The New Era, 1882-12-07, Page 10KEEP 'YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY ' D ce1,'ert* 11,: �J0T TRUNKS VALISES. &C.: The Disallowance. Ta the'Egtitor•of the Clinton .New Era. Aft ,a matter of news you , could not avoid noticing the outburst. of rage in Manitoba, at the enforcement, by the Do- - minion Government, of that provision of C.,P. Re -`charter, by which they are to have. no competition for 20 years. I am gratified on • the people starting ori that repudiation which I advocated in your ® cramps of March 2, 1881; 'though, at —t•o a present, it only;extends'to the monopoly ;,f traffic. Their rage ought not to be con- fined to the authorities; but should extend to suc#i among them as had votedas Cos- ,servativee, and to their parents, uncles; brothers and ucq utinte 'noes Who had given, -only this year, the power'of wrong under which the settlers of the" northwest are. now writhing, Onlybesotted feols could be blind to the eoneequences that must inevitably have resulted' from the land and railroad poliey� adopted.; and which experience ought to have warned them Would ensue. In the case of the "Pioneer in -Stanley" I showed the hardships and extortions he had been, _subjected -to by theQanatla-f ompa-ny; and: the losses to the country by the profits they had carried ;away. The last Weekly. Globe contains•an- other pioneer ease in Burford, who paid $8 an acre, in 1833, for 400 acres; The amount is $3,200 for which the 'company, is believed to )sage paid only $200,; and the balance, save agency.expenses, went out of the. Country across the Atlantic— for nothing at.all. Aad , yet softie of the ' victims 'of such frauds, and many of their sons, contiuuously voted that such things were right to be done. The company have not had to:•adcauee, dr t anyont •id est t di The. money in rte 11 h railroad.. d r J� e qa . Pembina branch". of 05 miles Was.handed'I to them finished. • Tho .SOC miles from !! Lake, Su perior, and 21:3 miles in Columbia Fare to be eompletel by 'tile Government and tl ese.two stirs tae by far the;eestliest parts of,the 'work...!And the nroneyend land beaus are more than paying 'for"'the prairie `section 'which'tliej' are buildin.: The -land wiviestlnlafed at $1 an titre; and, they opened's tle r at i2.50. • Near ] alt has been sold to an 1 riglisb• company at. $3 ;-and :non we: have. a: "i eport that the company-have i reed .2,50.0 000 acres from. settlement duties, nhich is going eft at ilia to $1.0, an acre. Nearly all these profits ore to foreign4—utter'a'liative in the company—more tliaa half Parisians-- the Canadian clement i, fiti'iiishe•� by three Scotch settlers in hoots' l ATI Other tei'I- der was preferred by -Canadians, and for some $3;000,000 less. rile Reforru motto, it the late electees tva.4 "blit. Ian d for the; settler, the price tor the public" But the majority voted iiga t thl*S, and rati- tied the alienation of the land to specula- tor,, and the price to foreisners: 1 It.' is aulusin;; iu ridiculousness, .and frightful in ignorance,. folly and copse- quences, to read and hear the reasons for I•t so voting. This is •alaiiner,for3town- S_ .. hip,:;and one of their told inc In the spring, that their dominance made the then price grain so niucli higher. than f r- merly and that the Yankees had sub-. scribed' $12,000,000 to. bring about free trade. would fail, to tell of; the fal- sities ancl"Ioliies I ha.5 e,seen in the Papers. Nov. 30 1852. l'. H. 1)0 \OP JSP DECEIVED. In these times of qua ckinu alicine advertise, merits everywhere, it in truly gratifying to find one•remedy,that . is worthy of praise; - Oar stock of Boots and Shoes for he Fall and, Winter Trade is now complete, and for, quality and'style cannot be excelled. Oar s ecialties are N handle the : 'very best goods ill, theli et, And to sell them at the lowest possible, pt ices. 6 per cent discount for cash. . W. TAYLOR (Sv: SON, Coats Block Clinton. linery Milhloor' We bare just 'received our FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, of. French andAmerican. fashions, consisting of -Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons; . ):aces Pluslies and Velvets,, all at sash prices that cannot fail to -attract attention, having purchased a large and well -selected stock,' we feel Confident in pleasing all nlfid-g vin satisfaetiou We also call attention to•our stock - of RouILLON JosE- � ilius KID GLOVES-Lheaping a full line in all colors. Fall line of DRESS TRIM•MINGS, :HOSIERY,,CORSETS, &c., always en hand. STRAWS FE:rirS-Airv_BE.AvERs -done-over :.in all the newest styles of Bonnets & .Hats At'PRENTICES .WANTI D.for the Straw work. '�change- for goods. •7±' -AP 1Vi PROD UCL taken in } ex a a - ° TWO DOORS NORTH OF THOMPSON..and SWITZER'S, R. BEESLEY, Beaver Block, Clinton, •gosIMINw WA.' " s EMISTS B :D JU C�-ISTS; Albert Street, Clitz�tc�lr�. . The public will: hoer our steel: el' medicines::coinplete.t t5 dual ted genutne, and 01 :the best quality. T� • ILE1 SOAPS PERFOlatE Y, SuOUL7)EP- BItACES, TRUSSES, SI'0U11:S,, " • AN)) 'fXI I 3:INDS OE' DRUGGIST ,' S15N.1)RIES USUALLY: I.EP:T IN A :h'IRST CLASS DRUG 'STORE ENTRAP., DRUG - :.STO HUMPIiREYS'HOMEOPATHIC ;RENI'EDI1 S, C'UTICUP:1 REM i+DIES, KENDALL'S SPATINd CURE. Sud all the recent patentskept in ,stock --or procured to order. A large Stock. of VTn E HAIR BRUS1nI S, TOILET. SITS, SI'o\Cri s PI:RFUEnY, &c., 1Te1 y cheap: ••(jWILULOID 'CIIIMSSES at reduced rates. PIIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and' family receipts. ,accurately compounded with care and despaEeh. C HEM1SI AND';DRUGG'IST, CLINTON, ONT. women lttiga!'IioriJrw.' When anything that is worth asying is spoken in •that terse and pointed way that beam ;the impress of honest conviction, we like to have :people know the nature -of'the . communication. Of such a nature is the following from Mr. W. F. Heist, Camden IN 0., Lincoln Co., Ontario. Mr. Heist pays: "With, great joy over my restored health, I would write a few lines concern - big that wonderful remedy, St;Jacobs Oil. For the last six yearn I have been _using various medicines internally and external- ly, but nothing would help me. Finally I procured 'a'bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, which cured we after a few applications.. My mother-in-law, ;who has also been a great sufferer from rheumatism, was also relieved by the use of :the: Great German Remedy. St. Jauobs Oil is a great bless. ing to suffering humanity, and I shall do everything in my power to make known its) merits. $500 REW.RD ! We will pay theebove reward, or, any ease of liver' complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, Indigestion, : con- -etipation-or-eetiveness-tee owned mire,with West's Yegetable Liver' pills, when: the directions are strictly complied with. They, are purely vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaeaton. Sugar coated, -)urge boxes, ills 25 cents. For sale ai Staining 30 c 1 Druggists. vR P Y B Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by John C: West &, Co., " the pill makers," 81 &'82`Iiing St. East, Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a three' cont stamp. • al0 I ROBES. • g.rnesoig. y 11-1- 'a•tn e t � 'TRUNKS ,VALISES &c. 1y I1C?1 WIL3' Bl k-ot,U _ AT ITI.:RY LOW F.&TES. • Newton. t Den iS F0A�iP►l �;5 •fifiAKERS, Ci..Ilt jltl�, . aGo0PE: i,o` 'Orocker.y, ,Glassware,' &c. Orzi»lOtll and.Cornmeal a1\it y5 o» �hand; Pottyf:oelohrated English 9rslhfast Bacon Tb)ti; Gale a9' Bcicoil, :S'dugar Os r�rl Ifhili•s, • Aitdl .No. :I. LAP,IJ•: t, priceswhieh_eamiet-hc beaten iu tuwn f • HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY . SOLE AGEN1:FOI't. and which really does as reeolnniendes, y' EI r v y 7 ``r Electric 'littera we can vouch for. as being a-110OR11116'. •j'ili�s��i � t/ 'SOAP true and reliable remedy, and one that will THOMAS COOPER: do as recommended. They invariably •cure , Stomach and Liver' Colriplaints,..Diseases' of ALL'Ettt STDELr,. CLINTON" the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties- We know: whereof we speak, and can readily say, give there a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bot- tle,. by Watts & Co and J..;H. Cotnbe:. Ali attempt ivas'nlade in New. York on • Sunday, to enforce the• law -against Sab- bath breaking: '• About 200 people were arrested. They comprize milkmen " gro- eers bntehers, drii ers of v ehie1es, boot- blacks, newspaper venders, ped lars,carters, ragpickers,cigar'dealers, dry goodsdealers, 'Chinese `iaundrymen," :bill posters, 'and others- ' Nearly all were'uischarged with a reprimand.. .A number of Hebrew store keepers were arrested, biit<lischarged with a casitien They claimed the law was•not, a,pplacable: to -then ere d . l-aquor and 'beer saloons were not interfered with and were crowded thr a ht sit theca' Drug - ts,driving riesi h gas t11d a basin�;ss.- Itis aid.t e police will enforce the, late. No one of social or political inftuet8ce was arrested. New Maple Sugar.' r asap • Oranges Good Tins . ru few..l. T1 Aga Maple Sprup s.. :�enlels><,5 arm �3a>orai �a s fresh Mangold, Turnip & Sorghum Seeds iluckien s Arnica. Salve. The (rest Salve in the world for, Cats, Bruises Sores-Glcers.Salt Rheinn,'Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corr's, and all Sktn'. Eruptions, and positively cures Piles:, It is guarranteed to ,give, perfect satisfaction, ttr: money refunded. ' -Price 25; cents.per boa. For sale •by J. IT, Conibe and Watts & Co. • ''►unin ham limon— .`C`1RFEJI` . IlwYang>the utmost con8dence in its superiorityever all others,and afterthousands of tests .of the most • d:omplicated and severest cases we could find we feel ',;justified in offering to forfeit One.,Thousand- Sellars' 'for any ease of -coughs, eold'o, 'sore throat, influenza, hoarseuesss, bronchitis, consumption In its early.stages, whooptsig"cpugb, and all diseases of the' throat. arid lungs, excC1t asthma, for tvhieh we only claim relief, that we can't cure 'with West's Cough Syrup,when taken according to directions-'- Sample bottles 25 and' 50 cents:; large bottles one dollar. Genuine w;uppers only in .blue. 'Sold, by all dr<sagists or sent by .ex- preas' on:receipt of price John t 15 ctit •& Co., 81 & 83J ing_St:. Easty_Taranto Orit- .1 or-sal'e-s5-Cinfrbe'5 . Krug Sore a on a• - et of a In order to meet our increasing trade we have bought the Factory lately occupied by W. B. Crich, arta -after :getting ; it under way we are prepared to'. manufacture .. Everything in the .Furniture Front the cheapest to' the -best sets, with,the lateslt. fityles and No. 1 finish and workmanship. Ordered `work a specialty and, satisfaction guaranteed': UNDERTAKING jape have also added this branch to out business, and in it at all times will be found everything to Sleet the':' requirelnents`of A HANDSOME HEARSE KEPT FOR I-IJRE. I3y strict attention to busines5'and. an eye to accom- modate and please, we bope to merit the confidence' of all .AGE :EO. D E L&.00. G I • John McG r a va, SALT JUA:NTJFACTURER AND DEALED.IN GROCERIES' AND PROVISION$, ALBERT- STREET, Opposite the Town Ha11:'. Very Chaim) Lard, Hams & Bacon For sale at lowest prices. /'Cash paid for Farm. Products, J. MCGARVA. Clinton,. April 4, 1882• Moving ;Building's, &c. ITAKE this means of than&ing ill tIiii ivho have L favored me with their patronage in the past,.and beg to may that as 1 am leaving the Country for DSani- toba, I',have disposed) of my business to; nay brother Joirx S I1rns&sox, and hope tliat.vou will favor Min With the saute liberal patronage that' yaii have ggiven me. JOSEPH . STEPIIENSON. WI81Iregard to the aboy'e, 1 wine d say, that as I aril a chip from the same Meek; and havingbeen brought up to the business of moving and rising buildings, I feel 'confident that I can give entire tatit- action tc'all who may' favor me: with their patronage. And further, I wonid'say that I nm still dining tllosc- `r Jage `Orearasa",-3d bon and cheaper•tlfah ever, :WEN STEPIIENSON, Clinton. 1 L.111.Is CALL AND; SEE IT AT • 1 PSI L. �{ESLNNGi�{L 'KEN COOPER & Nle subscribers while ;tlutu liing; their many ens,.11:1I-1E tourers for the patron age attended to Brenn, .desire io 'Min -late that hi connection with their factory'' Near the Grand Trunk. Railway, They have erected a Dry Erin which enables themt. more prorply than ever to execute all work in their For buildings token, and material fiu•nished -at 'the shortest possible noticc,'and at reasonable 'rates. .. gaywe always keep on 'Maid first -Claes SI•IINGLES, and make a :spetralty of LIME, : which wilt be sold` at Clinti n, 1lily 20, 1882. 0,001 Eli, 11ch.EN21L`.' HEALTH IS. WEA'L'TH PRAT N .c;wsl Dr. r C 's est's Nerve and Brain' Treatment; a guar- anteed specific for hysteria; ditz tress, conyulslons, fits, nervous neuralgia, hcadaehe; nervousjrontratieneaus- ell by the fuse of: alcohol, ;wakef 11,iess, int MA' depress- sion,. softening of the brain, resulting in insanity ;curd leading to misery, decay and death; premature old age, ;barrenness, loss of power: in either sex, involuntary losses-andsperinatornccea, caused by,over-exertion of the ain'self-abuse oro}:e1:-inshilgcuc,,e.._anebo .will - cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar it box, or six boxes for five dol - Los , bent by mail. prepaid, on receipt of price. We guarantee six•boxes to;cure any case. With each or-_ der received by tis for six boxes, accompanied With five dollars we wilt send the purchaser our written 'guaran- tee to refumd the money if the treatment does not ef� eat- a cure. Guarantees issued only vy J. II: Combe, sole agent for Clinton, Ont. John C. West & Co., sole proprietors, Toronto. -- City, Cabilleti WaCerooms, PUPtNITURRE STORE, CLINTON. THOS. STEVENSON , .having moved into', his new brick store `'OPPOSITE T1I:E TOWN HALL, Begs leave to state to his nliirnerous friends in Clinton and the surrounding country, •that he keeps on hand a superior quality of Furniture of all kinds, such as BEDROOM & PARLOR 'SETS 'r' Of the latest -styles, also BEDSTEADS; SIDEBOARDS S RDS BUREAUS, TABLES, And everything that constitutes furnishing a Bailee in,. his line, which lie ty,{�i sell at the lowest living profit,_ 1 ask' a share of the pdbllo patronage, being thankful forpast tweets and heneful for the future. 'Phc•jinblie, are Milted to call and sec for themselves. •`....—...,.'__ri''HOS: as1`11:V U Clintnn,' Jay s, 1180. I B s FR° GS ' BVE V.. TTARE RE G Y E .l.J . '-gg'• 7 J�LS ii?19R'O.JOATS, _ . BLANK) BOOTS an� %w oi't�osE be�u��i C�sa�cs a� 25c �or�h �Oc JUST RIDCH1Z4E3D 'WO CAR LOADS OF STOVE; RLA� AT The largest and best assorted stock of Cooking, Box Parlor Parlor Cook Hall , and Coal stoves ever brought into Clinton, .i t;-f.Harland Bros. The latest s'" szan .. _. �.e_ �gn d improvements in Stoves, Stoves, Stove -Pipes, Elbows, rock bottomPrices. -ar-l-and Bros. Stove -Boards, at At X10 -land 13'os: A. larga as o tment of_Lamp sBurueYsi Chmne-,•Ys -,— - »Shades ;. & Tubular Lanterns. At Ilarland Bros. Just receive.- e d, a, large lot ofAmerican �Crosscut At Harland lzrland Bras Builders' and Shelf HARDWARE always onhand At :.farlaud Bros A quantity of second hand Coal & Wood'` Stoves verycheap. p SAWS ,and AXS, AMERIGAAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL. SIGN OF TRH PA.DLOCI<,' R ED.._'BRICKSTGR.:,. .',. ...., _E R T F , ALBERT S, RT>,.T CLINTON. \i ON. At Harland . BR,A.IkTCH' STORE, BEAVER-.-,___E3LQCK Nnx'e•'10 'fuels rsa r tib rS14I,T7,h'tt'ft,