Huron Record, 1882-08-25, Page 3EcxATj yalue in 13 U04)
1hRN,�dAL*AN0QEt`NERAL. WlSp aby (jai-
7 -
0 1
0 aggOns, P:Qt,�
ria.le Expre.q Nit,
heson, a tailor in the en�..�
DitIcksow RO:qyt, Acl
the year wh
0 who b6ve wood to selFi t Of- Oraibi A%owhirt�r o -CLo
a is, thO� ",on 0
WiD hear of p,,,,y a,, tn
big threshing b, ing done. j FAEmER.8 "Ic
cum tedoul, ide by culudughis thr4atl
not tearfully regret the fact that �oal -'e baa been iu'
dlist was very bid, n on MondLayiuorniliZ H
tJ16 4tiopta on $gtUr'lay'4 11 please ayl
V1 wi Clinton. gilrice the t,
last. (E high this year, Reflector �pt 'week,
unatea was
L OW is the tini the wil�g
6i, i., atteuti0ii 16
waithe Wateriai cart?, and like some more unfort
T4, lkp.�N e to Save: up , A xt Ji, of the I School Board in the habit
of taking too, much liqui kL
As, dimeo h IIY- He would rewaini sober
,_as, t Is tax collector will Is;oon was held on, Tuesday last. No business occa
be on his rounds;-- mp ra 4 time 4eve Jasting
of i I ortance t Usacted for =hs at
Ail, 0-1 vivegil
THE,,Graud TrupkRailway' now con- L THE Division Court bad a: sitting on irili9xicAnO) Afid' duri6g these tinues
ilireel h ed,' Fil� last. Judk would work most industriously at his'
sists of three, thousan tindk
ilea of track, S A 0
trade. ' But the, craving for liq or
I I , R L f come) and giving way e 14 Wid Idla Id a
t i'ay Squire was in U ed -1 10, �L
In a ndance, The case, t ed, were to ' h I Light Color," Frints B. do
liad robins have: bpt.,minQr importance.
wbilld'geb, intoiicated, and whewthe
been removed to, the � store l oft Ontario,
THE excursion !to. 'Grimsby and s vet, fits of melancholy took- BARGAINS.
rich A
a L treet, lat , ely loccu Vied by W. R, 0 pree, was o Print, Pi
Niagara, last Saturdayj Was not well possession of-bitti. It was during bne qUes.
t 'esb,"
11 of patronized bypeople fromit this locality. in�,Dark, Cdlor d Pr"iAt
JigAlk MLr� J Rothwe of h'' 6 e.
�s that the unfortiinatp man wl�
WhAto &A&Colored �L a-Mms-
S Exc ing in thick.
derich Tp. bad nine hundred shock i too the -rash act which ti�r-
lop ursions are c in =tte'd W� C;
.�rhldati whie DIfD—Mrg.' of Ood� ed,fatally. He as boarding at.
ch. he, expects w�. �y ie d. a,
J;hei to IRA- -INS-
P t a XU
pa lyin� on, the betf with a. d'Prin e alilas
In Ligh o
roods To ether. in life, P ey were t
for es may, be, seen by L in d ath th "lori§d"MUS111 S.' it 6n
the libck.'�
e'rich T6wnshi ', :died ba Wedne,saay� Mrs. Kaine's, .who., found, him it half I
F4 S ig n' a paiation last, just six dayq� after her husband, St five a' iiI4
fall busin of pre errible gash 0ros§ his tb � t t C hi
roa , Shea j'a
d und, town, at once Sent for, a,pbysicia�, but the pp6r B I la k and 0 . olo ed Kid M1, o I ves I
eing, e were . aro ni�r- not divided;
phanti' stQres. fellow was beyond the r6achof medical
LE�11 FoA H`Omg.�Prof. Groig, who .1 1 . "C
skill, and breathed his last in a� little
FuRious DruviNG—Furious dri
d. OU.
0 lot" d M, sl ns�
vIng bas been officiiifflig.-for the Rev. -Mr. A-6gs than an hour after the first di
'N mbago�,
on OU streets,- should- probibite �66' e IN,!2 4 AXD "0' BT_,TTTOj
Stowart,,at' the P' bytotiah, Church n .,ark 6 6
res I D
ia� Som indulged in to the covery; Thedeceased was an' unmar- Backache, Iorenes MI4 Chesti
for some time back,'Will leave for, his
o zens. -tains,
4�nger� If citi h' 11 Tlibre will ried. mari aged 59 yeais. Ile came to Gout, Quin% Soro Thicat, Sweff�� i., Lac' e,Cui
ome in Toio to 0is week.,
this country from Glasgow,, aud� bad mps and Sprain�'j Burns dfid S
-the Church on Sunday
PEoV1;E needn't wonder at the gear' be no serviceat
JJ,a be orking in Seaf Scalds, OeneralBodil
en orth: oil and off
for aboiit , t frteen L ye . ars e.v U 0 Pqlns,
re-c6tint og, �Ilots cast at t e that he . had been employed withthe Tooth, Ear and Ileadache, Arosted In IEmboliderie' s�
girlialgood for'anythinjis=6 fellow Is its.,
cit 4 fir' vant girls., nekt`; ARGAIN
Y, 8 ass ger
bi Pr io 's t'
TAE b b
goi to find it.otit 8ure4 and m�iry bor.
S6 I 'St. 01114" N'� B., Alessrs. Wi at Gait wbichlatt6r I Feet and Eap,§, and all othdii
Act election It. lkins'
sy WS 6*elling§,eL,td,,,'
CoAL.—Teamsters Jbave, b6on� bu 0
during. coal t 1q, lep�ration on,ciiLith Cina18.ST. Aooias 01
the, eck .0 V teS.L The figures'stand 1, bas� a brother who resi es a s iort BARGAINS
the Act to be defeated by two place he used occasiolially to visit.' Re Paini and,Acheil,'� IT
04 for Ab
fig a safey SZ14-el siiple atiaxheap. External
ce from e Corpse Was ReraijdyL A tr . lal, entL619 but � the, ebt
de paid, we believe, is trifling outlay of,50 Cents,andlever�oue.Bnflering
e (oze'n "TZA-' have cheap nall'pouitive p
taken to8ea'forth" nd buried on. Tues� tobf of ito V �S
n their winter.: ALct, and 1,076 again tan ill ! Iffosier
parties W�? suIppV , -th�
$7 ppr' ton., RLiVARli—Of oil' I i with pain can 0 y
Eriin� to any. one sending _t'be� day at the Maitland emetary; claims.
'11EAVY YIELD.—A correspondent in- Directions in Eleven Lan uageii.,
fo�r four line rbyme oil TrABEnRy the -
in IN j t'Mr MeGarva of,' God- remarable.littl, A Live To*iIi.,': 3ARGAINS
for t1le Teeth and
rich Tp. -of 55 bushels of - — -------
Wheat to tbe:au're, h' s to take o ruggist for a4dresl" Wingham ini��t be, -one �of -u- m-- m -e-r-10r s had a yield, I A VOGELER CO.i 7
Be I 6ath y' I tird' the best
is seern ___A._l_1N-T-Ax-AT-XoN . �Woodstoek-iNs i�n or emigrants—to S 0
the bun. so far;
PI h
L;ARGEt Darty 01' �m' des ofAbe s6s keep,away from; .'About incilth a,,o
emb hed 17 mills.on I e dollar this, yedr, press start . ed for th,6 North-West from Brantford 15 mills, Paris 10, Kingston PROPUTIES FOff.SALE.L
0� young English 'tailor named'Aibe
nto on day.. . There will -be 16, Belleville 20. Londofi's'assesgment
re, c e,.erm -prices on
Ewart arr v g, Being,a e all
T coin i s 'is 22 wbich:gives her 'theposition, of i'ed in, th-gt bur ined, to give the pii clos
'b?grbb aT4anitolok,�stocIr
after the. V Adverti whdq- thia kdadilip stead strious yoqng inau and'a onth, alid:50 iyen4for divery SL��Y'Iwa 2,1611171
k. the most, heaVily taxed city, in tbe ii.yi
VAs - GoOT,-Xabbages bave
work, ai'Lo',,coticluded to settle down
'thriven well this L se , ason to the t,l FOR' SL�%,LE,.' e, W- i ntee,the sale.
h.—The troupe' of Fred n 'Short ne ostablet guar<
,jtiantity'of �rain which has fallen, and
g04 a ne our prices n
al ln lie bt 0 e I . ...... . SU'1\1_W1 GOODS' Get 'beforeb and
'get bac ;P
Dominioii. rer
o,-Aiavel had a very exteil- visited, th young fellow
R. Wren wl" our German 'friends are congratulating siivetour I lthr6uglf-Cahada, werein - C I lin-" himi j'batL for tile p'rivilege of I* in of 131�rth.' Tb,�re i�'on the -lirenii
1VIng aur krdut, JL,' e e elml-111a, ats
to it last ni'lA, and will ive another tbiis great atill �16rius siories high, vV�th god stone colla�j ftill siz6, Vell h themselves on the fact :that 9 of
6 T11 1119 evpnJng._ e
19 c 1166 lion of fruit, nd a'good 010kid 16 �Ciitte
I Tb y. have must, contribute the sum- -of 92M to� 'in P'll"; 0
,bmidion lie
will be plentiful, to, . I . n a r
'THE Wingbatn� council bave'g�ranted Iwo Tppseys,; two uncl.e.Tonis, and are, tbe' town , treasury, that . VL eing L tile of ibeL vI and sold �Uor' fUll Pr- tioulars apply to
a. good- compiiiiy all-tbrougb,� e in
the Sam of $75 towards the firefha'n's ainoutit of poll tax d and,(A from
IATAIILTCII�; Myth- -b SUCcess-
the IsCofSeptetbber. - botel Stalk of corn, grokii by, Silas ed, , some
Ve to payL FARM, FOR SALE.
_T.kLL M . 8'. '& 'I SE A N
b libl,&,in that t 'SO' r e na,,grea
rna eat 0. own on r Plke,,has.'atliis "011-propprty holder's. Hlaving Q e -
;We "bave, to act 01-ty I failded :,.,Ewart, ask P X�Y':.
friehds,wbetber lie would ha
"knovAedge'the receipt of a� complimeh- ews, iFie",`Ur— t v
Andl es wel' e feet. ortl neyj and
East Wa , IV L Oro
ub' h6t lie pant -looks uJok;e Ii �e a teed than a 100 aures ofxh6i�e Jand, 86 acre ared F
y ri 'HATS
ed he Was ri 't �The Dr
lie -h d but just arriv 481 Enipo thim of CN2
tary. ticket tOL attend tlie� dernons'�rafton., sevexi"incbes in b was in med thats
ei0itht it :is nine le me Go
STFAm : TH Those - - having. feet, fo all d No�th half -of lot No_28, con: 2, . I L IL, CA CEN URN,
RESHERS. or inclies to the., first bo6I_L`dtO4dOSO, Actizig,upon'thisad'vice
ateatu thresbers are kept so b y t Milld in agood statoof,miltivation, Thei�e is 14 acrdli, Was'. be� declined to pay"Ahe. money, but MR, SL . InYnYer hall0tv ready for oral). There is: a ou''t far cult, job -to cornstalk. __ra-Ised- onle"
fr, me barn Nvith stables till er,
Coj t1lai I -and unreleiitingjds�i and_ a
'I Stern ce was oon..
get their grain' threshed at:die Present , D. r. Andrews* got as a,present It is cbe inflo a 'quarteT. froO
bistrack ill the Shape of tb6:tO�I,(,nL time,�but asthe s�lthis from the Western States
rogrew na lVill be',
covstabe�witb a �sumrrjoll& wart,
cute sold cheap. If no ot it
dihictilty ]I a6MtjI& be Over sol 1)df6r� flie 0 S -�paroicukirs apply to %H
d Wi c CuRsio ---�Tbe 6xcu 0' or was hau e bif lvill1berented, Foi"Euftbei
rsi.onj P t I up. . e ore -the. lt�tice Benc
A -0. 1, ILTON. Blytb.
�CIIIIO� OON�ENTIONA St',iriley on Tu"esday'Lwas well patior,iizie 0 11 and thefe 1j'a :R 1A.Ai I
a- was the MUIqted in the
air Y
'S'abbatli School Con V_enjio I �pebple. Five 6 rIv n. will by Clintoi
-be held 3 Layincr following. amount.
e n Me
in the village of Gorriej on the 29th� wel . 611e& I'ft.; thb statid � here, bui hot
t rl�;50 bts ;�sum cc
mbn.�, 25 ets b "i Everyt ling is' ein ol e
and 30th I b g., 'many,wexe' aken:on,at Exet6r.!: 8 ser
ear ua,, 50 ctsL
n I . FARMS FOR, &
nianagemE 50 Cts ConLS
done by the committee Of lnt f-eW. of eicurts stayed ifi�, London 0), -ble
ta fees,'
Visit to th'
the Ors e, vi age, 'bit 6. e- bal 6ay oll tax,' $ 2. 00' ri 6, tot�l
to give t.: m,: st of' I em took in t1i heirty welcome., breezes�-.attlle P6rt. All seeme -young 0 1$11;,35.- ' The nian- pai'd 2,50� p E'
2:� � I kIirts of Lots Nos� lncr TILlrofi Road Concession;
BASE BALL.—A. garife -was played joy the days oil in am n and L left. the'eourt e ii) OfIaod'61.j("Il, Cn 150 neal:ly ll
Oil leeply ini- �,rolvllsii . Ill,
ClOed and 1pcs�lll There are oil
we:en. L eam chose ressed Nvitb' the ftict'-t!hat,CanfLc1a ofr tile Ig
n OUT FOR' DR1LL-No.- 4 company., on Tuesday bb't a,t
Cosi6mnient of
OU'M 0,11 �to a. good and h� I c%'crfaili
from the '81pidi, Combe, l and Beaver 3�rd a's�sembled: fo rill fers rp,�i incJUcQli_ n,ts' enlibiants
lie, Viet " L I . I . . I . I I , I I., tSe : tL 'of Wi'll 1, Plocks, and one from t oria "Aay. evening' last at a' d that own iain as tile. ca, t h o %W�o lot 'G 'containifig' 65
block. On account Of s6ina.triffifig the most' hospitable banileb wit) They* will� riI6 putpose uiv lie il.yoliln� ot-chard o�,15b trees' all selected winter
r thd a
pute the game Was not played out., evei ay Tlie'colinpany 6rders'Of tile Confederacv. SW
-V611111g. Ar
t the. Conoil;%bt Soin.L_ tIlOSe 'L WIS 0 tri Up J)Lirch4sed 0
The qo'deri�b js.not quite -full. and h1no' t e, of A Gla t,�06 S
OVR ckeryL
er eL a News is given to understand that. tl M obers can do so by apply'- tbock..- oIC inton High S
Ig ulan thave prorniged that� if
ing t(
J iq 1�3; DQUT,' Clint6n.
cho.ol wilLb.eLoonVerted Ma - j6r 1\11urr utenant you', ",Oj L P
into a ie town troasury call be nladL6 f6'qtand. RE AND'OHE
pork packing F A
B L rter; 'ill ro Una �SOule 11101'e I
shortly. For fear that any uneasineis t h w SON
1,ACKQ.kPS appea�r to-havebeen ver�, O'F' L
exceec inz y. generous,
generally eLroip this seasQ11. The DESIGNS$
)might prevail in certain quarter:3 'S. .-AL R�AL:l 6ASES- GF 0 K. Y NEWEST.
'but Still it inialit be as wedfor erftigraw ' t , .' � I � .: 1. . . I .
of it This is I` I E H 6 ER_ 0.0 THE
lbaaten to"assure our est6emed-bro6her ��canes'bav6uiad�e' but incornplete growth,
t to J'am
Dan'l that he has
't been.' tothat th e Call and inspoet ourL Stock..
0 selected to. and m.�Lny,L which Set some fr were*.
be foq''d �t t" (lepot Olt
act as-tbe first Victim .:of the n6 constable m�a n p eT 6 carving it on.
tr Their. roo tS
dus t1i e ar�i�,al of'all traing, and 1;y banding I
o maturity;
tan very -TI-IE -OLD' STAND-.
. W in I deficieU . It i' thc.L '6W f y r
f 11 W
superficially,�'and where ley . were -not,
WORKINOMEN.'g ti the slial of, $2.06 fbiat. offi6iait 0 t8.::,
been' Well and Widely mul 11 extreiii with they wql,save $9.85 "in: c S arneSS,:
Win. E ' vans,. of London, who lia cbed t e
I L ill SJ
irlstrumenta arting� the. Can:adian� heaItdn,d drb(tith', Lif'Jast Summer -was,
.1 1 * f Missionary y
Workingr oil's -Agsociaiion� is: at,llres- fata: to t.ieir ' ruitagp 11-e-av
ent in town with a view. to forming a -VITUS,.—Th e Brndon, Sn-E Miss!
chary,' s rrlloft."4_ and ineetings
yoplig r
U111 y C110. is
WHICIf WILL BE ,90L,',D b branch of that as"c o*4n Clinton. A, ULan nam . ea AlcK nzie, of' UUNKS; VALE " e'tIT, 3ESt
eving , that in itb e
' 11 Cana a. Beli attfrdgy. last Medio'diA 61 urch of i a M Us AGAN,
_C oel Deceniber 10th by 1. .
b ed' bIdting- Strangely 'on! the.
strength, a nuih thoritie s con onified their iLntentio 6f betoruing niem - olin Wakefleld, I -VF—,Ry
bers, and there . is tib t 'Street" and AL T�
A Oil 'il( t tnuch Cloubt, b. o(ler W RATES�
d, 1,_ sidercd b i m d I( lad ]]ill
apgerous,: at ortlic
tbat-a goo live branch will soon beJA
anded ox�e-r, to,ther. 'care' of- 'a' doctoi,�. District and David U. 61al;lpisoti; of,Brus-.' I'
s"on Sunda se Was, d t1`
M 'N
ermous on-.:-D6cer�tber
RIF19 Ass�ociAiiii' For- � v 6ry bad o e of St ilN WTM ENNIS
n Xitug ot.
rester being unable to go- . to Toronto, �itrlprov ng, altl . 10 Uall, givell, e 7 rb,; b y
'111CIL A. E m o at I
I him 0 f6liowi 0 v cry � at-, field esi-en� NIESS MAK
t k b tention it w a �� d ecide'd" to' f "M � le IL -HAP
his place upon the te. m,was � a eliL 'y sel AV i IV . 11 Mr. J. T. :Marsh. T he- memb�rs have n �pag Consi able; Davidson "took C L I N T ON.
esday niorni 7th' by tbli, R' GA NS
succeeded in getting some,,prizes; . On Ili rn�? �vil (in T Li
a ea WlD,. M cDon a
Monday J�ihes took a � prize -:1 n Reys.', 11 gh and 'A. Ed,w
ML, i AccihNT
—Janics My., N16etip Tollowing weefc. opma-ion -
rUgjCbj:L aid this to `7
ac ajor w rl the Dis�- 6 n 6 f AV CI 0
the I'M doriald" Of i 16 Wiiltefleld , 0bai'llftian'o ;R�PERIES EAPER
Wiiso and' Color. 86L, fr. i ct, A-. 01wards -and
n rg unroe got keat
in 'b6 11 . 1
--giJenotir —a . I - 1 11 . . . I L, I . , , I ,
a soul '-Uh LL_SerM0nS oil
n.took go I , I-IrNSALL 1) beb. 25tti bv,t-ne
Ja'. g and N. -Robso una, e young,
rt T1. man, W 10 Of $5L each, while J. known �'in flilsJocality, '-was = expert OOPERS G.R.00ERY
Color S6rgt. Munroe 'got $4-- each i I , I I U IL)V,_ egrap I operatori.,011r, being of
. 41. 0 . I �rONPIISIBORO.—S6rrnons December 17th,
the 11 Gordon " tuateb.
ino, disposition, he -never Stayed 10119 �n by. -the Aev. Josepli,tv-Philp. fol�.
gmEET L36S.—Il there is one:tbin 'He, The arsirned beo's to return wGAN1 S.
9 one p ace. bad-worked'in Toronto lowltig Veek., Deputadoll��Revs-'_Geo. MUSIC
wanted: nTore than anotheiiabur own a e as, �N,, as Corni*h, Josbph-Phi1 a A. 11:,Manning'
It 'nd.btb r,places'.in Can�da, p cere thaiiks to his �nliinerous customers:
it is street. lamps. Our toiWn, �aUiers at-most.of'tbe their,libei,al p t on a�ffe f6ii I
er American :cIT'les
BT�r�lif D(,�ernber i0th' by the' as lie intenc
, (Jilp4plSon, aLud, Luthe'' 'o.
have. been talking the, The I a�st timebe:was ewplo�ed in Ciin- twoyears and s to give
s6me time -but go far
a-, �abont- fopy agQ thougli iliee illeetlin;n followin:vve6k D6t)n6aa V�'Iue' poilsib,1'9'
een. ha It 1161" e at..tlMe;' lot J�!ZIIJLJ UIJ V ILIOP'(s, -to DI. eet, - a
si I) ce, th —Re�q. D�� C. Chip d V �y,
n6thing definit b b done�,, A t 7 A,Jeoin very extensive tit n e trivr.. to� til lye, von-venfenee to our''clulzens, -but
I., I-Je �p
tile bal— 11 �;gi 61 lvl,eetl.ugs following Wee u ion
-�e vs, Birks, J, Ir,. Smith,
it would -give the town a, ni-iuch: beter. HIS 60'.C.ENT TEA
the Points OF llltc�rest
ford a few and it�would notbLnly' re- nuilir y 'y' t I p
to*ft the size of �Cliptancan � sarelly ' af- h U
visit6d nea-rly
appearance to strangers coming In at nd! enjoyed bin 'If
.:on :the great ]a ite, and all not
night. f�y all means let Its baV61ight. .
UnulcUbe ly. �WI471ie the be,�eabe�u:in thc ril r k le A IJ.: er,,, r IN the lacrosse rnatc' 1) -ai N�rwich oil arket Squa e,,
Wed AGnICULTURAL SOCIFTY.'LaL:�A. meet' `-9 rapids at'&Lull Ste Ma'f ie irwin of the Directors of the Aull;ett'Drqirich r iesilay of
fir't'' I SS P1
aht 6 brbok 'trout tba't- a i I d CIRO K- S '0 ANOS from
cau', ),L,fol, �4 SS iLvAI r d g::,Afii�ri
OAgricultural Society- asib6ld at�-the
Oil harld. Al Sb MAI gnd Canadignmtti at! mo era e priCeS.o
ful pourlds��- Wei' I Si. T I ii's I the. Fll,elps, 01.1aftipiol SI'li 'Cup tllt� Ju- d t
by the'Icel6brtecl
Queens Hotel, on Friday atTile: was� f6ew, -J: d nilt'llsopiall.
prize list w revised and -a' r( (i tc) tlie� S t6riIis.- won the- fiest
as 11. the ar- atbe. During t Also
8// 0 A T NE,4 L, C,01?IV NtA
rangements for -the.. fall sbo Ftitute at pro(h,em of one "of ule
pleted I . Tb6 date for ina'the- )low e u wl Poll'- army 6fficee. It Ahe cod larde-s
bold" ve S r6ceived a bad blow, andl
fish -ill ot, its ssevp�.cauaht
was altered to the 18th 'and 19th of refused to tila' 11)e DO HERTY
I ��. 0 T,4
watiLurs j oiie was caught tli'ei�e last year Cohsequ.�ntly gj±911. to the Vico.rias.
which W6ighed-6j- potintfig. Irwin Ot was nluell With the latiae The' S,up'r 1)
Imp & -in, i
116vnw�—To one, who -has h �6.rty Oro,,
re titblished; liffing- e
acturing 01 at, b
visite(I I�ondoii the ]eSSef ulanuf buzsin Co emacy of th - e a*a�ded First: Piii&s, __Medals and
GLi'�C_l 1110 11' Qall iiid, bL s en.
j t 6L Provin x1ii
a tri,
years, an. bour'SL Walk tbrough,R8 streets ca ried on Or, T
_r at fil�neapoli,, wo -I at
s_a V Ty ill an— 1plomas
ere Quite a t t1l, Montreal an I oronto.
.,tbe'appearance of the place� e With 'such goo'd t
1,00 cars of flour. every tentyjoUf
number of arge bandsome blocks have 6ve no heWation in eedduiiii L. While lie w" in this City L tl -8, ows, (61icertinAs, 11
been recently ec or 'are' now We375 ca . r s lumber and '16.0 c�rs, to tl i e pu b le as a prompt A'Jarg6 stock of Vi-lingi,strilig Afi3,thi i 'I b
�Afuslii on band at 0te 8 a e8iluot
course struction.'. R* Ili fact, '.those' Who use i t icbm nd and. Of, flo' r, Se6t e
and Teliablo ofcon'
U. astin,one day. ed on the n" UJ
Stock, piocui ot�
ys d 0 go. YO U I'S truly,'
OcDundas, Streets are* beginfii6g to put on Mete O�, 0, F.' GRAND LODGE.—FrOM d
.opolitan airs. Durin�g,businqSIX HARVIV, 1,72 Cadibux" str the' report, of the Grand Secretary. of, WELLAND GIANA-L ENLARGEMENT* rs these streets present a Iiv�,Iy city Montre&1,,'DQC'eiubdr 9th, 1881
tb'e Grand Lodge of tile Independant
0 TT
-A T O'R n ie patb' CHINNE
�'that the orde' W in aoprosperaus�coi TCE TO �C,ONTRC appearance. 'VV eJrUA that the Fbirest OrL.
der. of Oddfell6ws of Ontario We fiDd City Will IODg continue i� tl' IF N
prosperity.. 'L r ' �T L I
d iti6n. ' The * toth14 amount of funds Phosphatitie is a Wonderful Th'in'g LACROS,%E MATdRFS. The Qlinton,, held bylodges in tba--Vrovirce on tb ChINTON.
e, .........
jIgsod to the II
St 30,1111 Jun 188�7 W ab played a match Ii ore on F ri d a. S
e a 66, Yet so natural
ay Why? Ponder f6r. ILI) tilk 00,41(l uptit tile of tile
'riflo THOSO iv;th the Wingliam b6ys"and got'away Ve feel'ilIgs Vf STEVENSON,
shoing"a net iric�rease during tile year If youlia' g6neness o orn oil LET.*
with the' rn, iin th ee straight games in 9
sn, taW for
.35.76,. tile rinin.ber of lodgeg Ulfid rally -v- o61jal, be, - L I = .)j �!"
Istence 1
of %,0, 1 weal< 9 g to too ne, 5, Pnd 45 minat'res 1' W e ill - ous to sleep ; 6Ln, appetitp, � ollO Port i is 200' a tota, fic, Tuesday tbefionti�e- team played"with the, 'L"Llur riaxt or WhItt i�
'apply to NAVCATIO
ers,hip� at the siiinic7 date of lent to k�'e'eip body togetlier e,, e V(jr� f,urtfi�e.Mbrni
11 ali� i)osiblon or tho wbric, wid r
o'being. an ine back t RENT
rewse,of 9.50 wbcl� 'doill beadiiblle, with' t1o:ii,
ajiboiri -ations for ronittins to b6 donc4 call be
ful. he-� ftst game was, Won ill �9 - pare� i last' repor�..' The atount th 6 'whole , systeiV- rellaked Per I ap"r tili8 off!"Ill �Ilfljaltllo l(osident
near y 0 wid.sore lung nil will. its(,
rainutes b the visitorsi he second paid f,7 e 05 c ugb&�_` CON
y or Sick 1) nefts war, s'; a YLR�I' FAMAY� �lt iq
in e -0
nos Ld to Ile,
six o'clock when time f 6a'Se Wb 087,� 10�. R�N'T@ TIM le4ink of the woAA and: fur special re- E
tly i)I, ELON FALLS, BUCK110119'
_6 be ab n( onedl, bf and , charity, 041.05., ' The -it Will not fall Ito; ilia e you�an"elitliu§- 0, fit heral benefits 1$ 2 one to -,�ik, botf,
g�. e was,welf contist6d. ti 1" 3, 15.98:, -'.widows les of'Dr I� I)o oil to'! rl od.
US In 84 an a
li y Ill tble case of
O.ffiCL QH CANALS,, ad vdrtised to la�
Pic Grand 1 0 'August nex I t it
YCLMT8;�A large number of h ers elected were :'Henry Why do we say tl 7u,�!, iii Ly. I, fie*
1, Passing I , !LIll'i or Mill aild df -6n t �' -6rdl day
cycle riders fiave, beet ;h Robertson' G': M. ; Will. Bocatise.Phosphatibe supplies a, waJt3� iPlo
Aponed, to th
.6w.00 OC
the town recently., morn- 'ldb foi, tho silill of 11baril( Clio
L k -LoW, Prices -
D. 0, M. J. 13. the very ropertieg steUd, is 11111"t rol)olitivll arg
ev�ergl went I on t eir w 'T'61 nio, G, S�c. -Win. B�ade� .11allbs fwjoitcd if tile t6lldorIng
ing arid yeariling, for,.. -It is not day, the twenty-fourtb
i"9 fie 1into 0011tr4a, fLI6, tile il orks:, lb�t the 8111fd J6 foi, Te be rece ve
to aoderi6W 'A party from, i6ndlofi n 1), Toro'ntoL, G. A. Mor- bt- nutr 16 � off or'
instantl coilvQI71t, Tl oi-L gth0r#'*1` 'Plahs, -tid' 'tl'Wis Ilusiness.
Is (I talnI6 V.. neludedi Mr., 1)8o-, dan, _��o! bliid�' ' t QPPQ�§ITE 'THE 'TOWN:,,HAL the, N4panee, G,: bn�, and tissue: is to tbo) c4p". v,boso Tefidorg! itro,nob' : ; 'r I;which i P,,,v. - T. in L n
airaY'10 the 061111- J61i& To.roiato, q. Xt'l Frank al8o delicious NL ON t 0
:went, up oil k9a(u Try lf�,,, Tbo tdft.7/
alsc IVA
Thl'st bc;,Vdvor; bill
cowny where th ey were joined. by iawrence, of. aod6l�ic�, was'�aj olte rosult o�t P� y, dd
M. for Clinfon� 0 ge;;. �fricdt go hand.L Ald clubs Ir6m Aly'iner and.&tAtford'., Mr, R. JJ,� r WEE
bill MR
L gill
Ill' f3lk Ab LA,
Dol' r,ez ibitibli of his-, Skill L6d, w 111 lold' wcetillg� TJOWD & CO,,,' S�ole , aeats'for i ttle gave li*
rd IV C
oil the �X'6 0 Dbininjoii 66 Front A.' B a