The New Era, 1882-10-12, Page 5Dealers, in: TRUNKS, VALISES. &c. 5 per cent discount for cash. "A3belft- St.,. Cl iton. We have just received our FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, of. French and American fashions, consisting of Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons, Laces Flushes and Velvets, all at such prices that cannot fail to attract attention. Hagpurchasedlarge a lar a and well -selected stock, we feel confident in pleasing all and'ving satisfaction. We also call attention to our stock of RoUILLox Jo$E- FIIixm KID GLOVES--keepinga.,full,'line'inall :colors. : Full line of DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY,: CORSETS, die., always on hand.' STRAWS, FELTS AND BEAVERS done over in all the newest styles of Bonnets &i; Hats APPRENTICES. WANTED for the Straw work. FARM -PRODUCE taken In exchange for goods. TWO DOORS NORTH" 0F THOMPSOI4 and SWITZER'S, R. BEESLEY, Beaver Block Clinton. HARLAND: Wish most respectfully to return their sincere thanks to their; f,rends ,and customer:. for the veryliberal patronage bestowed upon''thezn in the past,. and at ,the, same time' utmost t supply• all ' t' -past) do thelb utmo o would say that they will in the future''(as•In the p s) entrusting them with their patronage for I3ardware, Stoves, &c., with the very best goods at the very lowest possible prices. We wodid• also take 'this ..opportuninty of informing the public'in general that we have e • in the "§ s &a,' in the store a n w stogie of Hardware, Stoves, , Opened up,e r. t T-ohni son- ��►itzer's_ia-ocer_ Deaver t3lock ext�doo o .. Yl Where `her o we will keepon hand` a grand stock of SSTOVES HARDWARE, 'TINWARE, &e. found Our stock at the old stand' in the .Tied. BrickBrickStore.will at all times be fou .replete in assort. ment and quality. Our prices will also be found'as'low as any house iu the trade. Solicit ing a continuance of public pataonage,'we are, yours &c. BRANCHSTORE, BEAVER , `LOOK NEXT TO TITOIIPSO(V,SWICZER'S. * 5.N 3R®o PADLOCK, SIGN oF TxL RED BRL O^K TORE ALBERT STREET, 'CLINTON.... New Maple Sugar. A few gal.; Tins Maple S rup Fri OrangT,s, Lemons and S G0®d fresh Mangold., od � Turny � S J ■ i . Bananas. is. ori horn Seed.:' F0 fi®n• itatterfammiteusawaszfpfnatammtiMilimaxM O1intonCabinetCoinj'y. Ill order to meet our increasing trade we have bought the Factory lately occupied; by W. B. Crich, and after getting it under way we are prepared to manufacture Everything in =the Frniture •line, From the -cheapest, to the Best. sets, 'with the latest I styles and.o.1 finish and workinanship; Ordered work a specialty and satisfaction guaranteed UNDERTA KING We have .also added thisbranch to our business, and in it at all times will:' be foulid everything to meet the . requirements of all. A HANDSOME HEARSE' KEPT FOR, TARE By strict.attention to busiziess and an eye to acoom- modato and please, we hope to znerit the confidence ,of all., GEORGE DIEHL `8z Co.: FROM OUR EXCHANGES. WO liold'it as a simple, demonstrable aud demonstrated fact that during the last eight or ten years the affairs of Ontario have been transacted, with singular honesty aud ability, ;The,. people of the, Province will think often and long before they de- cide to .dismiss ,servants who ha''e served them so faithfully, in order to replace them with those whose bestrecommendation is very equivocal one that they are admir- ers and followers of the Dominion Cabinet, whose ruling spirits are suth men as Sir John Maedo11 1d and a Sir Charles Tupper. [Ontario Reformer. The 11fpnetary Times and other pa- pers have been warning merchants and business men that there is a danger now of going too fast. In the -great commer- cial centres there has been daring the past fortnight considerable stringency, and good' authorities point to many evidences of over trading. There has been too much speculation of late, and the, evil results will bo felt sooner or later. The lesson of the last crisis should not be lost_onbysiness men. It is- now announced that the mono poly clause in the Syndicate contract is to be abrogated. This is the.. result of the attitude taken . by the - people of -Manitoba. 'they stood -firm -in -their -de-- wands for their rights, and . it became patent that they were not -to be, trifled with, and then the Dominion Govern ment gave way. The moral of this should not be lost on Ontario. This Province is now required' to stand firm in its de- mandthat the award made by the boun- dary -arbitrators shall be accepted and made final. Mr. Mowat was exhorted by the Ontario. Legislature to "stand firm." : In that exhortation every mem- ber but one of em-ber;but.one'of the House joined. 'Mr.'' Meredith ask. Mr. Mowat to "stand `firm." ' He will do so. Ontario .does not possess less spirit than Manitoba - it will maintain its rights.—London Advertiser. The London ' Free Press informs us that at the Middlesex Prohibitory .M- . Bance in convention yesterday, it was resolved:—"That this Convention be- lievee that the Crooks' Act has acted beneficially in the .interests of temper .anee in reducing the number of licenses, and would regret to see a return to the issue of .licenses by Municipal Councils." As a -matter of fact, the men who are anxious to return .to the system of municipalities granting '•licenses, are those who in former times bad a Little influence as vard•politicians,:which they gained by getting licenses for their; tools and supporters. No matter what techi- cal objections'. can be urged against the present system; in operation it has been beneficial, not only to the people "gene- rally, butts.the_better dlass_of_..]iciuils.:. dealers as well.—St. .Thomas Toninal. Budden/s rirnier;;2Salve. • The best S;t]vc in the World for Cuts, Bruises Burets IJIeer s, $alt I7.hc t: to Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, chilhl pins Qorlis, and all S1;?a Eruptions, and positively ,cures PiloS. It is guarrantced -to ftivti ;perfect satthtaetion, or, money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. H, Lombe and Watts & Co. DRY KILN ! CALL ANDi'SEE IT' AT COOPER & McKENIIE''S PLANING MILL '+IIIE subscribers, while 'thanking their many cul - 1 toners for the patronage extended to them, desire to intimate that in connection with their taatory Near the Grand 'Trunk Railway, 1 They have erected a Dry Kiln, which enables them more promply than ever to 'execute all work in their Jine of business. i COW TR•.El,'C: For buildings 'taken, and material furnished at 1,1.1e shortest possible notice, and at reasonable rates. its'\Ve always 'keep on hand first•class SHINGLES, and make a specialty of, LIME, which will be sold at the lowest prices. Clinton, July 20,1882. :COOPER. & AltKENZIE. Grain continues to fall in price in Ca- nadian markets, and the farmer who he- lieved Sir John .Macdonald'sdeclaration that he could keep the price of agricul- tural griciltural produce up is now undergoing the process of having his eyes opened, t Surely,those who were deluded by the Tory 'promises will not bo caught by ehafi' ,.again. Not only . has .the 'price fallen nearly a third in the past couple of months,:butit has not reached bottom yet. 'There is flowa glut in the British markets and, the arrivals from foreign lands continue so unprecedentedly large that the leading agricultural journal in England predicts all extraordinary de- cline. Holding fora raise will do , no, good. " This is not a year of rises. If ,ever the tariff' could be of :use to the farmer it should be now: ''Como along, Sir Leonard Tilley,and give the farmers'; crops:. a •boust-i-f -you .can.,:: Bnt' you know you can't ,And the farmers know it, too. They have.'anaccount to settle witih en for: your deception. --Hamilton AND Liglkt:.Ha,rness. Heavy Flarites TRUNKS, VALISES, &a. W.IIICH WILL BE SOLD AT VERY W'1 Anybody who. gets Mand near one of the new Syndicate towns, .with a view to +fettling upon -it, ti ill have .to pay for. ilia whistle. Thirty-three square, :miles; near Regina,. and an equal area near 'Moose, Jaw Creek have been kept by the Manchester Syndicate and the :Ca- nada Pacific Syndicate. The other Syn-, dicatesections' were Slyly; Yvon to :'Syn- dicate officials and'tbeir friends, and thre price to settlers will be nearer :$2,0 an acreAllan $2:50,. '.Cale Canadian • tax- payers pay in, cash bonus all the money, needed to construct the railway__tbrough tllis�Iii opei�j , anlie. enormously' en - lanced value 'of the 'land goes' not into the :Dominion treasury, but into the strong boxes of Stephen, Angus, ;the Duke of Manchester, `Lord :Elphinston arid other magnates. This could not have happened under a Reform Government, butwo have the miserable little N. P. for copipensationl Septemher•:17th,1878,' when:Sir John Macdonald .managed to fool -the electors,' was a sorry day. for Canada.--ITamilton Times: ' STREET "Hew much •better; yen look, Mr. S.'' "Yes, I have gained 32 pounds on Ball's Catarrh Cure. Have not felt so well. in 20 years,. It has made a :complete cure and'•ia –worth $50 a bottle to any one that has the Catarrh." The corporation limits - of Winnipeg havo-recently been extendedficin an area of twelve to twenty square miles. Winnipeggors are evidently determined to have sufficient room to breathe freely. A terrible accident•occurred at Long- ford Mills' on Saturday; The four boilers at the mill exploded; blowing 'off the roof, demolishing the building, instantly kill- ing two employees. Several others are seriously injured. President Arthur, it is reported, is suf- fering&i•om kidney disease, which ,threat- ened' to become fatal within' a short time. A crank applied at New York, on Saturday, for permission to carry a pistol with which to shoot the President. HARNESS • MAKERS, CLINTON. Cit1\arpoopis FURNITU.R:E. STORE, CLINTON TfIOS. STEVENSON`; Having moved into itis new :brick store OPPOSITE TEIE TOWN HALL, 73es'leave td state to his nunlei os:fcnd5 hiClinton and the surrounding country, that he 1 cops • on hand a superior quality of Furiutnre,of.all kinds, such as BEDR.0..OM PARL.O'R SETS Of the latest styles,' also •, BEDSTEADS, ` SI1DEBOARDS, BUREAUUS, TABLES„, And ever -.thio that constitateli.furnishing, a house hr his file which he will sell at the lowest living etiit. 1 ask a share .of the public patronage, being thankful for past favors and hopeful for the future 'Phe public are invited to call and see:ter themselves, THOS.; STEVENSON. Clinton, Jsly-li; 15.82, :Painting, fi''l.aging, 0 A RM. I desire. to express my sincere thanks' to all my customers, 'but\ to the ladies especially, as '1 am confident that.the rapid' increase,in my busines is in':a great measure due to the feet that the ladies have spoken well of goods purchased from one, and advised their friends to visit my Place of business. LADIES;' YOUR KINDNESS TS APPPECIATED. W. L. OUIMETTE. • Fall �toa� ao� co�plete ina� d�par����is I�me�se Q�a��ity, S��pecb �aal��d. i�ra�d �ssort�ie�t Special yetIrte in the following .lines, which have been pur- chased at prices much lower than cost of production. CASHMERES full : range of . colors. NUN'S S CLOTH AND FANCY . DRESS .GOODS." �. S Fine MELT And WOI TE n 0 S a E S.-� in s _ � S h Ladies ��oak ppfl r I11E. undersigned is prepared to.execute in a Pati - 1' .factory. manner, all ' kinds of 14ouon, PAINTING,'. GLAZING, li.st,os,ai%G,' rIPEa. HANGING ' .and Rent, Tariatxa,en the shortest notice and, at the most reasof able rater, dtcsddence--Rattenbery Street., 4 doors:. west of the ;Methodist. church, • May 1.8. GEORGE POTTS. , Clinton, May 18,.1882: a i Tows Pr er �s f r alp '1.,T.ha4,.v;:c1]-built three-story Brien: store -and dwell. ing; ou the corner of lieron4 and Orian *e streets, knowir as the Moente,,tle store, Would be exchanged 'fey other property; or sold'ehelp Ore tan credit. 2. That 1 irec, .and cotilmedious frame c1 chin« hots le• near,'the 0.;w. Railway Station, lately occippicdlly'the Station agent, ilas parl'o dining robin, eight bed: rooms kitchen,pentry, Large'atonc.cellar. hard and soft vtater in bnildmg. Suited, fora large family or;aboarding-house . Lately hnisliad tnei in good e,5, ditioii. Apply., to the olvncr, 11a4 0: i3n.xi`i.i:-v, onto, •ii Lot 825 Mary Street'.( opposite -lir. C. Ilelyar's re•. sidence) with'neat cottage cif three rooms and'sumnn kitchen �,00d wcil anti pump ;"chotee fruit trees in 4; The vatiiable hotel propertyan Victoria Street,: Clinton.; known as Lane's' Hetet,' now occulted by Mr. Geo. .Ionox, comprising a large hotel building„driving house,.fonr'elioiee town lots, Sze. 5. That elegant two-story, frame dwelling house ciri 'floroti Street, Clinton, fornicriy held by J. 0. ,Miller,' now oeeupied by Mr. Jehii P. Martin 7::I of 21 ori Huron St. with the dwelling house snow, occupied' by tfr Sin on, G. W. R. station agent; also lot 40.'0, Mary Street; abutting nu the,ahove lot. The ts 1 'wil "le Reid together t r 4 . o t eLa atr)ly Apply to the . owner, -Mr. Thomas -Jackson; -or to the undersigned, B.- The -house -and ipt, Noi,84 on. Mary Street, no* oeeupied' Mr. .\V,..Davis. The :house contains three. re ms below, and e l c b n ne iiti, the u7 poi story; has back kftchon garden, well, &c. Team Easy. . J: The store and dwelling.on lot18, Moron' Street, formerly beRingtng-t'o'H. Norswor,thy; and now open. pied y Mr A.'Bennett. Ansa, other•lots-and hue dingssera5_te._. Arely -Lo_,�..:. II.^IIALE, .Huron Street, Clittttlii•' Machine ne Oils McGOLL BROS. & CO. TORONTO, Manufacturers and dealers in La,rdine oil; •Cyl n.cler, Oil, Wool (:.0i1,. Bolt C>< Bing Ui1 Four Medals and Three Diplomas awarded them last year at the •leading exhibitions in the Dominion. . Farmers, Threshers and Mill' num will save. money by using our Larding and Cylinder 011. Woolen Mannfnctnrers'will save moneyby using our-wooi-eilrit-squats lard and olive oil, and costs but half the price. to Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices, Ric., of application MoOOLL'. 1311.08. & CO., Toronto..' CLINTON BAKERY R. M'LENNAN DP,SIRES to intimate to the people qt Clinton and vfeinity that he has, re -opened his bakery on Vic toffs. Street, and will be pleased to supply them with. anything in his lino. Bread, Valle., :Ee., of all kiwis kept on hard. $road sold at the'shop at the following prieee•-4161 loaf—l2'ecnta ; 2lb. loaf '0 cents, No•ordere booked' Patronage respectively solieilsd. Reineaiher, th: pUen--•Victoria St., Citnten, 1 PlTvcrle a,. INCEY'S ai i 1 d nd Faric i UNIQN, 'LA.N'NELS Pili i and- Checked. GREY i , WOOL FLAN `� MELS . very heavy. range .1,. OTH i TWEEDS SC C 9. of patterns. 2he'.aOVe:YG1tIOned goods aro, without best glue the� ever ':offered: in .the count ; and are causing tuite a sensation among purchasers odry :goods: In regular stock we have all, that is required in STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS to zi ake" ar First -:Class Stock of Dry Goods complete. Imo. the Ta .lori De art .e We ba,—,e this season bad unprecedented success, anc are now offering .some special lines in Scotch goodssight. which sell sl lot:'' SUITS at.$ 4P 16� � worth. 20 • -th 22. Fall l K °allo.e OvE. .:. ) a $1> worSIN y _ b COATINGS, also; 4:)VERCOATh AD -MADE. Ian Bocots. and Shoe� We are well to the front . STYX D. .' 1 - GEN 1.LE1SIEN' S LIGItT : AND' ZTILIVY Gco.,. las:' Large StCCIZ,, crrett•variety and reliable goods..'_Some--S -special--lines-in. iOOT O S ap rs AND SHOES at prices that i?a�,Ite the people avionic. aSW aro-tn. rock er Department, filled to •overflowing,- sone beautiful lines in GLASS SETS ANU COLORED CHINA TEA' -',SETS,. •rocer :De ° aLrtrn it Has :.reeezveci due attention, and contains some sTARTl,iN`d VALUES. , T am willing' to have my 50c. Tea puton trial against any tea that can be purchased elsewhere. at .60 cis. per pound. Owing to the large increase in my list cus- tomers, I have purchased ver lar e1 p y �' Y, and am therefore anxious to convert oods!.into cash, ash,; u -, and. have marked all goods , at•rice' that will 1 convince all who favor me with their patronage that i serve thein well. U1MEIT Londesboro, Oct. 12, x882..