The' Ladies - and, Host aucl I osteal' was givou and responded to by J..Leacont fo'r the fadieS, and Mr. .JeIly. far the host and hostess. .Thanks worn then tendered .to Messrs: Weld,laant and, otber,.for the interesting. and - profitable information' given by them - Mr. Cooper Mentioned the factthat through the efforts, of Mr. -Mason the countycouncil have donated $30G,' -to be divided' among ,the township agricultural soctetiea, ' Messrs. S. Andrews and J. jail.7Biggius 're; "Collated a little ' of, their efforts 'on behalf) of OUR LETTER B0X, The Nsw Eae does not hid itself reeponalble for the opinions of its correspondents.. Lettere are cordi- ally invited from all who have a'grievance or anything of public interest to diseuts, Write on one side of the paper; give your name and address' as a means of au- tlrentioation, (not for publication) and bo as brief as the subject will permit and our columns will always be open to reply to anything appearing under this head. • BOARD OF TRADE. "7'o Me Editor of Clihlon _Yew 'Erce:` Doan Siii,=,( noticed 'the very pertinent enquiry in your columns some weelks._ago, asking why it was that aboard of, trade was not organized_ in this town, and am sorry that no action has been taken in the matter. Every one must admit that the time has come when su-e-ain;oeganization should exist here. Permit me to encroach upon your space in shortly stating bow useful and important an institution a board of trade could be made. I ,aim aware that there exists at present a committee of citizens to guard the interests of our town, and I wish to assure those gen- tlemen that anything T say is -not intended to reflect upon the:manner in Which they discharge their duties.; 'knew that the high- est, praise:is duo them for. •their efficient and .watchful care for the interests of Clinton; .and we own to their energy advantages we. are, now enjoying, and'.I hope soon, to see those gentlemen exercising their influence by the improved machinery. of ,a board of trader It is,a noticeable fact that a very dangerous feeling of-security.prevaile.amongst' our citi- zene, relying' upon the.i advantageous geo- graphical . eographical: position of Clinton, but'1 beg the. Mistiness' men to beware of trsgsting too -much in these advantages, while we aro 'rejoicing in our strength,.sarrounding towns bemoan- ingtheir,weakness, may be using every means in their -power to secure' by hard work what they lack in natural and acquired advantages. While we are alive to our superior . advan- tages, let ns be ever •looking for others. I think, tliat the business "men ot the town Should unitein disenesingmatters of interest, at regular zgeetinge, for in such discussions' woiila bo found the' superiority of a regularly constituted board of 'trade, ever .the existing; committee, inasmuch as many matters which the' committee. roust _necessarily. overlook would arise in a'• 'general discs scion an t d r > further; various' committeos,could bo appoint:, ed, With particular duties, whichwotilct'rem der the business much. more. simple and easy, end in' the ,discussion of the reports of the committees -''the 'citizens would learn to take a deeper interest in the foreign policy sof the _town which -is -too -often forgotten-a-nd--ne .- lected, And 'further the' existence et the board would,go far. n boaling.businese mea.. of that and exclusiveness which pre- vails amongst business mon of towns (Clinton: isnot exempt from the ravages of the dis- ease). I •will venture to say that thousands •of business Men- have failed through this vile. jealousy; 'and through itsinfluence towns have suffered great injury. Further, no one: A'sple-1 did assortment of all the latest styles of Overcoating' PY �,. which we can,make upon :short noti6 . A . perfect fit guaran b, teed.. Prices reasonable: 1:31:?)3S Opp Black and Colored �s1m lest Fancy YAll Wool Dress Groods, Broeadecl'-Silks, Black and Colored'Mo'iles' g,, for Trimmins. ., Our Stock of Hosiery 8c Gloves Will be very completeand well assorted. Mantles for falland win r wear TiCNTr'r 'F1) .' C00.1:0S in great variety It is; conceded that; as a cutter, MR. Je C. .COL MEM ;las. no rival in town..:, i)in' direct inportation of Scotch, .English and Irish ''Tweeds and Serges areworthy of special attention. IIATS a 1300 a BEC �oEs; CROCER't-ES. ' 1wing to the rapid increase of our business in. other branches, we Elmet'tlia'twe have ' not room for our CROCK.ERY:and' v � whole1 CxL,�-SSWAI�E, and offer :our sine at c ost., •' i, COATS, the society in years gone by. The speaking was interspersed with songs by Messrs. Bennett, Jos]in, Cross, Fisher and others. o Makes QWJ3OQ' THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS, OF w .den Women: and Children's s Roots & Shoos. Spring Stock well assorted ar ice. .: _ .•- _ _ ___ ._.._ _�:_ - ... �__� ;....... complete i ' n � all do artr�le ts.�.;.,:. p AGi; GOODS SOLD QREAP FOR CAST. , 0. CRU4 CKSHA:NK, BRICK BLOCK_ ,' CLINTANf A fresh importation' `of ll wayWeeks, Ts• nth ,hand,in o theand v' will be on lig n l.ln �, ttiv � o which vas'boug'ht: ;very..low and .will:-be-5o1c1--ffeC0r:clinnl r b j imiricaa cairdeny-that-a-broa dif-trs cl-e—,i-f-nroiserly conducted, couldbut be o€ "great assistance to the council in looking after the interests of the town;; and could be made ae indispens ible to the town as the council, r tee t I know ' of towns where the board trade' as greater influence and does more good than the conn• cil, in building up the town, and at -the Came,. time the board does not all trench upon the duties of the council. 'Now, men of,Cli.aton, in this 'great and rich'county of Huron, any one with the least foresight can see. that in the future,and not .very far distant future, there is to grow a large. and prosperous city, • and' -with the advantagesnatural and acquir-' 'ed, which Clinton has it is the duty every I. loyal citizen to work tooth: and nail to'seoure• the prize, and I think .that One .groat factor in advancing ' our interests would !tea Beal live board of trade; -no lukewarm, half dead con- cern, but one in which every business man must be co -/indleil to unite heart and soul by force of public opinion existing in the place, and h would suggest that a public;meeting of the Citi sus be palled at, an early day, at which a board be duly.organized'.and, put in workmg order. Clinton, 'Feb.13, 1863. CITIZEN: Sale Register: ° t'I:i:n is;, 1h11:G1I.9;-Farm stook, etc., of Mr. John Johnston, lot 34,1 et coa.'Stan-1ey .. BORN. -Siltation—In Gado felt, on Saturday 3rd Feb., the wife of Mr. II. I. Strang, of a daughter. Iax s.- Isi act- tVawanosh, .on the letinst.,'' the wife of lir. W. King, of a sort.'. Pnvl,et.L.—In (4oderich township, on. Jan.' 31, the wife of Mr. Geo..Rumball,of:'s sou.' WoxsELL.=In Clinton, on the 12th inst., the• '. wife of 11Ir. John,Worsell, of a'son. MARRIED. ADAsls=Coca 1 PLII;E.—At: too t'oaiclence of the bride's fattier,. by the Pev:'W. Birks, Mr 1-Ienry&dams,'to Miele Christina Cock. erline, all of Hallett . DIED:. lirf:;l:v.-1n Clinton„on tha:lltih inat., An - •drew i(ei y, aged 4S -years. bfcSitansocr .—In Iiullett,"on the (itti- inst., Dittman McSbannock, aged' 29 }ears. • 1 llttnrsrForo.=lu E.adori h;:oii ef. ti lYe,i min Armstrong, aged 82 years , vv,--ln .,.f$gmonclville, orf the 4th_• - iriat., Carollno,:wife:ef the•late Wm.' Vans r gmand, .aged,�0 ,years and rJ months. Iigctcten'n Arnica Satre - The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, , Bruises,' Cute, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,. Can- cers, files, Chilblains, Corns,. `rester, Chap- ped Elands, and'all,skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure. in everyinstance, or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by'Watte & Co. A:LILIIT It :ilA1tK197't1i:,_ Thursday, Feb.' 13,' 1183. \VLeat; scot $0 95 a 1.00 White wheat, if(] a .0' 95 Spring, ' ' • 0 95' a i 00 Oats, ., Barley, P, Flour, . P'otatoes,. 1 -utter,' _ggs, Hay, - Hides, Sheep pelts • Iamb skins Pork, Beefs - - f1 34 a ,' 0 35 0 4,5 a 0 50 '0 68 a' 0 70 4 50 a '5'' 00 06 8 06 1737 aa. tl-0lR8 0 <' :088 `23 S 0021 aa850 7 00 '19.-3t 8 e0 '0 50 a . 0 '75 '0 70 a 1 00' 800 a 825:. ( 50 a 8 -df) • New Maple Sugat. few gal. Tins Maple Sprue Fresh 011't i ges; ,einons 1111 iag Pqr11lll- also soon -arrivg. -1 1_41)s. ic)r $1- '3]Lb, . fox- 1: Vitra choice fol.. 60 cent. OOT��,. �Vnnten' :Shoc< 5i and upwiir h PI:UNE IAS %r.Gcnsl; -`- 1‘11.NS:111011 000'1S, good, ., TLA SETS, X52. ). rockery. GlasswareCLASS ;11IS, a. xrtci 8 4 U Buy C Our Goods. 11 J;.t1e\' i 'I'WV TIIC)USONI) li'Altlil:LS./Yr 11LL API) tYPN'1',[rR APPLES WANTED-- Apples, f+rr which the:l,ighest market price will isa paid. CLINTON, ';aept„ 1582. Don't sell without -seeing us ..._'-. THOMPSON & SWITZER. I.I(,110I Nei<hbor Jones, r' i ere 1 g are you (tome ?" ft 9SIm going to TWITCHL 1S Boot and'Shoo store Wliere I can get a pair of good boots' for $2, and. don't you ' forget:: it, You . should see them. , stock of Ladies` and Children's''Boots and Shoes -. is -liow'... , complete: - It would astonish you to sec his stock of `HEAVY & LrC-HL HARNESS. ' Oh, say, . do you )now that you can get Buii'FALO 'Rohl,.,, at 7'%?Iltchell's that beat the county in price and quality,' Call and see them. g .tic '..sinal discoln : t:;, fes: SHINGLES --1200 Unnches of (rI.GPGIAN BAY f1HINGI,IIb for sale, front 45 cte: per bunch, isp ive )pea ` Cent' . Rooms over' store to let. l C t c» ici 131 oc i, .1111*,0ii. . CENTRAL DRUG S i{.17\Il'l llf '`5:}IIIMEUPATHIC3II+hII]D1ES CI;S,lI(ill.i4.l'BMiD11f:5,” 1:E,NDALL'S Sl.'_3VIN CURB. And all the recent patents kept in stook or procured to order, ar�u t, P,R l.' E rI'OTLE'l Si is S'i oNGi. A lett,,)• �tc](;1. of tiVII�L. -kr � 5H s, 5,,,'. 1.):ERF.1,74,IEBY, &' , Very_ cheap. ' t h'I,,fat:L0ui1 'ri.1I15S.ES at 'reduced rates: PHYSICIANS' PPlTSCRsT?TIaN:3 and. family receipts accdrately compounded with care and despatch. .TA.i [1 S Ill. ,CC0.311ESiE, I .11lal'LS`1`. A 1? DTiTJ(GIST, CrINTON, ON'J'. II AS'OPENET) CP N EX I'.' 1)0;01;. TO, \V.r l:l" ' Dll;t?G; STOIr`L.„' A1,Ll.ht'C' A SI;Miitr)11Y Afirg0-ft1MFINT O1! tJl,li\'L'O Holiday Goods consisting of Christmas Cards `the latest designs • :Co "s” and .Novelties at reasonable prices, Auto - Geed fresh lYla 11g®l�d, Turnip. & Soy ghum Seeds . ' 5 .grallil lA,rt i11 -h a rn o,_ -f1 i nt-o-n• 1 thrillre,-.-14all lei---alivll_rs^iu cto nx r ll t two r `C��l1IF1L 11 `f 4411wadi it