The New Era, 1882-03-23, Page 9tttSorted that the Pope colatemplataii xrof6oisol Maxch 23,1882 NERVXD 111H B101111[T., "ORM111,16V AVUDER. ITAAVZL� NB W AC.AlIN." It is as Mrs. Wm:D. Ryckman, St-'Cat�llrinos, SPbal ; UOW Q. Blettrerin Farmer was Vollowedto AL Crazy l9an ]Kills his Wife and Imother. Mg a Papal d§jegate to danaAaln Pierce, tuffa,lof, N, Y. .. C'Ounection with tfie Laval Uhji y ZY"TO LEND IN LNGE OR SMALL A Waterbury zt,,I, ae On. out S od mosigage pectivity, rated
ppatob Hays. MYSTERIOU§ MURDER. I li�velyoied your: 'Favorite Pli,escijption" dispute. go to rate MOST Sunday, night Mic as UcCaffrja killed,hi ' as tGolden Medical Disco,�eiy,l a6d 4 ant Of IAUTtst. H�HAIU,,CISDI n. (Wilinipog3un) wife and his mother aged 80 years, and Purgative Pellets,� for -the' ]as theL .1, L Ye ter t; three A short time ago a middle-aged farmer concealed the bodies in the ccl1lar. El _ months mud find XDS IN HURON SALE B-7 No Clue to AssLaisin 'of' 4 ',Boston myeelf—i(what" Shall I arrived'irl Wilitnitegii., , Ile'' hailed from (is A LIST 09 LL
Lady- y afternoon he brought hissevenchildren atke Ciansda'Go at 0 a o2ldo of made new again the only aa!,,, y E may be setari Some �aftieEi'who, knew -to Waterbury 0 ilaendeimign Olin 033. Orangeville' ituc The abooking in Contra from Cott. Abrook wor a that ex t fie r 1 ved.* - His eldest boy skeleton, could not walk across the floor C, S. 1 ENGLAND, arder BOB- him said he was a� respectable fariner —a dist iC press it. I was reduced to a, ton last Tuesday morning addR,anotheIilio that, Ilia L u, ame was David Reid,'. Reid ago r t where D D., M. R. d, 14 gave the, firist, intimation of the without fainting, could keep nothing in the FkYSidin, SUV966, &c., Office D�hd resittence DL H. DOV
the long list of tragedies openly perpetrated instituted inquiries pjtei 0, young man who murder, say�ug tbit. on Sunday night.he -in my stomach. Myself and TRA X MAR Cnoaid be was Called Henry Norris. Norris 'heard terrible iso me in the house and ad -given � tip all hope, my imme_ in the very heart of a great city by unknoi.wil of food c h Rt:�APPLXTON.,-oi-O&iCE—AT RESIDENCE
peri3ons who escape and leave their identity coii1d, not be � found, however, nd 110'0118 had not taelen his mother or grandmother -D wrOptin mystery. L In some 'respect$ 'this could give'the old geniietnaii anyinforms,- A - nee. His� father ept the Cellar door diate death seem certain. I now ive (to Ontario street, Clinton, 6lipoelto the ED lists d gat6L. ., . I 9 latest crime is without a jiti Bfrf3.B'e the4irpriee of' everybody) am able to 0huVela. Entsance by side Mr. ReWapliiarea to The authorities took Me- do my.own work." in him'. tightly faatbued 'ha3 milk at 8 o'cloek beinsome.-trouble and a look�iof tiou g
who. gone to a bakery for anxiety, Caffrie to the scene and found the-bod' -YAMES SCOTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR OF THE in the Morning was followed on her- retur -------- Ilsolygn 01116e -in BEAvEn Bl,dori, MDERT,Sir elinton� it mixed wit safon his fROo- The muirder'ar exhibited thelcuif e with Which 'Supreme Court of Omario,'Conveymicer, &c- home by&m&n' who abusively acco'siled 'He paraded Main street 'eagerly, sm Dili . ng he killed the wome �. He,s�abbed them to my Doomed. her, pushed her violently into -herL the face of ever a A,.,Sal t LakeF City, despatch says - The y .� well-dreseed young death in the. bed-kooms. Two years ago YOUNG, Mi, Z., (GRADUATE or I TORONTO Own hallway and there stabb�d her in the 'man i� whona e et. He was look. MoCaffrie , Legislature adjourned sin� die on * Friday k in wasAn an isalie asylum, but L' -is evidently evening. . Ili the closing speeches V 0 a times. r Worris., .-Finally his . Pa le n 0 mue Her dying ms ind -fo' t, lkce� 'was discharged as cured He a tacit recognition of the fact that the Mr 'Manning's, three d Ora cast of the Teinporinve I ` Ont. brought her lit.t e daughter to the scone,and 'was riowarded. He suddenly inL crossed insanenow. e owns some property. He aroused one or two. women thehouse;'all 'the �stre�t irt'iear of -a har�d�omelpressed sad that 4bateveir he did he thought he 0 polygamous Isgislati6ii- "S for ever S to the',passago OFFICE,' ALBERT STREET— of whom Saw the manlesMl'3g dftor fini'sh, Aswiftly up bellincl him ah& did"xigbt, 'He 1ciughi, the women of the'Ed- Di6kFonts book L �. i � I L man and� Walk( Fr6viou
ing his murderous work. The cries.of the iapp6d him on the shoulder. Wheallorris d4 Bill the Levislature was disposedlo sRem defence. They- -got h6ld.of bi but; he MUD. di6nee, blipc9ite, the temperance Eal],L nron victim were also board by a arpenter lookedarounA and sawwhoitwaBhewaa� made it hot work for them. Aletooktem- treat lightly all attempts at interference. c passingin the street who had witlyeA51§ed andvshowed evidentaymp- by �the throats an' I d killed �tbemL With � a Since that they have become aware that -7 what bad occurred outBid 6 of the door �Joins� f alar �. The old am doV I Vn L risis in tbeir history is, Upon them� �: The LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES in. Mail, eaicL S,)ILIle- knifei; He then throw th the Apply at the S waited until the� man came out, followed thing in�a low V16ice and the 1jair walkedo anger element woula probably havel met mith Block,or at the iiesidence oftha cellar. Set ii yol bacriberbp came to two polic r ing arms y Concession if possible..' U
'him until he einen and The. two 'young . Dhildren. are 'tV twins, eacill''ayear 61d.. The 61d ladyij -who: T&AES S T.1saner ol.Marriage Mcenses.olinton i slowly todethe , the 'old man link' ad' Sathen pointed him out to be arrested. The 'firnaly,with the other. They turned down w& in h pglyga�mos 616Me la 0 thbulk a -had bne 'of the twins OrL policomenref used to make the arrest, and a b to stand on what t tb6y itErihba: th6ir� icigti�, y Street where the old mau� stopped and wbe RS. WHITT, TEAORE R was 'Be
at ... kiliedL * . I L I �-.�PUPILSI the murderer, doubtless bespattered With 'became .'terribly exbited, accusing Norri' whatever � the *&)ilsequences'. in', the Xutendid 6if their o,sn rehidence,itnecetioary. iidanCO Qt'MyB-_WMttiBr8On`8, blood, leisurely pursued, his way through with the ruin'bf his familiand threatning mem,orial to Congress against legislati Xpensive 'Putlence.11 011, Rice's he4�L,inethod,tal]b�ItLiX.4�E.i'.red' .An E. igil--to. Sit 13Y .4- th streets withouteing MOJ6,8tod_by__a -him.With-VeDgealit if he�_did_uot_do_scnie- one The murder was openly Onamift6d thing. to supp"r the, girl Whom he'. 'had STANBURY-GRADUALTE, Oi? IjAE MRDI At a iecen 38 ormsrice of, organize Utah as a State, and'Japly for , L� �_ I evi'dahtly afraid, Patience,"r at New York, although the, duaisLsiou to the t U sCAL Department of"VieWriaunivereit jonto,forr in broad daylight, and the perpetrab of ni6n, the country y,To b at Once. invitations their-ultimaturn merly of tho Ho4lialsi seen immediately' before and after the 'a soene*andwrote, out' a ell' 3oit �3 ea;ch,, card's of L adMi.d_ :�.'Boih7 Sides 'agree that and New Tork equ It as coroxierf6rtho'Couiit,�otH�ron,Bayfield,,Ont. dishonored. Norris Wks dozen persons, high as $25 Governor, ekprcised,�hia�ftbsohite veto. crime by at least half a. The� old man! ap�6aed M'611ified,' but.' is sion were. sold i eich. The the ati walked away' 0 cod 1* 1 W. WILLrmrs, B. A., M. B., GRADUATE 0 including two police officers. With all the heart, was. Store and he 6 'stumes were of�iribus - coloredsilks" poWer,'with, �g ii ' idgment. r in almost; GRADUATE 610 with tears ill L hiS eyes. y nU (-,� information and clews afforded by�, these hand'p&ifit�d; with,lifieg, sunflowers, ever in fA siic�niawereado�te& -Toronto of.tbe College of,Pby. witnesses he has s far -made good �Ilis if poippies and dalide.' Ohe'� dress. was.mado I 2nd'SurgeOUB, OrIt. OFTIcy RESIDENCE thn into who is acquainted With the detailst-c Sefie escape, and fcir,fie days his identity "9 the cas L e, says that Norris a�s a School entirelyof pea,cockfeatheia. Anotherwaseut JL house fsirmorly� occupied by Dr., remains TEIE British Lord Obaincel fini�, n�FS nton"' q` : " 'i, There have -Veen teacher iu,'tbe neighborhood 'of' Orange. torep, Some *e'regathered r's Bill de and,-SpMim, gli d a myBterk, resen a huge lily ng mared women's - Property has been uville, Out., last year,'and ithat he boarded at- the waist a -MANNING. more mysterious murders than'this, fan-Shap6d denel _ay 1 e nd ,m laae t with li bI H. I L', ' . ATTORNEY-AT�.LAWi 'Seape prinied.'It-mak4mairiied woulell, la 0 .'Reid, whoL backs that were nicely painted more extraordinary ca bardly be ��ith,mr has:several daughters. torescruble. lt� for he relief -o , their of ori to the pairii f locCli y stite d d e see( ton, Ont.' All buginess,p on, tj I ;, . . abouquet of flowers. Bunt orne wore sage r p, L found in the annals in el. Th ind-younkest and he became- very 44deri tbe.,wife T 17 C, lilhible also L to. b RGEON -to OrIcum procee dt)of 'her R.WORTHINGT6S, intimate, and it wag� generally unAeiistobd green knicker. bockers'i, with,light �pihk'hoae a h they were, to be in' rried. last'Ja' nd low shoes.' At the neck is wore a very al clings in the �V6 t,.th Feet an L& oo�abaitiiligL&Uy('Ii]l,laWIUII jet: &gai a drawn his sa ary,,: th: & light us Or, 0II�gaO:JpbajjjBj ad b1i &vat tied in Ile -D 'ty of Itilimit Thanks God for'ller Escape, und EX. I ant argeonE AS Soon aB-he h 'Oper h6wevei,�!zLt Now Years,-, :.bp, Suddedl �il6r knot.! '-GrosvenorT was clad Iasi s p is i of 1,4wer'Canadaiind Proyine y, -a j1lo Preparation on earth, 9 OTT pressei Her Gwntitside t6,afl RK, aiii likbility 6f,husbaiids"iti.re9peet'Lof dAisl sure, simple and c;Lear Eiti ,.I biate and Cor6norfeir theCountyof Hurozi, Officeand ilipapo leisving the' poor Lirl�,'Ov,or- of bligh-velvet; with dark W4 hoBs arild r v 0,7 y � d kind for their Sympathy. incurred by theii� wivew prior to 'marriage, A trial entsjl4'I;nt th� compl residekic 'The building formerlsocen ie� by Mr..
whelmed' with regret. The family low Shoes. Th6drago6lis, wore tightAitting ad.Jt Strictly arranges the' collaitious triflingi:o6lk, C is, Giiiette heard no , thing I of hhh'till laitoly, when they proof Of I*!, -,a A L -hite-tioaselis, bigh bootst,aud'ied jackets.- hold, Onp Clinton i,T n 10, 3�71. "with pWU cjs& bAye andon despatch SELYS The Under which a, marrie Says the �Queen has written toffie lined that lie wa in . . ionip6gi and',the, During t e two evenings about 3,200 persons C alms., Z -CART E624D"�rigT, lea witnessed,th sic ire said disp'se:�of property.. 1 Directions In MovenLingnairm, tary of Statc�' for the bepLaiti:ne'lit� f s : r ith the " resul -1: 0 represehtatidnB.,,. qU . .10 - . I I I I er �t aced: him t S�Ojtiab tleman 8bLD BY 1� AlL DRUGGISTS. LXD D 61 t 'a 6y Ilege Of. Dental has W AE unf6rtuns ell that She wislies, before she leaves England, "own. ' Norris, itLiS said, done ell'in one of' Urio, 8.0 'ene Toama in to express from her heart how'very deeply. real 613t I d Peru. named Mclpih hasju6t beeil'going-tbroug :Sdrge - ' I ate here, but: has, Rept: him self as Another Battle, Between Chit an :the V1616jidi'Block, Albert tree lin v 'sib r r she is touched by the outbuist of enthusi- quiet as possible. wwonderf ul course, of domestic, experience- A VOGL, LZR k:, vill-eangtantly be in stile on a,. pr ad t exis A. Lima' (P6 despatch BUYB:. There has Bic 0 i I, His 'wife 'having beiteu hitai, spat n1im, f6rm,eveiyop6rsitjcn oon RE1,tic loyalt�, affection and devotion which 'JitIf been 2a fight :ab Fagara, -near Huaneago extra*d.orfill6dwitb�gold,a, .0 er, 11 the painful event of the 2nd inst. calle& NUPP6sE 1,yiE,G0W wt".10." ii"tChiownglageeso grod'athimandthireatenea iferifill ";I: rtificial"teetb'I is on to A, 7The PerUyia;Usfiad1-.810-c m )s and- from, lolnbatants.buti�i_ �his-life,-he -for a,,decree of separa.. forth from -ail'IL ClssEie itb.csu,t artillery, and the. 200 heir: vaif empire, as well as. by the universal 070"' ticiii * on the groun to I N." Y'L Trou Him L T I L T'o 'EN ble' seIVAbout Hlk Fula re M 11 V: la sympathy evinced by the sovereigns and ve caurious� : The eruvians. eld tbe'� M- !once,' STO GALE position," and, I Of 'The 'cZre the lady,,"missirig.lieramiaBe- T �_L 1Q1 bbe Z60A�'&fid'Zima'. regi- L,b,u 0
people other nations. Monts fought valiantly, but the ChiliaoB Mont of. ll,bw�d-baitiug, act"lly RIVATE AND USdt' lici 1, B A NX E, R S., Al cannot sufficiently express how, aeeply�she A visit to the jail. shows that Guitea'u if ell three times drove them insult to injury by bringing a suit for the P r nit b owers. ..'Fees low., --'� a ter c ari rates and on te a Orr is gratified by these'demonstrationig. She .has lbst.rnuch of his loquaciousness, and, f scitteiied them over the- restitution of'conjugal -rights." * Stiangeto wishes to convey to all, from the highest to *'has. become almost tacit . urn romhe hill and T He tskeer Con RkTTENRURY ST;,, Q ve ancer
the humblest, her warmest and Most he' ntry. � Colonel co M*man:ded- say'. the court declined to,grant her aj�lica' . and Con art- very littIe.-Linterest in visitors' except to the. � Chili ansi and it is: Stated positively t- feltithanks. The,ithis over sell them Lphot6graphs, -aId autographs. that Caceres, in dis ion. rFIRANSAPT A GENERAL BANNIVUBUSINESS '.L KEEFER 11. 1�.. A Notea of hani beeu her greatest object to do. all -she L can gubscriptious io,his book. guise� commanded the six �,Weells ago, i . It, the' sug .d on Mortgages an �u I gestion of a ".JLI Mi6noyadvancE A I b He is, nottakingL eruvians. Caceies, had,appointea Pucaia; Drafts inscred'payable at par, at-all,the'offtcei of th�:� S V_ for er subjects, to uphold the :honor "and He haEi,gaili6d,in� fiesh �sixice his trial; and . ', L '* 't friend, 1,begain t1`iUgL.D',WheeIer'B Com'_ g poin i an -me gather as, a ra) ly,n a alit to h t'* �Bauk a Neir York exchinj :,roin, the Offlee, Of;L pro-. improved., B Toronto, Second -1toor Uraduatb'Rb al College. glory. 61 bCr d�ar coun try; Well as to, �bas �, g'ri; him pound Elixir'of ilhoffphat6SL and Calisaya. Ptn,,, 1 PROyPT ATTENTION VAID TO C 7 Trotter' aesar, eading
Ofself there a now army, for there 9 Y motC7,tbe prosperity an,happiness says' he'spe'nids�notiiiis in.,religicuI4 foi�Dyspepsia,tiwbich bad- troubled-. mQ for., LVOTIONS,throUgbont Canada and,theVplt�dStat I . I it,: - DentalSu were 200 Peru i fficers vi6iong the 1,810 9. over whom she has reigned so Ion These piercises, rarely reading theDible,ancl, II6 -when the Chiliafii dime6voicid - the renctez! Some time and -bad' impaireaL � ML genera, SALE- NOTES 00 I 1) I rates,, and monay� FICE, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON, ovies. Yowim efforts will be continued unceasingly to I thEi healthi 'Under its use impioveigent 'was, adF their own note 6; or anyleaktili. has never been Seen At the same vous and broke it Up. One, Chilian office!r need to fainiefs on STOai. last hour Of, her life. The noon i does hot, Appear to :be depressed, and three re rapid,:wnd I'am happy to: state t at I have time to anit'the borrower. All marketable securt time hE ruvian �Offioers were illed, in AS -spared �_'her and if clItesticiiied, a hit b6'WaBL and thanks God that t Ahe battle, and about 30O.common, Soldiers. �bntirely recovered� ' Al;TX. McGlliliolq, fAeflbw-ught�and beloed child, who is'her constaii and i4inslifteil. He . 4; Italian Warehouse. Mcintroad. adtflai,ad 116 6xultad la Me made their *aY tBAAitvm�iN NEW 10 The rouf0'4'�PeruO devoted companion, and those whowera over-thedoviere' Masbn'6' Oise-': tovVardSL Ayacucho, where 'iPanzio, with her in the m6mint-,of d&hger as Well.' He�eliends t4 HE6, reate ndersigDed'has made arrangements witli seve- If. . 9 r part 'of daylight aist,1E( quartered with 1-000mon. ON. DEPOSITS" eansnto as heise She prays, 116 Wdontinue', to-. "rel INPEj9STALLOVED io" has protect 'her for ber ppop] ading,the proofs of his. new. -edition of It is notyet� h�ov�n whe ther tiani,offib6lberdifor.tho'Bale and piirchaWoi real els sake IT ., I �, I . Or 'ot jtOr1_'_. L _ as- e Truth Warden Crooke" ' ' all fid,the Northwest Terr r , says his' f ' iller joined them or.and r y n !A.�JOHN87ION, J. P, TISD ALL, T. A. hitborto has So visibly protectedther.; ponexbfbits� no :signs of, .. illBmult Map's:and -All,infoiloation i�ill be reicei�0 A(tot Ist Straithroy.- Clinton. wora': Y�: lit Ivith little JanQ Sola'Lara-I)OUg T.PENTLAND TISDAL to All lihs,�bffie6rs at'tfie jal�wateh 'Guiteau, .- , rinationgiven,' Hlkht About race._ soli6iio AN AGED PA11PIIEBIS-MWORY.�. Uny signs i c1ii ton carefullyj and,none Of them see A. H. 4 of incre"ing ineDba disordbr; 16�676nvez The differene6between a, maiisick an, . . , ::1 Emma Jacobs, a Woman of Ntitituml TO Notoriety, Reaches the Jisoorholi.e. , e ath, b 'h kah. , *ell' -is Most remarkable.. :--. - �. 11, � I sation' he never Ind SLtio -his do ON y
ut t e same n: X ) LE N D. T'HOS. gob to TheAd ind'often tiuot�d couplet contains, 'NE 7 Sogo" it was shortly before Christram that in ILANS,. AGE1, Sent t beirigi,a'frequent phrase With bim. atef irIlLth-. MONE Y �TO- LEND, :ON; REAL I E STATE, aged Woman requested.that she be Wardiin Crocker. does no tbink� the devit WEL& sick; the % devil a' mank ATLOWEST�RATES. eWilet, . I . .1KAULOCK, ON17. the Philadelphia Almshouse as soon I Sul I would be, Apply to RIDOU -Could form the re ution � to be' �6ommit Icide, and �s,sur6tbe prison T, Clinton. comet When the devil. got well the devil n; monk health and insolence will remain unim.. IFarmenzis i i'g, to, instire. will, find his Cc= pamper. Her story was a wondrous 011C.; was :he. rrrr , . I . I pany one 6f the best cheapest to, insure.m,; 77 d� SA s, C th be wdited:inn at thoir, homes it infoirmatit� tio beseiittotheAg6n 'cc. She was now 68 years. old and poverty- Hardly agrewter,change an 'this a;1-. and.will a aR one �o a nature entirely n 11 ,
ng . O�
Stricken. Years ago she was beautiful, f differs 't' ts, bin though it' 1b' was the petted one of many men of renoh� was at recorded in a at' ement byMr.'J.i; ONEY 1`0 esetem. ' Loans of large sum,negotiave at'speciaA, and her wealth was reckoned at a. quarter', 866;lauia.- 'O H' Mo C�o _V_%r 1-i M3 It LOAN o i the.StreiglitLoan Sys- n 0 Do 1tviarn the 0 &curm. of a Million. Her'name-w BE�VER,�LOCK; CLINTO'N, L rate I s I nterest at that h6Ao6k a bad cold wlicihsettled ou�h lowratm: Thora�s6n, but she was Vetter kpow'' thel'SiCk'id. M taep&ra�e,room A14ES SCOTT, Barrister and soon'. b aa-'eveiiy,isymptom .'of ccn� J from which I' toi at EmMk Jacobs. She cam6-.t0L,Ahis city. aa ci6thiing, �car&ts� sumptich. He, � Could', get ii� relief "Or" Have on, hand -,a. choice assortment of'CLOCKS, 9 a a. f6athsf WATCHES; iFINNIELLERY and, PLATED 'tVff and: ithe quilt ' n :b6d- WARE- when only: 16:years old, Laxic�ker 8, emeni..: Everything as, dar ap . RIV.�(TE rUNPs to-ierid: at loivIratics Of intcrest,,on ave.�been .removed. A� friend brought,him a bqttl! of all kind ruuuffig away from home to, warry a young, diug,�b In �subh a:roLo,ln, before him'. �m terms. Con4yafi�clng charges modera�e OFFkE , y k ;46 t S331AVRRMLOCK, CLINTO�.!�., SOL, Man sic an nurses 'entire y tOpen ft Dal
member of the Legisla tire. With onert, wiuddws,abd a r.e, eep of Dr: Wilsori?s Pulmonary Cherry, sam� .Was disappointed, for he heartle the _�Ic' - d I Separatedi �UdLfie is now hearty; as ever. 'It is by.su6h 'ropaird 03: kuaraitined)'fr6na all: other persons. until k. JlLy ants a;§'L deserted her in a; house of JOWL this on the part of,fricinas whither they had gone on, reaching,- h" an;!, Healih..'Officer ta-liecharge. athis remedy as,: so rapidly become OM BRAZILJ', is , ' _ I . fL; .. 1, b (FR city. However, she maaged,to. thrive Thoufollow theirrequiremen s..- t 9.11 porsous.wh,oire�ndir tbesibk GAGES'" NOTES �Ie NOWt
her questionable mode o f living, and to the .Digesti" through a legacy of 6250,000 left to her by el e i6telY'vacei'llated �afiesh, afidle't 6xi AND OT Violin Playing nuti"Neryousuiss. '�7 43 e ppaza. usiam Playing Upon t t 1.0 V, S66iariti6s a cure, Juices,. re P eh se&.' Oil deedibgL t-� a im erst6od iliom th6l5rStAhat all bed-. violin e of her admirers she mad I 1. is� s d e t Ing, towels t ai o ing the disI51ay,'and acquired u, national iiot6 iely. In ,cc an t& the Twenty-five years ago sbe."Marrl6d' Rev., 0 C C or used by the�gick �ball be d- nervousuess,,L ThOjongeVity Of' idfzd k A 'N G'. BL%p't* 'A e 'sic are�aud has' beell estimated or aVeraged,,,aud'lilacbs �restilts of Dyspepsia,1ndigestion, E Thomas Thompson, a well7known. list' vethe f ndminister. The acquaintance Was iO- " per orperaL on thd;,violin in.the lead, 67. OBPXD: ZZVER, 2224-kas chance' where there is, tbat , bAs , come W. N� FARRA3�. L 9 average- r3 opesa an e veer�r oitnton '10" 8 1:�
f in or bison exposed -to' them, shall. be years.,.4 Pianists Come next at an Z iih one, but the divine was so str: 47 as . sopw a , E; , pose if 65',years Composers.,' 64 ; performers 9veiy.,�bolj - to chinge her ible. O . y'disinfooted' YI-L Zffl ilife and become a, eSSV L ebarms that he induced hei. �ehtly' P & miiii4er?s 9�ifei.':, T" hey L (3.1 'A separate place, or even a hut on, the cornet,. flute and clarionet, a It 63j." ven Head-' lived happily together fo I r sixteen years. and thelives'of sin years.- A constructed for the..purpose, should be so gers avera& 66 Ousness.Li C&Stj MOUSIONS -BAN Sick Headache, iistrei,s af- life Of openhandedness -had `drained�, the arbd* s io lid- Safer for the Si6k than ace, bush . and. Prep a O'Stomach, Filly :,ordinary dwelling rooms ; that is, VOIC)W O EOP1E.L te! Rating, Wind on th
IFL -218 � p Incer to Hkwtbirrn, Pains in the Sideand purse, and after the,death of.ber Ching that the L resh air,'and sanitary Care and Mrs. Thompson began to feel the pin R. Y. Pi itak,.M. D., Buff &To" N. Y. CQ1 P �i Uadir, Want OAppetite., 1%, of, poverty. In a Short time she was with- nurEfing shall be the' best possible,;,, to lungs, and -1 -, * CAPIT' ,"Olat money, and at I bad 9, serious disease of,th Energy, ZoTAr pirits, -Foul" Stom, AL 822000)000" e -alins. that it A ent and logality , jfor�& . , L .)i , L last sho-sought th time . Confined - to, my bed and Acb. It in trigorates tb e'Li ve4 cat- go 'the ciputhg, V - 0, 0 fr6m.W hibli 'Io� will not be Spread Was I house.—Philadelphia Becord'. �and under the cars of a. phys ties off'All uirplus bile, regulates se ad Mice Montreal.,_ 0 iptions .aid- not ! J� 6 E6 preocli help Me. I grew to tia pie- the .Tlovvel4a;?4�82 "(4.) N 'd I' ' ' ly�[ I L , - o , e ay or to one -P "a' t severe a AM' SVICANGL .4 worse, 90,ug 'Coln- 5Q L
'vent,tbe va TH, en ocinatign,,of.'Edl,persons Who Gtold4a 'Clit--thig "tiq'it t6'YOZZ y menepil your itk J. H; 9. MOLSON, Bus- age BSt anL_ �'V.WOLFERSTAN THOMAS GencralMain Choked ti. Des, in in Drunicen W_ have b6en in� au manngr e*posed,- Lor L. L _ , '. ! ",, , a L -it. � :_ i � . t..S L ' I pec e iscovery, -. n I c re in amp e U _te . , , or ]I'll JKilt yoaii,� t'a gion. '(5 )'In 'Case of death,, respectfully, A'e#oEttli6 to tho,couW D d Yciiirq� �Dru d ketlklQ cen Note8 dWou2lled; Ctillections vu a wrap, tb C prpqe sp C A Syracuse says: One of th c'%.U4,6Ur:n0k2tbO; boll _-Z I oi& in most peculiwir urders ever committ I il�,. 11 shoe a with . -the strongest gr central New YorkWaS that'of SatuMa� and bury' it iil a, deep: ave sold at Iciwte�t Cu night, when Henry, "Ientz choked Charles Within iliwenty-four,Jlours� and without a. InYeplyiug to tolas t, to: big healthi at. tb�y recently, the. Prince of WEles of udness, of Y. State Savage Club Smith to death in this t'on of this city� ublic f -c I by thO str=Oi ular said. "I am Well aware that your' clUb G'W: diatlea vold� L 'S T �A a oard o lie Ith. Ierand qu11 Manager. 17, 1 Clinton known as G6:rniant6w, qAore nearly. consists of demon connote ljl� Imulant , sand Use [sit. HOP Bittero., ��tc.,uso Hop ffi�'n PO 11 tio'll. , reside. I I 11 � . sall of the Ger 3, - JX and, t 1 1 � p sture, witill ar,",w th: and with It 'you are YoUn autredy.frimi any in. and for ungii Buttering from A t at a, and Lentz Vee Smith, who was Xi4 agitation bas 6 n En%- -on are mar
the drama, and.1 can,easily Under and: discretion or diasip n;i . y
ad some angry,words in Fred. Fluli B Me Hod or single,,old 0 IN ,U"R' h I 0 with the Ohio' 0 , R- 4410 ot-of how you Must, enjoy theEie c nviVial, ni ;oorhealthorlanguis on in, bed of sick- co go oDCOUr ettyo Saloon, over the recent Ryan �ersua4hfg "Engligli Isilios to �e a if ter thelong and'. arduous duti�s.of R�00,, reIT 4 104 : L
.:.,Tbonaimis die an; Iptions, of Prop' 9 ritish textile' industries by t, iwbo, I L 1 L I I 11 III bt. Smith started, to leave the saloon. B brihg only your respective callings. en small, I am sonumft, fri form F.Idnoy 0 T LPi e me6titic given to understand -�tliat, ml lifica-' bat y. o u r OYOW to disease it it miL4,t by hear-, id ith6 best`.�vttY to setlirelbis tions ate that youlnuk belong to liteisturp obeenpreven d of the inmates was called outside ingi ocongi er k and was, followed by Lentz. I The attention home liganufactures. A-fasbion&bl V I sor stimul ing Lentz Say: "Will you squeal?; I'll end 'WE held at tbb Mans�icin -House: pr,art�and also that you must be-. gocic1fol. L boUtintoxic t, hill you or make you squeal.". On opening: LondoU.' 'It: transpired. that the ClipL EO .Lz y aspire,toltho the door Smith"S lif oless body was lyi athe last 'fi � t"" Ilift6ation i be a conipetent L ING IS qua I n order, to -1 F8 Yff AVE the sidewalk, wber Lentz stood by and 'fjWL YeafS,$30 Havoyotl illla, :U: A R 000;000,Te§s�,ihau:'it fetched, ,member,; but if you will, allow Me I will be three pepsia.: kiditeil remarked: 11 I cc luelit eor The farm6re-,, the second.,, &n. sibaoltis I i tt, Bea.. him." He was imme4i i tely Arrokedi and, and a —Last oinac LIJ consequen ve coi�Mon cause _*ith'ibs St. JOIEN, B., June 26d,1877. blecure ter Finger--markS-were f6lauaL * ' -N. druttka U-69 9 :who say 'they: ,11 -h if aciurers rue -,a Of oplami -though be, bad been; held suer by the _'fa k�OuL or, tiuwarranted.�pr ung.,..Qrsp , I �L 1 I IgAiiST, WEST': Smitb's throat, as e summerlovokdro�6aveky, inbyo in a vice. Physicians say death redilti5d' whl�h4w&s,porfsetly. gou�dwhsn lbought to accoilo T exist6ifor French goodB,. One bim. The ov&rdriving � caused , a . bone H91). I' eiv ATAT S , CO3 A'Ce�sts, On., from strangriiation. Lentz bestiiEf had patriot'sAid that Btkdf6rd men were deter Soldbi spavin., Hearing.,o your. Dow's'8tuirgeofi reputation, and Seems to be following, in, �uin6d �'not to be outdone by " the Fren his father's footsteps, hOL killed ai n6tL Only- 'Yo� OilLiniment from the—,propriettirs of bile ly we a Jr d, Man',whom .,they �, muld_ beat,' In OVr NEVER, d; D nine years ago. pri , Qe 'but in the beauty, stable, I purchased a bottle, the -use of ti t, Hop. JIMUM gas. I r whiebL boade him perfectly Bound. I.have a a eyot bT 76UR TICKETS FROM- Sp6oches and resolutions in the sa�me striin ever since without ATlysign or llf its, tave Own A ent.Git R. THE MOONS J. Lin- J S' Mside. wb& English ladies were ally tetuf� of 'the as. Thompsong 9'' utd, Ill. S. fft p ored to. let patriotism guide -their pur, drods.. Dieputy urshal bUshd44`tu This 16 conclu obaoe�,inst6adot'inotivesof,.Iaehioii.' The a acon- -Clara Lo ibiterally Shot. to Pleces. Ulso'Kellogg ha's London in commenting on tbis..Bub. B I D D. L�, E M B,.
ignes, 019A91S SIPIECIF.I(C A Nashville (Tenu.) despatch Says Capt. ays, -to wish tract for DUM_ Mod � to In 1 ject, S W be, hypocrisy #IT aL r lAkKi Jas. M. Davig-,pe6ial deputy United States the moi7ement stideess, for it is ber 6rfor inces in the' pri . I doo ncipal Cities- J4 �Gr4l Etig4 r.WADI! -M It KA' oP StgJ88, her rR EMA KI ! , L 'Parehal,was, ambushed, Shot and killed failial7e.` The preforencefoiFreneh ods, in `p�pd Egecitual remedy for ,of the ough Ut re, proA tor' X nia Until of ;I after ti�ounfL ll�g�y;i; �Ner ban ur A L its stages; Weak Merno". a'' this o'Itch n.d, C`IoCk 'M ker' , 'Im d :a
about two, miles from MeMilinvill hioll, tim , I J.'' - bri Se%dal prostratiloili Night I ,M f6re6iinbAlwask �toss of Broin POW it maintainst is based,ou their superigrity, She Will �b, Overling, while he . and, -itlitee �ju& tb E, Universal " wish to , got the beat W e e eard no more in Jr '-for the L" - public. njj6;'8peru%tor- - Serninal, EW money, -Ladies, _,reah, IIMBoteney General' osB of -power. repiaira':Ncirto in on nst! the' return poAsibl 7 end gill isiasses anions welie a raid agai Imoonglainers. His companions' Seeing would be simpletons t6 do otherwise, says i whieh'DaAd Navaro, the 11 I .. that follow AN eng-the Enfeebled Briiin 'slid Restores public g9nirany,ti.hat he has famoved into his former Davis dead and thin, contending f6rce'too ur contem�orary, and- a lady,w6ii 0 _T c, Id do, no' fat bo� �'wks buri'ed at Pittsburg on, Tue - -,o6queneb of Belt irisbad -Tonb dnd,1 Vigor. to, the Exhausted large for them, returned and made their, service to her countrymen bolstering wa's inches 'long, threer busa; as 10,51 oneri ive r ans. 10 d��,.' six feet eight r I ,Vallinble Adm�dJi. The way to the town. T4 ag. 11161110Z 'Aft* Ts klixg- PT is coroner,went out iup bad and tasteless maillafictures, fosf6r. feet widb! and two feet. two " 6es deep. fore unki 'S0u1dF1'peOVbS t all 13 AXAZUT STRYET, OPPOSIT10 `tiap UxItR SfterL the body. B landicinei ��Is pleasant tothe, tasi p�us in S1511itVAG i.a' a6h bo The bead was literally* �ii)A indolencot,. and cookerling Up self- Hie weight Wasbout 70Q pound o. i1jin in thdtsok Dfnlaas� of Vision vron aftre 6nintains, oufablerit for two,weeks diostidii I - is t 0, wheic h., Shot to pieces; besides there were,more, Conceit an I h �c es, e and beat. 0. Young ledyi4qUitefair, Old Ate, slid, ip&1 other, df seaves. i6t 11 INA be V1131 Therewag on end a,prebasturegrave ill 'tioul 61ii, our ampblet,"w1alob Pleasant Purgative Pellets 'Who had. much trouble With he'r h,a* In" ro in our paraphle des. &it frocii an L than twenty holes in -his, bodyi. D9, Pidree's 11 I 17 Or conAuliapti 6, *hIsh we e� sea. firod'three- Shots before he was -kill ' ad, -, . Ir, , 'Narptil oartioulaii Ac_ ft a etic c Ichise is gold -Oeif ect deNtre to send free � by ms�il 0 every, 6ne. The t OX,;DrL f 4h, kinds. Davib* was an efficient offiek and a iorror, of' �copstibation.- So she bouglit-Csrb6line, 12 boxes for V15 is Ip tb the In-o6lishiners and 6thet ii0latbio,of nd wAightto be seen Madichu or it aile r f ostage oil recelp I' hi�;jitl Sol, Reps,Ting hi., ! , all druggists. per rickads, 0,51XV9011ii,96 , 16r'si, ;or, will Us the Is,*. Brave ekless" is npmy is, the head of this maideu,ldeolare'. gelif fred, by on i6cftiPt of the MeD67)4 th Oil 9 'a*ory doe erlttiau ptbmptly %tteladeil to. and re *Acklis nXiagueale 1111ediclue Co., Wooly affrays gained for1im a reputation obtlell ha Windsor, Ont.j Causide cossionally drop into �oetry 0enors- it BiDDtE9O3iB*, ALBE'nT. Iftittr O' r . 0 te.�s 'r. , A being almost with into t�e editorial M 0 II. 'bask t 0, all druggists, eve, out feeling,in sheading'- the mi�lll t1ar 't .1 of IRA. -ORAV ITOAON C..., )1W, OM �xlmara blood TO Out 77 W
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