The New Era, 1882-08-24, Page 5Healers in
6 per cent discount for cash.
.filbert _ St., Clinton.
You maytalk about' your TEAS as you' like, but
tell T' if ciii want good Tea go to
I'll you what, y ,�
For lie has a large lot of'Tea on hand of all kinds,
'vhiich he says rr int be sold in GO •days, and in or-
1His Teas range
- "-_ -
market at the very lowest prices.; .T
iii `ice. from I5io 7 0 cents per pound. He- also shows the
.-.nor .are' all selling at a'
finest lines of Sugar in flle.,countv,` which
- Very Small . A.Advanee on Co`"t�
der to do so he will sell: the very best Teas in the
Cath and be convincedw est that his motto is lowest
Best Goods at
prices. .
Rouse.' ()Raton.
r. l'Y�terloo. i�
Robb the ' Croce ,
New Maple Sugar.:( A ; few gal. Tins Maple Spru
Fresh O)raiiges, Lemons and
Good . fresh Mangold
J. cunin l
Turnip: & Sorghum: Seeds
• w
i nto-n--
Personal, Political, and, ether notes
[r. D. Blain, of Toronto, writes a long
letter in support of a contention that the
true policy of the. Reform party should be
to outbid Sir John in hag protectionist
doctrines. A Scotch proverb speaks of the
necessity of a long spoon in supping kail
with the. devil.
The Tory politicians at Toronto have
been passing .the word that Hon. John
Carling has resigned, and that Hon,Frank
Smith has been appointed to the : Post-
master -Generalship. It was a cute trick -
to help Carling through the London elec-
tion by making him Postmaster -General.
and he made the most of his brief term of
office by adding a dozen or more London-
ers to t11e staff of the post office in that
burgh. How -long -will--it--take Senator,
Smith to fix Toronto up.
The demoralization of- the country caus-
ed by the atrocious election and gerry
Imaa,ndering acts of last session is painfully
exhibited by the number of election pro-
tests. So far twenty seats carried' by Con-
servatives, and fourteen by Liberals have
• act ed_hy_1egal-process._Consid—
Mr. James McDonald, of the 8th con.,
of West Wawanosh, lost a very valuable'
horse last week by pinkeye.
On Wednesday, Mrs. Stanton, wife of Mr.
John Stanton of Seaforth, had a large can-
car removed from her left breast, She is
doing as well as possible under the eirculn-
.stances. ----
ering, however, that the whole election
was projected and carried out by fraud,
regularly concocted by the head of •the;
ministry, the number of petitions do not
appear excessive after all.
Before the American.Tariff:Commission,
some interesting ' evidence showing how
protection fails to develop the; cutlery
trade was. given. The cost of the material
and labor in a Sheffield penknife was put
down at, per dozen, $1.04. On this cus-
toms taxation to the tune of $142 is
levied omimportation. But notwithstand-
ing 186 per cent. the
importation has increased 50 per cent, the
last three years,'agaidst an increase of 25
per cent. in the home production.
RESPECT: -The Grey Hairs of old age demand
and should receive respect-b.ut the Grey Hairs
of young-people-r-eguire-attention in-:tlie-wa3
of using (:ingalese.Hair renewer. Sold by all
druggists, 50 cents per bottle. :
Mr. 61en,' of Oshawa, ,finds that 'the ,.,St:
Paril & Manitoba "railway company charges'
81'72.50 Per car, whereas if the rate were the
same as. that pt id between Chicago, and St.
Paul„it would Le only :p4O. :The extortion of
.$133.50 percar. amounts•: to $5 36 on each
reaper,. or. $66.21 ,on each: threshing .machine
going into the Canadian Northwest. But for
the' clause in the c'ontrac't between the -Dom-
inion 'Government acid th:e.. Canada :Pacific'
Syndicate, forbidding .competing. roads to
cross the.. Canadian border; this extortion
could not last. :How.long ,will the, people
stand it ? ' . 'A cotem.porary states that the Speaker
of the Ontario Legislature'l'ong ago issued
to the `Clerk of the Crown his warrants for
elections to. be held to fill'up the Viicancies
in the Local House, and .on the. strength
of this assertion berates : M,r Mr wat for
withholding the:issue of the wrists. Wehave to say that our`' coteniporary'is en-
tirely. astray in ,its, facts.. The. Speaker
haS nst issuedwva
his°: rrants.,, Nor is it at
all likely, that •Mr Mowat would in any
event choose for:, ;these elections just that
period ofthe,year which would be most
incovenient to:the farmers. Ctlobe.
the niarvolof the Medical World. It never fails
to.completely cure Nervous Debility„ Imps-
tency, Mental Depression.,and alLtliseases Chas -
'ed fr,om excesses.-
ans-'edfromexcesses- The testimony of thousands
cah_be had_bv uriting_E .T Chaney;..Tbledo,.
Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Price.
$1.00 per box, six boxes for 55.00 If your drug
•gist -noes notrkeep-the remed3 sena to tread
quarters and get the -Medicine dicine by mail.. Circa
lars andltestinioniale on zplllicatrou Sole agent
fo Cluiton:.,J H,Combe.
Hoi1. McDodgall publisbed in the
Ottawa. Free'Pressi- of August •15•an ad..-
dress to. -the electors ofAl;olna, in which
he states 'that he• does not propose to pro-
test the return Of Mr. Dawson in an elec-
tion ' court, 'although : he =says there' are
ample grounds fordoing so. He;also de-
clines to be a candidate for the district,.
should . Mr. Dawson be 'Unseated. The
part f his Letter which will attract roost'
attentign is that :wherein he deals with
,the legal:questions lnvoi`yed in the dis-.
puted boiindaries of the district of Algo
'ma. Hardly any' one will contend, • he'
says; that a, clause. in an Act of •i.Parlia
ment whicb. gave the people of the disput-:
r.ed territory a ,right to vote in two .con''-;
stituencies,'.in,two Provinces, on the same.
qualification; can be otherwise than ultra
FOR ailE
I SLI N :.
• HAVE A• ST3Cli O'
i tom-tbe leading American and Canadian manufacturers, at -moderate pi ices.
Also m Celebrated Doheny. Organ,
Mr. George Baird, teacher of No. 1 S.
S., Stanley, succeeded at the recent 'in-:
terniediate examInatiocs in' scoring ..three.
,' A” and twi, "B" certificates among his
pupils. • \rery good indeed.
• There is a right and a wrong way to eat
sugar corn. The right way is to; first slit
each row of grains with; a sharp knife, then
with the. teeth bite out, chew and swallow
the kertiala leaving tris BllelFPI 'eacli grain'
stickiig,to the cob.
We regret very much to learn„of the
sudden death of- l\1rs. 'Angus Campbell,
late of Eluilett. Deceased was a daughter'
of Dr. Young, whom many of; our readers
will remember. as an old resident df Kin
burn, but who several years since removed
"to tI ngiton..
H t11 s Catarrh Care is taken internally. ' it
acts directly upon the blood and the mucous
surfaces of the system. Prise 75c.' For 'sale by
J. H. Combe.'
Miss+Jenny Allen, now of Stratford,: a
relative of -Mr. A. Sands, of Saltlord,met
with a serious ,injury in Brantford the.
other day She jumped'; out of a buggy
when the horse was running away, and:
broke the bone of one leg just above the
It appears that Mr. Strang, principal of
Goderich High School,gets only $1,000:a
,year as salary ; the other $180 is paid by
the Ontario Government' for services hs
meteorological 'observer, diad these ser-
vices are entirely distinct from his educa-
tional work,
�CA-Nadia FoiiESTIt -. —This te'nerolent
Order seems to be growing in public favor.
During the pastmonth three new courts
have'been'.iustituted, one at Wallaceburg.
with 16 men hers, one at:Benmiller with 27.
members, one at.Holmesville with 15 mem-
bers', and in addition to.the. above, 6 , new
is tod in therioda v
members have been initis a
courts in Ontario during the saine'.period.
1f Catarrh has destroyed your sense.o2 smell
and heariog, Hall's Catarrh' Cure will eure,,you
75 cents per bottle. Druggists sell it. For i3a,le
by J. H. Combe.
The,, counties of Bruce and Baron, are
jointly bearing the expense of filling up 'a
hole on the townlinebetween Howick and
Carrick, to the north of the lake. A foat-
ing brida„ e:formerly answered' fore travel,
but used to sink more.or less, and `became
dano-er ns.-Cedarlogs"40 feet long were
put bridge -shape into the hole,'and gravel
prit on. it. The.gravel 'sunk' the' bridge,
and it is said the more ,]ravel that is put
the deeper it sinks. 13e that isifrnay,`a
large hill has been dumped into it; -and,:
the lake -like appearance of. the . place.;in-
dicates :there is; plenty. room far more.
The report upon the reeent boiler explosion'
in Essex; gives some idea of therisks which
beset the use :of" steam.boilers ;consequent
upon"the employment therein of inferior ma-
terials and
e-terials'•and bad:. workmanship, .The boiler
which ezblc ded, and caused'the;death .-of a son
of its proprietoris said -to have been .recon•'
strut d in a Manner so faultg tltSt he veriest.
tvro in' mechanics must upon inspection,
have discovered' the badness of the work
The facts already brought by the rnvesti-'
gatiane' into these "boiler explosions prove that
there is urgent need' for protection. of -the
public :against :accidents' arising from causes
which it appears, are. more often than not
The supremacy of THE DOHERTY ORGAN is:; irrevocably established, hav-
ing been awarded First Prizes, Medals and Diplomas ,at the Provincial and.
Industrial exhibitions" in,Moni-real and Toronto.
large stotiv. of Violins, Strings,' Bows,
Concertinas, Plutes,.'g'ifos, Book
music, on hand, at -the most reasonable
"WHIT"� ^
- - . � ...... .. ■ • ."mss ,
A ltawnal7-of one dozen " T>:naEita to any. .one
sending :the best fopr,line rhyme on `TEeaziiav, the
remarkable little gens for the Teeth and Breath. Ask
your druggist for address.
Received this week,
'The Waterloo county riilllers have re-';
solved to pay fiye:-cents a. bushel Jess for
Fultz than for ;Mediterranean,': Scott,'-
Michigan.Amber,`., and. Treadwell wbeats,
ande' further will not. purchasspring.
wheat ,with •which the- Ai.tiautli.i,'rvar-iety,
has been _(payed. The fatiners.of Waterloo
"will no d"oiil>t .dna as .other farinera have
done. They will grow 'the .variety. -of.
wheat trhich slays, theta' best. ' If the
A.rnautka: will, yield two bushels where'.
Fife yields' only brie,. or if Fultz will yield.
a bushel.. an . acre more: than the other;
varieties, the millers nlay.fulminzte against
soft wheats to their hearts' content but
without effect.: The truth is, that where'
farmers find starchy;w•lieats such, as Ar
nautka pay them best ibis a sure'sign that'
'varieties` of a rriore glutinous nature would.
not be profitable without a radical change
in themanner of farming. 11 these fann-
ers wouldraise',more stock and feed • pur-`
chased grain on -their land'.tbeywould soon'
find themselves abletopro'd.uet wheat of_
as gong quality, as the most exacting
Luker could require. But when the .Gov -
eminent steps in and 'says that farmers
,shall 'not -improve their methods':of'' agri-
culture, what is th'euse.of_the millers mak-
ing a' fuss about the decadence of the
quality of Ocr wheat? -The farmers have•
to live, and according t� the 'present sys-
em he must raise that:'variety, of wheat
.which -gives, him the'best retilrns in money
and bushels,' •
A homing pigeon, owned' in 'Toronto,
made the distance from Detroit to. Toren -
lei' 221 miles, in less than fivehours:
The Toronto Inspector; analyzed twenty
samples of milk taken .frons different milk
wagons,`last week, and found all; save two ,•
The Winnipeg Times antionne'es.'on 'official
authority that the Thunder Bay Section will
not be open for traffic this 'ear.
•Don't be Alarmed:
atBright sthcease, Diabetes. or any disease of •
the kidneys. 'liver lir urinary organs as Hop
llitt.ei's will certainly and'' lastingly cure'yen,
and it is the only thing that will.
Moving ; Buildings, &e.
'TAKE this nein~ of thanking all talose who base
favored me with their patronage in the past,' and
be,; -to say that as.I am leaving the coiintry for Mani-
toba, 1 have disposed of thy.busmess to my brother
Joax STEPIrEXHON, and hope that 'yen • wvvti favor• him
with the -same liberal patronage that you have given
ITII regard to the above, 1 would say that as 1
- - am a chip from the,saMehlockt and hnatng lieeq
brou4ht,:up .to.tlae businCss.,of moving and raidiig
buildings,: 1 feel confident that can give.entire satin=
faction to, all"who may favor :pie With their patronage.
And further, 1 would say that;l am still:Ynaising, those
BOSS CISTEINS'AS 'goon and eheaper'th'nn e'ter. :
tiH0 f 'U'YACQUP NTE0 N 1a THE LIF.,7ZRA.•'�
'TLI��ILL sic. BY EXoffl`+;Nti: '1
adulterated.' •.
BaekkeaPe Arnica: Salve.
The hest Salve in the world for ''Cutrt, Bruises
Sores, Ulcers, Salt 1llienm; Fever Soros, Totter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and posrtivety cures Piles It 18
ruarran teed to give -perfect- satisfaction. -or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per bol;, "For
tale by 3. H: Combe:•
Cally the attention of !travelers :to tth°, central posi-
tion ofits lino, do'nnectirig'thir East•,and-tho ryes .
by the shorter4t;,todte, and .'earr lug' passengers,
without change of care between Chico and ]tan
tuts -
s City, Council Bluffs, LeavonWorth Atchison,
Minneapolis and Paul:' 'It connecter in Unioi
Depots with all the principal linea of road between
the Atlantic and, the Pacific Oceans. Its equip-
' unrit alod and magnificent, being composed
o f Most Comfortable and. Beautiful Day Coaches,
Magnificent .Norton Ireolining • Chair Cars, Pull-
man's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Care, and the Beet,
L ino of Dining Cars in the Wdrld.: Three Trains
between Chicago and Missouri River Pointe. • Two
PTrauaml;vsia botwoonrhoFam
:Ohouiosago• and Minneapolis and St,
A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Itaiika,
kee,has recontly• been opened between -Richmond,
Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au.-
gnats,.NaehviJie ALoulsville, Loxidgton,Clneinnati„
• oolieiansi St{ Panl and ince 'medlato; po ta. ;.• p
All Througli•PaSsongora"•Travel en.Paet Expre,M "
Tickets for sale at all prinorpol_ Tioket Offlees in
the United States -and Canada. •
tBaggage elsecked through and, rates' of
W0ys'aolow at'conpotitdrs that, offer less'advan
P -•
togeeor, detailed information, got the Maps and Fold-
`era of the
At pour nearest Ticitet ORide, or address -
R. R. CASLC, • t=.,• ST. JOHN,
• V l(:c.2 c ,,, (k's 0I o r;' 000'1 ray.]•Pas*, 55'.
zer± e
Therind al:. points of this Machine•
p p p sae.
The "large ,and rolnl 'space
• y. p
under, arm.
The 1j
I e ac.
ai t bi =;
sa ht :t.� parts
1 y of 1 s
the priicipal ones' beim. o
Hardened steel.
A steel feed 011 both sides o
the needle.
Nic'kle plated balance
. with loose pulley.
Positive take up.
Extremely light running, with
little -or.n0 noise..
er has ' carried . of
highest honors wherever
A written guarantee :from
manufacturer will be given
with every machine sold,
also' nstr ctions by 'compe-
comaetent operator. '
N E:s $°O R f)'_ -ET �Gr
am �'s%ccs:
1WO1dEY To LCA.N —PRIVATE FUNps s r :Low R;i'ri or1:i ria i:EST.
SHINGLES -.-1200 bunches of GEGROIAN BAY SHINGLES for sale, from 45 c
• per bunch; tru.,
Roomsover store to let.
S e 'W7 iTC -RitZl
'Timtoria" :531acyl, , € ih rout`