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The New Era, 1883-02-16, Page 5
KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND Y 1011 Je:`t1.e:rs; 1 AROUND THE 'COUNTY. A MIANITOBA BY.IP.'GARD.. ®® f1 i1�� i The following is an account of a Mani - James Londeshoro, an employee in toba iblizzard written by a Enronite• who has resided in the eanetry'fur four. years. His repo. bion for truth is so goodthat we we tltink it is sutlieient guarantee that the account is true. A mild, calm morning, atmos a thaw, with 'sometimes an accow- paninr t of sleety rain. ' A morning which a natid of Ontario would hay was the forert ner of- a soft day; but. Ontario went "er prophets are.. of noaccount in Manitoba as the signs there are different from those of the former province. A person not acquainted with the country, if asked his opinion of;ti weather -on ;euoh' a morning would certainly reply : " splen- did weather 1" Let nit, for the sake of -clearness follow a person on a 'journey. en such a day.. Allured by its deceitft !calm ness he sets out, he may ha vs, walked for soinetinie, before noticing a darksente, misty, cloud, whichhas been gradually rising in the West or. N. W. This cloud has somewhat of the appearance of a snow cloud iu Ontario when 'Lis -seine distance off. This cloud which seems stationary at first, ,-is-uo.uer,thelr:ss-tt-taveI1ino w -it -Ii g•refe rapidity, and soon envelopes the unfor- tunate traveller in a whirling mass of snow, which, being damp, adheres to every part of his -clothing until he is a moving, white mass. if be hats whiskers so' much the worse for him, for such a quantity of snow uecutnulatr•a around thein .that breathing becomes difficult. .1 -lig clothes becua:ie so weighted with the "beauriful", that walking becomes impossible, and the travellers," T a VALISES. &c. RUSK ., -Oar steak of. Boots -and' Shoes: for the Fall and Winter Trade is now complete 'and for. quality and style cannot be. excelled. I ever est ods ' the Market'. ' �ar to handle the b o Qac s ecial�es e , And to bell them at the lowest possible prices; h. nt`dscount for. cash. -�, per �e { p W:TAYLOR & SON, .Coats B ock, Clinton. WA '' 'S Co_ TGGISTS, Po Albert Stet, ,Clinton-.. 1 warranted saunas and . , k i in m tete o " will find our stock of mad c es c 'lir public" o u 1g b,t P P the best quality,. TOILET . SOAPS, PERI. OAFS,PDRI UME `SIioULDE ' B �AC ; ,T RUSSES.I.SPOA SPONGES AND ALL 'KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES us13ALLY KEPT , D•SIN .AFIRST CS.1LGTUR , _.. _, _ Clinton CabinetCom' In order. to meet out increasing trade -.eve -Lave bought. the' Factory lately occupied by `'V . B: Crich, �r ani after,+getting it, under way •We arc, prepared to manufacture Everything in the Furniture • line, g From the . cheapest to the best sets, with the latest styles and No, 1 finish and workmanship.. Ordered work a .specialty and satisfaction guaranteed it1NRTII We have also : added this branch to our business, and in itat all times will be found everything to meet the requirements of all. A HANDSOME IIEARSE KEPT FOR By strict attention to business and an eye to accom- modate and please, we hope to merit the confidence- of all. HIRE, GEORGE DIEHL' &f C;� Valencia RAISI: The cheapest because the best. Black NOTED STORE FOR CHOICE FRtTT.T;! B E A VER S. PALLISER. `. BLitt. CK1.CL,I_NTOi THOS. WHITE. ■ 2'tf?+.aa+7 AIdI'MOT. ' Coleman's saw mill;, Seaforth, got one of his fin,ers cut off while Workince around the Saw.", ' Mr. .Charles -Young, of Colborne, beads the sheep raising, record for this. year with four lambs born on the 24th ;January. No nousEHOLD should be considered cemplete without a bottle of DR: VAR BU HEN'S KtlNlfr CURE win the closest. It 'is the ,only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly • cure all forms of kiduey diseases, Sold by all druggists. . The total receipts of .tlie. .Goderich High School ,for 1882 Were '$3,970.5'3: The. expenditures were ,$3,399.05, leav ing. a balance on hand; of $571.53 cents Mr. L. - Thorne has'' purchased. the grocery. and liquor business which rias lately been ;conducted by Messrs.. D. Munro k Co ., ;Seafoi t h. 'Mr. Munro intends leaving town. ..sAykDias i " she. knOWSher- Inau 1111 when you rhut and swear, can draw you do her .with a single hair," But it must be beautiful hair to have such power;'and beautiful hair ear: be-en- sured•by the use of C1Nti iLEeE Hata RENEWER. sold at Ge.ets. by all druggists: Mr. John Brown ha's sold his fern on'the lst.corr.' of Howick, for $3;200, and bou•rht Mr Jos. Carroll's farm . on the 4th 'con. of Howick, 'for $4,000... The following are the -.salaries paid teachers in the Goderich High .School <: Mr. I3: I. Stang, 81,200 ; ` Mr.' A. J. 'Moore, $800 ; Mr. -S. P. Halls, $800 ; 'Miss I.• E. Oliver, -$450.` "W r hour 1 should d a man otiose .blood isria•. • within -"Why his erandstre .cut tit • labaster ?" Gillet hie'hair grow rusty, scant andltliiu, when !CINGALESE RENEWER" Will make it grow. the ster. For salealldruggists.. fa a by Mr. Robt. Armstrong, of the ;7th concession of 1lullett, last week sold a' ettllin Mill . to a,n Atuel•icati-bn e] - fol: y g y, y. the sunt:'of $225. This animal wits sired by `Bell's "What's Wanted." On Tuesday; Feb. 6tb, a crane alight- ed, in the beaver, meadow on the farm of:. Mr. Granger, in Hallett. This is,al- es t alost the-first-instance-w'hiei't-h sT,came, tinder our Observation of. a crane, staying in the country"in. the winter inontbs. G. W. in I'arkdale .Toronto Writes: "My wife had several very. severe 'attablo. of ,cramps in the stomach. Heartugof Dr. Austin's tine and its pleasantness .to titre I hosphm p g`vc,her two bottles: and site has not had an. arta k sine, aud'her herlth is touch iuiproved." For s, to by all dauf gists, ' .At ' -.meeting of'the ISeaforth town ci i. Tia Lusbywas're-a oilited council, , Pp town [const able, &c., at a salary" of $400 per annum, attcl till fres and perquisites to go to the town` Mr. A. Sutherland was appointed m•tt et clerk at a salary_; of$325, and Mi... . i,.. lark water won ks.. engineerwas ie-appoin ecll at the same: salary as last.year: Mr.'Sanluel Stark was appointed assesier at a s lary of $80.` J. t3. Wetherell, writing.froin Winn eg, says,:`. "I eau sao more about Phosphatine now than'. when [ saw you.lastin'roronto. My 11th is much iniproved, and lam free from hear elms - or any other itches,' having only ttsed tinea d a half bottles of yourLhasphatine. For sale tiff. all druggists \ The yoaingest son of 'Ali A- J.Wilson,' of •Seaforth aced about two years had the misfortune'' to get ;,his face badly' burned -.on 1Vlon. day, by falling on. the hot, stove.. His oldest' brother was sit• ting on :a.chair near the stove with tlie little fellow aloha 'with, `him, and °having had occasion to leave the oil :Which- he h chlie was;`sitting , master baby took id vantage of it to,stand on"the chair and: saving to' and fro, when' it became over- balanced aiid'-he-fell face .:dowit waid on: ;the stove ' , IN .TUE- histol y 4f. ruedieino. no .preparation has received such Universal coinmondatlon; for :the alleviation it' affords, ;and the permanent cure it effects, lu kidney diseases, as,DR.. VN BUREN's KinsEy Cunt. Its action in these itis: tresatng ooinplaints is simply wonderful. - Sold by all druggists. _ Mr.. Thomas Dodd, of Colborne, has kindly leaned us a copy "of a bible issued in. • 1607:' The, preface to'the New Testament was'written in 1568,. and „.a, nutfiber of interesting and instructive conntients are to-b'e found in the margin. The type used'was 'dblack letter text, and the_ entire 'book bears the -mark of the Elizabethean period.. By , the .way, this .is: :the. famous "-breeches"' edition, that Word being'substituted fon "anion in Thework; 3:7. Thwork, is an interesting one, aside from its religious character., It iat doubtless one of the oldest books' in tae county. -Signal. STOVES. --Having bought -s tock of Stoves outside of the association; on very: ad'- 9 anto sous terms, Iamn owPre 3 redto offer COOKING' ST oil 4 at alarge percentage under • the usual price., *HARVEST TOOLS. Scythes, Snaths;i' Wheat, Barley ,and. Hey Forks, Scythe Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves; Cradle Fingers, &o.. TIN WARE.—A full assortinent.of Tinware in all its branches. Also LArrt• Goo»s GRA4Pi''Lt'-W-A-It r Just -arrived; an-afiaor-tment-cif '1'E tors,-C.ocieEE T'o7 s_ai cL P BE8l,lliVINC KETTLES, in Granite • Ware. 'HIDES, 'S•HEEPSKINS, FUR° -HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID;S. DAVIS.. CLt1 NPON.. "_As the dread torpor. stealing cana, .g,in Alun his staggering. stlffou.L --frame He sinks upon the. snow," 1' Although theblizzard is terrible in its effects, yet, .daring the first part of the storm, the cold. ie not unbearable, but_ as it continues and increases in violence'.the -cold becomes: intense and is at last beyond endurance . There is one strange feature Of. the:bluzard Which • probably accounts.: . • -for so;many lives bel;nU 1:w>;t. Although the whole mats Of air; and snowtravels, in one. direction he`lvind seerns to be rush ing' upfrooi the ieund and heating from all sides this envelo'j>,ing."the _unfortunate' in a blinding,. choking king, mass of. whirling ..snaw;_tilLo?-rc.>ma.-i wfa>tigiie iulrl-despa.i ,. h'e sinks to perish. Trey never last long; the longest ]tat lasting oyer eight hours; Some.people will discredit this last state- ment but they, must not confound a 'snow sterni with a -blizzard; snow ::storms Inst longer but ate not to be feared • so much .ss a' blizzard, ase person is' not, so much in clanger ©fperisliing'in one,'tbe sun not shining, the glare which accompanies"the .blizzard..dos not dazzle 'the eyes, the whirl. of snow is also •abseht from the anew' storm. Na snow falls from the clouds dining a blizzard, butla lifted florin :the ground -by the violent:: wind and . whirled - into those eddying masses ao'ntuch dreaded by the inhabitants of Manitoba: r AN ANSWER;, WONTED. , Can .any one.firmg us.a ease of Kidney or. Llver.Complaint th©t Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We' say :they.,.can; not,- as thousands of cases'already permanently cured and Who are daily recommending'. Electric Bitters; *ill prove: Bright's Disease, Dia-. hetes, Weak Back, orally ',urinary complaint gaickly cured. They ;'purify_the bleed, re- \ elate tha bowels,'and act directly on theedis- e sed' parts. Every bottle guaranteed.. For sal at. 50 L. a bottle by \Vette' a Co.. From now .until the `"15thi -of February, preparatory to stock aking, I will offer the whole of my, immense and welt -assorted stock of DRY ,GooDs and Boos ANO SHOES at discount of t per ren far' c all.. Nly.--go-odb are alhln;n l dt n l r lr fiTg -es a t close cash ori`; This offer is a SPECIAL DRIVE ; reduce IVh; ' tt ; ecru .0 stock,of winter goods, and. is a grand oppor'tunity .for cash buyers to secur4' first -;class' goods at bottom prices. NOTICE A FEW 1)F THE PRICES. A first-class OVERCOAT at X8.5 .. .. '' ,. and 10 off'.. -A first-class pair Blankets s at X3.00'.: 4 and 10ffi fir t A s classA • 11 -VST col Tweed at 60c and 10 off.. - aSS F1 . 1 0 1 r�nT _ - o a e1 at 35c7 -rind A first-class Colo'd Cashmere at 35c. and 10 off. -A_t-olass-B1ack---Cashneie at - 35e. and. .— T A first class pair Ladies Boots $1.00 and 10 off. Afirst-cl ss pair' Men's Boots ots $2.00and Afirst-class pr Men's felt Boots $2.75 and. 100f Qttaw has two Masonic bhz;aars under. way-. The IIo . Alex. Mackenzte,fis'.indis o ed., The cabman who drove ifhe Pilcoulx Patk aesasisins in Dublin, .last sunnier` has turned'• Queen's evidence. The`pat'ties codify of the murder are underLarrest:,• My stock of GROCERIES is complete, and prices' are low. 1 S13 C-)1LEI, Tow tnAT there is a rolfable ram: y for kid- ney troubles; half, the terrors attache¢ to these complaints oave been removed •For thislet-a11- .be thankful and to Dn. VAN BUREN'S ,R)DNEY CURE awar'd.all praise for `liaving thusroinoved a hitherto considered, fatal disease from our. dpath. Itwas never known, to fail. Sold• by alt ruggists: It is assumed, by the chief '-organ..of the Conservatives that'all who voted for , the •N,. P.. will vote for Mr. Meredith. Of course this, is all, nonsense. Mr. Meredith has nothing to do with the N. P., jnst_as. the N. Y his nothing to do with il!Ii. Meredith. Scores of` Liberals who voted for the N. P. will riot ♦oto against their party iii Ontario. poli5ics, The ] fail is reckoning without its host. —Toronto Telegram (l•t. P. Organa As Tae frosts of vvldter'v-aitislt under, the cal- . ode influence of.tho Sun's ray n, so docs Bright's biiiehse, Dropsy," 'Stone lri"r15e Kidneys and Bladdt:r, and taflain ttlon of the kleneys leave the billy upon the administration or DM •V:vN' BURL•'N'S1�tnxiLS Cunl . Sold 07,101 drugafsts. „- The vote taken in the Bible ",Christian ohurch;-Txeter, on Methodist' 1. nion, i•esult- 1' 4':a against e dforuiton 9 19. g .- h 111+tat3„.. „ ` Il ail NT, Mr.: M: E. Allison, .Iunett nsou, Kan,'t s't,ved his•life by, a simple Trial Bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which ,osuaed hien to procure a large bottle, that comp letely', cured him, when Doctors, p and everything else had change,Qf. climate -failed Asthma Bronchitis,—Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung dile eases, it, is guaranteed to cure. , Trial..Bottles free at Watts * Co's., Drug Store; Large size $1.00. ACRS' FREE IN THE . Devils Lake, Turtle: Mountain tn4t Mouse River Coautry, ---NORTH` ,DAKOTA,' Tributaiy'to ilia United 'State Lind office at GRAND. FORKS, DAKOTA. Sectional map and full particulars mailed free to any address.. by • II. F. MCNALLY, General Travelling Agent. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba RI. 28 E.'Frontstreet, Toronto. 6 {a0'.iq NU" rGQU;'ft I(:b •N {TN" ne G U i.h� Vpr rRV WILLSGE EY E%kMIN NG fAis {A.'> t I T • is • CRICAUO ' OCK ISLAND & PACIFICE R'Y Callstho attention or travelers to the central posh- ' tion of its line, connecting the East and the Wcst. by 'the shortest route,'and 'carrying .passengers, .without change of cars between Chicago and Han - •sea City, Council Bluffs, Leavenworthi Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It connects in Union Depot sWith all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. • Tts equip- ment is unrivaled and magnincent, being composed of 'Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches,. Magmac>ent Roston Reclining Chair Cars, Pull- , man's Frctticut Palace Sleeping . Cars, anti the Best Lino of Dining Cara in the World., ;Three Trains.. . Two and Missouri River Point -.- bout gen Chicagoa Trainsbetween Chicago and Miunen gins id &t' P+tia the Famous . n .a1 "ALBERT LEA ROUTE."' A. New-and-Direot Line,-via-$oneoa and I:auka t hoe,has7•ecentl `been opened between Rielonond',. Norfolk. Newport News„Chattanooga, Atlanta Au- gusta, Nashville Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapona and Lafayette,' and Omaha. Minncap oils and Si. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Traver on Fast Express • Train,. Tickets for sale at allrincipal Ticket Offices in the: United States and'Cnnada Baggage' checked through and rates. of, fare a1- ..whys as low as oompetitor0 that oirer•iew) advan- toges, For detailed information, get the Mape and'Foid- =e,h Of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE,. to your nearest Ticket Office, or address R. 11 CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, • ,., Tin ilea 1st t;'r • (tee I XII e'Pu., Jas . +-'lai0,S, w • We are now offering' Special inducements for .casl%_, whsle stock taking reat reductions m Millinet-y- G real .reductions -in ''Mantles. s=leet reductions it Furs. Great reductions: in I-3osiery. :reat reductions in Fancy Goods. TWO 'DOORS NORTH OF THOMPSON and SWITZER'.S, R. BEESLEY, Beaver 'Block, Clinton, e. 11Vhci a :i�g the best lelace to a eal.'t Is WHY WYE'llf. '13;" Gr�c ri He, keeps the: best Y :general' stock• in town. Everything. .• Fresh. P •. ItOBB, the Grocer, Central tlrocery, Clinton.