The New Era, 1883-02-16, Page 6llIOUR LETTER BOX. A TRIF.;DOWN SOUTH. PaOPE RUE I 0190LE. HUI Middle ra C 4. Othtr gatd�. 13ONEY OAMPBELL. sex ]Hsu' n , Tom 'OR'SMALL LOT FOR 8ALE. T LEND IN LARGE .RA does net hold itself respensiblO far �onde�cts. 4et�crs mc ry a steurit, . to C4TT tARBEA SHOP, OPPOSITE HEAD OFFICE L- ONDON; grievance r0e. ateofinte stoll-H2 hlbtoll. THE POST O�FJCE, CLINTON .& ly invited from, all who 9'rAl, Iljpqincs� done. Insuraucc el7licted oil all I , 411)�- Co-, I ou Write on one side of the tool�UA`BL UILD I NG LOT for sal.0 near to S .40 -town., �. ftitable for privide of public lyltaro fto discuss 114- AY& er; give your name d aTress " a MOM. 0 residence. erms ensy., L.,T ()FL LA?sDS IN� RURON IeOR �ALE BY pwp�rty. , I C.- A. HARTT, f5olicito�. A the Canada ComllanY, xay be ... n at Hair dressing, shavin,,8hampoohig, tkc attended to ticatiob, (;lot for pullli& i.n) lindhe as brief as and our columns will &IWELY& To the Edif!or t?fthe Moo Era. �PATRONAGE SOLIC TIM). ubject ill permit' lie�urldcrsigued, Opel) W reply to anything appearing nuderthishoad. VALUABLE, W. K.ITT, AGENT, CLINTON. ki. DoWsLF 1,000 FOR F FIT. Y, M. A, U, C. R. S ENGLAND,. aTor t3, over -h (Ahe a�ovei' �otfd LOT FOR SALE. D I'llysiciau, Surgeon,, etc. Office and residence, onfIdence 111,16 supo I 0 171014 Having the utmost e, y coinplicato(k'and Severest cases � we cc�uld fu 11 -,Bft "INIET110DIST UNION1. Georgia� after -a, jDul-lie next Mulbull's bank, mark t square, Clinton, all others, and after thousands of tests -o find,. we feel i'll I 0 co'u� of fOur daj�s, experiencing' All varieties 1,1HE subecriber offors for ��le that splendid Justified in offeringto forfelt, One Thousand. Dollars buildiu- lot Street,. dii-ectly oppo- I)R. APPLE TON -OFFICE -AT RESIDRiNCE for any ewe of, couglis,-colds, sore throat, influenila, Tile great loll,- avalulible . anhi, Editor Qf. Ea— of Cl tract, Olin t0u� OPPOElitf) the ED dote o I croup, I'Ir ilhatb � oil wa�.y. * fcaving St. alto ille Ifou'l, with it frojifitgo i;,f oil Oitlkrio a 41111141, wollington-St balsol�l oi lilogt tcrooB, CLurch' Entranceby aid gate, gl hoarsenc;�s, bronchitis, consumpti a in -its caily stages, 136up bf my'elilldren wiLi 11 tho'l6th Of last ul-outh,- .0 who,,ping 6ough, and all disewses of the threat, abil' -Would like to make a, remarl, Uathari es ri j6ft­N,.TAC1CSON-,' lungs, except asthrl which we only claim relif, wAh ail alarin eronlyas an the 'kN1ttbot!jst EDion. With regard if, corlipally, with A I. YOUNG, M; Y3,, (GliILUATJ�' Child got y ndson, 0 ity') Physicia Or TOI(ONTO' thate liark'toure whou . Vo My next neighlior's krF;, English, *11lip,, Surge"n, ILI takbn-aecorditigtodirectioos. aamplllb(ittloa-2�afil� ranitA to the statelyWil inade bv acorrespondent! witir tbrough ticket's to Atlanta, FAR&I r01R' SALT4. doore,east. of-the`-Tompor�uae- -50-cents.; laige-bottl6a one dollar.. "Genuhi hand (no a bottle of arappers in yo�r paper of last weiik, about a tlil� "lf-4b, weather. wits k6en nd frostyy' witli Ouly 6 blue. *,Sold by all druiz.,ists, or sent by ex, ,Parta of Lots No% Gand 7, Ruyon-fto�d Concessloili, receipt of price. Jo �-Doffiftiion Cotiah. Bals Ilig held in the B. C. Church, speaking of Q. Wreqf -Co., 81 Y rsAlo at.Combf?B, English Jl,ald been'using for, soro, snokv badl3r drifted A,Ion,� the7folices, nd Tonship of Goderich, each about 75 acres, R. 'REEvE.-orrct, A1,13ilIT S1 it L, 1, TL ii3 -King at. � lbi�t, Tor aiii the weak-inindea (,)ties the one that gave D on,o,'O,nt,. 0 atement of the meeting"" Must most Olrtho'fiolds quite, bare - lliis� con- nearly all cleared and mostly f red from stumps, There innahedillfelS fiorthot,Diicteon's book sic":, he%i 'Diull: Store. lixt!AV3. ILFfave MY child it do good frUille,out-buildings a fritnie donee, opp6site'the'Tempfranre Ball, nuron'.�trd6t im on tile st, are on tlfe-preiso,i I I � L mediate ielief; soon after I gave another, an& le olle of the Weakest Of the WeU, and tinued, urltil,'we ,had reachal Londo.11, house, a good bearing orchard, and a never -failing Clinton. 0111be belis from 6 a.m. to 6PM, I time my chl ld wits all right and apring crock. Theabove farm is situated on the Hur.'n use,. L L : I, I -than truth, Snow — . far a bottI6 to 'keel) In the Do more ready fo state untruth where. we,'f6un& the John - MdGarva sent L 6 broa( Itoad, abuutU miles frorn Clinton., Mayhepurchased 118, WHITT, TEACHEWOF.MUSIC. PUPILS as,rcbislievc it aal the uleanki ior lift is laboring under tit gmaj��mi§take, for I I I ' � Ni a It ended at thei r,Qwn residence,if necLsB&ry eobild's Price 25 cents. ving u ; ly er shetof, crystal Forfortbenpartik.- to eV appl� to Ricq's new method �SALT' MANUFACTU c4debce, Pawl street. (;Iintan; RER it was almost deep, aiiii iWin ous vehicles with blls JoHN ItIDOUT Cljnto'n.� taught, -if desired. TJ.PSCOTT <(. 00 in the way in wbi(�h it wag, 'This will,do lon-�, and their Occupants milf- AND., DEALFR I !kr the present, bill It. STANBUL ; prel,firibe fled up in thick ove coats� and btiffaI6 House,fol. Isia liil)�Alk OF jRE-MKDI weaker in mind I 11 ifle, D"I'Departinen ()f'*'iet(iiiaUriiversityiTor6it fo' 4T `had Ibr him. A -Rkl iD'F r - olnine I we morly of the Hospitals and DILS riesL IN LONDIIP,4690.­�, rfo 14ow Yo A., I I L� - I L ; GRONTRIE, PROVISIONS) Jas'. Combo Agent, WC10 N �T reacbed. Detroit, where we- ell" li�ed cars rou 'L I a C', ; - ' PTRAT well-built, substantial itridwrilfortable L ALBERT,STREET, foi Toledo - experiencing, considerable Ocroipied by Par. W'. L� W .1 IA 8, A.,M.13.,GRAbUATEOF: n THAT VOTE. y Ili crossing I in the village ot Londilaboro. is offer- R.T to ufversil memberofthecollegetpily Op"ite the Town Hall.: geono"Ont. uyrll�s: difficult the o'I ae' ed for pale on p6asonable terms. Four rooins, A I zi� dSur & PESID14111CIll tb11 0 COOPER' Ilto Editorof the Cliniott S11V COUtit cf 'the ininionse quantity of ice.- sod Ritclien.down'Rtnivaj and three u1i. Good h Sof orl3occuplodby Dr .'Reove, Albert strteL, G, to, Illar andiall sionveniences. hard and aoft water, C I ton Ve0y. Cholee Lard,. Hams A Bacon .on journey sontl),viki'd soon the, DEAR Stuallor tirdonthe)ov. For particular aptily For gate L fit lowest 'Prices..., all to REV� J. 8� LOCHEAD., R. & MRS. BLAcksT 'NE 0 in your midfi� 1'� trulit' -,-oil will 0 which covered tlIe-barth toackersof rocal and, idesbor(i,Dec� -29. 1882. KInArumental inuaic,,"ttenbury three paid for F rm Products. CREAP GR CERIES 3 iapace in your columns tm sy i thing grow thinner kind thinner, until it CIA Factory. -N. B-Stuoag eta no nOft Ili W� forrniuw�, J, McGARVA, win sell�defence, and Ili d'elfialice of Ir you. ckeryo &'C.,L n y e s e ut� litt16 ..4pots. At -riving HOUSE FOR SALE, Clinton, A�rll 4 Lho memberg of the the tviorning:''wp 1,e- r mela Up on h6A. OUGH has ittlU, i500000 Oct, L at present tleman), of passing d �er i' flbabi . NX il�y Beaver Block, up Stairs, next door to the t, this great�citv of 0 M.1pled herself. It Is a new two-st,ory fril indL:will give prompt attentioif to Ail matte, ,ire ul ng by them to gaill tilt cinnia'and two closets down Sisdrs, and five ' F IS ISH wh�o are accused by'a person it ot, k gen- undersigned.offerii for sale that well-altuated 'opened an office I he )ne to tak of I IlouseQn the corner,A.Mary Str ri Oat*al and, vote of the weak- , wirlifourr I A�S 0, Orjurf, - wanderi , , his, Night messages to ll� left at UN minded members Il a�iooll t till' .()Olnfl - no assistance I -up stairs, well finilihed in every.frospect., 'Half Ilmli"oWs, Huron Street, Clinton. L Mal Iuptil'we bad acre lot; good stabla�, hard and Soft water, good, cellar, C, mion of the Miitbodifit bedlit's in an& Stolle, foundation beheathL'thc house. Will be, HE undersigned, begs to Inform his customers anit sfied, on I R'L HUFFMAN; �I�NNO TUNER, WI Tthe public generally, t6the hall now oil hand Now, sir, if that-perSon, Nyh(� himself sati, Iju�,jositN, we took Ung, Cleolr Bteon Su.4dr Cured. oa r0asouableAeril 1166ic- Of Bell0vilb!i will. visit'Cl intofi qua or], i very lilrgo.stock I I . I lKlia. , McCARTNrY, of No.:I Fishi consisting of 30 Bbls. of lnde))er3dentiNvastrtie-tou�illic, lecer ain- �t 0 i3venifig or ou is Ire. August, November,-Februaryand May; for. , e I LA RD�, Clinton, Nov. 30, 1 tir- e of tuning Plauo� and Organs in ly would have no objection to 'knew e city, Which I Im' Poo eigans- and raps. rices which �aunot be licatm Co ri UO -101 Whit; "ish'A Tr 8 another very larg VC -7 same. Satisfaction given� Prices gv. le akib true natne; instead of asliumi fi, N I'Laie f to, ­gL�e on;a description ofbefore. -From, 'A LI: tionsfroftithe o6up'try atteridadt6 promptly, Ifinfitting -to bLi'S b-a-r-acien-Ho reeij-l- lA T, O It SALE., OL- _SFE_C JAI T V b ­flJ.S-60—C.--TE-ALk: ME uubs�Hbcr .offe rs f�r sale the, South hall of TH-i -SI -Uf -A-N Wh -0,.0,-N- vould say for public information (not for it i� the informAtion of Libe. person ref6rred txi, mountains and dales of, Kentucky and Lot 50, L. R.S. , Tuckellsmith, consisting of 47J Acebuebour;Liceniia.kof the Colieg4�fl?hy clan, And-Suigeofte of LowerCangda,and Provibili UAG. SOLE AG for a person wbo understands thd; otives' Tennessee 'to� Cilatianooga, , 'a cit ,'ou �whio6 is ere,oted'a goolf.,bank bp�rn with �Is.te,and(36r6nor iny p acres Ill I be Oold at thil'lowest remunerative CU,t,VationL L ecret thOU&S Ot th'e about 20 000'inbabitatits, and patches of -of . !(['acres of ;capicd by ldj� L W el Will b in' s E UXI T 11 I k�l 0 A") wells '&`c. A-11 but live- acres� cleared and fr6e of foytheCount)-ofilaron. Officeamd and can, read the s a goodLState i(ormeFI3 p , K Only, a wile 'from he.-groWin' Huron need iiifai- - ' - , ; - , . I . I . ''THOS.- COOPER, ocer. nd mind of,othirs don�tL Snow 4verfo-still to��e �eeri on'otlr� r6110 Sitato� Clinton"jjan�.10 1-;�' : � ' . I . I . Or bofhr,� town of.Clinton. Will'be sold or) iemoreable te.rrmiI; 1,1871. itig until.we-neare.dAtlanJa,L Clinton, N 3 -if JOHN STEPHEN&�N,,Sr. to tJIc meeting A-RTV�RIGHT­ &-9 ill is SL remained "-as.jIla rain came rizzling OR, .SA ? At .1heeting, ol, Sof Damal Surg ons -H E At T. W ArTF1 railed 13�y the PreEident, to take the v6W* of wboro riot a vestige of the snow�or.ico lmms� -C. -C. . , �L ur- 4G oand night,. And W0 were land7 L F I ARk , F opened roomm Vilitoria Block;L Albert Sollitioll IyaS by a majority 6fone a n ClintLi'li"'wh Street, A NERV C Cityo_ HE subscriber o�fcra for sale lits farm incing cre he will nAtautly. be in attendanoe,� ­ BRA fo-iake tile vote at wee6i�g 2, -by bill, ed at tbis "a. o of tbe�south,., Tlot it and. halt of lot 112,11ur6ii Gode, and prepikr,A ill portn�"" every operation connected 16t� Before' leving' 6,6 ch6ch'sonie of With inud alkle'deep at tbe street riell townshili, (part of the o[d.lit-lidze-water, withDe.tiil;try. Tc,tb�,xtjscted,,.orfi1Ied with gold, 'CALL -AND SEE IT AT ing materlll.* A Woeful teeth coutJOWngl3i acres, all Amalgam, 01 Other 611, the su Jporteris f, this' bllOt llibtien ddy be7t�e, acres of pine, cedar and ash, with some hard inaert�d: from one to� a fullest. P crossings. A fte r Wco, oilon, on n I wood. 14,'a�lres of fall wbea,t� u, gooddwelliog. hat HLIE's-p-LANING CIL thought it Was out of oi b rni tools TO - house, good barw So. X3()"Stable 20 X 3(); making -a few pure ases 41, 00FER & CA -Auggested that the meDibers wb�ci dame'to' I70 wells That never.fail, a llviijlg I. ic proper ini ought commence operatiobs a ineya-i -lot M0NEV-TG LEND. gether to vote at I t III' 4'0 orchard, t stream throng the whole"length of the fai. 'south, We took tra-id-for one-fourth down, ana balance. thackIng �their linds nailes fur Terms moderah thei il to have the right, o express We' it d i the ptemla- M tonlors for the p,itroniige extended to them; desire as to bow the veto -�Jlonld,be tal'Cen. 'A6- Gir'iffin arriving Ill oyonin,� on as may be agree upon, � Apply ol ONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE'. intimat, that in connection with their factor' Dr. F..C.Wc Nerve and Brain Treatment,' (,,)r.if b�letter, 6 HOLMESAIlLiAl Pro. AT LOWE oordhgly, attlie proper time, it Was moved Saturday�morning tbo gyound bad frozert JOHN CALBICK, anteLd specific for hyste�ia-j dizziness r 'T� Clh�t on ApOy. to IHear'the Grand T' k eep�7 run lahway,, the vote by'dividing all -', I IDOL and Qeeonded to"tal Iric I OrL more d �a Mit.'ricirth n"rv( �c, nervonsprostrationcate; igh.t F They, have erected a.Dry Kilo, �vhich CilablOB 1,11CIll Cd, by tile of alcollol wakefliloo9q, �nental'doprog- the house; an amendment Was Called 16r, lnorp�prdinplt� than to dxecute alll-�x-arlc ill their in iollanity and wind bad up. during the 'ARM FOR SALE,:'. by the as 130menifili6rit'caille, line of leading to;miser�, d6cav'�n(l dcth� prornaiure�old -1her thOrfnonioter down to 18 that v ' L luall I te farri-k the tnotion for ivldin� the house was sell"LlIn 11 E undersigned off e;; Tr a INSURANCIP, power ill either Sex, involuntiiry T r .; caused b�. 6ver-exeitioil'of. (I Inlnimously -as others and, nl�sw but befre higlif tbe,ice And— os.t bad , composed of Lp to 40,79, and 80,1n �'th. Maitland obox Will pIlF.,wtol . .. t - , concession 0 the Township of Goderich, containing, 40 rip On brain, or: over-hidulgence. (in maw i ti Illi th only 6�eupljfbed banff,A�'ainsf al1L eVenina;se Iii 220 acrel�: The land is in.a, good:kato of cultivati6o, —F, sel'i fffilh`01, 0 . ; llor'biiilairi,i taken led It, tllo. eurerecont box conmin 'one month'a also �t with a b lut Y: breeze, truly 40 acres Sown with fall wheat, 80 acres se6deddown. y sdmllfarjaljurlll�l I I I L treatuient.' One (IDIIar'a'bo-.,,or six boxes foffive,dol. i',, ated tbt because the ireaonable Well Watered and well fenced. T%6 goodorchards, AT L 0 ME 8 T, Jairs sent by nlail �prepftld on rocipt of price, L We --way 1:1)o Was tkeD, several 11111 -embers -di)ligbtful-i��tbo�motheti3z- standing at 64 frame dwelling house, atol'thr6e -oo,i b r �T. oil' 14i7Wc ale;ays'keop oil hand firs t -class gsrantoo six,b66s.to ellro ally easc� With OaC or Yefwzed to vot(t. far'niia situated onexrole-6 IDOUT, 'or received by.us for si. will be,i r :, (� out in sliying thatL not one y and niake of LIME which be �old at boxes decom Now, sir, -I am sure many In biell ThI3 C -P Pa"idd2with five 9 above lets Will be �old together.or septurately, to'suit dollars ' we Will Send the purcha4cr otirwrittcmguaran-i For prticullin appfv­tb�,l . ....... . :: d6cq-not preacnt, itfused to vote, who hall a rightto� .8 'SCOTT, Solicitors, Clinto'l Oi to,f4m cot a cure. Guaranto6 issued only by .1. El. Combe MANNING'& -01 I . - I � - 1. I—... l,-. 7 ------------ apent tor West & I,& vote. IL is, true that one gentleman an dL days previous it :�t6od.at 70, A IULIO proprietor JOHN MCC,ARTNEY,-Ilolmesville� next morning; tit t e was -e b ( two left just befel.r.6 the ot frost appeai a be S T F S came M;O'RTG AG ES KARNEL -iiidepe'llident pers still �NOTU oil'nL Its- splonfior, �diffus- FOR, -SALE: OR 'TO R N 0 IIg It$ rollowed then) to fill(] out wbYL,tbey left, I oon C U Ch N e) 'O T11L n I genia rays, and 9 the.` b *r were L - ' ' f ellimot ebUt woIlld think it. was, none 'bells 6ard, remin-d Ing , us,o the ofrers for SarlQ, threb acres, of of Alarto uljl,�t f'a. L T �' art ts2ted to the Korth'c2Lit 6i. th6'1-1.i,;h �8'chool, GOL' d Securiffe' s':P :A (uf) tile f hi�i If i I s i I i w h eth er'person s 1 eft before I ' 11. L . I . I . urchase,d (I a xtt cbur'uhes at Gi-iffin are being lots 6.1, 65, slid 66. Very lobation'for I t, us I Ao act, intofid to travc S bi he� 'llm -aid.by this, noble, Will he .96ld Soparately, or Are A- be sill tirne f)r . is ind 0 1 A NT C 1, N,(, deb 4 Wndwe must, yncot 113bilitle large i rlds' me� stru6tures, but,J of choi a fruit b, spe of p-oprly attended. eIonso tile house Ild" W; W. FAIIL�N; others must do the lianio. I shall make one more ell nt t III sorty o a(ld, ratber 1;oer ()f 011ly�L 011 e . . Lll)'k!d stre6t. 11, I % � all ftcrtN6 notice. bikeallli. ocel I the co t Lice it., thQ tbreo.,Ilegro Cliul ,clies in this octainsil, bed ting room woCus, 4 )n oil a city, gave, t( ead in 5ett]61, Tner and Nvint6r:'kittehon, abd'oUier Me' Of being, pr 'e oa White Sh"ghai and Bantam honH for 900, y w' le totb� 1) X con... 9, IIrot. �Igreeilb ell: lyrn t1foy 'Secra to enjoy Wli f I' Zo,.rb b(acil P, A 'r t emsell-105, n!JURNSTON TISDALL & GALK Mel ol. not, tbey'&�pol show thiib E AP31.. FOR SA J h... . ... ...... -i rn i fid tl - - - Ilth y jJIL \A� Ile I ley be IL -d awit front t1lerl ve express toll. to 11 HAT 60 YZETUALIF�9 . . 1 I . I ' "' - - ­­. � �. ' . L L .5 A WK E R 'S I y bea, I00 i OfLffiilkltt,� 70 I ere t1lat inCe Cf1 lit,-wh tili it a I V ETIE A I N A,K'Y SURGEO, t1h(1V At Ci !od upon to ii'd the 11 I �"J - k. Y ST JILIN.,,ro-NL, 1,� ATTENBI� N ioll lq. Cs from Cli n1l of Vote ,3.illary r, Fr 'eon.4 f" See the. Tenacrefall-whe1W, Twootyplowed. Tprios:* r o r.,4 Clinton J lave &en PL16a.,'ed ti) n& '911.0 NSACT A N be,,,,� toi the hillabliant,'t of Londem- EBAL 13ANIUNO BUS11%ES -Onebalfci Idyfluced'oni %lortgages and 'Noteroflaftd IWA K E R,S' kitiol iii(fichristiaff-,feeliii�existiiljbe* ell (lay'. 16117' "ihirsfarril belongO to of the ;R .11 u d payable at paj;at,&Il'tha: offices of o 'he ha -9 :commoticed :btu, 0.8_ .oilt' of th� C t 'of eichange combinc& With moderate, 11, eVC'1`3'L 1-01 W no int,�rcljhnge nd b(�Llp i 'Ie' It bonght n.nd sold., P o hierit ashart'. Cag(at tile I'll-ID113, .MPT ATTI'lliTiOIN PAID, TO C6L-' of their pairoxia4ll. 9 g t faW but I think there is Wierished in tI Z till 11, e, S'th a" 'honLtCalln,(Ifta)jdtflelJnit�e&S at6ii.. be troated on the approve&4n art,,4 wish for union �sa;-cAlicd) or, ISALE NOTES BOUGkT 'at mod ern'prinui that veter1riaryRi5tence o%cels in.at" art3 I close ra m,�.and Aloney the &6gentL ill. rugland. �'Resjldlence 'U'IL t theirown notes the hsIll, J 10yalaced to farmers on' WOOD \,TAKE.N defibidIrLo, arid'..wIll attend TainSaALrs; AT IRwrWN 11 the t�,tnpeigt and C&Inl thLe T ofdmctostlit,thebor�bwor. All ITOT10, . IILYTII,�,aild SATc-RDAVi At tieSbonglitand Sold'. So thOril 1'0� ALE. th li,,i i ndependent perqon, I remain �rbt, challricq taken plac-6, in ehiil; ADD r.*Aflit llmdesboro, A 6g 31! 1884 PAXIM Nulm Yoitx, AOFNTS..or-,ru P. sItolaingcuro.for� Se. Clinton, Veb. If' Ia �140 rine clipie4 by Albert Itumball.: Seven rooms, good, A r n from 016 lstE, �L, V potency, -,sperma. BINATTON, I .RY, CO great� r Apply ta�Ai,ngevr RuxnALL,or the. oridersigp6d. 1.1 I'T north ii,4 dis ga oid'S.' ON J r TISD 1� GRIST KILb AT BANDON. Tvvq�ruki of A 70 -FINS ALL, ;ALE' LIXTT AGRICTTLTUV'A 1, spot of the'I soitth,, and bad boitight 111) otiler T. A, ( b cf, fly 11nil . 'EL16rit a-, t at follow &4 A":1`,., two acreq,bf. I�nd. ana .,Strath*i Q Spot. in, tbe� ilbigb- a' . . L � L.L i a Sequence of '8elf. SOCIETY h buildingse Apply to' PtNTLANJ�.TIDALL, TJ �ne y every q .010.0 COTT, usshf. EMEIR60N, PROPIR, -borliwil -of Vine arl, at an of in 0 qf the '25 to 50 per� cen' of 1)rites-askPd'heil# ft Ito 0, pain, ill Tb( 'T ihe lass d 'Iber 'h.o��d Jilt' si the back, dinole4'i ximer P , loused the labovol establiah-! aSIB,-I noticed a para raph i the N' ow Other parties who come J. 5 D D L E`0 0 ML RE of vision, premature old a4s, and many ther djwa�gs ment, he is prepared1o, supply them.with' good I that'lead to'itimanity or eonhurn�tion and a prornature -a grave, &Vrull particulars m 'our' a phlet, which OoMfOrtabie eutwr& u kirchase SPLENDIDYARAM fo coni aucca: at reasonable ratao. Giiod.. rell- Aullett A ficulta- 11cre'61 St be cOiAcnt'tO'P r SALE ERA, in respect tO this I 1, L Va etyL 'way 'in whiji, ic Iva%. bilck.ftom ra hra dealre'to "nd free by Mail ttlL'eyetT IThcAlie- and everything order., fillelghJU& I Soci _ and tile y. arc, FJOIKE subinebtrollfers for Side fila farm" consisting cific Madlcftloja sold by all druggt4tg at $1 porgkokapi gartlInIS, Comm6reial mail and otliers,-� A410118311110" fruit So Ong o -n 1toll and.,clock; Nab �5ent by Ell I On 26. - ated inoat r6asonable'term4. 6a Ine 6f'raj1NVIy JL of I�st N6� i3, in tha 11th conomion, of Hullettp or Ali packages 'for $6, or. Will, ho id to hive 'Created 0 06 i1ie. fi 226 Aotas. Over1f)(11'atres,cleired and unitordrainod, 6eipt of the money by. addressf IImneider they have nprer fried r6in A .Anta to !Xacom . a istatic of, and In a high 'ell of, iultivation� - On'the pnniisis &C TER GRAY ng clirlion in any.way, or any td ' ,IKE Co;; Tor6nto, On over 100 fal btit thig seotlon�baa K ai a, good frame hcumc�,`tv% Sola.,�y all druffgh�i. �Ovrnabip, Re the want all tb* . "'istanc-0 otable and tith�routbuiidiligsl. Two orch;ii�s,'vdth a P 08111VE nore rapt. Ill I y than any f I every virkity of fruit., Well vmter4d by., wilziag . creek they can jet� a.nT would. arilalgamitQ with' othe t Isf *6 will pay the bove re rd, r Y cam of I Ter 'she am 'aiyare' 'of Onf, �gr 'ket,on :running through the. lot. Hituate,!lj miles fivin Lou-, hek $500 Ist &0y and have a countyl -w, �rhich� would deaboro�stAlon, and 9 rallog from, the, Town of Clinton. POPI11 9 geleiii alsortmen other aee� , I I . . .1 . .. . I-on@ider the middlo. Georgia, and e1urclies quite coavoulent. This is one of "implaInt, dypoixiial sic cllix.ch , ibiligetioli; con,' Im better for all,' I do not c the best wheat fassri-Sib. the �oiihty of Hurom WA rCff$�, CL 0 ci, �lrwrwwy, Itipation or costiven 4 -c Conlin ure wilh Wbst4 present President had,any,.mire to do,in tion in;, the, south v'ery* even, �cfi- Vilgotable Liver hs;wbon the directions (ire strictly alecting the an Algal to rent, a rood ftarsw n WARI, . ' '' L. . . I o y one muto throughout. the bein J08t, Perth. Aied with. hey 2kr Sure]>* vegetable, and never that wa� the The ojMcere� .9 -at zeskeouslits rkt$ le tiatliifacx6n, : ugar coated, I boxes ore con- .�bo L to restore onco health from the T— and For Sale' by ad I spot r� 26 con is =&t8. oidired Ingally as tke, act aiyx JIUMeroida train, f d*Sea 6 b "l?'Nity MEDD of col -4i still IthitAtion8. The Sonfilne o I 9,3 ro on -sov. 2 so 1"o. there shall be a miliority of offii&v in siid Rerisarins of tvaryL d�tIsjipjiola 11roulptly A�ff allanialactured only b3 C" West & Co., 11 the pill Owngbip. Now,' -Mr. -Editor, I fl' by the very Chdrigeable, climate" in cer. :,, makerm," 81 & 82 XftiirSt.�Faqt; Toronto, Ont. Ud. too Merit L t trial plieklige by mail preo!d v*capt of (i rtbern Stato3 i ?Kany such personei s ibis HUN't m2f) AS in tile no nd f1tamy, JOHNSON Firm '#d TOW Ale callm himi;Glf, that lilie,ta bally lung dispasoN, .. ....... . .. . ... olves talk and do nothinj for t1lit littor- etc.,'- for bich a. residence ber6 is THM W34PANY LOANS ANNUT ON G0011 TT, AT oftolde f6r, Sal' r X xr�$ 4 certa n raixned,have been apptut,ed 601ii- A -sts of the soci0y. i nd uniirorsi .)nf tid: c�eting and I conitider that these 11111", iflAlifne,: Thip is n6t a liruestono so 'GOOD BARGAINS. Aotild have put their ghoulderq�t6 th� ]go dolayiI. Low ,as all the sprinks and W:6116,co�tain only E tbom.) wheel, slid not find fault, ' 1, ber one, for : Th - , . I . . C4, nL206. 'That large nd conimOdibuS fl`41116 dwelling homSe j)upe�, ccol,' �Oft IvIlite LiCOTT, - . I Ir tho'G.W. Railway Station lately pecuplod by �tb� *ing� tilt Elodd. dip last 1.5 yea:ri, have- been c6nfiocted 0 are, Sfiatldr� agent, Has parlor, lhffi�t i6om, eight Nd. -0 d ithouL utoning, Are generally it fot ^O witit thip society, itud have Infit & good Gg IT L rooma,Rftchon',paTJry,&6. Large alone ccllair­ Hard prow6d to Ile tha ba:iit l. §, a - -­ ' ' I F U R,N.ITU 4F, STOR',4 CLINTON. and soft wawrtn'building, &lftodfor A large fernily markOttot'SRAC ,,many fhult-flnd�ra rrhen they 'we're itiW fro mi .10 6 6,0 �fe�'t doork The Soil I . . - LSlf)-e '()It of a La rood con. THE ey t -61Y. finl9bed and in p theii auLzeription of-, tl, luirl or gray saitay. loatil, oil it rod clay TIIF21 lfolso NIS BANK, diti6n. Apply to th6 owner, MR, 0. 11MUMV, to a' the �nderaij'iied. oid -all 9TEVE'NSON turn, direct nprizes.. To 1JIL't posite M r. C thongbt they werti goirif to getL $1() "AL IL", n W 11 f mippo;,36, to a bad tneorporaw by Act"of THOS. 3. Let 825 blary .9treet (a that Arlso fronx it Digiv6lr wit i tl if'linton do her share tcoards the L rb reeiL �systotm of farti, ing, gi,etitly aetf]l�ior Ridonce),with neat cottage o three rooms impure blood,, Tivottilands cl! d, Slimmer alsoliAft time it sto give it to thVit. t�l,il C Ilaving. niovcA �into his now IMICY kitchen ; good ell slid pump choice ,IN,n,, tre., in, atcd­. it Nr',on. Phyarlel-silifil preFeei)X) it (Jlll�, Who-lise lt,on'e reel 4f siid sot,,iet� as'bai also th"' -i its 1[c r ( 11 ty, "to &66' of the garden &a. L is WOPPOSITE T.110 TOWN, TIAlk - 4�.­Ti' Iwh�§ubp.crib6d.liberall -iince M TREAL c ria trctt, W.wo to atatt Ibilly ani:t 0Fr10E 6 is m4de fm:n yolldvv I Clinton, known Its Lami',O. YOt0l, now '"CUP( idttwirds picto ve�quo in ft.4 Soo eavy becoming a iro�,liyibor, giTifll� lblery but theb ends in Clinton Goo L Knot, comprising A�largo hotel'Wildi THOUAS Apdathrd siiirounding, country, that be keeps on hand four choice town lots, &a. n, Dandelion SassatraN 8, 0 on valimble Rio,(; and the intrehase of the sbow gr%uni, 14I be airth which are so'p�ovAlcnt'hcro during uporiar quality of1rurnitilro nf all kind such as 5 AA clogant frame dw6iling hliva liv I - bad a tefi-. . . I & *e,1known of, tile y6r; 'have it Street, Clinton, formerly Ile d by 4, (1, Atiller, lbdr� tbe.m64 delicate eonstitutlan. is his $1 fot membersbip w freo aw tiny, Alt ti�asons led by It is strictly veglatfible, wid,elin- .Want itoresuch out- d way The 6sb of the:80il BE OM." lowoccull . considbr tbat we & PARLOR SETS or one of the boot iniefflcitars, ill 21 siders tojoin 118, ivbieh wolild give stron th 7. Lot oil, iltIV011 9t- 'With the d011ing ItMISO nOW the Bo�iets. f Of tile littest Occupied by Mr, 811mon, 0. W It. Station 4plt� dgps' and making tile bot- iiialrd' RtdNinfl and Amp-Ijan 0,,rrhq?0q0 'lot ll on k6ry Stroot, abutting oil the above 10 Tho 001 b 411 �o the socie(Ye. I biave g&i6rally founl' It on tit N)STR&DS 'SIDEBOARD, 'ut tbe highest n�ht one dollar t6r, a quart b5tLk.-., ,I,! -y8j ackaon, or -to tho uudorAlgridd. toili lea T, nd 6ob lotili will be sold togethor or Separately, A pply to,the, 4mall attelidaile at tbe aiinual. n� 0 bottlett for flvo d@tars; all - 4&cya rate,,;, Thollo who carinot obtRia a: t� 1" 4.? d tile L work left to whe'rio every. land ig first cb6son raising. 8� Tlia house and lot, lNo. 8.15 oil Slary 8 hismedielfiefrra thOlr I towards being less liable to,. the Crop *dam- AUOW9D 6 P)WOS111ii. -And everything that cft8tifutes furhilihing a hetwo ill occupied Mr. WE), Davis, -The houlio houdlipiping send us clue, dollar, and %ro �.i� iA I, -nT f -t I I . . .... 4[5 lbla� w will "'ll .it tile lowest living 111011t, Toning belowi and 6no Ili the upper story has a', ICUL tit I I , . to them. L es ii74%vn pablic patra.6af kitchen,gardon,wolt,&C, o -for-tha. Awelling. oil lot IS,. Oroll tront, ri�e bard feelings betwpen higb' I the- rop b 'n "Taned �o farmoril'on not h F�I­orswor IT a n oo(:Q� a not try to'at. , f 7h 19 Ot Ir vtt at 4co (or theirSolveli. Ilia Hli)16tt Agrintilhiral formerlybelonging to ff.'N Ipled by Mr. & Bennett. I. -I 0 S. STKN iIn I 0"11, .W sic an urin n It gh q r MR JO NGHAM rt j n th p I I 4 h inialln a 8 Y vi e h y f . . . . . . . . . .