The New Era, 1883-02-16, Page 37' - conei4embld'portiou of their time. during VebruaLry 99 1883.. CON4UMPTION"S RAVACES. UAftLVXl&'11 JEAJKLY P31311111-41 P May fall on the graves of'thoige whomi� THE. MAGIC 40TV, the Summer months, in the excitement . . !, , . : -- 'L- � I have lovstO, Radlmbo,are ,eparted to that o0pasique by the "round -up." This its A 1111therte'Upimblimbed JUetiv� Irpm the land of darkness and of the Shadow of death, I I I I I ;7;x be NJ, res ot A nea Itul crelit: 0 le spring and fall, the object Reasoilst Why 86 fitany A'zteploa Die 61 L about,,which so muc JLft4e michigan- FARMER'S, INGLENOOK. beOug'to gather and brand the alves. zinc Fell .1111111ca, se. and act little )h, is �hoped,oi fearel When the proper time has arrived the understood. Those are mou I TA-, Pullman, City -i which I visited last 'Sun-, ful thoughts. They come acropp my min o a formal ded�catio It.: 7— LIEE_W�ORT1[­L1VlNG AFTER ALL. at times -in, the' ;day, is Soon to ha Seasonable, Topics for Fireside Coll at all the ca,ttle, SIGNIFICANT FACTS A Stillness of the so it : the I theatre and library" are to be; e roarnirig,through -the FIGUHES.� thrown -open. The foIllowing letter of Thomas Carlyle's night, and,plurige me into an, oc It - is probably the nly district. All the men are notified, and San of IS At the Canadian ;Institute, Toront -It was ful, conjectures. 41 My G d (a claims the moaet city in the world, and has : ooffb W 91, is published for the first t6lie'.* a x asserrible at the refideavouB, where & can- Saturlday nigb.b Dr. P,, H. Bryce doli Brad 'written about eight rhonthe afterihe tfLrned r4elaucholy and bih-minded Pascal) Sir- 6;000,000,-biCh alreadyp4ys 6.per6ont.! tain ts,sBleoted. Each rancher has to bear a lecturon 11 Consumption,"giiingreason's his back u on the Church and during th . lighten ruyiioul� or alle from it this reaBoi - on, every element (if it. Tliere are 8,500! SPRING.. ti, din 11 p I a I PREPARE NOW FOR -a expense accor g to the umber of why so many persona are annually Carried darkest hour of that period of gloom, oli. ing curiosity.v Montaigne tells us that he !.acres of land, costipg 53�0W;, thetown: bio. cattlp,'�, having to provide for the first off by this dread scourge, With facts t ,,.reposed upon the ggle, d9ing1rom the begin. per is built of 00. acres, all that! y.1aR 2.00. head:, one thre.-Ilpirsea teom-mortalityreturbs nd sanitaryl we. citude and stru 1882, arid' there pillow of a doubt."'And b I 4iDg of 1815-'aud. lasting into is ft dav appurtenance of a manufactur.: and a Similar number for every addition coming -it s even now not Mid be air � al From his position aa Secretary of the Pro- I­iortrayeAlri Ear di8taut-wben. all mine Shall be company. It is inld� a ar M�nufactoiy wluo,ve 1Azhtmvj6ab6r.11 100. "Two vk4gous accopany the expedi- vineial Board of I Health 't , he 'doef which is so"frely and direct y r or has the 7th, Is I or need no'exp �.Illillrormdadby A A good wifdro�dfrom her bea once 8th, and Orb chapters of the IId eNP lanatiou. - 1-wiil city for tile operatives,, an(] tore; tion, and'being- lotided wjtiv.blarihet� and obtained a firm grasp of! the �Ubject in -Book of 11 Savtor, Resarrus.", To US bustone, purse these reflections no further. 0 for an ideal urrephanical lifa,t&whole to pay, And thought with a nervous dread provisions, start for the point selected as, ' band. arked. that bi, � cease to believe:wbat- -'and Oft�,u pile ofelotbesto be",�hed,andmore The,' pea,er rem correspondent, was miso s, native 6f thing, let Us r, -ever Than a dozen rix,utbEl7to, be fed. camping pl4ce, while thti_men are detailad the ques to: be free of disease, to exali'the'Coudi- tion , of. the zymotic Ecclefooban, and a, �ourlg man of consider- ever.be' our destiny -an upright mind is iion of Men. At o'ne end are the great, a to get, for the men in -the t6collect the cattle and drive 'of conourription, r iiThere *ere the meal or more p op rly able the,greateat bles*,ing we, b ick shops, turuing:,put,fift: an car � a d attainments, find literary promise. Ile pan obtain or IMM.. 'r, a a field dei3iguated point, where they' are corralled -tubercu)oss,.haa receiVed -within the past 4yo lid tho'children to fix away 6 th was it, tutor in early life, and inhab capa-1 glue. -Believe upeto be yours faithfully, with a mighty towet­Of--bYidk'200-feet high' TO school,,ind Milli to be ski'minedamd churned, a night. TtI6 'same process is� con- year added interest from the fact that �tyths,d tr.,,,elle'd s, good deaiinforeignparts. TiromAs to! diBtrib Ce'tbe sewerage, wh ile the h6at,' rounded up Kee b, of Berlin ail to1he world the CiRL tinned Untilall the cittle are ti t And all to be done that Ally. will di engine anddrivenjuto a1arge corral. BultB ly settled do in 4addingt6n, tato., are ispenfied by the & t' Then one re of experiments in. which he claims as a teacher, where b died w bile Still a Weak Lurigrok I which drove themachiner,,ut, the Centen- had rairledlin the night,aild ll the wood 11, aCL 'Every one knows'that. physics� 'a ra, Cher fi'allowed to out but from the maill to have proved, -that 6ortaia b teria, may M6111' ailalexhibition. At the centre and other� w4as as wet as wet could be; , L ; I ex. raise yOU4g Therb�'were.puddings and pies to Makc, besi&.�a hard till, cows with oalveBit their sides that' ibvariably-be found in the Sputa of c'on- , Gilbert,Burns, brother of the poet. His car. u vl,'orkttes the milSoular systei that the end are the pl au, and town, - till, of! btick,:, A loaf 6f eake,for tea. bear his mark and 'the Calves, hving all stimptive patients, and that b� the' Cultiv - coust in limits, of an ot,-aud- her aching head I 1 J 8� ..respondeuce 'with Carlyle extended over ' Ant action, with with nearly 10,000 inhabitants, half: a, mile Amd'the day was b been branded, are, tu rood loose -the opera. tion of them in blood at the temperature '' [It uL1U1;6lo­6L1 g - repeated 'uutil been Several years. here are some twerity-el. It, arges , and strengthens. that from Lake - Michi an an artificial lake Throbb6dweaily as she said, 'tb pedt,and if all. rouscle. is the working of the same:law Comes,into 'the plaza on which are the I,- If , maidens knew what good wives know tion. heiu' all haVOL of a body they,may be develo 9 They�,v�ould Vein no hasta to' wed I" properly marked ard idontified� Thein-. injected into the body of rabbite -they Will L that gives. fuluess and vigor-to,Abe-,blao.%. . I 11 KIRROALDY, June 26, 1818. :arcade, -hotel (.called Florence, for'M�. d r. Uuirhead appedis -cause the tubei ' loua diseasd� 0 I smith's- r-ra. h' Istiv is crease is rapi an oil pAnious a EL is physiological ntine 'Gothic t is about three weeks universal, and ther church, market hoube,44ilway station &tie!! -;Jennits, vha;t do you tbink: I told Ben Brown?". satisfied that any otipitaLinvested in the day were i)� ty Pullrtaaal� daughter)," Beipe Called,Xhe farnfer from the well, s?me greatest, biologists of he AR JOIaNSTON�: I efora_ applies to the r�__ -And a flush crept up to bis.bronzed brow, ranch business will dubte iiselfavery two given ro and con., 'and the Conclusions. siiic-e,'after entering my Chamber on a Sun- lu�p. The one Work Of th6 lungs is eO -PullinauRailroad:to, girt thile greater lake: As his eyes half bashfully . fell,. and a half yars.' d with the toil and sick a . 1. arrived at by the � Speaker on . the whole �day 1 evening wparie inlis,h:aud exhale iii -, and this' depends of Calumet, which Mr.. Pullman'says Wilt it was this,'� he said, and coming near, �the' icontagiou's with. the inanity of an: excursion to Edin- ori the alternate exp" Ile smiled-anTstooping down, favgred he theory of aLSIOU and cd I ittrEtctiOn be the manufacturing cdntre,of the�estern, Kissed her cheek�" it was this; that y6ii word AINONG "I'll I!', Cllj[URCjl[ S. of the disease. Thus an. burgh, My eyee Were rejoiced with the sight of the chest. - Now, some persons are bar'ti World and gire character ateat lake part., account was given of. Observations 'at f Y�ut letter. I must, not exchan&. the WAL,tbin, narrow chest. �tbe best . . . — a. Ungs, of :,In this little -city, where the -Dnke'�of: Aud:the (1 arestwi in town! " , , . i , Li aPabaluin ior Saturday. Niaght Iteatilia:r. Neuremberg, Germany, in which,.% con- sentiments with which you commence; the, these , persons are geper-aily wulk, d. Welma might have brought chiller afil'a, ti - midwife apparerrtly� gave 'the partiality -of- -friend ship, -� and, the modesty 6asily,,bacome diseaed, e t,e](I"oult The farmer went to the field andthe.71ife, The Colored IffetbodistEpigeopalCharch `UmP ive Goothe to live, tbb hortSeq rent from �11. st: in a smiling. -and absent way, disease to. -at leas ten irifarltai Who died.of of, him who feels it, may, become. excessive brought in'to full -vigorous. action.. The Mouth to %6,'tbeJa_tter foi,,i" luer'lo!lianis.; Sang snaielies of wider little songs baB'mare than 100,000 MeMbe'rb. 'the tuberbular disease within a'year, while :without ' ceasing' 'to be . amiable. I (imploymeuts of peo'Pl­''Audents, tailors, -Every I - eageL Ca ' broken -at two" W`eekW; tjhe�d not ating for many a.- day mobtly's succeas among the students of a be isAnd the pain,inhek head was 'gone, and the f the children nursed by anothor healthy have, little genius for the complimeatary, hearn4tresses, Shoemakers, etca�ftre"LSUPII notice on either Side. There I nootber UtL clothes Oxford and,'dainbrid-e is Confirmed by di and, thbrefore, Shall notsay in whateate6m as do not ca11'o the a or� reports of co niversiocia the hundred. woman none ed ofthe dib6asis. Against the full aptlori Of L i,.a I government but the Pullniari d' these facts tb6- experience of 1� , - -cases they interfere, with wore as White as the faiLm of the sea; t. T. Wil- 1 hold your communicatip'lls-le't it be But lungs, In Spirits which is George M. lanHarbreadwas light, and buttbiwas SW�&t bell -Hospital for. Conr a I 611-t't ,the emciiions they' it. If snob people are trdunled with geiieral Wat used at Wellesley Oollege,.Mas. liams of the 13iooapton 0 6 observe . that Yet th is not the lettstinterfezence with And, as golden asiticouldbe. is froin,. an ancient Buddhist' Eumptive,' wag 'givbu-that if, care i 6 among the happiest of my life, Weakness, have of b t" uiiyinhabitarit� though. not a town a vere awaken ar �i � tem pl e, in Japan, and wit pr sented 6 M IrL O'haVe &uL I 8 a M. eet -JrTt think- the children cried in a breath, 8 a y F �take t abundance of fresh that ouwrte osildo iatheverysubj ingafter exercise, and dull pain airto y 8 in he Sold, not ev6li the CatbolieL claproh,whicli if lie only Lad ba, of . Bost.oa.­,--.-- --the.sick, roora.Lf)1e: ofoo-plaint. Sides,'the lungs should be Idolilid' afti'r, -is buildingL LHe WoUldn't'I kno, ust over the tow a �due.'. As happy EL bode as w." Tbere:were twenty-four stormy Sundays -the iseme is very sma owever, &part My" -althou.b. tber&�mvjy-atill­ - The--sbaveriger mattei-i's, fed-to,w-drove came down and, th�ogoodwife smiled; IV, 4 . .. . ais'to . Btrengtho �4 L til, st year. fromithiB question, the Speaker remarked learned, was productive of littl enjoyment.. ease.. * What is, needed u 6.00 hogs, which the corporation t To herself 6he'softl _ss * ' e':' I I thereare bertain facts so important that it How, 'should L it indeed 1 Most of my thorn' not by medicirie---�but by their own privaite . -spe at feature. Y 'Id love, "'TisavVeet to labur for those e �Less choir music and more' oongrega... a, cufwt6i leased th 'Tisn't strande.that maidens will 'wed "' . , I .1 w 1"_ S a WebtoruL . I � is the.duty. of all:40:41now ' them�-Froim- 'for- hirke ; proper action. The -Medical dnd S;argical III tiopat singing prie religious, A. school for: mecha Cal art is :to �be What 16 do"with �,CistS orL Wo"051to. . rlewHpap6r�' the Registrar-0ene.ral's return he. some by diligent pedagogy, accompaned by Rep.orter gives an account,of a young student tmalutained and a school of design. Thet' , L ' 8 , , obtained the following facts a him belief in tb6- excellence 'of cartain: whose pulm�nary Symptoms f weaknes' e is 250 fast Ion b' j 150'-containi's Farmer who live fa,r from gurgical aid, The population of Syria and Palestine is g y and those who, go off'ori bunting and other estimated at 2,076,3�1_'Of these only 6,000 percentage of,deatbafrom conm country gentlemen, and others �by Msidu- were wbolly overcoule. -It 'was, done. -by -library of 10,000 �volumes,, and theatre sumption annu is in 'the country towns oub y uping attendance i na rough w small. tube hardly equaled in a egance in merica, excursions, a.Fe r loss what to do k fton at p3ly I a& apoa th6 leading -his?si rply. broathin� th a, I are Protestants'. quill, a -dozen Imes every H occurs. ln,mariy families 10.7, and in: the retitof the Pr6vince 104 of clFrgymen of our venerable Ekabliallment. tbe,SjZe. of & t, WM6 seats 1,066persoins. , ere au� ar is when an acbide-it . The Rev. -Joseph Cook tbinks,tlie quality-. all deaths retufaed.: This is As it should be; butJ have no part three or four hours each day.' Every. third tactile kind of m liniment r:L. &'Uplio%tiolf"S and author would ft�el uL h' t borne as; "as'L & of out modern Christianity is'not infeiior lot inL�j_ba' "matter. Th - a rest appak,.� re�plratllon- -h up a, In thelo cities ........... 20.02 per 1,000 of p9pulation. Or a withdraw, the tube, I when a;mechinio-.0ti yingproprftybasgotleap kept - which regarded universal to that of the ancient forrall. Towns ........... of the St. Ann street 'buildings'' �tlie his lungs were thoroughly filled, and held ti edy� but it is oft6or.the worst thing that is� breath ta ',. ong as ecatu from $200 an apfet6_$300a, lot. Tharnotiva rem In -all. -cases of wounds" L _'�Whe Rest of W Brownie tot Bodsbeek,'.. with - other' tale� h ,s "I h ' ildlNitharrt dia� a,theLaleeping'car company' Il mail g9qs,wroDg,": says A Nbw� "h W413�tq transforn be"appli6d eaDgS tre 6.' -It ion eon his neck Ogg, � . 6 Spent an a a crea 1,qE _Cbi�or�'tion. trecollect that nature,make&in mediate L Jersey preacher, put a yok Children uuder.1 Ill 'Of t �!ppirijthiii,up during hiBstudent -a- d d- _No_w.,_t�e_.S_t._AUn,_s.tr. buildin B'COncerh i(q, � acqjqiKed �iSe -abilW16 GlltlUge Is ,Vbi6h,'9]2all-b�ild6,iDy.thi4 and -be y6nrl �pt 9-,-m-- �age' ti, - an 0 ............. . . ........ . ......... 217 only Sonel6dars of the extended royaltyL,., chesit'five rue oil, a6d`F*6� atte hes,by ap" ra i7— thing we Cando I'S to give rier a chance and Part of the religion of: the--HindooR19 to Rest of Pro i . .................. 20.4 bold hi's breath ;Without, disir"o It of jealousy, cove ousness, or L v1nQo.,i .... : I the L 'eae aid-lier. . In . th&'LicajorIty of wouxids,wh6re be.'kind to animals. . hey part ' tbi t dL :-1. odas for Ahe �' Brownie. of Bo4sbeick,' as' &:� full rumors. On the, kone. tei race � before, the- Y 'a In 0 Deducting un er year. - ri,,tbey seem' miaut6.� h:'ia'o5ur-. belief, that t a s, , a i important, artery or vein -is cut, all that such practical, operation that they'erect with other taLes by'Jarae& Hog, bhops Stands the Detroitj the oldeat'Puffib. n Cities ..... :.� ........ ........... 13.7 3,000 of population. to have been written under the influence of thing may -be acod'mplisb"ed by,bkoalbinga we have. to dbis to bring .'the edges of the hospitals for sick and liomdless bruteB.. ....... ....... 1210 man car. 'When it was built iio car in more Patent than that of the abb�o througli 'a sin ig the' Province.... 8.3 a, liquor gI6 nostril, cloBIT rice, had cost over N00; now there 'wound together and hold them th8rdL, and� Ame A, needote is told of� an,old woman Rest If Pierian .,spring. - So there needs not, be are Pullman cars that cost. N0,000­Net2o:, -Childre other with, the finger. 'Uthe wound is not a ragged irej healing when, her pastor said, to her, Ht under one.year compared with much Said abou birth U t thanit. If I go Y-ork Tiibunie. will commence:,at once-. Should; however, has 'not deserted you in your L old age to: the edgeB ofthe wou,nolhe much toril, then bookeeller'ssbb'r', I find poletinical Se'loliS49 replied '! No Bir - I have a, very great Pities .................. ....... 215.7 and:,pathatib beaux-esprits. Ana when I �We-S t Mae cold- waierdrelisings until surgicsi aid , t till "t ...... ......... .............. - u 'Towns ............. ............. 10.1, poBe mos pe think when they. appe it!� valk aon� the Streets I see faIr'wQ1neD,-: these. L may be lint or any - : ..................... .. M4 N., 11 'lad cfa great Sion Play in New Rest of Provine!e­ re battle that' all.the:'m6n'on the Organizer, ofthe Pas an be had The ........ .......... it w a s; foll�- to think of for ei6lier,gide were ge oi'ia� ,_Rgllt,n g, L or 11 i I L York L is de I termined to . go on wit I h Soft Cloilig,' Wet In' L the '_ Coldest terrible charges against a Baptist Deaths compared with births!: whom er enga' ot- Over the p�reaoher of Poughkeepsie. who was asked moment, and fops (dafidles as, tbeyi are werp.'at 0me time -or another. ,withstanding the- Mayor's oppo . aftibit. 'The water And :kept Wet Deaffie. Births. obtainable, to rpE i�nwdre. that he wor'e w1iane,l shirt called,irr curreat Slang) Shaped lik6 an -Won d. . Should an artery be wounded the b,S,food.,at' underfire.� Whyslit6uldone'sidebateb6eh rehearsals -for the 'lay are now as far com� n hi8l..moutLi, -with a huife . ................ I ....... 117 creaturesviliose life'arid death, V prit 100 act will be -kiio��ULL by the blood coming I 0 100 M bounglass�,. defeated if-it',had put-loith all, A6str6hgth� Plate, as�,Iis possible itholii full accessories owns .................... instead of a fork, and was too,old- fashio as Chrispen pithily abserv6s, I esteem of But . ya - tb6 auth�r , L during thoL great music and 'Costumes, and Gat in 'jerks or spuris, and bire must make ........... 100 of stage setting rally� . Ce equal importance', and deelliae., to Epeak of of the :, Franco-German war hest,of such anatomical knowledge ai be� gone bs fr U Deat Om Consumption: P� ut is t6 giiib'the fin�t publi6 limb, T1 ford -L � : - - � . . re 'so great that Be in more rnay,have..� If the 'wound is,on, lte vlcar�of,Hol trinify'�at 9trat either. it Would be ridiculous iofret�at bets we periormanceb.n'konday evening, Feb tb y ities habitB-I'fear Urn is finisbed. �'O* iapplying - comp soffiewher6' betwedli Uppa-Avon,' the church iambich lie' buried C ... this; Being -thain two-thidlH of those present 'were, over Most.of the' scenery a the r6s Towns ................ ...... ....... 17.4-�2 01 IOU& -belonging fire 'it alh'? At. Sadowa, in - 1866,the maimflti6r there I will I be 636 Seats, and iii The - wound'and tti. body, Will fft6p' the the remains of --,William Shakspeare, has Rest of Province ......... ............. i3.0_d.()8 Somewhat, . anoma ndbleeding. Tie a handkerchief 'around the* bPen,hneoi ze'l 1-2,;. 'and San t to jJif for'&'d&y 'to causation of the die 'a' a there ar�e Profession, and waiting_tberefore, on no PrussizinB troug'bt�:221,000,'men', into' tlie the gallery 504. Tile' nunibers an divisious As, a B tick to twistit in Such a for assaulting-ope othiii choir noys. idol of, the tribe, or ratber'fasb ion able one, field, but only 12 prod notion limb, and use a 9 three'principal classes of. ca;uses: (1) Herod- cs,me un'dor fire. In of the persons engaged. inL W sAt.the'reden raerican itar: XIBA114 ftJte.aS'fOIlOWS manner -as: to bring a pressure on the t meodug (;f the y influences. (2) -Influencea which: t bow o D before,� it is tile Lauio, rbiltwle, the defeated, Austi Woitatd�d :Ve,a, of L Sympathy I can look for. L Uch less card Y6rk;'LiNb"n' rat"i I. -W iltli. I in. 215,000 Man into the field but 00 Characterbin the cast..4, (women) artery,. A B 0 a reduce the vitality the physical .'syste farl:from'laugh�g at your agricul- 3 A bit of int bound 'were their tbiiuimrids� to Meat tSe_ 71��-Th6 influence �of cold and . datilppeAs. 65 600 of- tUE'6, Roman guards ............. 40 Egyptiamg�(men)'...., 10 w Una, Wsually, Stop t 8 J6wish soldiers ...... ..... 40* Egy�tiuus (women). 10 ,difficult to.mariage tural studies, nor is it wonderInU thn't you ti,,. �Whonwe-consiaii the tr6mendorI6 h �6irig� tie�.ds of the Board; a, veneiabi Hereditary influenceA, he ramarked;' sho up 10 0 "aUdi- nd�a' d be firmly Over the iubre; the a W, e'r t6vites ..... ......... .... 410 Assyrians ........ 40 Assyrians (wornen). 10 y 6nly­7;Q00 ............ .... 10 Priests able. Per it is in learn. that all- -such-- cases--ari a;bundant -ir. a-cous itutioual-' debiLlity,L is Avh6irta �u:1'870 arld,the-flumb Of battiep, F3 advis� old, mau�, fose4u or It theMstelvais ti , I -or. IH Use of coldest �vater i had no money.to give,' U;lld �o he couldn't, what is cilled by-lioicord animparfepbi6u� tL* , , , _ L ,c"66 of nfti U.,, L, . th'!'L � , L," 1, 16 the ituost,vulgit,r of nf,_ feelifige. At 6. in ...... 59 3t quie ities5ential makethe-wounded. double bu:,ibau; hildbe bbal, re an tio luxtb6r' an - th 113, I eu were;'kille&s,'i,td'Iess uhaii 5Q,000-­ilso�n Standardbearers 6 let utterly uuele,,s, iuctieover, more', than ust)- 16 Salorce'SLmai(JS...�..� 8� ersdri keep abisullitely at rest, and' having to give,forhotad already givep,thoult 'all disease�uiay beirinate,cr acquir�d. Tile wodudod in. tbe Getman aiMy during t6e: Ha'P'sts ................ ...... less - Let us. cultivate our middii, a;'d p6rsiads ..... 30:,Daucinggirls, p gBeDger for the Itearest :ble influences whibhL 'wholp.war by, rifi&'6dllets; and Still more� -Persians (w6iuetit) ....... 10 C a in 0 1 driv dispatched a me but he would promise to dou 'reduce the vitality of the Jewish Mothers ...... at . I 11 L -L 11 I wait t a i6sue calual' , whaleverit.in-y.6e. amwat surgeon, -apply cold,water dresiaing,`avoid ' prayers. sylitteim, are many, which may inoreaBe a L y r trkt6ble - that, on y 70,0 ­'.men "were Ing the Use of 11pai_ LL The horiest Hib6mian notbju�4, tO71 killed anrL 41440 ,�vo;urtded­ by- ititii1eiy, P & 't nate tendencies, as 'wall So r%13,1()S ...... 21 beggars,cripp es 100 1 S cry is told of 'a king wbo� promised. a hereditary and in. support himself" his Wife alid children ontra donkey liersi" lleliels,'� and' Jbelike,�which are as cause-illo disease to be acquired. I fi , re. I trust," adds Sir Gm'rne*t;. *1 tha, preacher, a rielf living if. he would Chorus. �,Teorii 21 vendorsf6r.stri 'yodrig 0 aie: (2) nothi.hg,but-thei3e.four,boriee. Yet heL did these figures will :pat'w Stop to the [Darritorips ... 39, traffic s.cene.. .... ,a,. a highly iriflsmouatory�L. nature, though Among thos 1c; get well. in � preach ian. ettemp6re,Bermoll' on 'a tex4-tthilt not mjtirn ]act despair,, Blissoll., ....... , Stage bands_� ... ..... 60 wounds Sometimes.. spite' of Over-wqrk.- . (3) Working at- - urlbbaltuy pry for more gun 9 which - On e` Still 'hears ek L ... :­ _hewouidhud onIns 'desk afoerheentere. ides (men): .... 10 Orchestra. be 734 persom i 4 ori� or them._ an o eppa tons. Mental Your proj,ect,of'tt tour to the mberland occasionilly:" Wits we� compare the pulpit. TbeL pitsacher,informed His d' 16 sea iucur'r d' at such. battl� Tbere Will. thus 1h L'� , trouble.� - (5�. Immoral - 6xct;sses. Lsilies meets my min � exactly Get a a . a as. Gr&�,S_ Enemiei3, to yo,ma Trees in, winter. MajeSty.tb'at a would, do. the , beat � lie (6) . andLI shall gladly accom� j'' tt, L those " * d i - the:-, about'the stage, nightly - before the ublio : . I I �Lpould; and,fludi g.a, blauk 8lieet of paper Amougst� child'ren. : (7) JUBUfficient milk m%tters arranged . . q a and &dan with lacurre 13 and in the. �Operatioa: of the scenes, Field mice Ins , , K jok or Ulles,wat ore daysof Borodinoarld WAterlo'C, ruin a whole orchaid1n. n at, or smooLlib 'VIOiSe SasL'by gnawing. the tender 6n.the deai;1e took: it up and said My while.-nui6ing. -(S) Artificial feeding.- (9) P44y, you �to ebw i t he . has - been too bllay in a single w-�iriter, Too early wearliow (10) Lack�of fre8h'airL wheresoeer, you pllesse'., "Examine. scale payu that � increaSed' facilities for of theftuit and other frierida there is nothing here; from nothing �ttiug ready for the-produpiiort of tb bark from the trunks ; tbeir- and 'exercise. ,L(11) � Unwholeso F the couptry.,(l have 'bebide in(3 a 6 by*acoi-� 9' God created the uuxyerse.�' Ile me -food. Map a- w destroying r to h, to K decision the 4uestion abouV a_ trees.' ' The greatest destruction is done -(12)--Ex6essive labor in large manufactoribs. guide -book of these p4rZL4, by. 6ne John reaponding a�mouut�6f destruction' !'At be4lan elbqueat seimort, on tbe,crea h.eavth,.iff covered with.aheaVy - pr,eac &jtcoh6lio I i is -a frivol 'lost 1,0.p6r a for the hall. tip and won t a,-Iivi 11 ii iquoia..' Nuiemau, E,,tq., bill, T, ouliboo). Gravelote the��GtJifa�ns, Coat falloisnow. Atthis time tbelmidre,b To,Bhow ibtSJnflu'enca a . f som6 at ibe6d, Cannot ypir persuade Mitzbellto powith'us? in aii& 5.46 'per iii � ;�ouna ed�.L" row from tree to tree, and forage their � A Curious. and" probably few daye will do, it all.. �Telt him' we At Borodino-th6 R�s6iaus lost 16 �pek caW t, he statistics Were thus, in­Erlaland 1 lt�'was said t) free will": under. cover of i ow. P30 tionof the Roman Catholic as'M State reli- L di hill aveaiofbirth;� may go by sea to Whitehaven if it plea;se in killed and 30,per cent. in woduded h lt 'Sir eorge. Simpson child in ovary r6, tea wit tb6, a ep al G&VSinor­ofHudson Bay Tekritory,,`cri Z therstorr 11 I purid in the in,Paris 50 per ce'liC-die within fo us, thed�take a Pe who were he victors, a over, should' giOn -by Great Britain is 1 desolate'Loch French, L' d6r� 'Gazeti6of 1794, w hich'dec3iarea 'the' ur years h. � b be-tramperl L do,wa-aroniid , "all tree, to. cros b; to, stilf t" . It cannot. be said Illitito York!:Ft,L6tory;� Hudson heard a19 er proppF.Lion �'RabbitB 'may be- kept Roma'u 0adiollo th r JIL obtal .ahut,off,6e :mi'c religi�ii,'Within 1'y6ar of:birth inLthe tell Cities, and Buttei mere. where we ship ri a thit batti�a are.of iiiuch sh,6rter t�­qn from the trees by� SLinearing the bark with pf.'Coiaica; and proolairilk Hi4 Majesty ; of the bea a'L loije' , lote4gluttcus�- Sir George th�'c­ountry I'iu every'10 dim It M11:0 ..glimp8le. I I U 1 there be any' now. Waterloo and dr ve w th I'd, L . " . In L . I h Next, we can, petietratia 'thi - aud� fi' ry � with the. Indiana of th refuse George IU, King Of Great Britain,:aoire- gures sue Oulzil .begun about noon nisbed ab6utll a as ls CUB, oma blood,or rVbbingth6 trunks wi beLe�,ide�t;he.ramELrked!,fi.oint�pseLfi' 'iOD,-,t ey came hungry. �11.1 ielign, of Corsica. Yet, the Same monarch tb,� emerge fr m: the o'clock in the, evening: t that the same causes producing Snob fright- -1, their tfi meat. Rab,3gar a It took, six- bourg 'avowed' that he could not give emaric")a- at-J&WS -: 0 _BarrowdCe, �'coast. the� Western tol. ..fight otit---Alf�terliti,"but Do egs tha ihd quarter.of b. n ­ful-ratirtality-arilong the childr a b -and.; a . hore of Darwentwater; top 9 t 7 ion to re atacwit odf a Babilho of -con, twelve to settle inattet:4..at� Solferino. in. r,aftar'ta in,, the bone'out, weig in g A season of activity is nqarL hian cities must; with a 7 ouri&;,L IS I as spitted, arta � ro a SpriDg,is Coming,, with its prb6si a. nsumptioll im'laier life.fof Skiddaw, or �examiud. tile, unfathomable spite of,the 'enormous superiority of the t L6 a8te g, wo& tend to produce 66 or up r part, and ..l:ta'Bte&with! 18 Are fairasars teddy'- for sowin�. and, plant. 'T a Church of England his n income To Show what is the result' e8peclalfy tarn which rests upon the shoulder of dermans at W6r.th, that battle listed for . . . I 1. � I . owing, tbd i provided of 94,526,000'�' 'thiS� We shall see L Scrawfell and s� It maype a dr a butter. 'late bef , ing ?, Ever�:iwplement Bhould b( episcopal and from, bad air,,',he:, g%vos­ Statistic �rhaps b6 ri 5Iddleba;ck sevarl� ail d s; half r oretit was done. 'Sir a' air ine,'aud Sodr-milk-fine the catio that, f L' a to which cathedr4. Cal The He!vellyu'afid Scalef rom the great us beforeh lid, that no time inay bb'wasted showing the itifluence, of i'intrenchmenit,;Wift be put in. coming war George a called: to witheas the g'or'man!. pa rons, e. of ' 4 362 benefices, WIth.L an hors i6o":iedi u' to mention. Infine, making purchaf;69 at repairS after the work Thus the . mortality nJdndling �a d o� 0 8 no M6 0 Z1;51 esiastic6l and hospitals ia'tila to L *nB of England �IiwB 9 , M�22 dizing. After., looki;g. on fora short time:' shoul.4 begin. Weliave known a baff-day of Ly improve Us all both body &ad miud.� it will tak,Jobger tha'_eirer� to hiiiidout ; he became dis noted andleft, ordering hill Tloughing,t6 be lost beemise the- whiffle-,-,, oolle4imte; that �of 845, with: an income 61 mortalitybf�72percent of childreu'uride'r� You must endeavor to have 'tile route which is the Winning. �ide. 9 I I I 29 ­­ ' in IthL t'b fo-'a Lt�j$"nigbj fiV John,, 31clntyreL, (afterwaid4' trees were not at hand. Some1armers start 7,315, , bbl6bgs �Lto the, Eiecutive; and, 5 , iarked-ou � r a weeks. L_ stowardi 11 .11, I h,L L years a while e' m 'William lot out with their Spring . p Oug lrlg L Without a that of 8,521, with an income of, 22,719i958, ct�untry the d`�etb rate is only 11J parc6lit On . Sv�ttirdtiy, the lRt of ug�st,,if 'all VOPBL The. Miapid Noy.. Hudson Ba;y,factor at Fort z Many L yean to s' a if tbey.firlisha­d� it. Single plough picintin 9tbek, and when bile to private patrons. The diff'ience -in tbi5 case must be lar&l' well, I hope. to See you, at �Mainhill fthe"A Never,setAowh a boy as Stupid because a ::small. farm Y611 be does not Make headway at aCE661., Many TfJjSaidL they i,t_all_& d_,IiQked Up the the field. The Roman Catholic priests in Italy ap- Clue, be romarked,.'too the impure ccupied:by �C%rlylas father; is nee&d the team is taken from thb� - . basti 'a. and driven t&tb6 store-� Such t lack of room in towns. Again, 74 per two milesinorthwesi ol�Ecclefephabj of -that b&v6 �ng 108B of Peak to worry a ong on exceedingly meagre cent L most. celebrated nieb on MuSt� time is a seriouS matter, Eund'..should be, 'be there any W'ay..if,'it be'ixl your �evei lived-: have been , $at- 'down by a., -There are -about 20,060. of them. of -the totail mortality for 187S in -Loud I , , �L.: thoughtfully: guarded, :.agm.nst. bkL: ample' in all Italy. Of these 'about 2,00.0 receive for tbe'three summer 'Months *as of chil.: power. some eonientloua�Lpedagogue.v.s floukey's. 1� provision of all Stich articles of the' farm. less t"n �160 wyea" The last book worth', mentioning, wbich Ou,3 of the - greate Of The'Io lowing are.the ages at WhicIrtlist r, widsome of the �a,B, renunder I year, a -ad trom,diarrbco%. I perused, Was 1 Stewli'rt'6 Prelimi. t, st� astronolb-178 severa� Itisa-poor'bralatomend harr6-wbenit Small an amoulat as "O�. Those' who Heee,'8un�uaing�',up It .-equoluded �jblat I ba,ve �10 age was restated. to � his father .bmilaeut.pers6rrB'enuimer�ted �ware in highLeC616iia8ii lal:B, I p . , I -Ben John" .,should beiat Wotk'in the, field. Wedonot C &tiOU are Much better bad'fo6d and water byLtbeit­effects upon, nary Dissertatiozl�'-for the seconolL time. village iphoolmaster- .- with marrieti: Shakspeare; 18; d yet even their 'salaries �,a;re, with few the digsistilve system; I bad air . as I A own in S''61 this Philip-' tie-encoura g , Ing w, o , r , ds, 'L The , re's no I -use 0( Lf - avor that economy -if it may be.s6.'called pal Ill The longer I study t a wofk ileed of, two jjlyiu� goodL 91. Waller, 22 ; Franklin, 24;',B1ozart' thlit relies upon ibe neighbors for many xosptiatrig�,. far than would be' con-' the decreased, mortality: on tba iut,roduc� sophei;th6more 1 bepornatLconvi money for hig education. Alf L 2�; Dknte'L. Kepler, Fuller, JohnSon"LBUTket, w -first, t at in p'arspi�acitk aiYd c6m- 'he walts to 'dWis to 'lie on the graSSL . p , . ashingtou, Wellington, h Byrotl.� W of the tools ot the farm. There are:ceitainj sidered tb� &oper thing 'for' clergymen, in ion' ofj good 4,.ventilatidn in il)L(f Dublin �tbings a his Scott, -26 be own'd h' yields to back and stare at ibd S�v., P 1, farm, impierneutg that may a pondiiig.sts�tiori in this country. But Children'r3 Hospital; early Work unil over- prehension.of understanding e m, afraid , his Bonaparte, 2T; Penn, Sterne, 28;:Ne ' lsonL' Y06pbtL. Sdientifi n have ofte3l 1, . . '-but L orldly, that in taii mind idwrong.11 C me Littloatus 59 Burns, 36; Ohau6er, Hogartb, --partners, 1p' -aa 0 it Inuat'.b"'onaembered- th&tL- the- poor, 'and ,,working,. Several; but,:iiec te,,teziety. 86 ;L a L . a r a iirie8twith :work �amongst is at L more Wordaworth� Davy, 33,; Aristotle; i3oDstmiatborrowiiog�eifrikk6Ei,forks;,etc., is. no family is not called Upon to make as at , unhealthy, trades : are' , tlia chief andL what been flogged for failiug'into brown studies. 0 37; Wil economics, prac t9' raF dignity.ta over, their books, and �iany an artist of the Sir Jo�es not a Of spo"'irein Wiliia 4, berforde, 18 I' tice.' Be b6ay.y outlays f6r -domestic expen�es:as the, factor which',,added o a hereditary, toil- In Import .. e, in f Mind, he h. YOUJI has .0 ri, t 9,: proVided with ali,these essential fo,rm tools Protestant �lerg�man who has a. wife and den cy, produce consumption so, fatal in, hat 11 know of. Every liberaf iuture as come to present grief for draw. utheri 42; Addison, 44.; Wesle�,;L' and have them in"good order and at hand half ib'doze'u�' grow , iDg children.'' The inonkB.' townf, ipared .'with t, 4� ;' Swffb,49 Dufton; 55. Coll be Country. opinibn.haR at all times found, in him i 6verbi�' copy'-,bpok; and sureptli. when the time arrfvoe for using th�m. No nd nuits in Italy number not. far 'from Damp localities of. residences, cellars, and zeal6ue , advocate.' .- When he, has come Us' Minting the pictures -of his L geo. 3U00-. hey 'receive, peiltsions, which'are unvenii1a; before,thle. Public fie has borne himself.vvibh Your genius, -unless,, mUBiC&I, Bel- Epitaph for a denti�t-lle pulled through . is the time to look to -these mattera 'and ted 'spaces under - houses yet., ,, r-phy'. Bak, vet so'commandiDg, and dom proves himself one in -big childhood life make all needed preparations for the busy about enough to support them in it tole'rablb' further add to the mort�alify of the diseasa,� a carriage So rok days that:will. Soon, be here'. .� In the peace' degree of comfort a nd their duties do not -from whichat is calculated otie-sixth of the � now, when-, -with unabating ardour, he,is and your smart and self_LBuffioient piece ex . act ofh-em a gr6at.de&l.of hard'wolrk. whole population of. tho"world, dies retired to deVotle the last remnant of his prepoRity, who takes all the medals, and is, of winter prepare for the war. of'Spring. - To have fragrant Breath and Teeth like snow, ell�spp�nt- life to the great causo,ot.kiliman the,show Scholar of the schooli often ends F601ish and careless you'd be, very,- For F arm. j3oyw to Cearn. alhirestlet the Iflient Trade.' t, his, attitude is so enaiv6ly If you diah't at Once a trial besto�v Why, Are P46 Many 1111orAeN Cross anti Jr improyewea p . by. Showig no talent for anything beyond 'Oil that excellent dentifrice T A 411p,p 'L L, , r,d birii'wifh-­&,.reverCnoo ayardstick. Sir W tract. tile Snarpj " on�p CaeFrom aWestern.paper we ex It is stated i't n thai the. imporia. 'Sublime, I regai ..a] 'following pr�ofical remarks ; they will be Why 2 136cause the fools a�re Which T s6arceiy feel for ,�hy at er iving -stup, asae ild,'and itas not evericonsid. notLall tion of the frozen careasQs of about' 21,600 . b ' , "f Sun. is a in as on useful to every one on a farm How many dead yet.!' Per He' an, take him for'all in a red to his credit that a was on a Sheep, from Australia has,.. involved, the Some nduotiug that business in a loss Bich trash s ballads, and could learn o Hovseii'hate� to be Pecked" at. of the boys wb read this p6per could lay shall' not 16ok upon his like again. 60 co 15,000._,-At�-the cattle markets -beariat any mThe boy who off'! an &are of. ground exactly, providingone men are afraid of-borses, and the animaIA' a,. mFaay There is Something melandholy in the them by Now 'know it;4hey despi�e 'am and are cross d.-di.g -t country, it I is Id Lthat the by being so un'lihd I his of the diction giYan, them,,?- .11 over the sa thought that the world cannotIO119 enjoy really worries 6n] -y -to thoB6,wbo have ri�,busiin6sa 'With soarcity'of� live sheep is the chief complaint the light of such a mind. ,But the, CUP brjgl;t brothers may be the' very one I have taken Some pains to to a out a table, and I 'Would like -to - -have -every one them. But horses -are mad Ck'6�5 by the of the butchers, anct it appears that , tbiB goes round,. aud � who go 'artful as to put 10, who will make you proudf and bappy-Bome aa are 160 th at of the farm boys learn it.'Tlier Donaldson, you see, is cut off in years beDce. Take or your'comfoit.." r they are treated., lf�tbey bave kind wall conducted.London company could:not of his dayo.� Poor fellow, fe;w i3quare rods in an.acr, and there arat� 80.1 usage tbey become . gentle if rough. they land their careases of mutkon under a 11 I 4 or ly 11,110(novo, ;kavimagh ] square yards in one, rod., This gives 4,840 In the sa'me,wa�. pound, the -cost in, Australia, b6irt g not less summers have pgss6d Since he was my .7 1I` ad its careless, goo I A corresponent writes: The Montrelil Square ards n one acre have becoma so wall vers in horses tharf 3d, % pound. The opinion'. of :Well pani d-natuied a Cad their' thoughts, . and when I 'informed per . Son I s. seem I to be that -unless coal gas 0' s5 yda.'wide by (03- Ydq long is I aere.L that I Can r' b.i ever breathed the air of tbisorld. tarers ire in error re66rding the parents yols, long.i8 I acre. A. d to think that he has gone excites my of poor Kv�variagh (i�',trouble at Montreal 10 yds. wide by W in know very quickly the careases can bo'bDught in n Australia isthe son of Lucknow'Kavariagh) was 20 yda, wicto by 242 ycls, long is bions upon the obvious but 40 yds. W;de by 121' yd8, IL ong is I acre. just what they think of ma.11 under 2d., a'pound the importation -of them painful reflepi . th L L , through his bad habits). His fath6r,,, so yds,�yidehy,60jyds. long -is I -.You, recognize, then,,, the .relisoning. in a frozen conditio' P� cannot even':witla the Solemn truth that place which now, I L L . 70 y Is. v '(16 by 69i yLls. long is I power in horaes,? present prices 'be- Profitable.' The failure knows Us Will erei long now us no more a, in the;arm, nor did he' ever hold army y BOR yds� -long is a in soi Iarge:an.in2p6rb, gi 0 ar'ran k, but h of Ir a r 60 YU,wide L ver.' It is foolish,, we of the boho of being tbo firA Again, allowing nine square lbet to the most decidedly, iin Xbon I :elect a v6s new urgency t all, for a ",= squliro.foet to,the� radj43,560 horse for, my school I pick Out those - that line question ot imports of live' sheep from Shrink from or repine at the civilian Who 'won and wore the L Vietoria yard, 2721, exnir can continent. fate to which -this earth -and those that it Cross.' He whoa member of the Ciil.,Ser have another. , oitwit., I'goagoodd6albythefokma- the Ameri ation tiori of the head and the brightness of the inheritff,have been ddqmed.� t is ul3speak- vice and'g6t the decor for guidin' S r, a ably ungrateful,' too, for who Would wish to' Colin Campbell"s columns when 1 0 Wet 'bition and show it in Beaut I ki: a d heSto V a �y is on y a n eop� an some agh;._.harAug--previOuBIy limes ft f6',YnTTa9 eep, as t a pov h A u 320 feet by 86:3 feet -1 acre. ttieir.make-up. When I put thehorse in _Tdo T by 198 feet--lacre. -by. finding out the dispo7 paint. thousand centuries are the sameflOetiDg escaped from the city and through tbe lines 240 feet b dUoMti6n l%Btihg Sweep acre; of ages Shinn. Then they go into a'. Iiindergarten � Give your c�ild a sound a and instant in � the, ever: of the'ellemy disgiiised as Eb native. 446 foot qd,ftsot�l acre., rfL - I .1 ie. -Eflere -it r . constipation and learn- the simplest thi'llgs,first, you.havb on� 6notidli that have, boem.'Afid are to cou aof rn.� See to "Xy HUB. !Indigestion, costiveness 'a Tethat his m6rals are -'pure, his mind culti. followls a long -extract (Latin) ft ladyritEs a story about ecured With Zop A. recent y Wi stimulates a Mr. Mulrbaad,'of Lon doln, who lie 14 -year-old, bay, living ated,"and his whole nature subservient � to Sei7lus Sulpicius's fmnfamed leztters, to, lecret," He must Ittve,beenal md­ gives activity to the liven: -foot UOvetu man I . or, � An _youn ]h ave admitted 110 h d g-jui aA-of-�-te at tile, of a bullet into, his legL� the laim tliat TUJJ� On th.3 death of 114a d�ught 0 11 6 a.tbe semi"annual than �f& m moth er kept the I given him what Will b of ore value than -hen I fo e6atiailegl] Al tbis� in The'old marriea"'Inah knows bet� and rather. %y b67 0;0� [Fitolngtob, and cawes,the fo-A to a9dmilate, the tto6kles� thu a arly tWO d S; U 'round -up:" The ra champ employ, a wound a secret for' a ay I theealth of the Indies, it pbilos an to' do so. 11 Ophy,yet still dome int6inal s ...... .... h Of was Wa