The New Era, 1883-02-16, Page 4see
urif f t42.: mon' I.
Will offer the balance of their stock of
eavv oa
'lac( s
an( U-vercoa
I EFO131M . ()ASS lf.--DATES
The NEW ERA asks the :electors in the.
several ridings to support the .above can="
didates. They have been faithful repre-
aerated ves in the past, have aealeuslylook.
ed after the interests of their constituents,
and merit their support again.
'J W ' dutzll%tomato.
Card J. Il ciese lie.
Notice to debtors --1t. Adams.
Who's your hatter -W. Jackson.
'Vote and influence -Thos. Gibson.
Winding, tip sale-Fstate'Jobn Iledgens.
• kf
FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 1883.
OT suns, Feb.27th, we hope that
everyman in Huron ln favor ofn'.:aintaiu-
ing the rights of this' Province, will get
to the :polls, no matter, how difficult it
may be, and mark his :ballot for either'
Cox,. -Rets, Txiot£®s Gxssott, or Artcr¢.
IT is a piece of preen''' tion to ask the
intelligent electors of Wet Huron to vote
for the Opposition candidate. The posi-
tion he holds in the county is of but little
account; and even that was attained by
pure check. He has not even reached the
position of barrister 'yet, and is hardly
known .outside the limits of Mr, Daviel-
son's officio.
' 'NEARLY every Opposition,candidate or
paper prescrits' all array of charges against
the Mewat Goveranielse Yet al.thought-
, ?al examination- ofthe alleged reasens
why, the government should be turned
out of office shows to every man, willing.
to be convinced, that the government
should be sustained. The eharges are "al-
most ' invariably false, and those which
are . net falser are fri►olous. "-N'o iutelli
"gent urian can be conVineed tfief eMow"
at Government'iias been either unfaithful
or incompetent. No patriotic roan can
desire to see,th'e. Opposition permritted to
sricrifibe and degrade:Oritario.
Mai, Mow &T has-been in power twelve
years; end -is trot guilty of a single act of
corruption: " Tl:sen weds, for: Iris return to
power, and support. the -Liberal candidates
• .r --ate-
WE quite -agree with sonte of -:our cx
changges that thetom-!holing which' takes
place .at -the opeei g of r'arliairient; every
year, should be nimiiehed. . Canada is too
democratic; _id vsnon sense' a country
for such rubbish:
Nu nERSof'Conserva}tives throughout
the country, "who Jiave been approached
by their•own canvassers, tell them "They:
see no reason «'11y Mr. Mowat should net
be sustained They have no fault to find-
--witill- him;- arid -feel":
their vote for the Liberal candidate."
The Conservative: party; in the main,
are so". shifting and pliable that it the
Dominion °Premier were even to instruct'
them to. wheel about and denounce the
N. P. as the greatest fraud of the nine-
teenth century, they would take the .turn
and follow liis irtitructions. They are a
good deal like a jumping jack, -he pulls;
a string and they do the dancingnomatter
what the tune is.
Tim London Free Press is engaged in
publishing sketches of -the": various Op-
position candidates; (supplied by the can-
didates themselves) and in its issue _of
Wednesday contains one of Mr: F. W.
Jolinston, To show how. very truthful (?)
the sketches are ire clip an extract from
Mmec7ohnston's "recommend"
"His ability soon ensured him aluoraf_
tive and extensive practice, and he is now
regarded. as the leading lawyer of his gee -
Lion. .:
Oh ! "gwacieus"gooduess:.
'1 tri. Crooks Act is ouc of the main ob
jecticne ag inst:the Mowat ;oiernmant.
Among other coniplaintsmadeby the Op-
position, hg a ;t:its working, i:z that the:
'Onterie "Government:gets : share -of the
license'ftind. :The "Opposition• tyrant the:
`niunicipei1ities to have it all. Well, the
net mets•sali-ties--did---r:ot-get--e-i-the--fees
from li deneee before the Crooks ?pct was
:passed; 'ird tTiey git`iliore nide .- now:
per license, than. they getunder the old
11ct: • LItitl' the Crooks .Act never heeu
.inti;Adueed, the municipalities would have
got $i00,550 from license: fes iu`.. 1880-81,
• and the Got Firnriient rvott•ld have gob 1;70, l
950. 17•ndei-the Crooks Aet the- niunici
palities-got $273,4b7`and the Government
get ; S`r;207", There is nothing in that"ie-.
Milt to grieve over, as it shoes that under
Mr; Mowat' adininiatratipn''of the ; Act
themunicipalities really get nor'• than'.
they did 'before. _"The •OppoSitien wanes.
the licensoing fi"ower to go back to tris
municipalities, and they 'could bins 'get
'els money .lhati they did before.'
HBO; etatE, in brief, e few of the n2:11
the MewGovet.=ent Nass done ter the:
Country:.?- Railways • and • colonization
roads have been assisted" and ape led. up.
:The:Municipal'Loan Fend debt rias been.
adjusted, a wise drainageact has reclaim-'
ed vast areas of waste lands, "the back
eoun tnyali s rices': largely . settled `encl "i m-.
.rnigrati imeociiraged. '.ti`l'e Central Pri-;
son his been established, the Lunatic
Asylum extended,we ha"}'eg the behificent
institutions of the deaf, and dumb.; the
blind, and the P3oy's Pveforinatory than; ed'
to a Scheel of -Discipline on .the mossl
modern, scientifiC and kindly, system..,
Public charitest lave. everywhere been as
listed and the educational sytitem of the
:Province vastly extended and "improved;
sa'schr of oF'Practical• Science and au• fly
ricol I, rat. Colteg , affording; an' opening
toall It would be impossible to estimate
the benefits agriculture has tieteivedfrom
the wise, practical polieT,of llfr. /Ani at,
while the Croo1:i Act has worked a reiro
lution in the liquor trade "which ironthe
applause of Prohibitioursts :f el iv s-
VOfn vrrjpior l a gove nment Mat has .done.
so mantle for /)/e conntr•//,'hf/ 1nrrr purist /h 5ii'
dn1('rrh-fin hr4iirbC nl crrtrrif±tr(r�, • s
IIs iui is a, significant fact for the ,else
tors to ponder over. :'Sixteen years ago
Outarie tied the other provinces started
evenly cr".their ,career and "to -day we find
the one province avhi,'chhas been -ruled by
the Liberals with a surplus of +5,000;000,
while every other provii eo ie an debt,
Quebec the great Tory stronghold, • where'
'a Liberal dare hardly raise his voice, ancl'
where -n siiccesi ou elf public ',hinderers
hays -avert through the'governmentoffice
has a debt of 15',000 000, and nothing to
show for it ! This is a proof Of the rela-
tive merits of Liberal and Tory rule,
which ne man in his sense can refuse to
_accept , Electors of Huron;_ then remember
that under Arr. Mos at's government On-
tario hes
n-tario"hes saved five millian ,dollars, gglnile
Quebec, under 'Conservative rule, has gone
in debt fifteen .millions.
': Eviray friend of the Mowat govern-
ment should bestir themselves for the
next twelve days. In politics, as in' every-
thing else, -werk-downright"'hard work
is thekeystone of success. Let every
wellwisher of Mr. llewat and honest go-
.rernment remember that talk is cheap,'
and siaileth little when\pitted against
work. The election; ofthe itoirat .candi
dates in Huron seem aa_ured, but not for
that reason should the slightest effort
relaxed, or a single stone "left unturned,
to make assurance'doubly sure. Let their
majorities be such that there will be rne\
mistaking its significance -let it mean
that Huron prefers Mowat wheat to op-
position chaff; let it be a hearty :endorsa
tion of twelve years government of the
people; by the, people ; let it be ,a sweep-
ing rebuke
weep-ing"rebuke to the men who are willing to
barter "'their, :birthright for the spoils of
To r,cg-tufcH • a mIVaES..1
Rev: Mr, McDonagh attends' a. church"
opening at Moncton: on Mardi 4th. •
Bev. 111r ;S:tewart exchanged" pulpits
nitli.Rev. 11r.,7. ochead, on' Sunday.
In St:" Pant's Church, Sunday even'ieg,
kr. Craig will speak from •(Alen. xxv,'
And the boys grniv."
• Pev,W; McDonagh took part in tne
Missionary Services of the Cled'eritlr '11Ic-
-thodist: chureb, .on.. tlenu
Mr. .T. Ce Stevenson entertained, ;the
mein bete of his; bib's class, 27 iii" number,
at his residence, last, week.
iter -Dr llari€1sen, of Tiverton.; (father
of Mrs. W. L. `Newton) leas receired mad'
accepted •as call ?rem'.the "13aptr ts. of
Owing to the.absence of Rev. ,W, Mc-
Donagh on Sunday next, at Fingal, Where
he .conducts." anniversary" "services,
Mr. Rice will 'preach in the- Methodist
Church en Sunday morning.
Sabbath• School "Anniversary services
will be held is the B. C. Church'on Sun-
day iiext In, the morning •. Few Mr.
Gray will preach, and: inthe afternoon
tlev. M: ,Whitlock: will address the
"Sabbath School, also :preaching in the
evening; • A" meeting' Will he -help,.
en the- following ,',.Monday .evening;' to
s,hich" public ar•e cordiallyinvited,
Or i!tGdAt, PiC1Aahlr iti:r,Tt.(
rruiiOT-.'r h c, At.,
• cct
• The gitarterly oflicial..11oard of the Me-
-thodist° hurcli- pore-voted"-on--the-union-
"questioti;, on 'Tnesday evening. The.
adoption pi! the bases as submitted by the
union committe, was moved by E. Core'
beat, seconded'. 1,y " 1. C. Searle, and
uuaniniiusly adopted. Sdbsequently it
cram nio.ted" by: :It., Manning, seconded
.by Jas,' Thompsan and carried :by a Vote
of 1G to 4.
• That this Quarterly hoard desires to piece
upon record its hearty appreeati'on.of the la-
bora of the anion committee, of which .Ctev, J.
J. lase :and A.8, b fisher,,, L+ sq., of. this town
were,, rnbers; and also 'of the laborious and
inaeluablet services of l;,ev. Dr. Sutherlancf,
rvlroae fiCit circuit u•as 1:)lintov; ori behalf of
a unitO Methodism.
Also,'that in .the opinion of •,tbie'boarcl it is
deiirablo"that such•a change be made at
early dato'in the Government of ''the ` united
church. 'acs shall confer on laymen •eiliial re
presoutive rights and privileges in all the' of.
ficial meetings and. 'conferences of the. church,
nickeling. the stationing committee:
Also, that this'13oard pledges itself to assist
to the -beat of their ability any • special fund
that iiia,; be clouded necessary in carrying on
successfully the proposed.
"Thin 1i et "resolution provoked a long and.
animated dieenesion carried on, however,
with the utnioutof good feeling A resolu'g,-"
tion taw; ed by J. Stephenson, seceded by
f`.I1'11it�i war .also carried, asking 1,Ree. Mr.
%1)bila! fi`tii retrieTrfel a 0'11171 year.
All the,. above are New Goods (not, the:.leavings
of twenty, seasons) as our motto is anal always
has been "keno -your. stock-:f1?esh- and•bright,'',,
don't carry over°on1 one year to another`
otherwise old" stock.; accumulates and you _ ar e
thereby left behind "%n the: race.
To make this sale a greater success, wewill
offer our ` whole stock of -
IRT- & 11111111 COTTONS at thEl :t i11 prices
Which is the lowest list known for over 2 years,
1 1
111E,{0 d,1111S.
eep your uses open for ; our expec
arrivals • of
is .l cote a
via ial twee
:i hest 'rise given for 200 cons s
Short Wood, 4reen or ".dr r,
1 t!